Another round up of hysteria over the
"Ground Zero Mosque!!!"

That last one there... That wholeheartedly encapsulates the true emotions the far right feel right now... It isn't just that Evil Muslim Terroists are building a "Mosque" on "ground zero". it is that they, as always, live in
Fear that the act of opposing such horrors will in turn open themselves as targets. That at any moment a group of Liberal "Gestapo" will crash through the door and whisk you all away to evil Liberal Concentration camps.
Also, there is of course the "Help Im being oppressed" aspect of this.
How many 'cartoons' have we see that play to this? Of the moment anyone stands up, and begins to call out the Far right for what they truly are, racists, bigots, homophobes, that we see a slew of "cartoons" mocking the very notion of calling them on this. How many cartoons of the angry black thug calling the helpless innocent tea party bad names? Or off the mad, mindless Liberal calling everything he sees names and good Americans just rolling their eyes. That when people stand up and again and again call your side "Racists, Bigots, Homophobes' that maybe, JUST maybe there is a
Reason why they do this...
[End Rant]
Ok, Lets do a Chuck,

One of Chucks Staples is his "NEWS ITEM!" cartoons. he hears about something, gets all indignant about it, and then usually concocts some utterly half-backed strawman/slippery slope cartoon indicating his 'view point'
Now as we all Chuck is a rabid fundi. This was the man who the night after Obama's election drew the now infamous
"Open the Bloodgates!' And it is well known his opinions on sex. Here we see his natural ZOMG!!! reaction to a sensible situation, passing out condoms and contraceptives, met with his standard "Evil Liberals infecting good American Families!"
And finally we have this

Why do I consider this TERRIBLE? Purely for the implication that McCain was only "acting" conservative for the Arizona primaries (which he won handily).
There very idea that there are those in the Right Wing who
still see McCain as "Too Liberal" or a 'RINO' as enough to churn my stomach.