You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

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You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Rossum »

Okay, here is the scenario:

You are an average Federation citizen who was infected with Borg nanoprobes during an attack. Starfleet personnel were able to find you and place you in a containment cell where you are cut off from the rest of the Borg collective while they figure out what to do with you. Aside from the weird voices in your head and urge to assimilate all life into the collective, you feel just fine and Starfleet feels they can get you to a research lab on a nearby planet where they can help you and possibly learn more about the Borg.

However, once the ship reaches the research lab and prepares to beam you down (while under sedation and inside a containment unit), an Ion storm hits the ship which diverts the beam. You wake up later, bound up in the restraints but able to free yourself after a few hours. You soon discover that you are in another universe, namely the Star Wars universe just after the start of the Clone Wars.

A cursory examination of the local technology tells you that the Republic possesses technology far beyond anything present in your home universe and that they could conquer your home galaxy if they were to learn of its existence. Your Borg implants meanwhile encourage you to assimilate their wonderful technology and biological diversity into your own collective, to unite this entire galaxy into one united Collective and end the bloody wars that are spanning across the galaxy.

As of right now, you are essentially the leader of your own collective and anyone else you assimilate will have to answer to you (or if you desire, you can allow them as much freedom of mind as they want.). You possess a vast library stored in your implants that give you access to the vast majority of Star Trek technology (or at least their Borg equivalent). Your personal shield won't stand up against blaster fire but you aren't stupid enough to walk into enemy fire and you do have some replicator capacity to modify your implants with whatever Star Wars tech you might get access to. As far as you know, your nanoprobes should be able to assimilate any biological organism you choose to infect but Droids should be immune.

The galaxy is at war and you are one Borg with free will and a galaxy of potential in your two hands. What do you do?
Fry: No! They did it! They blew it up! And then the apes blew up their society too. How could this happen? And then the birds took over and ruined their society. And then the cows. And then... I don't know, is that a slug, maybe? Noooo!

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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Night_stalker »

Where would I appear, and what are my starting resources? Honestly though, you won't get too much done before the Empire sends a Imperial-II to pay your fledgling Collective a visit.
If Dr. Gatling was a nerd, then his most famous invention is the fucking Revenge of the Nerd, writ large...

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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by brawlsoleum »

Assuming I'm not handed an idiot ball like all villians are in ST/SW...

The one thing that, as far as I can tell, the star trek universe has a significant advantage in is holograms - that is, they can create a working duplicate of anything given enough energy and proper blueprints. The key, then, is to get enough blueprints and energy - anything else can be created via hard-light holograms.

According to how the genesis device allegedly works (reducing a planet to "subatomic particles"), and lowballing the estimate of energy needed to do this (let's use the smallest planet we have good data on, Mercury, and calculate the nuclear binding energy for the major elements, ignoring gravitational effects as negligible)
Ignoring trace elements, Mercury is made up of
42% Molecular oxygen (about 8 MeV/nucleon)
29.0% sodium (about 8.5 MeV/nucleon)
22.0% hydrogen (about 0 MeV/nucleon)
6.0% helium (about 1 MeV/nucleon)

Now, Mercury masses about 3.3 × 10^23 kg. That results in the following energies required to reduce each element to subatomic particles:

(1.38600 × 10^23 kilograms oxygen/ (1 gram/mole of nucleons)) * 6.02214179 * 10^23 nucleons/mole * 8 Mev/nucleon = 1.06982943 × 10^38 joules
( 9.57 × 10^22 kilograms sodium/ (1 gram/mole of nucleons)) * 6.02214179 * 10^23 nucleons/mole * 8.5 Mev/nucleon = 7.84859984 × 10^37 joules
7.26 × 10^22 kilograms hydrogen * ~~0 = 0
(1.98 × 10^22 kilograms helium/ (1 gram/mole of nucleons)) * 6.02214179 * 10^23 nucleons/mole * 1 Mev/nucleon = 1.9104097 × 10^36 joules

That's a total of 1.87379351 × 10^38 joules, which is six orders of magnitude above the whole Death Star in energy, and contained in a far smaller package. (I mean, it far outstrips antimatter - you'd need 10^21 kilograms of the stuff to get out that much energy through pure annihilation)

Clearly, if properly harnessed, federation technology can create a power source big enough to do pretty much anything. I assume there's some reason why the federation doesn't use this amount of energy production, but the superior star wars shield technology probably contains something that would allow you to do something other than create/destroy a barren rock with it.

So our future goals are clear
A) Get our hands on enough energy to start running full power no-safeties holoemitters
B) Build a holoemitter
C) Get enough blueprints of the empire's technology to find some way to use even a fraction of a genesis device's energy as a power source.
D) Get blueprints of empire tech to build with a gigantic holographic factory, fueled by a genesis device, making the starforge look like cottage industry.
E (optional) ) Get our borgy hands on some midichlorians. Since more midichlorians apparently equals more force power, create planet-sized organism chock-full of the things.

To do this, first we need to be able to survive. Fortunately, there isn't much stigma in having a lot of cyborg implants in the starwars universe as far as I can tell (other than being a constant cellphone chatting jerk, that is). Assuming that borg nanotech can be stealthy, I'd start gradually, by creating mostly harmless nanites that gradually spread, assembled from atmospheric dust. A widely-enough distributed network prevents destruction of the whole collective, while allowing for data to be acquired from astromech droids and the like. Depending on the time period, infecting the whole stormtropper cloning facility would be an excellent coup, but probably too difficult to pull off.
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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Temujin »

I would go to the nearest medical facility, inform them of my situation and the voices in my head, and let them cure me; which considering the SW Tech advantage shouldn't be too hard. It beats getting blasted into atoms by some bored Star Destroyer captain.
Mr. Harley: Your impatience is quite understandable.
Klaatu: I'm impatient with stupidity. My people have learned to live without it.
Mr. Harley: I'm afraid my people haven't. I'm very sorry... I wish it were otherwise.

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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Rossum »

Temujin wrote:I would go to the nearest medical facility, inform them of my situation and the voices in my head, and let them cure me; which considering the SW Tech advantage shouldn't be too hard. It beats getting blasted into atoms by some bored Star Destroyer captain.
So, you have no problem informing The Empire (who has developed things like the Death Star to blow up planets and has blown up entire inhabited planets just to rule the galaxy through fear) that there are tiny nanoprobes that can be used to essentially mind control people and turn them into slaves? And then you give them access to this, and feel absolutely certain that you will be able to walk away from that alive, well, unharmed, and most certainly not in some horrible lab to be experimented on so that your implants can be used to create weapons of mass destruction or to enslave people?

As for starting resources and where you are, I'd say:

Starting Resources: The clothes on your back
Starting Planet: Tatooine (just because I can't think of any other planets that aren't Corisaunt or Naboo. If you would prefer to start on another planet then feel free to assume you start there.
Starting Abilities: The combined knowledge of much of the Star Trek galaxy (or at least what the Borg or a Federation Citizen could know) and the ability to assimilate others into your collective.

I think my best strategy would be to go out of the way somewhere and start a cult. Modify the assimilation process to give people greater intelligence/strength/whatever. Incorporate Star Wars tech into the design as much as possible while keeping my fellow Borg as inconspicuous as possible and only limiting their free will enough to ensure they don't do anything that attracts a bunch of attention. Spread out across the galaxy while looking like a harmless cult of cyborgs, make sure all my Borgs behave themselves and get productive job (target the homeless and disenfranchised and then assimilate then into the collective and have the implants boost their IQ and abilities so that they can become productive members of society... even if its working in a sweatshop or something).

Then, once my Church of Borgology has spread out across the galaxy and foound ways to influence various important politicians and corporations... I figure out a way to adapt my Borg personal shields to resist Blaster Fire (possibly incorporating technology from Gungan Shields or Droidaka shields... I have replicator tech that can solve the problem of Gungan sheilds needing an exotic gas only found on Naboo) and start a massive uprising to take over the Empire and in turn the rest of the galaxy. Naturally, I'll be using better tactics than the Borg usually use.
Fry: No! They did it! They blew it up! And then the apes blew up their society too. How could this happen? And then the birds took over and ruined their society. And then the cows. And then... I don't know, is that a slug, maybe? Noooo!

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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Temujin »

Rossum wrote:
Temujin wrote:I would go to the nearest medical facility, inform them of my situation and the voices in my head, and let them cure me; which considering the SW Tech advantage shouldn't be too hard. It beats getting blasted into atoms by some bored Star Destroyer captain.
So, you have no problem informing The Empire (who has developed things like the Death Star to blow up planets and has blown up entire inhabited planets just to rule the galaxy through fear) that there are tiny nanoprobes that can be used to essentially mind control people and turn them into slaves? And then you give them access to this, and feel absolutely certain that you will be able to walk away from that alive, well, unharmed, and most certainly not in some horrible lab to be experimented on so that your implants can be used to create weapons of mass destruction or to enslave people?
Do you seriously believe that Borg tech is going to offer any significant technological advantage to the Empire; allow them to do anything they can't already do better? And that they are going to turn me into an experiment just to have at this wondrously ancient tech; oh yeah, and because they're evil. :lol:
Mr. Harley: Your impatience is quite understandable.
Klaatu: I'm impatient with stupidity. My people have learned to live without it.
Mr. Harley: I'm afraid my people haven't. I'm very sorry... I wish it were otherwise.

"I do know that for the sympathy of one living being, I would make peace with all. I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe.
If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other." – Frankenstein's Creature on the glacier[/size]
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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Soontir C'boath »

brawlsoleum wrote:Clearly, if properly harnessed, federation technology can create a power source big enough to do pretty much anything. I assume there's some reason why the federation doesn't use this amount of energy production, but the superior star wars shield technology probably contains something that would allow you to do something other than create/destroy a barren rock with it.
Fucking noobs again with this "assume there's some reason blah blah blah" and "probably contains". :roll: You're working on bullshit assumptions that you cannot say is the characteristics of what you're describing.
So our future goals are clear
A) Get our hands on enough energy to start running full power no-safeties holoemitters
B) Build a holoemitter
C) Get enough blueprints of the empire's technology to find some way to use even a fraction of a genesis device's energy as a power source.
D) Get blueprints of empire tech to build with a gigantic holographic factory, fueled by a genesis device, making the starforge look like cottage industry.
E (optional) ) Get our borgy hands on some midichlorians. Since more midichlorians apparently equals more force power, create planet-sized organism chock-full of the things.

To do this, first we need to be able to survive. Fortunately, there isn't much stigma in having a lot of cyborg implants in the starwars universe as far as I can tell (other than being a constant cellphone chatting jerk, that is). Assuming that borg nanotech can be stealthy, I'd start gradually, by creating mostly harmless nanites that gradually spread, assembled from atmospheric dust. A widely-enough distributed network prevents destruction of the whole collective, while allowing for data to be acquired from astromech droids and the like. Depending on the time period, infecting the whole stormtropper cloning facility would be an excellent coup, but probably too difficult to pull off.
Welcome to dreamland, people. This sounds like something a comic villain would do.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Uncluttered »

Soontir C'boath wrote:Welcome to dreamland, people. This sounds like something a comic villain would do.
Isn't that what this whole website is all about? This is the land of discussion, extrapolation and brainstorming all about our favorite tv/movie/comicbook/porno villians.

Yes, I would call that dreamland. Dreamland with moderators,asshats, and trolls.

My problem with the borg, is that they are so stupid I can only think of a few reasons why they would exist.

1. The borg was created by an idiot with nano probes and got out of hand.
2. The borg was created by an insane person with nanoprobes.
3. The borg is an emergent system that evolved out of something completely different such as a repair system, or a systems integration protocol.
4. The borg is a stupid hoard used as the external immune system for a much smarter society.
5. The borg is the result of eating pop-rocks coke and nanoprobes
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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Ghost Rider »

Rossum wrote:As for starting resources and where you are, I'd say:

Starting Resources: The clothes on your back
Starting Planet: Tatooine (just because I can't think of any other planets that aren't Corisaunt or Naboo. If you would prefer to start on another planet then feel free to assume you start there.
Starting Abilities: The combined knowledge of much of the Star Trek galaxy (or at least what the Borg or a Federation Citizen could know) and the ability to assimilate others into your collective.

I think my best strategy would be to go out of the way somewhere and start a cult. Modify the assimilation process to give people greater intelligence/strength/whatever. Incorporate Star Wars tech into the design as much as possible while keeping my fellow Borg as inconspicuous as possible and only limiting their free will enough to ensure they don't do anything that attracts a bunch of attention. Spread out across the galaxy while looking like a harmless cult of cyborgs, make sure all my Borgs behave themselves and get productive job (target the homeless and disenfranchised and then assimilate then into the collective and have the implants boost their IQ and abilities so that they can become productive members of society... even if its working in a sweatshop or something).

Then, once my Church of Borgology has spread out across the galaxy and foound ways to influence various important politicians and corporations... I figure out a way to adapt my Borg personal shields to resist Blaster Fire (possibly incorporating technology from Gungan Shields or Droidaka shields... I have replicator tech that can solve the problem of Gungan sheilds needing an exotic gas only found on Naboo) and start a massive uprising to take over the Empire and in turn the rest of the galaxy. Naturally, I'll be using better tactics than the Borg usually use.
Which falters the instant some Tusken decides you look prettier on his Bantha rear view, and promptly beats you to death.

Or for the Tusken, add in pretty much any gang of thugs or overzealous soldier, or heck frighten farmer. Really, you might use the idea of

1. Assimiliate
2. Something
3. Win!

with as much success it'll bring you.

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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Soontir C'boath »

Uncluttered wrote:
Soontir C'boath wrote:Welcome to dreamland, people. This sounds like something a comic villain would do.
Isn't that what this whole website is all about? This is the land of discussion, extrapolation and brainstorming all about our favorite tv/movie/comicbook/porno villians.

Yes, I would call that dreamland. Dreamland with moderators,asshats, and trolls.
Why yes, I was commenting on how outlandishly and over-complicatedly stupid his idea is.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Junghalli »

Temujin wrote:Do you seriously believe that Borg tech is going to offer any significant technological advantage to the Empire; allow them to do anything they can't already do better? And that they are going to turn me into an experiment just to have at this wondrously ancient tech; oh yeah, and because they're evil.
I certainly wouldn't trust them. I'm an anonymous nobody that no-one will miss and they don't strike me as people who would be very reluctant to quietly disappear such a person if it looked like it might have even the slightest chance of being prudent or profitable to do so. I think I'd err on the side of paranoia here.

Anyway I get the impression from the OP the idea is the nanoprobes have basically brainwashed you: you wouldn't want to be cured.
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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Temujin »

Junghalli wrote:Anyway I get the impression from the OP the idea is the nanoprobes have basically brainwashed you: you wouldn't want to be cured.
Then I would have no free will, so the OP would be pointless, but rereading it I don't believe that to be so.
Junghalli wrote:I certainly wouldn't trust them. I'm an anonymous nobody that no-one will miss and they don't strike me as people who would be very reluctant to quietly disappear such a person if it looked like it might have even the slightest chance of being prudent or profitable to do so. I think I'd err on the side of paranoia here.
It's not necessarily going to be an Imperial goon squad, it could just as easily be the equivalent of a local medical center. "Oh look, somebody infected this poor man with an antiquated version of nanotechnology. Well a quick shot of the real thing should clear him up, a little surgery to remove those implants, etc."
Mr. Harley: Your impatience is quite understandable.
Klaatu: I'm impatient with stupidity. My people have learned to live without it.
Mr. Harley: I'm afraid my people haven't. I'm very sorry... I wish it were otherwise.

"I do know that for the sympathy of one living being, I would make peace with all. I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe.
If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other." – Frankenstein's Creature on the glacier[/size]
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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Soontir C'boath »

Although Hugh had a notion of borg priorities, he did become more of an individual when he was separated from the collective. Of course, it was helped by the interaction of the crew of the Enterprise. Those who may come across him may not be so kind. Heck we already have an example of that with Lore controlling the group of borg that was infected by Hugh's individuality.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Littlefoot »

I would start very small by reprogramming my probes ala 7 of 9 to create drones that have no external implants and that will show no outward appearance of being any different then they were pre-assimilation. They would still retain thier personalities "over" their borg minds. Subtlety is the key. Then spike some small towns water supply and start building a knowledge base. If the water purification systems are too good, then I would have to start with some random hobo and go from there. Point is that over many years I would have the power of the borg without the Dr. Evil mentality combined with the technological knowledge of the Star Wars universe. Send a signal to all my drones (with the exception of strategically placed individuals or those that could become so) to secure legal and unassuming transportation and head to some life supporting but generally un-inhabited and un-charted worlds way out of the way of the Republic/Empire and start a production base. Expand only to areas with no Imperial presence, utilize cloning for manpower. With no need to colonize we could strip mine every uncharted system we come across for raw materials. It is very possible to build a massive fleet in secret this way while remaining completely unknown to the rest of the galaxy. Then, should we see the opportunity or engineer the opportunity, we invade. With our (hopefully many) "undercover" drones we could pull a Nom Anor to sow confusion and fear minutes before attacks on major fleet elements and reserve supply points. This is like the Vong strategy, but much more dangerous for the Republic/Empire/NR+IR because not only will the borg turn planets into factories, they will assimilate whenever possible to make enemy assets their own. With a violent enough fleet tempo and a virulent enough nano probe entire population centers and ships, possibly even fleets, will be assimilated or destroyed within the first few hours of the war. At that point it becomes anyone's guess as to the outcome. Of course, all this relies on the assumption that I am successful at remaining un deteced by any government or law enforcement.
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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by LionElJonson »

I go and offer my services to Jabba as a bouncer or something, and then Assimilate his entire court, subtly. Preferably by designing variant nanoprobes that can be transmitted through touch without either party being aware of this. This will let me use his resources to acquire everything I need to adapt to a new tech base, as well as infecting Han Solo and thereby infecting the Rebel leadership, as well as the crew of the Death Star, and from there the Imperial Navy. It'll also let me assimilate Boba Fett, and thereby assimilate the heir to Kuat Drive Yards after she meets him after he escapes from the sarlacc.

Then, once the Rebel Alliance has turned into the New Republic, I activate all of my sleeper agents, and assume control of the galaxy without actually appearing to have done so. Then things get interesting.
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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Imperial528 »

Assuming I have free will (not being under the influence of the collective) I would find the nearest Imperial outpost, tell them that some alien scum did this to me, get fixed, and tell the Emperor about the brand new galaxy fully of idiots ripe for conquest and how I can help him to do it. Get to position of Moff or equivalent as a reward, and relax.

Hey, it's more plausible than trying to actually conquer the SW galaxy with just a single Borg drone, since not even the entire collective could do it if they tried.
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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by LionElJonson »

Imperial528 wrote:Assuming I have free will (not being under the influence of the collective) I would find the nearest Imperial outpost, tell them that some alien scum did this to me, get fixed, and tell the Emperor about the brand new galaxy fully of idiots ripe for conquest and how I can help him to do it. Get to position of Moff or equivalent as a reward, and relax.

Hey, it's more plausible than trying to actually conquer the SW galaxy with just a single Borg drone, since not even the entire collective could do it if they tried.
We have the dual advantages of subtlety and out-of-universe knowledge. The Borg possess neither.
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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Soontir C'boath »

Given Hugh and the others were disconnected from the collective and reverted to their individual selves, I don't think you can even control the ones you assimilate. You'd need to construct a command unit of some sort or have the ability/security clearance to reprogram the nanites to do so which given how readily the collective was ready to severe a part of itself away, I doubt they would allow for as it wouldn't be conducive for the collective to have a rival faction.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Imperial528 »

LionElJonson wrote:
Imperial528 wrote:Assuming I have free will (not being under the influence of the collective) I would find the nearest Imperial outpost, tell them that some alien scum did this to me, get fixed, and tell the Emperor about the brand new galaxy fully of idiots ripe for conquest and how I can help him to do it. Get to position of Moff or equivalent as a reward, and relax.

Hey, it's more plausible than trying to actually conquer the SW galaxy with just a single Borg drone, since not even the entire collective could do it if they tried.
We have the dual advantages of subtlety and out-of-universe knowledge. The Borg possess neither.
True, but if the lone Borg drone does manage to retain its individuality, I would assume that at best it would actively seek help from the nearest humans, and at worst kill him/herself over the recent assimilation and recent relocation to a new galaxy where their is no lovey-dovey United Federation of Planets.

And if that lone Borg drone does try to make its own collective, its first target will likely kill it. Especially since the Borg drone would know nothing other than that it is a Borg drone attempting to expand the collective in this new galaxy, and the Borg have a history of not being subtle at all.
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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Picard »

1) Assimilate Coruscant
2) Assimilate some shipbuilding worlds
3) Assimilate everything else
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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by BLACKSUN2000 »

"Assimilate Coruscant"

LOL how? They'll get blasted to oblivion before they can do anything, it's not like coruscant doesn't have customs, defense platforms & fleets.

"Assimilate some shipbuilding worlds"

Yeah...again most shipbuilding worlds have defense fleets/defenses the borg are screwed.

"Assimilate everything else"

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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by BLACKSUN2000 »

Sorry for the double post but this has to be adressed:

his blog :banghead:
Even if I go to hell, I will live to the end of this world. And if the world does not come to an end... I will destroy it with my own hands!-Lacan

Yes, we will destroy god. That is our purpose... That is our destiny!-Grahf
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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Azron_Stoma »

We've seen it, nothing on there that hasn't either been debunked time and time again. Or is so stupid it shouldn't really have to. :lol:
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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by Batman »

Wow. I didn't know this idiot was still around.
'Next time I let Superman take charge, just hit me. Real hard.'
'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
'Tactically we have multiple objectives. So we need to split into teams.'-'Dibs on the Amazon!'
'Hey, we both have a Martian's phone number on our speed dial. I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt.'
'You know, for a guy with like 50 different kinds of vision, you sure are blind.'
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Re: You are in charge of the Borg in the Star Wars universe.

Post by IvanTih »

Batman wrote:Wow. I didn't know this idiot was still around.
More info,he's active on Factpile as picard578 and he loves Darkstar and hates Wong. :wtf:
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