What universe would you rather live in??

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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Moff Radec »

Jake wrote:Palpatine did ok against 4 jedi, so lets see how he fares against 100.
Don't forget the thousands of Stormtroopers or Clonetroopers, or even if the Clone Wars, the battlefield he will make the Jedi you gather to go to because he forsaw it like he has done other times. But where would you get 100 Jedi willing to attack the Chancellor or Emperor? In the Clone Wars the best Jedi were sent off to a battlefield on some world where conditions were unbearable, like Jabiim. But the real thing is, in the Clone Wars people were already distrusting the Jedi and their abilities.

So even if you somehow managed to gather 100 Jedi to attack the Chancellor, it would do more harm than good. Seeing the Chancellor the people put so much trust in killed by the Jedi which guard the Peace of the Republic, and having doubts about them, would make the people angry at the Jedi and would have the Clones go to Order 66 anyway. So really, it wouldn't matter. And if it were in the Galactic Civil War era, there's very little hope of getting 100 Jedi to come out in the open. Imperial Agents would pick up on something, and Vader and Sidious would sense it.

Either way, you're screwed.
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by RowanE »

Soontir C'boath wrote:
I was only really thinking of the movies, so i don't know that much about bacta... Yeah, that stuff looks pretty powerful.
If you saw the movies, then you had seen Luke getting treated for presumably possible hypothermia and the wounds he received from the Wampa attack.
There's a gap between "treating hypothermia" and "effective against almost every type of injury and ailment" as it's described on wookiepedia.
Soontir C'boath wrote:
I'm not really sure now.
Then please shut the fuck up if you don't know what you're talking about.
So, now that I'm no longer certain of which universe I think is best in one aspect, I should shut the fuck up?
Soontir C'boath wrote:
I think the main point is that the stated reason is she's lost the will to live. So either medical science can't beat the placebo effect by much,
What do you mean beat the placebo effect? She was choked and then later on went into labor which is not an easy thing to go through.
The doctor said it was because she died because lost the will to live. Thus I assumed that her will to live was a more important factor than damage to her larynx. In the real world, your mind affects your body to a limited extent, with the placebo and nocebo effects. If the cause of death is losing the will to live, then medical science can't be very good when that effect is enough to kill you outright. But, I'll admit that the doctor could simply be wrong, and retract that statement.
Soontir C'boath wrote:
or she's force-sensitive and able to subconsciously kill herself. Either way, it's not a desirable universe.
Did this come from the book or out your ass? I'm betting latter.
It was a hypothesis. Force-sensitives have mind powers, therefore losing the will to live may have a greater physical impact than the effect it has in the real world, which is basically fuckall. I don't know if padme is force-sensitive or not, but since her two children are it's not too big an assumption. This would explain her dying even if the only apparent cause of death is she's lost the will to live. But since she's also got larynx damage, there's not really a need to make up an explanation like that. So nevermind.

The reason it's not desirable in this hypothesis is that it just further emphasises that
a) There are people out there who can kill you with their minds
b) You're not likely to be one.
Soontir C'boath wrote:
Deadlier ships is bad. Unless you're an imperial officer, those ships are mainly shooting at you, if anything.
I'm reading the quotes before this and I don't know what you are talking about. If you're on a warship, you should expect to be shot at whether you're enlisted or an officer. You're on the same damn ship.
You're right, I shouldn't have specified officer. I just don't consider it desirable to be enlisted personnel on an imperial ship. Emphasis should be on imperial - the only interaction you're likely to have with a star destroyer, if you're not serving in the imperial fleet, is to be exploded by one. So deadlier ships is bad. Especially when they're more prone to killing civilians than the federation.
Soontir C'boath wrote:
If you are an imperial officer, darth vader just force-choked you to death for whatever.
Right, because the chance of Darth Vader being aboard your vessel in a navy with at least 25,000 star destroyers is great. :roll: Even then, Vader did it to two incompetent officers.
Point is discipline is relatively harsh. In the federation you'd probably get a stern talking-to.
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Moff Radec »

RowanE wrote:the only interaction you're likely to have with a star destroyer, if you're not serving in the imperial fleet, is to be exploded by one. So deadlier ships is bad. Especially when they're more prone to killing civilians than the federation.
Did you read what I said?
Moff Radec wrote:They aren't mainly shooting at you. It depends on what you're doing around those deadly ships. If you're attacking them or trying to mess around their business by violating their territories then of course they are going to shoot at you. The Empire didn't let anyone just waltz right into their territory where they could be doing a seceret project or a sector that civilians weren't supposed to be. And Vader only choked Officers for disappointing failures. Like Kendal Ozzel for jumping too close to the Hoth system where the Rebels could detect them or Lorth Needa for losing the Millienium Falcon. He let Piett go because of an unforseeable factor.
EDIT: What I mean by territory is private territory's that aren't meant to be explored by civilians or non-Imperials.
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by SapphireFox »

Jake wrote:That's only Alderaan and Camaas. You then have to account for all of the purges, the galactic civil war, the regional governers, who according to Wookieepedia regularly commit atrocities (don't know how they define an atrocity in star wars terms but considering they had to blow up pacifist core world to get people really pissed I really don't want to know...), the enslavement of species (primarily wookiees) to build the death star, the slaves who built Palpatine's estate on Byss and were subsequently fed on by Palpatine to increase his own life, the worlds Palpatine gave to the Ssii Ruuvi, the casualties of the first and second deathstar, and the clone wars, and these are just the injustices under Palpatine.
I did. I used the trillions level estimate figures I gave earlier to recalculate the percentage not your figure for Alderaan and Camass alone.
Jake wrote:If you live on a sparsely populated colony world. You probably have a larger chance of something bad to you happening if you live in the outer rim, considering the prevalence of pirates, gangsters, imperials, and bounty hunters.
Of course it is only logical. The same is also true for the federation as the really bad things only seem to happen to distant colonies as well. pirates, marauders, borg, crystalline entity, ect. It seems both universes suck more out in the boonies.
Doesn't look like armor to me, just alien pajamas.
It looks more like the armor it is supposed to be later on, also its likely designed to be protective against the weapon types shown here.
Jake wrote:Ok, then we have (20/21)*30000*42+(1/21)*30000*2500 = 4,771,428. Pretty close to my original estimate, and still only 6.8% the casualties of WWII. Considering the vast majority of the war was in space, the ground casualties shouldn't greatly effect the result. Remember that this is a very high end estimate since the federation had fewer ships than the dominion and they obviously were not all destroyed (they won after all). Since this was probably the deadliest event in federation history, and did not occur during the TNG federation, we can pretty much assume that the TNG federation was a pretty nice place to live.
I assume you mean that 4,771,428 number to federation deaths alone?
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Soontir C'boath »

RowanE wrote:
Soontir C'boath wrote:
I was only really thinking of the movies, so i don't know that much about bacta... Yeah, that stuff looks pretty powerful.
If you saw the movies, then you had seen Luke getting treated for presumably possible hypothermia and the wounds he received from the Wampa attack.
There's a gap between "treating hypothermia" and "effective against almost every type of injury and ailment" as it's described on wookiepedia.
I'm piqued, what's this gap you speak of? :lol: Hypothermia is an ailment/sickness.

So, now that I'm no longer certain of which universe I think is best in one aspect, I should shut the fuck up?
Yes, especially when later on in that post you stated it wasn't an universe you'd want to live in so apparently you in fact do.
It was a hypothesis. Force-sensitives have mind powers, therefore losing the will to live may have a greater physical impact than the effect it has in the real world, which is basically fuckall. I don't know if padme is force-sensitive or not, but since her two children are it's not too big an assumption. This would explain her dying even if the only apparent cause of death is she's lost the will to live. But since she's also got larynx damage, there's not really a need to make up an explanation like that. So nevermind.
Hey asswipe, she was never known to be force sensitive even near force-users ie. Anakin who would sense it and force users do not need to have force using parents so no she's not (Wookiepedia: Force-sensitive) . Stop assuming shit you can't back up, you dumb fuck.
The reason it's not desirable in this hypothesis is that it just further emphasises that
a) There are people out there who can kill you with their minds
b) You're not likely to be one.
Organians come to mind, no?
Soontir C'boath wrote:You're right, I shouldn't have specified officer. I just don't consider it desirable to be enlisted personnel on an imperial ship. Emphasis should be on imperial - the only interaction you're likely to have with a star destroyer, if you're not serving in the imperial fleet, is to be exploded by one. So deadlier ships is bad.
Right because Tantive IV wasn't carrying classified documents that they weren't suppose to have or were you referring to something else? :roll:
Point is discipline is relatively harsh. In the federation you'd probably get a stern talking-to.
Yes, it's no wonder why the Federation wears pajamas.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Azron_Stoma »

I would probably pick Star Trek with the Caveat that I would be a high ranking officer in a Splinter faction of the Galactic Alliance made up of the Imperial Remnant. That has severed ties with the GFFA via Wormhole collapse, but possesses enough of an infrastructure to do fine on it's own and start up a new Empire, possibly along the border of the Gamma and Delta quadrants.
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Jake »

Don't forget the thousands of Stormtroopers or Clonetroopers, or even if the Clone Wars, the battlefield he will make the Jedi you gather to go to because he forsaw it like he has done other times. But where would you get 100 Jedi willing to attack the Chancellor or Emperor? In the Clone Wars the best Jedi were sent off to a battlefield on some world where conditions were unbearable, like Jabiim. But the real thing is, in the Clone Wars people were already distrusting the Jedi and their abilities.

So even if you somehow managed to gather 100 Jedi to attack the Chancellor, it would do more harm than good. Seeing the Chancellor the people put so much trust in killed by the Jedi which guard the Peace of the Republic, and having doubts about them, would make the people angry at the Jedi and would have the Clones go to Order 66 anyway. So really, it wouldn't matter. And if it were in the Galactic Civil War era, there's very little hope of getting 100 Jedi to come out in the open. Imperial Agents would pick up on something, and Vader and Sidious would sense it.

Either way, you're screwed.
I said around 10 years before Naboo. Clone troopers don't exist yet and I doubt Palpatine is even a senator. It would be nothing more than a police raid on a suspected criminal, with the exception that that criminal may be the most powerful force user in existence (hence the 100 jedi, just to be safe).
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Jake »

I did. I used the trillions level estimate figures I gave earlier to recalculate the percentage not your figure for Alderaan and Camass alone.
Trillions can go from 2 trillion to 99 trillion. For 2 trillion, it would be .00167% of the population, around 3.15X greater than the dominion war. For 99 trillion, it would be .062%, or around 116.7X greater than the dominion war. Granted, the odds of you dying in either are pretty low, and I guess if you can choose who you want to be you can pretty much avoid death all together.
Of course it is only logical. The same is also true for the federation as the really bad things only seem to happen to distant colonies as well. pirates, marauders, borg, crystalline entity, ect. It seems both universes suck more out in the boonies.
Not as much pirates. The only ones around are the orions and if they attack a significant number of federation citizens in federation space I doubt they would be around much longer to enjoy their plunder. Ok, maybe they will be around, but in a federation prison somewhere.
It looks more like the armor it is supposed to be later on, also its likely designed to be protective against the weapon types shown here.
IDK, still looks a little hard to see to me, but it doesn't really matter unless it blocks phasers.
I assume you mean that 4,771,428 number to federation deaths alone?
Most Certainly
If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris, you may be only seconds away from death.
Chuck Norris' chief export is pain.
They once made a Chuck Norris toilet paper, but it wouldn't take shit from anybody.
Chuck Norris played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded revolver.... and won.
Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Moff Radec »

Jake wrote:I said around 10 years before Naboo. Clone troopers don't exist yet and I doubt Palpatine is even a senator. It would be nothing more than a police raid on a suspected criminal, with the exception that that criminal may be the most powerful force user in existence (hence the 100 jedi, just to be safe).
He was a Senator on Naboo in 52BBY.
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Soontir C'boath »

Jake wrote:I said around 10 years before Naboo. Clone troopers don't exist yet and I doubt Palpatine is even a senator. It would be nothing more than a police raid on a suspected criminal, with the exception that that criminal may be the most powerful force user in existence (hence the 100 jedi, just to be safe).
What the fuck is this pervading shit "I assume", "I doubt" going on here? We don't do that crap on this board. Either look it up or shut up.

According to Wookiepedia, Palpatine became a Galactic Senator for Naboo twenty years before episode I and took on Darth Maul by as an apprentice a few years after.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Jake »

What the fuck is this pervading shit "I assume", "I doubt" going on here? We don't do that crap on this board. Either look it up or shut up.

According to Wookiepedia, Palpatine became a Galactic Senator for Naboo twenty years before episode I and took on Darth Maul by as an apprentice a few years after.
Considering I was just saying what I would do if I lived in universe, I don't really think the hostility is really necessary. Even if he is a senator, he's still not very important in the grand scheme of things and it shouldn't be to hard to arrest him.
If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris, you may be only seconds away from death.
Chuck Norris' chief export is pain.
They once made a Chuck Norris toilet paper, but it wouldn't take shit from anybody.
Chuck Norris played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded revolver.... and won.
Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now the Islands.
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Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad Chuck Norris has never cried. Ever.
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Soontir C'boath »

Jake wrote:
What the fuck is this pervading shit "I assume", "I doubt" going on here? We don't do that crap on this board. Either look it up or shut up.

According to Wookiepedia, Palpatine became a Galactic Senator for Naboo twenty years before episode I and took on Darth Maul by as an apprentice a few years after.
Considering I was just saying what I would do if I lived in universe, I don't really think the hostility is really necessary.
Considering your assumptions of the state of things in the universe that you plan on doing your thing is wrong, yes you deserve ridicule asswipe.

Unless now you want to pull shit out your ass how your SW universe is different from the movie which beggars the question then of what's the point? :roll:
Even if he is a senator, he's still not very important in the grand scheme of things and it shouldn't be to hard to arrest him.
:lol: Yes, it shouldn't be hard to arrest a Sith Lord. Mace Windu must've thought the same, oh wait.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Jake »

:lol: Yes, it shouldn't be hard to arrest a Sith Lord. Mace Windu must've thought the same.
I see you can't read. That's why I said i would bring 100 jedi.
If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris, you may be only seconds away from death.
Chuck Norris' chief export is pain.
They once made a Chuck Norris toilet paper, but it wouldn't take shit from anybody.
Chuck Norris played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded revolver.... and won.
Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now the Islands.
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Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad Chuck Norris has never cried. Ever.
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Soontir C'boath
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Soontir C'boath »

Jake wrote:
:lol: Yes, it shouldn't be hard to arrest a Sith Lord. Mace Windu must've thought the same.
I see you can't read. That's why I said i would bring 100 jedi.
You're talking about someone who can do things such as entering the Jedi Temple without them knowingly, who have manipulating things throughout his political career towards the seat of emperor and can foresee things happening in the future. What makes you think a mobilization of a hundred Jedi wouldn't spark alarms in his "there's a disturbance in the force" meter especially when Jedi don't normally travel by the hundred?

When force users can detect others, a hundred is going to stick out like a sore thumb.

Sidenote: This is giving me a vision of Palpatine as Neo against a horde of Agent Smiths.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Jake »

You're talking about someone who can do things such as entering the Jedi Temple without them knowingly, who have manipulating things throughout his political career towards the seat of emperor and can foresee things happening in the future. What makes you think a mobilization of a hundred Jedi wouldn't spark alarms in his "there's a disturbance in the force" meter especially when Jedi don't normally travel by the hundred?

When force users can detect others, a hundred is going to stick out like a sore thumb.
If he runs away it serves the same purpose as if he's captured. His guilt is proven and he never becomes Chancellor. The jedi also know the now exist again and will most likely tirelessly hunt him down until he is found, or at least realize that the sith are trying to get into seats of power.
Sidenote: This is giving me a vision of Palpatine as Neo against a horde of Agent Smiths.
Mace Windu alone kicked his ass and Yoda held him off in an epic battle. Making it Mace Windu, Yoda, Qui Gon, Dooku (still a jedi at this time), the Dark Woman, Vergere, and 94 other jedi, Palpatine wouldn't last 30 seconds if he chose to fight.
If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris, you may be only seconds away from death.
Chuck Norris' chief export is pain.
They once made a Chuck Norris toilet paper, but it wouldn't take shit from anybody.
Chuck Norris played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded revolver.... and won.
Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now the Islands.
Chuck Norris doesn't sleep, he waits.
Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad Chuck Norris has never cried. Ever.
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Junghalli »

I'm not sure I really have enough information, especially with the OP being as vague as it is. What era would I be dumped into, what location, under what circumstances? I'm assuming that for Star Trek I'd be dumped into the Federation, but we don't really have all that much information on what its internal conditions are like; virtually everything we know about it we learn from watching starship crews and people on DS9, who are hardly a representative sample of the population. As some people here are fond of pointing out for all we know it's possible it's some sort of dictatorship, although honestly I've gotten steadily more sick and tired of listening to that schtick over the years, possibly as I've come to have more respect for Star Trek for actually trying to envision a future dramatically unlike the present, however incompetently they may have executed it. I'm not much more sure about Star Wars, while I get the impression there's gobtastic amounts of EU detailing everything about the internal conditions of the Empire and Republic down to patterns of ice cream consumption my familiarity with the universe is the movies and a handful of spin-off books plus stuff I've picked up from fan boards like this one.

Anyway, taking the stuff I'm familiar with at face value (by which I mean going with apparent author's intent where tenable) I'll go with living in the Star Trek Federation because it seems to get burned over by massive wars a bit less than SW and I don't risk finding myself living in an unpleasant dictatorship.
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Moff Radec »

Jake wrote:Mace Windu alone kicked his ass and Yoda held him off in an epic battle. Making it Mace Windu, Yoda, Qui Gon, Dooku (still a jedi at this time), the Dark Woman, Vergere, and 94 other jedi, Palpatine wouldn't last 30 seconds if he chose to fight.
The only real people that could take Palpatine on in a duel were Mace Windu and Yoda and Galen Marek.

Qui-Gon? Maybe. But Palpatine is said to know all forms of Lightsaber combat.

Sidious despised Dooku and told him in his face but Dooku never stood up to him. So even if Dooku was a Jedi, I doubt it.

Dark Woman? Not likely. She knew how to hold off Vader for a time, but she also used the enviroment to her advantage. And Sidious would destroy Vader.

Vergere? I don't think she was really shown to have lightsaber skills has she?

He killed Agen, Kit, and Saesee with simple ease. And they were known as some of the best Jedi in the Order. Sidious beat Luke Skywalker in a duel and lost the second time because of Leia and him cutting him off from the Force.
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by RowanE »

Soontir C'boath wrote:
RowanE wrote: There's a gap between "treating hypothermia" and "effective against almost every type of injury and ailment" as it's described on wookiepedia.
I'm piqued, what's this gap you speak of? :lol: Hypothermia is an ailment/sickness.
Sorry if I didn't explain that correctly. I mean a gap between
- Previous understanding of bacta: Hypothermia treatment
- New understanding of bacta: Super-medicine that cures everything.
So it seems much more powerful to me now, and so I'm less critical of star wars medicine relative to trek medicine than i was before.

Soontir C'boath wrote:
So, now that I'm no longer certain of which universe I think is best in one aspect, I should shut the fuck up?
Yes, especially when later on in that post you stated it wasn't an universe you'd want to live in so apparently you in fact do.
Looking back, that is a bit of a contradiction. In the post I think you're referring to, I was somehow thinking of the bacta thing, and Padme's death, separately rather than as aspects of medicine in star wars. I'll accept that the quality of medicine is at least about as good as that in star trek.
Soontir C'boath wrote:
It was a hypothesis. Force-sensitives have mind powers, therefore losing the will to live may have a greater physical impact than the effect it has in the real world, which is basically fuckall. I don't know if padme is force-sensitive or not, but since her two children are it's not too big an assumption. This would explain her dying even if the only apparent cause of death is she's lost the will to live. But since she's also got larynx damage, there's not really a need to make up an explanation like that. So nevermind.
Hey asswipe, she was never known to be force sensitive even near force-users ie. Anakin who would sense it and force users do not need to have force using parents so no she's not (Wookiepedia: Force-sensitive) . Stop assuming shit you can't back up, you dumb fuck.
I wasn't "assuming" it, it was a hypothesis. A possibility.
Soontir C'boath wrote:
The reason it's not desirable in this hypothesis is that it just further emphasises that
a) There are people out there who can kill you with their minds
b) You're not likely to be one.
Organians come to mind, no?
Unlike the Sith and the Jedi, the Organians are mainly on one planet, and don't intefere much with outside affairs. That said, there's an assload of various Q-like beings in the trek galaxy. but they're not humans.
In the wars universe, there's a number of people who are quantifiably (midichlorian count) better than you, some can kill you with a whim. They're luckier than you, even. If you're not born that way, you will never have that power. These superior human beings live in your civilization, and you will never even compete with them at what they put their minds to. Isn't that a terrifying thought?
Now look at the alternative - you're born with a high midichlorian count. You now know for a fact you're better than 99% of people, or at least, are intrinsically more powerful than them. It's understandable why the choice to most force-sensitives is
a) Become a monk
b) Develop into a power-crazed psychopath, driving away anyone who loved you.

I consider that to be a point against livingin the Wars-verse. Maybe you think you wouldn't feel as inferior, could control your powers more easily, or would just revel in the power to shoot lightning at people you don't like.
Soontir C'boath wrote:
You're right, I shouldn't have specified officer. I just don't consider it desirable to be enlisted personnel on an imperial ship. Emphasis should be on imperial - the only interaction you're likely to have with a star destroyer, if you're not serving in the imperial fleet, is to be exploded by one. So deadlier ships is bad.
Right because Tantive IV wasn't carrying classified documents that they weren't suppose to have or were you referring to something else? :roll:
I was thinking more in general. Besides shooting at it, what interaction does the imp navy have with civilian vessels? The only situation where they give a shit about you is when you've pissed them off, and they come get you.
But, thinking about it, the deadliness of ships is relative anyway. The more relevant issue in question here is, can a star trek ship kill another star trek ship as easily as a similar matchup of star wars ships? And I can tell that's too vague a question to easily answer definitively, so is it best to just say it's about the same?
Soontir C'boath wrote:
Point is discipline is relatively harsh. In the federation you'd probably get a stern talking-to.
Yes, it's no wonder why the Federation wears pajamas.
It's more comfortable, and doesn't make you look like the SS. Then again, the SS-style uniforms still look really cool :twisted:
But no, I'll choose the pajamas. And does an ISD have a holodeck?
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Moff Radec »

RowanE wrote:I was thinking more in general. Besides shooting at it, what interaction does the imp navy have with civilian vessels? The only situation where they give a shit about you is when you've pissed them off, and they come get you.
But, thinking about it, the deadliness of ships is relative anyway. The more relevant issue in question here is, can a star trek ship kill another star trek ship as easily as a similar matchup of star wars ships? And I can tell that's too vague a question to easily answer definitively, so is it best to just say it's about the same?
Checking it for any suspicious cargo, checking to see if it is a wanted ship etc..

It's more comfortable, and doesn't make you look like the SS. Then again, the SS-style uniforms still look really cool :twisted:
But no, I'll choose the pajamas. And does an ISD have a holodeck?
Stormtrooper armor has a body glove that makes the armor comfortable for the wearer. And the armor itself protects the wearer from poison gas, diseases, and even slows down blaster hits where all Trek "armor" does is make you feel comfortable. Which would you rather prefer, being comfortable but not protected from poison and deadly toxins, or being comfortable AND protected from poison and deadly toxins?
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Soontir C'boath
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Soontir C'boath »

I wasn't "assuming" it, it was a hypothesis. A possibility.
Do not play semantic bullshit. A hypothesis is an assumption that is to be tested of its validity. What you did was made the wrong assumption of Padme's non-ability with the force. There is no possibility because we know she isn't. Jesus fucking Christ on a bike.
Unlike the Sith and the Jedi, the Organians are mainly on one planet, and don't intefere much with outside affairs. That said, there's an assload of various Q-like beings in the trek galaxy. but they're not humans.
Interfering and stopping dead cold Klingon and Federation affairs, two major powers in their side of the galaxy, is more than "not much".

How is not being human make them less threatening when in fact it should make it more? Especially when Q can appear upon you, play with you, or take you away at his whim. How is this not more frightening since the ability to defend yourselves from them is zilch. The Federation was lucky Q had an interest in them. At least you can kill a Jedi with enough blaster bolts.
In the wars universe, there's a number of people who are quantifiably (midichlorian count) better than you, some can kill you with a whim. They're luckier than you, even. If you're not born that way, you will never have that power. These superior human beings live in your civilization, and you will never even compete with them at what they put their minds to. Isn't that a terrifying thought?
No, because people now are already born into a better life or do things better than others. Should I be afraid of Hawkins because of his superior intellect or Derek Jeter for being a much better athletic player than I can ever be?
Now look at the alternative - you're born with a high midichlorian count. You now know for a fact you're better than 99% of people, or at least, are intrinsically more powerful than them. It's understandable why the choice to most force-sensitives is
a) Become a monk
b) Develop into a power-crazed psychopath, driving away anyone who loved you.

I consider that to be a point against livingin the Wars-verse. Maybe you think you wouldn't feel as inferior, could control your powers more easily, or would just revel in the power to shoot lightning at people you don't like.
People may not even be aware that they can use the force. Anakin didn't. They may attribute things that happen in their life because of luck, brain power, physical prowess, etc. When at the beginning Yoda did not want to train Luke, it tells us Yoda thought he would not be dangerous roaming the galaxy and he's considered as powerful if not more than his father. They need to be trained to attain greater abilities and control of the force.
I was thinking more in general. Besides shooting at it, what interaction does the imp navy have with civilian vessels?
Defending them. I can't believe you even had to ask that question. You actually have in your head civilian ships cleared to take off from the spaceport being shot down by Imperial vessels?

Are you thinking this because of the Millennium Falcon's escape from Tatooine? :lol:
The only situation where they give a shit about you is when you've pissed them off, and they come get you.
Well if you're a smuggler like Han Solo or of a certain occupation that involves illegal activities under Imperial law that requires your arrest, then yes of course they'll come get you.
But, thinking about it, the deadliness of ships is relative anyway. The more relevant issue in question here is, can a star trek ship kill another star trek ship as easily as a similar matchup of star wars ships? And I can tell that's too vague a question to easily answer definitively, so is it best to just say it's about the same?
No. Why do you insist on making unquantified assumptions and then making a conclusion from them?

A Star Wars troop transport has turbolaser batteries rated at a firepower of 200 gigatons per shot. The Federation has photon torpedoes rated at about 60 megatons. The former will crush the Federation like nothing.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Soontir C'boath »

Jake wrote:
You're talking about someone who can do things such as entering the Jedi Temple without them knowingly, who have manipulating things throughout his political career towards the seat of emperor and can foresee things happening in the future. What makes you think a mobilization of a hundred Jedi wouldn't spark alarms in his "there's a disturbance in the force" meter especially when Jedi don't normally travel by the hundred?

When force users can detect others, a hundred is going to stick out like a sore thumb.
If he runs away it serves the same purpose as if he's captured. His guilt is proven and he never becomes Chancellor. The jedi also know the now exist again and will most likely tirelessly hunt him down until he is found, or at least realize that the sith are trying to get into seats of power.
I assume you would test him for midi-chlorians which may still prove nothing. Palpatine can still feigned ignorance and act surprised that he turns out to be force-sensitive.

Heck how would your scenario start off anyway? There were far and few of anything stating his training under the Sith. So how can you possibly know except shear stroke of luck?
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by BLACKSUN2000 »

If you would rather wear a set of space pajamas that can't protect you from anything, then you truly are a moron.



Because that would be you...

However if you has some of this...


Your chances of dying from somthing stupid will be less likely.
Even if I go to hell, I will live to the end of this world. And if the world does not come to an end... I will destroy it with my own hands!-Lacan

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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by BLACKSUN2000 »

Yeah the federation is good if you wan't to sit around and get looked down upon by the federation if you try to make some money, but hey once a week you can eat a crapton of chocolates like a fatass or go to the holodeck and program your own erotic holonovels while simultaneously alienating yourself from your family and friends. Hell to top it all off If you're wearing the Red/Gold shirt you're 120 time more likely to be killed by the anomaly of the week or a random encounter with a powerful beings...no thank you.

I'd rather go and join the Rebellion in SW I'd actually have a smaller chance of dying.
Even if I go to hell, I will live to the end of this world. And if the world does not come to an end... I will destroy it with my own hands!-Lacan

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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by Junghalli »

You know, Redshirts and Starfleet personnel in general are probably a pretty small minority of the Federation's population. The odds that you as a random Federation citizen will have to worry about getting killed or dicked with by random aliens of the week are probably much lower. Judging what your life will be like in the Federation by Redshirts is probably rather like judging what it would be like to live in the US based on a show about a group of soldiers in Iraq.

Just saying...
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Re: What universe would you rather live in??

Post by BLACKSUN2000 »

The odds that you as a random Federation citizen will have to worry about getting killed or dicked with by random aliens of the week are probably much lower.
Yeah nevermind the fact that the alien of the week is somtimes fucking with/destroying (insert random colony or outpost)

The colony at Rana destroyed by the husnock in the "survivors", the colony destroyed by the giant space snowflake, the outpost slaughtered in the arena....I could go on there are tons of examples that show they aren't isolated inccidents. They don't have to be R/G shirts, they can be average schmoes too.

Like I said the whole random entity fucking with you is only a small part of why I wouldn't want to live in the federation. The biggest reason is that it's easier to get your own personal ship and actually make money(and not get looked at in contempt) in SW.
Even if I go to hell, I will live to the end of this world. And if the world does not come to an end... I will destroy it with my own hands!-Lacan

Yes, we will destroy god. That is our purpose... That is our destiny!-Grahf
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