SDNW4 Story Thread 1

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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Force Lord »

Steve wrote:HMS Challenger
In Orbit over Pendleton

The fairly light damage to the Star Cruiser was well under way to being repaired as it moved toward its assigned station facing Pendleton's South Pole. In the ship CIC, Captain Jason Shetty maintain a silent watch over his crew as they continued their duties. All felt the joy of reprieve from imminent destruction that they had seen fighting the Monolith; they would live to return home after all.

Shetty was thinking of his wife back at Chittagong, on New Bangladesh, when Lieutenant Kendra Parkins spoke up from her station at sensors. "Sir, unknown energy signature at the South Pole, very faint."

"A ship?", Shetty asked.

"Possible. Could be a vessel with a cloaking device suffering a slight mis-alignment."

Shetty looked to Lieutenant Adam McNeal at Comms. "Relay to Lord Fisher on Dauntless; 'Have found unidentified signature in south polar orbit of planet. Will investigate." Returning his attention to Parkins, he added, "More power to sensors, let's make sure this isn't some sensor ghost. We've had enough surprises in this operation already."

"If it is a ship, sir?"

"Given the only cloak-using ships around here are smuggler and pirate vessels? We board her to check for slaves being taken off-planet to prevent their emancipation."

Challenger changed her position in the fleet to investigate the new signal. Ironically, this would be of immense value to Spozavik and Hushy, as it meant Annapolis could proceed with her extraction mission without the Challenger nearby to detect their activities and interfere.
CNS Datton
In Orbit over Pendleton South Pole

"Sir!", an ensign said

"What is it?", Commodore Forg responded.

"An Anglian ship has been detected moving to our position!", the ensign shouted.

"Damn it! We've been detected! Get us inside the planet's atmosphere and tell our units down there to hurry the damn up!"

"Yes sir!"

Forg gave a frustrated look at the viewscreen. It was an Anglian cruiser, no doubt. And it was gaining speed.

"Inform Admiral Tardis that we have been possibly compromised. And tell him that I am entering the atmosphere of Pendleton."

"Should we hail the Anglians, sir?"

"And jeopardize the whole mission?! Please mantain silence, ensign", Forg barked.

CNS Datton soon plunged into the atmosphere of Pendleton...
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Force Lord »

Pendleton, The Outback
Early 3400

The building holding the enslaved Centrality citizens was not very big, and Corbas had little trouble finding out where they were held. Far more problematic was distinguishing them from the other slaves, since the Pendletonians never bothered to identify their human charges by nationality. Fortunately, her telepathy helped, and she soon found the people she was looking for. She set her eyes on a skinheaded man, who noticed her staring.

"Whaddya lookin' at, Pendie bitch? Ain't this enough for ya?", he snarled. Suddenly however, a voice boomed in his head.

Know your place citizen, or the State will be very interested in tormenting you once you get back home.

The man suddenly felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. The Centrality couldn't be looking for them, would they?

"Wh-who are you?", he stammered.

"Me?", Corbas finally spoke, "I'm your ticket back home. And I'm willing to ignore your...aspersion, if you obey everything I say."

The man nodded like crazy. The other nine, having seen the exchange, were scared. They had attempted to leave the Centrality secretly, but were captured by the Pfhors and sold to the Pendletonians.

"Very well, I'll get you out of here. Let me just-what?" Her comlink was giving off a red light.

Aw, no. The commodore's been found. A voice soon came out of the comlink. A loud voice.

"Corbas, we've been found by the Anglians! I'm trying to evade them!", Forg shouted. "Finish this mission or I'll be forced to abort!"

Before Corbas could respond, the connection terminated.

She sighed, and decided to contact the Black Beret team. Activating the comlink, she managed to contact the squad leader.

"What is it, spy? Can we shoot up this joint know?", a harsh voice cracked through the comm.

"Our ride's been found. We now only have one last chance for success. Give the Pendies hell, Lieutenant."

"It's the only way we know how, ma'm. You might help us somehow?", the Lieutenant asked.

"I'll free the slaves. Although we're only rescuing our people, freeing the other slaves should distract the Pendies long enough for us to escape."

"Let's see if we still have time."

Result: CNS Datton found. Rescue attempt accelerated.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by PeZook »


Southern Theathre Air Defence Command

Pendleton's defences were divided into a number of layers, each tasked with defending a certain area of the planet, with appropriate resources assigned to each command. Each layer was further subdivided between theatre, regional and local command centres, plugged into a vast, redundant data transmission network.

It was, overall,a very well designed air defence system, thought as a last line of defence after the enemy has gained orbital superiority. As such, all command centres and data transmission networks were extremely well hardened. While no match for a dedicated invader equipped with modern weapons, it was more than capable of complicating any landing operation.

The Southern Theatre Air Defence Command, or STADC, was tasked with fighting in-atmosphere threats over the planet's southern hemisphere. Ever since the main fleet command post went silent several hours ago, it was operating autonomously. Its commander wanted to wait until landing operations have commenced before revealing more than 7 000 mobile SAM launchers under his command, and showering the landing fleet with a hailstorm of nuclear-tipped missiles.

Unfortunately, he thought, watching the sensor feeds, The Anglians seem to be one step ahead of me

Ground-based infrared stations have detected a re-entry heat plume over the south pole. The lack of other emissions seemed to indiate the ship was equipped with a cloaking device - without a doubt a reconeissance ship sent down to attack air defence assets and command posts. Judging from the size, it would be able to wreak severe havoc on any air defence assets on the ground.

There was no choice: the STADC had no fighters under its command, since all air bases were now glowing radioactive craters thanks to Anglian bombardment. They could engage or they could not. Any sites that fired their missiles would be lost, but if they held fire, that destroyer would find and kill far, far more. The decision was quite simple, to be honest.

"Local commanders are free to engage the bogey at their discretion. Fire for effect."

All across the southern hemisphere, dozens of heavy mobile launchers lit up their targetting sensors. The heat plume would be impossible to miss even for the most primitive guidance package, and the SAMs oversized warheads would ensure damage even with proximity hits - especially in an atmosphere, with the air forming a blast wave.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Steve »

HMS Challenger
In Orbit over Pendleton

"Sir! Contact on scope, making atmospheric entry! It is a ship, rough estimate is destroyer-grade vessel."

Shetty gripped the handrail. "Vector in gunboats to be ready to engage and send confirmation to Lord Fisher. Comm, send signal now, ordering them to stand down, identify themselves, and prepare for boarding teams."

"Aye." Lieutenant McNeal triggered his speaker. "Attention unidentified vessel, this is HMS Challenger. You are hearby ordered to stand down, identify yourself, and prepare for inspection."

"Vessel is continuing evasive course in atmosphere," Parkins said.

Shetty looked to Lieutenant Commander Isabella Munez at Gunnery. The Nuevo Sonoran looked back to him. "Sir, we have gun track. Trajectory threatens no land-based settlements."

"Let's let them know we mean business. Target with medium level battery, warning shot across bow."

"Aye, targeting Mark 9 CPCs."

One of the quad turrets of Mark IX Charged Plasma Cannons, on the dorsal side of the Challenger's powerful wedge hull, tracked toward the planet. Only one of the guns opened fire, sending a bolt of red plasma to cross the front of the Datton.

"Sir, tracks from the planet, Pendletonian planetary defense is locking onto the unknown target!"

Shetty raised an eyebrow. "Well, that complicates things. Engage as possible!"

Challenger's batteries opened up entirely now, her medium batteries striking at the launch sites while the light batteries filled the air around Datton with fire, trying to intercept the missiles.
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

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CNS Datton
South Pole, Pendleton

"Sir, incoming missles."

"Deactivate the cloak! All power to shields! Find us a place to land!"

The destroyer soon revealed itself, and it continued its downward journey. Behind it, the Anglian cruiser had already fired a warning shot, and it was advancing menacingly.

"Get me Admiral Tardis!"

CNS Govard, Centralist 5th Fleet
Outside the Outback, Deep Space

"You have been detected!?", Tardis looked at the hologram of Commodore Forg with disbelief.

"Yes Admiral! We're evading an Anglian cruiser and Pendie SAM's! I don't know how long I'll last!"

"What about the rescue team?"

"I've already recieved a message that they have rescued the citizens, as well as liberated the slaves there so the Pendies have something else to worry about. Their transport however cannot take off with all these SAM's around!", Forg sounded desperate.

"Do everything within your power to get them to safety, Commodore! We cannot allow those citizens to fall from our grasp again!"

"I'll do what I can, sir! But I doubt I'll last the next hour! Out!" Forg's hologram dissapeared, but before Tardis could even move, another hologram appeared, this time Vice-Admiral Kordis, commanding the force near the B-A Gap.

"Admiral, the Coalition force in the B-A Gap has detected my force. What are your orders?"

"Hold your position, but do not engage. As soon as you see one of their ships near you withdraw to the main fleet. I want the Coalition to know what the stakes are."

Result: Suspense!!!
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by RogueIce »

Shinra Republic Navy EA-68 - Patrolling edges of the Bannerman System

After the engagment with the Pendletonian frigate, things had gone back to a sense of semi-normal; after all, the blockade still had to be maintained.

And so it was, with this return to standard patrol, that a Shinra Republic EA-68 gunboat performing as a mobile long-range sensor scan platform detected The Centrality task group lurking on the edges of the Bannerman system.

"Unknown fleet group sighted," called out one of the sensor operators.

"Roger, relaying to the Black Knight and Fleet Command," responded the gunboat's commander. Pulling up the feed on his own display screen, he studied it. The ships would be classed as destoyers and frigates per SRN conventions, though he knew others such as the New Anglians would consider them destroyers and cruisers. Making a quick decision, he decided to bump up the message priority to URGENT. Even if they're not high-end, they're still a bunch of unidentified warships lurking around out there. After the recent engagement with the Pendleton warship, very few in the blockade fleet were willing to take any chances when it came to unknown contacts.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by MKSheppard »

"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Steve »

Admiralty House, Westminster
New Anglia, Star Kingdom of New Anglia
22 January 3400

"Are you sure about these sightings?", Admiral Sir Charles O'Connor asked Captain Janet Tomlin, his Naval Intelligence liaison.

"Yes. A fairly large force from the Centrality has already passed through the minor sectors between the Industrial Republic and the Empire Star Republic. They are clearly on a course for the Anglia-Imperium hyperlane at the edge of Sector V-19 and V-20."

"I shall inform the Prime Minister, Mister Dale, and Lord Kapana." With Tomlin leaving, O'Connor called up his chief of staff, Admiral David Laughlin. "I need you to have orders to Admiral Kingston cut immediately, we may need the Fleet to sortie into the Outback." O'Connor left his office as soon as that order was sent, to find the First Lord of the Admiralty and the Defence Minister to inform them of this new information. A fairly sized fleet moving to enter the Outback at this time is not a good sign, O'Connor mused to himself. Since the hyperlane the Centrality fleet was moving toward went straight into the heart of the Kingdom, the Fleet would have to be ready to move....
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Steve »

”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by MKSheppard »

"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by RogueIce »

Bannerman System, The Outback

As data flowed in to Coalition Fleet Command, the situation did not seem like a good one. The Shinra Republic EA-68, backed up by a number of Umerian cutters also feeding back information, indicated a sizable fleet presence indeed.

"Confirm, one hundred tweleve, that's one-one-two ships detected." The voice of the Shinra Republic's gunboat commander had a noticable strain to it now.

The strain was understandable. The unknown fleet handily outnumbered the coalition formation, almost two to one.

Nonetheless, they had a job to do. Controllers aboard the Black Knight ordered ships to head out and challenge the interlopers. Leading them would be the Hiigaran's own Kuun-Laan flanked by a pair of Haruhi destroyers, the Troy Baker and Susan Dalian. Backing them up would be a group of six frigates: one from the Shinra Republic, three from the Haruhi task force, and a pair of Nova Atlantean Tercio lance frigates. Numerous Hiigaran, Shinra Republic and Umerian gunboats and cutters would also go with them. It was not a force which could, on its own, take down the unknown contacts. But it was the best they could scramble quickly. The remainder of the fleet went on high alert, prepared to back their comrades if it came to that.

Luckily for all involved, it didn't. As the combined contingent appproached the mystery fleet and began general hails requesting identification and purpose, the unknown ships began to turn away. Within minutes, they had vanished into hyperspace, their destination as unknown as their purpose and origin. Greatly relieved that this particular complication had been averted, the fleet began to stand down and the challenge group moved to return to their regular stations.

The fleet did not stand down completely, however. Between the recent battle and now this odd yet powerful incursion, it would be quite some time indeed before the coalition blockade fleet's commanders, officers and crewers would be able to relax completely.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Force Lord »

CNS Datton
Southern Hemisphere, Pendleton

Forg felt that it was the end.

When the viewports were filled with intense light, he was certain that he had failed.

But once the light faded, he saw himself still on his ship. A bit blinded, sure, but alive.

He could barely hear the ensign's voice.

"Sir, the SAM's were destroyed by Anglian fire! We're safe!"

Forg was invaded by relief. They no longer had to worry about SAM's.


"Barely holding sir. And our scanners are scrambled. It'll take some time-", he was interrupted.

"Time is something we lack, ensign! Fix them immediately!"

"Sir!", another ensign shouted. "The Anglians are trying to hail us, but our comm relays are shot!"


Forg instantly froze. Corbas.

Aren't you forgetting about something?

Forg grimaced. He still had a job to do.

"Land the ship on a open field nearest to the rescue force's location. Our mission is not yet finished."

And he had to. He either died here or be executed back home...

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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Force Lord »

CNS Govard, Centralist 5th Fleet
Near the Outback, Deep Space

"Admiral, our force is falling back. We are returning to the fleet.", the hologram of Vice-Admiral Kordis said.

"Excellent. Mantain silence until then", Admiral Tardis responded.

"Roger that. Out." Kordis's hologram then disappeared.

Tardis sighed. Now everything counted on Commodore Forg getting the rescue team to safety and getting his ass out of the fire.

This rescue is sure turning up beautiful, he thought sarcastically. He was thrown out of his reverie, however, by the shouts made by the communications officer.

"Admiral, our comm relays have intercepted chatter from Anglian radio traffic! An enourmous Anglian fleet has been found at Lochley's Retreat!"

Damn!, he thought tersely. That was only a few klicks from Bannerman. Time was running out.

"Sir, the President is on the line", an ensign said.

Tardis froze. Enduvos.

"P-put him up."

Enduvos's hologram soon flared like a malevolent ghost.

"Admiral, can you explain me why this operation is taking so long?!." Enduvos's voice was full of fury.

"S-sir, our stealth ship was detected, and it's attempting to evade its pursuers."

"Does the Coalition know of our intentions?"

"No sir."

"Admiral, don't you understand the diplomatic and political catastrophe that would occur if that ship's identity is revealed? Nations will practically line up to attack us, and I'll be cruxified politically! You cannot, repeat, cannot allow the Datton to be captured at all costs!"

"But sir! If we attack now, we'll be responsible for starting an even greater disaster! And an overwhelming Anglian Fleet is coming to Bannerman right now, sir! I don't know how much time we can stay here!"

Enduvos's face was full of desperate anger. "Do whatever you can, Admiral, but know this. If you fail, then I very much doubt you'll have a future!"

The hologram disappeared, leaving Tardis with his stormy thoughts.

He had to make a decision...

Result: Tardis gets hollered by Enduvos, doesn't know what to do.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Dave »

Idura, Idura Sector (K:13)
Main Congressional Hall, Parliamentary Congress Building


"Senator Caedmon is engaging in wild flights of fancy!" cried Senator Gavin.

"Senator Gavin has his head stuck in the dirt!" exclaimed Senator Caedmon.

"The attack on the CSS Whippet is yet another indication of the seriousness of this situation! Why can't you see sense?" said Caedmon.

"The Whippet is missing, not shot up by massive pirate fleets! Why didn't you look at the reports?" said Gavin

"I did look at the reports, and the pirates are hitting more freighters and smuggling more ginger than this time last year!"

"That's from data from the last three months! You can't honestly call that a trend, you numbers-twisting warmongering blowhard!"

"I can call that a trend, you limp-clawed cowardly dove! Are you going to throw away an amazing deal offered by the Centrality?"

"That deal is a worthless piece of trash, the offer is not even worth the paper it's written on! You're making a mountain out of a molehill! What was the r-squared value for the trend line on the increase in piracy? Zero-point-zero-what? Say it! Say it, motherfucker!"

"That's bullshit and you know it! That trend line had high correlation, you ignorant piece of --"

"For the last two months, you lying scumbag! We don't even know what kind of ships they are offering, and you slobber all over it like it's the second coming of Hari Seld--"

"YOU WILL NOT INSULT MY RELIGION, HERETIC!" roared Caedmon as he leapt on Senator Gavin. Teeth flashed and claws clashed as the two senators left bloody streaks across each other's hides in their clash of rage. Senators jumped to their feet and swarmed the podiums as the tension over the last 18 hours of debate flashed to anger. The Congressional Hall dissolved into a brawl almost instantly, with MPs young and old picking up pens, pencils, computer tablets, desk lamps and small chairs to attack their peers with. Pages scurried about, franticly protecting scribbled notes for their senators and issuing "save document" commands to the consoles. More pages ran in, throwing cushions out into the riot. The room was swiftly turned into a massive pillow fight, with feathers, small pieces of foam and little plastic pellets from bean bags flying everywhere. Caedmon and Gavin were fighting back to back to hold off attackers from all sides, then turned on each other when they found they had done so. Every political stripe found themselves fighting with and against every other stripe.

An objective observer suspended from the ceiling would have been able to see little pockets of senators form and dissolve in chaotic waves across the floor. Mathematicians had a ball with these kinds of tapes, trying to figure out the subconscious patterns that underlay that organization. There was certainly no lack of informative tapes.

Best friends swung wildly at each other. Bitter rivals formed knots to hold off all comers. A few young pages abandoned their duties, grabbed pillows and started swinging. Other senators fought their way under desks, still others jumped on top of desks to gain the high ground. One senator found himself hopping madly on top of a desk, partially because five other senators were trying to knock him down and partially because he had kicked over a box of thumbtacks.

"Senators! SENATORS!" bellowed Prime Minister Tavis, but he was unheard. In a moment he discarded Robyn's Rules of Order and started banging the handle-less gavel with abandon; another moment and he abandoned any sense of decorum, throwing the gavel into the mob and leaping over his desk to try to break up the fray.
The Sitting Parliament of the Iduran Confederation wrote: To the Aurora Shipbuilding Corporation,

The Iduran Parliament would like to examine these ships, to determine the tonnage, condition, and overall worth of these frigates.

If we are satisfied and a need for these ships are found, we would be willing to open negotiations as to pricing and quantity, bearing in mind that this year's naval budget has already been finalized.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Force Lord »

Dave wrote:
The Sitting Parliament of the Iduran Confederation wrote: To the Aurora Shipbuilding Corporation,

The Iduran Parliament would like to examine these ships, to determine the tonnage, condition, and overall worth of these frigates.

If we are satisfied and a need for these ships are found, we would be willing to open negotiations as to pricing and quantity, bearing in mind that this year's naval budget has already been finalized.
The Aurora Shipbuilding Corporation wrote:
We agree to lease these ships to you so you can determine if they fit your requirements.

We also offer to sell the same number of Locust-class escort carriers once the frigate deal has been finalized.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Force Lord »

CNS Datton
Southern Hemisphere, Pendleton

"Are the comm relays still working?", Commodore Forg asked.

"They're not in working order yet sir", one of the engineers responded. "Those SAM's really did a handful."

The Datton had landed in a plain a couple of kilometers away, again cloaked, waiting for the rescue team. In the sky, HMS Challenger was stationary, but still a menace to Datton.

"Have our scouts found the rescue force?", he asked the Black Beret intelligence officer.

"Not yet. The radiation is making our scanners fuzzy and hardly workable.

Forg could only shake his head and move on. He went again to the communications post and asked an ensign, "Are the Anglians close?"

"We managed to lose them while they were busy swatting SAM's out of the sky. They are still looking for us, but with our cloak up and with us operating only on emergency power, it'll be a while before they find us again."

"That's good. Are the rela-", he was interrupted by another ensign.

"Sir, we've found our guys!", the ensign exclaimed excitedly. But his face changed suddenly from glee to worry. "Uh-oh. They're being pursued!"

"What?", Forg said. "By whom?"

"Pendies, sir!" The ensign looked at the viewscreen with worry, but then sighed with relief. "Sir, I can confirm that the Pendies were massacred by the Black Berets!"

"That was lopsided. Contact them and send them our location. I want to get out of this shithole soon."

"Yes sir!"

5 minutes later

"Commodore, the team has entered the ship."

"Finally. Launch us, helmsman!"

"Aye aye, Commodore!", responded the helmsman.

"And someone tell Tardis that we're leaving the Outback!"

The Datton's engines came alive, and soon the ship lurched itself out the ground and speeded as much as possible into space.

Forg hoped that the Anglian cruiser hadn't detected them again...

Results: The Datton makes a run for it. Can it escape? Or will the Coalition catch it?
Last edited by Force Lord on 2010-08-08 08:09pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Dave »

The Iduran Parliament wrote: The Iduran Confederation looks forward to leasing these ships from the Centrality, pending a purchase order sometime early next year.

We will pass the offer of the escort carrier through the Parliamentary Defense Appropriations review committee.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Steve »

Force Lord wrote: "And someone tell Tardis that we're leaving the Outback!"

The Datton's engines came alive, and soon the ship lurched itself out the ground and speeded as much as possible into space.

Forg hoped that the Anglian cruiser hadn't detected them again...

Results: The Datton makes a run for it. Can it escape? Or will the Coalition catch it?
HMS Challenger

They had lost the signal of the cloaked ship in the plumes of heat from the detonating atomic warheads, but Parkins was not about to give up easily. She scanned closely, looking for that power signature again - hoping they had not fixed their cloak or that the planet's electromagnetic field wouldn't mask it with the ship now in atmosphere or on land - as the minutes passed by and Challenger finished eradicating the Pendletonian missile batteries, both atmosphere-only and orbital-capable missiles trying and failing to hit them through the point defense they and nearby ships had.

She finally found something, a brief but powerful energy surge, consistent with a max power hypercom transmission sufficient to cut through the shoals and to ships at or around Bannerman. It was Lieutenant McNeal who spoke up before she did. "We've detected a high-energy hypercom transmission emanating from the planet," he said.

"Sensors?', Shetty asked.

"I confirm."

"That must be them. Begin dispersed bombardment until we see some sign of them, even if they're practicing velocity control it will limit the potential area they're in, and if they're not we should be able to find their heat plume."
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Dave »

Ojofu Sector (K:12)
Admirals Board Room, Ojofu Sector Command Station


"WHAT? What did those clowns agree to?" roared Admiral Vanor.

"I said, Parliament is interested in some mothballed ultralight ships from the Centrality." said Rear Admiral Mylor.

"Ultralights! What in the Late Emperors Name are we going to do with ultralights?" said Vanor, jumping up and starting to pace the room.

Mylor shook his head, blinked and looked up. "Well, of course, they're good for patrols, interception work, customs..."

"NO, GODSDAMMIT! You saw the data from the Sussout, there's a whole whuffing base out there! It's a wonder they didn't have a shipyard built on the side of that rock! Now how in Shiva's name are we going to break the pirates' back with bloody ultralights?"

He collapsed back into a chair. "We had asked for 20 heavy destroyers. Given the new threat we suspected the pirates were presenting, we thought this would give us the heavy punch we needed. What do we get? Eight!"

"Sir, you have to realize that eight was far more than was expected for the political climate."

" 'The Political Climate' does not reflect operational reality -- we need those destroyers or we run the risk of the pirates achieving combat value parity!"

"Sir, you cannot possibly think that the pirates can amass a tonnage equal to our own!"

"No, no I don't." the admiral said, taking on the gentle tone of a teacher to a student. "I mean local parity, the ability to take on a single system or planet defense force and stand a chance of winning."

"Ah." said the 'student'. "At that point they could do raids, conduct smash-and-grabs, terrorize the local population..."

"It be a nasty stain on the Navy's record if they pulled that off." said the admiral soberly. "We need those destroyers to crash the pirates' party. And yet those penny-pinchers in Parliament want to make it up to us next year with cheap ultralights! The gall!"

He sighed.

Vanor turned to the rear admiral. "What's the timeline for this ultralight deal?"

"We would get a few ultralights -- no more than five -- to test out. I'd say we'd get them shipped over within a month or so. After that, three months of training/retrofitting -- they'd be initially designed for humans, of course, and we'd have to install and integrate our own control systems. Another four months of actual trials would just about close out the year, at which point we can make our recommendations to Congress."

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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Agent Sorchus »

The Blogosphere
Aurora Shipyard deal, Investor scam Bait?
Recent rumors abound about the apparent disturbance in the heart of the isolationist Centrality, but one constant has been reported as the location of this outburst to be the Auroran shipyards. These same shipyards have now made an offer to sell off their stock of mothballed vessels that were to be broken down. A PI in the Centrality has made me aware that in the aftermath of the disturbance the Centrality Stock Index for the shipyards dropped and has remained in a heightened state of volatility.

This move to sell the mothballs rather than break them down as is traditional isolationist policy can be seen as three important aspects for investors. First, the most consistent rumor involving Aurora is about an attack by dissidents saw some success unlike the prior rumors about an assassination attempt of the Central Fleet Hierarchy. Secondly, the CEO is actually concerned enough by events to break with tradition. And third we have the double thought, that the attack compromised the Shipyard either directly or politically, and that the Central party is prepared or preparing to break with their Isolationist policy. I do not think I need to remind the sauve investors that pay my blog visits that many of the last times that the Centrality has made moves to become less than Isolationist the EUC has moved to challenge them. War might be good for business, but for an outsider it is a horrible time to enter business or to invest.

As it is we do not at the time consider this a deal for investors.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Darkevilme »

Planet Tarlierr, Hierarchy Space
Chesska awoke grudgingly during the early morning, although early morning is a somewhat different concept for Chamarrans in comparison to humans.

“You have one incoming message marked urgent.” announces a soft automated voice from the terminal in her room.
Chesska Nyahs and uncurls from her sleeping posture “Receive.” she murmurs, yawning as a familiar human face appears on the screen. Chesska blinks “Dane it's early.” she complains, with a feline peevishness at being woken up.

“The orator is alive.” Dane says simply, no introduction, no hello, no apologies for the wake up. But simultaneously those words explained why Dane was so eager to contact her.
“Garret is-” Chesska starts to say but Dane shushes her quickly a look of panic clouding his features momentarily.
“Don't say his name on a comm transmission, not safe. But if he's alive then so are we, i'll explain more when we meet up, usual place an hour from now.”

Chesska ear flicks “An hour from now? And why do you think i'm gonna come?”
“Because we need you Chesska. You're a Chamarran and the Hierarchy doesn't watch their own as closely, you can do things we cannot.”
Chesska hesitates then nyahs softly “I'll see you in an hour Dane.”
“Glad to have you aboard Chesska, thank you.” Says Dane and hangs up.

Chesska is left thinking about how she got into the movement in the first place as she gets ready. Chesska by accident stumbling upon Garret Niles during one of his speeches, hearing him speaking of a social order not of fealty and hereditry but of equality in all fields. For a catgirl who would otherwise likely live and die at the standing she was born into, at the bottom of the Hierarchy from cradle to grave, it was appealing. It was when he saw Chesska lingering after the speech that she met Dane and was introduced to the movement. But when the crackdown from on high came Niles vanished in the night, without his way with words and coupled with the new fears of further crackdowns the movement died that night.

But Garret Niles the orator was alive so Chesska would go to the meeting with Dane today, she wondered who else would be there...

One hour later

A surprising amount of people had come the meeting as Chesska found out. And some of the multitude here were new faces, something Chesska really didn't expect.

Dane can be seen moving amidst the newcomers pressing palms and thanking people for coming all while hiding the tenseness Chesska can smell on him, he doesn't have the sheer personality Garret had but he seems to be doing okay. Once everyone is assembled Dane makes his way to the front of the room and smiles “Once again thank you for coming everyone, means a lot to me to see so many still care about the movement. Now for the news you're all probably here for, Garret Niles is alive and well in the Commune. The Hierarchy I guess decided it was better to make him an exile than a martyr. Now for reasons of safety he can't return, but I doubt he'd want us to just sit around and wait for him to get back would he?” A few headshakes are seen amidst the crowd.

“No, he would want to find that the movement was alive and well. He'd want to see us bigger and stronger than ever before. He'd want to see that far from scaring us off the Hierarchy achieved NOTHING by tossing him out.” Nods amidst the crowd along with murmurs of agreement.
“we need to show them we mean business, that we're not afraid of them anymore.” At this point Dane is interrupted by a query worded differently but from several mouths.
“How we gonna do that?”

“We're gonna get our message out to the whole city, and I already have a plan on how we're gonna do it.” says Dane and smiles as he points someone out on the edge of the crowd who seems to be recovering from being completely bald, a thin fuzz of hair on his head.
“Malcolm, show us your Solarian toys.” he says and steps aside, letting Malcolm come up and take stage with a briefcase which he opens up to reveal several datachips and a computer.
“This is a Solarian cyber-rig, you can't get anything like this in the Hierarchy let alone the implants to use it.” Malcolm reaches up and scratches at the back side of his head self consciously before continueing.
“And these” he indicates the chips “are Compint written cracking programs, they're better than the Hierarchy expects to face I reckon if the smugness of the burke who sold them to me was even a tenth justified.”
Dane takes the stage alongside Malcolm “What we're going to do is take control of the Hologrammatic screens across the city. For this to work we'll need to do a few things.
First Chesska will have to inject data from one of those chips into the primary node seen as she's the only one of us who can go to kittyville without being searched. This will allow Malcolm to distract the security watch dog while we get control of the screens. You two.” says Dane indicating a pair who look surprised “Malcolm says you're good, you're going to hack into one of the screens where you wont be watched and use that to override the system. Any questions? No, good my voice is giving out...let's go show the Hierarchy we're not afraid people.”

Across the city later that day

Security Watchdog node Aleph-twenty running.
Unauthorized access to municipal hologrammatic network detected, commencing counter intrusion measures.

Warning: Digital samurai detected, prioritizing code integrity.

Alert: data injection into Municipal hologrammatic network successful.

While the security system recovered and for several seconds every hologrammatic screen in the public spaces of the city displayed the same message, some of them in letters meters high.
“Workers of the worlds unite.
We will not be stopped.
We will not be intimidated.
We will not be silenced.
The Communist Revolution lives.”
Iduran space, enroute to colony world

for the crew of the Genesis on Demand life had changed little when they were dispatched halfway across known space to work amongst the lizards. Merril looks over at the two Idurans playing some sort of boardgame across the hall and hmms, well mostly the same. Their job still consists of a lot of waiting around babysitting equipment or ferrying it around that hasn't changed, but now they had Idurans aboard.

“Proximity alert, six contacts moving on intercept.”

Merril and the Idurans look up simultaneously and swear in their own tongues before remembering that they dont speak lizard/kittyese respectively and switching to english so they can share their displeasure.

“Fucking pirates?!”

Then a dull series of thumps is heard in the ship as the contacts latch onto Genesis's frame and start pulling it out of hyperspace.

Iduran cruiser Triumph, a distance behind the Genesis

“Genesis is in trouble sir. Sensors indicate six vessels, presumeably pirates and hyperfield strength put them in the Yacht size category.”

“And those are the only contacts on scope, there's boldness and then there's stupidity. ” Gavrah stalks down to the sensor operator's console and peers at the screen for a few moments.

“Very well then, if there's nothing else on scope then we'll capture these fools. Drop us from hyperspace and power up the guns.” Gavrah stands there considering the chances that these pirates would know some decent intel on that pirate base the higher ups were worried about, quite a stripe for him if so.

Triumph drops out of hyperspace and starts to approach to gunnery range of the Genesis, the targeting solutions already being plotted to hit the pirate vessels latched onto the flanks of the terraformer transport.

“Uh captain...” the sensor operator sounds nervous but more so than you'd expect even for addressing a senior officer. Gavrah hides his irritation but turns “What is it Ensign?”
“The pirates...aren't the only thing on scope sir.”
“Well why didn't you say that before?”
“I wasn't sure sir but this, I think it's a ship with a subspace baffle...and it's right on top of us!”

The moment the new contact dropped from hyperspace on Triumph's flank it blossomed with missile contacts streaking towards the cruiser.
“It's bigger than us sir! And we've got over a hundred missiles incoming.” the sensor ensign's tone having gone from nervousness to panic remarkably quickly.

“Give me a new firing solution on that thing gunners and open fire as soon as you have it.” says Gavrah, leaving the sensor ensign to panic alone as he turns his attention to the tactical display.

The point defence crew had taken the initiative to open fire at the sudden barrage, but the short range, surprise and weight of missiles incoming all combined to slip multiple nuclear weapons past the storm of laser fire. Triumph shuddering as its flanks are lashed with atomic burnthrough and its shields flicker for a moment or two

“Return fire!”
“We're getting interference from the nuclear detonations sir! We need more time!”
Gavrah mutters some rather lurid curses regarding the eggs the gunners were born from and keeps an eye on the tactical display. Gavrah hopes the crew of the Genesis were putting up a decent fight cause the Triumph's certainly isn't.

The Genesis on Demand

Merril whimpers, ears flat against her head as she cowers behind the console and clutches her p-pistol hard enough to whiten her knuckles, able to see through a narrow slice framed by the console's flank and the door frame the bloody heap of one of the Idurans who were in the other room earlier, able to hear the one who did it still voluminously swearing.

Suddenly there's a noise right on the other side of the console and Merril's heart races in panic..what do I do what do I ...She pants and then bounds upwards, whirling to face the pirate and bring her gun to bear and drill him full of holes. That's how she saw it in her head, it went slightly differently however.

The pirate it turned out was closer than she thought and a lot quicker than he had any right to be, grabbing her wrist as she brings her gun around and holding the weapon away from himself, grinning viciously and giving her a taste of his breath before jabbing her with something that stung. Merril promptly collapsed with a myah, the last thing she heard before losing consciousness entirely being the pirate talking with someone else “I hear they pay good money for kitties these days.”

“She's a pretty one though, do they gotta be pristeen?”
“You always were a pervert Darve.”
and as Merril's eyes close the last thing she hears is thick laughter.

The two ships opened fire within seconds of eachother, particle beams and kinetic shells filling the space between them as the pirate war barge and Iduran cruiser battled for supremacy.

“Damage report!” Gavrah shouts as the ship shakes yet again.

“Decks 4 and 5 in sector G are open to space captain, power feed to turret 7 is damaged but we're rerouting now.”

“And our opponent?”

“Uncertain sir, we're getting through their shields pretty often but they seem to have a lot more armour than you'd expect..either that or most of that ship is depressurized already.”

“Continue firing, try and get in range of the Genesis.”

“Captain! The pirates have just detached from the Genesis..the genesis and all pirate vessels are powering up hyperdrives!”

“Damnit, launch all missiles at the Genesis aiming for its drives. We will not lose that terraformer!”

On command dozens of missiles spewed forth from the bow of the Triumph, streaking over to try and stop the Genesis from engaging its hyperdrive. Meanwhile the fight continues though onesidedly as the pirate war barge stops firing in order to spin up their hyperdrives.

Gavrah watches the missiles on the tactical display with a growing fear, how would it look to say he lost the Chamarran terraformer to pirates...he'd be lucky if they let him captain a tugboat. ...

When the Genesis winked with the missiles a mere handful of kilometers awayand took his career with it Gavrah's cry of anguish was heard two decks away.
STGOD SDNW4 player. Chamarran Hierarchy Catgirls in space!
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Siege »

Uninhabited system
Mejis Sector, outskirts of Sovereignty space


The Heart of Gold nosed silently into the orbit of one of the border system’s minor outer planets. It was an iceball so insignificant it didn’t even rate a name, so insignificant in fact that its owner, a middle-sized interstellar resource extraction company headquartered on Alpha Centauri, hadn't bothered to actually do anything with its property in over three centuries.

Curiously enough, the same was true for every other planetoid in the system, as well as for the three nearest neighboring systems. Everything in the immediate region had been explored, tagged, cataloged and sold over five centuries ago, but none of the owners had ever deigned to show up.

This, of course, was not unprecedented. Quite frequently entire worlds and systems were bought and sold by large mining companies in bulk deals that left whole planets untouched for exceptionally long periods of time. One did not, after all, buy an entire world on a whim – in the 3rd millennium resource extraction was a patient man's game, investments were solely long-term propositions, and company business-plans could correspondingly span centuries.

Granted, the odds that none of several dozen corporations would ever show up to do anything with four systems worth of property in five hundred years were long... But then it was a big galaxy, so the odds were bound to be beaten every once in a while. And besides, what other explanation was there? That someone had orchestrated the purchase of an entire patch of space through dozens of companies over the span of several centuries? What possible reason could anyone have to do that?

On the bridge of the Heart of Gold, Sidney Hank smiled. What reason, indeed.


At the time of its construction the luxury yacht had been one of the largest private ships ever built by its owner, Ferrari Drive Yards. That company had long since gone bankrupt however, and the ship was an ancient relic by most standards. Unlike more modern Sovereignty designs it still employed a traditional neutron-ion reaction drive but it, like the rest of the Heart of Gold had been extensively modified over its long seven hundred years of service. Those modifications were the reason it was still space-worthy after all this time, and the fact that its owner had chosen to go through with them instead of just buying a new ship betrayed a mind of some sentimentality and almost infinite patience

But then, it wasn't hard to be patient if you were immortal.

Unfortunately not everyone was as patient as Sidney, as evidenced by the noisy harrumphing of Jason Chandra. The mercenary had crossed his arms and was looking out the wall-sized window of the sleekly furnished bridge with an unimpressed look on his face. Sidney smiled at him. “Anything the matter, Mr. Chandra?”

“Actually yes,” the tattoo-festooned mercenary replied. “You still haven't told us why you're taking us into the middle of the boonies on this anachronistic rustbucket of a ship.”

“The Heart of Gold is most emphatically not a rustbucket,” Sidney frowned. “She is an elegant ship for a more civilized age. And you're here because I want to show you something.”

The 'you' he was talking about was not just Chandra, but to the Wild Geese as a whole. They were a handful of hand-picked men and women, recruited as much for their exceptional skills as their absolute trustworthiness. Officially mercenaries, most of them had been in Sidney’s employ for over a decade. They had proven themselves to be dependable to a fault, which was why he was taking them out to see something only a handful of people in the galaxy had any knowledge of.

Sirocco Montague brushed a lock of raven hair out of her eye and raised an eyebrow at him. “What could possibly be here that's worth showing to us?”

He felt the familiar, playful brush of her telepathy slide off his mental defenses. Sidney smirked a little. He had more than enough high-end gear stuck in his head to make him impossible to read and damned near impervious to forceful mental breaking-and-entering, something the psion knew very well, but Sirocco liked to remind him of her abilities all the same. “Well, then allow me to demonstrate,” he said and strolled over to the bridge's primary command console, a sophisticated computer with sleek, dark wood paneling, and brought up a hologrammatic view of the surrounding system. The sophisticated sensor suite of the luxurious space-yacht could detect no sign that anyone had ever set foot on this barren rock, much less that a settlement had ever been constructed. The ship's controlling intelligence – yet another of Dionysus' cloned imprints – had settled the yacht into an elliptical orbit, where it had waited until its sensors had determined that no-one had followed them here.

Sidney walked his fingers across the ship's command console – designed and built in the days before the ubiquity of man-machine interfaces – and told the ship to pulse an active transmission on a specific, prearranged data-channel.

The reaction came nearly instantaneously. The bridge of the Heart of Gold lit up with warnings as its threat detection systems picked up the first pulses of ground to orbit targeting TADAR, yet simultaneously failed to detect their point of origin. Then tight-beam transmission – again from a seemingly undetectable source – struck the ship, tersely demanding identification codes. The transmission didn't specify the implication of failure to provide the correct codes – however the targeting beams had made those consequences abundantly clear.

Smiling at the way the mercenaries clutched their gear, surprised by the sudden threat, Sidney put another command into the computer and pulsed the identification code demanded of him. The targeting beams disappeared as suddenly as they had come, and instead a set of coordinates scrolled across the hologrammatic screens. The Heart of Gold lit its engines and left its orbit to swoop down toward the planetary surface.

The icy ground in all its cratered glory drew nearer and nearer as the ship descended and still there was no sign of civilization or any kind of habitation at all right until, at some point only a few dozen kilometers from the ground, it seemed as if the Heart of Gold passed through a set of curtains. As their ship slid through the dense scatterscreens the handful of people on the bridge were treated to their first sighting of the vast facility that rose from the planetary surface.


The construct mushroomed through the thin and icy atmosphere and off into space, a bewildering tumble of hab-domes, sensor pods, force field projectors, landing pads and various high-tech protrusions that a layman could only guess the function of. Small drones flickered around the facility, and none of the mercenaries missed the heavy autolaser batteries that tracked their descent toward one of the landing bays. They remained silent however, and the Heart of Gold finally slid into a docking bay several hundred meters from the ground. Tremors passed through the hull as docking clamps engaged and electrical cables automatically attached themselves to the proper ports in the ship's hull. Sidney turned toward the handful of mercenaries, beaming. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he said. “Welcome to the Grid Works.”
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
There'll be a bodycount, we're gonna watch it rise
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Force Lord »

Steve wrote:
Force Lord wrote: "And someone tell Tardis that we're leaving the Outback!"

The Datton's engines came alive, and soon the ship lurched itself out the ground and speeded as much as possible into space.

Forg hoped that the Anglian cruiser hadn't detected them again...

Results: The Datton makes a run for it. Can it escape? Or will the Coalition catch it?
HMS Challenger

They had lost the signal of the cloaked ship in the plumes of heat from the detonating atomic warheads, but Parkins was not about to give up easily. She scanned closely, looking for that power signature again - hoping they had not fixed their cloak or that the planet's electromagnetic field wouldn't mask it with the ship now in atmosphere or on land - as the minutes passed by and Challenger finished eradicating the Pendletonian missile batteries, both atmosphere-only and orbital-capable missiles trying and failing to hit them through the point defense they and nearby ships had.

She finally found something, a brief but powerful energy surge, consistent with a max power hypercom transmission sufficient to cut through the shoals and to ships at or around Bannerman. It was Lieutenant McNeal who spoke up before she did. "We've detected a high-energy hypercom transmission emanating from the planet," he said.

"Sensors?', Shetty asked.

"I confirm."

"That must be them. Begin dispersed bombardment until we see some sign of them, even if they're practicing velocity control it will limit the potential area they're in, and if they're not we should be able to find their heat plume."
CNS Govard, Centralist 5th Fleet
Near the Outback, Deep Space
Unreal Time

"Admiral, the Datton has sent a coded message. It says that it has finished it's mission and it's making it's escape. Unfortunately, it is still pursued by an Anglian cruiser."

"Damn it. Even if Forg evades that ship he still has the Blockade Fleet to worry about!"

Tardis decided that it was time for the Centrality to reveal its hand at last.

"Where is the Commodore headed?"

"He's trying to make a beeline to our location, sir. And sir, Kordis is still inside the Outback."

I guess this is our only chance to tell the truth, if not completely. "Send a message to Kordis. Tell him to go back to the Bannerman side of the Gap with his entire force, and hail the fleet there. He will then tell them the reason for our prescence in as little detail as possible, and stay there until he knows of the Datton's fate."

"Sir, are we going to reveal our mission?!", the messager's face was one of pure shock.

"It's the only way we can get the Datton back safely, short of triggering a major war. Besides, Forg knows that if he can't get back, he'll self-destruct his ship. Better a ship destroyed with all hands dead than a captured vessel with all its personnel."

"What about the President?"

Tardis sighed. "I'll...explain it to him." He doubted it was enough.

CNS Angom, Task Force 7
B-A Gap, The Outback

Vice-Admiral Guring Kordis was baffled by the new orders sent to him by Tardis. He was basically told to go back and tell the truth, vaguely anyway.

His mind was troubled by this turn of events. Did this mean the Datton was permanently compromised? Was it captured already?

Kordis knew what it meant. Forg was in trouble, which meant that Tardis would be in trouble too. And if Tardis was in problems, then Kordis himself would be in deep shit.

This plan is bound to fail, he thought. But it was the only plan they had.

Pleading for mercy.

Steeling his resolve, he ordered his force to stop and return to their previous position in Bannerman. They needed to reach there and tell their intentions to the Coalition before everything went to hell...
An inhabitant from the Island of Cars.
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

[This post brought to you by Goddamn Unreal TimeTM.]

Aya Hirano class frigate HSS Rie Kugimiya
En route to intercept

The stoic expression on Captain Marta Kujikawa's face belied the fact that she was on the verge of suffering a mental breakdown. Despite the fact that the chief navigator during the previous shift was the one who had failed to correct for the difference between Coalition Standard and Hyogo Planetary Time when plotting the course, Captain Kujikawa felt that she was responsible for all of her crew's failings, and when the gravity of the situation finally settled in, she took it much harder than most other people would have. As far as she was concerned, even with the hyperdrive going at full emergency power, there was always the possibility that the Umerian forces and the Hiigaran reinforcements attempting to hold the line would be annihilated and the Pendletonian frigate long gone by the time Rie Kugimiya finally reached the interception point.

For all her attempts to keep her composure, however, Captain Kujikawa wasn't fooling anybody, least of all her XO, Commander Yuji Hiraga. "Please get ahold of yourself, Captain," Commander Hiraga admonished her in as polite a manner as he could manage. "It bears repeating that this wasn't your fault. We're all at the limits of our endurance here trying to keep watch for the damned slavers trying to run away. Some of us were bound to give in to fatigue sooner or later."

"I know that," Captain Kujikawa replied through clenched teeth, the last vestiges of her façade starting to break down as she spoke. "Maybe it hasn't occured to you, Commander, that we're not being sent after some stupid inbred yokel smugglers trying to run the blockade. That's an actual, honest-to-Haruhi Pendletonian warship out there! Those Umerian cutters out there won't be able to hold the line forever! We wouldn't be in this damn situation if it wasn't for my negligience! I should've reminded the navigator to adjust for Coalition Standard Time..."

Captain Kujikawa's outburst gradually trailed off into muttering about her many supposed failures as a ship captain. Commander Hiraga simply heaved a sigh as he tried to tune out his superior's ranting. Minutes passed, though they might as well have been millenia to the Haruhiist frigate's crew as they raced to the intercept point, hoping that the Umerians and the Hiigaran reinforcements would still be putting up a fight and trying to keep the Pendletonian ship in realspace long enough for Kugimiya to demolish it with its missiles. Finally, the navigator serving on the current shift spoke up: "We'll be at the intercept point in two minutes! Your orders, Captain?"

By this point, Captain Kujikawa had fallen into an almost-catatonic silence. Her mind was overwhelmed, thinking about all the lost time, all the innocent lives thrown away pointlessly just to take down this one slaver warship, just because she had forgotten that there was a difference of only twenty-five minutes between Coalition Standard and Hyogo Planetary Time. What would she tell Rear Admiral Paktu during debriefing? What would she tell her superiors back on Hyogo in the mission report? What would she tell the families of those Umerian and Hiigaran pilots and sailors whose sacrifices would have been easily prevented? In her self-imposed fugue, she could faintly make out the voice of Commander Hiraga calling out to her, repeatedly telling her to snap out of it and give orders in increasingly firmer and harsher tones. Finally, her otherwise-faithful XO finally snapped and went right for the jugular: "Do you want the blood of additional Coalition sailors on your hands?! They need you just as much as we do! Command us, or I will personally relieve you of command, Captain Kujikawa!"

Commander Hiraga's words must have shook something loose in Captain Kujikawa's head, as she quickly got herself out of her fugue and back into the fight, where she belonged. She took in a deep breath, then started rattling off orders as any able starship captain could. "Emergency brake as soon as we emerge from hyperspace. Redirect as much power as possible to shields and weapons. Set CIWS to auto-targeting. Seize the hostile ship with a tractor beam, then unload the missile battery and follow up with a salvo from our heavy lasers. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am!" the various bridge officers called out in response, many of them visibly glad that their captain was now with them again.

Kugimiya dropped out of hyperspace into the aftermath of the fight between the Pendletonian frigate Magnolia, the Umerian cutters that had sent to set up the intercept, and the Hiigaran bombers that had been redirected to assist when it became clear that the Haruhiist ship would not make it on time. While the actual outcome of the battle was nowhere near as grim as Captain Kujikawa had predicted, the losses suffered by the Umerians and Hiigarans were certainly not trivial either; the captain had no time to fret about it further, though, as she and her crew had a battle to win.

Magnolia was attempting to flee to hyperspace when Kugimiya showed up, but Kugimiya would have none of that, as the enemy frigate soon found itself snagged by a high-power tractor beam. As the slaver ship attempted to break free of its new shackles, it attempted to retaliate against the Haruhiist frigate by firing off cadence lances, which did precisely nothing against Kugimiya's shields other than making a pretty light show. Captain Kujikawa actually laughed at this pitiful attempt at defiance. "Cadence lances? You're kidding me, right?"

Magnolia then opened fire with its remaining railgun battery, which had the same effect as the previous cadence lance barrage; Kugimiya's point defense guns all converged on the incoming shells and blew them all to bits, leaving the fragments to disintegrate against the frigate's shields. "So, that's your last hurrah, then?" Captain Kujikawa sneered, her despair now turning to pure, unbridled rage. "So be it. You'll pay for all the Umerian and Hiigaran lives you took today, you slaver scum!" She rose from her seat, now fully in the grip of her anger. "Fire, fire, FIRE! Slag the motherfucking slavers!"

Captain Kujikawa's fury was unleashed in the form of a barrage of missiles from Kugimiya's primary battery. With Magnolia's own point defenses more or less wiped out by the previous Hiigaran attack, the Haruhiist barrage struck true, rapidly tearing down the Pendletonian ship's shields before proceeding to tear down the rest of its superstructure; after merely two waves of capital-grade missile fire, Magnolia was reduced to a blind and defenseless hulk of half-melted and half-cracked metal, barely able to move under its own power. Its suffering would not end just yet, though; precisely as Captain Kujikawa had ordered, Kugimiya followed up with a laser salvo, burning through the slaver ship's now-useless armor to destroy any remaining systems, such as its reactors and realspace engines. When the savage assault had finally concluded, Magnolia had been reduced even further to a blind, defenseless, and immobile hulk of completely melted metal.

After giving the order to cease fire, Captain Kujikawa collapsed back into her seat, seemingly exhausted by the entire ordeal. "Put me through to the lead Umerian cutter," she ordered the chief signals officer.

"Aye aye, ma'am," the signals officer responded as he tuned the hyperwave transmitter to the Umerian contingent's frequency.

"Bravo Leader, this is HSS Rie Kugimiya actual. We have neutralized the target. Do you copy?"

"Kugimiya, this... this is Bravo Leader; I copy. Better... better late than never, ma'am," the de facto Umerian squadron leader, Lieutenant Commander Audrey Cardwell, replied.

"For what it's worth, Bravo Leader, I apologize for my tardiness," Captain Kujikawa said. "I know that nothing will bring back that lost time or your lost comrades, and I do wish that I had gotten here sooner, but... we all did the best that we could given the circumstances."

With that, Captain Kujikawa closed off the hyperwave channel and heaved a heavy sigh. "Perhaps it was better that a few died now destroying the slaver scum right here and now, than to have many more die later due to the scum getting away to continue their hopeless fight. Sacrifice a few to save the many, as it were. Still, if only we had actually shown up on time..."

"Please stop beating yourself up over it, Captain," Commander Hiraga said. "You said it yourself. We all did the best we could, and in the end, that's all that matters."
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

"d-did... did this thread just turn into Thanas/PeZook slash fiction?" - Ilya Muromets[/size]
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Re: SDNW4 Story Thread 1

Post by Setzer »

Darkevilme wrote:
Setzer wrote:"If you let us know what forces you're assigning to the task, I'll relay the message to the War Ministry. It'll make good press, and I'm certain the military won't mind getting more combat experience."
Tia smiles in amusement “We do not predict serious opposition. Though we will be partially mobilizing 6th battlegroup for operation. As a result we would appreciate any light or mid weight elements the Sovereignty could spare.”

Code: Select all

 Chamarran commitment:
World 1:  3 predator cruisers, 1 dominion class carrier, 2 waywards.
World 2: 3 predator cruisers, 1 dominion class carrier, 2 waywards.
World 3: 2 predator cruisers, 1 rampant class battleship, 2 waywards.
"We can commit an equal number of frigates. The Navy will decide if it wants to field any larger warships."