Some People's Kids :Sheesh!:

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Mr Bean
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Post by Mr Bean »

I have met some out and out odd-ball named people, But then I spent a good deal of my child-hood in the South where the avarage person is named after a Sports Hero or a Beer Company

And yes I have met somone named after a breed of Horse(And a famous one at that, think hard and guess)

Personaly I say give them good intimidation sounding names and hope they live up to it(However that hardly ever works as my poor old Korean friend knows, 4'9 just under 130 Pounds... His name? Vladamir)

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Post by InnerBrat »

So you actually think that the Government shouild be able to dictate which label to apply to a kid?
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Post by Mark S »

Mr Bean wrote:I have met some out and out odd-ball named people, But then I spent a good deal of my child-hood in the South where the avarage person is named after a Sports Hero or a Beer Company

And yes I have met somone named after a breed of Horse(And a famous one at that, think hard and guess)

Personaly I say give them good intimidation sounding names and hope they live up to it(However that hardly ever works as my poor old Korean friend knows, 4'9 just under 130 Pounds... His name? Vladamir)

Clidstale? They could call him Clide.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Everyone called him Clid but his name was Clidsdale and said as much on his Driver's liscene

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Post by Mark S »

Mr Bean wrote:Everyone called him Clid but his name was Clidsdale and said as much on his Driver's liscene
I guessed it. I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T! I mean S-M-A-R-T! (Though it appears I can't spell Clidsdale)
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Post by InnerBrat »

Quite clearly neither of you can spell Clydesdale.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Neither can you and I say that only because I know we were both wrong :)

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Post by Mark S »

innerbrat wrote:...Clydesdale.
Man was I way off. :)
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Oh, you have heard of Female, right?

Pronounced Femahlay.

I saw a name on tv last night... normal name just spelled funky. I'd make an observation about all of this, but then I'd probably be called racist.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

I think those kinds of parents are immature. They don't realize that when they name a kid, they'll have that name for the rest of their life, and when they give him or her a dumb name, they'll be ridiculed.

Also, I believe there was one dad who named his kid ESPN (ess-pen).

I also don't know why people keep embarrasing names when tehy can legally change them. If my name was something embarrasing like Dick Hertz or P. Ness, I'd change it the first chance I could get.
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Post by Utsanomiko »

Someone wrote into the Opinion section of my local newspaper with the name "Stephunny". I am fucking serrious.
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Post by Coaan »

Indeed, I think teenage parenting might have something to do with the shit names.
Either that or it's shit for brains in the creativity department...
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Post by Frank Hipper »

I found a site a while ago, "The society for naming children humanely" or something. Unfortunately, it wasn't as funny as the name would suggest.
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Post by Coaan »

Frank Hipper wrote:I found a site a while ago, "The society for naming children humanely" or something. Unfortunately, it wasn't as funny as the name would suggest.
It doesn't take that much to come up with a name for christ sake....I mean, I do alot of roleplaying and such where the name can end up deciding the personality...with oh, about a day's thought...I can come up with as may as twelve names...all quite original and not that open to child 'bashing' These people need to replace the sawdust in their brains.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

DPDarkPrimus wrote:This is the same guy who'll never get laid, right?
Well considering that he had a kid....
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Why is it that some white trash family thinks it's cool to name a kid "Harley Davidson" (Last Name)? I have met people from all over and they all can recall different trailer brats named Harley Davidson.....

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Post by God Emperor »

They make me think of my brother, if he ever has a son he wanted to name him Diamond, my responce, "You want your kid to kill himself?"
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Post by Montcalm »

God Emperor wrote:They make me think of my brother, if he ever has a son he wanted to name him Diamond, my responce, "You want your kid to kill himself?"
My mother told me she had a horse named diamond
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

You know, most parents just don't think about when their kids get to school when they're born. They just name them anything they want.
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Post by InnerBrat »

Kelly Antilles wrote:You know, most parents just don't think about when their kids get to school when they're born. They just name them anything they want.
I knw my grandmother did. My grandad's name began with E, and she wanted to give my dad a name beginning with J, with E... as his middle name, but that would have given J.E.L. so she named him E.J.L. Everyone calls him by the J name.
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Post by Mark S »

I know a woman who's initials spell EATME
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Post by Zaia »

Mark S: LOL :D

When I was in high school, I volunteered at a nearby elementary school. One of the kids in my 4th grade class was named Holly Wood. I thought her parents were idiots and that they must have known that she'd be made fun of constantly, but I was wrong--no one teased her at all. The reason why is really depressing, though...

Her parents were actually really screwed up and both had died a year earlier when her father shot and killer her mother and then shot and killed himself. She had to move in with her grandmother, and latched on to anyone who'd talk to her, since the other kids in school didn't talk to her at all because they didn't know what to say. Que triste. :(
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