Were you born stupid? Or did you become stupid through accident or intent? Let's compare the costs shall we?kojikun wrote:Oh btw terwynn, according to your logic operating free AIs is more costly then paying thousands of workers. thank you for showing you have no grasp on reality.
Machine comprised of mostly of water and some miscellaneous goo. Not very durable, not really specialized at anything. Rather slow.
- Costs associated with growing the grains and vegetables, and animals required to give the human his daily Big Mac. Used to repair the human and keep him in functional condition.
- Costs involved in mining materials and harvesting wood to construct storage places (houses/apartments) for these humans.
- Cost in electricity and wood and miscellaneous materials required to educate the human how to do the work required of him.
Technowank industry droid
Machine consisting mostly of either metal or carbon composites with some miscellaneous goo. Varies in durability and speed. Can be highly specialized.
- Costs associated with mining the metals out of the earth, and the costs involved in generating the electricity required to assemble the droid. This does not factor in the time required to build it, nor the research and development money, as well as the costs involved in building and testing prototypes.
- Costs involved in mining the coal/oil/hydrogen required to generate the power necessary to keep the machine going.
- Costs involved in mining the materials and harvesting the wood necessary to construct storage places (alcoves/warehouses) for these droids.
- Costs in electricity, mining materials from the Earth and various research/development and testing costs involved in creating the firmware/software that operates these droids.
Now take a good look at the two lists. Notice anything yet?
Time's up! Guess what, they're practically the same. If anything, the humans are arguably cheaper!
Why, you ask?
A) The human doesn't have research and development costs associated with him. (The dead hand of Darwin, or the psychotic hand of God did all of that for us.)
B) It doesn't cost near as much to build another human. They take great pleasure in doing it for you. You don't need to spend the resources to build a factory, or the machine tools within the factory that you'd need to build the robots.