Who has the Best Connection?

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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Who has the Best Connection?

Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:$60 for a <1.5Mbps (in other words FASTER than a T1!!!) Cable connection. Every now and then it drops, especially when the COX (my isp) server develops issues. Thunderstorms don't stop it, floods don't stop it, and Hurricanes don't stop it (Yes I've surfed the Net in a hurricane.. 3 of em last summer!) Just when the server gets "issues"... Go figure.

EDIT: Just tested at http://bandwidthplace.com/speedtest/

2.5Mbps!!! W00t. R0X0R OMG!!! lmao
Who can top that?
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Post by Mr Bean »

Can do
Navy T3 Line Partitioned with me and few fellows, I tested it at Speed Test and got 23.2 Megabits per second as of this morning
Test in the past have yielded single diget pings to Servers four states over

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Post by j1j2j3 »

I get 52Mbps unlimited bandwith + static IP for 25$, via KT VDSL
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Post by Utsanomiko »

j1j2j3 wrote:I get 52Mbps unlimited bandwith + static IP for 25$, via KT VDSL
$25?! What's the catch; don't tell me you sold your soul to the company? :wink:

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Post by darthdavid »

J00 guyz l3@v3 m3h in d@ dus0rs. 256kbps on cable modem. Been relativeley stable lateley, in the past it crashed somewhat often but not any more.
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Post by XaLEv »

Just tested it a few times, averaged 1.1 mbps. I've seen it as high as 2.2.
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Post by j1j2j3 »

The local ISP's in Korea are duking it out with lower and faster connections.

Normally it's about 35$, but they'll discount to 25$ if you agree to use the service for 2~3 years. But the other company will pay the contract breech fee for you if you switch to them.

And since the first 3 months are free, in theory you could use three months for free, breech the contract using the other ISP, use three months again, go back... and so forth. :P
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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

j1j2j3 wrote:The local ISP's in Korea are duking it out with lower and faster connections.

Normally it's about 35$, but they'll discount to 25$ if you agree to use the service for 2~3 years. But the other company will pay the contract breech fee for you if you switch to them.

And since the first 3 months are free, in theory you could use three months for free, breech the contract using the other ISP, use three months again, go back... and so forth. :P
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Post by Alferd Packer »

10 megs. It's pretty goddamned fast, considering we still have 56K at home. :cry:
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Post by j1j2j3 »

Just tested the connection,

I get about 55Mbps sustained bandwith for downloads, 45Mbps for uploads,

I get <3ms pings to all of Korea, 25ms to Japan, and 240ms to Stardestroyer.net. The funny thing is I get over 600ms to China :roll:

edit : I'm also thinking of running a pr0n ftp for SD.net ???
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Post by Mr Bean »

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Post by Utsanomiko »

Damn, in that case I would move over to Korea right now, if I had learned more Korean while online than just "kekekekekeke, Zerg rush ^__^" :wink:
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Post by Crazy_Vasey »

j1j2j3 wrote:Just tested the connection,

I get about 55Mbps sustained bandwith for downloads, 45Mbps for uploads,

I get <3ms pings to all of Korea, 25ms to Japan, and 240ms to Stardestroyer.net. The funny thing is I get over 600ms to China :roll:

edit : I'm also thinking of running a pr0n ftp for SD.net ???
:shock: :shock: :shock:

Damn Korea makes the UK look backwards. Not that that's particularly difficult.

I have 128kps cable modem. Fear it.
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Post by Datana »

I used to have 10 Mbps under @Home before Comcast (who took over in my area after @Home went belly-up) capped my connection to 1.5; my upload is even worse, having been capped at 128 kbps. $60 a month, too (up from $40 under @Home). Some of you here are really lucky connection-wise.
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Post by Nathan F »

muwahahahha, 4 megabytes per second.

Just took the test here:
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Post by weemadando »

I'm at the cafe right now.

Lets see what I get...

Averaging 450...

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Post by Exonerate »

635.2 kilobits per second. Not bad... I've got aDSL.

j1j2j3: That's probably because almost all of China's servers monitor and censor traffic...

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Post by Cap'n Hector »

I get about 1 Mbps, shared between my server and two other computers.
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