I had orginially done this for the Species 8472 v. Protoss thread, but it applies here better:
A calculation of Dragoon firepower, done using the cinematic "The Ambush" from the Protoss campaign in the Original StarCraft.
In the cinematic, a terran outpost is ambushed by a cloaked/teleported force of Dragoons. Notable during the cinematic, is that there are two scenes which show Dragoon firepower quite nicely:
Scene 1:

A terran atop a watch tower, celebrating the recent kill of a crippled Dragoon.

Impact of a Dragoon phase disruptor.

Directly after the impact.

Fireball resulting from impact, note what appears to be pieces of steel flying outward, most appear molten while some do not. Note that the terran appears to have been completely vaporized. (In another scene one is.)
To calculate the energy required to heat a human body to the temperature of spontaneous combustion (around 1500, also near the melting point of most steel) I found the specific heat capacity of the human body, which averages out to 3470 j/kgC, and used an average weight of 87.6 kilograms for an adult male. I estimated that the event occurred in 250 milliseconds (1/4 of a second). My calculations indicated that about 444Mj of energy would be required, and that the energy released would be around 1.7 gigawatts. In this scene I did not include the mass of the watch tower or the terran's metal armor, as the remains of it are not shown. However, Scene 2 gives me good reason to believe that the terran was more or less vaporized.
Scene 2:

The Sergeant before being hit.

During impact.

Immediately after impact.

Resulting fireball. A few frames after this one show the skeleton crumpling to the ground, but it is hard to tell if it is intact or if smaller bones are missing.
I used the same method and data for this scene, with the exception of time. Since I was able to see the scene in more detail, I estimated that it occurred in slightly less time, at 150-200 milliseconds. This gave me a power output for the phase disruptor of the Dragoon to be around 2.2-2.9 gigawatts. As you can see, the skeleton seems to remain intact, other than being charred and crumpling to the burning ground as nothing is keeping the bones together anymore.
I haven't done this in awhile, so I may be a bit off (or completely), but after putting the equations in "reverse" (to find every number I started with) it seemed to be done correctly. If I am in error, feel free to call it out.