Military intelligence is not a contradiction in terms. 'Central' Intelligence is. Why?Havok wrote: Jesus christ.
They are acting on intelligence that they believe to be accurate.
Because there are three basic rules to intel:
Confirmation (Confirmation, Confirmation)
If you are working off ONE asset then that asset is in fact a liability because you have _no way_ to vet his accuracy or honesty 'except as the enemy chooses to prove it'. And if the moment they choose to reveal that agents double status (as a turned or always-enemy condition) happens to be a battle, you're screwed.
OTOH, if you have ten people in the organization, none of them know each other and they can see INTENT as a trail of evidence that is both documentary and presence based (right assets, right time, right orders) for it to be plausible. Then the bad guys have to be able to 'fake' an entire headquarters/logistics system which is far harder to do, convincingly.
And if it's being done _in theater_, where the military is the dominant force exponent as insertion/recovery/comms agency, then timeliness is not such a big issue.
Exploitability gets to be a bitch when there is ONLY ONE PERSON who 'could've known' about a ops detail that is compromised. The CIA won't let you use that knowledge (half the time, they won't even tell so you can do a 'work around' with other capabilities gaining the intel) if it gets their guy killed becaue it may be another 10-20 year process of 'is he for real?' finding and grooming a replacement.
OTOH, if shit happens and it all blows up in your operators face because he sent a critical piece of intel and -they caught him- because it was (gasp) a context specific bait piece designed to expose whoever was leaking, the military can be _right there_ with a recovery team to bail his sorry ass out.
Which tends to make junior more heroic. And to reinforce the idea that his bit of the puzzle is or is not itself a major piece of disinformation, given, again, someone else sees the exposure op being set up.
Elements of this, along with publically humiliating the Commander In Chief during wartime by stating that 'Iran has no nuclear weapons project' is why the CIA is no longer in charge of prosecuting terrorist threat intel, the military commands now run it directly.
It is also why the military have an automatic institutional bias against any spooks not their own.
Doing something 2-3 times for one individual in say 5 years is not going to get you famous or notorious. It's likely sub-par for the conditions that they are all operating under.Havok wrote: Ackbar is basing his decision to keep the fleet engaged on the reputation of a general that is famous/infamous for coming through at the last minute... REPEATEDLY.
Added to which, Solo got captured at the end of TESB and has spent a year in a coma. That right there should disqualify him for any combat service in a mission critical role.
Furthermore, as of TESB Solo is not even acting within the Rebel command structure. He is 'Captain' Solo merely because he is a ship owner/operator. And after TESB, he's hybernating.
Finally, Ackbar doesn't get to conveniently excuse ignoring his own higher responsibilities based on "Well, I trusted this one guy..." as an excuse.
Inability to keep a broader perspective is NOT what gets you the funny cross-wise hat in the navy.
Having multiple backups to backups to alternatively redundant go-nogo decision points is.
You are a warrior, yes. But you are also an asset-as-risk management specialist. And you have been given the command of the ENTIRE Rebel naval force on the premise of not throwing it away on the notion of ONE GUY being able to accomplish a mission impossible.
'Which you know nothing about'.
Rubbish. The Rebels in the film jump with all of about 12 ships. Only two of which (shown) were Mon Calamari MC-80/80A pickle cruisers of the size of Home 1.Havok wrote: The Rebel fleet has the might to stand up to the Imperial forces, as long as they don't have to deal with the DSII's super laser, which they nullified by moving in to the Imperial fleet's perimeter.
NEITHER of those was itself an original military design but a converted liner. BOTH of which together could not face up to the SSD.
Indeed, the MC80s were not equal to a basic ISD.
According to Expanded Universe material, the peaceful Mon Calamari converted their passenger liners into warships to support the rebellion against the Galactic Empire.[1] Expanded Universe texts state that the ships are crewed almost entirely by Mon Calamari due to the ships' Mon Calamari-oriented controls and interface.[1] The primary opponent of Mon Calamari cruisers are the Imperial Star Destroyers. Although Mon Calamari cruisers are roughly the same size as most Imperial Destroyers, in head-to-head engagements the Mon Calamari cruisers are **usually at a disadvantage, due to their thinner armor**. Even so, Mon Calamari cruisers are still a formidable threat to the Imperial fleet; their large numbers of fighter squadrons, modular weapons systems and overlapping shields make them ideal for **hit-and-run attacks** on Imperial ships, bases, and military outposts.
All the other Frigates and Corvettes shown in the film would not be be able to stand in a slugging match with a single ISD, even as a group.
And there at roughly 15 or so of these ISDs visible, spaced out in a wall formation, while the Wookie page states there were at least 30.
ANY ONE OF WHICH is a match for the best Mon Calamari ships.
Given the force disparities and the lack of decent intel, the entire premise of the attack is getting in with the shield generator already down and attacking a defenseless DSII just long enough to cripple or destroy it before leaving again.
Ackbar's battlegroup is essentially an overmuscled raiding force.
Nowhere is there intent or displayed capability to take on the entire Imperial Fleet.
You don't have to like what I say. But you have to acknowledge one fact: sending in a single recce asset to take a premission snapshot of the wrecked shield generator and pick up a commo squirt confirming the attack is not something that should be that difficult for a 'genius commander' to think up and execute. As a function of managing risk before committing his entire force.
There is simply too much riding on too few shoulders not to take that most basic of precautions.