Darth Hoth wrote:
None of which will impress Palpatine. (Except perhaps "bloodtrails", for I have no idea what that is.)
Actually, of those I mentioned, Sidious only knew the hide in the Force ability, and even then he could only do it by performing some sort of ritual.
And this can be quantified?
It's common sense. Note that Force users don't seem to get weaker with age until they hit their prime in Force power. Luke has the Force potential of Anakin according to George Lucas. Luke couldn't have plausibly reached his prime by DE; he would have had about as much time to train as Anakin did by ROTS, and Anakin had more formal training and still hadn't reached his potential yet.
No, he had less training than that. He just had that much natural talent. Just like Zannah.
Then you've proved my point.
By the way, one of the Dark Jedi he made mincemeat of was Maw, a former Jedi Shadow (or, basically, a member of the Jedi Internal Affairs division) who had all the strength and power of Jedi and Inquisitor training. And Jerec himself was a Jedi Master, in addition to being a Sith scholar, and yet Kyle defeated him. This is obviously further proof that Jedi suck.
Except that your "proof" involves a Jedi beating a former Jedi.
And for how long have most New Jedi Order people trained? A couple of decades, also, or less? Thought so.
Depends, but they've also been through much more combat experience, ie the YV war.
And Inquisitors are apparently rather numerous, if we use the Dark Empire Sourcebook:
Inquisition Module
Crew: 100 Inquisitors, 3,660 CompForce/observation staff, 10,000 interrogation droids
Cost: 425,000 credits
100 isn't all that much in this case.
Capsule: This module is the most recent addition and it is used for punitive actions against insurgents and rebellious worlds. ( . . . )
The "Inquisition Module" in question is a mass-produced "add-on" to a
Modular Taskforce Cruiser. Even if we assume that they are very rare, and that only ten were ever built, they require a crew of 1,000 Inquisitors. So, going by that extremely conservative assumption, the Inquisitors alone (never mind Dark Jedi, Dark Side Adepts, Sovereign Protectors,
et al) significantly outnumber the NJO.
I'm confused. What do these modules represent or prove?
Was it a real black hole, or a Yuuzhan Vong dovin basal?
Dovin basals, but their gravitational pull is enough to absorb laser bolts, concussion missiles and such.
Quote, please?
He was fighting Raynar Thul.
I don't have the book with me, but the author said that, when Raynar tried to Force push him, Luke was ready. The author wrote that he was the very essence of an immovable object when using this rooting himself in the Force technique, and goes on to list a bunch of things that couldn't move him. Among them were a star destroyer's tractor beams and the black hole at the center of the galaxy.
Caedus is Jacen Solo, right?
Yeah. He was stated to be more powerful than Darth Vader, and yet Luke pinned him to his chair without showing any visible effort.
Did Jacen have any mental discipline at that point, or was he going emo like Anakin in the films?
He wasn't crazy, and still had a clear head.
Generating illusions is child's play to most Sith. Luke did it DE, as well.
I don't think you get it. He did something so advanced that Caedus never figured out what happened, and quite frankly I have a hard time understanding what happened too. Jaina was being amped by Luke, and Caedus thought that Jaina was Luke. Then, Caedus actually saw Luke, and then ordered stormtroopers to fire at him. They did, and apparently Luke was actually deflecting the blaster bolts even when he wasn't actually there. In fact, he was in a ship outside in the space battle.
In space, I take it? How fast did he move it, and was it mobile already or stationary?
Actually, in a hanger. He moved it fast enough to send it crashing into a platoon of GAG troopers.
Examples? Was it "This is not going to end well at all" or "I sense the third trooper from the left will hit Jedi Mook XYZ with a stray shot fourteen seconds into the battle"?
He predicted the outcome of a mission he gave, and predicted the outcome of a hypothetical battle between him and Caedus.
The ancient Sith did that as well. Wannabe Sith Aleema did it. It is not hugely difficult, apparently.
They did it to a lesser degree or with fancy rituals. In the middle of a fight Sidious wouldn't have time to chant some sort of ritual.
Luke is capable of generating illusions without using said rituals.
Fun, and possibly demonstrates better "fine-control" TK than was evidenced in DE and before.
It was a food fight in that Jedi school in Yavin 4. He froze every piece of food midair with a gesture, and dropped them with another gesture.
He did this in DE, as well.
That was actually where I was getting the example from.
In Fate of the Jedi: Backlash he knocks a rancor over.
Did this in The Courtship of Princess Leia, set before DE.
Yeah, that's where the feat's from.
All right, so they thought so.
Yet these are people that have been with Luke for a long time and have witnessed his powers - note that Luke isn't a show off.
He pulled it out of a gas giant, not a star. And the black hole was, if I recall correctly, not a real black hole at all, but a dovin basal. Unless you are referring to some bit I am not familiar with.
Oops, sorry, a gas giant. Still though, a gas giant has a lot of gravitational force.