Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
Moderator: Thanas
Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
Right. See everyone in 9 hours or so for the 2nd session.
Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
Hey everyone, sorry I missed session 2.
For any that are wondering, the Rally Driving course was amazing! I got to drive a Holden SS Commodore ute and a Mistubishi Lancer Evolution Group N. When it was over I got a hotlap in a Subaru WRX STI with an Australian Championship driver at the wheel. I'm sorely tempted to buy my second mitsubishi and start building a rally car instead of a hot rod.
Is there any chance of getting a quick recap of session two?
For any that are wondering, the Rally Driving course was amazing! I got to drive a Holden SS Commodore ute and a Mistubishi Lancer Evolution Group N. When it was over I got a hotlap in a Subaru WRX STI with an Australian Championship driver at the wheel. I'm sorely tempted to buy my second mitsubishi and start building a rally car instead of a hot rod.
Is there any chance of getting a quick recap of session two?
Walking isn't a lost art - one must, by some means, get to the garage. ~Evan Esar
Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
We split up and sent teams of stormtroopers to rescue 2 of the groups of survivors. The third group was on the way to the ship's cogitators so the main team rescued them, killing 2 swarms of tyranids and a Warrior on the way. We successfully downloaded the information we needed from the cogitators then abandoned the frigate; the Navy is sending out a tug to pick the ship up and attempt to repair it. The records showed the hulk, and half of the frigate we found, being swallowed by a warp rift. After the data was uploaded, the ship's sensors registered the same warp signal in an inhabited system; a warp rift is opening up right on top of an Imperial world. Presumably we're on our way there next.Kheitain wrote:Hey everyone, sorry I missed session 2.
For any that are wondering, the Rally Driving course was amazing! I got to drive a Holden SS Commodore ute and a Mistubishi Lancer Evolution Group N. When it was over I got a hotlap in a Subaru WRX STI with an Australian Championship driver at the wheel. I'm sorely tempted to buy my second mitsubishi and start building a rally car instead of a hot rod.
Is there any chance of getting a quick recap of session two?
Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
Hey guys, just a reminder, game is tomorrow. Here's the logs from the 1st 2 sessions.
[18:58:11] <Zinegata> ~Official Session Start~
[18:58:20] <Attilas_Eichmann> (*Fireworks*)
[18:58:25] <Zinegata> It is the 41st Millenium.
[18:58:59] <captain_Bartholemue> (shit, I overslept)
[18:59:01] <Zinegata> Abbadon's Legions are once again assaulting the Cadian Gate, bringing the Imperium to the brink of disaster
[18:59:23] <Zinegata> Millions are dying. Dozens ships are being lost.
[18:59:30] <Zinegata> But for now, that is none of your concern
[19:00:02] <Zinegata> For in the Saint Cyr Sector, something is happening that could change the fate of the Galaxy forever...
[19:00:16] <Zinegata> ==== Delta Sigma Station ====
[19:00:55] <Zinegata> You had all been directed to go to the Delta Sigma station for a mission of great importance
[19:01:15] <Zinegata> When you arrived, you found Delta Sigma to be... a bit lacking
[19:01:38] <Zinegata> It is a ramshackle space station containing only a few thousand souls.
[19:02:05] <Zinegata> The local guards seem to be lethargic and inept
[19:02:36] <Zinegata> They do, however, direct you to the command center at the heart of the station... where you will meet your comrades.
[19:03:03] <Zinegata> (Right, so let's assume everyone is now at the command center, but you haven't introduced yourselves to each other yet)
[19:03:09] <Zinegata> ==== Command Center ====
[19:03:29] <Zinegata> The command center is a drab room, with many flickering screens and machines that clearly haven't been maintained for a while
[19:03:44] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I'm going to be aboard our second ship preforming overwatch on the system.)
[19:04:02] <Zinegata> Aside from the other "specialists", the only person here seems to be the Space Station commander
[19:04:24] <Zinegata> He is an old man with greying hair, and he somewhat reeks of alchohol
[19:04:33] <Zinegata> (Oks)
[19:05:23] <Zinegata> <Station Commander> *hic* Greetings. I'm Commander Dercian, commander of GLORIOUS DELTA SIGMA! And... huh. *rubs eyes* A... A Space Marine?!
[19:06:04] <Brother_Virgilus> Yes Commander, I am here by the Command of the Inquisition
[19:06:05] <Zinegata> A man in Stormtrooper armor beside Dercian looks very, very annoyed.
[19:06:19] <Zinegata> <Dercian> Um, ergh, eh... yes. Uh...
[19:06:44] <Zinegata> <Stormtrooper Captain> *ahem* What the "Glorious Station Commander" is saying is that he is ready to provide all assistance to our group.
[19:06:51] <captain_Bartholemue> (so I never got confirmation that I had power armour as well, do I? I intended to use my free aquisitoin for it...)
[19:07:12] <Zinegata> <Captain Furion> I'm Captain Furtion BTW, CO of the 4th V-G-H Stormtroopers. Welcome to the bug hunt
[19:07:18] <Zinegata> (Yes, you get it)
[19:07:40] <Zinegata> <Captain> May I have the pleasure of knowing all of you... fine gentlemen?
[19:08:26] <Flavion> (shall I assume I just stay by the CO's side)
[19:08:31] <Flavion> (?)
[19:08:32] <Zinegata> (Yep)
[19:08:38] <Flavion> [Alritey]
[19:08:43] <Zinegata> (You'll get the spotlight in a sec)
[19:08:43] <captain_Bartholemue> I am captain Bartholemue Roberts of The Royal Fortune
[19:09:17] <captain_Bartholemue> My ship is on loan for this particular mission
[19:09:22] <Brother_Virgilus> I am Brother-Apothecary Virgilus, representing The Dark Angels in the most holy Inquistions DeathWatch
[19:10:34] <Attilas_Eichmann> Is manually running focused Augries into the void waiting for the Royal Fortune to undock.
[19:10:45] <Zinegata> <Captain> Pleased to meet, you, Brother-Captain Virgilus *nods respectfully*. And who's our Tech Priest?
[19:11:02] <Magos_Daelus> *glaring at the badly-maintained machinery then at the station commander, augmetic eye whirring and clicking* I am Magos Daelus, commander.
[19:11:19] <Magos_Daelus> (Captain, sorry)
[19:11:34] <Zinegata> <Captain> Right. *sigh* This was not what I was promised.
[19:12:10] <Zinegata> <Captain> *points to the Stormtrooper beside him* This, by the way, is my XO, Flavion Octus.
[19:12:24] <captain_Bartholemue> *cocks an eyebrow* What were you expecting? an Ultramrines Battleship complete with escort?
[19:12:35] <Zinegata> <Captain> And I will be blunt, this is a grox-shit operation and we are in deep, deep trouble.
[19:12:38] <Flavion> Flavion nodded to the group
[19:13:06] <Zinegata> <Captain> If there are any left after Abbadon's latest rampage, we might need one.
[19:13:13] <Zinegata> <Captain> Anyway, let me bring you up to speed.
[19:13:46] <Zinegata> <Captain> Six days ago, we lost contact with the "Decisive Action" while it was investigating a Space Hulk. A very valuable Space Hulk. This you should already know.
[19:14:15] <Zinegata> <Captain> During that time, Lord Inquisitor Ramnza had been gathering what assets he can to secure this hulk. This you should also know.
[19:14:50] <Zinegata> <Captain> What he forgot to mention is that half of the specialists - including the Inquisitor that was supposed to lead this whole outfit - was lost in the Warp.
[19:15:12] <Zinegata> <Captain> Hopefully they'll turn up, but I'm not so hopeful at the moment.
[19:15:46] <Zinegata> <Captain> And on top of that, the "Stormtrooper Company" he mentioned - MY company - is at just 70% strength. And most of those are walking wounded who can still fight.
[19:16:37] <Brother_Virgilus> I'll luck. I cannot say that my own squad is in any better shape. I am the only one left for this operation.
[19:16:41] <Zinegata> <Captain> So, before we take off on this mission, do any of you want to share ideas on how we can increase our chances of mission success?
[19:17:03] <Zinegata> <Captain> I am sorry to hear that, Brother Virgilus. Truly, these are dark and terrible times.
[19:17:28] <Brother_Virgilus> The Emperor has our back, for I know no Fear.
[19:17:36] <Zinegata> <Captain> Oh, and Brother Virgilus, I must note that with the Inquisitor missing, you're nominally in command of this mission
[19:17:58] <Brother_Virgilus> As an Agent of the Inquistion I accept
[19:18:06] <Zinegata> <Captain> Although Mr. Barttolmew here still has command of his ship, of course.
[19:18:26] <Zinegata> <Captain> *eyes Batholemeu a bit*
[19:19:33] <captain_Bartholemue> Actually, I was hoping to better equip my crew before we set off on this mission
[19:19:53] <captain_Bartholemue> I already have a barracks on board the Royal Fortune
[19:20:01] <Zinegata> <Dercian> *hic* Wha... what will you need?
[19:20:42] <Zinegata> <Captain> A proper barracks? Excellent. I'll have my troopers move in. We're decently equipped enough, and we have some additional crates of Emperor-Knows-What for the Cog Boys
[19:21:13] <Zinegata> <Captain> I'll head over to arrange the loading. Flavion here will stay here and be your official guard and escort
[19:21:22] <captain_Bartholemue> Before you do that, Captain, my ship is currently in lock-down
[19:21:34] <Flavion> [All right bitches follow me.
[19:21:40] <Magos_Daelus> *appears to be paying more attention to the malfunctioning machines than the briefing, but spares an irritated glare for the Stormtrooper*
[19:21:42] <captain_Bartholemue> The doors do not open unless everything and everyone entering it are catalogued by my crew
[19:22:09] <Zinegata> <Captain> Can you have the ship UN-lock downed?
[19:22:46] <captain_Bartholemue> We have some things to discuss, first off, and most importantly everything entering it gets recorded
[19:23:00] <Zinegata> <Captain> Alright, what do you want to discuss?
[19:23:14] <Zinegata> *A computer panel cracks and sparks from poor maintenance*
[19:23:46] <captain_Bartholemue> second, the barracks on board is presently being used by my men, I do not want a bunch of Imperial troopers thinking they can walk in and take over. My boys have lived on that ship, some since they were born and they are used to things running acertain way
[19:23:47] <Zinegata> <Dercian> *hic* Meh. Imperium component. Eldar component. All made by Ork Mek!
[19:24:26] <Zinegata> <Captain> My men shared barracks with the 907th Cadian and the 111st Elysians during our last campaign. And it was cramped.
[19:24:30] <Magos_Daelus> What? You've mixed xenos components with...who is in charge of maintenance on this station?!?
[19:24:38] <Zinegata> <Captain> I assure you my men are DISCIPLINED
[19:24:47] <captain_Bartholemue> I would like to have a quick discussion when we get to loading
[19:24:57] <Zinegata> <Dercian> *hic* It was a _joke_ >_>
[19:25:13] <captain_Bartholemue> I'll be annnouncing the changes to my crew from the bridge so things run as smoothly as possible
[19:25:20] <Zinegata> <Dercian> *hic* Our Tech Priest died due to a vacuum accident four years ago and we've had no replacements ;_;
[19:25:25] <Magos_Daelus> You are fortunate this station's machine spirit has not rebelled and vented the atmosphere or cranked the gravity up to maximum, Captain!
[19:25:36] <Magos_Daelus> I have never seen such abuse of the Omnissiah's bounty.
[19:26:03] <Brother_Virgilus> Captain, I am sure that your men do not want to lose their home, but if the Stormtroopers are walking wounded, perhaps they need it more.
[19:26:10] <Zinegata> <Dercian> *hic* I'm sorry ;_;
[19:26:18] <Brother_Virgilus> [Directed at the rouge trader]
[19:27:00] <Magos_Daelus> *walks away from the briefing to examine the damaged machinery, muttering prayers to the Omnissiah as he attempts to soothe the machine spirits*
[19:27:11] <captain_Bartholemue> I do not disagree, but would you rather your troops make that announcement or me?
[19:27:31] <Zinegata> (Make a Repair check Daelus)
[19:28:01] <Magos_Daelus> roll 1d100
[19:28:02] <Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=22 ]{22}
[19:28:37] <captain_Bartholemue> Who should I give the list of my intended purchases to? If I can have someone else find the required merchants I can accompany Brother Virgilus to the ship and start moving troops and cargo
[19:28:40] <Zinegata> With just a few "prayers" half the screens in the command center start humming again
[19:29:00] <Zinegata> <Dercian> THANK YOU! ;_;
[19:29:13] <Zinegata> <Dercian> My Holo Pict is finally working again!
[19:29:36] <Zinegata> <Dercian> And... uh,... supplies? Uh, give me the list and we'll give you what we need. Just not the Holo-pict please >_>
[19:29:39] <Magos_Daelus> (...Did I just fix the captain's porn video collection?)
[19:29:45] <Zinegata> (Yes)
[19:29:53] <Zinegata> (Station Commander)
[19:30:03] <Flavion> [lol]
[19:31:18] <Magos_Daelus> (Dear Omnissiah, I have a Mind Impulse Unit, this could be bad.)
[19:31:34] <Zinegata> (Nah, you just connected two loose wires)
[19:31:44] <Zinegata> (And it's not actually playing yet)
[19:32:14] <Magos_Daelus> (That's probably a good thing, I'd hate to have that permanently stuck in my logic circuitry)
[19:32:48] <captain_Bartholemue> I will need teh following as soon as possible; 1 chrono, 1 Inferno Pistol, 1 Hand Flamer, Mars Pattern meltaguns, Lasguns, Heavy Stubbers, new uniforms for my crew (probably something I already have, but still need to rol for), supplies of good quality food and drink, Lord Captains baton (again, I should already have this if the roll passes), Shipboard Emergency kits, Guard Flak, Flamers, and Frag and Stun Grenades
[19:33:10] <captain_Bartholemue> (and a shuriken pistol that was accidentall in my hold)
[19:34:18] <Zinegata> (Ergh... I think you had already acquired most of that before you arrived. Except the Melta guns)
[19:34:36] <captain_Bartholemue> (you said that I had to roll for it and we'd do it at the beginning of the game_
[19:34:56] <Magos_Daelus> (First person who fires a meltagun inside the ship gets skullfucked with a manipulator mechadendrite)
[19:34:58] <Zinegata> (I was thinking more of rolling it before Delta Sigma >_>)
[19:35:21] <Zinegata> (Anyway, assume you have it all and just roll for the pistol and the Melta Gun)
[19:35:30] <Zinegata> (Profit/Influence check)
[19:37:14] <Zinegata> (Roll d100)
[19:38:08] <captain_Bartholemue> Shuriken Pistol,Negligible, +30, -20, total 40 /roll 1d100
[19:38:37] <Zinegata> (Yes, I mean roll d100
[19:38:39] <Zinegata> Roll D100
[19:38:40] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled D100 --> error: malformed expression
[19:38:45] <Zinegata> Roll d100
[19:38:45] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=3 ]{3}
[19:38:53] <Zinegata> (Like so. Tadaa)
[19:39:19] <captain_Bartholemue> roll 1d100
[19:39:19] <Belldandy> captain_Bartholemue rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=4 ]{4}
[19:39:43] <Zinegata> (You get the pistol. Roll for meltas)
[19:39:52] <Zinegata> (Roll a d100 first, then we calc)
[19:40:00] <captain_Bartholemue> and meltaguns standard, rare total 20 roll d100
[19:40:10] <captain_Bartholemue> roll d100
[19:40:11] <Belldandy> captain_Bartholemue rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=63 ]{63}
[19:40:18] <captain_Bartholemue> and for flamers too or no?
[19:40:41] <Zinegata> (Yes, one more for flamers)
[19:41:39] <captain_Bartholemue> scarce +-, standard 0 total 30
[19:41:42] <captain_Bartholemue> roll d100
[19:41:42] <Belldandy> captain_Bartholemue rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=11 ]{11}
[19:41:52] <captain_Bartholemue> and I've just got the rest then?
[19:42:15] <Zinegata> Dercian, fortunately, had a supply of leftover Flamers from a Guard Company that passed by before. They *should* still work
[19:42:38] <Zinegata> And he manages to scrounge up a shuriken pistol. From somewhere that seems rather smelly. it still seems to work though
[19:42:59] <captain_Bartholemue> asie from the Lord Captains Baton it's all common or average, and the stun grenades are scarce
[19:43:09] <Zinegata> (Team, would you like to try and get any more gear? Recruit more meatshields? Ask if you can use the station as a giant round of ammunition)
[19:43:10] <captain_Bartholemue> (nobody has to know about the shurkien pistol right?)
[19:43:12] <Zinegata> *?
[19:43:27] <Zinegata> (You gave the list directly to Dercian)
[19:44:06] <Magos_Daelus> (I could use a couple of dozen combat servitors and a best-quality plasma torch mechadendrite if there's one lying around...)
[19:44:14] <captain_Bartholemue> (sorry for the hold up everybody, I thought Zinegata wanted me to wait untill we started to get my crew equipped)
[19:44:42] <Zinegata> (Daelus-> I think the fact they can't get a Holo-Pict to work means... they don't have any of those
[19:44:55] <Flavion> (Well I pmed you on SDN a list but I wouldn't mind some throwing knives, demo charges, and a laser sight if I don't have them but I don't suppose I could just raid whatever our Captain here is getting on board.)
[19:45:42] <Zinegata> (Flavion-> Those kit are okay)
[19:45:48] <Zinegata> (You have them)
[19:45:59] <captain_Bartholemue> (we might aswell just include everyones requests on one list and meet the shipment at the dock)
[19:46:06] <Flavion> (k)
[19:46:35] <Zinegata> (Virgilus? Does the Brother need no other weapons?)
[19:47:13] <Brother_Virgilus> [a digi flamer, that is all]
[19:47:14] <Flavion> (Hm uh, just the three or the stuff in the PM?)
[19:47:30] <Zinegata> (All of the stuff in the PM)
[19:47:36] <Flavion> (Cool)
[19:47:51] <Zinegata> Virgilus-> Ergh... Digi's kinda rare and this is a very ramshackle station
[19:47:54] <Attilas_Eichmann> (The only hard to get stuff I have was taken for free, and the rest is all common so I'm good)
[19:48:47] <Brother_Virgilus> [I know, but so is all space Marine Equipment.[
[19:49:50] <Zinegata> (We can try the Hulk for the Digi-Weapon)
[19:49:58] <Zinegata> (Anyway, I think all purchases are done?)
[19:50:16] <Flavion> [Yea, I'm set]
[19:50:59] <captain_Bartholemue> (I'm good, my list was a little more extensive because I've got a crew to worry about, I'm ready to head down to the dock and take my ship off lockdown)
[19:51:01] <Zinegata> (Righto, Captain, bring the team to you ship)
[19:53:00] <captain_Bartholemue> Right! before you enter the ship you must be put on the list, palm scaneed and retina scanned. A member of my crew will meet you on yoru way in and show you to the quarters.
[19:53:17] <captain_Bartholemue> Before anyone get's all demanding, you have two choices for your quarters
[19:53:22] <captain_Bartholemue> top bunk or bottem, get over it
[19:53:38] <Zinegata> <Furion> Bottom bunk.
[19:53:50] <Brother_Virgilus> Cargo shall do.
[19:54:29] <Brother_Virgilus> Give me access to a small stowage area, that is all I require.
[19:55:13] <captain_Bartholemue> We also have a slightly different chain of comman than most of you will be used to, Magos can explain the reasoning if you are for any reason confused. First in command is the ship, she is keeping you protected from the void, if the ship needs anything, she gets it
[19:55:27] <captain_Bartholemue> even I may end up scraping solid waste off the filters
[19:56:19] <Flavion> Understood.
[19:56:41] <captain_Bartholemue> second, we always answer to experience regardless of technical rank. We do not let ego get the rest of us killed
[19:57:40] <captain_Bartholemue> aside from that, I am captain of this ship, Magos would be our closest equivalent to a Boatswain, the rest of the officers you will meet as we go
[19:58:29] <captain_Bartholemue> (I'll go open the cargo area and the doors, posting crew members at each door to process our guests, I'll also make the announcement over teh ships comm about sharing the barracks
[20:00:37] <Flavion> [Ok, so dismissed?]
[20:01:04] <Brother_Virgilus> *as we procced to the ship* Magos what does your studies cover? Or is your service to your vessel your duty before the Ommnisiah
[20:01:06] <Brother_Virgilus> ?
[20:01:56] <Attilas_Eichmann> Speaking over the microbead to Bartholemue I say, "That seems to have gone well."
[20:02:10] <Zinegata> (Yes, the specialists are finding bunks)
[20:02:10] <Magos_Daelus> I have specialized in the study and recovery of archaeotech, though I have experience in a variety of areas.
[20:02:17] <Zinegata> <Furion> By the way, Captain...
[20:02:29] <captain_Bartholemue> eh?
[20:02:31] <Zinegata> <Furion> *tosses Bart a data slate*
[20:02:58] <Zinegata> <Furion> That is the Decisive Action's last known location. I was told by a friend that a good skipper can reach her within 5 days from this location.
[20:03:00] <captain_Bartholemue> *gives it a quick look, keeping an eye on the loading of all the cargo*
[20:03:44] <captain_Bartholemue> barring distractions we should have visual within 4 then
[20:04:12] <Zinegata> (Make your navigation checks then
[20:05:06] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:05:06] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=83 ]{83}
[20:05:16] <Zinegata> (....)
[20:05:30] <captain_Bartholemue> d100
[20:05:33] <captain_Bartholemue> roll d100
[20:05:34] <Belldandy> captain_Bartholemue rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=59 ]{59}
[20:05:45] <Zinegata> (Which of you two has a higher Navu?)
[20:05:48] <Zinegata> (Navi?)
[20:05:52] <captain_Bartholemue> (HAHA, I failed, luckily by only 9 points)
[20:05:53] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Looks like my characters basic knowledge of navigation failed.)
[20:06:24] <captain_Bartholemue> wait, sorry, I get +10 to that, I pass by 1
[20:06:25] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I only have navigation as an untrained basic skill, I assumed we'd have an NPC navigator.)
[20:07:05] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I only rolled to show my character trying to plot a course with intent to see how well his skill is coming along.)
[20:07:14] <Zinegata> (Let the Captain do the navigating then
[20:07:49] <Zinegata> With little fanfare, the ship leaves dock and sets off into the void...
[20:07:51] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Yeah, my navigation is more of an incharacter hobbby. Generally I just man the helm.)
[20:08:29] <Brother_Virgilus> Ah magos, as a master of Archeotech I have a request of you. [continues from PM]
[20:08:32] <Zinegata> After 4 1/2 day's journey... you soon reach the system where the lost Frigate should be... when...
[20:08:34] <captain_Bartholemue> (barely made the navigation, but with our ships speed we should do fine. Does this count as being on an Endevour?)
[20:09:03] <Zinegata> *crackle on short range Vox*
[20:09:11] <Zinegata> (Not exactly
[20:09:24] <Zinegata> (YOu need to finish the listed mission objectives)
[20:09:30] <Zinegata> *crackle on short range Vox*
[20:09:32] <Attilas_Eichmann> Seeing the engines of the Royal Fortune flare on the displays I give the ship some power and set a course to pull within five units of them.
[20:09:45] <Zinegata> <???> Is anyone out there? Please? ANYONE?
[20:10:03] <captain_Bartholemue> This is The Royal Fortune, we hear you
[20:10:36] <Zinegata> Eichman-> Your sensors indicate that there is no large Hulk in the system. Only some... THING. That is half the size of a frigate
[20:10:46] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Focused Augery roll to see what's out there.)
[20:10:50] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:10:50] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=52 ]{52}
[20:10:51] <Zinegata> <???> Bless the Emperor! Can you hear us?
[20:11:01] <captain_Bartholemue> roll d100
[20:11:01] <Belldandy> captain_Bartholemue rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=41 ]{41}
[20:11:17] <Zinegata> Eichmann-> You see an Imperium frigate. Split cleanly in half.
[20:11:20] <Flavion> [is everyone else b/s the Cap and Attilas on the bridge now or still in the barracks?]
[20:11:27] <Attilas_Eichmann> (With the ships sensors I make my roll by 18 points)
[20:11:45] <Magos_Daelus> (I assume I'm either on the bridge or in the enginarium)
[20:11:53] <Zinegata> (I assume Flavion is on the bridge and should summon everyone else up)
[20:12:07] <Flavion> (Ok.)
[20:12:26] <Brother_Virgilus> [patched through helmet, Excersing]
[20:12:47] <Zinegata> <???> Hello? Hello? Please help us!
[20:12:48] <captain_Bartholemue> ( passed by 2 degrees)
[20:12:57] <Flavion> [Everyone has a microbead or do I have to come down personally?]
[20:13:03] <Zinegata> (Microbead)
[20:13:25] <captain_Bartholemue> (how long were we running for? would it have been long enough to transfer non-millitary cargo to The Good Fortune?)
[20:13:42] <Flavion> "I'll inform the others, Captain." Flavion voxed the others to come to the bridge
[20:13:44] <captain_Bartholemue> (via Teleportarium so we don't have to stop moving at full speed)
[20:13:45] <Attilas_Eichmann> Speaking into the microbead I say, "Bartholemue you go in, I'll provide overwatch.)
[20:13:48] <Zinegata> Eichmann/Bart-> Your augeries reveal an Imperial frigate. Split in half.
[20:14:20] <Zinegata> (Wait, wait, what are you doing?)
[20:14:26] <captain_Bartholemue> Wow, (announcing to the entire ship) we have visual on half of an Imperial Frigate
[20:14:54] <Zinegata> (By half, I mean only the prow is left. The rear of the ship is gone)
[20:15:02] <Attilas_Eichmann> (He's asking if the Good Fortune has taken on supplies via teleportarium while we're underway.)
[20:15:06] <Zinegata> (Also... there is some... goo/fungus stickin on the ship)
[20:15:11] <captain_Bartholemue> (how long were we travelling for before this came up on our vox? if it's been a day or so I wanted to transfer non-millitary cargo to The Good Fortune's cargo bay)
[20:15:40] <Zinegata> (I assume you had loaded them all in Delta Sigma. You had been travelling 4 1/2 days)
[20:15:51] <captain_Bartholemue> (excellent, thank you)
[20:16:07] <captain_Bartholemue> *through vox again* This is Captain Bartholemue Roberts, what hit you?
[20:16:52] <Attilas_Eichmann> (The Good Fortune is going to hang back a ways as we're less well equipped to take on survivors.)
[20:17:02] <Zinegata> <???> This is gunner Glanst, senior surviving officer of the Imperial Frigate "Decisive Action"
[20:17:37] <Zinegata> <Glanst> I don't know what hit us! We were fighting off these... these... monstrous chitinous things when the ship suddenly split in half!
[20:17:49] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Our air is running out! Please! We need help!
[20:18:07] <captain_Bartholemue> We've been hired to find you and this hulk you were sent to investigate, how many crew are left alive with you, and where on the ship are you located?
[20:18:32] <Zinegata> (Okay, assume the rest of the team is on the bridge now)
[20:18:47] <Attilas_Eichmann> "Captain, I suggest we teleport them out as soon as we can. I don't like the thought of docking with a ship filled with Xenos."
[20:19:03] <Zinegata> <Glanst> I am with a group of around 200 men in the forward torpedo compartment. But we have men scattered all over the ship!
[20:20:23] <captain_Bartholemue> *off vox comm with the frigate* Look, I'd like to pick them up, Magos, how many can we telport at a time? I'll take Brother Virgilus across and secure them
[20:21:04] <Magos_Daelus> (I have no clue how many people the teleporter can handle, sorry)
[20:21:09] <captain_Bartholemue> Attilus, scan teh perimeter and keep me updated, Mord, take the helm for now
[20:21:21] <Zinegata> (Teleportium can handle 5 at a time, but recharge time can be considerable and it will take days to take off all the crew)
[20:21:25] <captain_Bartholemue> (Mord is a random crew member NPC, I know you don't know, but your character should)
[20:21:58] <Zinegata> There is no sign of the Space Hulk or the other half of the ship. At all
[20:21:58] <Magos_Daelus> Captain, I will go to the teleportarium and offer up the blessings of the Omnissiah, but I do not think it is viable to remove the entire crew in that fashion -- only a handful can be moved at a time and the machine-spirit will have to rest after each transfer.
[20:22:03] <Attilas_Eichmann> "Aye Captain, the Good Fortune is in position to cover and our weapons are primed and ready to repel any remaining space born Xenos."
[20:22:20] <captain_Bartholemue> Damnit, I don't want to be anywhere near that gunk
[20:22:22] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Emperor help us! They're coming again!
[20:22:29] <Zinegata> <Glanst> *sound of gunfire*
[20:22:37] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Please send help!
[20:22:47] <Brother_Virgilus> Captain, I do not think we can afford to wait too long. Perhaps it would be best to send a small group to clear an escape?
[20:22:47] <Zinegata> <Furion> ... Dammit. 'Nids.
[20:23:01] <captain_Bartholemue> Brother Virgilus, (sorry I can't remember the handle of our trooper) to the telporter immediately!
[20:23:13] <Zinegata> (Flavion)
[20:23:39] <Magos_Daelus> I will go to the teleportarium as well and attempt to ease the transfer.
[20:23:51] <captain_Bartholemue> Damnit, Mord we're take teh ship in to transfer remaining crew
[20:23:53] <Zinegata> <Glanst> They're breaking through! They're breaking through! We're in the forward torpedo room, block A. HELP!
[20:24:04] <Flavion> [hmm five at a time means we can't even bring a squad]
[20:24:07] <Attilas_Eichmann> Saying a prayer to the Emperor I say, "Therian, you have the bridge. I'll be damned if I let Bartholemue go in there alone."
[20:24:09] <Brother_Virgilus> *to teleport* Magos, can you give me an idea of the best escape routw?
[20:24:18] <Flavion> I'll come with you.
[20:24:29] <Zinegata> (Magos, lore check)
[20:24:41] <captain_Bartholemue> Get us directly to their torpedo room *over vox* Glanst get your men ready to board my ship, making boarding action now!
[20:24:41] <Magos_Daelus> roll d100
[20:24:42] <Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=16 ]{16}
[20:25:02] <Magos_Daelus> (and the dice gods love me, for I have the blessings of the Omnissiah)
[20:25:09] <Zinegata> <Furion> I'll have the Storm troopers posted all over the ship. In case any 'nids show up
[20:25:11] <captain_Bartholemue> Mord will bring the ship in a boarding action while we teleport in to assist the survivors in their run
[20:25:32] <Attilas_Eichmann> (How should I board their ship? Will the teleportarium be able to snag me with the rest or will I need to ferry over via shuttle?)
[20:25:35] <captain_Bartholemue> *to my crew* Men, combat boarding stations now! we're bringing in survivors! move!
[20:25:59] <captain_Bartholemue> (can we teleport Attila to our ship and then immediately hop across as a group?
[20:26:00] <Zinegata> MAgos-> The frigate can dock via an access hatch to the port of the ship...
[20:26:13] <Zinegata> ======== BATTLE STATIONS! ==============
[20:26:28] <captain_Bartholemue> (we'll board manually after )
[20:26:28] <Zinegata> ======== Mission Objective: Rescue "Decisive Action" Survivors"
[20:26:44] <Magos_Daelus> I will stay aboard ship to attempt to soothe the machine spirits and hasten another transfer, but I do not believe I can teleport someone from another vessel then teleport a team to the frigate that quickly.
[20:27:11] <Zinegata> (Your team can board the ship via teleport.)
[20:27:19] <Magos_Daelus> (Not everyone's aboard this ship though)
[20:27:29] <captain_Bartholemue> Well firgure it out! we won't need to use the teleportarium for another day or two! we'll be there presently
[20:27:32] <Zinegata> (Let's just assume for this purpose Eichmann can get transferred real quickly between the two ships >_>)
[20:27:57] <Zinegata> Basically, here's what you can do: Teleport a team into the torp room
[20:28:03] <captain_Bartholemue> (it'll be two rapid teleports, followed by an extended cool down. Maybe Magos can make a roll to sooth it?)
[20:28:07] <Zinegata> Then a ship docks into the side of the frigate
[20:28:20] <Zinegata> And you'll have to fight your way to the ship
[20:28:32] <captain_Bartholemue> (one to get atilla, one to teleport to torpedo room, then we'll fight our way back to the docking station)
[20:28:42] <Zinegata> (Yeo)
[20:28:45] <Zinegata> (Yep)
[20:28:56] <Zinegata> <Furion> I'll have the company hold the docking ring. None will get pass us.
[20:29:05] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Why not just send transports to the torpedo tubes and bring them out that way?)
[20:29:20] <captain_Bartholemue> *vox to Good Fortune* Atilla get ready, you'll be a little dizzy and surrounded by hostiles!
[20:29:43] <Zinegata> (Atilla-> The torpedo tubes seem loaded
[20:29:54] <Attilas_Eichmann> (lol)
[20:29:54] <Magos_Daelus> *mutters* If he is lucky. Rapid teleports like this are...unwise.
[20:29:57] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Help! HELP!
[20:30:17] <Attilas_Eichmann> "Aye Captain, on your mark."
[20:30:27] <captain_Bartholemue> Magos just make it happen, we need Glanst and if he's worth his weight in grox dung he won't leave without his crew!
[20:30:54] <Brother_Virgilus> GO
[20:30:59] <Zinegata> <Furion> Bring lots of flamers and explosives
[20:31:10] <captain_Bartholemue> * draws bolt pistol and hand flamer*
[20:31:14] <captain_Bartholemue> GO!
[20:31:17] <Zinegata> <Furion> Also, Flavion, go with the team
[20:31:21] <Flavion> Yes, sir.
[20:31:31] <Zinegata> (So, who teleports?)
[20:31:38] <Magos_Daelus> *activates the incense burner on his utility mechadendrite and plugs himself into the machines through his MIU*
[20:32:00] <Magos_Daelus> (Umm. Probably not me. I don't think I'd be as useful over there as over here running the teleporter.)
[20:32:19] <Brother_Virgilus> [me, Chainsword and grenade.]
[20:32:26] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I'm going aboard, I seem pretty useless sitting aboard a gunship when there are no spaceborn nids to be seen just yet.)
[20:32:38] <Flavion> [Aye, with a couple grenades]
[20:32:42] <Zinegata> (righto. So Virgilus, Bart, Eichman, Flavion)
[20:32:59] <Zinegata> The teleported crewmen feel queasy and terrible...
[20:33:06] <Zinegata> And emerge in HELL
[20:33:15] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Keep shooting! KEEP SHOOTING!
[20:33:32] <Zinegata> You appear behind a line of barricades, while desperate crewmen shoot into a mass of advancing chitinous horrors
[20:33:38] <Zinegata> Who are already tearing crewmen apart
[20:33:41] <Zinegata> Roll initiative!
[20:33:41] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled initiative! --> error: malformed expression
[20:34:01] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d0
[20:34:02] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d0 --> error: dice operands must be >= 1
[20:34:07] <Flavion> roll 1d100
[20:34:07] <Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=20 ]{20}
[20:34:10] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d10
[20:34:10] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{7}
[20:34:18] <Zinegata> (d10 guys)
[20:34:20] <Flavion> [Ooh, uh sorry]
[20:34:23] <Flavion> roll 1d10
[20:34:23] <Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{7}
[20:34:28] <Brother_Virgilus> Roll d10
[20:34:28] <Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled d10 --> [ 1d10=6 ]{6}
[20:34:31] <Zinegata> (Add your Agi bonus)
[20:34:39] <Attilas_Eichmann> (11 total)
[20:34:49] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d10+4
[20:34:49] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d10+4 --> [ 1d10=3 ]{7}
[20:34:49] <Flavion> (11)
[20:34:52] <Brother_Virgilus> [10]
[20:35:08] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Cool we can add modifiers to our rolls)
[20:35:09] <captain_Bartholemue> roll 1d10
[20:35:09] <Belldandy> captain_Bartholemue rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{8}
[20:35:36] <Zinegata> roll 1d10+5
[20:35:36] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{12}
[20:35:46] <captain_Bartholemue> Initaitive = 12
[20:35:48] <Zinegata> roll 1d10+3
[20:35:48] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+3 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{10}
[20:36:59] <Zinegata> Order:
[20:37:06] <Zinegata> Tyranid Horde
[20:37:20] <Zinegata> Bart
[20:37:22] <Zinegata> Eichman
[20:37:31] <Zinegata> Virgil
[20:37:34] <Zinegata> Crewmen
[20:37:41] <Zinegata> Ergh, wait
[20:37:51] <Zinegata> Insert Flavion between Bart and Eichmann
[20:37:54] <Zinegata> Let's go!
[20:38:14] <Zinegata> The Horde rushes in and attempts to attack everyone (Horde mass attack)
[20:38:37] <Zinegata> roll d100 (Bart)
[20:38:37] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Bart) --> [ 1d100=48 ]{48}
[20:38:49] <Zinegata> roll d100 (Flavion)
[20:38:49] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Flavion) --> [ 1d100=92 ]{92}
[20:38:53] <Zinegata> roll d100 (Eichmann)
[20:38:54] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Eichmann) --> [ 1d100=31 ]{31}
[20:39:02] <Zinegata> roll d100 (Virgil)
[20:39:03] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Virgil) --> [ 1d100=21 ]{21}
[20:39:08] <Zinegata> roll d100 (Crewmen)
[20:39:08] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Crewmen) --> [ 1d100=59 ]{59}
[20:39:10] <Flavion> [That's lovely]
[20:39:31] <Attilas_Eichmann> [No, that's good. They missed you]
[20:39:41] <Zinegata> (No dodge or parry)
[20:39:47] <Zinegata> (As it's a horde)
[20:40:06] <Zinegata> !dice 1d10+5 (Eichmann)
[20:40:14] <Zinegata> roll 1d10+5 (Eichmann)
[20:40:14] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 (Eichmann) --> [ 1d10=8 ]{13}
[20:40:23] <Zinegata> roll 1d10+5 (Virgil)
[20:40:23] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 (Virgil) --> [ 1d10=4 ]{9}
[20:40:45] <Zinegata> (Eich and Virgil suffer 13 and 8 wounds, but subtract your toughness and armor from it first)
[20:41:02] <Zinegata> <Glanst> ... R... REINFORCEMENTS?!
[20:41:20] <Brother_Virgilus> [8 armor and 8 toughness, zero damage]
[20:41:31] <Zinegata> (Captain Bart, there is a massive horde trying to eat you all. Action please?)
[20:42:02] <Zinegata> (Flavion to follow)
[20:42:08] <captain_Bartholemue> Captain Bartholemue Roberts, at your service. Men! GRENADES *opens up with Hand Flamer, shooting the nearest member of the horde simultaneously with my bolt pistol)
[20:42:18] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I take 4 after armor and toughness)
[20:43:25] <Zinegata> (Roll BS for Flamer)
[20:43:45] <Zinegata> (And bolt pistol)
[20:44:24] <Zinegata> (d100)
[20:44:50] <captain_Bartholemue> roll d100
[20:44:50] <Belldandy> captain_Bartholemue rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=83 ]{83}
[20:44:54] <captain_Bartholemue> roll d100
[20:44:54] <Belldandy> captain_Bartholemue rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=59 ]{59}
[20:45:16] <captain_Bartholemue> close range I should only need 60 to hit
[20:45:22] <Zinegata> ... Bolt pistol connects and blows the head off a 'nid, but the flamer shot is a bit wild.
[20:45:31] <Zinegata> Flavion! GO!
[20:45:34] <Flavion> (want to throw a krak grenade into the horde)
[20:45:42] <Zinegata> Eichman to follow
[20:45:47] <Flavion> roll d100
[20:45:47] <Belldandy> Flavion rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=32 ]{32}
[20:45:52] <Zinegata> (Krak is anti-tank. Frag is anti-personnel. You sure?)
[20:46:05] <Flavion> [I thought Nids had armor bodies?]
[20:46:28] <Zinegata> (They do, but these are smaller ones and frags can affect them)
[20:46:37] <Flavion> [all right frag rather then]
[20:46:37] <Brother_Virgilus> [not enough armor]
[20:47:07] <Zinegata> Flavion shows off some leet Stormtrooper skills by 'nading a couple of 'nids to death
[20:47:19] <Zinegata> But there are still lots of them! Maybe dozens!
[20:47:35] <Zinegata> Eichmann, go!
[20:47:50] <Zinegata> Virgil to follow, then TEAM Crewman
[20:48:01] <Attilas_Eichmann> Focusing on his psyfocus Attilas reaches into the warp looking for the lightning needed to end this threat.
[20:48:15] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 3d10+11
[20:48:15] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 3d10+11 --> [ 3d10=19 ]{30}
[20:48:34] <Zinegata> (One sec, are you doing full power, or just dampered?)
[20:48:53] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Dampered.)
[20:49:11] <Zinegata> (No PoW then)
[20:49:43] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Yeah, I guess I should roll all three dice seperate next time.)
[20:49:49] <captain_Bartholemue> (flame weapons don't require a ballstic test, for future refernce. Any creature in a 30 degree arc 10 meters from me makes an agility test or gets hit in the chest)
[20:50:13] <Zinegata> There is a terrible sizzle, and a whole bunch of 'nids are fried
[20:50:22] <Zinegata> (Oh, even for Hand Flamer? Whoops, sorry)
[20:50:23] <Attilas_Eichmann> (That beats my threshold by 14 so that's 2 extra bolts for a total of 9.)
[20:50:33] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:50:33] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=37 ]{37}
[20:50:34] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:50:34] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=90 ]{90}
[20:50:35] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:50:35] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=99 ]{99}
[20:50:36] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:50:36] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=54 ]{54}
[20:50:36] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:50:37] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=9 ]{9}
[20:50:37] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:50:37] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=96 ]{96}
[20:50:38] <captain_Bartholemue> (If they're hit they must take a second one or be set on fire)
[20:50:38] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:50:38] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=40 ]{40}
[20:50:39] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:50:39] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=51 ]{51}
[20:50:40] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:50:40] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=5 ]{5}
[20:50:52] <Flavion> [Floood!]
[20:50:52] <Zinegata> And you just scared the bejeezus out of the crewmen too
[20:51:09] <Zinegata> (Eich, what are the rolls for?)
[20:51:19] <Zinegata> (The bolts?)
[20:51:22] <Attilas_Eichmann> (To hit with my lightning bolts)
[20:51:42] <Zinegata> (Yep, a whole bunch of 'nid are definitely fried)
[20:51:48] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I only hit with 4 though even at this range)
06[20:51:50] * Zinegata recalcs horde size
[20:51:59] <Attilas_Eichmann> (No need for damage rolls?)
[20:52:27] <Zinegata> (Nope. Horde. And they suffer a massive penalty to-hit as they're a horde, so you actually hit 6)
[20:52:33] <Zinegata> Virgil, your turn!
[20:52:35] <Brother_Virgilus> [All out attack w/ chainsword, +20] Roll d10
[20:52:42] <Brother_Virgilus> Roll d10
[20:52:42] <Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled d10 --> [ 1d10=6 ]{6}
[20:52:46] <Zinegata> The Horde is less than 50% strength now
[20:52:54] <Brother_Virgilus> roll d100
[20:52:54] <Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=79 ]{79}
[20:53:01] <Zinegata> (There we go)
[20:53:54] <Zinegata> Virgil slices a 'nid in half, but barely cuts down the remaining horde any further
[20:54:06] <Zinegata> Team Crewman shoots!
[20:54:08] <captain_Bartholemue> Glanst, my ship has docked with yours, press forward!
[20:54:15] <Zinegata> roll d100
[20:54:15] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=42 ]{42}
[20:54:34] <Zinegata> A dew more 'nids fall, but they are still surging FORWARD
[20:54:47] <Zinegata> <Glanst> They're overrunning us! You want us to CHARGE?!
[20:54:59] <Zinegata> Horde again
[20:55:04] <Zinegata> Roll d100 (Bart)
[20:55:04] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Bart) --> [ 1d100=85 ]{85}
[20:55:07] <Attilas_Eichmann> "Yes damn you, even our fighting skill won't hold here forever.)
[20:55:07] <Zinegata> Roll d100 (Flav)
[20:55:07] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Flav) --> [ 1d100=23 ]{23}
[20:55:09] <Zinegata> Roll d100 (Eich)
[20:55:10] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Eich) --> [ 1d100=51 ]{51}
[20:55:12] <Zinegata> Roll d100 (Virg)
[20:55:12] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Virg) --> [ 1d100=37 ]{37}
[20:55:14] <Zinegata> Roll d100 (Crew)
[20:55:15] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Crew) --> [ 1d100=62 ]{62}
[20:55:15] <Brother_Virgilus> For the Emperor. We must charge
[20:55:44] <Zinegata> The Horde hates Flav, Eich, and Virg
[20:56:09] <Zinegata> !dice 1d10+5 (Flav)
[20:56:17] <Zinegata> roll 1d10+5 (Flav)
[20:56:17] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 (Flav) --> [ 1d10=8 ]{13}
[20:56:22] <Zinegata> roll 1d10+5 (Eich)
[20:56:22] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 (Eich) --> [ 1d10=10 ]{15}
[20:56:26] <Zinegata> roll 1d10+5 (Virg)
[20:56:26] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 (Virg) --> [ 1d10=4 ]{9}
[20:56:27] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I've noticed that they don't much like the party psyker)
[20:56:45] <Zinegata> (You fried 1/3 of them in one shot)
[20:57:08] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Yeah, I guess I did.)
[20:57:08] <Brother_Virgilus> [Again no damage, but I think I should use Medicae to someone now]
[20:57:22] <Zinegata> Bart, keep shooting, or inspire Glanst forward?
[20:57:39] <Zinegata> (Because it looks like Glanst is a bit of "No way man! Game over! GAME OVER!" about charging
02[20:58:09] * captain_Bartholemue (NSwebIRC@Nightstar-51bcdc54.bigpond.net.au) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[20:58:19] <Zinegata> (The Captain is dead! Panic!)
[20:58:29] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I think his Aussie interwebs hates him.)
[20:58:33] <Magos_Daelus> (I just want to point out it's the 2 guys in power armor who thought charging was a good idea)
[20:58:39] <Brother_Virgilus> [panic-ing]
[20:58:48] <Zinegata> (Indeed.)
[20:58:55] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I'm in flak and I said to charge as well.)
[20:59:04] <Flavion> [lol oh boy]
[20:59:26] <Zinegata> (OKay, Flav, take your turn while Captain is inspiring the crew)
[20:59:35] <Magos_Daelus> (Okay, the 2 guys in power armor and the guy who fried a third of the Horde in one shot thought charging was a good idea :b )
[20:59:39] <Flavion> [how close are they anyway?]
[20:59:42] <Attilas_Eichmann> (xD)
[20:59:49] <Zinegata> (Point. Blank)
03[21:00:46] * Captain_Bartholemue (NSwebIRC@Nightstar-51bcdc54.bigpond.net.au) has joined #valhalla
[21:01:17] <Zinegata> Bart, action!
[21:01:24] <Captain_Bartholemue> sorry, had a page error
03[21:01:24] * Soontir94 (Soontir948@Nightstar-9b64ff1f.res.rr.com) has joined #valhalla
[21:01:38] <Soontir94> [Huh, disconnected for a second]
[21:02:20] <Soontir94> [Testing 1, 2 , 3
[21:02:26] <Captain_Bartholemue> *blasts at the center of the 'nid horde again with the flamer, holsters the Hand Flamer and draws his Archeotec Laspistol
03[21:02:47] * Soontir94 is now known as Flavion_Octus
[21:03:24] <Zinegata> (Roll for le Last Pistol)
[21:03:40] <Zinegata> roll d100 ('nid dodge)
02[21:03:41] * Flavion (Soontir948@Nightstar-9b64ff1f.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[21:03:41] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 ('nid dodge) --> [ 1d100=67 ]{67}
[21:03:41] <Captain_Bartholemue> roll d100
[21:03:42] <Belldandy> Captain_Bartholemue rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=30 ]{30}
[21:04:04] <Zinegata> Bart shoots an ugly one between the eyes while the flames cook a whole bunch of them
[21:04:15] <Zinegata> The Horde, now much diminished, scatters and flees
[21:04:29] <Zinegata> <Glanst> W... we're saved! We're saved!
[21:05:01] <Captain_Bartholemue> ( A Hand Flamer works like w normal one, but only has 2 shots per clip)
[21:05:13] <Zinegata> (Yep, I rechecked)
[21:05:26] <Attilas_Eichmann> Attilas is going to use a restrained seal wounds on himself
[21:05:31] <Captain_Bartholemue> save it, we need to get the hell out of here, what the fastest way to the airlocks?
[21:05:36] <Zinegata> The surviving crewmen cheer. But still keep a wide bearth away from the Psyker
[21:05:42] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 3d10+11
[21:05:43] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 3d10+11 --> [ 3d10=16 ]{27}
[21:05:54] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Down that way *points to where the 'nids came from and are running into*
[21:06:07] <Brother_Virgilus> [anyone else need medicae?]
[21:06:17] <Zinegata> <Glanst> But we can't just leave! I have more people trapped all over the place!
[21:06:29] <Zinegata> (Flav and Eich were both injured)
[21:06:36] <Captain_Bartholemue> then they're headed straight for MY men
[21:06:45] <Captain_Bartholemue> you're ships comm still work?
[21:06:59] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I'm using my pschic powers to heal myself and the next three worst people.)
[21:07:10] <Flavion_Octus> [Hurray]
[21:07:12] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d10+7
[21:07:12] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d10+7 --> [ 1d10=10 ]{17}
[21:07:16] <Zinegata> <Glanst> I have contact with 3 other groups over the Voc
[21:07:18] <Zinegata> *Vox
[21:07:26] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d10+7
[21:07:26] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d10+7 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{14}
[21:07:31] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d10+7
[21:07:31] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d10+7 --> [ 1d10=1 ]{8}
[21:07:37] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d10+7
[21:07:37] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d10+7 --> [ 1d10=4 ]{11}
[21:07:38] <Zinegata> <Glanst> They're in terrible shape. I don't think any of them can make a run for it
[21:07:50] <Captain_Bartholemue> well tell them to get to the air locks, I'm not leaving my ship pressed up against this diseased hulk for long
[21:07:57] <Captain_Bartholemue> damnit!
[21:08:06] <Zinegata> <Glanst> That's suicide!
[21:08:11] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I'm fully healed now and the rest of the rescue team shoulod be as well.)
[21:08:20] <Zinegata> <Glanst> We might be able to make it... but the other groups barely have any arms!
[21:08:24] <Brother_Virgilus> Captain, perhaps we can fire off a torpedoe?
[21:08:27] <Zinegata> (Yep, all healed)
[21:08:36] <Captain_Bartholemue> *turns to Brother Virgilus* It's on you, you've a better commanding knowledge of combat situations then I, take command
[21:08:38] <Brother_Virgilus> and use the tube to evacuate
[21:08:43] <Brother_Virgilus> ?
[21:08:58] <Zinegata> <Glanst> We... we can do that, but what about the rest of my crewmates?
[21:09:03] <Captain_Bartholemue> (up to you, do we get the rest of leave them to die?)
[21:09:09] <Brother_Virgilus> Glanst do you have bording torpedoes?
[21:09:22] <Attilas_Eichmann> "I would support that idea. Leaving quickly is best, the others will be very hard to save if the ship is as overrun as it seems."
[21:09:23] <Zinegata> <Glanst> We have, but none are loaded.
[21:09:43] <Brother_Virgilus> How long would it take to reload?
[21:09:59] <Flavion_Octus> [afk for a bit]
[21:10:01] <Zinegata> <Furion> *over the Voc* Ahem, gentlement, we have docked, and are killing 'nids left and right. It's a wonderful war. Over.
[21:10:17] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Without power? Hours at best.
[21:10:48] <Captain_Bartholemue> That's it, I'm not leaving my men to defend YOUR way out while you're on the fence as to how we're getting out
[21:11:12] <Captain_Bartholemue> Torpedoes or airlock's, make up your mind, and get your men moving
[21:11:30] <Attilas_Eichmann> "Brother Virgilus, if we fire the torpedo that is loaded do you think that a small craft could fly up the tube and load us in?"
[21:12:19] <Zinegata> <Furion> Gentlemen, 'nid threat to the airlock has been eliminated. Again, it's a wonderful war. Do I have to go down there and pick you up?
[21:12:43] <Zinegata> <Furion> Because I hear a lot of skittering and they might do another push.
03[21:12:52] * Lenny is now known as Juumanistra
[21:13:37] <Brother_Virgilus> It is one option. But it is beter to fight to the airlock to pick up survivors. Let us heave to.
[21:13:37] <Captain_Bartholemue> *Over the vox* the is no way I'm letting those things onto my ship to eat me in my sleep. Guard the doors
[21:14:19] <Flavion_Octus> Let's go.
[21:14:20] <Zinegata> (Proceed to the airlock with the current crop of survivors?)
[21:14:30] <Zinegata> <Glanst> But... the other groups...
[21:14:37] <Brother_Virgilus> Magos, if your augers can find other survivors on our path lead us to them.
[21:14:38] <Captain_Bartholemue> *starts making his way down the hallway* lets go people, I head some of those 'nids live in the void and I'm NOT getting caught with my pants down
[21:14:40] <Zinegata> Other crewmen start following the team
[21:14:57] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Dammit! *follows*
[21:15:02] <Attilas_Eichmann> I'll follow taking up the rear.
[21:15:18] <Zinegata> It is actually a short trip down the hall and into the airlock chamber
[21:15:33] <Zinegata> Where two squads of Stormtroopers are waiting, along with Furion
[21:15:52] <Magos_Daelus> I will do what I can. *Interfaces with the ship's augur arrays*
[21:16:11] <Magos_Daelus> (Tech use to see if I can locate any groups anywhere near the exit?)
[21:16:27] <Attilas_Eichmann> As we walk I'll be casting see me not and Iron skin and sustaining them both.
[21:16:35] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 3d10+11
[21:16:35] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 3d10+11 --> [ 3d10=15 ]{26}
[21:16:39] <Zinegata> (Magos -> Roll Tech Use)
[21:16:41] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 3d10+11
[21:16:41] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 3d10+11 --> [ 3d10=16 ]{27}
[21:16:45] <Magos_Daelus> roll d100
[21:16:45] <Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=89 ]{89}
[21:17:03] <Zinegata> (The Machine Spirits of the Decisive Action are... uncooperative)
[21:17:23] <Zinegata> <Furion> Get the survivors onboard. We can hold the air lock for a bit
[21:17:33] <Captain_Bartholemue> Magos, is there anything on this ships log about what they were carrying?
[21:17:48] <Zinegata> <Furion> This ain't even a big infestation, to be honest. I suspect all we have to face is one Tyranid Warrior commanding this whole brood
[21:17:54] <Magos_Daelus> My apologies, Brother Virgilus, but the machine spirits of the augurs are having difficulties. Possibly due to all the tyranid biosigns.
[21:18:13] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Sir, the backup cotigators are in the bowels of the ship
[21:18:18] <Brother_Virgilus> Can you then locate the center of the Brood?
[18:58:11] <Zinegata> ~Official Session Start~
[18:58:20] <Attilas_Eichmann> (*Fireworks*)
[18:58:25] <Zinegata> It is the 41st Millenium.
[18:58:59] <captain_Bartholemue> (shit, I overslept)
[18:59:01] <Zinegata> Abbadon's Legions are once again assaulting the Cadian Gate, bringing the Imperium to the brink of disaster
[18:59:23] <Zinegata> Millions are dying. Dozens ships are being lost.
[18:59:30] <Zinegata> But for now, that is none of your concern
[19:00:02] <Zinegata> For in the Saint Cyr Sector, something is happening that could change the fate of the Galaxy forever...
[19:00:16] <Zinegata> ==== Delta Sigma Station ====
[19:00:55] <Zinegata> You had all been directed to go to the Delta Sigma station for a mission of great importance
[19:01:15] <Zinegata> When you arrived, you found Delta Sigma to be... a bit lacking
[19:01:38] <Zinegata> It is a ramshackle space station containing only a few thousand souls.
[19:02:05] <Zinegata> The local guards seem to be lethargic and inept
[19:02:36] <Zinegata> They do, however, direct you to the command center at the heart of the station... where you will meet your comrades.
[19:03:03] <Zinegata> (Right, so let's assume everyone is now at the command center, but you haven't introduced yourselves to each other yet)
[19:03:09] <Zinegata> ==== Command Center ====
[19:03:29] <Zinegata> The command center is a drab room, with many flickering screens and machines that clearly haven't been maintained for a while
[19:03:44] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I'm going to be aboard our second ship preforming overwatch on the system.)
[19:04:02] <Zinegata> Aside from the other "specialists", the only person here seems to be the Space Station commander
[19:04:24] <Zinegata> He is an old man with greying hair, and he somewhat reeks of alchohol
[19:04:33] <Zinegata> (Oks)
[19:05:23] <Zinegata> <Station Commander> *hic* Greetings. I'm Commander Dercian, commander of GLORIOUS DELTA SIGMA! And... huh. *rubs eyes* A... A Space Marine?!
[19:06:04] <Brother_Virgilus> Yes Commander, I am here by the Command of the Inquisition
[19:06:05] <Zinegata> A man in Stormtrooper armor beside Dercian looks very, very annoyed.
[19:06:19] <Zinegata> <Dercian> Um, ergh, eh... yes. Uh...
[19:06:44] <Zinegata> <Stormtrooper Captain> *ahem* What the "Glorious Station Commander" is saying is that he is ready to provide all assistance to our group.
[19:06:51] <captain_Bartholemue> (so I never got confirmation that I had power armour as well, do I? I intended to use my free aquisitoin for it...)
[19:07:12] <Zinegata> <Captain Furion> I'm Captain Furtion BTW, CO of the 4th V-G-H Stormtroopers. Welcome to the bug hunt
[19:07:18] <Zinegata> (Yes, you get it)
[19:07:40] <Zinegata> <Captain> May I have the pleasure of knowing all of you... fine gentlemen?
[19:08:26] <Flavion> (shall I assume I just stay by the CO's side)
[19:08:31] <Flavion> (?)
[19:08:32] <Zinegata> (Yep)
[19:08:38] <Flavion> [Alritey]
[19:08:43] <Zinegata> (You'll get the spotlight in a sec)
[19:08:43] <captain_Bartholemue> I am captain Bartholemue Roberts of The Royal Fortune
[19:09:17] <captain_Bartholemue> My ship is on loan for this particular mission
[19:09:22] <Brother_Virgilus> I am Brother-Apothecary Virgilus, representing The Dark Angels in the most holy Inquistions DeathWatch
[19:10:34] <Attilas_Eichmann> Is manually running focused Augries into the void waiting for the Royal Fortune to undock.
[19:10:45] <Zinegata> <Captain> Pleased to meet, you, Brother-Captain Virgilus *nods respectfully*. And who's our Tech Priest?
[19:11:02] <Magos_Daelus> *glaring at the badly-maintained machinery then at the station commander, augmetic eye whirring and clicking* I am Magos Daelus, commander.
[19:11:19] <Magos_Daelus> (Captain, sorry)
[19:11:34] <Zinegata> <Captain> Right. *sigh* This was not what I was promised.
[19:12:10] <Zinegata> <Captain> *points to the Stormtrooper beside him* This, by the way, is my XO, Flavion Octus.
[19:12:24] <captain_Bartholemue> *cocks an eyebrow* What were you expecting? an Ultramrines Battleship complete with escort?
[19:12:35] <Zinegata> <Captain> And I will be blunt, this is a grox-shit operation and we are in deep, deep trouble.
[19:12:38] <Flavion> Flavion nodded to the group
[19:13:06] <Zinegata> <Captain> If there are any left after Abbadon's latest rampage, we might need one.
[19:13:13] <Zinegata> <Captain> Anyway, let me bring you up to speed.
[19:13:46] <Zinegata> <Captain> Six days ago, we lost contact with the "Decisive Action" while it was investigating a Space Hulk. A very valuable Space Hulk. This you should already know.
[19:14:15] <Zinegata> <Captain> During that time, Lord Inquisitor Ramnza had been gathering what assets he can to secure this hulk. This you should also know.
[19:14:50] <Zinegata> <Captain> What he forgot to mention is that half of the specialists - including the Inquisitor that was supposed to lead this whole outfit - was lost in the Warp.
[19:15:12] <Zinegata> <Captain> Hopefully they'll turn up, but I'm not so hopeful at the moment.
[19:15:46] <Zinegata> <Captain> And on top of that, the "Stormtrooper Company" he mentioned - MY company - is at just 70% strength. And most of those are walking wounded who can still fight.
[19:16:37] <Brother_Virgilus> I'll luck. I cannot say that my own squad is in any better shape. I am the only one left for this operation.
[19:16:41] <Zinegata> <Captain> So, before we take off on this mission, do any of you want to share ideas on how we can increase our chances of mission success?
[19:17:03] <Zinegata> <Captain> I am sorry to hear that, Brother Virgilus. Truly, these are dark and terrible times.
[19:17:28] <Brother_Virgilus> The Emperor has our back, for I know no Fear.
[19:17:36] <Zinegata> <Captain> Oh, and Brother Virgilus, I must note that with the Inquisitor missing, you're nominally in command of this mission
[19:17:58] <Brother_Virgilus> As an Agent of the Inquistion I accept
[19:18:06] <Zinegata> <Captain> Although Mr. Barttolmew here still has command of his ship, of course.
[19:18:26] <Zinegata> <Captain> *eyes Batholemeu a bit*
[19:19:33] <captain_Bartholemue> Actually, I was hoping to better equip my crew before we set off on this mission
[19:19:53] <captain_Bartholemue> I already have a barracks on board the Royal Fortune
[19:20:01] <Zinegata> <Dercian> *hic* Wha... what will you need?
[19:20:42] <Zinegata> <Captain> A proper barracks? Excellent. I'll have my troopers move in. We're decently equipped enough, and we have some additional crates of Emperor-Knows-What for the Cog Boys
[19:21:13] <Zinegata> <Captain> I'll head over to arrange the loading. Flavion here will stay here and be your official guard and escort
[19:21:22] <captain_Bartholemue> Before you do that, Captain, my ship is currently in lock-down
[19:21:34] <Flavion> [All right bitches follow me.

[19:21:40] <Magos_Daelus> *appears to be paying more attention to the malfunctioning machines than the briefing, but spares an irritated glare for the Stormtrooper*
[19:21:42] <captain_Bartholemue> The doors do not open unless everything and everyone entering it are catalogued by my crew
[19:22:09] <Zinegata> <Captain> Can you have the ship UN-lock downed?
[19:22:46] <captain_Bartholemue> We have some things to discuss, first off, and most importantly everything entering it gets recorded
[19:23:00] <Zinegata> <Captain> Alright, what do you want to discuss?
[19:23:14] <Zinegata> *A computer panel cracks and sparks from poor maintenance*
[19:23:46] <captain_Bartholemue> second, the barracks on board is presently being used by my men, I do not want a bunch of Imperial troopers thinking they can walk in and take over. My boys have lived on that ship, some since they were born and they are used to things running acertain way
[19:23:47] <Zinegata> <Dercian> *hic* Meh. Imperium component. Eldar component. All made by Ork Mek!
[19:24:26] <Zinegata> <Captain> My men shared barracks with the 907th Cadian and the 111st Elysians during our last campaign. And it was cramped.
[19:24:30] <Magos_Daelus> What? You've mixed xenos components with...who is in charge of maintenance on this station?!?
[19:24:38] <Zinegata> <Captain> I assure you my men are DISCIPLINED
[19:24:47] <captain_Bartholemue> I would like to have a quick discussion when we get to loading
[19:24:57] <Zinegata> <Dercian> *hic* It was a _joke_ >_>
[19:25:13] <captain_Bartholemue> I'll be annnouncing the changes to my crew from the bridge so things run as smoothly as possible
[19:25:20] <Zinegata> <Dercian> *hic* Our Tech Priest died due to a vacuum accident four years ago and we've had no replacements ;_;
[19:25:25] <Magos_Daelus> You are fortunate this station's machine spirit has not rebelled and vented the atmosphere or cranked the gravity up to maximum, Captain!
[19:25:36] <Magos_Daelus> I have never seen such abuse of the Omnissiah's bounty.
[19:26:03] <Brother_Virgilus> Captain, I am sure that your men do not want to lose their home, but if the Stormtroopers are walking wounded, perhaps they need it more.
[19:26:10] <Zinegata> <Dercian> *hic* I'm sorry ;_;
[19:26:18] <Brother_Virgilus> [Directed at the rouge trader]
[19:27:00] <Magos_Daelus> *walks away from the briefing to examine the damaged machinery, muttering prayers to the Omnissiah as he attempts to soothe the machine spirits*
[19:27:11] <captain_Bartholemue> I do not disagree, but would you rather your troops make that announcement or me?
[19:27:31] <Zinegata> (Make a Repair check Daelus)
[19:28:01] <Magos_Daelus> roll 1d100
[19:28:02] <Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=22 ]{22}
[19:28:37] <captain_Bartholemue> Who should I give the list of my intended purchases to? If I can have someone else find the required merchants I can accompany Brother Virgilus to the ship and start moving troops and cargo
[19:28:40] <Zinegata> With just a few "prayers" half the screens in the command center start humming again
[19:29:00] <Zinegata> <Dercian> THANK YOU! ;_;
[19:29:13] <Zinegata> <Dercian> My Holo Pict is finally working again!
[19:29:36] <Zinegata> <Dercian> And... uh,... supplies? Uh, give me the list and we'll give you what we need. Just not the Holo-pict please >_>
[19:29:39] <Magos_Daelus> (...Did I just fix the captain's porn video collection?)
[19:29:45] <Zinegata> (Yes)
[19:29:53] <Zinegata> (Station Commander)
[19:30:03] <Flavion> [lol]
[19:31:18] <Magos_Daelus> (Dear Omnissiah, I have a Mind Impulse Unit, this could be bad.)
[19:31:34] <Zinegata> (Nah, you just connected two loose wires)
[19:31:44] <Zinegata> (And it's not actually playing yet)
[19:32:14] <Magos_Daelus> (That's probably a good thing, I'd hate to have that permanently stuck in my logic circuitry)
[19:32:48] <captain_Bartholemue> I will need teh following as soon as possible; 1 chrono, 1 Inferno Pistol, 1 Hand Flamer, Mars Pattern meltaguns, Lasguns, Heavy Stubbers, new uniforms for my crew (probably something I already have, but still need to rol for), supplies of good quality food and drink, Lord Captains baton (again, I should already have this if the roll passes), Shipboard Emergency kits, Guard Flak, Flamers, and Frag and Stun Grenades
[19:33:10] <captain_Bartholemue> (and a shuriken pistol that was accidentall in my hold)
[19:34:18] <Zinegata> (Ergh... I think you had already acquired most of that before you arrived. Except the Melta guns)
[19:34:36] <captain_Bartholemue> (you said that I had to roll for it and we'd do it at the beginning of the game_
[19:34:56] <Magos_Daelus> (First person who fires a meltagun inside the ship gets skullfucked with a manipulator mechadendrite)
[19:34:58] <Zinegata> (I was thinking more of rolling it before Delta Sigma >_>)
[19:35:21] <Zinegata> (Anyway, assume you have it all and just roll for the pistol and the Melta Gun)
[19:35:30] <Zinegata> (Profit/Influence check)
[19:37:14] <Zinegata> (Roll d100)
[19:38:08] <captain_Bartholemue> Shuriken Pistol,Negligible, +30, -20, total 40 /roll 1d100
[19:38:37] <Zinegata> (Yes, I mean roll d100
[19:38:39] <Zinegata> Roll D100
[19:38:40] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled D100 --> error: malformed expression
[19:38:45] <Zinegata> Roll d100
[19:38:45] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=3 ]{3}
[19:38:53] <Zinegata> (Like so. Tadaa)
[19:39:19] <captain_Bartholemue> roll 1d100
[19:39:19] <Belldandy> captain_Bartholemue rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=4 ]{4}
[19:39:43] <Zinegata> (You get the pistol. Roll for meltas)
[19:39:52] <Zinegata> (Roll a d100 first, then we calc)
[19:40:00] <captain_Bartholemue> and meltaguns standard, rare total 20 roll d100
[19:40:10] <captain_Bartholemue> roll d100
[19:40:11] <Belldandy> captain_Bartholemue rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=63 ]{63}
[19:40:18] <captain_Bartholemue> and for flamers too or no?
[19:40:41] <Zinegata> (Yes, one more for flamers)
[19:41:39] <captain_Bartholemue> scarce +-, standard 0 total 30
[19:41:42] <captain_Bartholemue> roll d100
[19:41:42] <Belldandy> captain_Bartholemue rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=11 ]{11}
[19:41:52] <captain_Bartholemue> and I've just got the rest then?
[19:42:15] <Zinegata> Dercian, fortunately, had a supply of leftover Flamers from a Guard Company that passed by before. They *should* still work
[19:42:38] <Zinegata> And he manages to scrounge up a shuriken pistol. From somewhere that seems rather smelly. it still seems to work though
[19:42:59] <captain_Bartholemue> asie from the Lord Captains Baton it's all common or average, and the stun grenades are scarce
[19:43:09] <Zinegata> (Team, would you like to try and get any more gear? Recruit more meatshields? Ask if you can use the station as a giant round of ammunition)
[19:43:10] <captain_Bartholemue> (nobody has to know about the shurkien pistol right?)
[19:43:12] <Zinegata> *?
[19:43:27] <Zinegata> (You gave the list directly to Dercian)
[19:44:06] <Magos_Daelus> (I could use a couple of dozen combat servitors and a best-quality plasma torch mechadendrite if there's one lying around...)
[19:44:14] <captain_Bartholemue> (sorry for the hold up everybody, I thought Zinegata wanted me to wait untill we started to get my crew equipped)
[19:44:42] <Zinegata> (Daelus-> I think the fact they can't get a Holo-Pict to work means... they don't have any of those

[19:44:55] <Flavion> (Well I pmed you on SDN a list but I wouldn't mind some throwing knives, demo charges, and a laser sight if I don't have them but I don't suppose I could just raid whatever our Captain here is getting on board.)
[19:45:42] <Zinegata> (Flavion-> Those kit are okay)
[19:45:48] <Zinegata> (You have them)
[19:45:59] <captain_Bartholemue> (we might aswell just include everyones requests on one list and meet the shipment at the dock)
[19:46:06] <Flavion> (k)
[19:46:35] <Zinegata> (Virgilus? Does the Brother need no other weapons?)
[19:47:13] <Brother_Virgilus> [a digi flamer, that is all]
[19:47:14] <Flavion> (Hm uh, just the three or the stuff in the PM?)
[19:47:30] <Zinegata> (All of the stuff in the PM)
[19:47:36] <Flavion> (Cool)
[19:47:51] <Zinegata> Virgilus-> Ergh... Digi's kinda rare and this is a very ramshackle station
[19:47:54] <Attilas_Eichmann> (The only hard to get stuff I have was taken for free, and the rest is all common so I'm good)
[19:48:47] <Brother_Virgilus> [I know, but so is all space Marine Equipment.[
[19:49:50] <Zinegata> (We can try the Hulk for the Digi-Weapon)
[19:49:58] <Zinegata> (Anyway, I think all purchases are done?)
[19:50:16] <Flavion> [Yea, I'm set]
[19:50:59] <captain_Bartholemue> (I'm good, my list was a little more extensive because I've got a crew to worry about, I'm ready to head down to the dock and take my ship off lockdown)
[19:51:01] <Zinegata> (Righto, Captain, bring the team to you ship)
[19:53:00] <captain_Bartholemue> Right! before you enter the ship you must be put on the list, palm scaneed and retina scanned. A member of my crew will meet you on yoru way in and show you to the quarters.
[19:53:17] <captain_Bartholemue> Before anyone get's all demanding, you have two choices for your quarters
[19:53:22] <captain_Bartholemue> top bunk or bottem, get over it
[19:53:38] <Zinegata> <Furion> Bottom bunk.
[19:53:50] <Brother_Virgilus> Cargo shall do.
[19:54:29] <Brother_Virgilus> Give me access to a small stowage area, that is all I require.
[19:55:13] <captain_Bartholemue> We also have a slightly different chain of comman than most of you will be used to, Magos can explain the reasoning if you are for any reason confused. First in command is the ship, she is keeping you protected from the void, if the ship needs anything, she gets it
[19:55:27] <captain_Bartholemue> even I may end up scraping solid waste off the filters
[19:56:19] <Flavion> Understood.
[19:56:41] <captain_Bartholemue> second, we always answer to experience regardless of technical rank. We do not let ego get the rest of us killed
[19:57:40] <captain_Bartholemue> aside from that, I am captain of this ship, Magos would be our closest equivalent to a Boatswain, the rest of the officers you will meet as we go
[19:58:29] <captain_Bartholemue> (I'll go open the cargo area and the doors, posting crew members at each door to process our guests, I'll also make the announcement over teh ships comm about sharing the barracks
[20:00:37] <Flavion> [Ok, so dismissed?]
[20:01:04] <Brother_Virgilus> *as we procced to the ship* Magos what does your studies cover? Or is your service to your vessel your duty before the Ommnisiah
[20:01:06] <Brother_Virgilus> ?
[20:01:56] <Attilas_Eichmann> Speaking over the microbead to Bartholemue I say, "That seems to have gone well."
[20:02:10] <Zinegata> (Yes, the specialists are finding bunks)
[20:02:10] <Magos_Daelus> I have specialized in the study and recovery of archaeotech, though I have experience in a variety of areas.
[20:02:17] <Zinegata> <Furion> By the way, Captain...
[20:02:29] <captain_Bartholemue> eh?
[20:02:31] <Zinegata> <Furion> *tosses Bart a data slate*
[20:02:58] <Zinegata> <Furion> That is the Decisive Action's last known location. I was told by a friend that a good skipper can reach her within 5 days from this location.
[20:03:00] <captain_Bartholemue> *gives it a quick look, keeping an eye on the loading of all the cargo*
[20:03:44] <captain_Bartholemue> barring distractions we should have visual within 4 then

[20:04:12] <Zinegata> (Make your navigation checks then

[20:05:06] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:05:06] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=83 ]{83}
[20:05:16] <Zinegata> (....)
[20:05:30] <captain_Bartholemue> d100
[20:05:33] <captain_Bartholemue> roll d100
[20:05:34] <Belldandy> captain_Bartholemue rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=59 ]{59}
[20:05:45] <Zinegata> (Which of you two has a higher Navu?)
[20:05:48] <Zinegata> (Navi?)
[20:05:52] <captain_Bartholemue> (HAHA, I failed, luckily by only 9 points)
[20:05:53] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Looks like my characters basic knowledge of navigation failed.)
[20:06:24] <captain_Bartholemue> wait, sorry, I get +10 to that, I pass by 1
[20:06:25] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I only have navigation as an untrained basic skill, I assumed we'd have an NPC navigator.)
[20:07:05] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I only rolled to show my character trying to plot a course with intent to see how well his skill is coming along.)
[20:07:14] <Zinegata> (Let the Captain do the navigating then

[20:07:49] <Zinegata> With little fanfare, the ship leaves dock and sets off into the void...
[20:07:51] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Yeah, my navigation is more of an incharacter hobbby. Generally I just man the helm.)
[20:08:29] <Brother_Virgilus> Ah magos, as a master of Archeotech I have a request of you. [continues from PM]
[20:08:32] <Zinegata> After 4 1/2 day's journey... you soon reach the system where the lost Frigate should be... when...
[20:08:34] <captain_Bartholemue> (barely made the navigation, but with our ships speed we should do fine. Does this count as being on an Endevour?)
[20:09:03] <Zinegata> *crackle on short range Vox*
[20:09:11] <Zinegata> (Not exactly

[20:09:24] <Zinegata> (YOu need to finish the listed mission objectives)
[20:09:30] <Zinegata> *crackle on short range Vox*
[20:09:32] <Attilas_Eichmann> Seeing the engines of the Royal Fortune flare on the displays I give the ship some power and set a course to pull within five units of them.
[20:09:45] <Zinegata> <???> Is anyone out there? Please? ANYONE?
[20:10:03] <captain_Bartholemue> This is The Royal Fortune, we hear you
[20:10:36] <Zinegata> Eichman-> Your sensors indicate that there is no large Hulk in the system. Only some... THING. That is half the size of a frigate
[20:10:46] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Focused Augery roll to see what's out there.)
[20:10:50] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:10:50] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=52 ]{52}
[20:10:51] <Zinegata> <???> Bless the Emperor! Can you hear us?
[20:11:01] <captain_Bartholemue> roll d100
[20:11:01] <Belldandy> captain_Bartholemue rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=41 ]{41}
[20:11:17] <Zinegata> Eichmann-> You see an Imperium frigate. Split cleanly in half.
[20:11:20] <Flavion> [is everyone else b/s the Cap and Attilas on the bridge now or still in the barracks?]
[20:11:27] <Attilas_Eichmann> (With the ships sensors I make my roll by 18 points)
[20:11:45] <Magos_Daelus> (I assume I'm either on the bridge or in the enginarium)
[20:11:53] <Zinegata> (I assume Flavion is on the bridge and should summon everyone else up)
[20:12:07] <Flavion> (Ok.)
[20:12:26] <Brother_Virgilus> [patched through helmet, Excersing]
[20:12:47] <Zinegata> <???> Hello? Hello? Please help us!
[20:12:48] <captain_Bartholemue> ( passed by 2 degrees)
[20:12:57] <Flavion> [Everyone has a microbead or do I have to come down personally?]
[20:13:03] <Zinegata> (Microbead)
[20:13:25] <captain_Bartholemue> (how long were we running for? would it have been long enough to transfer non-millitary cargo to The Good Fortune?)
[20:13:42] <Flavion> "I'll inform the others, Captain." Flavion voxed the others to come to the bridge
[20:13:44] <captain_Bartholemue> (via Teleportarium so we don't have to stop moving at full speed)
[20:13:45] <Attilas_Eichmann> Speaking into the microbead I say, "Bartholemue you go in, I'll provide overwatch.)
[20:13:48] <Zinegata> Eichmann/Bart-> Your augeries reveal an Imperial frigate. Split in half.
[20:14:20] <Zinegata> (Wait, wait, what are you doing?)
[20:14:26] <captain_Bartholemue> Wow, (announcing to the entire ship) we have visual on half of an Imperial Frigate
[20:14:54] <Zinegata> (By half, I mean only the prow is left. The rear of the ship is gone)
[20:15:02] <Attilas_Eichmann> (He's asking if the Good Fortune has taken on supplies via teleportarium while we're underway.)
[20:15:06] <Zinegata> (Also... there is some... goo/fungus stickin on the ship)
[20:15:11] <captain_Bartholemue> (how long were we travelling for before this came up on our vox? if it's been a day or so I wanted to transfer non-millitary cargo to The Good Fortune's cargo bay)
[20:15:40] <Zinegata> (I assume you had loaded them all in Delta Sigma. You had been travelling 4 1/2 days)
[20:15:51] <captain_Bartholemue> (excellent, thank you)
[20:16:07] <captain_Bartholemue> *through vox again* This is Captain Bartholemue Roberts, what hit you?
[20:16:52] <Attilas_Eichmann> (The Good Fortune is going to hang back a ways as we're less well equipped to take on survivors.)
[20:17:02] <Zinegata> <???> This is gunner Glanst, senior surviving officer of the Imperial Frigate "Decisive Action"
[20:17:37] <Zinegata> <Glanst> I don't know what hit us! We were fighting off these... these... monstrous chitinous things when the ship suddenly split in half!
[20:17:49] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Our air is running out! Please! We need help!
[20:18:07] <captain_Bartholemue> We've been hired to find you and this hulk you were sent to investigate, how many crew are left alive with you, and where on the ship are you located?
[20:18:32] <Zinegata> (Okay, assume the rest of the team is on the bridge now)
[20:18:47] <Attilas_Eichmann> "Captain, I suggest we teleport them out as soon as we can. I don't like the thought of docking with a ship filled with Xenos."
[20:19:03] <Zinegata> <Glanst> I am with a group of around 200 men in the forward torpedo compartment. But we have men scattered all over the ship!
[20:20:23] <captain_Bartholemue> *off vox comm with the frigate* Look, I'd like to pick them up, Magos, how many can we telport at a time? I'll take Brother Virgilus across and secure them
[20:21:04] <Magos_Daelus> (I have no clue how many people the teleporter can handle, sorry)
[20:21:09] <captain_Bartholemue> Attilus, scan teh perimeter and keep me updated, Mord, take the helm for now
[20:21:21] <Zinegata> (Teleportium can handle 5 at a time, but recharge time can be considerable and it will take days to take off all the crew)
[20:21:25] <captain_Bartholemue> (Mord is a random crew member NPC, I know you don't know, but your character should)
[20:21:58] <Zinegata> There is no sign of the Space Hulk or the other half of the ship. At all
[20:21:58] <Magos_Daelus> Captain, I will go to the teleportarium and offer up the blessings of the Omnissiah, but I do not think it is viable to remove the entire crew in that fashion -- only a handful can be moved at a time and the machine-spirit will have to rest after each transfer.
[20:22:03] <Attilas_Eichmann> "Aye Captain, the Good Fortune is in position to cover and our weapons are primed and ready to repel any remaining space born Xenos."
[20:22:20] <captain_Bartholemue> Damnit, I don't want to be anywhere near that gunk
[20:22:22] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Emperor help us! They're coming again!
[20:22:29] <Zinegata> <Glanst> *sound of gunfire*
[20:22:37] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Please send help!
[20:22:47] <Brother_Virgilus> Captain, I do not think we can afford to wait too long. Perhaps it would be best to send a small group to clear an escape?
[20:22:47] <Zinegata> <Furion> ... Dammit. 'Nids.
[20:23:01] <captain_Bartholemue> Brother Virgilus, (sorry I can't remember the handle of our trooper) to the telporter immediately!
[20:23:13] <Zinegata> (Flavion)
[20:23:39] <Magos_Daelus> I will go to the teleportarium as well and attempt to ease the transfer.
[20:23:51] <captain_Bartholemue> Damnit, Mord we're take teh ship in to transfer remaining crew
[20:23:53] <Zinegata> <Glanst> They're breaking through! They're breaking through! We're in the forward torpedo room, block A. HELP!
[20:24:04] <Flavion> [hmm five at a time means we can't even bring a squad]
[20:24:07] <Attilas_Eichmann> Saying a prayer to the Emperor I say, "Therian, you have the bridge. I'll be damned if I let Bartholemue go in there alone."
[20:24:09] <Brother_Virgilus> *to teleport* Magos, can you give me an idea of the best escape routw?
[20:24:18] <Flavion> I'll come with you.
[20:24:29] <Zinegata> (Magos, lore check)
[20:24:41] <captain_Bartholemue> Get us directly to their torpedo room *over vox* Glanst get your men ready to board my ship, making boarding action now!
[20:24:41] <Magos_Daelus> roll d100
[20:24:42] <Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=16 ]{16}
[20:25:02] <Magos_Daelus> (and the dice gods love me, for I have the blessings of the Omnissiah)
[20:25:09] <Zinegata> <Furion> I'll have the Storm troopers posted all over the ship. In case any 'nids show up
[20:25:11] <captain_Bartholemue> Mord will bring the ship in a boarding action while we teleport in to assist the survivors in their run
[20:25:32] <Attilas_Eichmann> (How should I board their ship? Will the teleportarium be able to snag me with the rest or will I need to ferry over via shuttle?)
[20:25:35] <captain_Bartholemue> *to my crew* Men, combat boarding stations now! we're bringing in survivors! move!
[20:25:59] <captain_Bartholemue> (can we teleport Attila to our ship and then immediately hop across as a group?
[20:26:00] <Zinegata> MAgos-> The frigate can dock via an access hatch to the port of the ship...
[20:26:13] <Zinegata> ======== BATTLE STATIONS! ==============
[20:26:28] <captain_Bartholemue> (we'll board manually after )
[20:26:28] <Zinegata> ======== Mission Objective: Rescue "Decisive Action" Survivors"
[20:26:44] <Magos_Daelus> I will stay aboard ship to attempt to soothe the machine spirits and hasten another transfer, but I do not believe I can teleport someone from another vessel then teleport a team to the frigate that quickly.
[20:27:11] <Zinegata> (Your team can board the ship via teleport.)
[20:27:19] <Magos_Daelus> (Not everyone's aboard this ship though)
[20:27:29] <captain_Bartholemue> Well firgure it out! we won't need to use the teleportarium for another day or two! we'll be there presently
[20:27:32] <Zinegata> (Let's just assume for this purpose Eichmann can get transferred real quickly between the two ships >_>)
[20:27:57] <Zinegata> Basically, here's what you can do: Teleport a team into the torp room
[20:28:03] <captain_Bartholemue> (it'll be two rapid teleports, followed by an extended cool down. Maybe Magos can make a roll to sooth it?)
[20:28:07] <Zinegata> Then a ship docks into the side of the frigate
[20:28:20] <Zinegata> And you'll have to fight your way to the ship
[20:28:32] <captain_Bartholemue> (one to get atilla, one to teleport to torpedo room, then we'll fight our way back to the docking station)
[20:28:42] <Zinegata> (Yeo)
[20:28:45] <Zinegata> (Yep)
[20:28:56] <Zinegata> <Furion> I'll have the company hold the docking ring. None will get pass us.
[20:29:05] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Why not just send transports to the torpedo tubes and bring them out that way?)
[20:29:20] <captain_Bartholemue> *vox to Good Fortune* Atilla get ready, you'll be a little dizzy and surrounded by hostiles!
[20:29:43] <Zinegata> (Atilla-> The torpedo tubes seem loaded

[20:29:54] <Attilas_Eichmann> (lol)
[20:29:54] <Magos_Daelus> *mutters* If he is lucky. Rapid teleports like this are...unwise.
[20:29:57] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Help! HELP!
[20:30:17] <Attilas_Eichmann> "Aye Captain, on your mark."
[20:30:27] <captain_Bartholemue> Magos just make it happen, we need Glanst and if he's worth his weight in grox dung he won't leave without his crew!
[20:30:54] <Brother_Virgilus> GO
[20:30:59] <Zinegata> <Furion> Bring lots of flamers and explosives
[20:31:10] <captain_Bartholemue> * draws bolt pistol and hand flamer*
[20:31:14] <captain_Bartholemue> GO!
[20:31:17] <Zinegata> <Furion> Also, Flavion, go with the team
[20:31:21] <Flavion> Yes, sir.
[20:31:31] <Zinegata> (So, who teleports?)
[20:31:38] <Magos_Daelus> *activates the incense burner on his utility mechadendrite and plugs himself into the machines through his MIU*
[20:32:00] <Magos_Daelus> (Umm. Probably not me. I don't think I'd be as useful over there as over here running the teleporter.)
[20:32:19] <Brother_Virgilus> [me, Chainsword and grenade.]
[20:32:26] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I'm going aboard, I seem pretty useless sitting aboard a gunship when there are no spaceborn nids to be seen just yet.)
[20:32:38] <Flavion> [Aye, with a couple grenades]
[20:32:42] <Zinegata> (righto. So Virgilus, Bart, Eichman, Flavion)
[20:32:59] <Zinegata> The teleported crewmen feel queasy and terrible...
[20:33:06] <Zinegata> And emerge in HELL
[20:33:15] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Keep shooting! KEEP SHOOTING!
[20:33:32] <Zinegata> You appear behind a line of barricades, while desperate crewmen shoot into a mass of advancing chitinous horrors
[20:33:38] <Zinegata> Who are already tearing crewmen apart
[20:33:41] <Zinegata> Roll initiative!
[20:33:41] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled initiative! --> error: malformed expression
[20:34:01] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d0
[20:34:02] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d0 --> error: dice operands must be >= 1
[20:34:07] <Flavion> roll 1d100
[20:34:07] <Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=20 ]{20}
[20:34:10] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d10
[20:34:10] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{7}
[20:34:18] <Zinegata> (d10 guys)
[20:34:20] <Flavion> [Ooh, uh sorry]
[20:34:23] <Flavion> roll 1d10
[20:34:23] <Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{7}
[20:34:28] <Brother_Virgilus> Roll d10
[20:34:28] <Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled d10 --> [ 1d10=6 ]{6}
[20:34:31] <Zinegata> (Add your Agi bonus)
[20:34:39] <Attilas_Eichmann> (11 total)
[20:34:49] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d10+4
[20:34:49] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d10+4 --> [ 1d10=3 ]{7}
[20:34:49] <Flavion> (11)
[20:34:52] <Brother_Virgilus> [10]
[20:35:08] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Cool we can add modifiers to our rolls)
[20:35:09] <captain_Bartholemue> roll 1d10
[20:35:09] <Belldandy> captain_Bartholemue rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{8}
[20:35:36] <Zinegata> roll 1d10+5
[20:35:36] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{12}
[20:35:46] <captain_Bartholemue> Initaitive = 12
[20:35:48] <Zinegata> roll 1d10+3
[20:35:48] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+3 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{10}
[20:36:59] <Zinegata> Order:
[20:37:06] <Zinegata> Tyranid Horde
[20:37:20] <Zinegata> Bart
[20:37:22] <Zinegata> Eichman
[20:37:31] <Zinegata> Virgil
[20:37:34] <Zinegata> Crewmen
[20:37:41] <Zinegata> Ergh, wait
[20:37:51] <Zinegata> Insert Flavion between Bart and Eichmann
[20:37:54] <Zinegata> Let's go!
[20:38:14] <Zinegata> The Horde rushes in and attempts to attack everyone (Horde mass attack)
[20:38:37] <Zinegata> roll d100 (Bart)
[20:38:37] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Bart) --> [ 1d100=48 ]{48}
[20:38:49] <Zinegata> roll d100 (Flavion)
[20:38:49] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Flavion) --> [ 1d100=92 ]{92}
[20:38:53] <Zinegata> roll d100 (Eichmann)
[20:38:54] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Eichmann) --> [ 1d100=31 ]{31}
[20:39:02] <Zinegata> roll d100 (Virgil)
[20:39:03] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Virgil) --> [ 1d100=21 ]{21}
[20:39:08] <Zinegata> roll d100 (Crewmen)
[20:39:08] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Crewmen) --> [ 1d100=59 ]{59}
[20:39:10] <Flavion> [That's lovely]
[20:39:31] <Attilas_Eichmann> [No, that's good. They missed you]
[20:39:41] <Zinegata> (No dodge or parry)
[20:39:47] <Zinegata> (As it's a horde)
[20:40:06] <Zinegata> !dice 1d10+5 (Eichmann)
[20:40:14] <Zinegata> roll 1d10+5 (Eichmann)
[20:40:14] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 (Eichmann) --> [ 1d10=8 ]{13}
[20:40:23] <Zinegata> roll 1d10+5 (Virgil)
[20:40:23] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 (Virgil) --> [ 1d10=4 ]{9}
[20:40:45] <Zinegata> (Eich and Virgil suffer 13 and 8 wounds, but subtract your toughness and armor from it first)
[20:41:02] <Zinegata> <Glanst> ... R... REINFORCEMENTS?!
[20:41:20] <Brother_Virgilus> [8 armor and 8 toughness, zero damage]
[20:41:31] <Zinegata> (Captain Bart, there is a massive horde trying to eat you all. Action please?)
[20:42:02] <Zinegata> (Flavion to follow)
[20:42:08] <captain_Bartholemue> Captain Bartholemue Roberts, at your service. Men! GRENADES *opens up with Hand Flamer, shooting the nearest member of the horde simultaneously with my bolt pistol)
[20:42:18] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I take 4 after armor and toughness)
[20:43:25] <Zinegata> (Roll BS for Flamer)
[20:43:45] <Zinegata> (And bolt pistol)
[20:44:24] <Zinegata> (d100)
[20:44:50] <captain_Bartholemue> roll d100
[20:44:50] <Belldandy> captain_Bartholemue rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=83 ]{83}
[20:44:54] <captain_Bartholemue> roll d100
[20:44:54] <Belldandy> captain_Bartholemue rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=59 ]{59}
[20:45:16] <captain_Bartholemue> close range I should only need 60 to hit
[20:45:22] <Zinegata> ... Bolt pistol connects and blows the head off a 'nid, but the flamer shot is a bit wild.
[20:45:31] <Zinegata> Flavion! GO!
[20:45:34] <Flavion> (want to throw a krak grenade into the horde)
[20:45:42] <Zinegata> Eichman to follow
[20:45:47] <Flavion> roll d100
[20:45:47] <Belldandy> Flavion rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=32 ]{32}
[20:45:52] <Zinegata> (Krak is anti-tank. Frag is anti-personnel. You sure?)
[20:46:05] <Flavion> [I thought Nids had armor bodies?]
[20:46:28] <Zinegata> (They do, but these are smaller ones and frags can affect them)
[20:46:37] <Flavion> [all right frag rather then]
[20:46:37] <Brother_Virgilus> [not enough armor]
[20:47:07] <Zinegata> Flavion shows off some leet Stormtrooper skills by 'nading a couple of 'nids to death
[20:47:19] <Zinegata> But there are still lots of them! Maybe dozens!
[20:47:35] <Zinegata> Eichmann, go!
[20:47:50] <Zinegata> Virgil to follow, then TEAM Crewman
[20:48:01] <Attilas_Eichmann> Focusing on his psyfocus Attilas reaches into the warp looking for the lightning needed to end this threat.
[20:48:15] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 3d10+11
[20:48:15] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 3d10+11 --> [ 3d10=19 ]{30}
[20:48:34] <Zinegata> (One sec, are you doing full power, or just dampered?)
[20:48:53] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Dampered.)
[20:49:11] <Zinegata> (No PoW then)
[20:49:43] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Yeah, I guess I should roll all three dice seperate next time.)
[20:49:49] <captain_Bartholemue> (flame weapons don't require a ballstic test, for future refernce. Any creature in a 30 degree arc 10 meters from me makes an agility test or gets hit in the chest)
[20:50:13] <Zinegata> There is a terrible sizzle, and a whole bunch of 'nids are fried
[20:50:22] <Zinegata> (Oh, even for Hand Flamer? Whoops, sorry)
[20:50:23] <Attilas_Eichmann> (That beats my threshold by 14 so that's 2 extra bolts for a total of 9.)
[20:50:33] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:50:33] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=37 ]{37}
[20:50:34] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:50:34] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=90 ]{90}
[20:50:35] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:50:35] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=99 ]{99}
[20:50:36] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:50:36] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=54 ]{54}
[20:50:36] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:50:37] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=9 ]{9}
[20:50:37] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:50:37] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=96 ]{96}
[20:50:38] <captain_Bartholemue> (If they're hit they must take a second one or be set on fire)
[20:50:38] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:50:38] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=40 ]{40}
[20:50:39] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:50:39] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=51 ]{51}
[20:50:40] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d100
[20:50:40] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=5 ]{5}
[20:50:52] <Flavion> [Floood!]
[20:50:52] <Zinegata> And you just scared the bejeezus out of the crewmen too
[20:51:09] <Zinegata> (Eich, what are the rolls for?)
[20:51:19] <Zinegata> (The bolts?)
[20:51:22] <Attilas_Eichmann> (To hit with my lightning bolts)
[20:51:42] <Zinegata> (Yep, a whole bunch of 'nid are definitely fried)
[20:51:48] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I only hit with 4 though even at this range)
06[20:51:50] * Zinegata recalcs horde size
[20:51:59] <Attilas_Eichmann> (No need for damage rolls?)
[20:52:27] <Zinegata> (Nope. Horde. And they suffer a massive penalty to-hit as they're a horde, so you actually hit 6)
[20:52:33] <Zinegata> Virgil, your turn!
[20:52:35] <Brother_Virgilus> [All out attack w/ chainsword, +20] Roll d10
[20:52:42] <Brother_Virgilus> Roll d10
[20:52:42] <Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled d10 --> [ 1d10=6 ]{6}
[20:52:46] <Zinegata> The Horde is less than 50% strength now
[20:52:54] <Brother_Virgilus> roll d100
[20:52:54] <Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=79 ]{79}
[20:53:01] <Zinegata> (There we go)
[20:53:54] <Zinegata> Virgil slices a 'nid in half, but barely cuts down the remaining horde any further
[20:54:06] <Zinegata> Team Crewman shoots!
[20:54:08] <captain_Bartholemue> Glanst, my ship has docked with yours, press forward!
[20:54:15] <Zinegata> roll d100
[20:54:15] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=42 ]{42}
[20:54:34] <Zinegata> A dew more 'nids fall, but they are still surging FORWARD
[20:54:47] <Zinegata> <Glanst> They're overrunning us! You want us to CHARGE?!
[20:54:59] <Zinegata> Horde again
[20:55:04] <Zinegata> Roll d100 (Bart)
[20:55:04] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Bart) --> [ 1d100=85 ]{85}
[20:55:07] <Attilas_Eichmann> "Yes damn you, even our fighting skill won't hold here forever.)
[20:55:07] <Zinegata> Roll d100 (Flav)
[20:55:07] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Flav) --> [ 1d100=23 ]{23}
[20:55:09] <Zinegata> Roll d100 (Eich)
[20:55:10] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Eich) --> [ 1d100=51 ]{51}
[20:55:12] <Zinegata> Roll d100 (Virg)
[20:55:12] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Virg) --> [ 1d100=37 ]{37}
[20:55:14] <Zinegata> Roll d100 (Crew)
[20:55:15] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Crew) --> [ 1d100=62 ]{62}
[20:55:15] <Brother_Virgilus> For the Emperor. We must charge
[20:55:44] <Zinegata> The Horde hates Flav, Eich, and Virg
[20:56:09] <Zinegata> !dice 1d10+5 (Flav)
[20:56:17] <Zinegata> roll 1d10+5 (Flav)
[20:56:17] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 (Flav) --> [ 1d10=8 ]{13}
[20:56:22] <Zinegata> roll 1d10+5 (Eich)
[20:56:22] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 (Eich) --> [ 1d10=10 ]{15}
[20:56:26] <Zinegata> roll 1d10+5 (Virg)
[20:56:26] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 (Virg) --> [ 1d10=4 ]{9}
[20:56:27] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I've noticed that they don't much like the party psyker)
[20:56:45] <Zinegata> (You fried 1/3 of them in one shot)
[20:57:08] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Yeah, I guess I did.)
[20:57:08] <Brother_Virgilus> [Again no damage, but I think I should use Medicae to someone now]
[20:57:22] <Zinegata> Bart, keep shooting, or inspire Glanst forward?
[20:57:39] <Zinegata> (Because it looks like Glanst is a bit of "No way man! Game over! GAME OVER!" about charging
02[20:58:09] * captain_Bartholemue (NSwebIRC@Nightstar-51bcdc54.bigpond.net.au) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[20:58:19] <Zinegata> (The Captain is dead! Panic!)
[20:58:29] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I think his Aussie interwebs hates him.)
[20:58:33] <Magos_Daelus> (I just want to point out it's the 2 guys in power armor who thought charging was a good idea)
[20:58:39] <Brother_Virgilus> [panic-ing]
[20:58:48] <Zinegata> (Indeed.)
[20:58:55] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I'm in flak and I said to charge as well.)
[20:59:04] <Flavion> [lol oh boy]
[20:59:26] <Zinegata> (OKay, Flav, take your turn while Captain is inspiring the crew)
[20:59:35] <Magos_Daelus> (Okay, the 2 guys in power armor and the guy who fried a third of the Horde in one shot thought charging was a good idea :b )
[20:59:39] <Flavion> [how close are they anyway?]
[20:59:42] <Attilas_Eichmann> (xD)
[20:59:49] <Zinegata> (Point. Blank)
03[21:00:46] * Captain_Bartholemue (NSwebIRC@Nightstar-51bcdc54.bigpond.net.au) has joined #valhalla
[21:01:17] <Zinegata> Bart, action!
[21:01:24] <Captain_Bartholemue> sorry, had a page error
03[21:01:24] * Soontir94 (Soontir948@Nightstar-9b64ff1f.res.rr.com) has joined #valhalla
[21:01:38] <Soontir94> [Huh, disconnected for a second]
[21:02:20] <Soontir94> [Testing 1, 2 , 3
[21:02:26] <Captain_Bartholemue> *blasts at the center of the 'nid horde again with the flamer, holsters the Hand Flamer and draws his Archeotec Laspistol
03[21:02:47] * Soontir94 is now known as Flavion_Octus
[21:03:24] <Zinegata> (Roll for le Last Pistol)
[21:03:40] <Zinegata> roll d100 ('nid dodge)
02[21:03:41] * Flavion (Soontir948@Nightstar-9b64ff1f.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[21:03:41] <Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 ('nid dodge) --> [ 1d100=67 ]{67}
[21:03:41] <Captain_Bartholemue> roll d100
[21:03:42] <Belldandy> Captain_Bartholemue rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=30 ]{30}
[21:04:04] <Zinegata> Bart shoots an ugly one between the eyes while the flames cook a whole bunch of them
[21:04:15] <Zinegata> The Horde, now much diminished, scatters and flees
[21:04:29] <Zinegata> <Glanst> W... we're saved! We're saved!
[21:05:01] <Captain_Bartholemue> ( A Hand Flamer works like w normal one, but only has 2 shots per clip)
[21:05:13] <Zinegata> (Yep, I rechecked)
[21:05:26] <Attilas_Eichmann> Attilas is going to use a restrained seal wounds on himself
[21:05:31] <Captain_Bartholemue> save it, we need to get the hell out of here, what the fastest way to the airlocks?
[21:05:36] <Zinegata> The surviving crewmen cheer. But still keep a wide bearth away from the Psyker
[21:05:42] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 3d10+11
[21:05:43] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 3d10+11 --> [ 3d10=16 ]{27}
[21:05:54] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Down that way *points to where the 'nids came from and are running into*
[21:06:07] <Brother_Virgilus> [anyone else need medicae?]
[21:06:17] <Zinegata> <Glanst> But we can't just leave! I have more people trapped all over the place!
[21:06:29] <Zinegata> (Flav and Eich were both injured)
[21:06:36] <Captain_Bartholemue> then they're headed straight for MY men
[21:06:45] <Captain_Bartholemue> you're ships comm still work?
[21:06:59] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I'm using my pschic powers to heal myself and the next three worst people.)
[21:07:10] <Flavion_Octus> [Hurray]
[21:07:12] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d10+7
[21:07:12] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d10+7 --> [ 1d10=10 ]{17}
[21:07:16] <Zinegata> <Glanst> I have contact with 3 other groups over the Voc
[21:07:18] <Zinegata> *Vox
[21:07:26] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d10+7
[21:07:26] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d10+7 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{14}
[21:07:31] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d10+7
[21:07:31] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d10+7 --> [ 1d10=1 ]{8}
[21:07:37] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 1d10+7
[21:07:37] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 1d10+7 --> [ 1d10=4 ]{11}
[21:07:38] <Zinegata> <Glanst> They're in terrible shape. I don't think any of them can make a run for it
[21:07:50] <Captain_Bartholemue> well tell them to get to the air locks, I'm not leaving my ship pressed up against this diseased hulk for long
[21:07:57] <Captain_Bartholemue> damnit!
[21:08:06] <Zinegata> <Glanst> That's suicide!
[21:08:11] <Attilas_Eichmann> (I'm fully healed now and the rest of the rescue team shoulod be as well.)
[21:08:20] <Zinegata> <Glanst> We might be able to make it... but the other groups barely have any arms!
[21:08:24] <Brother_Virgilus> Captain, perhaps we can fire off a torpedoe?
[21:08:27] <Zinegata> (Yep, all healed)
[21:08:36] <Captain_Bartholemue> *turns to Brother Virgilus* It's on you, you've a better commanding knowledge of combat situations then I, take command
[21:08:38] <Brother_Virgilus> and use the tube to evacuate
[21:08:43] <Brother_Virgilus> ?
[21:08:58] <Zinegata> <Glanst> We... we can do that, but what about the rest of my crewmates?
[21:09:03] <Captain_Bartholemue> (up to you, do we get the rest of leave them to die?)
[21:09:09] <Brother_Virgilus> Glanst do you have bording torpedoes?
[21:09:22] <Attilas_Eichmann> "I would support that idea. Leaving quickly is best, the others will be very hard to save if the ship is as overrun as it seems."
[21:09:23] <Zinegata> <Glanst> We have, but none are loaded.
[21:09:43] <Brother_Virgilus> How long would it take to reload?
[21:09:59] <Flavion_Octus> [afk for a bit]
[21:10:01] <Zinegata> <Furion> *over the Voc* Ahem, gentlement, we have docked, and are killing 'nids left and right. It's a wonderful war. Over.
[21:10:17] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Without power? Hours at best.
[21:10:48] <Captain_Bartholemue> That's it, I'm not leaving my men to defend YOUR way out while you're on the fence as to how we're getting out
[21:11:12] <Captain_Bartholemue> Torpedoes or airlock's, make up your mind, and get your men moving
[21:11:30] <Attilas_Eichmann> "Brother Virgilus, if we fire the torpedo that is loaded do you think that a small craft could fly up the tube and load us in?"
[21:12:19] <Zinegata> <Furion> Gentlemen, 'nid threat to the airlock has been eliminated. Again, it's a wonderful war. Do I have to go down there and pick you up?
[21:12:43] <Zinegata> <Furion> Because I hear a lot of skittering and they might do another push.
03[21:12:52] * Lenny is now known as Juumanistra
[21:13:37] <Brother_Virgilus> It is one option. But it is beter to fight to the airlock to pick up survivors. Let us heave to.
[21:13:37] <Captain_Bartholemue> *Over the vox* the is no way I'm letting those things onto my ship to eat me in my sleep. Guard the doors
[21:14:19] <Flavion_Octus> Let's go.
[21:14:20] <Zinegata> (Proceed to the airlock with the current crop of survivors?)
[21:14:30] <Zinegata> <Glanst> But... the other groups...
[21:14:37] <Brother_Virgilus> Magos, if your augers can find other survivors on our path lead us to them.
[21:14:38] <Captain_Bartholemue> *starts making his way down the hallway* lets go people, I head some of those 'nids live in the void and I'm NOT getting caught with my pants down
[21:14:40] <Zinegata> Other crewmen start following the team
[21:14:57] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Dammit! *follows*
[21:15:02] <Attilas_Eichmann> I'll follow taking up the rear.
[21:15:18] <Zinegata> It is actually a short trip down the hall and into the airlock chamber
[21:15:33] <Zinegata> Where two squads of Stormtroopers are waiting, along with Furion
[21:15:52] <Magos_Daelus> I will do what I can. *Interfaces with the ship's augur arrays*
[21:16:11] <Magos_Daelus> (Tech use to see if I can locate any groups anywhere near the exit?)
[21:16:27] <Attilas_Eichmann> As we walk I'll be casting see me not and Iron skin and sustaining them both.
[21:16:35] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 3d10+11
[21:16:35] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 3d10+11 --> [ 3d10=15 ]{26}
[21:16:39] <Zinegata> (Magos -> Roll Tech Use)
[21:16:41] <Attilas_Eichmann> roll 3d10+11
[21:16:41] <Belldandy> Attilas_Eichmann rolled 3d10+11 --> [ 3d10=16 ]{27}
[21:16:45] <Magos_Daelus> roll d100
[21:16:45] <Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=89 ]{89}
[21:17:03] <Zinegata> (The Machine Spirits of the Decisive Action are... uncooperative)
[21:17:23] <Zinegata> <Furion> Get the survivors onboard. We can hold the air lock for a bit
[21:17:33] <Captain_Bartholemue> Magos, is there anything on this ships log about what they were carrying?
[21:17:48] <Zinegata> <Furion> This ain't even a big infestation, to be honest. I suspect all we have to face is one Tyranid Warrior commanding this whole brood
[21:17:54] <Magos_Daelus> My apologies, Brother Virgilus, but the machine spirits of the augurs are having difficulties. Possibly due to all the tyranid biosigns.
[21:18:13] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Sir, the backup cotigators are in the bowels of the ship
[21:18:18] <Brother_Virgilus> Can you then locate the center of the Brood?
Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
[21:18:24] <Attilas_Eichmann> (See Me Not is cast with an additional -10 on WP tests to spot me. Flesh Like Iron has boosted my toughness by 3 points and lowered agility by a point.)
[21:18:31] <Zinegata> <Glanst> I think the ships's networks are down, but the cotigators should still have the logs.
[21:19:34] <Zinegata> Daelus-> Roll another tech use to try and identify brood center
[21:19:39] <Captain_Bartholemue> bah, Glanst, I thought you said you were in contact with other groups. WHyere are they?
[21:19:58] <Magos_Daelus> I will attempt to do so, Brother. Captain, I do not believe it is possible to access the ship's cogitators from this vessel and I believe teleporting myself to the cogitators to access them physically would be unwise.
[21:20:03] <Magos_Daelus> roll d100
[21:20:03] <Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=95 ]{95}
[21:20:14] <Zinegata> <Glanst> We have two groups near the infirmary, and one more in a cargo bay.
[21:20:33] <Magos_Daelus> (And I just steered the team out an airlock. Win!)
[21:20:46] <Captain_Bartholemue> Brother Virgilus? Is it worth it?
[21:20:51] <Zinegata> <Glanst> They're both hiding rather than trying to fight back. The ship's internal vox still works in some places so we may be able to contact them
[21:20:56] <Zinegata> *They're all
[21:21:36] <Attilas_Eichmann> "Are thye groups large enough to reach us if they tried to fight?"
[21:21:58] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Each group has between 20 to 60 people. They have very few weapons.
[21:22:00] <Brother_Virgilus> If so few have survived then I think we can spare the time to gather them, It would be faster than getting them to come to us.
[21:22:25] <Brother_Virgilus> And I do not feel right leaving those souls for the Nids.
[21:22:29] <Captain_Bartholemue> *reloads hand flamer and reholsters it, keeping Archeotech and Bolt Pistols handy*
[21:22:36] <Zinegata> <Furion> Again, gentlemen, I suspect this is a relatively minor infestation
[21:22:45] <Zinegata> <Furion> We fought off two swarms with no casualties.
[21:23:06] <Zinegata> <Furion> At most, they are commanded by a Warrior. Kill the Warrior, and we can easily sweep the place clean
[21:23:11] <Captain_Bartholemue> Furious, keep the doors covered how many men can you spare to acompany us?
[21:23:18] <Captain_Bartholemue> Glanst, get on board, we can't risk losing you
[21:23:26] <Brother_Virgilus> I agree with the Captain, unfortunatly Nids will be hard to find, not hard to kill
[21:23:27] <Zinegata> <Glanst> ... Tha... Thank you
[21:23:50] <Zinegata> <Furion> I've held the door with just two squads. Figure we leave four to be safe, and 3 more to support you
[21:24:17] <Flavion_Octus> They should be more then enough, Captain.
[21:24:23] <Zinegata> <Glanst> If... if you can reach the backup cotigators you may be able to repair the internal scanners
[21:24:36] <Zinegata> <Glanst> That... that should help you find these damn creatures
[21:24:43] <Magos_Daelus> (Am I hearing all of this?)
[21:24:55] <Attilas_Eichmann> "I've never faced bugs like this before, but the warp seems to take them as easy as it takes anything else. I say bring the warrior on."
[21:24:56] <Zinegata> <Glanst> The cotigator units are also close to the cargo hold where the survivors are
[21:24:57] <Zinegata> (Yes)
[21:24:59] <Captain_Bartholemue> works for us, Glanst those of your men that can still fight are now under Furions command. I'm not taking unpredictables with me
[21:25:20] <Magos_Daelus> I will accompany the team to the cogitators. Perhaps their machine-spirits will be more cooperative than those of our augurs.
[21:25:21] <Captain_Bartholemue> Magos, you'll have to be our eye in the sky
[21:25:26] <Zinegata> <Furion> Roger that. Good luck with the bug hunt. Nothing smells like burn Tyranids in the morning
[21:25:28] <Magos_Daelus> Hrm.
[21:25:38] <Magos_Daelus> Very well, then.
[21:25:56] <Zinegata> (I suggest you bring the Magos along, as none of you may be able to access the cotigators
[21:26:01] <Brother_Virgilus> Magos, it would be an honor to have you.
[21:26:03] <Magos_Daelus> Hopefully one of you will be able to access the no-doubt locked ship's cogitators.
[21:26:42] <Zinegata> <Furion> He's right, Captain. Only Cog Boys understand how them cogitators works
[21:26:42] <Magos_Daelus> ...Very well. I will be at the airlock shortly.
[21:27:10] <Magos_Daelus> (making sure I bring my gun and my power axe of course)
[21:27:55] <Zinegata> (Okay, gentlemen, I need you to try something)
[21:27:56] <Zinegata>
[21:28:00] <Zinegata> (access this link please)
[21:28:46] <Flavion_Octus> [Login details?]
[21:28:49] <Zinegata> (Any username, password SD)
[21:28:49] <Captain_Bartholemue> (username and passwords?)
[21:28:56] <Zinegata> (password sd)
[21:29:18] <Flavion_Octus> [In]
[21:29:19] <Magos_Daelus> (I'm in)
[21:29:40] <Zinegata> (Excellent. As you can see, this is Screen Monkey. And this is how we will fight the battles next week ^___^)
[21:29:43] <Attilas_Eichmann> (In)
[21:29:59] <Brother_Virgilus> [interesting]
[21:30:03] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Cool, I take it we're shutting down here then.)
[21:30:16] <Captain_Bartholemue> seems to work, I don't see any of us though
[21:30:32] <Zinegata> (Yes. Please e-mail me an avatar/image for your character at zinegata@yahoo.com if you have a preferred one)
[21:30:40] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Later all, I have to go.)
[21:30:57] <Zinegata> (I need to load your avatars and images)
[21:31:07] <Magos_Daelus> (alright)
[21:31:09] <Flavion_Octus> [All right]
[21:31:10] <Brother_Virgilus> [k]
[21:31:18] <Zinegata> Righto...
[21:31:34] <Zinegata> The team has arrived to find the Decisive Action split in half and overrun by Tyranids...
[21:31:41] <Zinegata> The Space Hulk is nowhere to be found...
[21:31:51] <Zinegata> Can they find the cogitator units and uncover what truly happened?
[21:32:01] <Zinegata> Or will they be devoured by filthy Xenos?
[21:32:07] <Zinegata> ~Official Session End~
[21:18:31] <Zinegata> <Glanst> I think the ships's networks are down, but the cotigators should still have the logs.
[21:19:34] <Zinegata> Daelus-> Roll another tech use to try and identify brood center
[21:19:39] <Captain_Bartholemue> bah, Glanst, I thought you said you were in contact with other groups. WHyere are they?
[21:19:58] <Magos_Daelus> I will attempt to do so, Brother. Captain, I do not believe it is possible to access the ship's cogitators from this vessel and I believe teleporting myself to the cogitators to access them physically would be unwise.
[21:20:03] <Magos_Daelus> roll d100
[21:20:03] <Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=95 ]{95}
[21:20:14] <Zinegata> <Glanst> We have two groups near the infirmary, and one more in a cargo bay.
[21:20:33] <Magos_Daelus> (And I just steered the team out an airlock. Win!)
[21:20:46] <Captain_Bartholemue> Brother Virgilus? Is it worth it?
[21:20:51] <Zinegata> <Glanst> They're both hiding rather than trying to fight back. The ship's internal vox still works in some places so we may be able to contact them
[21:20:56] <Zinegata> *They're all
[21:21:36] <Attilas_Eichmann> "Are thye groups large enough to reach us if they tried to fight?"
[21:21:58] <Zinegata> <Glanst> Each group has between 20 to 60 people. They have very few weapons.
[21:22:00] <Brother_Virgilus> If so few have survived then I think we can spare the time to gather them, It would be faster than getting them to come to us.
[21:22:25] <Brother_Virgilus> And I do not feel right leaving those souls for the Nids.
[21:22:29] <Captain_Bartholemue> *reloads hand flamer and reholsters it, keeping Archeotech and Bolt Pistols handy*
[21:22:36] <Zinegata> <Furion> Again, gentlemen, I suspect this is a relatively minor infestation
[21:22:45] <Zinegata> <Furion> We fought off two swarms with no casualties.
[21:23:06] <Zinegata> <Furion> At most, they are commanded by a Warrior. Kill the Warrior, and we can easily sweep the place clean
[21:23:11] <Captain_Bartholemue> Furious, keep the doors covered how many men can you spare to acompany us?
[21:23:18] <Captain_Bartholemue> Glanst, get on board, we can't risk losing you
[21:23:26] <Brother_Virgilus> I agree with the Captain, unfortunatly Nids will be hard to find, not hard to kill
[21:23:27] <Zinegata> <Glanst> ... Tha... Thank you
[21:23:50] <Zinegata> <Furion> I've held the door with just two squads. Figure we leave four to be safe, and 3 more to support you
[21:24:17] <Flavion_Octus> They should be more then enough, Captain.
[21:24:23] <Zinegata> <Glanst> If... if you can reach the backup cotigators you may be able to repair the internal scanners
[21:24:36] <Zinegata> <Glanst> That... that should help you find these damn creatures
[21:24:43] <Magos_Daelus> (Am I hearing all of this?)
[21:24:55] <Attilas_Eichmann> "I've never faced bugs like this before, but the warp seems to take them as easy as it takes anything else. I say bring the warrior on."
[21:24:56] <Zinegata> <Glanst> The cotigator units are also close to the cargo hold where the survivors are
[21:24:57] <Zinegata> (Yes)
[21:24:59] <Captain_Bartholemue> works for us, Glanst those of your men that can still fight are now under Furions command. I'm not taking unpredictables with me
[21:25:20] <Magos_Daelus> I will accompany the team to the cogitators. Perhaps their machine-spirits will be more cooperative than those of our augurs.
[21:25:21] <Captain_Bartholemue> Magos, you'll have to be our eye in the sky
[21:25:26] <Zinegata> <Furion> Roger that. Good luck with the bug hunt. Nothing smells like burn Tyranids in the morning
[21:25:28] <Magos_Daelus> Hrm.
[21:25:38] <Magos_Daelus> Very well, then.
[21:25:56] <Zinegata> (I suggest you bring the Magos along, as none of you may be able to access the cotigators

[21:26:01] <Brother_Virgilus> Magos, it would be an honor to have you.
[21:26:03] <Magos_Daelus> Hopefully one of you will be able to access the no-doubt locked ship's cogitators.
[21:26:42] <Zinegata> <Furion> He's right, Captain. Only Cog Boys understand how them cogitators works
[21:26:42] <Magos_Daelus> ...Very well. I will be at the airlock shortly.
[21:27:10] <Magos_Daelus> (making sure I bring my gun and my power axe of course)
[21:27:55] <Zinegata> (Okay, gentlemen, I need you to try something)
[21:27:56] <Zinegata>
[21:28:00] <Zinegata> (access this link please)
[21:28:46] <Flavion_Octus> [Login details?]
[21:28:49] <Zinegata> (Any username, password SD)
[21:28:49] <Captain_Bartholemue> (username and passwords?)
[21:28:56] <Zinegata> (password sd)
[21:29:18] <Flavion_Octus> [In]
[21:29:19] <Magos_Daelus> (I'm in)
[21:29:40] <Zinegata> (Excellent. As you can see, this is Screen Monkey. And this is how we will fight the battles next week ^___^)
[21:29:43] <Attilas_Eichmann> (In)
[21:29:59] <Brother_Virgilus> [interesting]
[21:30:03] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Cool, I take it we're shutting down here then.)
[21:30:16] <Captain_Bartholemue> seems to work, I don't see any of us though
[21:30:32] <Zinegata> (Yes. Please e-mail me an avatar/image for your character at zinegata@yahoo.com if you have a preferred one)
[21:30:40] <Attilas_Eichmann> (Later all, I have to go.)
[21:30:57] <Zinegata> (I need to load your avatars and images)
[21:31:07] <Magos_Daelus> (alright)
[21:31:09] <Flavion_Octus> [All right]
[21:31:10] <Brother_Virgilus> [k]
[21:31:18] <Zinegata> Righto...
[21:31:34] <Zinegata> The team has arrived to find the Decisive Action split in half and overrun by Tyranids...
[21:31:41] <Zinegata> The Space Hulk is nowhere to be found...
[21:31:51] <Zinegata> Can they find the cogitator units and uncover what truly happened?
[21:32:01] <Zinegata> Or will they be devoured by filthy Xenos?
[21:32:07] <Zinegata> ~Official Session End~
Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
<Zinegata> ~Official Session Start~
<Zinegata> The mission has begun!
<Zinegata> Although missing key personnel and severely undermanned, our intrepid crew has set off to find the Space Hulk and the missing Frigate "Decisive Action"
<Zinegata> Upon arriving at the sector however, the Hulk was nowhere to be found and only... half of the Decisive Action remained. And it was infested by Xenos!
<Zinegata> Through daring actions, the crew has now saved dozens of the derelict frigate's crewmen.
<Zinegata> Still, without recovering the cogitator units, the mystery of the Decisive Action's destruction... and the whereabouts of the Space Hulk... may never be known...
<Zinegata> ==== Mission Objectives: =====
<Zinegata> Primary Objective: Recover data from Cogitator Units
<Zinegata> Secondary Objectives: Rescue surviving crewmen from "Decisive Action". Three groups still known to be hiding from the Tyranids
<Zinegata> Secondary Objectives: Destroy the Tyranid threat. Hunt down the Warrior leading this minor brood.
<Zinegata> ==== Mission Start! ======
<Zinegata> You are still near the docking ring, where Captain Furion is holding station
<Attilas> (Will I be playing Captain Bart for this, or will he be doing something else?)
<Zinegata> The surviving crewmen from the Decisive Action have drawn a map for your team to lead you to the cogitators, and the last known location of the other survivors
<Zinegata> (You can play Bart)
<Flavion> [hurray a map, I was wondering how we'llk now how to get there]
<Attilas> (Okay.)
<Magos_Daelus> (Yes, we may need someone to bravely hold the enemy off while the rest of us escape, the traditional use for characters whose players aren't here)
<Vax> (pats his multi-melta..Charlenes job
<Zinegata> (Well, according to the map, the main way to the Cogitator unit is down a wide open hall that is flanked by a number of side-passages)
<Zinegata> (The good news is that you can probably pick up at least one group of survivors along the way)
<Zinegata> (The bad news... the side passages may be infested with 'nids)
<Flavion> [Figures]
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> Send those three squads to find the survivors, report back to us if you find that Warrior. The airlock will be our fallback point.
<Zinegata> <Furion> So you wanna send the squads out to find the other two groups?
<Zinegata> <Furion> That may be a good idea. It'd minimize the time we'd have to spend in this damn hell hole
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> My thoughts exactly.
<Zinegata> <Furion> But you're gonna have to go through the main passage mainly on your own.
<Attilas> That's what my warp lighting is for
<Brother_Virgilus> We shall. The Emperor is at our backs.
<Flavion> Let's keep tight down the middle of the passage.
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> The Captain takes his flamer in hand and starts to lead the way moving quickly yet cautiously down the main passage.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Right. Flavion, keep a watch on our specialists
<Flavion> Yes, sir.
<Zinegata> <Furion> You're good people for doing this.
<Vax> calmly checks the canister on his weapon, ensure its ready to fire, before checking other equipment and weapons, for the fifth time. A lopsided maniacle grin stretching his features. He follows the Cap'n, keeping an eye to the left, constantly watching his sensors for any movement not generated by them
<Brother_Virgilus> Men are you pepared to follow? [nade, bolt pistol]
<Magos_Daelus> *utters a prayer over his hellgun, extending a mechadendrite to interface with the weapon, his augmetic eye whirring and clicking for a moment then briefly pulsing with light* These xenos have no understanding of the Omnissiah. I believe it is time to show them the frailties of flesh.
<Attilas> "Maybe, but don't thank us until the Xenos have been cleansed and we're safely undocked."
<Zinegata> (Right, roll for awareness)
<Flavion> Flavion held his hellgun waiting for anything to jump out. "You bet I am"
<Zinegata> (Perception)
<Magos_Daelus> roll d100
<Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=40 ]{40}
<Vax> roll d100
<Belldandy> Vax rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=89 ]{89}
<Attilas> Attilas takes the rear as they start moving.
<Brother_Virgilus> roll d100
<Attilas> Barts Roll:
<Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=16 ]{16}
<Flavion> 1d100
<Flavion> roll 1d100
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=16 ]{16}
<Attilas> roll d100+22
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100+22 --> [ 1d100=64 ]{86}
<Attilas> My Roll:
<Zinegata> Virgilius and Flavion read the map easily enough and guide the party through a series of corridors leading to the bowels of the ship....
<Attilas> Roll 1d100+20
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d100+20 --> [ 1d100=15 ]{35}
<Attilas> (Gah, ignopre the rolls I was thinking D&D style that should be a 64 for Bart and a 15 for me)
<Zinegata> (Yep)
<Flavion> All right, we should be getting there soon. I'm surprise we didn't encounter any of them so far.
<Zinegata> You do notice quite a bit of alien goo all over the place
<Zinegata> And you hear... skittering
<Attilas> Uttering a small prayer to the Emperor Attilas casts a spell to toughen his skin into an iron like hide.
<Attilas> roll 3d10+11
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 3d10+11 --> [ 3d10=16 ]{27}
<Flavion> Flavion sighed at what he heard, "I had to say it"
<Magos_Daelus> (I'll activate the dark sight option on my augmetic eye)
<Zinegata> (Want to try and isolate the sounds?)
<Zinegata> Daelus-> Your advanced gear reveals no enemies in the corridors. Yet.
<Magos_Daelus> It appears clear for the moment. I will attempt to give warning if I see anything approach.
<Flavion> [Yea, sure, uh what'd I gotta roll 1d100? brb going to go downstairs and grab the book for a quick sec]
<Vax> grunts slightly, this is the worst part, the waiting, after it heats up though....
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "Tell me about it, the sooner the bugs come the sooner we can kill them and be off this hulk."
<Zinegata> (Yes, d100)
<Flavion> roll 1d100
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=5 ]{5}
<Zinegata> Flavion-> As an experienced Ordo Xenos Stormtrooper, you determine that there are 'nids in the vents
<Flavion> Quiet... they're in the vents.
<Brother_Virgilus> As expected.
<Zinegata> They aren't close by yet, but they seem to be... searching for something
<Vax> "yeah, longpig" as he keeps a steady sweep going
<Zinegata> (Keep advancing?)
<Flavion> [presumably]
<Attilas> Attilas walking backwards says, "I don't like that they can move where we can't get at them."
<Brother_Virgilus> [sure switching to pistol and sword]
<Zinegata> (Well, there IS an option to flushing out 'nids in vents...)
<Magos_Daelus> We could simply vent the atmosphere.
<Brother_Virgilus> [flamers]
<Zinegata> (When in doubt, kill it with fire)
<Attilas> "Venting the atmosphere might kill the rest of the crew. We should keep moving and stay wary."
<Flavion> Indeed, come on.
<Flavion> [how close are we now?]
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> The Captain tightens his grip on his laspistol and hand flamer as he stays to the middle of the group.
<Zinegata> After about half an hour of advancing (and fighting off the disturbing skittering sounds) you are now close to the area where one of the survivor groups is supposed to be hiding
<Zinegata> Another set of Perception rolls please
<Vax> roll d100
<Belldandy> Vax rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=62 ]{62}
<Magos_Daelus> roll d100
<Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=72 ]{72}
<Flavion> roll 1d100
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=2 ]{2}
<Brother_Virgilus> roll d100 (need less than 41)
<Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled d100 (need less than 41) --> [ 1d100=33 ]{33}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=24 ]{24}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=53 ]{53}
<Zinegata> Okay, most of you hear one thing:
<Zinegata> Loud skittering.
<Zinegata> Virgilus however, also hears another, reassuring sound:
<Zinegata> The sound of human whimpering
<Brother_Virgilus> We have survivors.
<Zinegata> And the skittering? It's heading for you guys ^_^
<Vax> from the rear?>
<Flavion> Yea well we have something much louder coming our way. Ready yourselves!
<Zinegata> (Nope, from a side passage on the left)
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "Lets secure the area, no bugs are killing anymore survivors."
<Zinegata> (Now please enter the map)
<Magos_Daelus> (Trying)
<Vax> pw?>
<Attilas> (What names and pws were we using again?)
<Zinegata> (heresy)
<Zinegata> (Sorry)
<Brother_Virgilus> [I'm in]
<Magos_Daelus> (In)
<Flavion> [in]
<Attilas> (In)
<Zinegata> Right, pick an icon
<Zinegata> And then place your character on the bottom of the screen (white area)
<Zinegata> Orange area denotes walls
<Flavion> [done]
<Zinegata> (Please keep minis within the grid)
<Zinegata> (Also, roll init guys)
<Zinegata> roll 1d10+5
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{13}
<Zinegata> (Roll init guys)
<Flavion> roll 1d10
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{8}
<Zinegata> (1d10 + Agi bonus)
<Attilas> Captain Bart's roll:
<Attilas> roll 1d10+4
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10+4 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{12}
<Brother_Virgilus> roll 1d10+4
<Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled 1d10+4 --> [ 1d10=6 ]{10}
<Attilas> My roll:
<Magos_Daelus> roll 1d10+4
<Vax> roll 1d10+4
<Flavion> [8+4]
<Attilas> roll 1d10+4
<Magos_Daelus> (wait, sorry, my agi is 30)
<Vax> roll d8+4
*** Belldandy has quit IRC (Client closed the connection)
<Magos_Daelus> roll 1d10+3
<Magos_Daelus> roll d10+3
*** Belldandy has joined #valhalla
<Attilas> roll 1d10+4
<Magos_Daelus> roll d10+3
<Magos_Daelus> (hmm, woops)
<Attilas> Looks like the dice bot died
<Zinegata> (One sec...)
<Zinegata> roll 1d10+5
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10+4 --> [ 1d10=3 ]{7}
<Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d10+3 --> [ 1d10=5 ]{8}
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 --> [ 1d10=6 ]{11}
<Zinegata> (There we go)
<Attilas> roll 1d10+4
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10+4 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{12}
<Vax> roll d10+4
<Belldandy> Vax rolled d10+4 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{12}
<Attilas> (Bart and Attilas both got 12)
<Zinegata> (Ye)
<Zinegata> (It's Bart, Virg, and Flav actually)
<Zinegata> Although regardless, Nid's beat you all
<Flavion> [Oh noez!]
<Attilas> (Lots of 12's for us at least)
<Zinegata> The 'nid swarm skitters forward! (full-move action, 10 space)
<Zinegata> (But they fall just short of the team!)
<Zinegata> (It is a big Horde...)
<Zinegata> Flav, go!
<Flavion> Oh gak! Flavion takes his hell gun and unleashes the full fury from it down into the swarm.
<Juumanistra> (I will indulge in one bit of peanut gallery'ing. If that's a big Horde, I only have one thing to say: LOK'TAR OGAR!)
<Zinegata> (This is a bug hunt, not an Ork hunt!)
<Vax> havent heard that in about 2 weeks >>
<Zinegata> (I assume you full-auto Flav? Roll it)
<Flavion> roll 1d100
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=74 ]{74}
<Zinegata> (That's... pretty bad.)
<Flavion> [and on full auto too lol]
<Attilas> (I hope nobody was standing in front of him.)
<Vax> glad im behind him>
<Attilas> (Same)
<Zinegata> (What's your BS again?)
<Flavion> [Virg is sort of in front of me lol]
*** Juumanistra is now known as Lenny
<Flavion> [43]
<Zinegata> Flav misses horribly with his wild shots
<Zinegata> Captain bart! Save the team!
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> Firing into the swarm the Captain sweeps his flamer over the hoard with one hand while aiming laspistiol shots with the other.
<Zinegata> Vax to follow
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=84 ]{84}
<Zinegata> (That's just las, right?)
<Magos_Daelus> (Can I use my Reaction for the round before my turn or does it have to be after?)
<Zinegata> roll d100 (Nid Dodge!)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Nid Dodge!) --> [ 1d100=89 ]{89}
<Attilas> (Yeah, flamer is they roll to dodge.)
<Zinegata> (You can only start reacting once your turn has come up)
<Magos_Daelus> (Ah, wanted to use my reaction before I started shooting)
<Zinegata> The nid's take a full flamer blast to the face! A large number of them burn!
<Zinegata> Vax, you're up!
<Zinegata> Brother Virg to follow!
<Vax> takes a step or two the side to clear his line of fire before opening up
<Vax> roll d100
<Belldandy> Vax rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=24 ]{24}
<Attilas> (Shouldn't I be next with yet another 12 for my Psyker?)
<Zinegata> (I thought Att was a 7?)
<Attilas> (No he rolled a 12)
<Zinegata> (Oh. NM then, Attilus then Virg)
<Attilas> (No wait, I see I did get a 7, I just didn't se the roll made when the dicebot kicked back in)
<Zinegata> (Ah, we were looking at different rolls)
<Zinegata> (Vax-> What did you shoot with again?)
<Vax> multi melta, bs of 55>
<Zinegata> (Excellent)
<Brother_Virgilus> roll 1d100 (semi autoburst need less than 50)
<Zinegata> Vax fires off a shot that burns through the nids... and melts the wall right behind them as well!
<Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled 1d100 (semi autoburst need less than 50) --> [ 1d100=23 ]{23}
<Zinegata> (Semi auto hits! And with degrees of success too!)
<Magos_Daelus> (too bad about the survivors in the room that just got melta'd
<Zinegata> (Nah, the red spot is there the melta hit)
<Brother_Virgilus> [meh, we can patch them up as sertitors if we must]
<Magos_Daelus> (hell yeah, wtb combat servitors)
<Zinegata> The Horde is much-diminished and is almost down to 50% strength
<Zinegata> Daelus, GO!
<Magos_Daelus> (Eh I'll save my dirty trick for later)
<Magos_Daelus> *steps to one side to clear his line of fire then sprays a three-shot burst into the front of the tyranid swarm*
<Zinegata> (Roll)
<Magos_Daelus> roll d100 (Ballistic skill 50 w/ MIU)
<Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 (Ballistic skill 50 w/ MIU) --> [ 1d100=100 ]{100}
<Zinegata> (The dice bot hates you >_>)
<Flavion> [dear lord]
<Flavion> [lol]
<Brother_Virgilus> [face palm]
<Magos_Daelus> (wow, I just ganked Flavion in the back with a hellgun, win!)
<Zinegata> (Yeah. Let's roll damage here for 1 hit on Flavy)
<Attilas> (We should have left him manning the Augers)
<Flavion> roll 1d100
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=32 ]{32}
<Zinegata> (Dodge?)
<Zinegata> (Attilus, your turn)
<Flavion> [Yea I got that]
<Magos_Daelus> roll d10+4
<Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d10+4 --> [ 1d10=5 ]{9}
<Zinegata> (It's okay. Flavion manages to Dodge the wild shots as Dealu's gun is possessed by an evil machine spirit briefly)
<Attilas> The Psyker decides to let loose with an unfettered barrage of lighting bolts)
<Attilas> roll 1d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=3 ]{3}
<Attilas> roll 1d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=3 ]{3}
<Attilas> roll 1d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{7}
<Attilas> roll 1d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=6 ]{6}
<Attilas> roll 1d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{8}
<Attilas> roll 1d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{7}
<Zinegata> (Be happy there are no 9s!)
<Zinegata> (34, I think you manifest it successfully)
<Attilas> (34+11 = 45, beating the threshold by 5 degrees.)
<Zinegata> (Righto!)
<Attilas> (That means 12 lighting bolts)
<Zinegata> Attilas once again sends horrible lightning bolts into the swarm!
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=59 ]{59}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=73 ]{73}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=22 ]{22}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=8 ]{8}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=39 ]{39}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=92 ]{92}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=37 ]{37}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=77 ]{77}
<Attilas> v
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=70 ]{70}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=69 ]{69}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=10 ]{10}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=66 ]{66}
<Attilas> (BS of 40)
<Zinegata> (4 out of 12 -_-)
<Zinegata> Oh well, at least the swarm is now at just 33% strength! >_>
<Attilas> With a mad sounding cackle the Psyker makes his lighting dance to and fro across the horde, yet in his glee he forgets to aim with most of them.
<Zinegata> A survivor runs screaming out of the bolt hole
<Zinegata> <Survivor> By the Emperor! A rescue party! Help us! Please hel...
<Attilas> (I hope Vex and Bart enjoyed watching lighting fly over their heads)
<Attilas> (*Vax)
<Zinegata> The survivor is squished to death by a SECOND horde that comes running in
<Brother_Virgilus> Stay in cover citizen... damm them
<Zinegata> (Please try to form a firing line instead of attempting to shoot through each other
<Zinegata> (Anyway, nid turn...)
<Zinegata> The diminished swarm moves in. And with its sheer size it attacks Virg, Vax, and Bart! (No dodge, pray their WS rolls suck)
<Attilas> (I forgot to move,,,)
<Zinegata> roll d100 Virg
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 Virg --> [ 1d100=70 ]{70}
<Zinegata> roll d100 Vax
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 Vax --> [ 1d100=73 ]{73}
<Zinegata> roll d100 Bart
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 Bart --> [ 1d100=96 ]{96}
<Zinegata> ... THEY SUCK
<Zinegata> The skittering horrors fail to inflict a single hit. Maybe they've lost too many fellow
<Zinegata> *'nids
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "Looks like even the bugs fear the Emnperor's finest."
<Brother_Virgilus> As it should be.
<Zinegata> The second nid swarm moves all-out and reaches Virg...
<Zinegata> *dramatic slow-mo pause, as you get to do your turn before it acts)
<Zinegata> Flav, SHOOT!
<Zinegata> Bart to follow
<Flavion> Flavion reloads and let's loose another flurry!
<Flavion> roll 1d100
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=15 ]{15}
<Zinegata> (THERE WE GO)
<Zinegata> (Which swarm, fresh or chopped up?)
<Flavion> [fresh since presumably they're trying to get Virg]
<Zinegata> (Also, I assume you fired full-auto, yes?)
<Flavion> [Yes]
<Zinegata> (Right. Flav makes up for his previous misses by cutting down a good portion of the new swarm!)
<Zinegata> Bart, go!
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> The Captain fires his flamer into the smaller weakened swarm while firing his las pistol into the fresh one.
<Zinegata> roll d100 (Dodge!)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Dodge!) --> [ 1d100=5 ]{5}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=9 ]{9}
<Zinegata> The much diminished swarm is no longer as affected by the burnination
<Zinegata> However... the last shots kill off more of the new swarm
<Zinegata> Go Vac, Virg to follow
<Vax> opens up on the diminished swarm to his 12 oclock
<Zinegata> (Roll it)
<Vax> roll d100 (BS 55..multi melta)
<Belldandy> Vax rolled d100 (BS 55..multi melta) --> [ 1d100=58 ]{58}
<Zinegata> (Well, it's a swarm so you should actually get +10 to BS...)
<Vax> works for me>
<Magos_Daelus> (heh forgot to roll for a jammed weapon last round, but it's a Good quality gun so it's Reliable)
<Zinegata> With another WHOOSH Vax fries a large number of nids... the few survivors disperse and flee
<Zinegata> Virg, go!
<Brother_Virgilus> roll 1d100 (all out attack w/ chainsword, fresh swarm, WS 46+20, one wound for every two degrees)
<Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled 1d100 (all out attack w/ chainsword, fresh swarm, WS 46+20, one wound for every two degrees) --> [ 1d100=52 ]{52}
<Zinegata> One big swarm still active!
<Brother_Virgilus> [bah]
<Zinegata> Virg chops up a few nids, but Chainswords aren't optimal against swarms it seems...
<Zinegata> Daelus, GO!
<Magos_Daelus> roll d10 (Hellgun jams on a 10 from last round's fiasco)
<Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d10 (Hellgun jams on a 10 from last round's fiasco) --> [ 1d10=5 ]{5}
<Magos_Daelus> roll d100 (40 BS + 10 MIU +5 Good quality weapon +10 Swarm = 65)
<Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 (40 BS + 10 MIU +5 Good quality weapon +10 Swarm = 65) --> [ 1d100=94 ]{94}
<Magos_Daelus> (holy shit)
<Flavion> [Wow]
<Attilas> (Hmm, rolling well is not in this techmarines skillset it seems.)
<Flavion> [Maybe been stingy on the machine oil lately[
<Magos_Daelus> (Tech Priest, but still, this is frigging embarassing)
<Zinegata> (... The dice bot really hates Daelus today. At least this wasn't with the cogitator console, else he might have self-destructed the ship...)
<Zinegata> Attilus, go!
<Attilas> Moving to a the front so as to get a better chance with his lightning Attilas griops his focus and decides to release his energies unfettered once again.
<Attilas> roll d10+11
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d10+11 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{19}
<Attilas> roll d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d10 --> [ 1d10=10 ]{10}
<Attilas> roll d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d10 --> [ 1d10=2 ]{2}
<Attilas> roll d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d10 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{7}
<Attilas> roll d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d10 --> [ 1d10=1 ]{1}
<Attilas> roll d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d10 --> [ 1d10=6 ]{6}
<Attilas> roll d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d10 --> [ 1d10=4 ]{4}
<Attilas> (49 of 16 6 degrees, 13 bolts)
<Zinegata> (49)
<Zinegata> (Roll to hit)
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=27 ]{27}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=2 ]{2}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=37 ]{37}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=55 ]{55}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=84 ]{84}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=71 ]{71}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=32 ]{32}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=94 ]{94}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=48 ]{48}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=24 ]{24}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=6 ]{6}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=63 ]{63}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=50 ]{50}
<Zinegata> (7 hits!)
<Zinegata> The 'nid swarm is now at less than 50%!
<Attilas> At such a close range the burning of the carapaced swarm was inevitable.
<Zinegata> Back to the nids
<Zinegata> There is a loud CLANG as a grate falls down from above
<Flavion> [Oh gak]
<Zinegata> And single, upright Xeno beast appears right behind the team...
<Zinegata> (You should have flamered the vents, yes)
<Flavion> [lol]
<Brother_Virgilus> [meh, who wants to be the destraction?]
<Zinegata> (Good news though: Not a swarm so you can dodge or parry!)
<Attilas> (Buy me a turn and I can put him down)
<Magos_Daelus> (Not with my rolls, I'd end up gutting myself with my own power axe if I tried to parry)
<Zinegata> The swarm moves in and begins overruning poor Flavion...
<Zinegata> (Swarm has 4 target)
<Zinegata> roll d100 Virg
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 Virg --> [ 1d100=95 ]{95}
<Zinegata> roll d100 Att
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 Att --> [ 1d100=12 ]{12}
<Zinegata> roll d100 Flav
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 Flav --> [ 1d100=76 ]{76}
<Zinegata> roll d100 Dael
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 Dael --> [ 1d100=16 ]{16}
<Zinegata> (The dice only hate Att and Dael >_>)
<Zinegata> !dice 1d10+5 (Pen 3)
<Zinegata> !dice 1d10+5 (Pen 3)
<Zinegata> roll 1d10+5 (Pen 3)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 (Pen 3) --> [ 1d10=2 ]{7}
<Zinegata> roll 1d10+5 (Pen 3)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 (Pen 3) --> [ 1d10=8 ]{13}
<Zinegata> (7 damage to Att, 3 penetrating)
<Zinegata> (13 to Daelus, 3 penetrating))
<Magos_Daelus> (total armor is 7 so I take 9 damage)
<Zinegata> The 'nid warrior goes after Bart, Virg, and Attilus (3 attacks max)
<Attilas> (My armor is effectively 2 versus this so I take a single point of damage after toughness)
<Zinegata> roll d100 (Bart)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Bart) --> [ 1d100=19 ]{19}
<Zinegata> roll d100 (Virg)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Virg) --> [ 1d100=30 ]{30}
<Zinegata> roll d100 (Att)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Att) --> [ 1d100=95 ]{95}
<Magos_Daelus> (ah crap I forgot toughness, I take 5 damage)
<Zinegata> (Attack on Attilus auto-misses)
<Attilas> roll d100 (Bart's dodge)
<Zinegata> (Bart and Virg, wanna dodge or parry?)
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 (Bart's dodge) --> [ 1d100=38 ]{38}
<Zinegata> (Bart dodges!)
<Brother_Virgilus> [one moment]
<Brother_Virgilus> [can't i did a full attack
<Zinegata> (Ow)
<Zinegata> !dice 1d10+12 (Pen 5)
<Zinegata> roll 1d10+12 (Pen 5)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+12 (Pen 5) --> [ 1d10=3 ]{15}
<Zinegata> (15 damage, 5 penetrate armor)
<Brother_Virgilus> [ah 4 damage
<Attilas> (Go supernatural toughness)
<Brother_Virgilus> [15 hp left]
<Zinegata> Flav's turn then
<Zinegata> You guys... might wanna bring out the big guns now
<Zinegata> (Also, you will need to roll damage vs the warrior)
<Attilas> (I'm considering doing a push on my psychic powers)
<Flavion> roll 1d100 damage
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d100 damage --> [ 1d100=42 ]{42}
<Zinegata> (You mean shooting, yes? Target?)
<Flavion> [Oh I thought you meant dmg against the warrior]
<Zinegata> (I mean you roll damage after you hit)
<Zinegata> (... IF you hit)
<Flavion> Flavion fired semi-auto into the dropping Nids careful not to hit the techpriest
<Zinegata> (Against the warrior?)
<Flavion> [Yea the sonofabitch in front of me? Yea]
<Zinegata> roll 1d100 (Warrior dodge)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d100 (Warrior dodge) --> [ 1d100=100 ]{100}
<Zinegata> ... The dice hate the warrior too. Roll damage!
<Zinegata> (Bart, get ready)
<Flavion> roll 1d10
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=10 ]{10}
<Zinegata> (Nice)
<Brother_Virgilus> [righteous fury?]
<Zinegata> (Indeed)
<Zinegata> (Righteous Fury is another damage roll, right? Or was it simply double?)
<Magos_Daelus> (another roll, if he gets 10 again he gets to roll again, etc)
<Zinegata> (Roll another D10 Flav)
<Flavion> roll 1d10
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=3 ]{3}
<Zinegata> (28 total)
<Zinegata> Normally, even at 15 damage the shot would have just bounced off...
<Zinegata> But Flav experty shoots at the Tyranid's eye and pops it out, causing severe damage!
<Zinegata> Bart, go!
<Zinegata> Vax to follow
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> Looking at the warrior he holsters his flamer and draws his hand cannon and points both it and his laspistol at the beast felling the recoil of the handcannon in one hand while pulling the pistol's trigger as fast as he can.
<Attilas> roll d100 (Handcannon)
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 (Handcannon) --> [ 1d100=50 ]{50}
<Zinegata> (BS?)
<Attilas> Roll d100 (Laspistol)
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 (Laspistol) --> [ 1d100=93 ]{93}
<Attilas> (BS of 50)
<Zinegata> (Only Handcannon hits. Roll it)
<Attilas> roll 1d10+4 I (Pen 2)
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10+4 I (Pen 2) --> [ 1d10=5 ]{9}
<Zinegata> The round ricochets off the warrior!
<Zinegata> Vax, maybe a more powerful weapon is in order?
<Vax> moves back and to the side so as to have a clear line of fire before opening up on the warrior
<Vax> roll d100 (bs 55)
<Belldandy> Vax rolled d100 (bs 55) --> [ 1d100=1 ]{1}
<Zinegata> ... The dice love you Vax
<Zinegata> HIT
<Zinegata> Roll damage
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled damage --> error: malformed expression
<Vax> roll 4d10+5 (13 pen)
<Belldandy> Vax rolled 4d10+5 (13 pen) --> [ 4d10=25 ]{30}
<Zinegata> (Ow)
<Vax> err. how do crits work?>>
<Zinegata> Only the Tyranid's unnatural toughness keeps it alive even with the smoking hole in its torso >_>
<Zinegata> Vax-> Roll a natural 10 on an attack roll
<Brother_Virgilus> [vax i'll explain in pm]
<Attilas> (Crits work by rolling 10's for damage)
<Vax> kk>>
<Magos_Daelus> ( I think his question is how it works on multiple dice since we can't see what each dice rolls )
<Zinegata> Virg, finish it!
<Zinegata> (Roll seperately next time, I think)
<Attilas> (I'd just roll multiple d10)
<Brother_Virgilus> roll 1d100 (semiauto burst target:Warrior BS 40 +10, max two hits)
<Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled 1d100 (semiauto burst target:Warrior BS 40 +10, max two hits) --> [ 1d100=9 ]{9}
<Zinegata> (Not chain swording? Okay)
<Zinegata> (That's 2 hits)
<Brother_Virgilus> roll 2#d10
<Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled 2#d10 --> [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}
<Brother_Virgilus> roll 2#d10
<Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled 2#d10 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}
<Zinegata> You have a righteous fury
<Brother_Virgilus> pluss 5 on each pen of 5
<Brother_Virgilus> roll 2#d10
<Zinegata> (Yep, that's enough!)
<Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled 2#d10 --> [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}
<Zinegata> Virg aims right at the thing's broken open torso and lets loose!
<Zinegata> The Warrior explodes into a mass of goo
<Zinegata> The little swarm shrieks and starts running around in panicky circles
<Brother_Virgilus> Finish them!
<Zinegata> Daelus, go
<Zinegata> Att to follow
<Magos_Daelus> Letting his hellgun hang by its sling, the Tech Priest draws and activates his power axe, swiping at the nearest Tyranid with the crackling blade.
<Flavion> [thank you!]
<Magos_Daelus> roll d100 (40 weapon skill +5 good quality axe)
<Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 (40 weapon skill +5 good quality axe) --> [ 1d100=3 ]{3}
<Magos_Daelus> (about effing time I hit something)
<Zinegata> Yes you do!
<Attilas> (Yay!)
<Zinegata> Daelus cuts several of the little things to pieces
<Zinegata> One last hit ought to finish the skitterers off
<Attilas> Restraining his power Attilas lets loose with one last blast of energy.
<Attilas> roll 3d10+11
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 3d10+11 --> [ 3d10=17 ]{28}
<Attilas> (9 bolts)
<Zinegata> (Roll)
<Attilas> roll 9#d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 9#d100 --> [ 1d100=60 ]{60}, [ 1d100=86 ]{86}, [ 1d100=56 ]{56}, [ 1d100=79 ]{79}, [ 1d100=9 ]{9}, [ 1d100=93 ]{93}, [ 1d100=53 ]{53}, [ 1d100=8 ]{8}, [ 1d100=19 ]{19}
<Zinegata> Not the best score, but Attilas fries the last of the skittering horrors
<Zinegata> ==== VICTORY ====
<Attilas> (Hey, lightning doesn't need to be accurate all the time. xD)
<Vax> just the way i like em, nice n crispy
<Zinegata> The scattered survivors emerge from their hiding place
<Zinegata> Leading them is a woman in a medicae uniform
<Zinegata> <Woman> ... They're gone? Thank you
<NativeJovian> (More targets! FOR THE EMPARAH!)
<Zinegata> <Woman> ... I... we... thought we were finished
<Zinegata> (*shoots BFK for heresy*)
<Brother_Virgilus> [Dm medicae check?]
<Zinegata> (Clarification: Do you ask them to medicae you, or are you asking if you can medicae them?)
<Attilas> (I can heal people with mah powahs too)
<Brother_Virgilus> [yeah but it is easier for me In character]
<Brother_Virgilus> [medicae them]
<Attilas> (True enough)
<Vax> checks his weapon, releaoding while the others play touchy feely
<Zinegata> The woman looks to be in okay shape. She leads out two other survivors
<Zinegata> <Woman> *blinks* An... Astartes?
<Zinegata> <Woman> Well now, it seems as though the Emperor was really pulling out all the stops for me today
<Brother_Virgilus> Yes, my dear. I have come and you are saved.
<Brother_Virgilus> What more reason do you need to bless the emperor
<Magos_Daelus> (My dear? really? What chapter are you from again? :p )
<Flavion> [Yea I did a double take on that.]
<Vax> get yer lovely arse back to the ship, lest you want these damned critters gettn ya
<Zinegata> <Woman> Thank you. Let me introduce myself. Chief Surgeon Ana Roth. Of his majesty's warship, "Decisive Action"
<Brother_Virgilus> (Dark angel, and yes my dear is a little odd but what ever)
<Zinegata> <Woman> These are my orderlies. The ones who survived
<Zinegata> The two other survivors are blank-faced. One waves weakly
<Flavion> Your friend earlier was foolish.
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "You're going to be safe now, I have a vessel waiting to take you aboard."
<Zinegata> <Ana> He was. I told him to stay put.
<Zinegata> <Ana> That's good to hear. Did any of the other crew make it?
<Brother_Virgilus> We have a gunner and a group of his men
<Brother_Virgilus> but we are looking for more.
<Zinegata> <Ana> I presume you aren't just here to save some lowly gunners, are you though?
<Zinegata> <Ana> Astartes are too valuable for such frivolous "rescue" missions.
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "Brother Virgilus speaks the thruth, we have rescued many. But our true mission is to find out why your ship was felled by these Xenos."
<Brother_Virgilus> We hunt the hulk, and the xenos that did this to you.
<Flavion> And we need to find the cogitators.
<Zinegata> <Ana> I'm aware of the Hulk. It was... huge.
<Magos_Daelus> *Stands aside from the conversation, his hellgun back out as he mutters prayers over the weapon, occasional gusts of incense from a mechadendrite being blown over the weapon in an attempt to assuage the machine spirit*
<Zinegata> <Ana> Yes, the backup cogitator units are nearby. I can help lead the way.
<Zinegata> <Ana> And I can share what few details I know.
<Magos_Daelus> (I suspect the sight of a Tech Priest banging his hellgun against a wall repeatedly while screaming in rage would cause a scene, no matter how tempting it may be)
<Brother_Virgilus> Then kindle do for we are listening.
<Brother_Virgilus> *]kindly
<Zinegata> <Ana> *nods and motions her orderlies to follow. They whimper*
<Zinegata> <Ana> I don't really know much about the Hulk itself, except that those who saw it described it as "Huge".
<Attilas> "Fear not, the leader of these Xenos have been slain and they move mindlessly now."
<Zinegata> <Ana> We were about to send boarding parties to it when... all hell broke loose.
<Zinegata> <Ana> Alarms began to ring, and the Captain said that we were about to be hit and boarded by Xenos life-forms
<Vax> grunts at the oh so polite verbose of the brother. never knew they were so damn talkative.
<Zinegata> <Ana> Next thing I know, people are shooting all over the ship, and dozens of men are being brought to my infirmary
<Zinegata> <Ana> Then, suddenly, the power goes out.
<Zinegata> <Ana> And then those things... invaded my infirmary and killed all of my patients.
<Zinegata> <Ana> I survived by escaping and hiding here near the bowels of the ship. I was able to contact other survivors using the internal vox, at least until that died too...
<Zinegata> <Ana> And we know for certain is that apparently, nobody survived from the rear end of the ship.
<Zinegata> <Ana> ... At the moment we lost power, there were forty-three groups of survivors that I could still contact. When the vox went out a few minutes ago, we were down to four.
<Zinegata> <Ana> I hope this Hulk is worth it
<Zinegata> (Ana walks briskly and you soon reach a door with a Mechanicus symbol on it)
<Zinegata> <Ana> ... And here we are
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "As do we all."
<Brother_Virgilus> magos if you will?
<Vax> takes up rear security
<Magos_Daelus> Indeed. *Strides up to the door, examining the mechanism, then makes the appropriate rite and attempts to open the portal*
<Attilas> Stands beside Vax fingering his Psyfocus.
<Magos_Daelus> (What? I'm a techpriest, we don't just "open the bloody door.")
<Brother_Virgilus> [note brother Virgilus has to have a good bedside manner so that is why i am playing him so polite]
<Flavion> Flavion moved up near the door and kept his hellgun pointed at the door for anything waiting behind.
<Attilas> (Not much of the "Grit your teeth and pray to the Emperor this is going to hurt types" I guess.)
<Zinegata> The portal opens...
<Magos_Daelus> (And another 'nid warrior jumps out and eats my face!)
<Zinegata> And... the room is thankfully empty save for a bank of cogitator units
<Magos_Daelus> We may enter. Do not touch anything.
<Magos_Daelus> *goes to examine the cogitator units*
<Zinegata> There are several big red buttons on the cogitator units
<Brother_Virgilus> [good thing we don't have any orks nearby]
<Attilas> Walking in Attials looks around and studies the room. He's not a tech priest, but he does know a little bit and this fascinates the psyker.
<Vax> stays at the hatch, provideing rear secuirty still (mm, orks)
<Magos_Daelus> (Do I know what the big red buttons in question do?)
<Flavion> Flavion positioned himself inside the room facing back towards the passageway in case any xenos decided to come back for more.
<Attilas> (You can play orks in the new RT suppliment, Orks and Kroot)
<Vax> only good ork, is a dead ork....preferably melted down to their ankles>
<Magos_Daelus> roll d100 (Tech Use, 66 intelligence +10 MIU +20 from skills)
<Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 (Tech Use, 66 intelligence +10 MIU +20 from skills) --> [ 1d100=26 ]{26}
<Magos_Daelus> (attempting to access the cogitators)
<Zinegata> Magos-> You should
<Zinegata> Magos: with some simple manipulations, you are given access to the Ommnissiah's most holy data
<Zinegata> Which data will you query and download?
<Magos_Daelus> The Omnissiah has blessed us with His bounty.
<Brother_Virgilus> [sets helmet cam to record]
<Magos_Daelus> (I do a search for information about the Hulk and the hours around when the ship got damaged)
<Zinegata> A projector unit on the cogitator activates
<Zinegata> <Cogitator Unit> Space Hulk. Christened "Kraken of Saint Cyr".
<Zinegata> The cogitator displays the image of a massive, massive Space Hulk with dozens of ships sticking out of it
<Zinegata> Mass estimates that it's 1/8 the size of Holy Terra's Moon
<Flavion> [btw you logging this session?]
<Zinegata> (Yes)
<Attilas> (I have a full log of last session, just a copy paste job though.)
<Brother_Virgilus> [that is one massive spacehulk, now I see it's worth]
<Magos_Daelus> Fascinating.
<Zinegata> Identified ships in the Hulk include an Apocalypse-class battleship. Possibly the "Pax Imperium"
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "Some hulk we were after. Just think of the Archeotech on that."
<Zinegata> Cogitator begins displaying the logs in the hours before contact was lost with the Decisive Action
<Zinegata> The Captain's face flickers on the holo screen
<Magos_Daelus> It will take some time to ritually cleanse anything recovered, Captain, and I do not think the Inquisition will let you keep the battleship.
<Zinegata> <Captain> Captain von Tromp's personal log. I am preparing to send boarding teams into the Hulk. By the Emperor is it magnificent. And so far we've yet to detect any life signs.
<Brother_Virgilus> We make no promises, but you should be rewarded justly Captain.
<Zinegata> The Cogitator fast-forwards to 15 minutes later
<Zinegata> <Von Tromp> Our astropath can no longer pierce the veil of the warp! She keep screaming about some... horrid alien song from the warp! Our first wave of boarding parties have failed to report in. And... By the Emperor...
<Zinegata> The Cogitator fast-forwards to 5 minutes later
<Zinegata> <Von Tromp> Tyranid spores are spewing out of one of the docking bays! Some of them have attached themselves to the ship! We're trying to fight them off but there's too many... *static*
<Zinegata> The Cogitator fast-forwards to 25 minutes later
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "Can we bring this Cogitators aboard my vessel. It seems a shame to leave them all here like this."
<Attilas> *these
<Zinegata> <First Officer> The Captain is dead, but we've fought off most of the 'nids. We're now moving away from the Hulk to... *static*
<Zinegata> The cogitator then switches to a bow camera shot
<Zinegata> The Decisive Action is steaming away from the Hulk when... the Hulk is suddenly engulfed in an expanding sphere of utter blackness
<Zinegata> The sphere keeps expanding until it reaches the Decisive Action. The rear half of the ship is engulfed by the sphere
<Zinegata> And then... static
<Zinegata> Daelus-> That is all the relevant data that you could find in the cogitator's records
<Magos_Daelus> (Any navigation data about where the Hulk could have gone?)
<Zinegata> The navigation computer has recorded a unique warp signature at the moment the black sphere appeared
<Zinegata> However, no known method of plotting a ship's course using this data is yet known to exist.
<Magos_Daelus> Is there any other information you think could be of use, Captain?
<Zinegata> (However, it may be possible to detect this unique warp signature should it appear again)
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "I have no idea, I've never seen anything like that before and those warp readings are entire unique. Maybe if we hired a skilled navigator he could trace it..."
<Brother_Virgilus> Captain we need to get this information into the Inquistions hands as soon as possible. Only with the Holy Inquistions sources can we find it.
<Magos_Daelus> The Apothecary is likely correct.
<Zinegata> Daelus-> You can also prolly load the warp signature unto your ship's sensors, and it can detect it should it surface again
<Zinegata> Otherwise, scouring the Inquisiton records is indeed your best bet to identify the signature
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "I agree, but it would be better if we could bring them the data right from the source. can we move these Cogiators aboard into a hold on my ship?"
<Zinegata> <Furion> Captain, this is Furion, anyone still there?"
<Magos_Daelus> Our ship's sensors would recognize the warp signature once I have shared the data with them, but I do not know at how great a distance.
<Zinegata> <Furion> My squads have found your two groups of survivors. Twenty-seven souls saved in total.
<Brother_Virgilus> Furion we have acheived our goal here. Soon we shall rejoin you.
<Flavion> Sir, we have found a medicae and her orderlies ourselves.
<Zinegata> <Furion> You want the good news and the bad news about the other survivors?
<Brother_Virgilus> Bad
<Magos_Daelus> I would advise against moving the cogitators, Captain, since they are the property of the Imperial Navy -- and their machine spirits may be offended at being torn away from their duty, should the Navy attempt to recover and repair the frigate.
<Zinegata> <Furion> One of the survivors was the astropath. But she's... loopy.
<Attilas> "I will attempt to calm here when I return. I have... techniques, for that sort of thing."
<Zinegata> <Furion> The good news? We found a young girl who was a stowaway. Lucky girl survived the damn 'nids by crawling around the vents
<Zinegata> <Furion> Also, we're only encountering spoaradic 'nid resistance. Did you kill the warrior?
<Flavion> She would be extremely lucky as we had 'nids crawling in them. Yes we did.
<Brother_Virgilus> That is extrodinary luck. Yes the warrior is down.
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "I understand Magos. It still seems a shame leaving them here where the Xenos can get them though."
<Zinegata> <Furion> Wonderful. We've also gotten word from Battlefleet Saint Cyr. They're sending a tug to recover the remains of the Decisive Action
<Zinegata> <Furion> With the 'nids dead they can probably easily recover the ship for us.
<Magos_Daelus> (Fortunately, respirator grills prevent tech priests from smirking)
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "That takes care of my concern. We have the data and survivors we came for, lets go."
<Brother_Virgilus> Captain Bart> we should not worry about the Xenos now that we have cut of their head.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Roger that. We're ready to welcome you back.
<Magos_Daelus> If nothing else, Captain, I would imagine that those cogitators have data the Navy would be most displeased at falling into the hands of a Rogue Trader.
<Attilas> (lol, I was trying to play Kheitains character they way he designed him and I know that he'd want a Cogitator for himself.)
<Brother_Virgilus> (if the Inquistion needed teh info there is nothing the navy could do)
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "Seems a shame, we come in and save them and they still don't trust me enough to share a few secrets..."
<Zinegata> (So, return to ship?)
<Magos_Daelus> (I'm sure our ship has cogitators already)
<Attilas> Attilas is starting to head back to the ship, he wants to calm the Astropath as soon as possible.
<Attilas> (Yeah, unless anybody else has something else they wanted to do.)
<Brother_Virgilus> [ship time]
<Zinegata> Without incident, the party returns to the ship to a hero's welcome
<Zinegata> All objectives completed. No casualties!
<Flavion> [plays a Final Fantasy fanfare]
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> After making one last Vox broadcast to the ship to ensure nobody is left aboard he seals up the Airlock and heads to the bridge.
<Zinegata> <Furion> We're having the survivors screened for 'nid bio signs, but so far it all looks good.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Well, I'm confident enough that I'm willing to have my men do one last sweep for survivors.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Give me an hour and I can assure you the ship has no more living souls.
<Magos_Daelus> That seems reasonable.
<Brother_Virgilus> An hour, do so.
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "Please do so, I would hate to see souls left aborad the vessel even with the reduced hoard."
<Zinegata> <Furion> Right.
<Zinegata> <Furion> By the way... the astropath... you might want to talk to her
<Attilas> "Allow me to speak with her. I suspect that when tghe Xenos attacked they flooded the warp with strange singnals. I will attempt to calm her."
<Zinegata> <Furion> By all means
<Zinegata> FUrion has a soldier lead Attilas to the Astropath. She is bald, blind, and strapped down to a chair.
<Zinegata> She is still screaming
<Attilas> "Leave me, I would like some aspects of my craft to remain my knowledge only."
<Zinegata> The soldiers nod and leave Attilas in the sound-proof room
<Zinegata> (Daelus, wanna load up the warp signature data?)
<Attilas> Standing before her Attilas curses his inability to read minds. Instead he'll have to use a less savory method to get her to calm down.
<Magos_Daelus> I will go upload our data to the ship's systems.
<Vax> with nothing much to do, he goes and does majintenance on his weapons and armor
<Attilas> He starts to ritual to start seeding her mind so that his psychic commands will work on her more easilly.
<Attilas> roll 6#d10+11
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 6#d10+11 --> [ 1d10=3 ]{14}, [ 1d10=8 ]{19}, [ 1d10=9 ]{20}, [ 1d10=6 ]{17}, [ 1d10=6 ]{17}, [ 1d10=3 ]{14}
<Attilas> roll 6#d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 6#d10 --> [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=66 ]{66}
<Attilas> Both myself and here need to make WP tests or gain 1d5 insanity
<Attilas> *her
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=90 ]{90}
<Attilas> roll 1d5
*** Lenny is now known as Juumanistra
<Zinegata> !dice 1d100
<Attilas> roll d10
<Zinegata> roll 1d100
<Zinegata> roll 1d100
<Zinegata> (Le dice bot....)
<Brother_Virgilus> [Belldandy noooooo... you can't die on us]
<Juumanistra> (I'm working on it.
<Zinegata> (She's having coughs and fits again)
<Zinegata> roll 1d100
<Zinegata> Well, okay, before we learn if the Astropath goes further insane...
<Zinegata> Daelus, your sensors are beeping...
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<Zinegata> The moment you uploaded the warp signature...
<Zinegata> roll 1d100
<Bell-chan> Zinegata rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=45 ]{45}
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<Zinegata> (The astropath doesn't get any loopier, but is still screaming)
*** Bell-chan is now known as Belldandy
<Attilas> roll d5
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d5 --> [ 1d5=1 ]{1}
<Magos_Daelus> (Hmm, Tech Use to figure out what is happening with the sensors?)
<Zinegata> (Attilas-> What are you using exactly?)
<Zinegata> Daelus-> Oh, nothing much. They are just detecting the warp signature...
<Attilas> (Okay, how the power I'm using works is I need to make five degrees of sucess testing WP against her.)
<Magos_Daelus> (oh, good, nothing important then)
<Zinegata> (Test it)
<Attilas> (The power is Mind Seed.)
<Zinegata> Daelus-> Wanna try to track down where the warp signature is?
<Attilas> roll d100 (WP of 70+10 for beating threshold by 18 points)
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 (WP of 70+10 for beating threshold by 18 points) --> [ 1d100=53 ]{53}
<Magos_Daelus> (Yeah I was going to let Attilas finish what he's doing)
<Vax> gotta go guys>>
<Flavion> Furion> Sir, if you don't mind I'd like to return to my bunk.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Go ahead. You earned a rest...
*** Vax has quit IRC ([NS] Quit: Page closed)
<Zinegata> (I'll post up the logs later. We're almost done)
<Attilas> (This is opposed WP Zine, you need to roll her's now.)
<Zinegata> (Whoops, sorry)
<Zinegata> roll d100 (WP)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (WP) --> [ 1d100=33 ]{33}
<Flavion> Thank you sir. Flavion went back to his bunk and promptly fell asleep.
<Zinegata> (I think she wins XD)
<Attilas> (I can't recall how that works with characteristic tests. I beat my WP by 27 points for this.)
<Zinegata> (She beats hers by 12)
<Attilas> (So 1 degree for me.)
<Attilas> roll d100
<Zinegata> (Yep)
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=15 ]{15}
<Zinegata> roll d100 (WP)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (WP) --> [ 1d100=14 ]{14}
<Zinegata> (Beats hers by 31)
<Attilas> (I beat mine by 65 so that's 4 of 5 for me.)
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=4 ]{4}
<Zinegata> roll d100 (WP)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (WP) --> [ 1d100=83 ]{83}
<Zinegata> (yep, you got her now)
<Attilas> With the struggle of wills done he sits before her and using restrained powers of compulsion orders her to calm down and let her mind be still for a few moments.
<Zinegata> <Astropath> ... It's... it's coming back...
<Attilas> (I now auto win WP checks to activate powers against her.)
<Zinegata> <Astropath> ... It's... going to consume an entire world....
<Attilas> "Are you okay Astropath?"
<Zinegata> <Astropath> ... It's... it's coming back...
<Zinegata> <Astropath> ... It's... going to consume an entire world....
<Attilas> "What is going to consume and an entire world?"
<Attilas> *an
<Zinegata> <Astropath> ... The sphere of darkness...
<Zinegata> (Daelus, make your scanner check)
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<Attilas> "We can see it coming now, we'll do what we can to stop it."
<Magos_Daelus> roll d100 (66int +10 MIU +20 Tech Use)
<Bell-chan> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 (66int +10 MIU +20 Tech Use) --> [ 1d100=91 ]{91}
<Zinegata> ... Try again Daelus
<Magos_Daelus> roll d100
<Bell-chan> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=63 ]{63}
<Brother_Virgilus> [yesh sounds a little like star wars.. something terrible has happened]
<Zinegata> Daelus-> You have isolated the warp signature
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<Attilas> (We shall call it bthe Death Sphere.)
<Zinegata> It is forming... over the Dardanelles System.
<Zinegata> And it contains an inhabited world containing over 10 million souls...
*** Belldandy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
<Magos_Daelus> *over the Vox* Captain, Apothecary, our ships sensors have isolated the warp signature that claimed the Hulk over the Dardanelles system. If I am correct it is forming over an Imperial planet with a significant population.
<Zinegata> <Vox> ... Can anyone hear us? This is the Dardanelle PDF. It's rainin... *static*
<Attilas> "You have done well Astropath, I shall help you recover from the trauma you have faced."
<Zinegata> ==== To be continued ====
<Zinegata> The mission has begun!
<Zinegata> Although missing key personnel and severely undermanned, our intrepid crew has set off to find the Space Hulk and the missing Frigate "Decisive Action"
<Zinegata> Upon arriving at the sector however, the Hulk was nowhere to be found and only... half of the Decisive Action remained. And it was infested by Xenos!
<Zinegata> Through daring actions, the crew has now saved dozens of the derelict frigate's crewmen.
<Zinegata> Still, without recovering the cogitator units, the mystery of the Decisive Action's destruction... and the whereabouts of the Space Hulk... may never be known...
<Zinegata> ==== Mission Objectives: =====
<Zinegata> Primary Objective: Recover data from Cogitator Units
<Zinegata> Secondary Objectives: Rescue surviving crewmen from "Decisive Action". Three groups still known to be hiding from the Tyranids
<Zinegata> Secondary Objectives: Destroy the Tyranid threat. Hunt down the Warrior leading this minor brood.
<Zinegata> ==== Mission Start! ======
<Zinegata> You are still near the docking ring, where Captain Furion is holding station
<Attilas> (Will I be playing Captain Bart for this, or will he be doing something else?)
<Zinegata> The surviving crewmen from the Decisive Action have drawn a map for your team to lead you to the cogitators, and the last known location of the other survivors
<Zinegata> (You can play Bart)
<Flavion> [hurray a map, I was wondering how we'llk now how to get there]
<Attilas> (Okay.)
<Magos_Daelus> (Yes, we may need someone to bravely hold the enemy off while the rest of us escape, the traditional use for characters whose players aren't here)
<Vax> (pats his multi-melta..Charlenes job

<Zinegata> (Well, according to the map, the main way to the Cogitator unit is down a wide open hall that is flanked by a number of side-passages)
<Zinegata> (The good news is that you can probably pick up at least one group of survivors along the way)
<Zinegata> (The bad news... the side passages may be infested with 'nids)
<Flavion> [Figures]
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> Send those three squads to find the survivors, report back to us if you find that Warrior. The airlock will be our fallback point.
<Zinegata> <Furion> So you wanna send the squads out to find the other two groups?
<Zinegata> <Furion> That may be a good idea. It'd minimize the time we'd have to spend in this damn hell hole
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> My thoughts exactly.
<Zinegata> <Furion> But you're gonna have to go through the main passage mainly on your own.
<Attilas> That's what my warp lighting is for
<Brother_Virgilus> We shall. The Emperor is at our backs.
<Flavion> Let's keep tight down the middle of the passage.
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> The Captain takes his flamer in hand and starts to lead the way moving quickly yet cautiously down the main passage.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Right. Flavion, keep a watch on our specialists
<Flavion> Yes, sir.
<Zinegata> <Furion> You're good people for doing this.
<Vax> calmly checks the canister on his weapon, ensure its ready to fire, before checking other equipment and weapons, for the fifth time. A lopsided maniacle grin stretching his features. He follows the Cap'n, keeping an eye to the left, constantly watching his sensors for any movement not generated by them
<Brother_Virgilus> Men are you pepared to follow? [nade, bolt pistol]
<Magos_Daelus> *utters a prayer over his hellgun, extending a mechadendrite to interface with the weapon, his augmetic eye whirring and clicking for a moment then briefly pulsing with light* These xenos have no understanding of the Omnissiah. I believe it is time to show them the frailties of flesh.
<Attilas> "Maybe, but don't thank us until the Xenos have been cleansed and we're safely undocked."
<Zinegata> (Right, roll for awareness)
<Flavion> Flavion held his hellgun waiting for anything to jump out. "You bet I am"
<Zinegata> (Perception)
<Magos_Daelus> roll d100
<Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=40 ]{40}
<Vax> roll d100
<Belldandy> Vax rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=89 ]{89}
<Attilas> Attilas takes the rear as they start moving.
<Brother_Virgilus> roll d100
<Attilas> Barts Roll:
<Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=16 ]{16}
<Flavion> 1d100
<Flavion> roll 1d100
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=16 ]{16}
<Attilas> roll d100+22
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100+22 --> [ 1d100=64 ]{86}
<Attilas> My Roll:
<Zinegata> Virgilius and Flavion read the map easily enough and guide the party through a series of corridors leading to the bowels of the ship....
<Attilas> Roll 1d100+20
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d100+20 --> [ 1d100=15 ]{35}
<Attilas> (Gah, ignopre the rolls I was thinking D&D style that should be a 64 for Bart and a 15 for me)
<Zinegata> (Yep)
<Flavion> All right, we should be getting there soon. I'm surprise we didn't encounter any of them so far.
<Zinegata> You do notice quite a bit of alien goo all over the place
<Zinegata> And you hear... skittering
<Attilas> Uttering a small prayer to the Emperor Attilas casts a spell to toughen his skin into an iron like hide.
<Attilas> roll 3d10+11
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 3d10+11 --> [ 3d10=16 ]{27}
<Flavion> Flavion sighed at what he heard, "I had to say it"
<Magos_Daelus> (I'll activate the dark sight option on my augmetic eye)
<Zinegata> (Want to try and isolate the sounds?)
<Zinegata> Daelus-> Your advanced gear reveals no enemies in the corridors. Yet.
<Magos_Daelus> It appears clear for the moment. I will attempt to give warning if I see anything approach.
<Flavion> [Yea, sure, uh what'd I gotta roll 1d100? brb going to go downstairs and grab the book for a quick sec]
<Vax> grunts slightly, this is the worst part, the waiting, after it heats up though....
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "Tell me about it, the sooner the bugs come the sooner we can kill them and be off this hulk."
<Zinegata> (Yes, d100)
<Flavion> roll 1d100
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=5 ]{5}
<Zinegata> Flavion-> As an experienced Ordo Xenos Stormtrooper, you determine that there are 'nids in the vents
<Flavion> Quiet... they're in the vents.
<Brother_Virgilus> As expected.
<Zinegata> They aren't close by yet, but they seem to be... searching for something
<Vax> "yeah, longpig" as he keeps a steady sweep going
<Zinegata> (Keep advancing?)
<Flavion> [presumably]
<Attilas> Attilas walking backwards says, "I don't like that they can move where we can't get at them."
<Brother_Virgilus> [sure switching to pistol and sword]
<Zinegata> (Well, there IS an option to flushing out 'nids in vents...)
<Magos_Daelus> We could simply vent the atmosphere.
<Brother_Virgilus> [flamers]
<Zinegata> (When in doubt, kill it with fire)
<Attilas> "Venting the atmosphere might kill the rest of the crew. We should keep moving and stay wary."
<Flavion> Indeed, come on.
<Flavion> [how close are we now?]
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> The Captain tightens his grip on his laspistol and hand flamer as he stays to the middle of the group.
<Zinegata> After about half an hour of advancing (and fighting off the disturbing skittering sounds) you are now close to the area where one of the survivor groups is supposed to be hiding
<Zinegata> Another set of Perception rolls please
<Vax> roll d100
<Belldandy> Vax rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=62 ]{62}
<Magos_Daelus> roll d100
<Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=72 ]{72}
<Flavion> roll 1d100
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=2 ]{2}
<Brother_Virgilus> roll d100 (need less than 41)
<Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled d100 (need less than 41) --> [ 1d100=33 ]{33}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=24 ]{24}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=53 ]{53}
<Zinegata> Okay, most of you hear one thing:
<Zinegata> Loud skittering.
<Zinegata> Virgilus however, also hears another, reassuring sound:
<Zinegata> The sound of human whimpering
<Brother_Virgilus> We have survivors.
<Zinegata> And the skittering? It's heading for you guys ^_^
<Vax> from the rear?>
<Flavion> Yea well we have something much louder coming our way. Ready yourselves!
<Zinegata> (Nope, from a side passage on the left)
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "Lets secure the area, no bugs are killing anymore survivors."
<Zinegata> (Now please enter the map)
<Magos_Daelus> (Trying)
<Vax> pw?>
<Attilas> (What names and pws were we using again?)
<Zinegata> (heresy)
<Zinegata> (Sorry)
<Brother_Virgilus> [I'm in]
<Magos_Daelus> (In)
<Flavion> [in]
<Attilas> (In)
<Zinegata> Right, pick an icon
<Zinegata> And then place your character on the bottom of the screen (white area)
<Zinegata> Orange area denotes walls
<Flavion> [done]
<Zinegata> (Please keep minis within the grid)
<Zinegata> (Also, roll init guys)
<Zinegata> roll 1d10+5
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{13}
<Zinegata> (Roll init guys)
<Flavion> roll 1d10
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{8}
<Zinegata> (1d10 + Agi bonus)
<Attilas> Captain Bart's roll:
<Attilas> roll 1d10+4
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10+4 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{12}
<Brother_Virgilus> roll 1d10+4
<Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled 1d10+4 --> [ 1d10=6 ]{10}
<Attilas> My roll:
<Magos_Daelus> roll 1d10+4
<Vax> roll 1d10+4
<Flavion> [8+4]
<Attilas> roll 1d10+4
<Magos_Daelus> (wait, sorry, my agi is 30)
<Vax> roll d8+4
*** Belldandy has quit IRC (Client closed the connection)
<Magos_Daelus> roll 1d10+3
<Magos_Daelus> roll d10+3
*** Belldandy has joined #valhalla
<Attilas> roll 1d10+4
<Magos_Daelus> roll d10+3
<Magos_Daelus> (hmm, woops)
<Attilas> Looks like the dice bot died
<Zinegata> (One sec...)
<Zinegata> roll 1d10+5
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10+4 --> [ 1d10=3 ]{7}
<Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d10+3 --> [ 1d10=5 ]{8}
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 --> [ 1d10=6 ]{11}
<Zinegata> (There we go)
<Attilas> roll 1d10+4
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10+4 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{12}
<Vax> roll d10+4
<Belldandy> Vax rolled d10+4 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{12}
<Attilas> (Bart and Attilas both got 12)
<Zinegata> (Ye)
<Zinegata> (It's Bart, Virg, and Flav actually)
<Zinegata> Although regardless, Nid's beat you all

<Flavion> [Oh noez!]
<Attilas> (Lots of 12's for us at least)
<Zinegata> The 'nid swarm skitters forward! (full-move action, 10 space)
<Zinegata> (But they fall just short of the team!)
<Zinegata> (It is a big Horde...)
<Zinegata> Flav, go!
<Flavion> Oh gak! Flavion takes his hell gun and unleashes the full fury from it down into the swarm.
<Juumanistra> (I will indulge in one bit of peanut gallery'ing. If that's a big Horde, I only have one thing to say: LOK'TAR OGAR!)
<Zinegata> (This is a bug hunt, not an Ork hunt!)
<Vax> havent heard that in about 2 weeks >>
<Zinegata> (I assume you full-auto Flav? Roll it)
<Flavion> roll 1d100
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=74 ]{74}
<Zinegata> (That's... pretty bad.)
<Flavion> [and on full auto too lol]
<Attilas> (I hope nobody was standing in front of him.)
<Vax> glad im behind him>
<Attilas> (Same)
<Zinegata> (What's your BS again?)
<Flavion> [Virg is sort of in front of me lol]
*** Juumanistra is now known as Lenny
<Flavion> [43]
<Zinegata> Flav misses horribly with his wild shots
<Zinegata> Captain bart! Save the team!
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> Firing into the swarm the Captain sweeps his flamer over the hoard with one hand while aiming laspistiol shots with the other.
<Zinegata> Vax to follow
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=84 ]{84}
<Zinegata> (That's just las, right?)
<Magos_Daelus> (Can I use my Reaction for the round before my turn or does it have to be after?)
<Zinegata> roll d100 (Nid Dodge!)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Nid Dodge!) --> [ 1d100=89 ]{89}
<Attilas> (Yeah, flamer is they roll to dodge.)
<Zinegata> (You can only start reacting once your turn has come up)
<Magos_Daelus> (Ah, wanted to use my reaction before I started shooting)
<Zinegata> The nid's take a full flamer blast to the face! A large number of them burn!
<Zinegata> Vax, you're up!
<Zinegata> Brother Virg to follow!
<Vax> takes a step or two the side to clear his line of fire before opening up
<Vax> roll d100
<Belldandy> Vax rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=24 ]{24}
<Attilas> (Shouldn't I be next with yet another 12 for my Psyker?)
<Zinegata> (I thought Att was a 7?)
<Attilas> (No he rolled a 12)
<Zinegata> (Oh. NM then, Attilus then Virg)
<Attilas> (No wait, I see I did get a 7, I just didn't se the roll made when the dicebot kicked back in)
<Zinegata> (Ah, we were looking at different rolls)
<Zinegata> (Vax-> What did you shoot with again?)
<Vax> multi melta, bs of 55>
<Zinegata> (Excellent)
<Brother_Virgilus> roll 1d100 (semi autoburst need less than 50)
<Zinegata> Vax fires off a shot that burns through the nids... and melts the wall right behind them as well!
<Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled 1d100 (semi autoburst need less than 50) --> [ 1d100=23 ]{23}
<Zinegata> (Semi auto hits! And with degrees of success too!)
<Magos_Daelus> (too bad about the survivors in the room that just got melta'd

<Zinegata> (Nah, the red spot is there the melta hit)
<Brother_Virgilus> [meh, we can patch them up as sertitors if we must]
<Magos_Daelus> (hell yeah, wtb combat servitors)
<Zinegata> The Horde is much-diminished and is almost down to 50% strength
<Zinegata> Daelus, GO!
<Magos_Daelus> (Eh I'll save my dirty trick for later)
<Magos_Daelus> *steps to one side to clear his line of fire then sprays a three-shot burst into the front of the tyranid swarm*
<Zinegata> (Roll)
<Magos_Daelus> roll d100 (Ballistic skill 50 w/ MIU)
<Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 (Ballistic skill 50 w/ MIU) --> [ 1d100=100 ]{100}
<Zinegata> (The dice bot hates you >_>)
<Flavion> [dear lord]
<Flavion> [lol]
<Brother_Virgilus> [face palm]
<Magos_Daelus> (wow, I just ganked Flavion in the back with a hellgun, win!)
<Zinegata> (Yeah. Let's roll damage here for 1 hit on Flavy)
<Attilas> (We should have left him manning the Augers)
<Flavion> roll 1d100
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=32 ]{32}
<Zinegata> (Dodge?)
<Zinegata> (Attilus, your turn)
<Flavion> [Yea I got that]
<Magos_Daelus> roll d10+4
<Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d10+4 --> [ 1d10=5 ]{9}
<Zinegata> (It's okay. Flavion manages to Dodge the wild shots as Dealu's gun is possessed by an evil machine spirit briefly)
<Attilas> The Psyker decides to let loose with an unfettered barrage of lighting bolts)
<Attilas> roll 1d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=3 ]{3}
<Attilas> roll 1d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=3 ]{3}
<Attilas> roll 1d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{7}
<Attilas> roll 1d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=6 ]{6}
<Attilas> roll 1d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{8}
<Attilas> roll 1d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{7}
<Zinegata> (Be happy there are no 9s!)
<Zinegata> (34, I think you manifest it successfully)
<Attilas> (34+11 = 45, beating the threshold by 5 degrees.)
<Zinegata> (Righto!)
<Attilas> (That means 12 lighting bolts)
<Zinegata> Attilas once again sends horrible lightning bolts into the swarm!
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=59 ]{59}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=73 ]{73}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=22 ]{22}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=8 ]{8}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=39 ]{39}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=92 ]{92}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=37 ]{37}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=77 ]{77}
<Attilas> v
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=70 ]{70}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=69 ]{69}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=10 ]{10}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=66 ]{66}
<Attilas> (BS of 40)
<Zinegata> (4 out of 12 -_-)
<Zinegata> Oh well, at least the swarm is now at just 33% strength! >_>
<Attilas> With a mad sounding cackle the Psyker makes his lighting dance to and fro across the horde, yet in his glee he forgets to aim with most of them.
<Zinegata> A survivor runs screaming out of the bolt hole
<Zinegata> <Survivor> By the Emperor! A rescue party! Help us! Please hel...
<Attilas> (I hope Vex and Bart enjoyed watching lighting fly over their heads)
<Attilas> (*Vax)
<Zinegata> The survivor is squished to death by a SECOND horde that comes running in
<Brother_Virgilus> Stay in cover citizen... damm them
<Zinegata> (Please try to form a firing line instead of attempting to shoot through each other

<Zinegata> (Anyway, nid turn...)
<Zinegata> The diminished swarm moves in. And with its sheer size it attacks Virg, Vax, and Bart! (No dodge, pray their WS rolls suck)
<Attilas> (I forgot to move,,,)
<Zinegata> roll d100 Virg
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 Virg --> [ 1d100=70 ]{70}
<Zinegata> roll d100 Vax
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 Vax --> [ 1d100=73 ]{73}
<Zinegata> roll d100 Bart
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 Bart --> [ 1d100=96 ]{96}
<Zinegata> ... THEY SUCK
<Zinegata> The skittering horrors fail to inflict a single hit. Maybe they've lost too many fellow
<Zinegata> *'nids
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "Looks like even the bugs fear the Emnperor's finest."
<Brother_Virgilus> As it should be.
<Zinegata> The second nid swarm moves all-out and reaches Virg...
<Zinegata> *dramatic slow-mo pause, as you get to do your turn before it acts)
<Zinegata> Flav, SHOOT!
<Zinegata> Bart to follow
<Flavion> Flavion reloads and let's loose another flurry!
<Flavion> roll 1d100
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=15 ]{15}
<Zinegata> (THERE WE GO)
<Zinegata> (Which swarm, fresh or chopped up?)
<Flavion> [fresh since presumably they're trying to get Virg]
<Zinegata> (Also, I assume you fired full-auto, yes?)
<Flavion> [Yes]
<Zinegata> (Right. Flav makes up for his previous misses by cutting down a good portion of the new swarm!)
<Zinegata> Bart, go!
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> The Captain fires his flamer into the smaller weakened swarm while firing his las pistol into the fresh one.
<Zinegata> roll d100 (Dodge!)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Dodge!) --> [ 1d100=5 ]{5}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=9 ]{9}
<Zinegata> The much diminished swarm is no longer as affected by the burnination
<Zinegata> However... the last shots kill off more of the new swarm
<Zinegata> Go Vac, Virg to follow
<Vax> opens up on the diminished swarm to his 12 oclock
<Zinegata> (Roll it)
<Vax> roll d100 (BS 55..multi melta)
<Belldandy> Vax rolled d100 (BS 55..multi melta) --> [ 1d100=58 ]{58}
<Zinegata> (Well, it's a swarm so you should actually get +10 to BS...)
<Vax> works for me>
<Magos_Daelus> (heh forgot to roll for a jammed weapon last round, but it's a Good quality gun so it's Reliable)
<Zinegata> With another WHOOSH Vax fries a large number of nids... the few survivors disperse and flee
<Zinegata> Virg, go!
<Brother_Virgilus> roll 1d100 (all out attack w/ chainsword, fresh swarm, WS 46+20, one wound for every two degrees)
<Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled 1d100 (all out attack w/ chainsword, fresh swarm, WS 46+20, one wound for every two degrees) --> [ 1d100=52 ]{52}
<Zinegata> One big swarm still active!
<Brother_Virgilus> [bah]
<Zinegata> Virg chops up a few nids, but Chainswords aren't optimal against swarms it seems...
<Zinegata> Daelus, GO!
<Magos_Daelus> roll d10 (Hellgun jams on a 10 from last round's fiasco)
<Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d10 (Hellgun jams on a 10 from last round's fiasco) --> [ 1d10=5 ]{5}
<Magos_Daelus> roll d100 (40 BS + 10 MIU +5 Good quality weapon +10 Swarm = 65)
<Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 (40 BS + 10 MIU +5 Good quality weapon +10 Swarm = 65) --> [ 1d100=94 ]{94}
<Magos_Daelus> (holy shit)
<Flavion> [Wow]
<Attilas> (Hmm, rolling well is not in this techmarines skillset it seems.)
<Flavion> [Maybe been stingy on the machine oil lately[
<Magos_Daelus> (Tech Priest, but still, this is frigging embarassing)
<Zinegata> (... The dice bot really hates Daelus today. At least this wasn't with the cogitator console, else he might have self-destructed the ship...)
<Zinegata> Attilus, go!
<Attilas> Moving to a the front so as to get a better chance with his lightning Attilas griops his focus and decides to release his energies unfettered once again.
<Attilas> roll d10+11
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d10+11 --> [ 1d10=8 ]{19}
<Attilas> roll d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d10 --> [ 1d10=10 ]{10}
<Attilas> roll d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d10 --> [ 1d10=2 ]{2}
<Attilas> roll d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d10 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{7}
<Attilas> roll d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d10 --> [ 1d10=1 ]{1}
<Attilas> roll d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d10 --> [ 1d10=6 ]{6}
<Attilas> roll d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d10 --> [ 1d10=4 ]{4}
<Attilas> (49 of 16 6 degrees, 13 bolts)
<Zinegata> (49)
<Zinegata> (Roll to hit)
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=27 ]{27}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=2 ]{2}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=37 ]{37}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=55 ]{55}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=84 ]{84}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=71 ]{71}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=32 ]{32}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=94 ]{94}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=48 ]{48}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=24 ]{24}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=6 ]{6}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=63 ]{63}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=50 ]{50}
<Zinegata> (7 hits!)
<Zinegata> The 'nid swarm is now at less than 50%!
<Attilas> At such a close range the burning of the carapaced swarm was inevitable.
<Zinegata> Back to the nids
<Zinegata> There is a loud CLANG as a grate falls down from above
<Flavion> [Oh gak]
<Zinegata> And single, upright Xeno beast appears right behind the team...
<Zinegata> (You should have flamered the vents, yes)
<Flavion> [lol]
<Brother_Virgilus> [meh, who wants to be the destraction?]
<Zinegata> (Good news though: Not a swarm so you can dodge or parry!)
<Attilas> (Buy me a turn and I can put him down)
<Magos_Daelus> (Not with my rolls, I'd end up gutting myself with my own power axe if I tried to parry)
<Zinegata> The swarm moves in and begins overruning poor Flavion...
<Zinegata> (Swarm has 4 target)
<Zinegata> roll d100 Virg
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 Virg --> [ 1d100=95 ]{95}
<Zinegata> roll d100 Att
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 Att --> [ 1d100=12 ]{12}
<Zinegata> roll d100 Flav
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 Flav --> [ 1d100=76 ]{76}
<Zinegata> roll d100 Dael
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 Dael --> [ 1d100=16 ]{16}
<Zinegata> (The dice only hate Att and Dael >_>)
<Zinegata> !dice 1d10+5 (Pen 3)
<Zinegata> !dice 1d10+5 (Pen 3)
<Zinegata> roll 1d10+5 (Pen 3)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 (Pen 3) --> [ 1d10=2 ]{7}
<Zinegata> roll 1d10+5 (Pen 3)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+5 (Pen 3) --> [ 1d10=8 ]{13}
<Zinegata> (7 damage to Att, 3 penetrating)
<Zinegata> (13 to Daelus, 3 penetrating))
<Magos_Daelus> (total armor is 7 so I take 9 damage)
<Zinegata> The 'nid warrior goes after Bart, Virg, and Attilus (3 attacks max)
<Attilas> (My armor is effectively 2 versus this so I take a single point of damage after toughness)
<Zinegata> roll d100 (Bart)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Bart) --> [ 1d100=19 ]{19}
<Zinegata> roll d100 (Virg)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Virg) --> [ 1d100=30 ]{30}
<Zinegata> roll d100 (Att)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (Att) --> [ 1d100=95 ]{95}
<Magos_Daelus> (ah crap I forgot toughness, I take 5 damage)
<Zinegata> (Attack on Attilus auto-misses)
<Attilas> roll d100 (Bart's dodge)
<Zinegata> (Bart and Virg, wanna dodge or parry?)
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 (Bart's dodge) --> [ 1d100=38 ]{38}
<Zinegata> (Bart dodges!)
<Brother_Virgilus> [one moment]
<Brother_Virgilus> [can't i did a full attack
<Zinegata> (Ow)
<Zinegata> !dice 1d10+12 (Pen 5)
<Zinegata> roll 1d10+12 (Pen 5)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d10+12 (Pen 5) --> [ 1d10=3 ]{15}
<Zinegata> (15 damage, 5 penetrate armor)
<Brother_Virgilus> [ah 4 damage
<Attilas> (Go supernatural toughness)
<Brother_Virgilus> [15 hp left]
<Zinegata> Flav's turn then
<Zinegata> You guys... might wanna bring out the big guns now
<Zinegata> (Also, you will need to roll damage vs the warrior)
<Attilas> (I'm considering doing a push on my psychic powers)
<Flavion> roll 1d100 damage
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d100 damage --> [ 1d100=42 ]{42}
<Zinegata> (You mean shooting, yes? Target?)
<Flavion> [Oh I thought you meant dmg against the warrior]
<Zinegata> (I mean you roll damage after you hit)
<Zinegata> (... IF you hit)
<Flavion> Flavion fired semi-auto into the dropping Nids careful not to hit the techpriest
<Zinegata> (Against the warrior?)
<Flavion> [Yea the sonofabitch in front of me? Yea]
<Zinegata> roll 1d100 (Warrior dodge)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled 1d100 (Warrior dodge) --> [ 1d100=100 ]{100}
<Zinegata> ... The dice hate the warrior too. Roll damage!
<Zinegata> (Bart, get ready)
<Flavion> roll 1d10
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=10 ]{10}
<Zinegata> (Nice)
<Brother_Virgilus> [righteous fury?]
<Zinegata> (Indeed)
<Zinegata> (Righteous Fury is another damage roll, right? Or was it simply double?)
<Magos_Daelus> (another roll, if he gets 10 again he gets to roll again, etc)
<Zinegata> (Roll another D10 Flav)
<Flavion> roll 1d10
<Belldandy> Flavion rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=3 ]{3}
<Zinegata> (28 total)
<Zinegata> Normally, even at 15 damage the shot would have just bounced off...
<Zinegata> But Flav experty shoots at the Tyranid's eye and pops it out, causing severe damage!
<Zinegata> Bart, go!
<Zinegata> Vax to follow
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> Looking at the warrior he holsters his flamer and draws his hand cannon and points both it and his laspistol at the beast felling the recoil of the handcannon in one hand while pulling the pistol's trigger as fast as he can.
<Attilas> roll d100 (Handcannon)
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 (Handcannon) --> [ 1d100=50 ]{50}
<Zinegata> (BS?)
<Attilas> Roll d100 (Laspistol)
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 (Laspistol) --> [ 1d100=93 ]{93}
<Attilas> (BS of 50)
<Zinegata> (Only Handcannon hits. Roll it)
<Attilas> roll 1d10+4 I (Pen 2)
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 1d10+4 I (Pen 2) --> [ 1d10=5 ]{9}
<Zinegata> The round ricochets off the warrior!
<Zinegata> Vax, maybe a more powerful weapon is in order?
<Vax> moves back and to the side so as to have a clear line of fire before opening up on the warrior
<Vax> roll d100 (bs 55)
<Belldandy> Vax rolled d100 (bs 55) --> [ 1d100=1 ]{1}
<Zinegata> ... The dice love you Vax
<Zinegata> HIT
<Zinegata> Roll damage
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled damage --> error: malformed expression
<Vax> roll 4d10+5 (13 pen)
<Belldandy> Vax rolled 4d10+5 (13 pen) --> [ 4d10=25 ]{30}
<Zinegata> (Ow)
<Vax> err. how do crits work?>>
<Zinegata> Only the Tyranid's unnatural toughness keeps it alive even with the smoking hole in its torso >_>
<Zinegata> Vax-> Roll a natural 10 on an attack roll
<Brother_Virgilus> [vax i'll explain in pm]
<Attilas> (Crits work by rolling 10's for damage)
<Vax> kk>>
<Magos_Daelus> ( I think his question is how it works on multiple dice since we can't see what each dice rolls )
<Zinegata> Virg, finish it!
<Zinegata> (Roll seperately next time, I think)
<Attilas> (I'd just roll multiple d10)
<Brother_Virgilus> roll 1d100 (semiauto burst target:Warrior BS 40 +10, max two hits)
<Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled 1d100 (semiauto burst target:Warrior BS 40 +10, max two hits) --> [ 1d100=9 ]{9}
<Zinegata> (Not chain swording? Okay)
<Zinegata> (That's 2 hits)
<Brother_Virgilus> roll 2#d10
<Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled 2#d10 --> [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}
<Brother_Virgilus> roll 2#d10
<Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled 2#d10 --> [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=5 ]{5}
<Zinegata> You have a righteous fury
<Brother_Virgilus> pluss 5 on each pen of 5
<Brother_Virgilus> roll 2#d10
<Zinegata> (Yep, that's enough!)
<Belldandy> Brother_Virgilus rolled 2#d10 --> [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}
<Zinegata> Virg aims right at the thing's broken open torso and lets loose!
<Zinegata> The Warrior explodes into a mass of goo
<Zinegata> The little swarm shrieks and starts running around in panicky circles
<Brother_Virgilus> Finish them!
<Zinegata> Daelus, go
<Zinegata> Att to follow
<Magos_Daelus> Letting his hellgun hang by its sling, the Tech Priest draws and activates his power axe, swiping at the nearest Tyranid with the crackling blade.
<Flavion> [thank you!]
<Magos_Daelus> roll d100 (40 weapon skill +5 good quality axe)
<Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 (40 weapon skill +5 good quality axe) --> [ 1d100=3 ]{3}
<Magos_Daelus> (about effing time I hit something)
<Zinegata> Yes you do!
<Attilas> (Yay!)
<Zinegata> Daelus cuts several of the little things to pieces
<Zinegata> One last hit ought to finish the skitterers off
<Attilas> Restraining his power Attilas lets loose with one last blast of energy.
<Attilas> roll 3d10+11
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 3d10+11 --> [ 3d10=17 ]{28}
<Attilas> (9 bolts)
<Zinegata> (Roll)
<Attilas> roll 9#d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 9#d100 --> [ 1d100=60 ]{60}, [ 1d100=86 ]{86}, [ 1d100=56 ]{56}, [ 1d100=79 ]{79}, [ 1d100=9 ]{9}, [ 1d100=93 ]{93}, [ 1d100=53 ]{53}, [ 1d100=8 ]{8}, [ 1d100=19 ]{19}
<Zinegata> Not the best score, but Attilas fries the last of the skittering horrors
<Zinegata> ==== VICTORY ====
<Attilas> (Hey, lightning doesn't need to be accurate all the time. xD)
<Vax> just the way i like em, nice n crispy
<Zinegata> The scattered survivors emerge from their hiding place
<Zinegata> Leading them is a woman in a medicae uniform
<Zinegata> <Woman> ... They're gone? Thank you
<NativeJovian> (More targets! FOR THE EMPARAH!)
<Zinegata> <Woman> ... I... we... thought we were finished
<Zinegata> (*shoots BFK for heresy*)
<Brother_Virgilus> [Dm medicae check?]
<Zinegata> (Clarification: Do you ask them to medicae you, or are you asking if you can medicae them?)
<Attilas> (I can heal people with mah powahs too)
<Brother_Virgilus> [yeah but it is easier for me In character]
<Brother_Virgilus> [medicae them]
<Attilas> (True enough)
<Vax> checks his weapon, releaoding while the others play touchy feely
<Zinegata> The woman looks to be in okay shape. She leads out two other survivors
<Zinegata> <Woman> *blinks* An... Astartes?
<Zinegata> <Woman> Well now, it seems as though the Emperor was really pulling out all the stops for me today
<Brother_Virgilus> Yes, my dear. I have come and you are saved.
<Brother_Virgilus> What more reason do you need to bless the emperor
<Magos_Daelus> (My dear? really? What chapter are you from again? :p )
<Flavion> [Yea I did a double take on that.]
<Vax> get yer lovely arse back to the ship, lest you want these damned critters gettn ya
<Zinegata> <Woman> Thank you. Let me introduce myself. Chief Surgeon Ana Roth. Of his majesty's warship, "Decisive Action"
<Brother_Virgilus> (Dark angel, and yes my dear is a little odd but what ever)
<Zinegata> <Woman> These are my orderlies. The ones who survived
<Zinegata> The two other survivors are blank-faced. One waves weakly
<Flavion> Your friend earlier was foolish.
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "You're going to be safe now, I have a vessel waiting to take you aboard."
<Zinegata> <Ana> He was. I told him to stay put.
<Zinegata> <Ana> That's good to hear. Did any of the other crew make it?
<Brother_Virgilus> We have a gunner and a group of his men
<Brother_Virgilus> but we are looking for more.
<Zinegata> <Ana> I presume you aren't just here to save some lowly gunners, are you though?
<Zinegata> <Ana> Astartes are too valuable for such frivolous "rescue" missions.
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "Brother Virgilus speaks the thruth, we have rescued many. But our true mission is to find out why your ship was felled by these Xenos."
<Brother_Virgilus> We hunt the hulk, and the xenos that did this to you.
<Flavion> And we need to find the cogitators.
<Zinegata> <Ana> I'm aware of the Hulk. It was... huge.
<Magos_Daelus> *Stands aside from the conversation, his hellgun back out as he mutters prayers over the weapon, occasional gusts of incense from a mechadendrite being blown over the weapon in an attempt to assuage the machine spirit*
<Zinegata> <Ana> Yes, the backup cogitator units are nearby. I can help lead the way.
<Zinegata> <Ana> And I can share what few details I know.
<Magos_Daelus> (I suspect the sight of a Tech Priest banging his hellgun against a wall repeatedly while screaming in rage would cause a scene, no matter how tempting it may be)
<Brother_Virgilus> Then kindle do for we are listening.
<Brother_Virgilus> *]kindly
<Zinegata> <Ana> *nods and motions her orderlies to follow. They whimper*
<Zinegata> <Ana> I don't really know much about the Hulk itself, except that those who saw it described it as "Huge".
<Attilas> "Fear not, the leader of these Xenos have been slain and they move mindlessly now."
<Zinegata> <Ana> We were about to send boarding parties to it when... all hell broke loose.
<Zinegata> <Ana> Alarms began to ring, and the Captain said that we were about to be hit and boarded by Xenos life-forms
<Vax> grunts at the oh so polite verbose of the brother. never knew they were so damn talkative.
<Zinegata> <Ana> Next thing I know, people are shooting all over the ship, and dozens of men are being brought to my infirmary
<Zinegata> <Ana> Then, suddenly, the power goes out.
<Zinegata> <Ana> And then those things... invaded my infirmary and killed all of my patients.
<Zinegata> <Ana> I survived by escaping and hiding here near the bowels of the ship. I was able to contact other survivors using the internal vox, at least until that died too...
<Zinegata> <Ana> And we know for certain is that apparently, nobody survived from the rear end of the ship.
<Zinegata> <Ana> ... At the moment we lost power, there were forty-three groups of survivors that I could still contact. When the vox went out a few minutes ago, we were down to four.
<Zinegata> <Ana> I hope this Hulk is worth it
<Zinegata> (Ana walks briskly and you soon reach a door with a Mechanicus symbol on it)
<Zinegata> <Ana> ... And here we are
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "As do we all."
<Brother_Virgilus> magos if you will?
<Vax> takes up rear security
<Magos_Daelus> Indeed. *Strides up to the door, examining the mechanism, then makes the appropriate rite and attempts to open the portal*
<Attilas> Stands beside Vax fingering his Psyfocus.
<Magos_Daelus> (What? I'm a techpriest, we don't just "open the bloody door.")
<Brother_Virgilus> [note brother Virgilus has to have a good bedside manner so that is why i am playing him so polite]
<Flavion> Flavion moved up near the door and kept his hellgun pointed at the door for anything waiting behind.
<Attilas> (Not much of the "Grit your teeth and pray to the Emperor this is going to hurt types" I guess.)
<Zinegata> The portal opens...
<Magos_Daelus> (And another 'nid warrior jumps out and eats my face!)
<Zinegata> And... the room is thankfully empty save for a bank of cogitator units
<Magos_Daelus> We may enter. Do not touch anything.
<Magos_Daelus> *goes to examine the cogitator units*
<Zinegata> There are several big red buttons on the cogitator units
<Brother_Virgilus> [good thing we don't have any orks nearby]
<Attilas> Walking in Attials looks around and studies the room. He's not a tech priest, but he does know a little bit and this fascinates the psyker.
<Vax> stays at the hatch, provideing rear secuirty still (mm, orks)
<Magos_Daelus> (Do I know what the big red buttons in question do?)
<Flavion> Flavion positioned himself inside the room facing back towards the passageway in case any xenos decided to come back for more.
<Attilas> (You can play orks in the new RT suppliment, Orks and Kroot)
<Vax> only good ork, is a dead ork....preferably melted down to their ankles>
<Magos_Daelus> roll d100 (Tech Use, 66 intelligence +10 MIU +20 from skills)
<Belldandy> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 (Tech Use, 66 intelligence +10 MIU +20 from skills) --> [ 1d100=26 ]{26}
<Magos_Daelus> (attempting to access the cogitators)
<Zinegata> Magos-> You should
<Zinegata> Magos: with some simple manipulations, you are given access to the Ommnissiah's most holy data
<Zinegata> Which data will you query and download?
<Magos_Daelus> The Omnissiah has blessed us with His bounty.
<Brother_Virgilus> [sets helmet cam to record]
<Magos_Daelus> (I do a search for information about the Hulk and the hours around when the ship got damaged)
<Zinegata> A projector unit on the cogitator activates
<Zinegata> <Cogitator Unit> Space Hulk. Christened "Kraken of Saint Cyr".
<Zinegata> The cogitator displays the image of a massive, massive Space Hulk with dozens of ships sticking out of it
<Zinegata> Mass estimates that it's 1/8 the size of Holy Terra's Moon
<Flavion> [btw you logging this session?]
<Zinegata> (Yes)
<Attilas> (I have a full log of last session, just a copy paste job though.)
<Brother_Virgilus> [that is one massive spacehulk, now I see it's worth]
<Magos_Daelus> Fascinating.
<Zinegata> Identified ships in the Hulk include an Apocalypse-class battleship. Possibly the "Pax Imperium"
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "Some hulk we were after. Just think of the Archeotech on that."
<Zinegata> Cogitator begins displaying the logs in the hours before contact was lost with the Decisive Action
<Zinegata> The Captain's face flickers on the holo screen
<Magos_Daelus> It will take some time to ritually cleanse anything recovered, Captain, and I do not think the Inquisition will let you keep the battleship.
<Zinegata> <Captain> Captain von Tromp's personal log. I am preparing to send boarding teams into the Hulk. By the Emperor is it magnificent. And so far we've yet to detect any life signs.
<Brother_Virgilus> We make no promises, but you should be rewarded justly Captain.
<Zinegata> The Cogitator fast-forwards to 15 minutes later
<Zinegata> <Von Tromp> Our astropath can no longer pierce the veil of the warp! She keep screaming about some... horrid alien song from the warp! Our first wave of boarding parties have failed to report in. And... By the Emperor...
<Zinegata> The Cogitator fast-forwards to 5 minutes later
<Zinegata> <Von Tromp> Tyranid spores are spewing out of one of the docking bays! Some of them have attached themselves to the ship! We're trying to fight them off but there's too many... *static*
<Zinegata> The Cogitator fast-forwards to 25 minutes later
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "Can we bring this Cogitators aboard my vessel. It seems a shame to leave them all here like this."
<Attilas> *these
<Zinegata> <First Officer> The Captain is dead, but we've fought off most of the 'nids. We're now moving away from the Hulk to... *static*
<Zinegata> The cogitator then switches to a bow camera shot
<Zinegata> The Decisive Action is steaming away from the Hulk when... the Hulk is suddenly engulfed in an expanding sphere of utter blackness
<Zinegata> The sphere keeps expanding until it reaches the Decisive Action. The rear half of the ship is engulfed by the sphere
<Zinegata> And then... static
<Zinegata> Daelus-> That is all the relevant data that you could find in the cogitator's records
<Magos_Daelus> (Any navigation data about where the Hulk could have gone?)
<Zinegata> The navigation computer has recorded a unique warp signature at the moment the black sphere appeared
<Zinegata> However, no known method of plotting a ship's course using this data is yet known to exist.
<Magos_Daelus> Is there any other information you think could be of use, Captain?
<Zinegata> (However, it may be possible to detect this unique warp signature should it appear again)
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "I have no idea, I've never seen anything like that before and those warp readings are entire unique. Maybe if we hired a skilled navigator he could trace it..."
<Brother_Virgilus> Captain we need to get this information into the Inquistions hands as soon as possible. Only with the Holy Inquistions sources can we find it.
<Magos_Daelus> The Apothecary is likely correct.
<Zinegata> Daelus-> You can also prolly load the warp signature unto your ship's sensors, and it can detect it should it surface again
<Zinegata> Otherwise, scouring the Inquisiton records is indeed your best bet to identify the signature
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "I agree, but it would be better if we could bring them the data right from the source. can we move these Cogiators aboard into a hold on my ship?"
<Zinegata> <Furion> Captain, this is Furion, anyone still there?"
<Magos_Daelus> Our ship's sensors would recognize the warp signature once I have shared the data with them, but I do not know at how great a distance.
<Zinegata> <Furion> My squads have found your two groups of survivors. Twenty-seven souls saved in total.
<Brother_Virgilus> Furion we have acheived our goal here. Soon we shall rejoin you.
<Flavion> Sir, we have found a medicae and her orderlies ourselves.
<Zinegata> <Furion> You want the good news and the bad news about the other survivors?
<Brother_Virgilus> Bad
<Magos_Daelus> I would advise against moving the cogitators, Captain, since they are the property of the Imperial Navy -- and their machine spirits may be offended at being torn away from their duty, should the Navy attempt to recover and repair the frigate.
<Zinegata> <Furion> One of the survivors was the astropath. But she's... loopy.
<Attilas> "I will attempt to calm here when I return. I have... techniques, for that sort of thing."
<Zinegata> <Furion> The good news? We found a young girl who was a stowaway. Lucky girl survived the damn 'nids by crawling around the vents
<Zinegata> <Furion> Also, we're only encountering spoaradic 'nid resistance. Did you kill the warrior?
<Flavion> She would be extremely lucky as we had 'nids crawling in them. Yes we did.
<Brother_Virgilus> That is extrodinary luck. Yes the warrior is down.
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "I understand Magos. It still seems a shame leaving them here where the Xenos can get them though."
<Zinegata> <Furion> Wonderful. We've also gotten word from Battlefleet Saint Cyr. They're sending a tug to recover the remains of the Decisive Action
<Zinegata> <Furion> With the 'nids dead they can probably easily recover the ship for us.
<Magos_Daelus> (Fortunately, respirator grills prevent tech priests from smirking)
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "That takes care of my concern. We have the data and survivors we came for, lets go."
<Brother_Virgilus> Captain Bart> we should not worry about the Xenos now that we have cut of their head.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Roger that. We're ready to welcome you back.
<Magos_Daelus> If nothing else, Captain, I would imagine that those cogitators have data the Navy would be most displeased at falling into the hands of a Rogue Trader.
<Attilas> (lol, I was trying to play Kheitains character they way he designed him and I know that he'd want a Cogitator for himself.)
<Brother_Virgilus> (if the Inquistion needed teh info there is nothing the navy could do)
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "Seems a shame, we come in and save them and they still don't trust me enough to share a few secrets..."
<Zinegata> (So, return to ship?)
<Magos_Daelus> (I'm sure our ship has cogitators already)
<Attilas> Attilas is starting to head back to the ship, he wants to calm the Astropath as soon as possible.
<Attilas> (Yeah, unless anybody else has something else they wanted to do.)
<Brother_Virgilus> [ship time]
<Zinegata> Without incident, the party returns to the ship to a hero's welcome
<Zinegata> All objectives completed. No casualties!
<Flavion> [plays a Final Fantasy fanfare]
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> After making one last Vox broadcast to the ship to ensure nobody is left aboard he seals up the Airlock and heads to the bridge.
<Zinegata> <Furion> We're having the survivors screened for 'nid bio signs, but so far it all looks good.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Well, I'm confident enough that I'm willing to have my men do one last sweep for survivors.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Give me an hour and I can assure you the ship has no more living souls.
<Magos_Daelus> That seems reasonable.
<Brother_Virgilus> An hour, do so.
<Attilas> <Captain Bart> "Please do so, I would hate to see souls left aborad the vessel even with the reduced hoard."
<Zinegata> <Furion> Right.
<Zinegata> <Furion> By the way... the astropath... you might want to talk to her
<Attilas> "Allow me to speak with her. I suspect that when tghe Xenos attacked they flooded the warp with strange singnals. I will attempt to calm her."
<Zinegata> <Furion> By all means
<Zinegata> FUrion has a soldier lead Attilas to the Astropath. She is bald, blind, and strapped down to a chair.
<Zinegata> She is still screaming
<Attilas> "Leave me, I would like some aspects of my craft to remain my knowledge only."
<Zinegata> The soldiers nod and leave Attilas in the sound-proof room
<Zinegata> (Daelus, wanna load up the warp signature data?)
<Attilas> Standing before her Attilas curses his inability to read minds. Instead he'll have to use a less savory method to get her to calm down.
<Magos_Daelus> I will go upload our data to the ship's systems.
<Vax> with nothing much to do, he goes and does majintenance on his weapons and armor
<Attilas> He starts to ritual to start seeding her mind so that his psychic commands will work on her more easilly.
<Attilas> roll 6#d10+11
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 6#d10+11 --> [ 1d10=3 ]{14}, [ 1d10=8 ]{19}, [ 1d10=9 ]{20}, [ 1d10=6 ]{17}, [ 1d10=6 ]{17}, [ 1d10=3 ]{14}
<Attilas> roll 6#d10
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled 6#d10 --> [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=7 ]{7}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}, [ 1d10=1 ]{1}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=66 ]{66}
<Attilas> Both myself and here need to make WP tests or gain 1d5 insanity
<Attilas> *her
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=90 ]{90}
<Attilas> roll 1d5
*** Lenny is now known as Juumanistra
<Zinegata> !dice 1d100
<Attilas> roll d10
<Zinegata> roll 1d100
<Zinegata> roll 1d100
<Zinegata> (Le dice bot....)
<Brother_Virgilus> [Belldandy noooooo... you can't die on us]
<Juumanistra> (I'm working on it.
<Zinegata> (She's having coughs and fits again)
<Zinegata> roll 1d100
<Zinegata> Well, okay, before we learn if the Astropath goes further insane...
<Zinegata> Daelus, your sensors are beeping...
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<Zinegata> The moment you uploaded the warp signature...
<Zinegata> roll 1d100
<Bell-chan> Zinegata rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=45 ]{45}
*** Belldandy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
<Zinegata> (The astropath doesn't get any loopier, but is still screaming)
*** Bell-chan is now known as Belldandy
<Attilas> roll d5
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d5 --> [ 1d5=1 ]{1}
<Magos_Daelus> (Hmm, Tech Use to figure out what is happening with the sensors?)
<Zinegata> (Attilas-> What are you using exactly?)
<Zinegata> Daelus-> Oh, nothing much. They are just detecting the warp signature...
<Attilas> (Okay, how the power I'm using works is I need to make five degrees of sucess testing WP against her.)
<Magos_Daelus> (oh, good, nothing important then)
<Zinegata> (Test it)
<Attilas> (The power is Mind Seed.)
<Zinegata> Daelus-> Wanna try to track down where the warp signature is?
<Attilas> roll d100 (WP of 70+10 for beating threshold by 18 points)
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 (WP of 70+10 for beating threshold by 18 points) --> [ 1d100=53 ]{53}
<Magos_Daelus> (Yeah I was going to let Attilas finish what he's doing)
<Vax> gotta go guys>>
<Flavion> Furion> Sir, if you don't mind I'd like to return to my bunk.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Go ahead. You earned a rest...
*** Vax has quit IRC ([NS] Quit: Page closed)
<Zinegata> (I'll post up the logs later. We're almost done)
<Attilas> (This is opposed WP Zine, you need to roll her's now.)
<Zinegata> (Whoops, sorry)
<Zinegata> roll d100 (WP)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (WP) --> [ 1d100=33 ]{33}
<Flavion> Thank you sir. Flavion went back to his bunk and promptly fell asleep.
<Zinegata> (I think she wins XD)
<Attilas> (I can't recall how that works with characteristic tests. I beat my WP by 27 points for this.)
<Zinegata> (She beats hers by 12)
<Attilas> (So 1 degree for me.)
<Attilas> roll d100
<Zinegata> (Yep)
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=15 ]{15}
<Zinegata> roll d100 (WP)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (WP) --> [ 1d100=14 ]{14}
<Zinegata> (Beats hers by 31)
<Attilas> (I beat mine by 65 so that's 4 of 5 for me.)
<Attilas> roll d100
<Belldandy> Attilas rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=4 ]{4}
<Zinegata> roll d100 (WP)
<Belldandy> Zinegata rolled d100 (WP) --> [ 1d100=83 ]{83}
<Zinegata> (yep, you got her now)
<Attilas> With the struggle of wills done he sits before her and using restrained powers of compulsion orders her to calm down and let her mind be still for a few moments.
<Zinegata> <Astropath> ... It's... it's coming back...
<Attilas> (I now auto win WP checks to activate powers against her.)
<Zinegata> <Astropath> ... It's... going to consume an entire world....
<Attilas> "Are you okay Astropath?"
<Zinegata> <Astropath> ... It's... it's coming back...
<Zinegata> <Astropath> ... It's... going to consume an entire world....
<Attilas> "What is going to consume and an entire world?"
<Attilas> *an
<Zinegata> <Astropath> ... The sphere of darkness...
<Zinegata> (Daelus, make your scanner check)
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<Attilas> "We can see it coming now, we'll do what we can to stop it."
<Magos_Daelus> roll d100 (66int +10 MIU +20 Tech Use)
<Bell-chan> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 (66int +10 MIU +20 Tech Use) --> [ 1d100=91 ]{91}
<Zinegata> ... Try again Daelus
<Magos_Daelus> roll d100
<Bell-chan> Magos_Daelus rolled d100 --> [ 1d100=63 ]{63}
<Brother_Virgilus> [yesh sounds a little like star wars.. something terrible has happened]
<Zinegata> Daelus-> You have isolated the warp signature
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<Attilas> (We shall call it bthe Death Sphere.)
<Zinegata> It is forming... over the Dardanelles System.
<Zinegata> And it contains an inhabited world containing over 10 million souls...
*** Belldandy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
<Magos_Daelus> *over the Vox* Captain, Apothecary, our ships sensors have isolated the warp signature that claimed the Hulk over the Dardanelles system. If I am correct it is forming over an Imperial planet with a significant population.
<Zinegata> <Vox> ... Can anyone hear us? This is the Dardanelle PDF. It's rainin... *static*
<Attilas> "You have done well Astropath, I shall help you recover from the trauma you have faced."
<Zinegata> ==== To be continued ====
Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
Just FYI, FFG just released two character sheets for Deathwatch Space Marines.
These contain information about abilities in squad mode and about standard skills and talents/traits of space marines. That is an important update for all your Space Marine players right now.
All Death Watch Space Marines have the following, in addition to anything they get from Final Sanction:
Skills: (all normal level)
Awareness, Ciphers (Chapter runes), Common Lore (Deatchwatch, Imperium, War, Adeptus Astartes), Concealment, Drive (Ground Vehicle), Forbidden Lore (Xenos), Literacy, Navigation (Surface), Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes), Silent Move, Speak Language (High&Low Gothic), Tactics, Tracking
Ambidexterous, Astartes Weapon Training, Bulging Biceps, Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight), Killing Strike, Nerves of Steel, True Grit, Resistance (Psychic Powers), Quick Draw, Unarmed Master, Unnatural Strenght&Toughness
Granted by Space Marine Implants: Note that some chapters lack some implants, look that up yourself depending on your chapter.
Secondary Heart/Ossmodula/Biscopea/Haemastamen: Unnatural Strenght&Toughness
Larraman’s Organ: You do not suffer from Blood Loss.
Catalepsean Node: You suffer no penalties to Perception based Tests when awake for long periods of time.
Preomnor: You gain +20 to Toughness Tests against ingested poisons.
Omophagea: You may gain a Skill or Skill Group by devouring a portion of an enemy.
Multi-Lung: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Test for drowning or asphyxiation. In addition, you gain a +30 to Toughness Tests made to resist gases, and may re-roll failed results.
Occulube and Lyman’s Ear: You gain the Heightened Senses (Sight and Hearing) Talents, +10 to relevant Awareness Tests.
Sus-an Membrane: You may enter suspended animation.
Oolotic Kidney: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Test ro resist poisons and toxins, including attacks with the Toxic Quality.
Neuroglottis: You may detect any poison or toxin by taste with a successful Awareness Test. You gain a +10 to Tracking Tests against a target you have tasted.
Mucranoid: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Tests caused by temperature extremes.
Betcher’s Gland: You may spit acid as a ranged weapon with the following profile:
Range: 3m; Damage: 1d5; Pen 4; Toxic. If you hit your target by 3 or more degrees of success, you have blinded him for 1d5 Rounds.
Progenoids: These may be retrieved with a successful Medicae Test
Black Carapace: While wearing Power Armour, enemies do not gain a bonus to hit you due to your size.
Power-Armor Traits:
Servo-Augmented Musculature: +20 Strength
Auto-senses: Dark Sight, immune to Photon Flash and Stun Grenades; Called Shots are Half Actions; +10 to Sight and Hearing Awareness Tests(total of +20 bonus with Heightened Senses)
Built-in Vox Link
Built-in Magboots
Nutrient Recycling: Can operate for two weeks without re-supply
Recoil Suppression: May fire Basic weapons 1-handed without penalty
Size: Hulking (Black Carapace means no bonus for enemies to attack)
Poor Manual Dexterity: Delicate tasks suffer a –10 penalty, unless using
equipment designed for Space Marines
Osmotic Gill Life Sustainer: With the helmet on, the armour is
environmentally sealed
Squad Mode Abilities (pg 219)
Attack Patterns Action Cost Sustained Effect
Fire Support Half / Free 1 Yes The Kill-team concentrates suppressing fire.
Tactical Advance Half / Free 1 Yes The Kill-team crosses dangerous ground in concert.
Tank Buster Free 1 No A Space Marine distracts a target to create an opportunity.
Fire for Effect Half 1 Yes The Kill-team fires at targets as they appear.
Bolter Assault Free 3 No The Kill-team rushes forward firing their bolters.
Furious Charge Free 3 No The Kill-team charges an enemy in unison.
Defensive Stances Action Cost Sustained
Tactical Spacing Full 1 Yes The Kill-team spaces itself to react to danger.
Go to Ground Reaction 1 No A Space Marine calls for movement into cover.
Regroup Full 2 No A Space Marine calls to move the Kill-team together.
Soak Fire Reaction 2 No A Space Marine takes automatic fire with his Kill-team.
Dig In Full 3 Yes The Kill-team makes expert use of cover.
Strongpoint Full 3 Yes A Space Marine coordinates fire to defend a position.
These contain information about abilities in squad mode and about standard skills and talents/traits of space marines. That is an important update for all your Space Marine players right now.
All Death Watch Space Marines have the following, in addition to anything they get from Final Sanction:
Skills: (all normal level)
Awareness, Ciphers (Chapter runes), Common Lore (Deatchwatch, Imperium, War, Adeptus Astartes), Concealment, Drive (Ground Vehicle), Forbidden Lore (Xenos), Literacy, Navigation (Surface), Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes), Silent Move, Speak Language (High&Low Gothic), Tactics, Tracking
Ambidexterous, Astartes Weapon Training, Bulging Biceps, Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight), Killing Strike, Nerves of Steel, True Grit, Resistance (Psychic Powers), Quick Draw, Unarmed Master, Unnatural Strenght&Toughness
Granted by Space Marine Implants: Note that some chapters lack some implants, look that up yourself depending on your chapter.
Secondary Heart/Ossmodula/Biscopea/Haemastamen: Unnatural Strenght&Toughness
Larraman’s Organ: You do not suffer from Blood Loss.
Catalepsean Node: You suffer no penalties to Perception based Tests when awake for long periods of time.
Preomnor: You gain +20 to Toughness Tests against ingested poisons.
Omophagea: You may gain a Skill or Skill Group by devouring a portion of an enemy.
Multi-Lung: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Test for drowning or asphyxiation. In addition, you gain a +30 to Toughness Tests made to resist gases, and may re-roll failed results.
Occulube and Lyman’s Ear: You gain the Heightened Senses (Sight and Hearing) Talents, +10 to relevant Awareness Tests.
Sus-an Membrane: You may enter suspended animation.
Oolotic Kidney: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Test ro resist poisons and toxins, including attacks with the Toxic Quality.
Neuroglottis: You may detect any poison or toxin by taste with a successful Awareness Test. You gain a +10 to Tracking Tests against a target you have tasted.
Mucranoid: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Tests caused by temperature extremes.
Betcher’s Gland: You may spit acid as a ranged weapon with the following profile:
Range: 3m; Damage: 1d5; Pen 4; Toxic. If you hit your target by 3 or more degrees of success, you have blinded him for 1d5 Rounds.
Progenoids: These may be retrieved with a successful Medicae Test
Black Carapace: While wearing Power Armour, enemies do not gain a bonus to hit you due to your size.
Power-Armor Traits:
Servo-Augmented Musculature: +20 Strength
Auto-senses: Dark Sight, immune to Photon Flash and Stun Grenades; Called Shots are Half Actions; +10 to Sight and Hearing Awareness Tests(total of +20 bonus with Heightened Senses)
Built-in Vox Link
Built-in Magboots
Nutrient Recycling: Can operate for two weeks without re-supply
Recoil Suppression: May fire Basic weapons 1-handed without penalty
Size: Hulking (Black Carapace means no bonus for enemies to attack)
Poor Manual Dexterity: Delicate tasks suffer a –10 penalty, unless using
equipment designed for Space Marines
Osmotic Gill Life Sustainer: With the helmet on, the armour is
environmentally sealed
Squad Mode Abilities (pg 219)
Attack Patterns Action Cost Sustained Effect
Fire Support Half / Free 1 Yes The Kill-team concentrates suppressing fire.
Tactical Advance Half / Free 1 Yes The Kill-team crosses dangerous ground in concert.
Tank Buster Free 1 No A Space Marine distracts a target to create an opportunity.
Fire for Effect Half 1 Yes The Kill-team fires at targets as they appear.
Bolter Assault Free 3 No The Kill-team rushes forward firing their bolters.
Furious Charge Free 3 No The Kill-team charges an enemy in unison.
Defensive Stances Action Cost Sustained
Tactical Spacing Full 1 Yes The Kill-team spaces itself to react to danger.
Go to Ground Reaction 1 No A Space Marine calls for movement into cover.
Regroup Full 2 No A Space Marine calls to move the Kill-team together.
Soak Fire Reaction 2 No A Space Marine takes automatic fire with his Kill-team.
Dig In Full 3 Yes The Kill-team makes expert use of cover.
Strongpoint Full 3 Yes A Space Marine coordinates fire to defend a position.
"Destiny and fate are for those too weak to forge their own futures. Where we are 'supposed' to be is irrelevent." - Sir Nitram
"The world owes you nothing but painful lessons" - CaptainChewbacca
"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." - Wilhelm Stekel
"In 1969 it was easier to send a man to the Moon than to have the public accept a homosexual" - Broomstick
Divine Administration - of Gods and Bureaucracy (Worm/Exalted)
"Destiny and fate are for those too weak to forge their own futures. Where we are 'supposed' to be is irrelevent." - Sir Nitram
"The world owes you nothing but painful lessons" - CaptainChewbacca
"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." - Wilhelm Stekel
"In 1969 it was easier to send a man to the Moon than to have the public accept a homosexual" - Broomstick
Divine Administration - of Gods and Bureaucracy (Worm/Exalted)
- Agent Sorchus
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- Posts: 1143
- Joined: 2008-08-16 09:01pm
Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
Checking back we did Righteous fury wrong. There should have been a confirmation attack and only after the hit would we roll damage. (Except that as a Death Watch character I don't have to roll confirmation when attacking xenos.)
the engines cannae take any more cap'n
warp 9 to shroomland ~Dalton
warp 9 to shroomland ~Dalton
Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
Session 3 went well, I got caught between player desire and staying in character which is always good. I don't think Captain Bart would be all gung-ho to play hero, especially when it puts those he's responsible for, and his purse at risk.
Looking forward to some bugzapping next session
Looking forward to some bugzapping next session

Walking isn't a lost art - one must, by some means, get to the garage. ~Evan Esar
- Norade
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
Saving nobles, government officials, and veterans of the Tyranid wars will net a decent reward and if not a lot of fame. Besides, you have ortillery with a power that adds +30 to BS and another that gives a reroll to anything.
School requires more work than I remember it taking...
- Agent Sorchus
- Jedi Master
- Posts: 1143
- Joined: 2008-08-16 09:01pm
Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
I think the party is working out pretty well, with one exception, me. Or rather my character. Being the only space marine and the only member of the Inquisition makes me feel like I am stealing the spot-light from the rest of the characters. So I was thinking that at the end of the hunt for the Death Sphere I should make a proper RT character rather than Keeping Brother Virgilus. But I would like everyone else to give their opinions rather than waiting.
edit: I was thinking of making a Navigator.
edit: I was thinking of making a Navigator.
the engines cannae take any more cap'n
warp 9 to shroomland ~Dalton
warp 9 to shroomland ~Dalton
- Soontir C'boath
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
I don't mind. To be frank, I have never reached so far before this game so I feel I'm still a bit of a noob in terms of character interaction and knowing what I want with my character.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
I think it would depend on the future direction of the group. I was thinking of making an alt as well, possibly a Vindicare Assassin or a Maletek Stalker, Death Cult Assassin. I believe it was stated at the beginning that this first mission's primary purpose was to feel out the group and the system.
I'm all for any character changes, so long as they are worked into the story somehow. It tends to derail the game if there's just a sudden death of one character and then everybody get's a new best friend.
I'm all for any character changes, so long as they are worked into the story somehow. It tends to derail the game if there's just a sudden death of one character and then everybody get's a new best friend.
Walking isn't a lost art - one must, by some means, get to the garage. ~Evan Esar
- Norade
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
Honestly, I don't mind being a secondary character knowing that when I need to I can melt the face off most anything I meet.
School requires more work than I remember it taking...
Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
Reminder: Game's in about... 9 and and a half hours?
Regarding the party mix... Don't worry. I'm prepared if the party wants to go full Rogue Trader once the mini-campaign is done. The transition from Team Inquisiton to Team Rogue Trader need not be a bloody one, albeit you'll need to survive first
Regarding the party mix... Don't worry. I'm prepared if the party wants to go full Rogue Trader once the mini-campaign is done. The transition from Team Inquisiton to Team Rogue Trader need not be a bloody one, albeit you'll need to survive first

Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
Also, the logs:
<Zinegata> ~Official Session Start~
<Vax> sits on his arse cleaning his multi melta while listening to his music over his bead
<Zinegata> Working together under the Emperor's guidance, the team has managed to secure the remnants of the frigate "Decisive Action" and rescue dozens of surviving loyalist crewmen
<Zinegata> Scouring the broken ship's cogitator records, they have discovered more facts about this mysterious "Kraken of Saint Cyr" (OOC name "DEATH SPHERE")
<Zinegata> It is a massive hulk. One that is an eighth the size of Terra's moon. And contains enormous amounts of treasure...
<Vax> its the death star..ooop!>>
<Flavion> [Arghh treasure!]
<Zinegata> ... And, it is apparently still travelling in and out of the warp, as the doomed "Decisive Action" detected a warp signature before the Hulk returned to the Warp... and carrying half of an Imperial Frigate with it
<Zinegata> While still interviewing the survivors (including the broken Astropath), Magos Daelus uploaded the warp signature into one of the ship's sensors, only to immediately find the sensors blaring...
<Zinegata> The ship had detected the Warp Signature. It is forming over an inhabitted system - the Dardanelles system!
* Zinegata shines spotlight on the team
<Flavion> After a good rest, Flavion was among those on the bridge. "Looks like we have our location."
<Attilas> Atillas will be ensuring that the Astropath is recovering as best as he can
<Magos_Daelus> I believe a certain amount of haste is in order, Captain.
<Brother_Virgilus> Captain we must get to the System.
<Zinegata> Your vox equipment seems to have received a final (and disrupted) communication from the Dardanelles...
<Captain_Bartholemue> Shit
<Zinegata> (Also, FYI, Dardanelles has 1 inhabitted world with 10 million souls. It is a farming colony. Military significance is pretty much zero)
<Flavion> [How elogent]
<Vax> lets the others stress over speed, hes going to be ready when its crunch time, until then, he doesnt sweat it. though he does finishes lubing up his weapon. Only to checks his others.
<Flavion> [Cyclone torpedoes on any areas with 'Nids!]
<Flavion> [So what's the transmission?]
<Zinegata> (Estimated travel time needed to Dardanelles: 3 days sailing, if you guys want to head over there immediately)
<Captain_Bartholemue> Attilus, is the Good Fortune up to pursuit?
<Zinegata> <Dardanelles Vox> <Vox> ... Can anyone hear us? This is the Dardanelle PDF. It's rainin... *static*
<Zinegata> (Attilas, BTW... your astropath is now calm. But she keeps repeating "The devouring one" over and over again"
<Zinegata> *)
<Attilas> "Aye, we're ready to go on this end."
<Attilas> (Can I get her to aid me in charting the best possible course to Dardanelles
<Zinegata> (Roll your navis)
<Zinegata> (She will do an aided roll)
<Attilas> roll d100
<Azathoth> Attilas rolls d100 --> [ 1d100=51 ]{51}
<Zinegata> rolld d100
<Azathoth> Zinegata rolls d100 --> [ 1d100=79 ]{79}
<Attilas> (My Intelligence is 40)
<Zinegata> (She's... still a little bit too rattled to help you out effectively)
<Captain_Bartholemue> roll d100
<Azathoth> Captain_Bartholemue rolls d100 --> [ 1d100=63 ]{63}
<Zinegata> (However, the best possible course will involve 3... yes still 3 day's travel)
<Captain_Bartholemue> failed by 3, even with Foresight
<Flavion> "Saving Dardanelles is beyond our scope even at best speed."
<Zinegata> Well, this is an isolated system with almost zero significance. So it's not exactly well charted
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<Zinegata> <Furion> That may be true, Flavion. But if the warp signature is there, we need to investigate if the Hulk is there.
<Attilas> "If we can't reach them in time we should strive to send word to other nearby systems."
<Brother_Virgilus> Or other ships
<Zinegata> <Furion> Our primary objective is to recover the Hulk. Saving Dardanelles would be welcome.
<Zinegata> <Furion> We can send a message to Delta Sigma Station. Hopefully, Battlefleet Saint Cyr can gather up more ships.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Moreover... I think if we get there within 3 days, I doubt that Dardanelles would have been completely overwhelmed by 'nids by then.
<Attilas> "I think sending a signal to Delta Sigma Station would be wise. Let others know of the warp signature and we may even gain new allies in our search."
<Magos_Daelus> I concur. Send the message; we will need any assistance we can get, and to do otherwise would doom the people of an Imperial world.
<Zinegata> <Furion> 'nids work fast, but 10 million people take a while to digest. And even an insignificant world like Dardanelles should have a PDF
<Flavion> [Hey I thought we were in this for the money heheh]
<Zinegata> (Technically, Flav is in it for the Emperor, Storm trooper
*** Juumanistra has joined #valhalla
<Captain_Bartholemue> (I know I'm in it for the money)
<Flavion> [ok ok, _you guys_
<Brother_Virgilus> [yeah your in for the money, but I sign the credit chit]
<Zinegata> (Virg technically does!)
<Flavion> [brb for a sec. Bit parched]
<Zinegata> (So, send the message to Delta Sigma, with orders to relay to BF Saint Cyr?)
<Attilas> (Yeah.)
<Brother_Virgilus> [more to any close ships that might get caught by the hulk]
<Zinegata> (Sending to Delta Sigma would be automatic success, but asking for any ship in the area may take more of a check)
<Brother_Virgilus> [it is more of a warning]
<Zinegata> (Ah. Will you broadcast to all ships, just military ships, or fighting warships?)
<Attilas> (All ships with a side of pass it on.)
<Captain_Bartholemue> (just general broadcast, all channels)
<Brother_Virgilus> [military ships, with an order to retransmit to keep other ships away]
<Zinegata> <Furion> Ergh... I think Brother Vigilus' method may be better. We don't want to panic the whole system by transmitting "The 'nids are coming!"
<Zinegata> *the whole sector
<Attilas> "I had thought to simply have people report if they saw the signal, no word of why."
<Zinegata> <Furion> ... You're aware that it may lead other elements to the Warp signal...
<Magos_Daelus> We have already located the signal, at this stage having more people look for it might be counterproductive.
<Brother_Virgilus> But that betrays those who need to be aware of what to prepare for. [@ Attilas]
<Zinegata> <Furion> According to my brief there are Ork pirates and Chaos raiders scattered around this sector.
<Magos_Daelus> I believe warning of the threat to Dardanelles is sufficient; that will bring Imperial military aid and discourage anyone else from coming to the system.
<Brother_Virgilus> And as an Inquistion matter, it should not be published beyond need to know.
<Attilas> "I was worrying that we may lose the signal and need to have aid in finding it, I will defer to those who know more on these matters."
<Zinegata> (So... send only to military ships?)
<Magos_Daelus> (Yes)
<Captain_Bartholemue> (Sounds good to me)
<Brother_Virgilus> [Yes]
<Zinegata> (Transmited.)
<Vax> of course we are looking at a possible invasion of an imperial world by xenos...
<Zinegata> (Now, will you head over to the Dardanelles?)
<Brother_Virgilus> [if we're lucky in the warp]
<Flavion> [The transmission said 'raining'.]
<Magos_Daelus> (yes)
<Flavion> [So it's already underway]
<Flavion> [Oh and yes]
<Zinegata> (Righto...)
<Zinegata> The ships begin their journey to the Dardanelles...
<Zinegata> With each passing moment the rescued astropath becomes more tense, and repeats her ominous warning of "The devouring one" with greater rapidity
<Zinegata> On the second day of the journey however, comes good news:
<Attilas> (Does she have a name?)
<Zinegata> (Dalia Jalinttan)
<Attilas> "Dalia, we're hunting down the Xeno
<Zinegata> The Imperial Cruiser "No More Laments" has responded to your transmission. Though she is returning from a recent combat deployment, the cruiser can reach the Dardanelles within 7 days and will support the effort
<Zinegata> Dalia looks at Attilas
<Attilas> *the Xeno's that hurt you. Are you going to be able to handle getting near them again?"
<Zinegata> <Dalia> No... the Xeno is... hunting _us_
<Zinegata> <Dalia> I... can handle it. But you too... shall know the fear...
<Vax> moves over to Dalia and offers to help her relax a bit, by sharing his music, it helps, he says
<Attilas> "That may be true, but sometimes we have to face fear."
<Flavion> [Dalia's not on the bridge is she?]
<Zinegata> (Nah, in her own isolated room)
<Attilas> (I moved her to the bridge of my ship.)
<Zinegata> (NM >_>)
<Zinegata> (On the bridge yes)
<Flavion> [Ok, just wondering if I should weigh in]
<Zinegata> Finally, early on the 3rd day... you finally reach the Dardanelle system...
<Vax> gets suited up
<Zinegata> And you finally get a glimpse of... "The Kraken"
<Attilas> roll 1d100 (Augery test)
<Azathoth> Attilas rolls 1d100 (Augery test) --> [ 1d100=48 ]{48}
<Flavion> [Did No More Lament transmit what they were bringing?]
<Zinegata> Attilas-> The inhabitted world in this system is Dardanelle IV. It is a small, temperate world.
<Zinegata> It *should* have no moon according to the Star Charts... but now... it _does_
<Attilas> (I beat the needed score by 2 degrees.)
<Zinegata> You detect a massive object using your augeries, and it's orbitting Dardanelle IV. It's roughtly the same size as the Hulk, as noted by the "Decisive Action"'s cogitators...
<Flavion> [That's no moon... that's a ...]
<Zinegata> Also... you are detecting thousands of tinier objects... that are landing on the Imperial world
<Zinegata> The Vox starts crackling with scattered transmissions and static
<Attilas> "Looks like we've found our hulk, and our Xenos... I've never fought these Xenos in space, but my ships weapons are coming online as we speak."
<Brother_Virgilus> [we should open up on the landings]
<Zinegata> (Would you guys want to close in on the planet?)
<Captain_Bartholemue> (The entire planet needs to be purged now, and we havn't got the firepower to do it)
<Vax> why get that close? im sure we can find some asteroids around to fling
<Zinegata> <Furion> *whistles* I've seen a splinter fleet in action before, but this is the first time I've seen the 'nids use a Hulk to invade a world...
<Brother_Virgilus> [rocks are not free]
<Attilas> "Asteroids aren't free Vax, they cost us fuel."
<Vax> and getting close to that could cost the ship
<Zinegata> (Heh. I'm glad that people read that sidebar on using asteroids)
<Vax> doesnt know ic or ooc about that, so >>
<Magos_Daelus> I do not see that we have an option but to close with the Hulk if we are to complete this mission.
<Brother_Virgilus> [is a famous 40k article]
<Zinegata> Attilas begins detecting that some of the little objects are exploding before they reach the atmosphere
<Flavion> Hopefully their 'deployment' have depleted a good number of them off of it.
<Magos_Daelus> As for the planet, we might be able to strike large clusters of tyranids from orbit, but I do not think we have the manpower to make a significant difference on the ground.
<Zinegata> There seems to be some ground-to-space fire shooting down some of the 'nids
<Brother_Virgilus> Get close, if the PDF can hold them off our ships should do a lot of good.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Hmmm... the PDF's apparently still active.
<Captain_Bartholemue> I see no reason to make planetfall. Boarding the Hulk, maybe.
<Vax> just shrugs, "ill just fry em up"
<Zinegata> <Furion> The planet's not yet completely overrun.
<Attilas> "I understand, but we've got to get close to recover that Hulk anyway," To the bridge crew, "Get ready for battle men, I want weapons online, void shields at maximum, and engines running at full thrust."
<Captain_Bartholemue> Over the ships Vox* Combat stations everyone
<Zinegata> The crew responds to their Captain and man their stations
<Attilas> Sending a vox message to the PDF, "You're not alone, continue fighting on the ground while we test the enemy in space."
<Zinegata> <Furion> Right. I'll tell the boys to get ready for 'nid combat
<Zinegata> Attilas-> You're not sure if the vox can get through at this range. There's a lot of interference
<Attilas> "Dalia, can you aid my signal in reaching the planet? I know the Xenos are going to make it hard, but that PDF needs to know we're here."
<Zinegata> <Dalia> I will... try...
<Zinegata> roll d100
<Azathoth> Zinegata rolls d100 --> [ 1d100=12 ]{12}
<Zinegata> <Dalia> ... I... believe I have sent the message.
<Zinegata> Sensors detect that the ground-to-space fire has intensified
<Attilas> "Thank you, I have some idea of how difficult that must have been."
<Vax> question, what if we got on a smaller ship and headed around and hit that hulk in the rear while this ship is drawing their attention? would that work or no?
<Captain_Bartholemue> Attilas? Don't let those things infest my ship
<Attilas> "I'll do my best Captain. The Good Fortune is a wise and nimble vessel."
<Zinegata> (So, close in?)
<Brother_Virgilus> [do it]
<Zinegata> (Righto!)
<Zinegata> As you close in... the Vox signals start getting through...
<Brother_Virgilus> [get closer, i want to hit them with my sword]
<Zinegata> <Vox> This is Colonel Asherban, of the Dardanelles PDF. Imperial warships. We have received your message. Please respond.
<Captain_Bartholemue> (we can teleport you right to them if you're that eager
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Imperial Warships. Please respond *sound of gunfire in the background*
<Attilas> "This is Attilas Eichmann, helmsman and commander of the God Fortune, we here you Asherban."
<Attilas> *hear
<Vax> sounds good to me, not like i do much in ship combat anyways>>
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Good Fortune? Heh, good to hear from you.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> How many ships are coming to assist us? How many troops?
<Attilas> "Not so many as you would like, we're but two raiders. We will do what we can to assist."
<Brother_Virgilus> Colonel Achesherban, this is Brother Virgilus. We are two rouge trader vessels requisition to Inquisiton servce, a cruiser is coming in 5 days.
<Captain_Bartholemue> (Are we recieving this as a broadcast or is it just to The Good Fortune?)
<Zinegata> <Asherban> By the Emperor, just two raiders?! And a cruiser in FIVE days?!
<Zinegata> (You're all getting this)
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Our situation is desperate! Most of the smaller towns and hamlets have been overrun!
<Brother_Virgilus> Your lucky as it is, we are going to attempt to cut of the landings.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Our remaining forces are concentrated around the capital, where our laser batteries can still shoot down the incoming Xenos landers!
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Sir, even if we cut off the landings, there are already significant 'nid forces on the planet.
<Brother_Virgilus> *off
<Zinegata> <Asherban> We desperately need aid.
<Attilas> To his crew, "Men, prepair to dodge Xeno's weapon fire and shoot down their landing craft. It's a small help, but we can try."
<Flavion> The capital will be our best bet with what we have if we are to send anyone down there.
<Zinegata> As you come closer, you find (fortunately) that the Xenos are almost exclusively using spores to drop on the planet
<Brother_Virgilus> We understand that colonel. We expect more help, but do not have any yet. We can direct an orbital cleansing of the occupied zones once we establish control of space.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Sir, if we don't begin some orbital cleansing now, even the capital is doomed.
<Captain_Bartholemue> Attilas, again, don't let your conscience get the better of your judgement...
<Zinegata> <Asherban> We have detected large concentrations to the north and south. They are preying on the refugee convoys. if they begin to attack us directly, we've be overrun in hours...
<Attilas> "Captain, the more spores we down the less they have when we raid the hulk."
<Brother_Virgilus> As it is we are going to try to get a company of stormtroopers down to your position. Furrion prepare your men. Captain get the guns firing according to ground control.
<Zinegata> <Furion> ... Right down on the capital, sir?
<Brother_Virgilus> use your best jugment, captain
<Zinegata> <Furion> Begging your pardon sir, but that might not be the wisest course of action. Like the Colonel mentioned, we need to destroy the massing group of 'nids in he north and south of the capital.
<Attilas> "If you're landing on the planet then I'll provide orbital support. As good as I am on the ground lances beat lightning any day."
<Flavion> A bombardment on the 'Nid packs would do them better.
<Magos_Daelus> And then we could retain the stormtroopers for our own use on the hulks.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Exactly, Flavion. Send my teams down to the refugee convoys.
<Captain_Bartholemue> Sending them to the convoys will do no good
<Brother_Virgilus> All true, but we need the ground not to panic, sending a little help now will we prepare to take the hulk is our best bet.
<Captain_Bartholemue> We can drop them at the capitol to aid in it's defense, I will then join Attilas in trying to stem the the invasion
<Zinegata> <Furion> My intention is to send in two teams in areas where the 'nids are massing.
<Brother_Virgilus> Colonel is there an Orbital battery that we can retake?
<Zinegata> <Furion> And we can help call in accurate targetting coordinates.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Negative. The only laser batteries we have are in the capital.
<Attilas> The Good Fortune is maneuvering into weapons range to fire lances down into the swarms, once she arrives a vox message is sent asking, "Where should my weapons fire for best effect.
<Zinegata> <Furion> As much as I'd like to simply lance away, that'd kill thousands of civilians.
<Captain_Bartholemue> And?
<Zinegata> <Furion> Again, I request permission to send a team down there. We can accurately relay target information.
<Captain_Bartholemue> there will be millions of Xenos on that planets surface in a matter of days
<Attilas> "The civillians are dead anyway, we need to thin those numbers on the ground to help this world. If not why worry about the planet at all, the hulk is our goal."
<Brother_Virgilus> Furion send your men to reinforce the command center, and to call down the get us the targeting info we need.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Colonel Asherban, this is Captain Furion of the VGH Stormtroopers. Do you have Valkyries we can borrow?
<Zinegata> Okay, Mission Path Selection Time:
<Zinegata> Select Primary Objective:
<Zinegata> "Secure Space Hulk"
<Zinegata> Or "Aid in Planetary Defense"
<Captain_Bartholemue> *Closed Vox between only my ships* The Tyranids are after the planet, we are after the Hulk. Is there any reason not to let the Tyranids take the planet while we raid the Hulk, and then purge the planet in five days time?
<Brother_Virgilus> [vote]
<Flavion> [Do we even know how many Xenos are still on the Hulk?]
<Captain_Bartholemue> (I should have worded that better. Am I being ordered to assist in planetary defense by those holding the purse strings?)
<Zinegata> Flavion-> The Hulk is spweing put tons of them, so yeah
<Attilas> "I think that we should down what we can on route to the hulk and have our ships fire lances while we explore within the belly of the beast."
<Zinegata> (Bart-> You're not required to assit. I'm asking your priorities)
<Flavion> [Heh so either way, we're going to be seeing a lot of action]
<Zinegata> (Exactly Flav)
<Brother_Virgilus> [i know that the =I= would like the hulk first and foremost, but I don't want to abbandon the planet]
<Zinegata> <Furion> Well sir, I would prefer to be sent down to do what we can to assist. And having some lances raining down on our target coordinates could save millions.
<Brother_Virgilus> [so I guess that we should send just enough men down to the planet to courdinate the Lances, will we go to the Hulk]
<Vax> two sides: secure the hulk is securing the planet, however, at what cost? and is it worth it>>
<Attilas> (I doubt that we have the numbers to do much, we could attempt to use the teleportarium to save the ranking command and planetary government out though.)
<Zinegata> <Furion> But if you wish to assault the Hulk, I'd best be part of the boarding team along with my Stormtroopers
<Brother_Virgilus> *while
<Zinegata> <Furion> As you can see, it's a massive Hulk. And you'll need my men to setup blocking positions all over the Hulk.
<Captain_Bartholemue> (I think that company of stormtroopers would be much more effective on the Hulk where they can actually make a difference
<Attilas> "Why don't we save the military command and government with the teleportarium and then attack the hulk?"
<Zinegata> (Evacuating high-ranking officials would be helpful)
<Magos_Daelus> Doing so might have a negative impact on the morale of the defenders, though I'm sure the officials would appreciate the rescue.
<Brother_Virgilus> Yes the company would be best in the hulk, I just want some of Furion's men to volunteer to go to the planet to call down the orbital fire.
<Captain_Bartholemue> (Helpful to who exactly? and I'd like to keep that Teleporter ready to get us out of the Hulk
<Captain_Bartholemue> (If we use it to teleport the government out we're stuck waiting for it to cooldown)
<Attilas> "This world is doomed anyway, our megre forces can't help when a PDF numbering many thousands has already fallen. We teleport them and wait until it is safe to sue again before we enter the hulk."
<Zinegata> (Helpful to you guys coming out looking shinier)
<Magos_Daelus> (Yeah, the Inquisition may be a bunch of bastards but someone's gonna frown on the Rogue Trader who left a planet to die so he could get some phat lewtz.)
<Zinegata> ("The world died, but at least we saved the nobles!")
<Brother_Virgilus> (Don't save the nob's yet, only if we can at the last minute.)
<Brother_Virgilus> [only do so at the last minute*]
<Zinegata> (So, gentlemen, have you decided on your priority?)
<Brother_Virgilus> [hulk]
<Attilas> (The world is pretty doomed anyway, really what good will a handful of heroes and a small company of guard do? If we get the nobels and military command out we save valuable knowledge that will help other worlds better fight off the swarm.)
<Attilas> (Hulk)
<Captain_Bartholemue> (The Inquisition ordered us to secure the Hulk)
<Zinegata> <Furion> ... Very well. As you command.
<Magos_Daelus> (Hulk unless someone can come up with a real way for us to make a difference on the planet. Having a few spotters call in lance strikes seems like the best option there, but do we need everyone for that?)
<Zinegata> <Furion> ... In that case, may I suggest that we let the Hulk simply keep dropping Spores on the planet?
<Captain_Bartholemue> (I doubt they would look kindly on the Rogue Trader suffering a pang of conscience and trying to save the plebs)
<Attilas> (We should grab them now and allow more nids to land before we reach the hulk.)
<Brother_Virgilus> kill them once they land.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Tell the PDF to give the 'nids as much hell as possible, distract the 'nids and cause them to land more troops on the planet
<Captain_Bartholemue> (They're going to put the planet to exterminatus anyways, we would be stalling on our original orders)
<Zinegata> <Furion> Sir, I suggest we do not even employ lance strikes.
<Zinegata> <Furion> As of now the 'nids don't seem to know of our presence yet. If we start aiding the planet... they might stop the landings and hit us instead.
<Zinegata> <Furion> IF we are to let a world die, we may as well let them take on the bulk of the infestation.
<Attilas> "Furion has a point."
<Magos_Daelus> Hmm.
<Brother_Virgilus> No captain. Let one of the ships fire on the ground, then retreat we can operate off of one ship for now, and it might distract the landings.
<Magos_Daelus> A moment.
<Magos_Daelus> (Do we know how long it was from when the hulk appeared to when it warped out again?)
<Attilas> "Dalia, can you search for the least infested place on the hulk for us to land? Find where the Xenos warp signature seems weakest."
<Brother_Virgilus> *retreat. We
<Zinegata> (Daelos-> Around 2 weeks)
<Captain_Bartholemue> We came here for the Hulk. This world will be one of the many sacrifices made to carry out the Will of the Emperor.
<Zinegata> (Oh, wait, you mean from appearance to warp out? About a week. It then took 2 weeks to reappear)
<Magos_Daelus> (yeah was trying to figure out what our chances are of saving the planet & recovering the hulk, but I don't think we can rely on the hulk having a schedule)
<Zinegata> <Dalia> We will require detailed scans of the Hulk. This may take a few hours.
<Zinegata> <Dalia> It would be best if a Tech-Priest compare this data to the existing data we gathered from the Decisive Action
<Magos_Daelus> Certainly.
<Attilas> Attilas starts a detailed scan using the Augers.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Again sir, attacing a Hulk is a dicey business. I'd prefer not to stir up a hornet's nest while we scan for its weakness.
<Attilas> roll 1d100
<Azathoth> Attilas rolls 1d100 --> [ 1d100=88 ]{88}
<Zinegata> <Furion> Best that we let the Hulk keep its attention on the planet. Then we can strike it at the right moment and kill the Kraken for good.
<Attilas> (I liked the other bot better.)
<Magos_Daelus> (I'm withholding judgement until I have to shoot something)
<Zinegata> (Attilas-> It's gonna take you most of the day to fully scan the hulk)
<Brother_Virgilus> Magos, how about simply trying to find the remains of the frigate?
<Attilas> "This scan will be slow, but we need to know what we're getting into. I suggest we wait until our scan is finished to attack."
<Zinegata> (The other half of the Decisive Action you mean?)
<Brother_Virgilus> [yes]
<Zinegata> (You'll need to do a full scan and compare vs the original cogitator data to find where it is now
<Magos_Daelus> The Decisive Action was torn in half. We cannot even be certain that the other half became part of the hulk rather than being lost in the warp.
<Attilas> "The Augers aboard the Good Fortune can scan this, but it is slow going. Between Dalia and myself I think we can get a good picture of what's going on though."
<Magos_Daelus> Further, the hulk is a massive conglomerate of broken vessels -- it will take some time to review the records to know where to start looking.
<Brother_Virgilus> Magos I'll differ to your greater knowledge.
<Brother_Virgilus> As it is I would prefer to fight the Xeno as soon as possible.
<Attilas> "Why fight them sooner Brother? Better to let the hulk empty as much as we can before infilitrating."
<Captain_Bartholemue> We didn't survive this long by jumping in blind, I'd like those scans
<Flavion> [Would it be too farfetch to presume the Hulk will just drop and go and thus waiting may not be a good idea]
<Attilas> (It hasn't been here that long. We've got a few days.)
<Zinegata> (Scans aren't picking up a lot of energy signatures, nor the warp signals)
<Magos_Daelus> Previously, the hulk remained in real space for a week before warping back out. However, I doubt we can rely on the thing keeping to a fixed schedule.
<Brother_Virgilus> It is the principal of it. Those men on the planet don't have a choice whne to fight so why should the protectors of mankind get to choose to delay a fight?
<Zinegata> (That much at least you know from surface scans)
<Brother_Virgilus> *when
<Magos_Daelus> And that is a massive amount of hulk to search in that amount of time.
<Zinegata> <Furion> ... Well, how about a compromise?
<Zinegata> <Furion> How long before the scans will be complete Atilla?
<Attilas> "The scans will take the better part of a day if we want any detail in them."
<Attilas> "I'd be willing to assault the moment they're done."
<Zinegata> <Furion> One day. We provide as much ground support as we can for one day.
<Zinegata> <Furion> One ship can continue scanning, while the other supports our efforts.
<Captain_Bartholemue> The Protectors of mankind, which we are not, have the responsibility to utilise their resources effectively for the good of the entire Imperium.
<Brother_Virgilus> Captain, [furion] it would be a pleasure.
<Attilas> "My ship is the better to scan with, I would ask that we rescue as much of the planetary government and high ranking military as we can in our day."
<Captain_Bartholemue> In my case, that means these ships
<Zinegata> <Furion> In that timeframe, i believe we can do a lot of good.
<Zinegata> <Furion> And as long as our scanning ship remains silent and distant, we can make sure the 'nids keep their focus on the ground.
<Brother_Virgilus> Bartholemue, you forget you have been hired by the protectors of mankind. That makes you as much one of us as any.
<Captain_Bartholemue> Ok, I still maintain that dropping our stormtroopers and then picking them up in 24 hours is a poor idea
<Zinegata> <Furion> Heh. Don't want to join in the 'nid hunting fun, Captain?
<Captain_Bartholemue> granted, my point was that the protectors of mankind are responsible to do it effectively, just as it is my responisbility to protect my crew
<Zinegata> <Furion> Planetary nobles can be real generous when you save their asses you know. And many of them are rather... sexy.
<Attilas> "We have a teleportarium for that Furion."
<Zinegata> <Furion> We may not need to use a teleportarium though. We can land on some shuttles.
<Captain_Bartholemue> I don't want to lose our entire company on a suicide mission, though I do understand that they are not under my command
<Zinegata> <Furion> The capital spaceport is still active. And Asherban mentioned he still has Valkyries.
<Captain_Bartholemue> (would my ships scanners be strong enough to target the largest masses of 'nid on the planet?)
<Zinegata> <Furion> So we can land via shuttle, and then do some on-planet ass-kicking with the Valkyries.
<Zinegata> (Bart-> They would, but again it'd vaporize a lot of people and it wouldn't be as accurate without a ground team)
<Brother_Virgilus> Bart... you do not have to come with us. Furion are your men ready?
<Zinegata> <Furion> Always.
<Captain_Bartholemue> (as a player I want to as much as everyone else
<Zinegata> <Furion> They always like playing hero to some pretty noble in distress who'll give us extra pay and a nice time in a quiet room.
<Attilas> "Can we use the teleportarium to rescue whiloe we also use other forces to make rescues as well? Use the archeotech to get people out of the worst situations."
<Brother_Virgilus> [oh but isn't it great to stay in character? This has been great]
<Zinegata> (I'm trying to get Bart hooked by "Sex and money" rewards
<Attilas> (I already have an astropath so I'm happy already. xD)
<Captain_Bartholemue> (could we take the entire ship into the atmosphere and make runs along the refugee lines, scooping up entire refugee caravans into the ships hold, while making 'nids explode with massive spaceship sized weapons?)
<Zinegata> (Sorry, this isn't a Terran battlecruiser
<Magos_Daelus> "I do not believe I can move enough people with the teleporter to make a difference to the bulk of the refugees. If there are particular targets to be teleported out, that would be more likely, though again I would need to know where to find them."
<Captain_Bartholemue> (I'm thinking along the lines of what they did in "Serenity")
<Zinegata> <Furion> More the reason to send in a ground team
<Attilas> "Even raiders are big in 40k.)
<Magos_Daelus> (You're going to offer Virgilus the Inquisition's money back, and when he refuses, kick him into an engine intake?)
<Zinegata> (Yep. Shuttles, maybe. But not a raider)
<Brother_Virgilus> [that is what the Valks are for]
<Zinegata> (Indeed. Valks are gunships)
<Flavion> [So let's get it all going?]
<Zinegata> (So, land on ze planet?)
<Zinegata> (Atilas/Daelos, you can join in the landing you know. The scans can be mostly automated)
<Attilas> (I'm going to stay behind to continue the scans and provide lance fire should it be required.)
<Zinegata> (And Dalia can handle it for you)
<Flavion> [Is it just Furion and his company plus Space Marine or all of us?]
<Captain_Bartholemue> (Keep the ship in geosnycronous orbit, take landing crafts to the surface?)
<Magos_Daelus> (Yeah trying to figure out what possible use a tech priest is on this and drawing a blank)
<Attilas> (Fine, I do want to engage in some space combat though.)
<Zinegata> (Okay, so who's landing, and who wants to be mission control in charge of the big gun?)
<Captain_Bartholemue> (THe ship can be left under command of an officer, with orders to fire on our soordinates)
<Zinegata> *big guns
<Zinegata> <Furion> Might want to have some Cog boys come with us. Those are PDF Valks and Emperor knows how badly maintained they are.
<Magos_Daelus> (My first thought was that I should be working the guns, then I thought back to the hellgun incident and had to seriously question if I should be allowed anywhere near the batteries)
<Attilas> (I'd love to play mission control if that's not to hard to run.)
<Brother_Virgilus> [Azathoth has been far crueler than Belldandy]
<Zinegata> (Having a ground team and a mission control team is easy enough)
<Flavion> [I'll join the ground team]
<Flavion> [If it wasn't obvious already]
<Zinegata> (This is why you sacrifice little animals and offer it to the Dice God/Goddess)
<Magos_Daelus> Very well.
<Attilas> (Then Dalia and I will stay up and provide orbital support.)
<Zinegata> (Righto)
<Zinegata> So, team composition:
<Zinegata> Ground Team: Bart, Flav, Vax, Daelus, Virg, Stormies
<Zinegata> Mission Control: Attilas
<Zinegata> ==== Mission Objectives =====
<Zinegata> Primary Objective: Destroy Tyranid North Group
<Zinegata> Primary Objective: Destroy Tyranid South Group
<Zinegata> Secondary Objective: Rescue Planetary Officials
<Zinegata> Secondary Objective: Protect Refugee Convoys
<Zinegata> ===== Mission Start =====
<Zinegata> <Furion> Alright boys! It's a wonderful war! Mount up!
* Zinegata starts playing Starship Troopers music
<Flavion> [Haha, yea funny, heheh]
<Flavion> [How far are the two groups from each other?]
<Zinegata> (An atmosphere's worth?)
<Magos_Daelus> (I think he means the tyranid groups)
<Zinegata> Attilas, do a piloting check to see how well you "drop" the troops
<Zinegata> (Oh. You'll have an in-planet brief)
<Flavion> [k]
<Attilas> (Using Lucky, no need to test because threshold is so low I can't fail.)
<Attilas> roll 1d100
<Azathoth> Attilas rolls 1d100 --> [ 1d100=90 ]{90}
<Attilas> Re rolling with lucky
<Attilas> roll 1d100
<Azathoth> Attilas rolls 1d100 --> [ 1d100=21 ]{21}
<Zinegata> Attilas makes a perfect maneuver, dropping the team expertly without having the drop troops - and the ship - noticed by the 'nids yet
<Attilas> "See you on the otherside, my the Emperor smile upon you all."
<Flavion> The Emperor Protects
<Zinegata> <Stormtrooper Beside Flavion> Shit, I hate this part... *pukes*
<Attilas> (Should I be commanding from the Good Fortune or The Royal Fortune
<Zinegata> It is a quick drop to the planet, and you reach the airspace over the capital without incident)
<Attilas> ?)
<Zinegata> (Up to you)
<Zinegata> And from below... you can see the city in total Chaos
<Zinegata> *chaos
<Attilas> (I'll be aboard the Good Fortune with Dalia then.)
<Zinegata> There's gunfire and shooting everywhere, as PDF troops fight off the occassional Spore pods that have landed within the city
<Zinegata> From both the north and south, you see large numbers of... purple.
<Zinegata> *large masses of
<Zinegata> The shuttles then land, and you are met on the tarmac by a grim-looking Tallern officer
<Zinegata> *Tallarn
<Zinegata> <Colonel Asherban> ... Welcome to Dardanelles. We th... By the Emperor. An... Astartes?!
<Brother_Virgilus> Captain we need to get into the fray as fast as posible. Tommorow we expect to take the fight to the Xenos in space.
* Zinegata shines the spotlight on the party, as they do their Big Damn Heroes walk to the gawking PDF troops
<Zinegata> <Asherban> ... Ye... Yes sir! We have ten Valkyrie gunships ready for your use.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> What is our plan of action for the day?
<Flavion> [looks on at Furion, you know his CO]
<Flavion> [:P]
<Attilas> Over the Vox, "What kind of forces do you have down there?"
<Zinegata> (Asherban is looking mainly at the Astartes, actually)
<Brother_Virgilus> I believe that we should hit the hordes attacking the convoy first, distracting them in the rear guard.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Currently we have 10,000 troops in the city. Mostly green troops, but they're firmed up by about 1,000 veteran Tallarn troopers who were recently settled here.
<Brother_Virgilus> But I am willing to listen to suggestions from any who have some.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> We have two major hordes attacking convoys. There is a group in the north, and another in the south.
*** Django_Kagato is now known as Amos
<Flavion> [Hmmm, coooookies]
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Although to call them a "group" is a bit of a misnomer. The Tyranids are... cunning. They're spread out, and using cover to good effect. I suspect it's a means of avoiding being hit too badly by artillery or orbital bombardment
<Zinegata> <Asherban> If your ships could direct accurate fire on them via spotters, we'd be in very good shape. Also, if you can destroy some of their Big Ones, we stand a better chance.
<Attilas> "If you attack their flanks and try to bunch them up it'll make my guns more effective."
<Zinegata> <Furion> ... Hmm. You see to know your stuff Asherban. You do some bug hunting before?
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Yes, did some years as part of the campaign against Hive Fleet Behemoth before they retired me here.
<Attilas> "Even if not get me th coordinates and I'll fry whatever you please."
<Magos_Daelus> Are there any terrain features where we could place spotters in relative safety?
<Zinegata> <Asherban> The northern area is a hilly country. Lots of nice hills to plant spotters on.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> The southern area is dotted by small villages. Most have been abandoned, but you can probably post troops in some of the village buildings and call in hellfire.
<Magos_Daelus> Any terrain features to the north that might cause the tyranids to bunch up?
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Not much. But we have identified some possible groups containing "Big Ones".
<Brother_Virgilus> >Magos (private vox) could you examine the valks before we set out? If any are going to give out on us we need to know.
<Attilas> "Can we use gunships as spotters?"
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Take them out, and the little ones are more likely to bunch together around the few surviving big ones.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Making them easier to nuke
<Magos_Daelus> I will go examine the ships. I do not know how well they will serve against tyranid fliers.
<Zinegata> <Furion> *shakes head* I'd rather be on the ground if I'm gonna be calling in a target.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Well, if it makes you feel any better we haven't seen a lot of fliers yet.
<Magos_Daelus> <vox to Virgilus> Quite.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Just little skittering ones and gun-totting big ones
<Zinegata> Daelus-> A PDF trooper leads you to the Valks. You may roll your check
<Magos_Daelus> roll d100 (tech use, 66int +10 MIU +20 skills)
<Azathoth> Magos_Daelus rolls d100 (tech use, 66int +10 MIU +20 skills) --> [ 1d100=91 ]{91}
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Still, we don't have any artillery, just small arms and a few heavy weapons. But some orbital bombardment shots will do wonders.
<Zinegata> (... Azathoth is a monster >_>)
<Magos_Daelus> (...I'm cursed.)
<Zinegata> Daelus-> You find the Valks in surprisingly excellent condition. A female Tech Priest appears and smiles smugly at you
<Zinegata> <Female Tech Priest> The entire squadron is ready for your use, Magos. I have been diligent with appeasing their machine-spirits.
<Magos_Daelus> *makes the cog symbol with his hands* So I see.
<Brother_Virgilus> [I think we should hit the southern groups first, any objections?]
<Zinegata> <Female Tech Priest> *returns the gesture, and fishes out a ration bad from her pockets* A snack?
<Magos_Daelus> No, thank you. I despise running for my life on a full stomach.
<Zinegata> <Female Tech Priest> *smirks and takes a bite* Very well Magos. Good luck.
<Magos_Daelus> *gestures at the ships* I commend you for your care of these vessels. I hope you were not offended that I would check on them myself.
<Magos_Daelus> (Eh, come to think of it, I'm not sure tech priests would admit to offended even if they were. Oh well. Hanging out with meat sacks has probably taught me some bad habits.)
<Flavion> Flavion was near the two. "I don't believe this, tech flirting", he muttered
<Zinegata> <Female Tech Priest> Not at all, Magos. Name's Leticia Hart by the way. Most off-worlders think that we're backwater savages, but we do well enough .
<Zinegata> (KEKEKE)
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Well, if you're going south, we've identified a town that seems to have a concentration of Big Ones...
<Brother_Virgilus> Then that could be our first catch of the day.
<Zinegata> (So, team, take the Southern infestation first?)
<Magos_Daelus> I am Korin Daelus. If you will excuse me, I believe my companions are about ready to depart. Omnissiah's blessings on you.
<Flavion> [Yes]
<Zinegata> (Bart?)
<Attilas> (How well can I hear vox chatter from the ground?)
<Zinegata> (Pretty much all of it)
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Um, sir, one last thing...
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Would you mind if we borroed your shuttles while you are deployed?
<Attilas> "Let me know when you find the big ones, the crew has the weapons prepped and we're in range."
<Zinegata> <Asherban> The governor... has been pestering me that he should be evacuated.
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<Attilas> On the Vox to the other ship, "Get the teleportarium ready."
<Brother_Virgilus> Tell the governor that we can have the teleport evacuate him now if he wishes.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> And not just the governor. A couple of dozen other nobles and their families as well.
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<Attilas> "Colonel, we have a Teleportarium, let us know if anything is too tough to get a shuttle near."
<Captain_Bartholemue> (Sorry, breaker tripped and I lost connection)
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Almost all the nobles are in the capital already. We can just use shuttles to evacuate them.
<Magos_Daelus> I would prefer not to use our teleporter to move the planetary nobles. The shuttles would be a better choice; they can refuel and return after leaving the nobles on the ship.
<Brother_Virgilus> We do want to keep the shuttle ready for our own pull out, But if the nobles are on hand then fine.
<Captain_Bartholemue> I second that, we need to keep the teleportarium for emergency use only
<Attilas> "I have the teleportarium on standby."
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Ah. Good, I will tell the governor immediately. She should be most relieved.
<Brother_Virgilus> [And by pullout I mean so we can take the fight to orbit.]
<Zinegata> Right, so begin operations in the southern villages?
<Attilas> (Valks are also space capable.)
<Magos_Daelus> (Let's go)
<Flavion> [Go]
<Brother_Virgilus> [I thought they were just high altitude.]
<Zinegata> <Furion> Alright boys! Load up!
<Captain_Bartholemue> (I'm sure the ship can meet them somewhere in between)
<Attilas> (No, they changed that. They sued to be, but new fluff says they can make space.)
<Attilas> *used
<Brother_Virgilus> [to the south]
<Zinegata> <Asherban> The suspected villages are Haven, Corinth, and Haptford. I suggest you begin the hunts there. The main refugee convoy is along the Imperial Highway. If you can dispatch some men there, we can also help rescue some civilians
<Zinegata> (Select destination, or will you split up and send your Stormies to widen the search?)
<Magos_Daelus> (No preference)
<Brother_Virgilus> [Ten Valks, 3 per village, one to the highway.]
<Flavion> ]
<Captain_Bartholemue> (might as well, start with the nearest and work out way out? Seems odd, but if we start at the the outside we risk losing all 3)
<Brother_Virgilus> [or two per village two on the highway and 2 in reserve.]
<Zinegata> (BRB in 5 mins, try to figure out how you want to allocate the troops)
<Brother_Virgilus> [But yes if the vilages are closer than some hit the close ones first.]
<Magos_Daelus> (makes sense)
<Flavion> [Wouldn't want to be surrounded either]
<Zinegata> (Haven is the closts BTW, Corinth 2nd closest, Hapt, is 3rdf)
<Captain_Bartholemue> To Haven then?
<Flavion> [Yea, I think we should go to Haven and then keep pushing towards the other towns as we eradicate/bombard them]
<Magos_Daelus> Tactics are not my area of expertise, but your reasoning seems sound.
<Brother_Virgilus> [yeah sounds like a plan, though we should leave a small group for the highway.]
<Flavion> [That too]
<Zinegata> (How many to the highway, and how many with you?)
<Magos_Daelus> (I'd say 2 ships to the highway to make sure they have enough people to actually accomplish something)
<Brother_Virgilus> [at most 3 to the highway, I don't want to be underhanded hunting synapse.]
<Zinegata> <Furion> Three sounds good. They can be spread throughout the convoy and call in fire as needed.
<Attilas> (I hope you plan on spotting those big uns far out, these lances ain't gentle.)
<Zinegata> (Guys, question: Do you mind if we stop here?)
<Zinegata> (The next fight is prolly gonna be big, and it's almost midnight)
<Magos_Daelus> (Sure)
<Brother_Virgilus> [I don't]
<Attilas> (No problem here.)
<Zinegata> (Actually, not prolly. It WILL be a big fight)
<Brother_Virgilus> [mind]
<Flavion> [Yea, I don't mind. I feel like I'm coming down with a cold anyway]
<Captain_Bartholemue> (prepare for action filled episode next week?)
<Magos_Daelus> (sounds like)
<Captain_Bartholemue> (It's 2pm sunday here, I don't care
<Zinegata> (Oks. So next week, at least we have a plan: Scour 3 villages of possible "Big Ones" while fire rains down from the sky.)
<Brother_Virgilus> [Maybe the dicebot won't hate use so much next week. note for posterity: I was originally going to call the dicebot Cain or Ciaphas, but for some reason he wouldn't load at all under those names, fleeing for cover maybe?]
<Zinegata> ~Official Session End~
<Zinegata> ~Official Session Start~
<Vax> sits on his arse cleaning his multi melta while listening to his music over his bead
<Zinegata> Working together under the Emperor's guidance, the team has managed to secure the remnants of the frigate "Decisive Action" and rescue dozens of surviving loyalist crewmen
<Zinegata> Scouring the broken ship's cogitator records, they have discovered more facts about this mysterious "Kraken of Saint Cyr" (OOC name "DEATH SPHERE")
<Zinegata> It is a massive hulk. One that is an eighth the size of Terra's moon. And contains enormous amounts of treasure...
<Vax> its the death star..ooop!>>
<Flavion> [Arghh treasure!]
<Zinegata> ... And, it is apparently still travelling in and out of the warp, as the doomed "Decisive Action" detected a warp signature before the Hulk returned to the Warp... and carrying half of an Imperial Frigate with it
<Zinegata> While still interviewing the survivors (including the broken Astropath), Magos Daelus uploaded the warp signature into one of the ship's sensors, only to immediately find the sensors blaring...
<Zinegata> The ship had detected the Warp Signature. It is forming over an inhabitted system - the Dardanelles system!
* Zinegata shines spotlight on the team
<Flavion> After a good rest, Flavion was among those on the bridge. "Looks like we have our location."
<Attilas> Atillas will be ensuring that the Astropath is recovering as best as he can
<Magos_Daelus> I believe a certain amount of haste is in order, Captain.
<Brother_Virgilus> Captain we must get to the System.
<Zinegata> Your vox equipment seems to have received a final (and disrupted) communication from the Dardanelles...
<Captain_Bartholemue> Shit
<Zinegata> (Also, FYI, Dardanelles has 1 inhabitted world with 10 million souls. It is a farming colony. Military significance is pretty much zero)
<Flavion> [How elogent]
<Vax> lets the others stress over speed, hes going to be ready when its crunch time, until then, he doesnt sweat it. though he does finishes lubing up his weapon. Only to checks his others.
<Flavion> [Cyclone torpedoes on any areas with 'Nids!]
<Flavion> [So what's the transmission?]
<Zinegata> (Estimated travel time needed to Dardanelles: 3 days sailing, if you guys want to head over there immediately)
<Captain_Bartholemue> Attilus, is the Good Fortune up to pursuit?
<Zinegata> <Dardanelles Vox> <Vox> ... Can anyone hear us? This is the Dardanelle PDF. It's rainin... *static*
<Zinegata> (Attilas, BTW... your astropath is now calm. But she keeps repeating "The devouring one" over and over again"
<Zinegata> *)
<Attilas> "Aye, we're ready to go on this end."
<Attilas> (Can I get her to aid me in charting the best possible course to Dardanelles
<Zinegata> (Roll your navis)
<Zinegata> (She will do an aided roll)
<Attilas> roll d100
<Azathoth> Attilas rolls d100 --> [ 1d100=51 ]{51}
<Zinegata> rolld d100
<Azathoth> Zinegata rolls d100 --> [ 1d100=79 ]{79}
<Attilas> (My Intelligence is 40)
<Zinegata> (She's... still a little bit too rattled to help you out effectively)
<Captain_Bartholemue> roll d100
<Azathoth> Captain_Bartholemue rolls d100 --> [ 1d100=63 ]{63}
<Zinegata> (However, the best possible course will involve 3... yes still 3 day's travel)
<Captain_Bartholemue> failed by 3, even with Foresight
<Flavion> "Saving Dardanelles is beyond our scope even at best speed."
<Zinegata> Well, this is an isolated system with almost zero significance. So it's not exactly well charted
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<Zinegata> <Furion> That may be true, Flavion. But if the warp signature is there, we need to investigate if the Hulk is there.
<Attilas> "If we can't reach them in time we should strive to send word to other nearby systems."
<Brother_Virgilus> Or other ships
<Zinegata> <Furion> Our primary objective is to recover the Hulk. Saving Dardanelles would be welcome.
<Zinegata> <Furion> We can send a message to Delta Sigma Station. Hopefully, Battlefleet Saint Cyr can gather up more ships.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Moreover... I think if we get there within 3 days, I doubt that Dardanelles would have been completely overwhelmed by 'nids by then.
<Attilas> "I think sending a signal to Delta Sigma Station would be wise. Let others know of the warp signature and we may even gain new allies in our search."
<Magos_Daelus> I concur. Send the message; we will need any assistance we can get, and to do otherwise would doom the people of an Imperial world.
<Zinegata> <Furion> 'nids work fast, but 10 million people take a while to digest. And even an insignificant world like Dardanelles should have a PDF
<Flavion> [Hey I thought we were in this for the money heheh]
<Zinegata> (Technically, Flav is in it for the Emperor, Storm trooper

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<Captain_Bartholemue> (I know I'm in it for the money)
<Flavion> [ok ok, _you guys_

<Brother_Virgilus> [yeah your in for the money, but I sign the credit chit]
<Zinegata> (Virg technically does!)
<Flavion> [brb for a sec. Bit parched]
<Zinegata> (So, send the message to Delta Sigma, with orders to relay to BF Saint Cyr?)
<Attilas> (Yeah.)
<Brother_Virgilus> [more to any close ships that might get caught by the hulk]
<Zinegata> (Sending to Delta Sigma would be automatic success, but asking for any ship in the area may take more of a check)
<Brother_Virgilus> [it is more of a warning]
<Zinegata> (Ah. Will you broadcast to all ships, just military ships, or fighting warships?)
<Attilas> (All ships with a side of pass it on.)
<Captain_Bartholemue> (just general broadcast, all channels)
<Brother_Virgilus> [military ships, with an order to retransmit to keep other ships away]
<Zinegata> <Furion> Ergh... I think Brother Vigilus' method may be better. We don't want to panic the whole system by transmitting "The 'nids are coming!"
<Zinegata> *the whole sector
<Attilas> "I had thought to simply have people report if they saw the signal, no word of why."
<Zinegata> <Furion> ... You're aware that it may lead other elements to the Warp signal...
<Magos_Daelus> We have already located the signal, at this stage having more people look for it might be counterproductive.
<Brother_Virgilus> But that betrays those who need to be aware of what to prepare for. [@ Attilas]
<Zinegata> <Furion> According to my brief there are Ork pirates and Chaos raiders scattered around this sector.
<Magos_Daelus> I believe warning of the threat to Dardanelles is sufficient; that will bring Imperial military aid and discourage anyone else from coming to the system.
<Brother_Virgilus> And as an Inquistion matter, it should not be published beyond need to know.
<Attilas> "I was worrying that we may lose the signal and need to have aid in finding it, I will defer to those who know more on these matters."
<Zinegata> (So... send only to military ships?)
<Magos_Daelus> (Yes)
<Captain_Bartholemue> (Sounds good to me)
<Brother_Virgilus> [Yes]
<Zinegata> (Transmited.)
<Vax> of course we are looking at a possible invasion of an imperial world by xenos...
<Zinegata> (Now, will you head over to the Dardanelles?)
<Brother_Virgilus> [if we're lucky in the warp]
<Flavion> [The transmission said 'raining'.]
<Magos_Daelus> (yes)
<Flavion> [So it's already underway]
<Flavion> [Oh and yes]
<Zinegata> (Righto...)
<Zinegata> The ships begin their journey to the Dardanelles...
<Zinegata> With each passing moment the rescued astropath becomes more tense, and repeats her ominous warning of "The devouring one" with greater rapidity
<Zinegata> On the second day of the journey however, comes good news:
<Attilas> (Does she have a name?)
<Zinegata> (Dalia Jalinttan)
<Attilas> "Dalia, we're hunting down the Xeno
<Zinegata> The Imperial Cruiser "No More Laments" has responded to your transmission. Though she is returning from a recent combat deployment, the cruiser can reach the Dardanelles within 7 days and will support the effort
<Zinegata> Dalia looks at Attilas
<Attilas> *the Xeno's that hurt you. Are you going to be able to handle getting near them again?"
<Zinegata> <Dalia> No... the Xeno is... hunting _us_
<Zinegata> <Dalia> I... can handle it. But you too... shall know the fear...
<Vax> moves over to Dalia and offers to help her relax a bit, by sharing his music, it helps, he says
<Attilas> "That may be true, but sometimes we have to face fear."
<Flavion> [Dalia's not on the bridge is she?]
<Zinegata> (Nah, in her own isolated room)
<Attilas> (I moved her to the bridge of my ship.)
<Zinegata> (NM >_>)
<Zinegata> (On the bridge yes)
<Flavion> [Ok, just wondering if I should weigh in]
<Zinegata> Finally, early on the 3rd day... you finally reach the Dardanelle system...
<Vax> gets suited up
<Zinegata> And you finally get a glimpse of... "The Kraken"
<Attilas> roll 1d100 (Augery test)
<Azathoth> Attilas rolls 1d100 (Augery test) --> [ 1d100=48 ]{48}
<Flavion> [Did No More Lament transmit what they were bringing?]
<Zinegata> Attilas-> The inhabitted world in this system is Dardanelle IV. It is a small, temperate world.
<Zinegata> It *should* have no moon according to the Star Charts... but now... it _does_
<Attilas> (I beat the needed score by 2 degrees.)
<Zinegata> You detect a massive object using your augeries, and it's orbitting Dardanelle IV. It's roughtly the same size as the Hulk, as noted by the "Decisive Action"'s cogitators...
<Flavion> [That's no moon... that's a ...]
<Zinegata> Also... you are detecting thousands of tinier objects... that are landing on the Imperial world
<Zinegata> The Vox starts crackling with scattered transmissions and static
<Attilas> "Looks like we've found our hulk, and our Xenos... I've never fought these Xenos in space, but my ships weapons are coming online as we speak."
<Brother_Virgilus> [we should open up on the landings]
<Zinegata> (Would you guys want to close in on the planet?)
<Captain_Bartholemue> (The entire planet needs to be purged now, and we havn't got the firepower to do it)
<Vax> why get that close? im sure we can find some asteroids around to fling
<Zinegata> <Furion> *whistles* I've seen a splinter fleet in action before, but this is the first time I've seen the 'nids use a Hulk to invade a world...
<Brother_Virgilus> [rocks are not free]
<Attilas> "Asteroids aren't free Vax, they cost us fuel."
<Vax> and getting close to that could cost the ship
<Zinegata> (Heh. I'm glad that people read that sidebar on using asteroids)
<Vax> doesnt know ic or ooc about that, so >>
<Magos_Daelus> I do not see that we have an option but to close with the Hulk if we are to complete this mission.
<Brother_Virgilus> [is a famous 40k article]
<Zinegata> Attilas begins detecting that some of the little objects are exploding before they reach the atmosphere
<Flavion> Hopefully their 'deployment' have depleted a good number of them off of it.
<Magos_Daelus> As for the planet, we might be able to strike large clusters of tyranids from orbit, but I do not think we have the manpower to make a significant difference on the ground.
<Zinegata> There seems to be some ground-to-space fire shooting down some of the 'nids
<Brother_Virgilus> Get close, if the PDF can hold them off our ships should do a lot of good.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Hmmm... the PDF's apparently still active.
<Captain_Bartholemue> I see no reason to make planetfall. Boarding the Hulk, maybe.
<Vax> just shrugs, "ill just fry em up"
<Zinegata> <Furion> The planet's not yet completely overrun.
<Attilas> "I understand, but we've got to get close to recover that Hulk anyway," To the bridge crew, "Get ready for battle men, I want weapons online, void shields at maximum, and engines running at full thrust."
<Captain_Bartholemue> Over the ships Vox* Combat stations everyone
<Zinegata> The crew responds to their Captain and man their stations
<Attilas> Sending a vox message to the PDF, "You're not alone, continue fighting on the ground while we test the enemy in space."
<Zinegata> <Furion> Right. I'll tell the boys to get ready for 'nid combat
<Zinegata> Attilas-> You're not sure if the vox can get through at this range. There's a lot of interference
<Attilas> "Dalia, can you aid my signal in reaching the planet? I know the Xenos are going to make it hard, but that PDF needs to know we're here."
<Zinegata> <Dalia> I will... try...
<Zinegata> roll d100
<Azathoth> Zinegata rolls d100 --> [ 1d100=12 ]{12}
<Zinegata> <Dalia> ... I... believe I have sent the message.
<Zinegata> Sensors detect that the ground-to-space fire has intensified
<Attilas> "Thank you, I have some idea of how difficult that must have been."
<Vax> question, what if we got on a smaller ship and headed around and hit that hulk in the rear while this ship is drawing their attention? would that work or no?
<Captain_Bartholemue> Attilas? Don't let those things infest my ship
<Attilas> "I'll do my best Captain. The Good Fortune is a wise and nimble vessel."
<Zinegata> (So, close in?)
<Brother_Virgilus> [do it]
<Zinegata> (Righto!)
<Zinegata> As you close in... the Vox signals start getting through...
<Brother_Virgilus> [get closer, i want to hit them with my sword]
<Zinegata> <Vox> This is Colonel Asherban, of the Dardanelles PDF. Imperial warships. We have received your message. Please respond.
<Captain_Bartholemue> (we can teleport you right to them if you're that eager

<Zinegata> <Asherban> Imperial Warships. Please respond *sound of gunfire in the background*
<Attilas> "This is Attilas Eichmann, helmsman and commander of the God Fortune, we here you Asherban."
<Attilas> *hear
<Vax> sounds good to me, not like i do much in ship combat anyways>>
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Good Fortune? Heh, good to hear from you.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> How many ships are coming to assist us? How many troops?
<Attilas> "Not so many as you would like, we're but two raiders. We will do what we can to assist."
<Brother_Virgilus> Colonel Achesherban, this is Brother Virgilus. We are two rouge trader vessels requisition to Inquisiton servce, a cruiser is coming in 5 days.
<Captain_Bartholemue> (Are we recieving this as a broadcast or is it just to The Good Fortune?)
<Zinegata> <Asherban> By the Emperor, just two raiders?! And a cruiser in FIVE days?!
<Zinegata> (You're all getting this)
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Our situation is desperate! Most of the smaller towns and hamlets have been overrun!
<Brother_Virgilus> Your lucky as it is, we are going to attempt to cut of the landings.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Our remaining forces are concentrated around the capital, where our laser batteries can still shoot down the incoming Xenos landers!
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Sir, even if we cut off the landings, there are already significant 'nid forces on the planet.
<Brother_Virgilus> *off
<Zinegata> <Asherban> We desperately need aid.
<Attilas> To his crew, "Men, prepair to dodge Xeno's weapon fire and shoot down their landing craft. It's a small help, but we can try."
<Flavion> The capital will be our best bet with what we have if we are to send anyone down there.
<Zinegata> As you come closer, you find (fortunately) that the Xenos are almost exclusively using spores to drop on the planet
<Brother_Virgilus> We understand that colonel. We expect more help, but do not have any yet. We can direct an orbital cleansing of the occupied zones once we establish control of space.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Sir, if we don't begin some orbital cleansing now, even the capital is doomed.
<Captain_Bartholemue> Attilas, again, don't let your conscience get the better of your judgement...
<Zinegata> <Asherban> We have detected large concentrations to the north and south. They are preying on the refugee convoys. if they begin to attack us directly, we've be overrun in hours...
<Attilas> "Captain, the more spores we down the less they have when we raid the hulk."
<Brother_Virgilus> As it is we are going to try to get a company of stormtroopers down to your position. Furrion prepare your men. Captain get the guns firing according to ground control.
<Zinegata> <Furion> ... Right down on the capital, sir?
<Brother_Virgilus> use your best jugment, captain
<Zinegata> <Furion> Begging your pardon sir, but that might not be the wisest course of action. Like the Colonel mentioned, we need to destroy the massing group of 'nids in he north and south of the capital.
<Attilas> "If you're landing on the planet then I'll provide orbital support. As good as I am on the ground lances beat lightning any day."
<Flavion> A bombardment on the 'Nid packs would do them better.
<Magos_Daelus> And then we could retain the stormtroopers for our own use on the hulks.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Exactly, Flavion. Send my teams down to the refugee convoys.
<Captain_Bartholemue> Sending them to the convoys will do no good
<Brother_Virgilus> All true, but we need the ground not to panic, sending a little help now will we prepare to take the hulk is our best bet.
<Captain_Bartholemue> We can drop them at the capitol to aid in it's defense, I will then join Attilas in trying to stem the the invasion
<Zinegata> <Furion> My intention is to send in two teams in areas where the 'nids are massing.
<Brother_Virgilus> Colonel is there an Orbital battery that we can retake?
<Zinegata> <Furion> And we can help call in accurate targetting coordinates.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Negative. The only laser batteries we have are in the capital.
<Attilas> The Good Fortune is maneuvering into weapons range to fire lances down into the swarms, once she arrives a vox message is sent asking, "Where should my weapons fire for best effect.
<Zinegata> <Furion> As much as I'd like to simply lance away, that'd kill thousands of civilians.
<Captain_Bartholemue> And?
<Zinegata> <Furion> Again, I request permission to send a team down there. We can accurately relay target information.
<Captain_Bartholemue> there will be millions of Xenos on that planets surface in a matter of days
<Attilas> "The civillians are dead anyway, we need to thin those numbers on the ground to help this world. If not why worry about the planet at all, the hulk is our goal."
<Brother_Virgilus> Furion send your men to reinforce the command center, and to call down the get us the targeting info we need.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Colonel Asherban, this is Captain Furion of the VGH Stormtroopers. Do you have Valkyries we can borrow?
<Zinegata> Okay, Mission Path Selection Time:
<Zinegata> Select Primary Objective:
<Zinegata> "Secure Space Hulk"
<Zinegata> Or "Aid in Planetary Defense"
<Captain_Bartholemue> *Closed Vox between only my ships* The Tyranids are after the planet, we are after the Hulk. Is there any reason not to let the Tyranids take the planet while we raid the Hulk, and then purge the planet in five days time?
<Brother_Virgilus> [vote]
<Flavion> [Do we even know how many Xenos are still on the Hulk?]
<Captain_Bartholemue> (I should have worded that better. Am I being ordered to assist in planetary defense by those holding the purse strings?)
<Zinegata> Flavion-> The Hulk is spweing put tons of them, so yeah
<Attilas> "I think that we should down what we can on route to the hulk and have our ships fire lances while we explore within the belly of the beast."
<Zinegata> (Bart-> You're not required to assit. I'm asking your priorities)
<Flavion> [Heh so either way, we're going to be seeing a lot of action]
<Zinegata> (Exactly Flav)
<Brother_Virgilus> [i know that the =I= would like the hulk first and foremost, but I don't want to abbandon the planet]
<Zinegata> <Furion> Well sir, I would prefer to be sent down to do what we can to assist. And having some lances raining down on our target coordinates could save millions.
<Brother_Virgilus> [so I guess that we should send just enough men down to the planet to courdinate the Lances, will we go to the Hulk]
<Vax> two sides: secure the hulk is securing the planet, however, at what cost? and is it worth it>>
<Attilas> (I doubt that we have the numbers to do much, we could attempt to use the teleportarium to save the ranking command and planetary government out though.)
<Zinegata> <Furion> But if you wish to assault the Hulk, I'd best be part of the boarding team along with my Stormtroopers
<Brother_Virgilus> *while
<Zinegata> <Furion> As you can see, it's a massive Hulk. And you'll need my men to setup blocking positions all over the Hulk.
<Captain_Bartholemue> (I think that company of stormtroopers would be much more effective on the Hulk where they can actually make a difference
<Attilas> "Why don't we save the military command and government with the teleportarium and then attack the hulk?"
<Zinegata> (Evacuating high-ranking officials would be helpful)
<Magos_Daelus> Doing so might have a negative impact on the morale of the defenders, though I'm sure the officials would appreciate the rescue.
<Brother_Virgilus> Yes the company would be best in the hulk, I just want some of Furion's men to volunteer to go to the planet to call down the orbital fire.
<Captain_Bartholemue> (Helpful to who exactly? and I'd like to keep that Teleporter ready to get us out of the Hulk
<Captain_Bartholemue> (If we use it to teleport the government out we're stuck waiting for it to cooldown)
<Attilas> "This world is doomed anyway, our megre forces can't help when a PDF numbering many thousands has already fallen. We teleport them and wait until it is safe to sue again before we enter the hulk."
<Zinegata> (Helpful to you guys coming out looking shinier)
<Magos_Daelus> (Yeah, the Inquisition may be a bunch of bastards but someone's gonna frown on the Rogue Trader who left a planet to die so he could get some phat lewtz.)
<Zinegata> ("The world died, but at least we saved the nobles!")
<Brother_Virgilus> (Don't save the nob's yet, only if we can at the last minute.)
<Brother_Virgilus> [only do so at the last minute*]
<Zinegata> (So, gentlemen, have you decided on your priority?)
<Brother_Virgilus> [hulk]
<Attilas> (The world is pretty doomed anyway, really what good will a handful of heroes and a small company of guard do? If we get the nobels and military command out we save valuable knowledge that will help other worlds better fight off the swarm.)
<Attilas> (Hulk)
<Captain_Bartholemue> (The Inquisition ordered us to secure the Hulk)
<Zinegata> <Furion> ... Very well. As you command.
<Magos_Daelus> (Hulk unless someone can come up with a real way for us to make a difference on the planet. Having a few spotters call in lance strikes seems like the best option there, but do we need everyone for that?)
<Zinegata> <Furion> ... In that case, may I suggest that we let the Hulk simply keep dropping Spores on the planet?
<Captain_Bartholemue> (I doubt they would look kindly on the Rogue Trader suffering a pang of conscience and trying to save the plebs)
<Attilas> (We should grab them now and allow more nids to land before we reach the hulk.)
<Brother_Virgilus> kill them once they land.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Tell the PDF to give the 'nids as much hell as possible, distract the 'nids and cause them to land more troops on the planet
<Captain_Bartholemue> (They're going to put the planet to exterminatus anyways, we would be stalling on our original orders)
<Zinegata> <Furion> Sir, I suggest we do not even employ lance strikes.
<Zinegata> <Furion> As of now the 'nids don't seem to know of our presence yet. If we start aiding the planet... they might stop the landings and hit us instead.
<Zinegata> <Furion> IF we are to let a world die, we may as well let them take on the bulk of the infestation.
<Attilas> "Furion has a point."
<Magos_Daelus> Hmm.
<Brother_Virgilus> No captain. Let one of the ships fire on the ground, then retreat we can operate off of one ship for now, and it might distract the landings.
<Magos_Daelus> A moment.
<Magos_Daelus> (Do we know how long it was from when the hulk appeared to when it warped out again?)
<Attilas> "Dalia, can you search for the least infested place on the hulk for us to land? Find where the Xenos warp signature seems weakest."
<Brother_Virgilus> *retreat. We
<Zinegata> (Daelos-> Around 2 weeks)
<Captain_Bartholemue> We came here for the Hulk. This world will be one of the many sacrifices made to carry out the Will of the Emperor.
<Zinegata> (Oh, wait, you mean from appearance to warp out? About a week. It then took 2 weeks to reappear)
<Magos_Daelus> (yeah was trying to figure out what our chances are of saving the planet & recovering the hulk, but I don't think we can rely on the hulk having a schedule)
<Zinegata> <Dalia> We will require detailed scans of the Hulk. This may take a few hours.
<Zinegata> <Dalia> It would be best if a Tech-Priest compare this data to the existing data we gathered from the Decisive Action
<Magos_Daelus> Certainly.
<Attilas> Attilas starts a detailed scan using the Augers.
<Zinegata> <Furion> Again sir, attacing a Hulk is a dicey business. I'd prefer not to stir up a hornet's nest while we scan for its weakness.
<Attilas> roll 1d100
<Azathoth> Attilas rolls 1d100 --> [ 1d100=88 ]{88}
<Zinegata> <Furion> Best that we let the Hulk keep its attention on the planet. Then we can strike it at the right moment and kill the Kraken for good.
<Attilas> (I liked the other bot better.)
<Magos_Daelus> (I'm withholding judgement until I have to shoot something)
<Zinegata> (Attilas-> It's gonna take you most of the day to fully scan the hulk)
<Brother_Virgilus> Magos, how about simply trying to find the remains of the frigate?
<Attilas> "This scan will be slow, but we need to know what we're getting into. I suggest we wait until our scan is finished to attack."
<Zinegata> (The other half of the Decisive Action you mean?)
<Brother_Virgilus> [yes]
<Zinegata> (You'll need to do a full scan and compare vs the original cogitator data to find where it is now

<Magos_Daelus> The Decisive Action was torn in half. We cannot even be certain that the other half became part of the hulk rather than being lost in the warp.
<Attilas> "The Augers aboard the Good Fortune can scan this, but it is slow going. Between Dalia and myself I think we can get a good picture of what's going on though."
<Magos_Daelus> Further, the hulk is a massive conglomerate of broken vessels -- it will take some time to review the records to know where to start looking.
<Brother_Virgilus> Magos I'll differ to your greater knowledge.
<Brother_Virgilus> As it is I would prefer to fight the Xeno as soon as possible.
<Attilas> "Why fight them sooner Brother? Better to let the hulk empty as much as we can before infilitrating."
<Captain_Bartholemue> We didn't survive this long by jumping in blind, I'd like those scans
<Flavion> [Would it be too farfetch to presume the Hulk will just drop and go and thus waiting may not be a good idea]
<Attilas> (It hasn't been here that long. We've got a few days.)
<Zinegata> (Scans aren't picking up a lot of energy signatures, nor the warp signals)
<Magos_Daelus> Previously, the hulk remained in real space for a week before warping back out. However, I doubt we can rely on the thing keeping to a fixed schedule.
<Brother_Virgilus> It is the principal of it. Those men on the planet don't have a choice whne to fight so why should the protectors of mankind get to choose to delay a fight?
<Zinegata> (That much at least you know from surface scans)
<Brother_Virgilus> *when
<Magos_Daelus> And that is a massive amount of hulk to search in that amount of time.
<Zinegata> <Furion> ... Well, how about a compromise?
<Zinegata> <Furion> How long before the scans will be complete Atilla?
<Attilas> "The scans will take the better part of a day if we want any detail in them."
<Attilas> "I'd be willing to assault the moment they're done."
<Zinegata> <Furion> One day. We provide as much ground support as we can for one day.
<Zinegata> <Furion> One ship can continue scanning, while the other supports our efforts.
<Captain_Bartholemue> The Protectors of mankind, which we are not, have the responsibility to utilise their resources effectively for the good of the entire Imperium.
<Brother_Virgilus> Captain, [furion] it would be a pleasure.
<Attilas> "My ship is the better to scan with, I would ask that we rescue as much of the planetary government and high ranking military as we can in our day."
<Captain_Bartholemue> In my case, that means these ships
<Zinegata> <Furion> In that timeframe, i believe we can do a lot of good.
<Zinegata> <Furion> And as long as our scanning ship remains silent and distant, we can make sure the 'nids keep their focus on the ground.
<Brother_Virgilus> Bartholemue, you forget you have been hired by the protectors of mankind. That makes you as much one of us as any.
<Captain_Bartholemue> Ok, I still maintain that dropping our stormtroopers and then picking them up in 24 hours is a poor idea
<Zinegata> <Furion> Heh. Don't want to join in the 'nid hunting fun, Captain?
<Captain_Bartholemue> granted, my point was that the protectors of mankind are responsible to do it effectively, just as it is my responisbility to protect my crew
<Zinegata> <Furion> Planetary nobles can be real generous when you save their asses you know. And many of them are rather... sexy.
<Attilas> "We have a teleportarium for that Furion."
<Zinegata> <Furion> We may not need to use a teleportarium though. We can land on some shuttles.
<Captain_Bartholemue> I don't want to lose our entire company on a suicide mission, though I do understand that they are not under my command
<Zinegata> <Furion> The capital spaceport is still active. And Asherban mentioned he still has Valkyries.
<Captain_Bartholemue> (would my ships scanners be strong enough to target the largest masses of 'nid on the planet?)
<Zinegata> <Furion> So we can land via shuttle, and then do some on-planet ass-kicking with the Valkyries.
<Zinegata> (Bart-> They would, but again it'd vaporize a lot of people and it wouldn't be as accurate without a ground team)
<Brother_Virgilus> Bart... you do not have to come with us. Furion are your men ready?
<Zinegata> <Furion> Always.
<Captain_Bartholemue> (as a player I want to as much as everyone else

<Zinegata> <Furion> They always like playing hero to some pretty noble in distress who'll give us extra pay and a nice time in a quiet room.
<Attilas> "Can we use the teleportarium to rescue whiloe we also use other forces to make rescues as well? Use the archeotech to get people out of the worst situations."
<Brother_Virgilus> [oh but isn't it great to stay in character? This has been great]
<Zinegata> (I'm trying to get Bart hooked by "Sex and money" rewards

<Attilas> (I already have an astropath so I'm happy already. xD)
<Captain_Bartholemue> (could we take the entire ship into the atmosphere and make runs along the refugee lines, scooping up entire refugee caravans into the ships hold, while making 'nids explode with massive spaceship sized weapons?)
<Zinegata> (Sorry, this isn't a Terran battlecruiser

<Magos_Daelus> "I do not believe I can move enough people with the teleporter to make a difference to the bulk of the refugees. If there are particular targets to be teleported out, that would be more likely, though again I would need to know where to find them."
<Captain_Bartholemue> (I'm thinking along the lines of what they did in "Serenity")
<Zinegata> <Furion> More the reason to send in a ground team
<Attilas> "Even raiders are big in 40k.)
<Magos_Daelus> (You're going to offer Virgilus the Inquisition's money back, and when he refuses, kick him into an engine intake?)
<Zinegata> (Yep. Shuttles, maybe. But not a raider)
<Brother_Virgilus> [that is what the Valks are for]
<Zinegata> (Indeed. Valks are gunships)
<Flavion> [So let's get it all going?]
<Zinegata> (So, land on ze planet?)
<Zinegata> (Atilas/Daelos, you can join in the landing you know. The scans can be mostly automated)
<Attilas> (I'm going to stay behind to continue the scans and provide lance fire should it be required.)
<Zinegata> (And Dalia can handle it for you)
<Flavion> [Is it just Furion and his company plus Space Marine or all of us?]
<Captain_Bartholemue> (Keep the ship in geosnycronous orbit, take landing crafts to the surface?)
<Magos_Daelus> (Yeah trying to figure out what possible use a tech priest is on this and drawing a blank)
<Attilas> (Fine, I do want to engage in some space combat though.)
<Zinegata> (Okay, so who's landing, and who wants to be mission control in charge of the big gun?)
<Captain_Bartholemue> (THe ship can be left under command of an officer, with orders to fire on our soordinates)
<Zinegata> *big guns
<Zinegata> <Furion> Might want to have some Cog boys come with us. Those are PDF Valks and Emperor knows how badly maintained they are.
<Magos_Daelus> (My first thought was that I should be working the guns, then I thought back to the hellgun incident and had to seriously question if I should be allowed anywhere near the batteries)
<Attilas> (I'd love to play mission control if that's not to hard to run.)
<Brother_Virgilus> [Azathoth has been far crueler than Belldandy]
<Zinegata> (Having a ground team and a mission control team is easy enough)
<Flavion> [I'll join the ground team]
<Flavion> [If it wasn't obvious already]
<Zinegata> (This is why you sacrifice little animals and offer it to the Dice God/Goddess)
<Magos_Daelus> Very well.
<Attilas> (Then Dalia and I will stay up and provide orbital support.)
<Zinegata> (Righto)
<Zinegata> So, team composition:
<Zinegata> Ground Team: Bart, Flav, Vax, Daelus, Virg, Stormies
<Zinegata> Mission Control: Attilas
<Zinegata> ==== Mission Objectives =====
<Zinegata> Primary Objective: Destroy Tyranid North Group
<Zinegata> Primary Objective: Destroy Tyranid South Group
<Zinegata> Secondary Objective: Rescue Planetary Officials
<Zinegata> Secondary Objective: Protect Refugee Convoys
<Zinegata> ===== Mission Start =====
<Zinegata> <Furion> Alright boys! It's a wonderful war! Mount up!
* Zinegata starts playing Starship Troopers music
<Flavion> [Haha, yea funny, heheh]
<Flavion> [How far are the two groups from each other?]
<Zinegata> (An atmosphere's worth?)
<Magos_Daelus> (I think he means the tyranid groups)
<Zinegata> Attilas, do a piloting check to see how well you "drop" the troops
<Zinegata> (Oh. You'll have an in-planet brief)
<Flavion> [k]
<Attilas> (Using Lucky, no need to test because threshold is so low I can't fail.)
<Attilas> roll 1d100
<Azathoth> Attilas rolls 1d100 --> [ 1d100=90 ]{90}
<Attilas> Re rolling with lucky
<Attilas> roll 1d100
<Azathoth> Attilas rolls 1d100 --> [ 1d100=21 ]{21}
<Zinegata> Attilas makes a perfect maneuver, dropping the team expertly without having the drop troops - and the ship - noticed by the 'nids yet
<Attilas> "See you on the otherside, my the Emperor smile upon you all."
<Flavion> The Emperor Protects
<Zinegata> <Stormtrooper Beside Flavion> Shit, I hate this part... *pukes*
<Attilas> (Should I be commanding from the Good Fortune or The Royal Fortune
<Zinegata> It is a quick drop to the planet, and you reach the airspace over the capital without incident)
<Attilas> ?)
<Zinegata> (Up to you)
<Zinegata> And from below... you can see the city in total Chaos
<Zinegata> *chaos
<Attilas> (I'll be aboard the Good Fortune with Dalia then.)
<Zinegata> There's gunfire and shooting everywhere, as PDF troops fight off the occassional Spore pods that have landed within the city
<Zinegata> From both the north and south, you see large numbers of... purple.
<Zinegata> *large masses of
<Zinegata> The shuttles then land, and you are met on the tarmac by a grim-looking Tallern officer
<Zinegata> *Tallarn
<Zinegata> <Colonel Asherban> ... Welcome to Dardanelles. We th... By the Emperor. An... Astartes?!
<Brother_Virgilus> Captain we need to get into the fray as fast as posible. Tommorow we expect to take the fight to the Xenos in space.
* Zinegata shines the spotlight on the party, as they do their Big Damn Heroes walk to the gawking PDF troops
<Zinegata> <Asherban> ... Ye... Yes sir! We have ten Valkyrie gunships ready for your use.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> What is our plan of action for the day?
<Flavion> [looks on at Furion, you know his CO]
<Flavion> [:P]
<Attilas> Over the Vox, "What kind of forces do you have down there?"
<Zinegata> (Asherban is looking mainly at the Astartes, actually)
<Brother_Virgilus> I believe that we should hit the hordes attacking the convoy first, distracting them in the rear guard.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Currently we have 10,000 troops in the city. Mostly green troops, but they're firmed up by about 1,000 veteran Tallarn troopers who were recently settled here.
<Brother_Virgilus> But I am willing to listen to suggestions from any who have some.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> We have two major hordes attacking convoys. There is a group in the north, and another in the south.
*** Django_Kagato is now known as Amos
<Flavion> [Hmmm, coooookies]
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Although to call them a "group" is a bit of a misnomer. The Tyranids are... cunning. They're spread out, and using cover to good effect. I suspect it's a means of avoiding being hit too badly by artillery or orbital bombardment
<Zinegata> <Asherban> If your ships could direct accurate fire on them via spotters, we'd be in very good shape. Also, if you can destroy some of their Big Ones, we stand a better chance.
<Attilas> "If you attack their flanks and try to bunch them up it'll make my guns more effective."
<Zinegata> <Furion> ... Hmm. You see to know your stuff Asherban. You do some bug hunting before?
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Yes, did some years as part of the campaign against Hive Fleet Behemoth before they retired me here.
<Attilas> "Even if not get me th coordinates and I'll fry whatever you please."
<Magos_Daelus> Are there any terrain features where we could place spotters in relative safety?
<Zinegata> <Asherban> The northern area is a hilly country. Lots of nice hills to plant spotters on.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> The southern area is dotted by small villages. Most have been abandoned, but you can probably post troops in some of the village buildings and call in hellfire.
<Magos_Daelus> Any terrain features to the north that might cause the tyranids to bunch up?
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Not much. But we have identified some possible groups containing "Big Ones".
<Brother_Virgilus> >Magos (private vox) could you examine the valks before we set out? If any are going to give out on us we need to know.
<Attilas> "Can we use gunships as spotters?"
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Take them out, and the little ones are more likely to bunch together around the few surviving big ones.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Making them easier to nuke
<Magos_Daelus> I will go examine the ships. I do not know how well they will serve against tyranid fliers.
<Zinegata> <Furion> *shakes head* I'd rather be on the ground if I'm gonna be calling in a target.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Well, if it makes you feel any better we haven't seen a lot of fliers yet.
<Magos_Daelus> <vox to Virgilus> Quite.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Just little skittering ones and gun-totting big ones
<Zinegata> Daelus-> A PDF trooper leads you to the Valks. You may roll your check
<Magos_Daelus> roll d100 (tech use, 66int +10 MIU +20 skills)
<Azathoth> Magos_Daelus rolls d100 (tech use, 66int +10 MIU +20 skills) --> [ 1d100=91 ]{91}
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Still, we don't have any artillery, just small arms and a few heavy weapons. But some orbital bombardment shots will do wonders.
<Zinegata> (... Azathoth is a monster >_>)
<Magos_Daelus> (...I'm cursed.)
<Zinegata> Daelus-> You find the Valks in surprisingly excellent condition. A female Tech Priest appears and smiles smugly at you
<Zinegata> <Female Tech Priest> The entire squadron is ready for your use, Magos. I have been diligent with appeasing their machine-spirits.
<Magos_Daelus> *makes the cog symbol with his hands* So I see.
<Brother_Virgilus> [I think we should hit the southern groups first, any objections?]
<Zinegata> <Female Tech Priest> *returns the gesture, and fishes out a ration bad from her pockets* A snack?
<Magos_Daelus> No, thank you. I despise running for my life on a full stomach.
<Zinegata> <Female Tech Priest> *smirks and takes a bite* Very well Magos. Good luck.
<Magos_Daelus> *gestures at the ships* I commend you for your care of these vessels. I hope you were not offended that I would check on them myself.
<Magos_Daelus> (Eh, come to think of it, I'm not sure tech priests would admit to offended even if they were. Oh well. Hanging out with meat sacks has probably taught me some bad habits.)
<Flavion> Flavion was near the two. "I don't believe this, tech flirting", he muttered
<Zinegata> <Female Tech Priest> Not at all, Magos. Name's Leticia Hart by the way. Most off-worlders think that we're backwater savages, but we do well enough .
<Zinegata> (KEKEKE)
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Well, if you're going south, we've identified a town that seems to have a concentration of Big Ones...
<Brother_Virgilus> Then that could be our first catch of the day.
<Zinegata> (So, team, take the Southern infestation first?)
<Magos_Daelus> I am Korin Daelus. If you will excuse me, I believe my companions are about ready to depart. Omnissiah's blessings on you.
<Flavion> [Yes]
<Zinegata> (Bart?)
<Attilas> (How well can I hear vox chatter from the ground?)
<Zinegata> (Pretty much all of it)
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Um, sir, one last thing...
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Would you mind if we borroed your shuttles while you are deployed?
<Attilas> "Let me know when you find the big ones, the crew has the weapons prepped and we're in range."
<Zinegata> <Asherban> The governor... has been pestering me that he should be evacuated.
*** Captain_Bartholemue has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
<Attilas> On the Vox to the other ship, "Get the teleportarium ready."
<Brother_Virgilus> Tell the governor that we can have the teleport evacuate him now if he wishes.
<Zinegata> <Asherban> And not just the governor. A couple of dozen other nobles and their families as well.
*** Captain_Bartholemue has joined #valhalla
<Attilas> "Colonel, we have a Teleportarium, let us know if anything is too tough to get a shuttle near."
<Captain_Bartholemue> (Sorry, breaker tripped and I lost connection)
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Almost all the nobles are in the capital already. We can just use shuttles to evacuate them.
<Magos_Daelus> I would prefer not to use our teleporter to move the planetary nobles. The shuttles would be a better choice; they can refuel and return after leaving the nobles on the ship.
<Brother_Virgilus> We do want to keep the shuttle ready for our own pull out, But if the nobles are on hand then fine.
<Captain_Bartholemue> I second that, we need to keep the teleportarium for emergency use only
<Attilas> "I have the teleportarium on standby."
<Zinegata> <Asherban> Ah. Good, I will tell the governor immediately. She should be most relieved.
<Brother_Virgilus> [And by pullout I mean so we can take the fight to orbit.]
<Zinegata> Right, so begin operations in the southern villages?
<Attilas> (Valks are also space capable.)
<Magos_Daelus> (Let's go)
<Flavion> [Go]
<Brother_Virgilus> [I thought they were just high altitude.]
<Zinegata> <Furion> Alright boys! Load up!
<Captain_Bartholemue> (I'm sure the ship can meet them somewhere in between)
<Attilas> (No, they changed that. They sued to be, but new fluff says they can make space.)
<Attilas> *used
<Brother_Virgilus> [to the south]
<Zinegata> <Asherban> The suspected villages are Haven, Corinth, and Haptford. I suggest you begin the hunts there. The main refugee convoy is along the Imperial Highway. If you can dispatch some men there, we can also help rescue some civilians
<Zinegata> (Select destination, or will you split up and send your Stormies to widen the search?)
<Magos_Daelus> (No preference)
<Brother_Virgilus> [Ten Valks, 3 per village, one to the highway.]
<Flavion> ]
<Captain_Bartholemue> (might as well, start with the nearest and work out way out? Seems odd, but if we start at the the outside we risk losing all 3)
<Brother_Virgilus> [or two per village two on the highway and 2 in reserve.]
<Zinegata> (BRB in 5 mins, try to figure out how you want to allocate the troops)
<Brother_Virgilus> [But yes if the vilages are closer than some hit the close ones first.]
<Magos_Daelus> (makes sense)
<Flavion> [Wouldn't want to be surrounded either]
<Zinegata> (Haven is the closts BTW, Corinth 2nd closest, Hapt, is 3rdf)
<Captain_Bartholemue> To Haven then?
<Flavion> [Yea, I think we should go to Haven and then keep pushing towards the other towns as we eradicate/bombard them]
<Magos_Daelus> Tactics are not my area of expertise, but your reasoning seems sound.
<Brother_Virgilus> [yeah sounds like a plan, though we should leave a small group for the highway.]
<Flavion> [That too]
<Zinegata> (How many to the highway, and how many with you?)
<Magos_Daelus> (I'd say 2 ships to the highway to make sure they have enough people to actually accomplish something)
<Brother_Virgilus> [at most 3 to the highway, I don't want to be underhanded hunting synapse.]
<Zinegata> <Furion> Three sounds good. They can be spread throughout the convoy and call in fire as needed.
<Attilas> (I hope you plan on spotting those big uns far out, these lances ain't gentle.)
<Zinegata> (Guys, question: Do you mind if we stop here?)
<Zinegata> (The next fight is prolly gonna be big, and it's almost midnight)
<Magos_Daelus> (Sure)
<Brother_Virgilus> [I don't]
<Attilas> (No problem here.)
<Zinegata> (Actually, not prolly. It WILL be a big fight)
<Brother_Virgilus> [mind]
<Flavion> [Yea, I don't mind. I feel like I'm coming down with a cold anyway]
<Captain_Bartholemue> (prepare for action filled episode next week?)
<Magos_Daelus> (sounds like)
<Captain_Bartholemue> (It's 2pm sunday here, I don't care

<Zinegata> (Oks. So next week, at least we have a plan: Scour 3 villages of possible "Big Ones" while fire rains down from the sky.)
<Brother_Virgilus> [Maybe the dicebot won't hate use so much next week. note for posterity: I was originally going to call the dicebot Cain or Ciaphas, but for some reason he wouldn't load at all under those names, fleeing for cover maybe?]
<Zinegata> ~Official Session End~
- Soontir C'boath
- SG-14: Fuck the Medic!
- Posts: 6866
- Joined: 2002-07-06 12:15am
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
Ok, either I may not make it tonight or I may be able to join in the middle if allowed. I am going to be eating dinner with my best friend who I haven't seen in a couple weeks and that trumps over this game even with the bloodfest that is no doubt going to happen.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
Sorry I missed today, the bottem end of my Pajero blew.
Walking isn't a lost art - one must, by some means, get to the garage. ~Evan Esar
Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
Sorry guys, but I'll be dropping out of the campaign. A friend of mine, and some other gaming buddies of his, are getting into EVE with me and Saturday night is one of the few nights we're all able to be on at the same time due to real life scheduling conflicts. I'm also more or less disinterested in the character I'm playing (my own damn fault, admittedly) and it turns out I just don't care much for IRC gaming. I think my attention span is shorter than it was back when I was doing a lot of pen & paper gaming or something.
I've already PMed Zine and told him he can use the Tech Priest as an NPC on one of the ships; he's basically only useful for one or two tech-use rolls a game session, and with the dice rolls I get, he's only questionably useful for those.
Good luck with the campaign.
I've already PMed Zine and told him he can use the Tech Priest as an NPC on one of the ships; he's basically only useful for one or two tech-use rolls a game session, and with the dice rolls I get, he's only questionably useful for those.
Good luck with the campaign.
Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
Ok, no worries. Thank you for playing. 
(And sorry about Azatoth constantly trying to kill the poor Tech Priest >_>)
Next game is still tom if enough people can make it.

(And sorry about Azatoth constantly trying to kill the poor Tech Priest >_>)
Next game is still tom if enough people can make it.
- Agent Sorchus
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
I'll say it once more; it isn't my fault, even belldandy didn't like the poor Magos. Azathoth just has more hate for everyone.Zinegata wrote:Ok, no worries. Thank you for playing.
(And sorry about Azatoth constantly trying to kill the poor Tech Priest >_>)
But yeah thanks for playing Jaevric. Hope you have fun with EVE.
the engines cannae take any more cap'n
warp 9 to shroomland ~Dalton
warp 9 to shroomland ~Dalton
- Norade
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
Azathoth likes my Psyker aside from the two rolls for shots that were well away from the group anyway.
School requires more work than I remember it taking...
- Formless
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
Agent Soruchus might not be avaliable today. Something came up last minute. However, he is looking into making sure you guys have a dice bot even if he can't play.
"Still, I would love to see human beings, and their constituent organ systems, trivialized and commercialized to the same extent as damn iPods and other crappy consumer products. It would be absolutely horrific, yet so wonderful." — Shroom Man 777
"To Err is Human; to Arrr is Pirate." — Skallagrim
“I would suggest "Schmuckulating", which is what Futurists do and, by extension, what they are." — Commenter "Rayneau"
"To Err is Human; to Arrr is Pirate." — Skallagrim
“I would suggest "Schmuckulating", which is what Futurists do and, by extension, what they are." — Commenter "Rayneau"
The Magic Eight Ball Conspiracy.
Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
Game tonight was sadly cancelled due to lack of players. Don't worry, resked is next week. Cya all 

- Soontir C'boath
- SG-14: Fuck the Medic!
- Posts: 6866
- Joined: 2002-07-06 12:15am
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Re: Warhammer 40K PnP RPGs - Anyone Interested?
@Kheitain re: messages in the channel.
It was probably going to be a problematic night so it was for the better it didn't happen. Norade didn't show up and our fellow Marine was having connection problems in which he was practically in and out every three minutes.
It was probably going to be a problematic night so it was for the better it didn't happen. Norade didn't show up and our fellow Marine was having connection problems in which he was practically in and out every three minutes.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."