Jake wrote:Chris:
And when they finish rewriting them and publishing them, then they would by definition be newest canon no? Because the 'rewrites' are almost certinally just going to be fixing some of the more blatent continunity errors thanks to HALO Reach being thrown into the mix...I very much doubt they are going to be editing little technical bits. So we can then throw the encyclopedia out...
Yes, according to Halo's canon policy, when the re-write comes out, it will be the highest source. If there is a contradiction between it and the encyclopedia, it will win out unless the canon policy is changed. This hasn't happened yet however so for now the encyclopedia is the highest source.
Actually, it just came out a week or so ago.
And they changed almost nothing as it so happens according to a friend who has read it, certianlly none of the little technical bits. But I'll get my hands on it shortly.
Still, the absurdity of this position is nuts, that instead of reconciling sources, we're going to just throw out everything that comes before no matter HOW overwhelming the evidence, just because a source is newer?
I would seriously like you to post the specifics of Bungies canon policy here. Hell, I think I'm going to email the good people at Bungie to ask these questions and get a clarification on all of this, because its just too absurd, especially when a new source can be so horribly wrong, aka 30 Meter Machine Guns...
Norade has already addressed these 'arguments', I don't see the need to regurgitate it all again. Except I will add one little amusing bit, the idea that they can't fire the MAC guns at 'full power' because the atmosphere would destroy the projectiles, in Ghosts of Onyx a MAC salvo was fired right through a *wave of plasma torpedoes* which were superheated, but remained coherent and impacted the Covenant ships just fine.
Which rather puts paid to any stupid idea that the atmosphere itself would screw with firing said projectiles.
1. Fine. It will be easier for me to debate that point with only one other person anyway.
2. Are you referring to this?:
The prows of the UNSC ships flared as their magnetic accelerator cannons fired. Lines of flame and superheated slugs crossed the space between the two forces. (GoO 294)
If so, there is nothing that says they went through each other. Each weapon simply crossed the space between the opposing fleets.
No. I'm talking about this;
"Four MAC slugs rocketed through the energy projector cones, fireballs of liquedfied metal. Three missed. One hit, spattering uselessly on Covenant shields". (GOO, PP 333).
This was a panicked point blank volley with no real time to set up the shots so its not surprising that most of them missed, but the MAC slugs remained coherent, albeit melted, even through a salvo of *energy projector* fire to impact the enemy, which makes the idea of them having a problem with Earths atmosphere at sea level rather improbable.
Yes they do. They are capable of inflicting substantial hull damage of Covenant ships hulls, the same hulls that can take at least a couple of plasma torpedoes or MAC rounds normally. Granted they are generally used with other weapons to get through the shileds, but the fact that they DO cause damage is a strong suggestion that the idea of Gigaton or Terraton levels of energy are routinley thrown about, is absurd.
I want quotes that they cause
significant damage (not just putting small holes in the hull).
Putting holes in a hull that is supposed to take Gigaton/Terraton level firepower is in of ITSELF a huge damn thing you know, if the hull can be breached by high explosive missile impacts (and the fact that Archers are still a perfectly viable weapon after 20 years of war kinda proves that they CAN do lethal damage) then it kinda puts paid to that.
If you want me to post all the examples of Archer missiles being fired and doing damage to Covenant ships, I'll do so, but if you're actually going to argue that they are not potent enough weapons...
Bullshit. They have been used to successfully heavily damage and cripple Covenant ships in multiple engagements *once the shields have been breached*. The hulls of Covenant ships are able to at least resist Gigaton and Terraton range energy levels, Archer missiles shouldn't so much as ANNOY them, let alone heavily damage them.
That is a fucking stupid statement. The USNC uses nukes in highly limited numbers because of how few they have available, and yet they spam out hundreds of ANTIMATTER warheads (which the UNSC doesn't even have as far as I know) in each engagement? Can you TRY to use some logic here? Its clear that they are conventional high explosive spam missiles they are even SAID to be high explosive warheads in TFOR, and SPECIFICALLY contrasted with the single shot nuclear warheads. Saying that they may use antimatter? Try using SOME logic.
Please give me the page where it describes the missiles so I can analyze it myself.
"The Commonwealth had twenty-six pods, each loaded with thirty Archer high-explosive missiles". TFOR, PP 106
"Archer missiles and magnetic accelerator cannons fired in a desperate coutnerstrike. The missiles detonated a fraction of a second along their flight parths, high explosives heated to the flashpoint". GOO, PP333
And if you read what I said, you'll note it also says that a Machine gun has LESS RANGE THEN MOST PISTOLS. Checking their math is clearly not high on their agenda. And as we don't know WHAT the hell is being rewritten in the earlier books (hint, its almost certinally not going to be little facts and figures in them, its all about the Fall of Reach and the new REACH game) saying that it proves anything is just idiotic.
Are you talking about the SMG? From here:
http://www.military-today.com/firearms/hk_mp5.htm, an MP5 has a 25-100m range, so 30m isn't out of the question. It may simply be designed as a close range weapon, which in the game it is. And as I said, until the books are rewritten, any contradiction means the encyclopedia has the final say.
No, I (and it) are talking about a Machine gun. Not a Submachine gun, I am perfectly aware of the difference between the two.
Which will, by your logic be a HIGHER canon book once its rerelased, lets just wait and see if that scene is changed, shall we?
I have. You refuse to address any of the core issues and dance around with all the grace of a two year old ballerina trying to perform swan lake.
No, I have addressed all of your issues, most of which deal with a canon policy you don't understand. When you give me the quotes I asked for I will look at the remainder of your issues.
A canon policy you have not actually provided any evidence of, I would add. But irrespective of that, if you want me to post every quote about Archer missiles doing damage to Covenant ships, where as by YOUR logic they should be about as useful as spitballs if the ships are throwing around Gigaton and Terraton level firepower at each other...
You don't get it. The fact that those weapons were clearly combat effective against a Covenant warship WITHOUT needing to throw around a million times the energy needed to destroy Hiroshima is enormously indicative of the firepower the ships throw around, that you don't need C-Fractional railguns to be a clear threat to Covenant ships and win against them.
They were not effective. We don't even see the covenant ship get damaged in that scene. All of the explosions are coming from the UNSC ship.
*smacks head*
Oh right, so the Captian ordered the SOF to open fire with weapons that would do nothing to the enemy ship, and Covenant would fire torpedoes back to knock them out because they are clearly such a huge threat? The Covenant Destroyer was clearly either disabled or destroyed by said guns -which continued to engage the Covenant Destroyer all through the rest of the level you do realize- else the Covenant ship would have torn the SOF to pieces rather quickly. It was broadside to the enemy so its MAC guns were out of play (if it even had the power as the entire level is about repairing the main reactor which is offline) and clearly no nukes were used, so...
And in TFOR its EXPLICIT that the glassing done to Harvest was on what the UNSC considered the high order, completle and total planatery destruction on a scale beyond which the UNSC had ever seen before. And no, 'glassing the planet' has a very specific definition in TFOR and First Strike.
No, it doesn't. Read pages 8 and 9. A covenant glassing operation vaporizes all bodies of water on the planet and will remove the planet's atmosphere within a day.
Or, the Cheif is wrong. Hell, he even says that he had never seen the actual event before, its far from improbable that he simply overestimates the damage.
Harvest was beyond a scale which the UNSC has ever seen because it was the FIRST planet glassed.
And its made VERY clear that as far as the UNSC was concerned, the entire planet was glassed. As would later be shown, it was NOT entirely glassed, but they NEVER have stopped and said 'oh gee, we were orders of magnitude off at THAT wern't we?' Not ONCE in Halo-Wars or any other source did ANY character say that the damage to Harvest was inconsistent with what they had expected! Hence, its simply more logical to say that the process of glassing is good enough to destroy a planets surface, but the cheifs statements in TFOR can be taken with a huge grain of salt as exageration from someone who is far from an expert on Covenant naval power, especially when we take his lack of reaction to Reach being ANY DIFFERENT form any other world the Covenant glassed, both at the end of TFOR and middle of FIrst Strike.
The glassing of Jerico VII occurred long after Harvest and was a much more extensive glassing (pages 8 and 9 TFoR)
Except we don't SEE the glassing, all we have is the Master Cheifs thoughts about what would happen, WHICH ARE INCONSISTENT WITH EVERY OTHER SOURCE ABOUT GLASSING, including Halo-3 and Halo-2 for that matter.
So on one hand we have a hypethetical claim about what would happen to the planet, and on the other we have examples at Harvest, Reach and Earth about glassing and the actual effects therein, with no claims about any differences in expectation vs reality in Harvest, and EXPLCIITE quotes in First Strike in the report to HIGHCOM that with the expection of the area the Covenant were not touching, the rest of the planet was being glassed preceisly to the same SOP as any other planet.
Don't be a fucking idiot, its clear that I'm talking about starships launching a planatery bombardment.
And you don't understand my point, which was glassing can refer to a variety of things, from the total vaporization of all water on a planet and the melting of its crust to some banshees and wraiths making attack runs on a marine base.
No its clearly DOESN'T when I AM BEING PRECEISE about the context I am talking about. Talking about 'glassing' in straffing runs by banshees and Wraiths is just a giant Red Herring that has nothing to do with the subject at hand.
Glassing is a all encompassing term, there is no one specific definition. Don't call me an idiot when you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
Yes, because bringing up a small ground engagement and saying that this proves that there must be different levels of glassing in orbital bombardments is SO proving you have the first clue...oh wait...
No, they glassed to the best of their ability and that was all they were able to acomplish. Its very importiant because some idiots like to claim 'glassing' as the primary evidence for Covenant ships being able to throw out gigatons or terratons of firepower, except we get to SEE the aftermath of no less then THREE Glassing events which characters in at least two of them confirm as The Real Fucking Deal, and they have NOT 'glassed' the surface of the planet, just bombarded lots of it and destroyed the civilisation.
And we also see glassing events that confirm the teraton level fire power.
No, We don't see any events that confirm teraton level firepower. ALL we have is the Chiefs unsupported claims about what is going to happen from 20 million kilomters away, at the range of which he can only see stars. And on the other hand, we have several examples of 'glassing' including the highest game sources, which are very consistent in showing far less.
Guess which one gets thrown out?
In HALO-3 the Covenant systemtically glass 'half of Africa' (probabley an exageration, but clearly a significant area around the crash site as the flood are eliminated) according to Hood, and they are utterly unapolegetic, in fact saying that they would have done it to the entire world if not for the Arbiters council, to eliminate the flood, and yet we see the environment is nothing LIKE 'glassed' as you would expect from turning the surface of the planet into a molten state.
Yeah, you don't have to melt the crust of Africa to kill a small flood outbreak so why would they? They only did what was necessary, this does not mean that they couldn't do more.
The POINT is that we later see the area around the Arc, both in the hours after and days later and in both cases, we aint seeing any fucking lakes of molten rock that we SHOULD be seeing, and no, the Elites were not holding back their attacks. They constented to limit the AREA they glassed, but its bloody clear from Half Jaw that they were not taking a chance of even ONE flood spore getting away.
If they did dump even ONE gigaton of energy into the area, the whole damn area for a hundred klicks around the arc portal would have been utterly uninhabitable to humans, let alone a place to hold a nice memorial service...
Bullshit. I'll even point out that Reach was bombarded EXECPT FOR A TINY BIT, and no-one who looked at the sensor readouts saw ANYTHING different about the aftermath in comparision to other Covenant glassing attacks, EXCEPT for the small bit they left alone, and yet the biosphere was still intact. Glassing is hopelessly exagerated. The Master Cheif even upon SEEING Reach when he returned in First Strike clearly doesn't see anything out of the ordinary until he spots the tiny bit left unglassed.
Normal for one type of glassing. The covenant needed to land on Reach. They were obviously not going to make the planet uninhabitable.
Except they DID do 'the usual' to 90% of the planet, and left a small bit untouched to do their work. And if they were really burning the planet to the point of making 90% of it molten, that last 10 would have been utterly uninhabitable. It wasn't.
Harvest was said to be compeltly glassed in TFOR. It was Glassed in HALO Wars, its just that Bungie with their 'newer material' have simply retconned the power of Glassing substantially downwards in HALO Wars, HALO 3 and almost certinally going to be in HALO Reach as well.
A distinction that simply has no support in canon.
Ah, you're 'sure' its of the lowest canon possible, AKA, you don't like it and so you declare that it must be low?
You may now prove this, given that Bungies offical canon policy is that EVERYTHING licenced is canon with the Games on top, offically authorised secondery materials (which would include the Legends anthology) next and then various misc sources like teaser trailers and the like last. Especially as Bungie were HEAVILY involved in Legends at every level. Hell, given that Frank O'Connor WROTE just about all of it, its hard to see how it could GET any more canon...
So if you can find a source, I'm all for it...otherwise, enjoy your newest canon (Legends) overriding everything else like you say it should...
Frankie: The name Legends directly applies to the stories and the characters in them - there's this idea that each of the moments is a Legend among those who know of the tale - ODSTs, for example, or Elites remembering a brave act. It also riffs off of a word we all associate with Halo.
The writer specifically says that these are stories.
And....what do you think HALO is? Or the novels? These are all stories, just different mediums, your quote in no way says 'but you can ignore the visuals because they are clearly wrong'...
As such, they are prone to be exaggerated, just like the 'Spartans never die thing'.
That statement is such a complete Non sequitor I honestly don't know where to start with it...
Because of this, we can't really take the space motorcycle can drop a capital ship's shield thing literally. I mean, really? Why would you even use cap ships at all. Just send in a few carriers and spam the motor cycles of death. If 3 of these things can take out a covenant flag ships shields then a fleet of thousands of them would pretty much win humanity the war.
Because the UNSC are a bunch of morons who can't design weapons systems to save themselves if the Mongoose, 30 meter machine gun, Scorpion Tank, Warthog and Hornet are anything to go by.