Patroklos wrote:Where are you getting that nobody knew Vader's background? There is no reason to hide it, his status as a hero of the Republic and slayer of the rebellious Jedi would be an tremendous tool for bothVader and Palpantine to use to their advantage.
If you think Vader just materialized out of thin air to become a leading member of court and the the Emperors right hand man then we are left with evil cartoon cackling again. That might work for a shaddow muscle goon like Darth Maul, but Vader was front and center from day one.
Yeah, sorry, it far better fits Palpatine's character and motives to have Vader as a mythical monster than an old war hero. Time and again in the movies and out, it's pounded into our heads that Palpatine's near sole motive is to rule by fear, and Vader being a masked, caped monster, unrivalled in combat ability, willing to kill at the drop of a hat, at Palpy's beck and call, is far more fearsome then trying to present a 'good' public image as a former war hero.
As for giving the impression that this makes certain characters into cackling despots... well, like it or not, Star Wars *is* based at least somewhat off the whole "good vs. evil" thing, and Palpy's definitely on the evil side. I personally prefer more shades of gray, but I'm not Lucas.
Thats just another plot whole. You are right, Luke should have figured this all out via StarGoogle as soon as he entered mainstream galactic circles. At the very least someone from the Clone War days like Dodanna or Mothma should have said "Skywalker, our new JEDI KNIGHT hero....where have I heard that name before...."
Yeah, but they're also thinking, feeling humans. Sure, they might have known that Vader was Anakin, but they also have to take into consideration: Is it a good idea to tell your bright young hero, possibly the sole hope of the Rebellion, that his father is actually the mass-murdering, legendary right-hand man of Palpatine? Obi knew Luke better than anyone, and he was more than hesitant about this, it's entirely human to withhold information like that for the sake of the recipient's emotional stability.