There isn't really much about neoconservatism here, you really have to bend over backwards to make it work. While its American adherents might be religious, there is very little religious about the tenents of the neoconservatism itself. Neo conservatism is in its entiretly a foriegn policy based approach to playing power politics on the nation state stage (a stage many think barely exists) and applying a self declared universal script for political rights, for that reason it is entirely divorced from some shoehorned accusation of racism or sexism as well.Ahah! I was right, It's neo-con criticism the game as Bioshock hit up Libertarianism.
Just because you dislike neoconservatism and whatever concept of conservatism that auto includes racism and sexism for good measure, and its easier for you to just lump them all together in one package to hate, does not mean it exists outside your imagination.
As is clearly alluded to with the story of Commodore Perry, the analogy seems to be taking on late nineteenth century empire building and manifest destiny/white mans burden themes (which is NOT the same thing as neoconservatism for the politically inept in the audience), which are applicable to any major power of the day. It very clearly talks about opening markets for industrialization purposes, making a clear link between the goobling up of Aftica and Asia by the powers of the day. It seems to me this would be what would happen if America had the opportunity to participate in that scramble for colonies and resources as an equal instead of a late comer taking the scraps, taken to the extreme using our own political culture of the time.
It makes more sense anyways. American exceptionalism plays to some political elements today, but it is not a new concept either for America or for many other nations as any look at the age of colonialsm will tell you. Every nation or influence walked around with a chip on its sholder far greater than anything we know today, and they took it out on their colonial subjects with unhidden glee. Then on each other, killing millions.