Shadow Ops doesn't go down at the highest level if you only use melee takedowns - I have literally done this. Just activated Micheal's personal cloaking field, ran right up to the bad guys and started ripping out throats.Stark wrote:This is the best quote ever. Not only are there no 'die rolls' involved, EVERY RPG USES DIE ROLLS, like... Fallout3. Nobody complains about physically impossible bullet emergence from guns in Fallout3.adam_grif wrote:Iirc those are exaggerations, but the Gametrailers video review mentions the dice rolls in the combat as an issue. They don't complain that point blank shots miss though, just that they think it's bad design.Most modern 'tactical' games have massive conefire on unironed weapons, so stuff like Vendetta shows of people running around like a maniac missing is not an AP-specific problem (if it was a problem at all).
Shadowdragon, stealth is NOT 'absolutely critical'. My most amusing playthrough was complete gung-ho; the game supports both types of play. Shadow Ops also turns off when you attack. If you go toughness you can just get back up when you die, and knockdowns with every shot on the shotgun is mega-cheese. Using stealth properly (ie finishing a level without ever been seen) is still a challenge.
But combat not like Splinter Cell = reviews hate it, so everyone who actually played it can laugh.
As for finishing a level without ever being seen, it's overrated. I prefer finishing a level without ever having been seen but having left a tremendous trail of corpses in my wake.