Anyhow, we move onto the next phaes of 3rd/4th analysis, beucase I still have a fair amount of stuff to do. Next I plan to post is... The Fall of Medusa V. Hard to find it, I dont have it anymore, but I have the notes still here. I believe it was the last actual "campaign" GW has done in a looong time and that was back in what.. 2005-2006? Maybe that's a good thing. Anyhow, here we go:
Page 6
Planetary stats of Medusa V. It's an industrial world, and note the population. It also has its own hives, so technically it could be called a "hive world".Medusa V:
Orb Dist 1.41 AU
1.12G/Temp 9degC
Mining/Industrial World
Tithe Grade: Exactis Tertius
Aestimate: A912
Population: 4,500,000,000
Page 6
Yep. There's a Necron Tomb world in the Medusa system. Coincidence huh?Medusa VII
Orb Dist: 19.18 AU
1.21G/Temp n/a
Dead world
Ordo Xenos Quarantine Level: Gamma
Believed to be a Necrontyr home world, Explorator surveys have proven near
impossible. All life on the planet has been destroyed. Weathering suggests this
has been the case for hundreds of thousands of years.
Page 7
Self explanatory.Medusa IV
Page 7
The Navy and its personnel maintain 3 orbiting spacedocks in the Medusa system.Chigrin 1 - Crimson class space dock
Crew: 2,922 Adeptus Mechanicus personnel
5,000 Imperial Navy security personnel
Armament: laser defence batteries, 16 torpedo tubes
Defences: Class 9 Void Shielding
Notes: one of three space docks orbiting Medusa V Chigrin 1 presents a formidable Imperial Naval presence, in addition ot superb survey equipment (Ref: Enahnced auspex array- Philemon Pardox class.)
Medusa has 10 planets in the system, and this is the eighth (already 25 AU out too). I wonder besides hydrogen what they might consider salvaging from the gas giant?Medusa VIII
Orb dist: 24.98
2.5G/Temp n/a
Gas Giant
Notes: A Gas Giant, the Adpetus Mechanicus postulate its resources could be harvested for industrial purposes. Attempts to investigate further have been aborted. Research vessels have disappeared in dubious circumstances. Fleet command has recommended the curtailment of further investigations.
Page 7
An exmaple of the double edged nature of warp travel and the currents.. some can slow you down or even destroy your ship, while others (or the same ones used in the right way) can greatly boost your travel speed. Shortening warp travel over long distances by months if not years is a considerable feat, and presumably operates over long ranges (thousands/tens of thousands of LY) Considering long range warp travel can already take up to months or years.. this could double or triple travel speed at least.. may even drop it from years to months and months to weeks.The Warp phenomenon known as Van Grothe's Rapidity pulses on the Eastern Fringe of the Imperium. It is a purple glowing whirlpool of destruction that spans light years and spells destruction for those desperate or careless enough to enter it without caution. However, the Rapidity is not without its uses. for though dangerous, it is considered comparatively stable by Mechanicus Observators. It is of incalculable value ot the Explorator fleets and Rogue Traders that regularly pass through this region. When traversed correctly, it can hurl a Warp-borne vessel through the eddies and tides of the ether with such speed that a journey can be shortened by months, if not years. Thanks to this side effect, and its incredibly hazardous nature, the Rapidity has earned itself the moniker of Hell's slingshot.
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Explorators are used to colonize, with aid from Space Marines.So Carral Van Grothe, the original finder of the Warp anomaly, was commissioned to locate a habitable world nearby that coudl serve as a way station and staging point for vessels seeking to make use of it. After extensive searching, a system was located that held two habitable worlds. An Explorator Fleet, under the protection of a Clan Company of the Iron Hands Chapter, began the process of settling the two worlds. In honour of the Iron Hands Space Marines, who began exterminating the indigenous populations, the system was named Medusa, a tribute to their own homeworld.
Page 7
River/Ocean analogies are common in the warp. As far as our purposes go, it suffices.Consider, dear reader, this metaphor to explain how travelling through Warp space works; that of a fast flowing stream. The stream represents Warp space, moving swiftly along its motionless banks, which represent real space. A corpse dropped into the water upstream will not move relative to the water, but is merely carried by it until it lodges at some point downstream from its original location.
Page 8
Capital of Medusa V. A hive with over 1 billion in it.Hive Eurayles:
Planetary Capital
Population: Est 1,300,000,000
Condition: Open revolt
Strategic designation: Crtiical objective
Notes: Population centre and seat of government. Euryales must not fall to the enemy.
Page 8
Promethium refinery.The mission:
Promethium Refinery conglomeration
Population: Est 120,000,000
Condition: Loyal
STragetic designation: Critical objective.
Notes: Providing more than 76% of Medusa V's
Promethium, The Mission on Johannes Island must not fall to the enemy.
Page 8
Only the Primary one, suggesting there may be other lesser choirs.Monastery of Madrigales
Astorpathic choir:
Population: Est 90,000
Condition: Loyal
Stragetic designation: Critical Objective
Notes: Primary Astropathic choir, the Monastery is Medusa V's best means of external communication.
Warning: High threat of malefic manifestation. Ordos Malleus personnel are to defend this location.
Page 8
2 million at the Spaceport. crucial to on and off planet travel.Deimos Spaceport
Mars Class III Spaceport.
Population: Est 2,000,000
Condition: Loyal - Minor rioting
Strategic designation: Critical objective
Notes: without Deimos Spaceport, reinforcements will be unavailable and any withdrawal from Medusa V would prove impossible. The spaceport must not fall to the enemy.
Page 8-9: Note there are a 8 other hives in addition to Eurayles on the map.
Page 10
Dangers of the warp, up to and including warpspace "flooding" into the galaxy.When travelling the ether, a Warp storm might throw a ship off course or, in a best case scenario, delay it. At worst the effects can be far more devastating as the raw stuff of the Warp spills out into the galaxy. To use our example from volume 1, this is roughly equivalent to our corpse passing through an area of the river infested with blood sharks. More than likely the aformentioned predators will tear the cadaver apart in a frenzy, however, there is a small chance it may just be delayed in its journey (a little nibbled around the edges, perhaps.)
Page 10
Another river analogy, this time explaining how warp storms can influence realspace. Not all Warp Storms would do this, or even do it for very long neccesarily, but it is not exactly a rare occurance either. The main danger can come from how unpredictable it can be.The effect of a Warp Storm on the real world is best conveyed if we imagine that the banks of the river have burst, letting the blood sharks and all manner of carnivorous water creatures loose into the area to terrorize and devour the local populace. The example becomes more vivid if we imagine that the blood sharks and their assorted allies have been starved for several days before being goaded into a rage by unseen forces before being unleashed.
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Speed of construction for an Explorator fleet. They apparently built the cities (hives, probably) in months, and presumably shipped colonists in from across the Imperium, which suggests thousands or tens of thousands of LY. For a transport, thousands (or more) LY within a few months or less is damned impressive, esp when they come out on the ass end of nowhere. Of course they might have brought the transports with but that would seem a bit presumptuous.Masters in the art of planetary occupation, the Explorators swiftly brought Medusa IV under the Emperor's rule. Great cities were erected within months, sprawling conglomerations of metal. Huge settlement craft, heaving with civilians drawn from hive worlds across the Imperium brought settlers both willing and reluctant to their new homes.
Also, given living conditions on a Hive world, I can't see how anyone would NOT want to leave one, unless they were insane. Given that it's a hive world.. this is likely.
Page 10
Apparently Warp storm isolation is not an instnat guarantee of PURGE AND CLEAN action from the Imperium at large. And when isolated the place can survive for months or years at a time without problem, it would seem.Serious storms originating from the Rapidity would occasionally flare up, cutting the system off from outside contact, sometimes for months, sometimes for years or decades at a time. On every occasion contact was restored swiftyl once the storm receded, and each time the message from the inhabitans was the same: all was well.
Page 10
Medusa IV had "tens of billions" in hives.. but also apparently had "plentiful food" and a "gentle climate" suggesting that its surface had not yet been reduced to a polluted wasteland. It says something about the enviromental technologies of the Imperium if they can support a populaton that huge, especially factoring in the isolations.Medusa IV became a vast population centre; the plentiful supplies of food and gentle climate assisted its growth and soon tens of billions of humans toiled in vast hives upon its surface. By contrast, Medusa V remained barren. Only a few cities existed, each devoted to mining precious iridium ore and drilling for the promethium that would feed the Imperial fleets berthed at the great space docks around the planet . Hundreds of ships passed through Medusa's space docks: Imperial Navy fleets in need of urgent resupply, Explorator fleets that emptied entire population centres from Medusa IV for resettlement elsewhere and Rogue Traders that needed rations and fuel before daring Hell's Slingshot in an effort to launch themselves further into the east. Though contact was regularly lost with Medusa, its value was recognised by all.
Also, this probably can "technically" be a Hive world, but not in the sense of Armageddon, Necromunda, or the other really big multi hundred billion hive populations.
The "hundreds of ships" bit is interesting.. although it would be neat to know whether they are talking daily, weekly, monthly, annually, or what. Also, one wonders what part of the fleet uses the Promethium and what for. Transports probably is my guess, unless they use promethium to power their plasma reactors

And apparently Medusa IV became a clearinghouse for colonists too, the Explorators would lift up people form here to plant elsewhere.
Page 11
Yep. Chaos got invovled on Medusa IV and caused problems.Overwhelmed and outnumbered [by Chaos cultists], the loyalists sent Astropathic pleas for help.
Only Medusa V was able to answer the call and with admirable bravey and unshakable loyalty to the Emperor, an army of sorts wsa mustered. With no real military force of its own, the meagre Planetary Defence Force recruited thousands fo willing miners and labourers before departing for Medusa Iv on comandeered bulk freighters and supply vessels.
Page 13
By AdMech standards, this is a positively humanitarian act on their part, even if it is motivated more by logic/greed/practicality, and really I can't blame them for not wanting to cripple the sector-wide economy/industry. They got off "millions" of colonists, suggesting significant in-system transport capacity... and eventually Exterminatus was deemed to be the only viable solution.
The Cult Mechanicus and Adeptus Administratum lobbied the Inquisition agents monitoring the schism to suspend the sentence just long enough to allow what faithful citizens remained to be evacuated. Tithe forecasts and resettlement schedules showed the crippling effect leaving them to die would have on industry in the sector, so the Inquisition granted a one-week stay of execution, Millions were loaded onto transports normally used for shipping foodstuffs and a mass exodus of the loyal areas began. While the Ultramarines and the warriors of Medusa V fought a heroic reargard against the endless tide of insanity, those innocents that could be saved were ferried off-world.
Even the holy Astartes could only prevail so long in the face of such overwhelming numbers and unreasoning hate. Finally they too were forced to withdraw, leaving the heretics and remaining civilians to their fate.
PAge 13
Here we are treated to a new Exterminatus weapon, deployed from torpedoes. Basically its similar to virus bombs without the virus - trigger global firestorms sufficient to melt the surface of the planet, slag the hives and likely burn all life to ash. Likely a technobabble means of energy production rather than a brute force bomb (since it doesnt make craters or ejecta), but it still generates masive amounts of energy if it can glass and melt shit, and as side effects no less.A sleek Inquisitorial corvette under the command of Inquisitor Baptiste fired a single salvo of torpedoes at the planet, a deadly payload of atmospheric incinerators. The warheads ignited the oxygen-rich atmosphere of the planet, devouring everything in a blistering conflagration that seared all life from the world, turning metal to molten slag and rock to glass as the Inquisition's fiery judgement took its toll. The planet burned brightly for a whole month, and from the safety of their world, the inhabitants of Medusa V looked on in awe as their neighbor was consumed in purifying flames.
It goes without saying we're talking many billions of megatons at least, possibly (probably?) more.
Also a "corvette" (presumably warp capable) and equipped with torpedoes. SEems to be a private Inquisitor vessel though.
Page 13
again "many millions" saved and repatriated on Medusa V, although given the tremendous economic boost they seem to give the planet, it could arguably be more than that.The new residents of Medusa V arrived from their burning planet by the million, and were welcomed by the waiting agent of the Inquisition. A drawn out process of sreening to root out any heretics amongst the refugees commenced, and many thousands found their way to the pyre as the Inquisition ensured the future purity of Medusa V. Colossal prefabricated cities were hastily erected by the Adpetus Mechanicus, vast structures that could house millions upon millions. Into these, the refugees were hreded in droves, kept separate as a precaution against heresy. These 'refugee cities', grim edifices of metal and stone, gradually found their place within the society of Medusa V, providing an innumerable labour force to work the ore extracted from the planet's crust. In only a few years the planet found itself producing more fuel, metals and suppplies than had ever been dreamed of before.
The prefabricated cities is an interesting tech bit, espcially if they could house millions.. they'd have to be effing huge.
Page 13
Exporting miillions of tonnes of ore (including iridium one assumes.) although again we aren't told whether this is annually, weekly, monthly or what.In the two hundred years since the Schism, Medusa V has continued to thrive as the gateway through Van Grothe's Rapidity, resupplying convoy vessels and exporting millions of tonnes of precious ore to the ever-hungry Imperial Navy and Adeptus Mechanicus.
Page 13
Malleus agents speculate a deliberate triggering of a warp storm by sorcery. Not the first time either.. happened during the first armageddon war I believe, and also Erebus of the Word Bearers (IIRC) did the same during the 13th Black Crusade - although swallowing the whole galaxy is unlikely.The Rapidity has begun to 'boil over', a phenomenon that has left even the wisest of the Imperium's savants and Observators baffled.
Theories as to why the Rapidity is spilling out across the surrounding space vary widely. Some ignorant ore miners suggest that it is attempting to become a second Eye of Terror. Ordo Malleus experts postulate that a Chaos Sorcerer has worked some vile magic upon it, and is attempting to swallow all life in the galaxy. For every plausible reason, there is a dozen insane suggestions and in the end it is all irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that the Rapidity is sprawling through space at a terrifying speed and every outpost and waystation the Warp Storm touches is lost, all signs of life completely eradicated. Adeptus Mechanicus vessels attempting to monitor the Storm have calculated that in a matter of months, if not weeks, it will reach Medusa V.
"months" or "weeks" before the warp storm reaches Medusa V, and the warp storm completely wipes out all life it touches.
Page 13
An explanation of why the Rapidity (fun name) can provide such a boost in speed.. and a reiteration of the dangers it possesses.If we return to the metaphor detailed in the second chapter of volume 1, the phenomenon discovered by Van Grothe is like an incredibly violent area of rapids, which propels the unwitting carcass forwards at a velocity hitherto unimagined. As anyone who has traversed conventional rapids will know, the speeds attained within them can be dramatically faster than elsewhere. However, the merest error can cost the traveller their life as their vessel is dashed apart on the very hazards that caus ethe swiftness. The Rapidity was named with good reason and the colloquialism "Hell's Slingshot" is equally appropriate.
Page 14
Hundreds of Landers, mostly carrying the Guard.Governor Soloman stared open mouthed as the dark sky was pierced by the landing craft. Glowing brightly from their atmospheric entry, hundreds of bulk landers raced towards the war-torn planet. Most bore the drab livery of the Imperial Navy, their holds filled with the men and women and tanks of the Imperial Guard. Thousands of soldiers ready to fight and die for the Emperor. Others, fewer in number, had brighter, bolder heraldry. Soloman realised with a thrill tha tthose were the landing craft of the Adeptus Astartes, bearing the finest warriors in the Imperium.
Page 14
Given its from MEdusa VII, we're likely talking Necron teleportation. Interesting tha tthe AdMech picked it up. at all.The attendant Techpriests who operate the vast auspex arrays in the space docks above the planet hve detected a series of astronomical energy spikes. THe first originated on Medusa VII, a blasted and lifeless planet that has previously been dismissed as unremarkable. A second and third energy signature were then detected on Medusa V itself, one in the uninhabited southern region of the planet, and another on the outskirts of Macavius hive, the second largest population centre on the world. Rumours abound that alien invaders are laying siege to the city - although attmepts to investigate these claims have, thus far, failed.
Page 14
Medusa V's picket fleet (naval interstellar or sub-stellar?) has at least several frigates. Implied to be Imperial warships/Three vessels, part of an Explorator fleet heading eastwards, have been attacked under mysterious circumstances, within surveyor range of Medusa V's picket fleet. Several frigates were dispatched to assist, but the Imperial warships arrived to find the vessels drifting hulks, all crew and passengers lost and no sign of the attackers.
Page 14
Warp storms can apparently act as navigational beacons.Deathwatch space Marines, tasked with eliminating splinters of hive Fleet Kraken warn that a sizeable portion of the fleet has broken its course following a titanic engagement with the Imperial Navy at Lycanis. Librarian Andreas of the Deathwatch has postulated that the vastly swollen Rapidity must be acting as a beacon of sorts to the Tyranids, drawing the vile creatures towards it.
Page 15
I guess the Malleus warnings about Chaos sorcerer fiddling were true, although he needs a ritual to p ull it off complete with lots of sacrifice (so did Erebus in the 13th Black Crusade.)He has seen a planet scoured by the power of Chaos, transmuted into a daemon world and himself as its master.
Atop a pillar of cadavers, heaped upon the ruins of the Cathedral in Hive Euryales a ritual of inconceivable power must be enacted. At the very moment that the approaching Warp storm engulfs the planet, Ygethmor will call forth the limitless power of the warp. For the ritual to succeed though, it will require millions of sacrifices to the Dark Gods and the glorious victory of the armies of Chaos.
Page 16
Make a daemon world, become a Daemon Prince.Campaign objective: Ygethmor fights for more than Abbadon; each victory brings him one step closer to Daemonhood.
Page 17
The CSM forces amassed (or at least some) for this attack on Medusa V. Rathre interesting that they could amass such a sizable force for what seems to be a trivial objective.. but then again Chaos has never been sane."Fulgrim's Champion, Lucius the Eternal, stands ready to fight beside my warriors, and two Great Companies of Iron Warriors are readying their wargear to support us. The Dark Apostles of the Word Bearers rouse the masses against the false Imperium and the Alpha Legion spies are stirring rebeliion in the great Hives as we speak. Renegades from within the Maelstrom have flocked to the cause. Even Ignatius Grulgor, beloved of Nurgle and a warhost of Death Guard stand ready to go to war at our side."
"I grant you four Black Companies."
Page 18
Somehow the Hive fleet learned of this specific adaptation with super Lictor. They managed to adapt it I believe since the Death Leaper shows up in 5th edition Tyranids Codex.The Tyranid splinter fleet casting its shadow over Medusa V has evolved in the crucible of war. Its component species have adapted to fighting in dense urban enviroments, and none more so than the vanguard organisms seeded upon the beleagured planet. Death leaper is one of these; not in fact a single entity but a strain of Lictors with chameleonic abilities so advanced they are all but invisible. Given the kill patterns, it is clear that there is at least one Leaper per hive. These creatures have alerted their parent bio-ships to the rich centres of biomass upon Medusa V, and the splinter fleet is preparing to drain it dry.
From the testimony of Brother-Sergeant Erasmus of the Ultramarines, Death Leaper is an evolutionary adaption that could, if re-absorbed by the bio-ships and replicated, make Tyranid vanguard organsims virtually undetectable. Each Leaper must therefore be hunted down and stopped at all costs.
Page 20
multiple combat system ships. Nazdreg came all the way here from Armageddon. Considering that about a year must have passed or so,we're talking a good 50-60 thousand c for a probably unguided or hard to navigate Space hulk.After his unlikely alliance with Ghazghkull Thrakka was broken and their combined forces were defeated in the Piscina system, Nazdrag was presumed dead.
Though alerted to this threat, system ships are unable to halt the advance of Nazdreg's hulk, eventually losing it in the chaos of the orbital battles surrounding Medusa V.
Page 22
As I said, they detected Necron teleportation.On Medusa V, Techpriest auspex arrays detected the initial energy surges that were to herald the Necron incursion. In the wastelands beyond the towering spires of Macavius Hive stormclouds gathered, trackling with eldritch energy that defied all sensor interrogations.
Page 22
They plan to generate a planetary shield against a Warp Storm. Reminds me of the "Phobos worked in Adamant" short story from Planetkill - that was clearly a Necron device, and they also needed souls to power that.It is here that a legion of Scarabs and Tomb spyders labour unceasingly to erect monolithic structures that can hold the warp at bay, fuelled by the harvested essence of those who have falle nbefore the assault on Macavius Hive. Should they be fabricated in greate nough numbers they will create a null shield that, when activated, will shelter the entire planet of Medusa V from the fury of the warp. Should they succeed in their goals, the Necrons will be free to harvest the population of Medusa V at their leisure whilst the Warp Storm roils harmlessly around them.
Page 23
The null shield pylon.Gleaming with its own light, the spine soard a kilometre into the dust-filled skies.
Page 23
POV of the Necron Lord enacting its plan. 100,000 warriors at least on this out of the way Tomb world.The howling wind was tainted with mounrful wails; the incorporeal screams of lost souls. A towering whirlwind of sand climbed out of the desert, growing in power with everry passing minute. AT the eye of the storm stood a solitary figure atop a rocky outrcop, its metallic form clad in a tattered golden shroud that remained still despite the raging gale.
His eyes fixed firmly on the face of the squad's leader, the Herald of the Storm extended the command lattice emanating from his body. The Necron Lord's energy stretched out into the vortex, connecting to every particle of the storm, joining it to his will in the same way his metal body was joined to his spirit. In a few nanoseconds the course of the storm was changed. Its eye wsa now widening, putting the humans at the centre of a rapidly expanding gulf of clear air.
Rank by rank, his warriors were revealed as the sands rolled back. They stood in silent lines, a hundred thousand soldiers dormant for the moment. With a single thought-transmission, he stoked the remnants of their conciousness and the Necron Warriors dim eyes glowed into bright emerald fire.
Page 24
Told you so.Intelligence gleaned by the Officio Assasinorum has revealed that Ygethmor the Deceiver, dread sorcerer of Chaos, has turned his baleful eye towards Medusa V.
Page 26
This implies that there ar eless than a thousand Craftworlds.. but thats taking it literally. And they need to close the webway to preent Chaos leaking int.No one save the Guardians of the Black Library know the true extent of the Eldar's labyrinth dimension. It connects every one of the Craftworlds and a thousand other locations besides, riddling the galaxy like a great circulatory system. In its prime, it enabled the Eldar to traverse great distances in complete safety. But theirs is a fallen empire, and the webway is now splintered and broken.
The Jagged spur of the webway jutting onto Medusa V is permanantly open, and just as the Eldar can spill out without warning, Chaos can also spill in. So it is that the Eldar seek to prevent the Warp from running unchecked upon Medusa V lest it bleed into the Webway and pollute their territory.
Page 26
Alliance between a dozne Craftworlds.She has marshalled forces from a dozen Craftworlds in the grim knowledge that she must ensure the ritual to seal the webway proceeds undisturbed at all costs.[
Page 28
Multiple patrol fleets.. at least 4-6 craft? Not sure if they're navy or sub stellar.Although the patrol fleets posted to guard Medusa have made strenuous efforts to prevent the rising losses in transports and cargo vessels, they have had very little success.
Page 28
Dark Eldar amass a dozen warship and dozens of Kabals (tens of thousands of warriors, mayhap?)For many, leadership of a dozen warships and the support of dozens of Kabals would be satisfaction enoguh, but No'akei thrists for more...
Page 30
Tau want to learn warp travel, they use "etheric sensor arrays" to scan it. Probably passive else the imperium would have picked up on it. Not defined as to whether these are FTL signals or not.From their hidden research facilities on Medusa V the scientist-engineers of the Tau Earth caste strive to unlock the secret of Warp travel. The greatest hurdle in the Tau's rapid expansion has been lack of knowledge of the Warp, and from their vantage point on Raffealo's spine they are striving to reverse this inadequacy. Etheric Scanner Arrays, pointing at Van Grothe's rapidity are harvesting data, hoping to unlock the hitherto unknown mysteris of the Warp.
Page 30
I find this incredibly sad. I'm not sure what it will get them though, since they still lack the navigators, astrotelepathy, and astronomican that allows the Imperium to function as a large scale empire. At most it might allow them to expand to a cap of thousands of systems (like your average Ork Empire.) but then what?Though the Imperial forces on Medusa V do not know it, the Tau have established a chain of similar scientific facilities across the entire planet, eagerly penetrating the secrets of the Warp. To protect them, Fire Caste Hunter Cadres have secreted themselves around these installations, heavily armed and highly trained warriors of the Tau Empire willing to sacrifice their lives fo rthe information their Earth Caste counterparts gather.
Page 30
Frankly what good will it do them? They might go slightly faster than they do with ether drive, but they'll need at least gellar fields. Without navigators or astropaths or an analogue ther'es not a whole lot of improvement. Certainly not enough to threaten the Imperium.Should the Imperium discover the true intentions of the Tau, and their hunger for the secret of Warp travle, there is no doubt that it would turn its full might against them. So they feign diplomatic negotiations as a ruse to distract the already beleaguered humans, claiming settlement rights on the world and testing the pateince of the Imperium to its very limits in an effort to delay all out war.
Page 31
10K Fire warriors on this one planet, with 100K more in reserve. This was as much if not more force than they deployed at Taros as I recall."Our forward Cadres have deployed Pathfinder teams well into enemy territory, and our main body is in position. Ten thousand Fire Warriors are landed, and ten times more await in reserve. If they come, Blessed One, the Gue'la will be swept away."
Page 31
Etheric probes too? Are they FTL? Dot hey have FTL signals? again how can the Imperium detect Necron teleportation but utterly fail to see countless thousands of blue skinned xenos on their planet conducting scientific research???"Already our first Etheric Probes have returned, filling our data banks with their learning. All we need is time, blessed one."
Page 32
100 IG regiments probably means anyhwere from hundreds of thousands to a few million.The honour of leading the Crusade has fallen to one man, Lord Marshal Graf Harazahn of the Vostroya Firstborn. With well over a hundred Imperial Guard regiments seconded to his direct command, Harazahn has vowed to secure complete control of the planet in the name of the Emperor, no matter the cost.
Page 32
"across the Imperium?" Some of those seem to come from segmentum solar or the far end of the segmentum. Considering that the Warp storm would come in mere weeks or months.. that tells us they pulled in these troops in a far quicker time, and we're talking tens of thousands of lightyears for some worlds (say 50-60K LY for some - Vostroya is a long fucking way off for one thing. And then there's Mordia or Cadia)fighting alongside Harazahn's Vostroyans are scores of Imperial Guard regiments from across the Impeirum. Grim and sturdy Cadians man the trenches alongside savage Kanak Headtakers. Stoic Valhallans, rub shoulders with the tougha nd resourceful Catachans, while the Ventan Heavy Infantry take up position alongside Tallarn Desert RAiders and the Kroshin Grenadiers.
Weeks even seems like a possible oveestimate, given that the troops had to mobilize before travelling, deploy when they got there, and have enough time to actually FIGHT all the shit amassing there before deploying.
Days or weeks seems probable. FTL speeds would run into the mid to high hundreds of thousands of c to low millions.
Page 32
Trench mounted commlinks, Dropships, and other regiments - Cadians, Mordian, Kanak... etc.The Lord Marshal stood silently for a moment until his voice boomed out across the courtyard, carried by the chest-speakers of dozens of vox-servitors.
Along with his comrades of the CAdian CXXVI, he paused to listent ot he voice of their supreme commander as it drifted from the comm-link hung on the trench wall above him.
Lieutenant Brusak of the Mordian 26th stood stiffly upright, hand raised in salute as he watched the distorted figure of Lord Harazahn on the vidlink. The rest of General Kraig's staff were stood to attention on the command eck of their massive Leviathan transport as it ground its way across the Saline Plains.
Gripping his lasgun to his chest, Koldar of the Kanak Skulltakers fought back the urge to vomit. The dropship rattled voilently as more turbulence tossed it sideways...
Page 33
three thousand metres from Basilisks (in a direct fire mode) Its not known fi they were the only ones to fire or i fothers did alsoGun Captain Vorst listened intently to the Lord Commander's voice over the growling engines of Basilisk self-propelled guns rumbling into position. Harazahn's last words were drowned out as an attack klaxon wailed along the north wall of Sybilla Primus and Vorst switched the vox-caster to address his battery.
"Targets at three thousand metres. Open fire!"