Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by MysteriousDarkLordv3 »

Madzcat wrote:Worf is one thing, but having Troi, a freak psyker, I think would really upset them.
She is not a freak psyker - she is a half-human/half-xenos psyker, a grotesque impure abomination and a heresy by her very existence. I see a lasgun in Troi's future ...
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

Diplomacy as Picard knows it is about to evaporate. I somehow doubt the Imperial delegation will see any problem with "purging" the Enterprise delegation. Heck, they'll probably think they are doing them a favour

And, yes, the Man being a poor carpenter rang some pretty loud bells. And the bit about him being "mighty leaders"

Alexander, Caesar, and so on. Hmmmmmmmm.
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about other...it's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Night_stalker »

Not true, as I recall there is a quote about diplomacy that the IOM uses:" a fleet of Imperial warships are the best negotiators". Well, there is already a fleet there...
If Dr. Gatling was a nerd, then his most famous invention is the fucking Revenge of the Nerd, writ large...

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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by MysteriousDarkLordv3 »

"The Man" might be either [http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Flint Flint] or maybe a blood relative of Flint's.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by SapphireFox »

MysteriousDarkLordv3 wrote:"The Man" might be either http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Flint or maybe a blood relative of Flint's.
Fixed the link for ya. 8)

However Flint always struck me as somewhat of a burnout, having lived for so long yet tired of living. I am not to sure he has what it takes to be a proper GEoM. Never mind the fact that his only power was just living long, he hardly seems to have enough of the necessary special powers needed for the job. Mind you I am not saying he couldn't gain them between the the third and thirtieth millenniums, but from what I can recall the Emperor always had those abilities.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by DKeith2011 »

That's the trouble with propaganda and indoctrination (the building blocks of the Imperium). After a while the truth tends to get buried under the propaganda and indoctrination prevents anyone from thinking about it.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Highlord Laan »

DKeith2011 wrote:That's the trouble with propaganda and indoctrination (the building blocks of the Imperium). After a while the truth tends to get buried under the propaganda and indoctrination prevents anyone from thinking about it.
That's considered a good thing in the Grimdark Imperium.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by justicar5 »

Highlord Laan wrote:
DKeith2011 wrote:That's the trouble with propaganda and indoctrination (the building blocks of the Imperium). After a while the truth tends to get buried under the propaganda and indoctrination prevents anyone from thinking about it.
That's considered a good thing in the Grimdark Imperium.

more than considered, most people don't function well knowing that soul eating sanity snapping horrors excist and want to consume the universe,
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by NettiWelho »

SapphireFox wrote:However Flint always struck me as somewhat of a burnout, having lived for so long yet tired of living. I am not to sure he has what it takes to be a proper GEoM. Never mind the fact that his only power was just living long, he hardly seems to have enough of the necessary special powers needed for the job. Mind you I am not saying he couldn't gain them between the the third and thirtieth millenniums, but from what I can recall the Emperor always had those abilities.
As Flint is never seen dying, it could be argued(for the potential usage of the established idenity for purposes of this story) that it was all a show not to attract any un-needed federation attention to his true status and to deflect the possibility of any future queries to his identity(I mean, the guy bought an entire planet to stay in isolation), and technically his promise to the crew of the enterprise wouldnt even had been a lie
Memory Alpha wrote:Flint stated that he would devote the time before his imminent natural death to the improvement of the Human condition.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by ChrisWWII »

I am truly very sorry for the delay in updates, guys. Writers block, and a lot of personal troubles have kept me from writing so much in the last few days. Fortunately, I managed to finish this chapter while I was on a plane to Finland for vacation. Going to Helsinki, St. Petersburg and Moscow for about a week...should be quite fun!
In any case, here's the next chapter!

Chapter 6
Surface of Romulus
Ruins of Xenos Government Building

The halls of the Romulan Senate were still stained green with the blood of its former defenders, and the heretical symols that had once adorned the Senate Hall had been shattered by bolter round and lasgun but, before being replaced with a golden Aquila that now overlooked the room where the Imperial Guard had set up as a Tactica Command. Currently, they were desperately covering up maps and holodisplays as they prepared for the arrival of the delegation from this….Federaton that had revealed itself now. Already, a small group of Naval officers and their Armsmaen bodyguards were sitting at the main table that stood at the center of the room, waiting patiently as the top Imperial Guard officers sat down as the final of their peons scurried out of the chamber clutching sensitive military documents.

“So what can we expect, Admiral?” General Noskova said as he took his seat. “What have you learned f these people?”

“They are human, and the leader of their vessel is human, so I hope that the spirit of Man is alive and well even this far in the past. Thirty eight thousand years, mind you,” the Admiral added on as an afterthought.

There was a moment of silence as the Imperial Guard Command quickly took in the information that had just been given to it. That was more time than any of them had expected, and now all any of them could do was wait for the delegation to arrive for them to speak to.

They didn’t have long to wait, as barely ten minutes passed by before the doors slid open, and a pair of Imperial Guardsman standing by it snapped to attention, lasguns braced against the floor with gleaming bayonets attached. The first to enter the door was a fairly short balding man in a black uniform with a red tunic, and a set of rank marks along his neck. Next to follow him was a woman dressed in a single piece, low cut suit. For some reason, the sight of her made half of the Imperials recoil, for her pure black, pupil-less eyes seemed to close to daemonic for their comfort. The last figure to enter made every last Imperial nearly grab for their laspistols and slaughter the delegation where they stood. A tall xenos with dark skin and disgusting disfigurements upon its forehead took up a spot behind the short, balding human who finally spoke.

“I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Enterprise. This is Counsellor Deanna Troi and Lieutenant Worf, my chief of security,” he said as he gestured to the woman and the xenos respectively. His words convinced the Imperials to loosen themselves in the slightest. While it was still a grave heresy to see a human entrust its life to a xenos, at least the human was still in control.

“Welcome, Captain Picard,” Admiral Nuskov responded, glancing quickly at Noskova before standing up. “Welcome to the planet Lubya of the Imperium of Man. May I introduce General Alexi Noskova,” he said as he motioned at the Imperial Guard command staff. “Commander of the Imperial Guard garrison on this world.”

“You’ll have to accept an apology in advance, Captain,” Noskova said with a disarming smile. “My men are still engaged in sweeping up the last pockets of resistance here, and I may have to leave early.”

Picard only nodded quickly as he turned to look between the two Imperial officers. “Well, I’m afraid that’s exactly what I’ve been sent to discuss. You see, on our records this planet…Lubya did you call it? Is actually the planet Romulus, capital of….”

“The Romulan Empire, yes we know,” Nuskov said dismissively. “They are usurpers. Filth stained upon the soil of a loyal Imperial world. We have cleansed the taint.”

“No more than you would do if you returned to your homeworld to find it overrun with invaders,” Noskova added on, his voice beginning to tense up. He was a native of Lubya, a man who had grown up on that world and loved it like no other.

“Well yes, but the Romulans have dwelled upon this world for thousands of years. This is as much their home….”

“We have dwelled on it for thousands more!” Noskova hissed, his voice taking on a dangerous quality. “Lubya’s history goes back to the days of the Great Crusade and beyond. For ten thousand years my world has served humanity, and I will not be told it belongs to some xenos filth.” he continued, slowly rising from his chair. Picard turned to look at the officer, caught off guard by the fury and anger that was barely veiled in his voice. He was quickly realizing that he was out of his element. He wasn’t used to this level of barely controlled rage, and it was unsettling to say the least.

“Even if this is your home, how can you justify your actions in an unprovoked attack? Our scans indicate that there are hardly any Romulans left on this world! How can you justify this….this genocide?”

Nuskov and Noskova shared a quick glance with each other and their officers, quickly reaching an unspoken consensus. This human was not a true Imperial, and was beyond redemption. He may be in command of the xenos, but clearly he would be a man to deny humanities rightful place in this galaxy. There was nothing more to discuss.

“I’m sorry, Captain,” Nuskov said, glaring at Noskova to keep his mouth shut, and his temper bottled. “But I don’t think these…..discussions will be of much use.”

“And I can not leave until…”

“You may go,” Nuskov continued on, ignoring the Captain’s attempted interruption. “You may go, and will not be harmed. But you are not welcome on Imperial soil.”

“The Federation does not recognize your move to annex this world and exterminate its population!” Picard declared, shooting up with anger in his voice for the first time.

“We care not for your Federation’s approval. We care only for the Emperor’s,” Noskova chimed in, his hand going to the power sword on his side. With a quick nod, the room was suddenly full of the high pitched whine of charging lasguns and the clacks of shotguns being armed. “Go.”

Picard paused, glancing at the weapons slowly being brought to bear against him. They were crudely shaped, and lacked any of the simple ergonomics of a phaser, but their purpose was clear. They were deadly. “Very well,” he said quickly, and began to back out towards the main door. “This was a most…enlightening discussion. Farewell,” he said as he quickly walked out, followed behind by Troi and Worf.

“Well?” Picard asked as soon as the doors closed behind him. “Counselor? Did your abilities grant us any insights?”

“I would advise not discussing things here, Captain,” Worf said as he glanced around the room. “This building was built by Romulans. It is no doubt rigged with monitoring devices.”

“And I doubt these Imperials would care much for something so basic as privacy,” Picard agreed.
“Very well,” he said as he tapped his comm badge. “Picard to Enterprise, three to beam up.”

“Well?” Nuskov asked of the assembled Tactica Commands.

“Heretics one and all,” an Imperial Guard Commissar declared. “Associating with xenos, denying humanities right to dominate?” he listed off. “I should have shot them right there.”

“And that woman,” another Imperial Guard officer commented. “There was something strange about her.”

“A touch of the Immaterium, agreed,” Nuskov said with a sigh. He had hoped to find refuge with the humans of this millennia, to reunite with his species and lead on to newer and greater things, but it was quickly being proved wrong. His duty was clear. Kill the Heretics. Purge the Unclean. “We must strike against them before they can call to their allies,” he said in a quiet voice.

“I disagree, Sir,” a younger member of the Naval Tactica Command spoke up. Nuskov raised an eyebrow as he turned to look at the younger officer.

“Oh? And what would you propose, Captain….?”

“Olov, sir. Captain Olov of the 8th Frigate Squadron,” he replied quickly.

“Well, Captain Olov,” Nuskov said, mildly amused as the eyes of the rest of the Tactica Command turned to the young officer. “What is it you propose instead?”

The young officer seemed to turn red at the prospect of drawing so much attention from so many high ranking officers at once. “Well, sir,” he began, struggling to keep his voice under control. “We should, instead of destroying them, use them.”

There was a quick silence as the members of the Tactica Command kept their eyes on him, but amusement was slowly being replaced with a dawning understanding. “How?” Nuskov asked, his own curiosity rising.

“Follow them instead of destroying them,” he said. “Board their vessel and take hostages for interrogation and place a psychic beacon for our Navigators to follow. Let them lead us to their bases.”
A general nodding of heads passed as murmurs of assention went through the Tactica Command.

“We should contact the Astartes….they will no doubt wish to contribute, and learn of what happened here,” Noskova said. “As well as begin developing our manufacturing base. We came heavily supplied, but those supplies will not last forever.”

With that, the room quickly emptied as officers moved to whatever responsibilities they had in the new plan for reestablishing Imperial dominance, even if it was only one light year at a time.

USS Enterprise-D

Orbit of Romulus
“Well,” Picard said as he sat in the chair at the head of the Enterprise’s observation room. He quickly tugged his shirt as he sat down. “I do believe Counselor Troi has her observations to report. Counselor?”

“The Imperials as a whole have an interesting emotional presence,” she began. “Each one feels a huge amount of anger and viciousness, but at the same time have a huge amount of devotion to their cause. They are all extremely loyal to their cause, it’s almost like a religious idolization. Unusual, but not unheard of in advanced civilizations.”

“I would hardly call them advanced,” Picard scoffed. “What ‘advanced’ race practices genocide,” he murmured to himself before turning back to his bridge crew. “Any success in analyzing their technology, Geordi?”

“Not much, Captain,” the Enterprise’s Chief Engineer admitted. “We’ve only managed to tell that it is much more advanced than ours.”

“More advanced, but cruder,” Data corrected. “Their technology seems to be based sheerly around function without thought to efficiency or safety.” Picard was about to ask Data to explain what he meant, when he was thrown half away across the room by an impact.

“Report!” he shouted, trying to figure out what on Earth was going on.

There was coughing on the communication lines as a voice came through. “…fired upon!” it shouted. “Some…..projectile. Pierced……near Engineering,” it continued, barely audible over the static that threatened to consume it. “Wait….opening……coming out! Oh God what….” Came over the line before the line cut off permanently, swallowed in static. By now, Picard and his crew were on the bridge, trying to make sense of what was going on to t heir ship.

“Multiple Imperial vessels moving around us, Captain,” Worf reported from his station. “They seem to be holding their fire, but are launching small craft.”

“I have multiple hull breaches near Engineering and scattered about the saucer section,” Data reported. “Multiple unknown life forms spreading from each.”

“Boarders,” Riker snapped, angry at the fate that seemed to overcome his proud ship.

Picard glared angrily at the viewscreen. “Take us to Red Alert and prepare for warp jump to the Neutral Zone!” he ordered, settling into his chair. “Mr. Worf, clear the ship of boarders as fast as you can.” With a holler of affirmations, the crew of the Enterprise leapt to action, determined to—once again—pull out a victory against impossible odds. Never did it enter their thoughts that even the luckiest ships have limits.

USS Enterprise-D
Entrance to Main Engineering

Security Officer O’Connor had never thought he would have to face a situation like this when he had signed up for Starfleet. It was the ambition of nearly every child to get into that prestigious institute and to join some of the greatest names in human history in exploring the cosmos. Going where no man had ever gone before.

Fighting eight foot tall armored monstrosities simply hadn’t been part of the mission statement.
Already, most of O’Connor’s command was dead. Men and women he had known and worked with for years had been cut down, their bodies destroyed messily by the weapons the enemy used. Some of the wounds were relatively simple, yet still gruesome beyond compare. They had been shot by some kind of….grenade launcher that the monsters wielded, and whenever it impaced their bodies had been torn apart from the inside out by the explosions. Other had burned to death when the monsters and the humans they fought along side had filled whole corridors with flame. Some of the security officers had stopped fighting as they rushed to try and save the families of the crew trapped inside rooms in those hallways. They were cut down for their troubles, their gore spattering the very walls they were fighting to save. Now, it was down to just him and one more officer. A man who was trembling with the horror of what he had already seen today. He had seen his friends hacked to pieces screaming in agony all the way. He had seen innocent civilians burned alive in their quarters, or cut down as they fled. It was too much, and the only reason he hadn’t run and fled the battle was that there was no where to flee to. Behind them was Main Engineering, and if it was taken the Enterprise was doomed. There was no room left for retreat.

“Here they come!” O’Connor shouted as he leveled his phaser at the oncoming armored monstrosities. They were screaming war cries and what almost seemed like hymns as their blue armored forms rushed forward. At maximum stun, he pulled the trigger and watched as the beam bounced harmlessly off one of the monsters. His last remaining officer stood up and fired as well, but a blast of plasma struck him, and blinded O’Connor. When his eyes finally cleared, O’Connor only saw a blackened crater where his comrade had once stood.

The monsters were still coming, and were already concentrating on him. O’Connor took a deep breath as he popped up from behind cover and fired again, this time with his phaser on maximum power; enough power to vaporize an average human. Through a bout of extraordinary luck, the beam struck one Astartes in a small weak spot in his neck. The beam punctured through, and managed to cut the Astarte’s throat and spine. Wih a loud thump, the Space Marine fell over, dead.

O’Connor allowed himself a moment of victory. He had killed a monster! In that instant, he felt invincible. He felt like he could beat all the monsters.

A power fist from the Marine directly behind the slain Marine quickly corrected O’Connor of that notion.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by SapphireFox »

NettiWelho wrote:
SapphireFox wrote:However Flint always struck me as somewhat of a burnout, having lived for so long yet tired of living. I am not to sure he has what it takes to be a proper GEoM. Never mind the fact that his only power was just living long, he hardly seems to have enough of the necessary special powers needed for the job. Mind you I am not saying he couldn't gain them between the the third and thirtieth millenniums, but from what I can recall the Emperor always had those abilities.
As Flint is never seen dying, it could be argued(for the potential usage of the established idenity for purposes of this story) that it was all a show not to attract any un-needed federation attention to his true status and to deflect the possibility of any future queries to his identity(I mean, the guy bought an entire planet to stay in isolation), and technically his promise to the crew of the enterprise wouldnt even had been a lie
Memory Alpha wrote:Flint stated that he would devote the time before his imminent natural death to the improvement of the Human condition.
The way you have that written makes it seem that flint would somehow know that the Imperials were going to come through time and that he would need to be there for them. That seems to be a bit of a stretch for me given flint has shown no precognitive abilities to date only long life.


ChrisWWII it's always better to have good work than quick work and you certainly have done some damn good work. Thanks for the new chapter.

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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Night_stalker »

This is going to be FUN. Anyone want to guess on Picard's reaction to the Imp's "less efficent" hardware? Well, it looks like Picard may end up either becoming a prisoner, so he might want to start planning out his apology letter to the Imperial command staff.
If Dr. Gatling was a nerd, then his most famous invention is the fucking Revenge of the Nerd, writ large...

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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

Oh dear oh dear. Ultramarines vs Starfleet goons. So very entertaining

I must admit, the negotiation scene lasted longer than I expected it to, but it did end in the expected, nay inevitabel fashion

Excellent work!
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about other...it's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Night_stalker »

I'm impressed. A Redshirt actually killed a Astartes! Albeit the coolness of the moment was kinda counterbalanced by his meeting a powerfist rapidly, but still there is a slim chance that the Federation may put up a fight worthy of the Astartes.
If Dr. Gatling was a nerd, then his most famous invention is the fucking Revenge of the Nerd, writ large...

"Lawful stupid is the paladin that charges into hell because he knows there's evil there."

"Although you may win the occasional battle against us, Vorrik, the Empire will always strike back."
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Highlord Laan »

Whats to keep the boarding forces from being transported outside the ships hull?
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by DKeith2011 »

Highlord Laan wrote:Whats to keep the boarding forces from being transported outside the ships hull?
I had the very same thought.

Also, exactly how did the Imps manage to launch boarders without being noticed? Seems a bit contrived to me that the Enterprise systems and crew would miss them.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Night_stalker »

Probably the fact that the pods just did a LOT of unintentional damage to the ship. Remember, if the blow of the boarding pods impacting into the hull was bad enough to badly shake the bridge, then imagine what it's done to the lower decks. Plus, they can't transport things while going at Warp speed last I checked.
If Dr. Gatling was a nerd, then his most famous invention is the fucking Revenge of the Nerd, writ large...

"Lawful stupid is the paladin that charges into hell because he knows there's evil there."

"Although you may win the occasional battle against us, Vorrik, the Empire will always strike back."
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by DKeith2011 »

Not at warp, if they were then the boarders would never have reached the ship.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by bilateralrope »

DKeith2011 wrote:
Highlord Laan wrote:Whats to keep the boarding forces from being transported outside the ships hull?
I had the very same thought.

Also, exactly how did the Imps manage to launch boarders without being noticed? Seems a bit contrived to me that the Enterprise systems and crew would miss them.
My guess is that the boarders were launched from a ship very close to the Enterprise, so they didn't have any time to react.

They haven't used defensive transportation yet because they haven't had time to think of it, assuming that the transporters are still working.

Is anyone else worried about a stray bolter round hitting the warp core ?
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by StrikaAmaru »

My knowledge of IoM standards come from Dan Abnett, but won't all 'aliens' in ST count as abhumans? The ability to interbreed was the gold standard for it, and if they can accept flipping trolls (ogryns, whatever) as part of Humanity, then Klingons won't be too far off the mark.

An unsanctioned psyker would be in considerable more trouble, and not entirely unjustified. (But really, doesn't anybody think that without the Throne, there's no one to properly sanction her?)
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Highlord Laan »

A friend of mine pointed out that the Captain in charge of the Imperium fleet had better be hoping that there's not an Inquisitor somewhere, since they tend to be the more...intelligent of the Emperor's minions. Then again, Eisenhorn smacking the Cap in the head would be the easy way out.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by StrikaAmaru »

Highlord Laan wrote:A friend of mine pointed out that the Captain in charge of the Imperium fleet had better be hoping that there's not an Inquisitor somewhere, since they tend to be the more...intelligent of the Emperor's minions. Then again, Eisenhorn smacking the Cap in the head would be the easy way out.
Oh, Inquisitors can be complete idiots themselves... the presence of one wouldn't change things much; it could go into the formula of "overly-fanatic Inquisitor setting goals with no thought as to whether they serve the Imperium instead of their own philosophies, never mind if they can actually be executed". Eleventh Century Remnant used it well for his "Squelch of Empires".

In the end, I guess that what bugs me isn't that every person involved in the process of decision is completely fanatically loyal to the IoM doctrine; this is statistically plausible, indeed, given IoM size, this may well happen somewhere all the time. What bugs me is that everybody is shown understanding the time abyss separating them from their own time, and that nobody bothers to make the small leap to noticing that:
- they are before the Dark Age of Technology, so Omnissiah-mandated/accepted/whatever tech doesn't exist yet (I'm looking at you, AdMech idiot in ch5!)
- Humanity hasn't yet spread among the stars (they already know that, dammit! they just. Didn't. Think. Of. It!)
- The Emperor is somewhere in Human (or Known) Space, alive an well.

And here's a scary thought: does Chris plan to have the time-tossed Imps accidentally kill the Emperor? Because that would really screw up the timeline. And could be construed into the powers of Chaos picking an astonishing lot of idiots, and sending them back in time on purpose. Hrrrm, if the Emperor dies and these fuckers go on to establish a new Imperium, Humanity is screwed entirely.
bilateralRope wrote:Is anyone else worried about a stray bolter round hitting the warp core ?[\quote] I'm thinking this might wind up a good thing that never happened. As in, Picard will look back on things a few months afterwards, and will think "Gee, why didn't anybody shot our warp core back then?".
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by ChrisWWII »

To answer a few questions....

1) The Enterprise isn't teleporting the troops off their ship, because frankly I think to do so would be out of character for Picard. There's nothing stopping him from doing it, but could you really see the oh so noble captain of the Enterprise ordering dozens of sentient life forms to be teleported to their deaths? I can't, so that's why it hasn't happened. Yet. :angelic:

2) The reason no one reacted to the launch of the boarding torpedoes is, in my mind, the Federation doesn't have experience with that type of assault. In nearly every episode of Trek that has boarding, the enemy teleport on to the ship in question. I don't think we've ever seen a Federation, Klingon, etc. boarding barge have we? Not to mention, they're floating in the middle of a nice big Imperial Fleet. There's lots of things going on around them cluttering up their sensors, and the launch of the boarding torpedoes just didn't register as important until it was too late.

3) Personally, I think there's more to being abhuman than just looking human~ish. Eldar basically look like tall, skinny, ridiculoussly graceful humans with pointy ears, but the Imperium gleefully purges them whenever they get the chance. I think the key to being considered an abhuman is not to be able to breed with humans, but to have evolved FROM a human.

Finally, StrikaMaru. You do bring up a lot of interesting points, and all will be revealed in due time. :twisted: I personally think that the Imperials are reacting in the way they think they should. Since when has the Imperium asked 'Is this the logical thing to do?' before purging heretics/xenos? Spoiler
It WILL hit them eventually that what they're doing has implications beyond the normal, but it hasn't hit them yet.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Bunga »

Given what we know of the preservers, most of the humanoid aliens in Star Trek could indeed be classified as abhumans.
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Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

Post by Junghalli »

ChrisWWII wrote:1) The Enterprise isn't teleporting the troops off their ship, because frankly I think to do so would be out of character for Picard. There's nothing stopping him from doing it, but could you really see the oh so noble captain of the Enterprise ordering dozens of sentient life forms to be teleported to their deaths? I can't, so that's why it hasn't happened.
It would be out of character for him to use lethal weapons on people who are attacking his ship? I don't know, that strikes me more as the Theme Park Version of Picard (and TNG Feddies in general) than anything else; has he every really shown such suicidal and inconsistent reluctance to defend his own ship? It especially seems rather weird as you just showed a Redshirt shooting one with a phaser on kill. Beaming them out would be too inhumane, but shooting them to death is fine?

Granted canon Star Trek boarding and counterboarding tactics seem more dictated by the whims of the plot than actual tactical sense and somewhat arbitrary standards of "inhumane" weapons and tactics isn't too unbelievable, but IMO it seems a little too close to the whole "lol stupid pansy Feddies" meme which I've personally come to find increasingly tiresome (mostly because by now at least on this board that horse isn't just dead, it's a skeleton). But hey, it's a YMMV thing.
2) The reason no one reacted to the launch of the boarding torpedoes is, in my mind, the Federation doesn't have experience with that type of assault. In nearly every episode of Trek that has boarding, the enemy teleport on to the ship in question. I don't think we've ever seen a Federation, Klingon, etc. boarding barge have we?
I seem to remember from Ex Astris Scientia that the Kazon in Voyager used them (I haven't watched any Voyager myself though so I have no idea what their response was).
3) Personally, I think there's more to being abhuman than just looking human~ish. Eldar basically look like tall, skinny, ridiculoussly graceful humans with pointy ears, but the Imperium gleefully purges them whenever they get the chance. I think the key to being considered an abhuman is not to be able to breed with humans, but to have evolved FROM a human.
Aren't the Eldar pretty obviously alien physiologically despite their humanoid appearance? I seem to remember there being some old fluff about a human-Eldar hybrid but I also remember NecronLord posting some stuff about Eldar having a seriously alien internal physiology.

At any rate, I think you can make a pretty good argument that Trek aliens probably did evolve from humans (or at any rate they all shared a common ancestor) as it's by far the most sensible explanation. You need pretty closely biologically related species to be able to interbreed and produce offspring. The idea that true xenos could interbreed with humans is just ludicrous. Even if you go by the explanation in The Chase it's still ludicrous; we'd still be talking about organisms with billions of years of divergent evolution here, less closely related to each other biologically than we are to mushrooms. Now add to this you have a documented case of aliens abducting and transplanting humans to another planet from TOS and the idea that the explanation in The Chase is a lie and all Trek humanoids are descended from a recent common ancestor starts to look pretty plausible. The stuff like Vulcans having green blood is problematic but it could perhaps be explained by gene-splicing with native animals to make them better adapted to the planet.

Then again the impression I get is 40K fluff is kind of all over the map with regards to stuff like this so "RARGH purge kill em all!" is probably a fairly plausible response.
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