* The shooting mechanics, one of the highlights of the original 2002 PC release for me (consider the times), are great, and the cover system is handy and well done, with a feature I haven't seen before (the ability to move around pieces of cover without breaking cover). Its also not too easy on normal difficulty - whilst there is health generation if you show your face for too long you get killed pretty quickly, and health regeneration doesn't take you back to full health;
* The graphics are beautiful and the game runs like a dream on near-max settings on my 4-year old DX9 machine. The only slowdown factor is PhysX, which turned my framerate into a slideshow in the first Chapter the moment bullets started wrecking shit, so I had to turn it off;
* The city is extremely detailed and feels real;
* Nice new things in the story Spoiler
* Missions can be pretty original; and
* A little dose of black comedy.
* Just like the first game, you can't drive like a fucking lunatic as in GTA and expect to make any progress. Crashes fuck up your car and injure you. This isn't so much the con, but its more that the police presence is still excessive. Luckily they won't shoot you for running a red light anymore - they'll either want to fine you, arrest you, or shoot you on sight, depending on what you do.
* You do have to do a lot of driving, so if you're not into it, be warned.