Vendetta wrote:I think the problem is they're running out of space for another war in the period they could use modern fighter jets in. I mean there were major global or continental conflicts in '95, 2000, 2010, 2015, and 2020.
Just rewrite the history and call it a reboot. Or make a new setting which is basically just a new map and all the countries renamed, that'd be good for another few games. As it is Ace Combat 6 might as well have been in a new setting, the references to the other games were pretty tenuous (some mentions of the giant asteroid threat in the fluff as I recall). The exact details aren't a big deal, just the feel of the setting.
Darksider wrote:The more I think about it, the more I realize that five wasn't bad in any way, but it was a letdown compared to the story and dialog in 4.
5 was awesome. It was significantly easier to suspend disbelief when it felt like you were leading a squadron of badass pilots rather than being a lone super-ace (which it did, even though you got something like 75% of the kills). The cutscenes varied between good and excellent. Sure some of the characters were corny and/or irritating, but AC4 only really bothered to characterise one person (Yellow 13). Also 5 actually had plot twists, 4 was just a straight military campaign. Also, what dialog? 4 just had the narrator and radio chatter. 5 had a proper voice cast, plus more and better radio chatter than 4.
The beach assault in 5 was a much smaller affair with perhaps four or five amph-tracks
Those are hovercraft, and that's 4 or 5 per group. The battlefield for Lit Fuse is larger than for Bunker Shot, and there are a lot more actual bunkers to take out. That said I admit Bunker Shot has better pacing and music, but it is one of the best missions in AC4. AC5 has its own great missions, and it has more missions overall, including the branching paths to add extra replay value.
At one point you even get a transmission from some idiot on the ground who actually asks you to frag his co on an open radio channel!
If it's a choice of die now in a suicidal charge against heavy machine guns and face a court martial later... besides, who says it was an open channel, remember that all AC protagonists get the super-power of being able to receive, decode and translate any radio communication within 200 km, along with hyperspace missiles and regenerative fuel.