SourceCocky Coalition has costed just 1% of policy promises
BETWEEN them, Tony Abbott and Nationals leader Warren Truss announced three new measures at yesterday's Coalition policy launch. But none of them were costed, and one was not even fleshed out.
It's a measure of the Coalition's confidence that it no longer feels obliged to spell out what its policies will cost, or how they will be funded. Its campaign is going like a dream; everyone's focus is on Labor divisions. Why rock the boat?
With four days left before the deadline for submitting policies for costing, the Coalition's running tally of new spending measures and tax cuts is almost $40 billion.
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Yet just six measures totalling $288 million - less than 1 per cent of that - have been sent for costing.
Its three initiatives yesterday had no costing at all. They included:
■ relaxing the work test for rural students to receive the youth allowance, which Labor costed at up to $270 million over four years.
■ a breathtaking yet unspecified proposal to offer guaranteed jobs to ''young indigenous people and others trapped in intergenerational poverty'' if they give up their rights to welfare payments.
■ the offer to reimburse householders for inspections - and if necessary, removal - of Pink Batts installed under Labor's home insulation program. Opposition environment spokesman Greg Hunt said this could be funded within the existing program. Well, with respect, that depends how many people use it, and how many Pink Batts need to be removed.
Meanwhile, Treasurer Wayne Swan announced:
■ the cost of a passport will be increased by $18 from January 1, from $208 to $226, and be indexed annually thereafter for inflation (raising $193 million over the next four years)
■ the Tax Office will get more resources to pursue tax fraud, especially by businessmen setting up 'phoenix' companies - letting one business die with unpaid debts, then starting up a new one.
It's really fucking unbelievable how much conservatives get a free ride in the media when it comes to the economy. The Coalition's spending promises and tax cuts total almost $40 BILLION. Tony has so far has flat out refused to say where the this money is supposedly coming from and he has ruled out tax rises (Apparently his company tax hike is "Temporary").
At the same time he claims he can pay back the debt faster* but refuses to commit to a timeline or explain why it will paid back faster. Unbelievable.
There has barely been a murmur in the media about this gigantic discrepancy. This is not even on the front page. I don't think I have ever seen such soft treatment for a politician ever in my entire life in Australia. Even for a cynic like myself, I'm fucking shocked.
*For those of you who don't know, Australia went into debt during the height of the recession (Stimulus spending, declining revenue, etc). However, the budget is set to swing into surplus in a few years. We are one of the few countries to emerge relatively unscathed from the GFC.