Unleashing the Borg Collective on the Star Wars Galaxy

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Unleashing the Borg Collective on the Star Wars Galaxy

Post by Tom_Kalbfus »

Suppose a Borg Cube fell into a Wormhole, the passage of the Borg Cube collapsed the wormhole behind it trapping it in the Star Wars Galaxy. Some Corellian freighter gets curious, and the Borg Cube assimulates it, acquiring the Star Wars Hyperdrive technology in the process. So how much trouble is the Borg going to be to the Star Wars Galaxy?
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Re: Unleashing the Borg Collective on the Star Wars Galaxy

Post by Norade »

None at all, a single corvette that they can't reverse engineer and the lack of an industrial base mean they never amount to anything.
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Re: Unleashing the Borg Collective on the Star Wars Galaxy

Post by Batman »

Heck, it's doubtful they can even assimilate the freighter. BOARDING it is moderately possible, freighters tend not to be all that heavily armoured and the crew might be 'We will be what? What in the name of the Sith is that cyborg dude talking about?' long enough that the Borg can beam over before they raise shields, and if the crew isn't heavily armed they might even manage to take over. At which point they'll be faced with technology that's tens of thousands of years ahead of their own. So, on top of their moderately useless (by local standards) cube, they have a single civilian freighter. I don't see them assimilating the Wars galaxy with that anytime soon.
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Re: Unleashing the Borg Collective on the Star Wars Galaxy

Post by Youngla0450 »

How ignorant this thread is! Like Yoda would say. The Borg Cube would be found by the Death Star and immediately destroyed. The Borg are thousands of years less advanced then the Star Wars civilization, and even if they assimilated the minor ship, they could not learn how to use it's technology, despite their "adaption" reflexes.
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Re: Unleashing the Borg Collective on the Star Wars Galaxy

Post by Temujin »

Youngla0450 wrote:How ignorant this thread is! Like Yoda would say. The Borg Cube would be found by the Death Star and immediately destroyed. The Borg are thousands of years less advanced then the Star Wars civilization, and even if they assimilated the minor ship, they could not learn how to use it's technology, despite their "adaption" reflexes.
Why would they need the Death Star when a police corvette would more than suffice?

Now I got this image of handcuffed Borg being led away to the Imperial psyche ward for evaluation: "Sir, they keep babbling on about resistance being futile. At best we can figure at this point is they're either a group of brainwashed cult members, or escapees from a lunatic asylum."
Mr. Harley: Your impatience is quite understandable.
Klaatu: I'm impatient with stupidity. My people have learned to live without it.
Mr. Harley: I'm afraid my people haven't. I'm very sorry... I wish it were otherwise.

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Re: Unleashing the Borg Collective on the Star Wars Galaxy

Post by Youngla0450 »

Temjiun, if you can, do load the picture.

In Discussion: Anyways, the Galactic Empire in itself is larger then the Borg. While the Star Wars civilization has at least twenty million major species, the Borg have only encountered about 16,000 major species. While the Galactic Empire spans some twelve million major member worlds and fifty million colonies, protectorates, and governorships, the Borg only span 10,000 assimilated systems and only around 10-100 members!
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Re: Unleashing the Borg Collective on the Star Wars Galaxy

Post by adam_grif »

Even if they can instantly assimilate SW tech and start replicating it, as soon as they got big enough to be a blip on any notable power's radar, they're going to get systematically annihilated. Even Trek phasers and shit can wipe borg cubes when they fire on them en masse, so "adapting and assimilating" only gets you so far. They can't ever hope to get a foothold in the universe, and even if they did, they'd just be some insignificant player compared to the galactic powers that exist.
A scientist once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the Earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the centre of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy.

At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got up and said: 'What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise.

The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, 'What is the tortoise standing on?'

'You're very clever, young man, very clever,' said the old lady. 'But it's turtles all the way down.'
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Re: Unleashing the Borg Collective on the Star Wars Galaxy

Post by Youngla0450 »

Facts are true. The Borg aren't really as powerful as most people claim.
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Re: Unleashing the Borg Collective on the Star Wars Galaxy

Post by ifly6 »

I think that the only way they would even make a dent in the SW/Empire/Republic (etc.) would be if they were wormhole-ed into the MIDDLE OF CORUSCANT!!! Then they would assimilate the Coruscant Underworld and proceed in telling the Chancellor/Emperor that "Resistance was futile" and get blasted to bits by Clones/Stormtroopers.
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Re: Unleashing the Borg Collective on the Star Wars Galaxy

Post by Rontu »

Assimilate the Coruscant Underworld?
They will be taken out by the first small crimeboss upon whose territory they encroach, before they even see the sun!
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Re: Unleashing the Borg Collective on the Star Wars Galaxy

Post by Rossum »

The Borg might have a chance if they were to somehow get access to personal shield technology from either the Trade Federation or the Gungans. Though the Gungans live underwater and can fight the Borg by throwing those EMP-filled bubbles at them, and the Trade Federation has millions of B1 battle droids to protect their stuff with. If the Borg get their hands on personal shields capable of shrugging off blaster fire then they might be able pose a threat with their standard 'shuffle towards the enemy with nanobubuals reaching out to assimilate people' strategy. At least until the stormtroopers or whatever law enforcement or army on hand starts pulling out the actual heavy weaponry.

I guess the question is... would the Borg be able to stand up against the military juggernauts known as the Gungans or the Trade Federation long enough to steal their shields?
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Re: Unleashing the Borg Collective on the Star Wars Galaxy

Post by Rossum »

Okay, I just re-watched the Battle of Naboo and... I gotta admit that while both the Gungans and the Trade Federation have their faults, the Borg would still have their work cut out for them.
Fry: No! They did it! They blew it up! And then the apes blew up their society too. How could this happen? And then the birds took over and ruined their society. And then the cows. And then... I don't know, is that a slug, maybe? Noooo!

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Re: Unleashing the Borg Collective on the Star Wars Galaxy

Post by Moff Radec »

People might be forgetting that the Star Wars universe (in the Empire era as said here) is run by the Empire, has the Rebel Alliance, Black Sun, Hutt Cartel, Mandalorians, etc. who would just shoot any Borg Cube and ask questions later. No one, other than Picards crew would hail it and try to talk to someone saying, "Resistance is futile."

Admiral: Any transmissions from the ship Lietennet?

Lieutennet: Yeah. Something about resistance being futile.

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Re: Unleashing the Borg Collective on the Star Wars Galaxy

Post by RowanE »

In the OP's scenario, they encounter a curious freighter and asimilate it... Let's just say the freighter crew is like "Wow, look at that thing, it's obviously a hulk from an ancient battle or something... let's see if there's valuable stuff in there". It has the right look to be a hulk, or maybe even a piece of debris from a really big ship. You could probably explain away the inneffective weapons fire, and the "resistance is futile" broadcasts in that context too, or maybe the borg are clever enough not to go on the offensive the moment they arrive in a new universe, and just try to play this card for all it's worth.
The freighter boards it - obviously it's a smuggler vessel, civilians wouldn't do something as daft - and are immediately surrounded by an assload of borg, some transport in behind them, cutting them off from their ship. Taking heavy losses, the borg manage to assimilate the crew, and learn how to operate the tech. This gives them a little headstart, but they're still going to take decades to actually build a hyperdrive for their own ship, if they can find a convenient uninhabited system to mine resources from. A long time after this, anything from decades to hundreds of years later, they've got their own hyperdrive, plus they've got either the blasters onboard the smuggler ship or the handheld ones used by the crew, and built weapons based on the tech that are somewhere between half and a hundredth as good as comparable weapons tech available to civilians. Shields to a similar level. They're still nothing like a match for any military vessel even half their size, but they're now equipped to take on more smuggler ships, civilian freighters. They're now basically pirates. As long as none of the ships they take on can escape, and they don't operate in any specific region of the galaxy, they'll only be noticed as an increase in pirate activity, which won't be a big deal to the empire in the civil war, or the republic in the clone wars. (i'm assuming they appear a while before the events of the films, so they have time for the reverse-engineering).
After a while, they'll have a few dozen minor ships assimilated, and enough minds and tech to catch up a bit more. So now they can take on comparably armed civilian vessels, and maybe smaller imperial ships. Repeat the process of capturing ships and assimilating tech while trying to remain unnoticed in the big picture, and as long as they avoid having a defined base of operations, and a defined area where they strike, they won't be noticed as long as luck goes their way and they don't meet anything powerful enough that they can't assimilate it, at least until they take a star destroyer.
Once they have that tech/firepower, they now have about the power of a comparably-sized SW ship. Maybe that's enough to take an undefended outer rim world, and they can build a few borg cubes from the ships they've salvaged by now.
Do the borg need planets? I picture them as space-dwellers...

So, yeah, if every single thing goes their way, and they're clever, the borg can grow and grow to the point where they might actually threaten the federation. If they have a few decades to start with when no-one notices them. But i think it's plausible, if not likely. Assuming the tactics used by the borg work well enough to have the effect they seem to have in star trek, rather than the effect you'd expect from their demonstrated tactics.
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Re: Unleashing the Borg Collective on the Star Wars Galaxy

Post by Korgeta »

Norade wrote:None at all, a single corvette that they can't reverse engineer and the lack of an industrial base mean they never amount to anything.
Says who? I always thought it was the other way round that other races had a hard time reverse enginering Borg technology but the Borg have no problem converting or adapting starships to their own use once they gain possesion of it. Star Wars is a space faring civillisation that has been around for several thousand years at least but their not exactly showing breath taking technology other then the lightsaber and the hyperdrive (which to a lesser extent the borg have their own varation of such a thing)

Not it's an issue I want to shred to bits, star wars focus is on jedi and sith if the franchise wants to focus more on the technolgical wonders for a change then it will do so but the only new feature it added was the droid army. The empire ships are HUGE and because of their size, they can afford to be slow moving in combat due to the number of shield generators and guns they can put in place. However for a civilisation that is suppose to have technology 'beyond understanding' tie fighters, x wings and even troop weaponary are not an accurate reflection of such an advance empire. I think the Empire would trade almost anything to have ships with manoeuvrability and fire rate of the defiant. Phasers were something the borg couldn't handle but once they had the knowledge it wasn't that much of a problem anymore. The battle at wolf proved that when one cube took on 39 ships and destroyed them all.

The borg will assimilate a few worlds, it happens, not every world in star wars has defences like Coruscant. The borg also have better self repair, but the borg don't do tactics, they never actually sent a 100 ships to federation or klingon space and just assimilate everyone. From what the show makes of the borg, they like to test the waters a bit and see what the other races will do to counter them. Assuming the empire can muster enough ships and make a direct strike then they should be able to handle it before it becomes a problem.
Youngla0450 wrote: In Discussion: Anyways, the Galactic Empire in itself is larger then the Borg. While the Star Wars civilization has at least twenty million major species, the Borg have only encountered about 16,000 major species. While the Galactic Empire spans some twelve million major member worlds and fifty million colonies, protectorates, and governorships, the Borg only span 10,000 assimilated systems and only around 10-100 members!
Given how small the rebel alliance was to the empire before endor (not even 50 worlds apprently) how the empire can lose all the millions of the worlds to the rebels does raise some serious questions in how the empire can handle 'minor threats'
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Re: Unleashing the Borg Collective on the Star Wars Galaxy

Post by Batman »

Korgeta wrote:
Norade wrote:None at all, a single corvette that they can't reverse engineer and the lack of an industrial base mean they never amount to anything.
Says who? I always thought it was the other way round that other races had a hard time reverse enginering Borg technology but the Borg have no problem converting or adapting starships to their own use once they gain possesion of it.
For Star Trek level technology, which is usually INFERIOR to their own. Wars technology is NOT.
Star Wars is a space faring civillisation that has been around for several thousand years at least but their not exactly showing breath taking technology other then the lightsaber and the hyperdrive (which to a lesser extent the borg have their own varation of such a thing)
And massively superior power generation, offensive and defensive weapons, medical technology, materials science, sensor and communications technology, AI...
And now they do NOT have a variation of hyperdrive. They have transwarp, which is a variation of warp drive and relies on prebuilt conduits to achieve its best speeds.
Not it's an issue I want to shred to bits, star wars focus is on jedi and sith if the franchise wants to focus more on the technolgical wonders for a change then it will do so but the only new feature it added was the droid army.
Indeed it does NOT focus on the technology. Doesn't change the fact that those 'technological wonders' have been all over the place ever since ANH.
The empire ships are HUGE and because of their size, they can afford to be slow moving in combat
Thousands of gs worth of acceleration. The acceleration of a Borg cube is...?
due to the number of shield generators and guns they can put in place. However for a civilisation that is suppose to have technology 'beyond understanding' tie fighters, x wings and even troop weaponary are not an accurate reflection of such an advance empire.
Why don't you compare the PERFORMANCE of those asshat.
I think the Empire would trade almost anything to have ships with manoeuvrability and fire rate of the defiant.
Numbers on the acceleration of Defiant. Refire rate-Slave 1, Next.
Phasers were something the borg couldn't handle but once they had the knowledge it wasn't that much of a problem anymore. The battle at wolf proved that when one cube took on 39 ships and destroyed them all.
Thanks to phaser frequency shenanigans, the fact that Starfleet sucks a as military, and have negligible firepower compared to Wars.
The borg will assimilate a few worlds, it happens, not every world in star wars has defences like Coruscant.
Proof that they CAN assimilate technology 10s of thousands of years ahead of their own. All it takes to stop a borg cube is a single armed freighter or customs corvette.
From what the show makes of the borg, they like to test the waters a bit and see what the other races will do to counter them. Assuming the empire can muster enough ships and make a direct strike then they should be able to handle it before it becomes a problem.
Those ships being a single Corellian Corvette or, if somebody on the Wars side is feeling massively extremely paranoid, a Dreadnought heavy cruiser.
Youngla0450 wrote: In Discussion: Anyways, the Galactic Empire in itself is larger then the Borg. While the Star Wars civilization has at least twenty million major species, the Borg have only encountered about 16,000 major species. While the Galactic Empire spans some twelve million major member worlds and fifty million colonies, protectorates, and governorships, the Borg only span 10,000 assimilated systems and only around 10-100 members!
Given how small the rebel alliance was to the empire before endor (not even 50 worlds apprently) how the empire can lose all the millions of the worlds to the rebels does raise some serious questions in how the empire can handle 'minor threats'
Minor threat with the same technology as the Empire that wanted to FREE the citizens, not enslave it. Happily ignores the fact that Palpatine intentionally designed the Empire to FALL APART without him.
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