Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Norade »

Agent Sorchus wrote:I wouldn't totally worry about it, He is in Death Watch now. Besides, despite not liking psychers Black Templars will still work with them if it is absolutely, totally necessary. And hey it is the 13 Black Crusade, not exactly a time for people to be too picky about these things.
Kheitain, Tyreal, and myself know each other IRL and we've been hashing things out via MSN all day so no worries, we're just trying to find a fluffy way for us all to get what we want and work together still. Me being Grey Knight certified and, thanks to lucky rolls, not having a single point of corruption or insanity makes me pretty easy to work with.
Agent Sorchus wrote:Huh, that would be odd for a Black Templar to be serving with a Rouge Trader. Not impossible but just odd.
The way we worked it he was part of a mission to help a world at the edge the crusade and him and his squad were on route when their Gellar field failed and only he survived in the drifting hulk. Our ship rescued him and he had a vision that he would do things of great importance aboard our ship so he stayed aboard. With the way the BT work he could be allowed to undertake his personal quest and thus he has served with the ship for years and has in his travels had the opportunity to do much good for the Emperor while remaining loyal to those who saved his life.
Zinegata wrote:Ergh, my intent is that all Space Marines in the campaign be Death Watch as it's a little hard to justify a Space Marine operating all alone away from his Chapter.

Please elaborate how you plan to have a Space Marine privateer.
See above, but also the BT are much more individualistic than most chapters and they tend to respect visions handed down from the Emperor.
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Zinegata »

Ok. So Tyrael thinks he got handed a personal Crusade from the Emperor. That works fluff-wise but it may cause some people to raise eyebrows.

Still, that means your ship had probably not engaged in privteering Imperium ships, only Xenos or Chaos ones.
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Agent Sorchus »

Norade wrote:
Agent Sorchus wrote:Huh, that would be odd for a Black Templar to be serving with a Rouge Trader. Not impossible but just odd.
The way we worked it he was part of a mission to help a world at the edge the crusade and him and his squad were on route when their Gellar field failed and only he survived in the drifting hulk. Our ship rescued him and he had a vision that he would do things of great importance aboard our ship so he stayed aboard. With the way the BT work he could be allowed to undertake his personal quest and thus he has served with the ship for years and has in his travels had the opportunity to do much good for the Emperor while remaining loyal to those who saved his life.
Another way to roll with it is that he is freshly transferring to Death Watch, and the Rouge Trader as a friend of the Inquisition lent his ship to the purpose. Of course since Rouge Traders might not take the most direct route he has been aboard the ship for a while, and has gotten used to the crew.

This would keep Zinegata happy and it is easier to roll with the Death Watch training that comes with the Assault Marine package.
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Kheitain »

Tyrel is still in Mod Limbo.

His tentative backstory is that the ship he was on suffered Gellar Field failure and he was the only survivor when my ship came across him. He signed on with my crew initially out of a life debt, since then he has been promoted to Quartermaster and has been serving (at least in his mind) to further the cause of the emperor.

Of course our principle prey will be enemies of the Imperium, no point in stirring the pot too much. Should there be a trade vessel or Imperial ship operating without a proper escort then I would have lied to him, telling him that I recognised the ship as traitorous/excommunicae/heretic vessel. Having a Black Templar Marine declare such a vessel so would make it pretty much so, and no one will put a zealous privateer on trial over a bunch of dead men declared heretics. With the amount of time it takes information to make it through the Imperial bureaucracy by the time anyone hears about these vessels being missing they'll have also heard of their supposed crimes.

Should my lies not be enough for the few zealots on my ship, my helmsman happens to secretly be a psyker and can implant false memories of hearsay into them. "Oh yeah, I remember hearing about 'The Emperor's Revenge' they supposedly suffered a warp intrusion..."

It's a lie becoming truth through force, the way of the Imperium. I'm playing a savvy rogue of a character who can be whatever opportunity dictates.
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Norade »

Agent Sorchus wrote:
Norade wrote:
Agent Sorchus wrote:Huh, that would be odd for a Black Templar to be serving with a Rouge Trader. Not impossible but just odd.
The way we worked it he was part of a mission to help a world at the edge the crusade and him and his squad were on route when their Gellar field failed and only he survived in the drifting hulk. Our ship rescued him and he had a vision that he would do things of great importance aboard our ship so he stayed aboard. With the way the BT work he could be allowed to undertake his personal quest and thus he has served with the ship for years and has in his travels had the opportunity to do much good for the Emperor while remaining loyal to those who saved his life.
Another way to roll with it is that he is freshly transferring to Death Watch, and the Rouge Trader as a friend of the Inquisition lent his ship to the purpose. Of course since Rouge Traders might not take the most direct route he has been aboard the ship for a while, and has gotten used to the crew.

This would keep Zinegata happy and it is easier to roll with the Death Watch training that comes with the Assault Marine package.
The main issue is that Tyreal doesn't really want to play Death Watch and given his favored chapter he doesn't need to. The Black Templar are known for not following the codex and having visions from the Emperor. He's gone to bed now, but he was wanting to change out his knowledge of the Codex for another skill.
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Kheitain »

I think having a rich backstory tying the characters together is a useful tool for the GM. In this case if my lies are ever uncovered I'll be burned as a traitor and a heretic. Just like the romanticised pirates of old I'm skirting the edge of disaster.

I'll have taken this job for the Imperium not just for the money, but to lend credence to all the other lies and excuses I've made for my conduct in the past. Should the Inquisition investigate me too closely I'll have to take drastic measures, or corrupt them, which could make for a very interesting game after we investigate the space hulks. Either with our lady the Inquisitor surviving and coming after me herself, or our continued service. 8)

It's all deliciously convoluted :twisted:
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Zinegata »

Well, in the books the Imperium is often held together by little pieces of tape, a smattering of trust, and the very real threat of utter annihilation unless everybody works togethe to keep the Necrons/'nids/Chaos Gods/whatever from eating them.

The last part is my job :D.
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Kheitain »

So our backstory is good with you then? I know it's a touch odd but it does make for some good rping later on, and opens up limitless opportunities for you to base anything off a character you like. Hell if Tyrel ever finds out what I've been up to these past few years I'm going to have a very, very angry Assault Marine on my bridge, likely with a sizeable portion of our boarding parties loyal to him.

You could have everything from a divided party interstellar chase to a Tzeentchian corruption inside the ship, to even continued *good* relations between the whole crew.

Tzeentch or Slaanesh largely because if I were to fall to chaos (which in the future if Zinegata decides would be a good idea) it would be to gain better powers of persuation. Of course, other peoples rage at my trickery may well push them towards Khorne... :twisted:
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Zwinmar »

If you guys are ok with it, and since we have another assault marine, i was thinking of making a rogue trader (picked up the book).
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Serafina »

Well, it seems that we fundamentally disagree on the role of a Light cruiser - i rather think it's a fast anti-escort ship and any imperial captain would love to have one with equal speed to its prey.

Reliquary of Mars is fine by my if you really want that. But i suggest that we start with full weapons and exchange any cargo hold for a Lance Battery. Because you do not NEED a cargo hold for trade missions, you just get a bonus if you have one. And our first mission is much more likely to be a combat rather than a trade mission.
Furthermore it will be rather easy to get a refit for a compartmentalized caro hold - it only costs 1 shippoint and is a structural part, hence it only has an availability of scarce. A lance weapon on the other hand has a availability of -40 (between extremely rare and near unique). A big difference.

Stoic is still right out ofr me, that ship would cost us a lot of profit points. Resolute is so-so - it will make it very hard to catch good prey and will make us barely faster than a cruiser.
Thus, i am still in favor of Wrothful, since a speed bonus is just something you can not get any other way.

Huh, that would be odd for a Black Templar to be serving with a Rouge Trader. Not impossible but just odd.
Given that they are part of the Death Watch, that hardly matters - that is explanation enough.
But actually it is extremely unlikely that they are there due to me - another Inquisitor must have sent them. Which essentially gives us three teams on board of that ship
-Me and my inquisitorial staff
-The Death Watch
-The Rogue Traders
of course, you do not want them to be part of the Death Watch, which i find extremely odd. Even if your "i rescued them" is true they would not exactly "serve with you". If you want, you rescued them and i convinced them to stay.

Actually, I'm just going to say that instead of being taken by the black ships I was deemed pure by the Grey Knights but was deemed unsuitable for their ranks due to reasons other than purity. The only psykers that a Black Templar will work with are Grey Knights so I figured that would best allow me to get along as well as possible with everybody on the ship.
Sorry, but...i think that doesn't work. And REALLY doesn't work, because they Grey Knights do not reject recruits like that. If you fail, you are dead. And what's wrong with being sanctioned on Terra?

And remember that the Black Templars do not have to like you or me (given that i am psychic as well). They just have to work with us.
Sororitas aren't necessarily anti-Pskyer, but they are faith-based as opposed to psyker-based.
Actually, my character is both. Which is an important part of her background - basically, the Sororitas (and herself) were foolded during their screening by another power, and so they had a Sororitas with latent psychic talent.
She is officially no more a Sororitas, but she earned their respect back despite that "taint". It's a long, complicated story that is kept secret. If your character has means to get some information about it, PM me and i will reveal some.

All right, here's my character. I still have 750 EXP out of 13k to spend and the 500XP for Rank 9. Any suggestions on what weapon skills or switches I should do in this quest?
My proposals:
-Throw out your climb and dodge skill unless they are required for a talent.. Spend your 500 XP on "Athletic Mastery" which gives you those two and also acrobatics, contortionist and swim - all at +20.
That saves you at least an additional 900 XP to spend on your initial career.
I would also drop Heighented Senses (Smell), it's not really useful. That's another 200 saved XP-

From those 1850 XP i would take:
-Fearless (200): Very important, always a must if one can have it. Actually doesn't cost you anything, since you can replace Nerves of Steel with it (which is obsolted by it).
-Sharpshooter (200): Also works with your Hellgun. No penaly for called shots is great - take a half-action to aim and use single-shot to eleminate your enemies with deadly precision.
-Mighty shot (100): Extremely important! +2 Damage is an enormous advantage in this game
-Melee Weapon Training (Power) (100) - if you go into close combat, at least do it with good weapon. And it's cheap.
-Blademaster (100): An additional parry is very useful.
-Hard Target (100): And so in an additional dodge, if not more.
That leaves you with an additional 1250 XP to spend - i would spend it on attributes.
-Tougness Advance 1 (250)
-Tougness Advance 2 (500)
-Agility Advance 2 (500)

Apparently, you also forgot to inlcude your Ascension Package.
Stormtrooper Training gives you +3 WS, +3 BS, +5 Strenght and -10 Fellowsip. Generally, you can use all of those, so i would take it.
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Zinegata »

Zwinmar wrote:If you guys are ok with it, and since we have another assault marine, i was thinking of making a rogue trader (picked up the book).
This is the reason why I said complete the mini-campaign first and let's look at long-term arrangemets >_>.

We already have a Rogue Trader, but I suppose for a mission this big a second Rogue Trader ship isn't out of the question. What sort of Rogue Trader do you have in mind?
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Zinegata »

Kheitain wrote:So our backstory is good with you then? I know it's a touch odd but it does make for some good rping later on, and opens up limitless opportunities for you to base anything off a character you like. Hell if Tyrel ever finds out what I've been up to these past few years I'm going to have a very, very angry Assault Marine on my bridge, likely with a sizeable portion of our boarding parties loyal to him.
It's an acceptable backstory. Just run away very quickly if you meet a sizeable number of Black Templars and they figure out your game plan.

Pissing off the biggest Space Marine chapter in the galaxy is bad for your health :P
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Zinegata »

Serafina wrote:
All right, here's my character. I still have 750 EXP out of 13k to spend and the 500XP for Rank 9. Any suggestions on what weapon skills or switches I should do in this quest?
My proposals:
-Throw out your climb and dodge skill unless they are required for a talent.. Spend your 500 XP on "Athletic Mastery" which gives you those two and also acrobatics, contortionist and swim - all at +20.
That saves you at least an additional 900 XP to spend on your initial career.
I would also drop Heighented Senses (Smell), it's not really useful. That's another 200 saved XP-

From those 1850 XP i would take:
-Fearless (200): Very important, always a must if one can have it. Actually doesn't cost you anything, since you can replace Nerves of Steel with it (which is obsolted by it).
-Sharpshooter (200): Also works with your Hellgun. No penaly for called shots is great - take a half-action to aim and use single-shot to eleminate your enemies with deadly precision.
-Mighty shot (100): Extremely important! +2 Damage is an enormous advantage in this game
-Melee Weapon Training (Power) (100) - if you go into close combat, at least do it with good weapon. And it's cheap.
-Blademaster (100): An additional parry is very useful.
-Hard Target (100): And so in an additional dodge, if not more.
That leaves you with an additional 1250 XP to spend - i would spend it on attributes.
-Tougness Advance 1 (250)
-Tougness Advance 2 (500)
-Agility Advance 2 (500)

Apparently, you also forgot to inlcude your Ascension Package.
Stormtrooper Training gives you +3 WS, +3 BS, +5 Strenght and -10 Fellowsip. Generally, you can use all of those, so i would take it.
I just reviewed your sheets and I would highly recommend the talents Serafina outlined, Soontir. Also, definitely get more Wounds. 10 is somewht low for this level.
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Soontir C'boath »

Norade wrote:Soontir, you should get some extra wounds. 10 wounds is nothing.
Hm, I was following what it said in Ascension and it only said it can be no more than 25. I assume there's a exp buy-in to increase it?
Serafina wrote:My proposals:
-Throw out your climb and dodge skill unless they are required for a talent.. Spend your 500 XP on "Athletic Mastery" which gives you those two and also acrobatics, contortionist and swim - all at +20. That saves you at least an additional 900 XP to spend on your initial career.
Serafina wrote:I would also drop Heighented Senses (Smell), it's not really useful. That's another 200 saved XP-
All right and I guess I wouldn't need a heightened sense to smell taint any more than I need to. :lol:
From those 1850 XP i would take:
-Fearless (200): Very important, always a must if one can have it. Actually doesn't cost you anything, since you can replace Nerves of Steel with it (which is obsolted by it).
-Sharpshooter (200): Also works with your Hellgun. No penaly for called shots is great - take a half-action to aim and use single-shot to eleminate your enemies with deadly precision.
-Mighty shot (100): Extremely important! +2 Damage is an enormous advantage in this game
-Melee Weapon Training (Power) (100) - if you go into close combat, at least do it with good weapon. And it's cheap.
-Blademaster (100): An additional parry is very useful.
-Hard Target (100): And so in an additional dodge, if not more.
That leaves you with an additional 1250 XP to spend - i would spend it on attributes.
-Tougness Advance 1 (250)
-Tougness Advance 2 (500)
-Agility Advance 2 (500)
Awesome, I'll reign those in.
Apparently, you also forgot to inlcude your Ascension Package.
Stormtrooper Training gives you +3 WS, +3 BS, +5 Strenght and -10 Fellowsip. Generally, you can use all of those, so i would take it.
Actually that has been taken into account.
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Norade »

Serafina wrote:Well, it seems that we fundamentally disagree on the role of a Light cruiser - i rather think it's a fast anti-escort ship and any imperial captain would love to have one with equal speed to its prey.

Reliquary of Mars is fine by my if you really want that. But i suggest that we start with full weapons and exchange any cargo hold for a Lance Battery. Because you do not NEED a cargo hold for trade missions, you just get a bonus if you have one. And our first mission is much more likely to be a combat rather than a trade mission.
Furthermore it will be rather easy to get a refit for a compartmentalized caro hold - it only costs 1 shippoint and is a structural part, hence it only has an availability of scarce. A lance weapon on the other hand has a availability of -40 (between extremely rare and near unique). A big difference.

Stoic is still right out ofr me, that ship would cost us a lot of profit points. Resolute is so-so - it will make it very hard to catch good prey and will make us barely faster than a cruiser.
Thus, i am still in favor of Wrothful, since a speed bonus is just something you can not get any other way.
I for one don't care if you find the ship as Kheitain has posted it to be undesirable, i's the ship you're stuck with.
Huh, that would be odd for a Black Templar to be serving with a Rouge Trader. Not impossible but just odd.
Given that they are part of the Death Watch, that hardly matters - that is explanation enough.
But actually it is extremely unlikely that they are there due to me - another Inquisitor must have sent them. Which essentially gives us three teams on board of that ship
-Me and my inquisitorial staff
-The Death Watch
-The Rogue Traders
of course, you do not want them to be part of the Death Watch, which i find extremely odd. Even if your "i rescued them" is true they would not exactly "serve with you". If you want, you rescued them and i convinced them to stay.
Nice, we have a control freak trying to change another character's back story... If Tyreal wants to be rescued and have a vision he thinks is from the Emperor commanding him to stay then he damn well had a vision that convinced him to stay.
Actually, I'm just going to say that instead of being taken by the black ships I was deemed pure by the Grey Knights but was deemed unsuitable for their ranks due to reasons other than purity. The only psykers that a Black Templar will work with are Grey Knights so I figured that would best allow me to get along as well as possible with everybody on the ship.
Sorry, but...i think that doesn't work. And REALLY doesn't work, because they Grey Knights do not reject recruits like that. If you fail, you are dead. And what's wrong with being sanctioned on Terra?

And remember that the Black Templars do not have to like you or me (given that i am psychic as well). They just have to work with us.
Yes, but I would like to have a good working relationship with the character played by an IRL friend and am doing my best to make the story work. Worst case I go unsanctioned but am pure as snow and have forged papers saying whatever I want them to say. The bottom line is my story, true or not, is that I was trained by the Grey Knights, found pure, wasn't made into a marine, and ended up here.
Sororitas aren't necessarily anti-Pskyer, but they are faith-based as opposed to psyker-based.
Actually, my character is both. Which is an important part of her background - basically, the Sororitas (and herself) were foolded during their screening by another power, and so they had a Sororitas with latent psychic talent.
She is officially no more a Sororitas, but she earned their respect back despite that "taint". It's a long, complicated story that is kept secret. If your character has means to get some information about it, PM me and i will reveal some.
So your character can have a unique background but other characters and their ships have to have ties to you and fit with your vision of things... Right. :roll:
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Zinegata »

Team, let's try not to get over-enthusiastic and let the DM sort out what's in and what's not, okay? :P
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Norade »

I just don't take kindly to another player trying to tell other players what they should and shouldn't do with their ship, or with their back story, while having an improbable background of their own.
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Serafina »

As for wounds, you just had bad notation - you bought 9 sound constitution advances, that should but you at 8+5+9=22 (assuming a maximized die roll, which is likely given that we already use point-buy), which is fine.
You also should have 3 fate points, given that is the norm for new Throne Agents.

You also forgot to get your one free acquisition. I would suggest a good-quality Power Sword, otherwise you are pretty helpless in melee.

Also, since i will have some Inquisitorial Storm Troopers under my command, i would ask you to be their leader.
That also gives you a reason to be a member of our team.
Furthermore, if you want to, you can be a survivor of the mission that got me appointed to Inquisitor. Not actually a part of the acolyte cader i was a member of, but rather of the troops that were involved in it (their backstory is already settled). Regardless, that would give you knowledge about my character no one else in the team (or many people in the sector) would have - and also be a interesting part of your background.
But that's just a suggestion, you can have any other backstory you want. But being the leader of the Storm Trooper detachmen is logical regardless of background.
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Kheitain »

Serafina wrote:
Huh, that would be odd for a Black Templar to be serving with a Rouge Trader. Not impossible but just odd.
Given that they are part of the Death Watch, that hardly matters - that is explanation enough.
But actually it is extremely unlikely that they are there due to me - another Inquisitor must have sent them. Which essentially gives us three teams on board of that ship
-Me and my inquisitorial staff
-The Death Watch
-The Rogue Traders
of course, you do not want them to be part of the Death Watch, which i find extremely odd. Even if your "i rescued them" is true they would not exactly "serve with you". If you want, you rescued them and i convinced them to stay.
And why is that? The Templar had been rescued, had a vision soon after and has since been promoted to Quartermaster. With the potential for individual quests in the black Templars there is nothing wrong with him serving on this ship. He would not have taken over due to not having the experience with rank, and is deferring out of ability. Depending on the exact situation the captain of a traditional pirate vessel wasn't even in charge!
My questionable actions he doesn't know about, and in fact his ignorance has lent credence to my claims.

If you can have the Sororitas fooled for a "secret power" there is no reason why through clever lies, half truths and quick thinking that I haven't been able to pass my self off as a zealous rogue trader captain with *legitimate* claim to the ship who has been hunting heretics.

Norade did not state that he was a Grey Knight, merely screened by them, once again, if an unknown secret society is responsible for twisting our established understanding of the Sisters of Battle then why couldn't Norade's backstory state that he passed initial screening but was not Grey Knight material due to extenuating circumstance? It's a large Imperium, with lots of room for all of us to play the characters we want. Nobody has bothered you with anything to do with your character, even though you have stretched *official* material as well.

Does anyone other than Serafina have an issue with the ship, or my character? I've tried to make sure that I am not stepping on toes with my desire to rp a privateer, and have worked on a backstory that ties as many of us together as possible. In short I have been constructive. If there is an issue I am not deadset on much to do with my character, so I am willing to make alterations for the sake of everyone enjoying this game. My present backstory I do think works well for the party and the game as a whole.

Serafina, no one has interfered with you're character build thus far, even though you to have stretched *official* printed material. This isn't Pikmin, let the rest of us play too.
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Soontir C'boath »

Uh, exactly how many Space Marines are joining us? I think I counted three wanting to be one and I kind of find that ridiculous.
Serafina wrote:As for wounds, you just had bad notation - you bought 9 sound constitution advances, that should but you at 8+5+9=22 (assuming a maximized die roll, which is likely given that we already use point-buy), which is fine.
You also should have 3 fate points, given that is the norm for new Throne Agents.
Ohhh, right on.
You also forgot to get your one free acquisition. I would suggest a good-quality Power Sword, otherwise you are pretty helpless in melee. Also, since i will have some Inquisitorial Storm Troopers under my command, i would ask you to be their leader.
That also gives you a reason to be a member of our team.
Furthermore, if you want to, you can be a survivor of the mission that got me appointed to Inquisitor. Not actually a part of the acolyte cader i was a member of, but rather of the troops that were involved in it (their backstory is already settled). Regardless, that would give you knowledge about my character no one else in the team (or many people in the sector) would have - and also be a interesting part of your background.
But that's just a suggestion, you can have any other backstory you want. But being the leader of the Storm Trooper detachmen is logical regardless of background.
Well, I hadn't exactly made one up yet but that sounds like a good idea to use.
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Norade »

Soontir C'boath wrote:Uh, exactly how many Space Marines are joining us? I think I counted three wanting to be one and I kind of find that ridiculous.
I don't see anything wrong with 3 marines aboard. It isn't as if they're any better than anybody else.
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Zinegata »

Actually, I was thinking of giving Soontir nominal command of some of the Stormtroopers, but it will depend on his background. I don't think you reach Ascension rank by being some normal trooper. Either you're an officer or a very decorated veteran (or a hugely talented trooper who had the highest scores ever in some scholam).

And the number of factions and competing interests is... pretty extensive.

Just a note though: Furion and the Stormtrooper companies are used to serving under Ordo Xenos. If you want to be part of the starting Stormtrooper company and not a "mission specialist" selected for the mission, PM me. We can probably make you the company XO or its veteran master seargent.
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Kheitain »

Zinegata wrote:
Kheitain wrote:So our backstory is good with you then? I know it's a touch odd but it does make for some good rping later on, and opens up limitless opportunities for you to base anything off a character you like. Hell if Tyrel ever finds out what I've been up to these past few years I'm going to have a very, very angry Assault Marine on my bridge, likely with a sizeable portion of our boarding parties loyal to him.
It's an acceptable backstory. Just run away very quickly if you meet a sizeable number of Black Templars and they figure out your game plan.

Pissing off the biggest Space Marine chapter in the galaxy is bad for your health :P
Awesome, there were a lot of posts made in the time it took me to make mine that makes a large part of my previous one irrelevant, sorry.

Pissing off the biggest space marine chapter in the galaxy would ensure infamy, more than the untold billions of the Imperium could ever hope for :D I'll be glad to go down in the purifying flames of the Ordo Hereticus as soon as it becomes benificial to the story as a whole. There's 65 000+ people on this ship for me to make a new character from, and a space hulk full of unlikely survivors. I'll enjoy the character building, especially if you let me know who was initially sent to inspect the hulk.
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Zinegata »

*furrows brow*

Again, team, let the DM determine what's reasonable or not in the backstories. Let's not snipe at each other before the game even starts.


Re: Marines

Three Space Marines are reasonable for a Death Watch-esque mission. This is a scratch mission. "Get every guy within 3 days of Delta Sigma who's an expert at shooting stuff ready for a BIG task right now!" sort of deal.



So... would you like to be a loner Stormtrooper, or part of Furion's existing company?

Will PM details if it's the latter.
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?

Post by Serafina »

I for one don't care if you find the ship as Kheitain has posted it to be undesirable, i's the ship you're stuck with.
IMO, the ship is something that should be selected by the whole team. That's the way it is done in Rogue Trader. And it is done that way because the entire team IS stuck with that ship, which is an extremely important part of the team.

So saying "he is the Rogue Trader and therefore has the sole reign over the ship" might make sense from a pure fluff-POV, but it doesn't from a gaming-POV. I do not want to determine the ship completely on my own either, i want a ship the team can be satisfied with.

Nice, we have a control freak trying to change another character's back story... If Tyreal wants to be rescued and have a vision he thinks is from the Emperor commanding him to stay then he damn well had a vision that convinced him to stay.
You still do not get that that was a suggestion.
Also, whether they are assigned to me or not is also part of my background - and my background says that my character has next-to-no ties with the Ordo Xenos.

Yes, but I would like to have a good working relationship with the character played by an IRL friend and am doing my best to make the story work. Worst case I go unsanctioned but am pure as snow and have forged papers saying whatever I want them to say. The bottom line is my story, true or not, is that I was trained by the Grey Knights, found pure, wasn't made into a marine, and ended up here.
You can have that, i am not objecting to that.
But Grey Knights just do not work that way - anyone who does not pass muster doesn't survive, he would be too dangerous otherwise (if captured).
If you want a reason for your purity, just get such a certificate from elsewhere. Heck, do something like "i saved his chapter master from a deamon" or other vital aid to his chapter - at least that is possible, while the Grey Knight stuff isn't.
So your character can have a unique background but other characters and their ships have to have ties to you and fit with your vision of things... Right.
You can have any background you want as long as it makes sense.
That's everything but the Grey Knight part, since the Grey Knights do not let their failures live.

My suggestion:
You were a member of the Rogue Traders crew for any reason you like. Your ship stumbled upon the Space Marines ship and rescued them. They stayed for two reasons: They had their vision, and they know they can trust you because you performed some sort of important deed for their chapter in the past.

There. That does anything you and they want without violating any established canon.

I just don't take kindly to another player trying to tell other players what they should and shouldn't do with their ship, or with their back story, while having an improbable background of their own
It's not his ship. It's our ship. Because every player is stuck with it and depends on it for his survival.

Besides, there are canonical instances of Sororitas having psy powers. They are extremely rare, but in my case an Inquisitor tricked them to further his own agenda (which will most likely be revealed later on, our GM already knows it).
They are also expelled from the Sororitas - which is also true in my case. The only reason why i am not despised by them (or was not killed) is that i was already working as an acolyte for the Inquisition back then and that i managed to perform a deed that convinced them of my purity. Still, i was not reinstated to them - so technically i am not a Sororitas with psionics.
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