WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

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Connor MacLeod
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WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Connor MacLeod »

First off a link to thread the First in all 10 pages of its glory. Please do not post in that one or resurrect it in some other way, since Necromancy is bad. I will be very irritated if some newbie stumbles along this, clicks on the link and opens it with a post.

Anyhow, we move onto the next phaes of 3rd/4th analysis, beucase I still have a fair amount of stuff to do. Next I plan to post is... The Fall of Medusa V. Hard to find it, I dont have it anymore, but I have the notes still here. I believe it was the last actual "campaign" GW has done in a looong time and that was back in what.. 2005-2006? Maybe that's a good thing. Anyhow, here we go:

Page 6
Medusa V:
Orb Dist 1.41 AU
1.12G/Temp 9degC
Mining/Industrial World
Tithe Grade: Exactis Tertius
Aestimate: A912
Population: 4,500,000,000
Planetary stats of Medusa V. It's an industrial world, and note the population. It also has its own hives, so technically it could be called a "hive world".

Page 6
Medusa VII
Orb Dist: 19.18 AU
1.21G/Temp n/a
Dead world
Ordo Xenos Quarantine Level: Gamma
Believed to be a Necrontyr home world, Explorator surveys have proven near
impossible. All life on the planet has been destroyed. Weathering suggests this
has been the case for hundreds of thousands of years.
Yep. There's a Necron Tomb world in the Medusa system. Coincidence huh?

Page 7
Medusa IV

Self explanatory.

Page 7
Chigrin 1 - Crimson class space dock
Crew: 2,922 Adeptus Mechanicus personnel
5,000 Imperial Navy security personnel
Armament: laser defence batteries, 16 torpedo tubes
Defences: Class 9 Void Shielding
Notes: one of three space docks orbiting Medusa V Chigrin 1 presents a formidable Imperial Naval presence, in addition ot superb survey equipment (Ref: Enahnced auspex array- Philemon Pardox class.)
The Navy and its personnel maintain 3 orbiting spacedocks in the Medusa system.
Medusa VIII
Orb dist: 24.98
2.5G/Temp n/a
Gas Giant
Notes: A Gas Giant, the Adpetus Mechanicus postulate its resources could be harvested for industrial purposes. Attempts to investigate further have been aborted. Research vessels have disappeared in dubious circumstances. Fleet command has recommended the curtailment of further investigations.
Medusa has 10 planets in the system, and this is the eighth (already 25 AU out too). I wonder besides hydrogen what they might consider salvaging from the gas giant?

Page 7
The Warp phenomenon known as Van Grothe's Rapidity pulses on the Eastern Fringe of the Imperium. It is a purple glowing whirlpool of destruction that spans light years and spells destruction for those desperate or careless enough to enter it without caution. However, the Rapidity is not without its uses. for though dangerous, it is considered comparatively stable by Mechanicus Observators. It is of incalculable value ot the Explorator fleets and Rogue Traders that regularly pass through this region. When traversed correctly, it can hurl a Warp-borne vessel through the eddies and tides of the ether with such speed that a journey can be shortened by months, if not years. Thanks to this side effect, and its incredibly hazardous nature, the Rapidity has earned itself the moniker of Hell's slingshot.
An exmaple of the double edged nature of warp travel and the currents.. some can slow you down or even destroy your ship, while others (or the same ones used in the right way) can greatly boost your travel speed. Shortening warp travel over long distances by months if not years is a considerable feat, and presumably operates over long ranges (thousands/tens of thousands of LY) Considering long range warp travel can already take up to months or years.. this could double or triple travel speed at least.. may even drop it from years to months and months to weeks.

Page 7
So Carral Van Grothe, the original finder of the Warp anomaly, was commissioned to locate a habitable world nearby that coudl serve as a way station and staging point for vessels seeking to make use of it. After extensive searching, a system was located that held two habitable worlds. An Explorator Fleet, under the protection of a Clan Company of the Iron Hands Chapter, began the process of settling the two worlds. In honour of the Iron Hands Space Marines, who began exterminating the indigenous populations, the system was named Medusa, a tribute to their own homeworld.
Explorators are used to colonize, with aid from Space Marines.

Page 7
Consider, dear reader, this metaphor to explain how travelling through Warp space works; that of a fast flowing stream. The stream represents Warp space, moving swiftly along its motionless banks, which represent real space. A corpse dropped into the water upstream will not move relative to the water, but is merely carried by it until it lodges at some point downstream from its original location.
River/Ocean analogies are common in the warp. As far as our purposes go, it suffices.

Page 8
Hive Eurayles:
Planetary Capital
Population: Est 1,300,000,000
Condition: Open revolt
Strategic designation: Crtiical objective
Notes: Population centre and seat of government. Euryales must not fall to the enemy.
Capital of Medusa V. A hive with over 1 billion in it.

Page 8
The mission:
Promethium Refinery conglomeration
Population: Est 120,000,000
Condition: Loyal
STragetic designation: Critical objective.
Notes: Providing more than 76% of Medusa V's
Promethium, The Mission on Johannes Island must not fall to the enemy.
Promethium refinery.

Page 8
Monastery of Madrigales
Astorpathic choir:

Population: Est 90,000

Condition: Loyal
Stragetic designation: Critical Objective

Notes: Primary Astropathic choir, the Monastery is Medusa V's best means of external communication.
Warning: High threat of malefic manifestation. Ordos Malleus personnel are to defend this location.
Only the Primary one, suggesting there may be other lesser choirs.

Page 8
Deimos Spaceport
Mars Class III Spaceport.
Population: Est 2,000,000
Condition: Loyal - Minor rioting
Strategic designation: Critical objective
Notes: without Deimos Spaceport, reinforcements will be unavailable and any withdrawal from Medusa V would prove impossible. The spaceport must not fall to the enemy.
2 million at the Spaceport. crucial to on and off planet travel.

Page 8-9: Note there are a 8 other hives in addition to Eurayles on the map.

Page 10
When travelling the ether, a Warp storm might throw a ship off course or, in a best case scenario, delay it. At worst the effects can be far more devastating as the raw stuff of the Warp spills out into the galaxy. To use our example from volume 1, this is roughly equivalent to our corpse passing through an area of the river infested with blood sharks. More than likely the aformentioned predators will tear the cadaver apart in a frenzy, however, there is a small chance it may just be delayed in its journey (a little nibbled around the edges, perhaps.)
Dangers of the warp, up to and including warpspace "flooding" into the galaxy.

Page 10
The effect of a Warp Storm on the real world is best conveyed if we imagine that the banks of the river have burst, letting the blood sharks and all manner of carnivorous water creatures loose into the area to terrorize and devour the local populace. The example becomes more vivid if we imagine that the blood sharks and their assorted allies have been starved for several days before being goaded into a rage by unseen forces before being unleashed.
Another river analogy, this time explaining how warp storms can influence realspace. Not all Warp Storms would do this, or even do it for very long neccesarily, but it is not exactly a rare occurance either. The main danger can come from how unpredictable it can be.

Page 10
Masters in the art of planetary occupation, the Explorators swiftly brought Medusa IV under the Emperor's rule. Great cities were erected within months, sprawling conglomerations of metal. Huge settlement craft, heaving with civilians drawn from hive worlds across the Imperium brought settlers both willing and reluctant to their new homes.
Speed of construction for an Explorator fleet. They apparently built the cities (hives, probably) in months, and presumably shipped colonists in from across the Imperium, which suggests thousands or tens of thousands of LY. For a transport, thousands (or more) LY within a few months or less is damned impressive, esp when they come out on the ass end of nowhere. Of course they might have brought the transports with but that would seem a bit presumptuous.

Also, given living conditions on a Hive world, I can't see how anyone would NOT want to leave one, unless they were insane. Given that it's a hive world.. this is likely.

Page 10
Serious storms originating from the Rapidity would occasionally flare up, cutting the system off from outside contact, sometimes for months, sometimes for years or decades at a time. On every occasion contact was restored swiftyl once the storm receded, and each time the message from the inhabitans was the same: all was well.
Apparently Warp storm isolation is not an instnat guarantee of PURGE AND CLEAN action from the Imperium at large. And when isolated the place can survive for months or years at a time without problem, it would seem.

Page 10
Medusa IV became a vast population centre; the plentiful supplies of food and gentle climate assisted its growth and soon tens of billions of humans toiled in vast hives upon its surface. By contrast, Medusa V remained barren. Only a few cities existed, each devoted to mining precious iridium ore and drilling for the promethium that would feed the Imperial fleets berthed at the great space docks around the planet . Hundreds of ships passed through Medusa's space docks: Imperial Navy fleets in need of urgent resupply, Explorator fleets that emptied entire population centres from Medusa IV for resettlement elsewhere and Rogue Traders that needed rations and fuel before daring Hell's Slingshot in an effort to launch themselves further into the east. Though contact was regularly lost with Medusa, its value was recognised by all.
Medusa IV had "tens of billions" in hives.. but also apparently had "plentiful food" and a "gentle climate" suggesting that its surface had not yet been reduced to a polluted wasteland. It says something about the enviromental technologies of the Imperium if they can support a populaton that huge, especially factoring in the isolations.

Also, this probably can "technically" be a Hive world, but not in the sense of Armageddon, Necromunda, or the other really big multi hundred billion hive populations.

The "hundreds of ships" bit is interesting.. although it would be neat to know whether they are talking daily, weekly, monthly, annually, or what. Also, one wonders what part of the fleet uses the Promethium and what for. Transports probably is my guess, unless they use promethium to power their plasma reactors :)

And apparently Medusa IV became a clearinghouse for colonists too, the Explorators would lift up people form here to plant elsewhere.

Page 11
Overwhelmed and outnumbered [by Chaos cultists], the loyalists sent Astropathic pleas for help.


Only Medusa V was able to answer the call and with admirable bravey and unshakable loyalty to the Emperor, an army of sorts wsa mustered. With no real military force of its own, the meagre Planetary Defence Force recruited thousands fo willing miners and labourers before departing for Medusa Iv on comandeered bulk freighters and supply vessels.
Yep. Chaos got invovled on Medusa IV and caused problems.

Page 13
.. and eventually Exterminatus was deemed to be the only viable solution.

The Cult Mechanicus and Adeptus Administratum lobbied the Inquisition agents monitoring the schism to suspend the sentence just long enough to allow what faithful citizens remained to be evacuated. Tithe forecasts and resettlement schedules showed the crippling effect leaving them to die would have on industry in the sector, so the Inquisition granted a one-week stay of execution, Millions were loaded onto transports normally used for shipping foodstuffs and a mass exodus of the loyal areas began. While the Ultramarines and the warriors of Medusa V fought a heroic reargard against the endless tide of insanity, those innocents that could be saved were ferried off-world.

Even the holy Astartes could only prevail so long in the face of such overwhelming numbers and unreasoning hate. Finally they too were forced to withdraw, leaving the heretics and remaining civilians to their fate.
By AdMech standards, this is a positively humanitarian act on their part, even if it is motivated more by logic/greed/practicality, and really I can't blame them for not wanting to cripple the sector-wide economy/industry. They got off "millions" of colonists, suggesting significant in-system transport capacity.

PAge 13
A sleek Inquisitorial corvette under the command of Inquisitor Baptiste fired a single salvo of torpedoes at the planet, a deadly payload of atmospheric incinerators. The warheads ignited the oxygen-rich atmosphere of the planet, devouring everything in a blistering conflagration that seared all life from the world, turning metal to molten slag and rock to glass as the Inquisition's fiery judgement took its toll. The planet burned brightly for a whole month, and from the safety of their world, the inhabitants of Medusa V looked on in awe as their neighbor was consumed in purifying flames.
Here we are treated to a new Exterminatus weapon, deployed from torpedoes. Basically its similar to virus bombs without the virus - trigger global firestorms sufficient to melt the surface of the planet, slag the hives and likely burn all life to ash. Likely a technobabble means of energy production rather than a brute force bomb (since it doesnt make craters or ejecta), but it still generates masive amounts of energy if it can glass and melt shit, and as side effects no less.

It goes without saying we're talking many billions of megatons at least, possibly (probably?) more.

Also a "corvette" (presumably warp capable) and equipped with torpedoes. SEems to be a private Inquisitor vessel though.

Page 13
The new residents of Medusa V arrived from their burning planet by the million, and were welcomed by the waiting agent of the Inquisition. A drawn out process of sreening to root out any heretics amongst the refugees commenced, and many thousands found their way to the pyre as the Inquisition ensured the future purity of Medusa V. Colossal prefabricated cities were hastily erected by the Adpetus Mechanicus, vast structures that could house millions upon millions. Into these, the refugees were hreded in droves, kept separate as a precaution against heresy. These 'refugee cities', grim edifices of metal and stone, gradually found their place within the society of Medusa V, providing an innumerable labour force to work the ore extracted from the planet's crust. In only a few years the planet found itself producing more fuel, metals and suppplies than had ever been dreamed of before.
again "many millions" saved and repatriated on Medusa V, although given the tremendous economic boost they seem to give the planet, it could arguably be more than that.

The prefabricated cities is an interesting tech bit, espcially if they could house millions.. they'd have to be effing huge.

Page 13
In the two hundred years since the Schism, Medusa V has continued to thrive as the gateway through Van Grothe's Rapidity, resupplying convoy vessels and exporting millions of tonnes of precious ore to the ever-hungry Imperial Navy and Adeptus Mechanicus.
Exporting miillions of tonnes of ore (including iridium one assumes.) although again we aren't told whether this is annually, weekly, monthly or what.

Page 13
The Rapidity has begun to 'boil over', a phenomenon that has left even the wisest of the Imperium's savants and Observators baffled.


Theories as to why the Rapidity is spilling out across the surrounding space vary widely. Some ignorant ore miners suggest that it is attempting to become a second Eye of Terror. Ordo Malleus experts postulate that a Chaos Sorcerer has worked some vile magic upon it, and is attempting to swallow all life in the galaxy. For every plausible reason, there is a dozen insane suggestions and in the end it is all irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that the Rapidity is sprawling through space at a terrifying speed and every outpost and waystation the Warp Storm touches is lost, all signs of life completely eradicated. Adeptus Mechanicus vessels attempting to monitor the Storm have calculated that in a matter of months, if not weeks, it will reach Medusa V.
Malleus agents speculate a deliberate triggering of a warp storm by sorcery. Not the first time either.. happened during the first armageddon war I believe, and also Erebus of the Word Bearers (IIRC) did the same during the 13th Black Crusade - although swallowing the whole galaxy is unlikely.

"months" or "weeks" before the warp storm reaches Medusa V, and the warp storm completely wipes out all life it touches.

Page 13
If we return to the metaphor detailed in the second chapter of volume 1, the phenomenon discovered by Van Grothe is like an incredibly violent area of rapids, which propels the unwitting carcass forwards at a velocity hitherto unimagined. As anyone who has traversed conventional rapids will know, the speeds attained within them can be dramatically faster than elsewhere. However, the merest error can cost the traveller their life as their vessel is dashed apart on the very hazards that caus ethe swiftness. The Rapidity was named with good reason and the colloquialism "Hell's Slingshot" is equally appropriate.
An explanation of why the Rapidity (fun name) can provide such a boost in speed.. and a reiteration of the dangers it possesses.

Page 14
Governor Soloman stared open mouthed as the dark sky was pierced by the landing craft. Glowing brightly from their atmospheric entry, hundreds of bulk landers raced towards the war-torn planet. Most bore the drab livery of the Imperial Navy, their holds filled with the men and women and tanks of the Imperial Guard. Thousands of soldiers ready to fight and die for the Emperor. Others, fewer in number, had brighter, bolder heraldry. Soloman realised with a thrill tha tthose were the landing craft of the Adeptus Astartes, bearing the finest warriors in the Imperium.
Hundreds of Landers, mostly carrying the Guard.

Page 14
The attendant Techpriests who operate the vast auspex arrays in the space docks above the planet hve detected a series of astronomical energy spikes. THe first originated on Medusa VII, a blasted and lifeless planet that has previously been dismissed as unremarkable. A second and third energy signature were then detected on Medusa V itself, one in the uninhabited southern region of the planet, and another on the outskirts of Macavius hive, the second largest population centre on the world. Rumours abound that alien invaders are laying siege to the city - although attmepts to investigate these claims have, thus far, failed.
Given its from MEdusa VII, we're likely talking Necron teleportation. Interesting tha tthe AdMech picked it up. at all.

Page 14
Three vessels, part of an Explorator fleet heading eastwards, have been attacked under mysterious circumstances, within surveyor range of Medusa V's picket fleet. Several frigates were dispatched to assist, but the Imperial warships arrived to find the vessels drifting hulks, all crew and passengers lost and no sign of the attackers.
Medusa V's picket fleet (naval interstellar or sub-stellar?) has at least several frigates. Implied to be Imperial warships/

Page 14
Deathwatch space Marines, tasked with eliminating splinters of hive Fleet Kraken warn that a sizeable portion of the fleet has broken its course following a titanic engagement with the Imperial Navy at Lycanis. Librarian Andreas of the Deathwatch has postulated that the vastly swollen Rapidity must be acting as a beacon of sorts to the Tyranids, drawing the vile creatures towards it.
Warp storms can apparently act as navigational beacons.

Page 15
He has seen a planet scoured by the power of Chaos, transmuted into a daemon world and himself as its master.
Atop a pillar of cadavers, heaped upon the ruins of the Cathedral in Hive Euryales a ritual of inconceivable power must be enacted. At the very moment that the approaching Warp storm engulfs the planet, Ygethmor will call forth the limitless power of the warp. For the ritual to succeed though, it will require millions of sacrifices to the Dark Gods and the glorious victory of the armies of Chaos.
I guess the Malleus warnings about Chaos sorcerer fiddling were true, although he needs a ritual to p ull it off complete with lots of sacrifice (so did Erebus in the 13th Black Crusade.)

Page 16
Campaign objective: Ygethmor fights for more than Abbadon; each victory brings him one step closer to Daemonhood.
Make a daemon world, become a Daemon Prince.

Page 17
"Fulgrim's Champion, Lucius the Eternal, stands ready to fight beside my warriors, and two Great Companies of Iron Warriors are readying their wargear to support us. The Dark Apostles of the Word Bearers rouse the masses against the false Imperium and the Alpha Legion spies are stirring rebeliion in the great Hives as we speak. Renegades from within the Maelstrom have flocked to the cause. Even Ignatius Grulgor, beloved of Nurgle and a warhost of Death Guard stand ready to go to war at our side."


"I grant you four Black Companies."
The CSM forces amassed (or at least some) for this attack on Medusa V. Rathre interesting that they could amass such a sizable force for what seems to be a trivial objective.. but then again Chaos has never been sane.

Page 18
The Tyranid splinter fleet casting its shadow over Medusa V has evolved in the crucible of war. Its component species have adapted to fighting in dense urban enviroments, and none more so than the vanguard organisms seeded upon the beleagured planet. Death leaper is one of these; not in fact a single entity but a strain of Lictors with chameleonic abilities so advanced they are all but invisible. Given the kill patterns, it is clear that there is at least one Leaper per hive. These creatures have alerted their parent bio-ships to the rich centres of biomass upon Medusa V, and the splinter fleet is preparing to drain it dry.


From the testimony of Brother-Sergeant Erasmus of the Ultramarines, Death Leaper is an evolutionary adaption that could, if re-absorbed by the bio-ships and replicated, make Tyranid vanguard organsims virtually undetectable. Each Leaper must therefore be hunted down and stopped at all costs.
Somehow the Hive fleet learned of this specific adaptation with super Lictor. They managed to adapt it I believe since the Death Leaper shows up in 5th edition Tyranids Codex.

Page 20
After his unlikely alliance with Ghazghkull Thrakka was broken and their combined forces were defeated in the Piscina system, Nazdrag was presumed dead.


Though alerted to this threat, system ships are unable to halt the advance of Nazdreg's hulk, eventually losing it in the chaos of the orbital battles surrounding Medusa V.
multiple combat system ships. Nazdreg came all the way here from Armageddon. Considering that about a year must have passed or so,we're talking a good 50-60 thousand c for a probably unguided or hard to navigate Space hulk.

Page 22
On Medusa V, Techpriest auspex arrays detected the initial energy surges that were to herald the Necron incursion. In the wastelands beyond the towering spires of Macavius Hive stormclouds gathered, trackling with eldritch energy that defied all sensor interrogations.
As I said, they detected Necron teleportation.

Page 22
It is here that a legion of Scarabs and Tomb spyders labour unceasingly to erect monolithic structures that can hold the warp at bay, fuelled by the harvested essence of those who have falle nbefore the assault on Macavius Hive. Should they be fabricated in greate nough numbers they will create a null shield that, when activated, will shelter the entire planet of Medusa V from the fury of the warp. Should they succeed in their goals, the Necrons will be free to harvest the population of Medusa V at their leisure whilst the Warp Storm roils harmlessly around them.
They plan to generate a planetary shield against a Warp Storm. Reminds me of the "Phobos worked in Adamant" short story from Planetkill - that was clearly a Necron device, and they also needed souls to power that.

Page 23
Gleaming with its own light, the spine soard a kilometre into the dust-filled skies.
The null shield pylon.

Page 23
The howling wind was tainted with mounrful wails; the incorporeal screams of lost souls. A towering whirlwind of sand climbed out of the desert, growing in power with everry passing minute. AT the eye of the storm stood a solitary figure atop a rocky outrcop, its metallic form clad in a tattered golden shroud that remained still despite the raging gale.

His eyes fixed firmly on the face of the squad's leader, the Herald of the Storm extended the command lattice emanating from his body. The Necron Lord's energy stretched out into the vortex, connecting to every particle of the storm, joining it to his will in the same way his metal body was joined to his spirit. In a few nanoseconds the course of the storm was changed. Its eye wsa now widening, putting the humans at the centre of a rapidly expanding gulf of clear air.

Rank by rank, his warriors were revealed as the sands rolled back. They stood in silent lines, a hundred thousand soldiers dormant for the moment. With a single thought-transmission, he stoked the remnants of their conciousness and the Necron Warriors dim eyes glowed into bright emerald fire.
POV of the Necron Lord enacting its plan. 100,000 warriors at least on this out of the way Tomb world.

Page 24
Intelligence gleaned by the Officio Assasinorum has revealed that Ygethmor the Deceiver, dread sorcerer of Chaos, has turned his baleful eye towards Medusa V.
Told you so.

Page 26
No one save the Guardians of the Black Library know the true extent of the Eldar's labyrinth dimension. It connects every one of the Craftworlds and a thousand other locations besides, riddling the galaxy like a great circulatory system. In its prime, it enabled the Eldar to traverse great distances in complete safety. But theirs is a fallen empire, and the webway is now splintered and broken.

The Jagged spur of the webway jutting onto Medusa V is permanantly open, and just as the Eldar can spill out without warning, Chaos can also spill in. So it is that the Eldar seek to prevent the Warp from running unchecked upon Medusa V lest it bleed into the Webway and pollute their territory.
This implies that there ar eless than a thousand Craftworlds.. but thats taking it literally. And they need to close the webway to preent Chaos leaking int.

Page 26
She has marshalled forces from a dozen Craftworlds in the grim knowledge that she must ensure the ritual to seal the webway proceeds undisturbed at all costs.[
Alliance between a dozne Craftworlds.

Page 28
Although the patrol fleets posted to guard Medusa have made strenuous efforts to prevent the rising losses in transports and cargo vessels, they have had very little success.
Multiple patrol fleets.. at least 4-6 craft? Not sure if they're navy or sub stellar.

Page 28
For many, leadership of a dozen warships and the support of dozens of Kabals would be satisfaction enoguh, but No'akei thrists for more...
Dark Eldar amass a dozen warship and dozens of Kabals (tens of thousands of warriors, mayhap?)

Page 30
From their hidden research facilities on Medusa V the scientist-engineers of the Tau Earth caste strive to unlock the secret of Warp travel. The greatest hurdle in the Tau's rapid expansion has been lack of knowledge of the Warp, and from their vantage point on Raffealo's spine they are striving to reverse this inadequacy. Etheric Scanner Arrays, pointing at Van Grothe's rapidity are harvesting data, hoping to unlock the hitherto unknown mysteris of the Warp.
Tau want to learn warp travel, they use "etheric sensor arrays" to scan it. Probably passive else the imperium would have picked up on it. Not defined as to whether these are FTL signals or not.

Page 30
Though the Imperial forces on Medusa V do not know it, the Tau have established a chain of similar scientific facilities across the entire planet, eagerly penetrating the secrets of the Warp. To protect them, Fire Caste Hunter Cadres have secreted themselves around these installations, heavily armed and highly trained warriors of the Tau Empire willing to sacrifice their lives fo rthe information their Earth Caste counterparts gather.
I find this incredibly sad. I'm not sure what it will get them though, since they still lack the navigators, astrotelepathy, and astronomican that allows the Imperium to function as a large scale empire. At most it might allow them to expand to a cap of thousands of systems (like your average Ork Empire.) but then what?

Page 30
Should the Imperium discover the true intentions of the Tau, and their hunger for the secret of Warp travle, there is no doubt that it would turn its full might against them. So they feign diplomatic negotiations as a ruse to distract the already beleaguered humans, claiming settlement rights on the world and testing the pateince of the Imperium to its very limits in an effort to delay all out war.
Frankly what good will it do them? They might go slightly faster than they do with ether drive, but they'll need at least gellar fields. Without navigators or astropaths or an analogue ther'es not a whole lot of improvement. Certainly not enough to threaten the Imperium.

Page 31
"Our forward Cadres have deployed Pathfinder teams well into enemy territory, and our main body is in position. Ten thousand Fire Warriors are landed, and ten times more await in reserve. If they come, Blessed One, the Gue'la will be swept away."
10K Fire warriors on this one planet, with 100K more in reserve. This was as much if not more force than they deployed at Taros as I recall.

Page 31
"Already our first Etheric Probes have returned, filling our data banks with their learning. All we need is time, blessed one."
Etheric probes too? Are they FTL? Dot hey have FTL signals? again how can the Imperium detect Necron teleportation but utterly fail to see countless thousands of blue skinned xenos on their planet conducting scientific research???

Page 32
The honour of leading the Crusade has fallen to one man, Lord Marshal Graf Harazahn of the Vostroya Firstborn. With well over a hundred Imperial Guard regiments seconded to his direct command, Harazahn has vowed to secure complete control of the planet in the name of the Emperor, no matter the cost.
100 IG regiments probably means anyhwere from hundreds of thousands to a few million.

Page 32
fighting alongside Harazahn's Vostroyans are scores of Imperial Guard regiments from across the Impeirum. Grim and sturdy Cadians man the trenches alongside savage Kanak Headtakers. Stoic Valhallans, rub shoulders with the tougha nd resourceful Catachans, while the Ventan Heavy Infantry take up position alongside Tallarn Desert RAiders and the Kroshin Grenadiers.
"across the Imperium?" Some of those seem to come from segmentum solar or the far end of the segmentum. Considering that the Warp storm would come in mere weeks or months.. that tells us they pulled in these troops in a far quicker time, and we're talking tens of thousands of lightyears for some worlds (say 50-60K LY for some - Vostroya is a long fucking way off for one thing. And then there's Mordia or Cadia)

Weeks even seems like a possible oveestimate, given that the troops had to mobilize before travelling, deploy when they got there, and have enough time to actually FIGHT all the shit amassing there before deploying.

Days or weeks seems probable. FTL speeds would run into the mid to high hundreds of thousands of c to low millions.

Page 32
The Lord Marshal stood silently for a moment until his voice boomed out across the courtyard, carried by the chest-speakers of dozens of vox-servitors.


Along with his comrades of the CAdian CXXVI, he paused to listent ot he voice of their supreme commander as it drifted from the comm-link hung on the trench wall above him.


Lieutenant Brusak of the Mordian 26th stood stiffly upright, hand raised in salute as he watched the distorted figure of Lord Harazahn on the vidlink. The rest of General Kraig's staff were stood to attention on the command eck of their massive Leviathan transport as it ground its way across the Saline Plains.


Gripping his lasgun to his chest, Koldar of the Kanak Skulltakers fought back the urge to vomit. The dropship rattled voilently as more turbulence tossed it sideways...
Trench mounted commlinks, Dropships, and other regiments - Cadians, Mordian, Kanak... etc.

Page 33
Gun Captain Vorst listened intently to the Lord Commander's voice over the growling engines of Basilisk self-propelled guns rumbling into position. Harazahn's last words were drowned out as an attack klaxon wailed along the north wall of Sybilla Primus and Vorst switched the vox-caster to address his battery.

"Targets at three thousand metres. Open fire!"
three thousand metres from Basilisks (in a direct fire mode) Its not known fi they were the only ones to fire or i fothers did also
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Cykeisme »

Connor MacLeod wrote:Also, one wonders what part of the fleet uses the Promethium and what for. Transports probably is my guess, unless they use promethium to power their plasma reactors :)
Hmm, what the heck is promethium, anyway? Is it supposed to be hydrocarbon-based fossil fuels? Some exotic matter? A blanket term that insanely covers both?
Connor MacLeod wrote:...atmospheric incinerators...
Interesting. You're probably right, it must somehow generate energy out of some mass located on the planet itself.
I like how the idea of making an oxygen-rich atmosphere burn on its own (what exactly is burning?!) harkens back to the days when there were fears that the detonation of the Trinity project's first atomic bomb would ignite the Earth's atmosphere and kill all life on Earth :D
I would chalk up the description of the desctructive mechanism being the poor understanding of the in-universe narrator writing the report; an AdMech Magos or something would probably provide a better explanation.
Connor MacLeod wrote:Medusa has 10 planets in the system, and this is the eighth (already 25 AU out too). I wonder besides hydrogen what they might consider salvaging from the gas giant?
Tibanna gas, what else? :)
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Simon_Jester »

Connor MacLeod wrote:Page 30
Though the Imperial forces on Medusa V do not know it, the Tau have established a chain of similar scientific facilities across the entire planet, eagerly penetrating the secrets of the Warp. To protect them, Fire Caste Hunter Cadres have secreted themselves around these installations, heavily armed and highly trained warriors of the Tau Empire willing to sacrifice their lives fo rthe information their Earth Caste counterparts gather.
I find this incredibly sad. I'm not sure what it will get them though, since they still lack the navigators, astrotelepathy, and astronomican that allows the Imperium to function as a large scale empire. At most it might allow them to expand to a cap of thousands of systems (like your average Ork Empire.) but then what?
It's still a significant boost in their ability to defend themselves from their own perspective, so I can't fault them for trying.
Page 30
Should the Imperium discover the true intentions of the Tau, and their hunger for the secret of Warp travle, there is no doubt that it would turn its full might against them. So they feign diplomatic negotiations as a ruse to distract the already beleaguered humans, claiming settlement rights on the world and testing the pateince of the Imperium to its very limits in an effort to delay all out war.
Frankly what good will it do them? They might go slightly faster than they do with ether drive, but they'll need at least gellar fields. Without navigators or astropaths or an analogue ther'es not a whole lot of improvement. Certainly not enough to threaten the Imperium.
No, but the Imperium will flatten them on general principles; the possibility of the Tau suddenly managing to expand to two or three times their former size would be alarming to local Imperial authorities even if it's irrelevant to the High Lords back on Terra.

Likewise the Imperium might see a risk that, having discovered warp travel, the Tau will wind up interacting more extensively with Chaos and offering them a large foothold in that region of space somehow.

Page 32
fighting alongside Harazahn's Vostroyans are scores of Imperial Guard regiments from across the Impeirum. Grim and sturdy Cadians man the trenches alongside savage Kanak Headtakers. Stoic Valhallans, rub shoulders with the tougha nd resourceful Catachans, while the Ventan Heavy Infantry take up position alongside Tallarn Desert RAiders and the Kroshin Grenadiers.
"across the Imperium?" Some of those seem to come from segmentum solar or the far end of the segmentum. Considering that the Warp storm would come in mere weeks or months.. that tells us they pulled in these troops in a far quicker time, and we're talking tens of thousands of lightyears for some worlds (say 50-60K LY for some - Vostroya is a long fucking way off for one thing. And then there's Mordia or Cadia)

Weeks even seems like a possible oveestimate, given that the troops had to mobilize before travelling, deploy when they got there, and have enough time to actually FIGHT all the shit amassing there before deploying.

Days or weeks seems probable. FTL speeds would run into the mid to high hundreds of thousands of c to low millions.
Wait. Who says all those units were called up from their homeworld for this campaign in particular? Maybe they've been in existence for decades or centuries, and just happened to be in the neighborhood when the local authorities deployed them to Medusa V. Not all Cadian regiments are physically located on Cadia whenever they're not in an active combat zone, for example. It may be that the supply line back to the homeworld is years long, and that these are expeditionary units far from home.

We've already seen evidence that Guard units are intended to operate for years without replenishment of men and materiel directly from home; witness the career of the Tanith First, which has no homeworld to begin with, and which was gradually attrited over years of intense combat before finally drawing reinforcements from worlds they fought on. That might not be an uncommon story among the Guard, aside from the part about the homeworld being destroyed.
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by NecronLord »

In one of the Rogue Trader adventure books they extract promethium from a gas giant, so I don't think it *needs* to be fossil based.
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Shadowtraveler »

According to Caves of Ice, promethium can be extracted and/or created from a wide variety of sources, including gas giants and certain types of ice.

Oddly enough, Amberly couldn't find out what exactly it is, either.
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Like alot of things Promethium has become "whatever the author feels like" in a given source, much like any weapon you could name except maybe a knife (And even there it varies). Other similar fictional materials like fyceline (which is supposed ot be an explosive in one case, is a propellant in another, and can be made into alcohol in yet another..)
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Darth Hoth »

Please do not read this as snark, but rather genuine curiosity, but: If the Warhammer books are so inconsistent as you say (and I know the ones I have read have been), why do you analyse them? Is it not essentially pointless to attempt to quantify a universe where there is little to no continuity checking between books and you have everything from Execution Hour to the Rogue Trader books in terms of starship combat depiction (to name just one thing), with Goto's books thrown in between? Or do you have some method to bring order to the chaos?
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Connor MacLeod »

because inconsistencies are a fact of life in sci fi analysis. you don't get everything your way even in a "well thought out" universe (like say David Weber or John Ringo) much less something like SW or 40K, and it can come in any variety (logical, scientific, in-universe inconsistencies, etc.) If you're going to do it, then you have to put up with it and acknowledge it. I put up with it because 40K's inconsistencies are not totally irreconcilable under SoD (we're talking about a name here, reconciling differnt kinds of weapons or types of fuel is no different htan dealing with subsonic "laser" cannons that alternately deisplay beam like and projectile like characteristics.)

If anything, 40K has proven to be far easier to reconcile inconsistencies with than STar Wars has (which I have effectively given up on trying to analyze)
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Darth Hoth »

I would have thought Star Wars would be easier, given that it at least has a somewhat clear canon hierarchy. Warhammer, as far as I know (though I might be wrong) have none. There is a normative standard in higher canon, and one can adopt that as a "baseline" of sorts; that would seem to be difficult to do in a "freer" franchise. How do you decide what showings for, say, starship combat are more "real"? By the majority of examples?

The discrepancies in SW also do not strike me as quite as huge, although I do not know Warhammer that well, and if one goes for an all-inclusive EU the discrepancies do assuredly abound.

But, in any case, thank you for answering my question.
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Darth Hoth wrote:I would have thought Star Wars would be easier, given that it at least has a somewhat clear canon hierarchy.
"canon" has nthing to do with analysis than being a guideline to how to handle evidence. Besides the fact that it "changes" over time (which can throw analysis all to hell in doing so) it also tends to be not only horribly ambiguous (the GCSN crap with the "T" level thrown in for good measure) and institute a quasi-religious approach to evidence.

Indeed, "canon" does nothing to address the scientific/logical issues by itself (hence the adoption of a SoD style approach for people like Mike). Canon can and has been used to validate other irrational approaches by fanboys (particularily some of the anti-logic variety) and nothing is gonna change that. The sort of rivalry it engenders (EG the "Saxtonites" or "rationalists" whichever term you prefer vs the minimalists or whatever.) actually CAUSES more problems than it solves.
The absence of a visual medium as the primacy of evidence tends to help a great deal as well.

The fact is that when it comes down to it, you handle things on a case by case basis. there are no "quick and easy" shortcuts in dealing with evidence, especially when evidence can constantly change over time.
Warhammer, as far as I know (though I might be wrong) have none. There is a normative standard in higher canon, and one can adopt that as a "baseline" of sorts; that would seem to be difficult to do in a "freer" franchise. How do you decide what showings for, say, starship combat are more "real"? By the majority of examples?
We don't need much since nearly all the evidence is textual and fluff. All you need to know is that game mechanics are game mechanics and fluff is fluff. Warhammer is helped by the fact that much of the fluff in the main was fixed in 2nd edition and everything else was largely "additional detail" - eg small stuff. SW has been notoriously more revisionist than that (EG the Battle of Yavin and the Death Star plans and all that... the over-inclusive nature of "canon" as is tends to create more headaches than it solves. Sometimes you HAVE to let go of a source in some manner.)

How they handle scale is also different. In 40K multi-mile warships are not unusual but actually quite commonplace and numoerous, and conflicts in most novels tend to be limited to the planetary scale (or spread out across maybe a subsector or a whole sector at worst.) It's rare to get a 'large scale' glimpse of things. Whereas in SW every fricking NOVEL seems to involve some galactic threat every few years or so, and there is a positive allergy to large ships (warships or otherwise.)
The discrepancies in SW also do not strike me as quite as huge, although I do not know Warhammer that well, and if one goes for an all-inclusive EU the discrepancies do assuredly abound.
And how much SW have you read, pray tell? How many WEG books or WOTC books have you read through? How many novels or comics? How about some of the more earlier, esoteric stuff like the Star Wars Technical Journal? I put probably a good 6-7 years into serious efforts at SW analysis and I wasnt even nearly as good back then as I am now (and I'm STILL developing) but there have been constant problems aside from the VS-inspired ones. STuff like conseration of momentum with the Death STar (the DS masses less than a moon, yet a much larger planet is blasted apart at a fraction of lightspeed.), how a universe can build Death Stars and have the capability to slag planets and quick and easy access to starships that have nuclear-grade powerplants and yet not annihilate themselves (since nothing has indicated SW evolved to some wank super-enlightened conscoisness or anything absurd.) down to reconciling shit from various sources that never agree (WEG, WOTC, novels, DK books, etc. nevermind the crazy shit like star tours some want to include.) Once you throw a VS debate slant into it it becomes even more of a headache. Most of the SW debators I knew and respected have burned ou ton SW or moved on or gotten disgusted with it. That tells you something about SW doesn't it?

40K is not exactly a "sci fi" universe in the sense alot of them are, and it has its own problems, biases, and "drama" attached, but compared to SW its a whole hell of alot easier to deal with.
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Darth Hoth »

Connor MacLeod wrote:And how much SW have you read, pray tell? How many WEG books or WOTC books have you read through? How many novels or comics? How about some of the more earlier, esoteric stuff like the Star Wars Technical Journal? I put probably a good 6-7 years into serious efforts at SW analysis and I wasnt even nearly as good back then as I am now (and I'm STILL developing) but there have been constant problems aside from the VS-inspired ones. STuff like conseration of momentum with the Death STar (the DS masses less than a moon, yet a much larger planet is blasted apart at a fraction of lightspeed.), how a universe can build Death Stars and have the capability to slag planets and quick and easy access to starships that have nuclear-grade powerplants and yet not annihilate themselves (since nothing has indicated SW evolved to some wank super-enlightened conscoisness or anything absurd.) down to reconciling shit from various sources that never agree (WEG, WOTC, novels, DK books, etc. nevermind the crazy shit like star tours some want to include.) Once you throw a VS debate slant into it it becomes even more of a headache. Most of the SW debators I knew and respected have burned ou ton SW or moved on or gotten disgusted with it. That tells you something about SW doesn't it?

40K is not exactly a "sci fi" universe in the sense alot of them are, and it has its own problems, biases, and "drama" attached, but compared to SW its a whole hell of alot easier to deal with.
Read? I am sure it would have to be upwards of a hundred books and comics (including the Technical Journal); I plowed through nearly all the Bantam books, the Del Rey run up to somewhere around "Dark Nest", the early novels (Han Solo/Lando Calrissian trilogies), the "tech guides," much of the Marvel and Dark Horse comics (including the early continuous runs, on the latter, but not anything that came out since Legacy started), a couple of dozen WEG books and some half dozen WotC ones (pre-Saga Edition), in addition to various game guides, manuals, other fluff . . .

I have not analysed nearly as many in detail, though; those I have can be counted on my own two hands. So I have probably missed numerous heinous contradictions along the way.
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by IvanTih »

Connor MacLeod wrote:Like alot of things Promethium has become "whatever the author feels like" in a given source, much like any weapon you could name except maybe a knife (And even there it varies). Other similar fictional materials like fyceline (which is supposed ot be an explosive in one case, is a propellant in another, and can be made into alcohol in yet another..)
I think that it says somewhere that Promethium is term for any kind of fuel in the Imperium.
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Following on the theme of "covering the big worldwide campaigns" theme, here's the codex for the Third Armageddon war.

Page 1
General Titus stood upon the obseration platform above the brdige of his Leviathan command vehicle. Here, sixty feet above the ash dunes, the wind was fierce and his protective cape whirled about him.


The strategic displays of the command centre could not convey the sher majesty of the army.
Leviathan command center at least 60 feet tall (~20 meters tall)

Page 1
to his left strode five massive Warlord Battle Titans of the Iron Skulls Legion, kill pennants fluttering in the wind, and in front of them four Warhound Scout Titans stalked across the ornage-red ash wastes. Around the feet of the huge titans advanced three full regiments of the Armageddon Steel Legion. A dozen companies of Leman Russ tanks, dwarfed by the huge war engines that blotted out the faint light of Armageddon, ploughed towards their objective - the bridges over the River Stygies - trailing a massive dust cloud in their wake. Gigantic Baneblade and Shadowsword super-heavy tanks lumbered to his right, a heavily armoured reserve ready ot move forward and unleash the awesome firepower of their massed battlecannons and volcano cannons. And all around were the men and vehicles of the Steel Legion, Chimera transports beyond counting, thirty thousand men riding inside, accompanied by more tanks and batteries of artillery.
military forces of the aforementioned General.

Page 2
The hive world of Armageddon, the principle world in the Armageddon sector, lies roughly 10,000 light years to the galactic north east of Terra. It is a vital node at the centre of
the Armageddon sector’s navigational channels and its thousands of weapons shops supply arms to Imperial Guard regiments several thousand light years away.
Distance from terra and Improtance of Armageddon. Presumably all Hive Worlds of Amrageddon stature share a similar level of importance. Places like Necromunda almost certainly ought to.

Page 2
Von Strab ordered Princeps Mannheim to lead his Titans into battle against the Ork armies, unsupported by other forces. Mannheim had little choice but to obey, though he knew that
it would lead to the destruction of his forces.
Von STrab is an idiot, and I still wonder why he could command AdMech forces. Or why a Hive World had its own Titan Legion.

Page 2
When the Orks besieged the massive cities, von Strab unleashed a secret weapon, a massive stock of virus bombs from his personal arsenals.
However, the ancient devices frequently malfunctioned and although they took a heavy toll of the unprotected Orks, many humans were lost too as missiles flew out of control
and plunged into Imperium lines or exploded in the refugee camps.
Von Strab also had some virus weapons, although in faulty launching platforms. With these sorts of resources and the populations of a fucking Hive World, the man has to be an idiot to totally fail the way he did.

Page 3
For weeks, Ghazghkull tried every stratagem taught to him by Gork and Mork: making lightning assaults and feints, attacking in massive waves and trying to reduce the hive by
bombardment. Yarrick countered every ploy: sending out sabotage parties to destroy the Ork Warlord’s siege engines, counter-attacking along a flank when the Orks tried to storm
the barricades, and falling back from diversionary attacks to draw the Orks into ambushes. When Ghazghkull mustered all of his Kommandos into a huge infiltration force, Yarrick
assembled volunteer cadres of men who were once maintenance workers in the labyrinth of the hive’s air and fuel ducts. A deadly battle was fought in the darkness
between these drug-crazed psychopaths and the Ork Kommandos, and in the end it is said that not a single Kommando escaped alive.
The Myriad and varied scope of Ork tactics.

Page 3
With the coming of the Ultramarines, Salamanders and Blood Angels, the tide began to turn on Armageddon. The factories of Acheron and Tartarus churned out weapons and vehicles
by their thousands, whilst the Space Marines began to force the Orks to retreat from the south.
A vague indicator of production.

Page 4
Then, in 962.M41, an Imperial military base on Buca III was annihilated by missiles fired from an Ork base hidden on an asteroid. The asteroid entered the system from deep space and bypassed all the Imperial sensors undetected before unleashing its deadly missiles at the unsuspecting outpost. In 972.M41 the Imperial agri-world of Chigon 17 was overrun by a massive force of Orks allegedly under Ghazghkull’s command. Despite the fact that the Imperial Guard defenders were well-equipped with tanks and other vehicles, they were defeated by the Orks in a lengthy guerrilla campaign which rendered the Imperial defences utterly
Agri world with its own combined arms Guard garrison, Ork asteroid bae launches a missile attack on a planet from an unspecified distance.. etc.

Page 4
The Orks used a previously unknown type of teleportation device which enabled them to manoeuvre their troops directly onto the planet from a space hulk located a massive distance away from the planet.
The Orks of the Armageddon assualt make some very impressive use of teleport tactics.

Page 4
Over the last 48 hours (earth standarD) I have received transmissions from over 2 dozen Imperial Planets in this sector, indicating that they are under attack from Ork raiders. Attacks are spread over a five hundred light year radius. All indications are of a major Ork assault on a scale unknown in living memory. In all cases the the Ork attackers have appeared on the planet without warning, and have used the element of surprise to their advantage. Our best estimate is that seven sparsely populated worlds have already been lost...


Upon learning of the Ork attack I positioned picket ships at the periphery of our system. Within the last hour their long range sensors have picked up Ork ships entering the outer reaches from deep space.
in 48 hours 2 dozen signals received within the sector over a 500 LY radius. This sector seems rather large, or it simply encompases multiple sectors. 1 signal every 2 hours from up to 500 LY away is an average speed of at least 2.2 million c. Epic Armageddon mentions that they receve 2 dozen signals in as many hours, so that could double the figure. Its a lower limit on astropathic speed in any case, since it doesnt factor in times to prepare the message, and to decode the message.

Also, Ork detection an hour ago. They must have emerged from the warp quite a ways out from the edge of the system.

Page 5
Meanwhile on Armageddon, a lengthy investigation of the planet’s readiness and defences was begun in 948.M41. In light of the strategic value of Armageddon to the Imperium,
extensive works were ordered by the Adepts of Terra to secure the Armageddon system against future attacks. Sector Naval command was transferred to the Armageddon system
and the Naval facility of St. Jowen’s Dock was rebuilt and expanded to accommodate all classes of interstellar warship. In addition, three permanently manned monitor stations.
were established in the outer reaches, named after three great heroes of the second war of Armageddon; Mannheim, Dante and Yarrick. Ground based and orbital defences were
rebuilt and heavily reinforced, minefields were seeded throughout the system and a substantial increase in the numbers of system ships and monitors was ordered
Defensive preparations on Armageddon following the first war.

Page 5
On Armageddon itself, the long process of rebuilding the hives devastated by Ghazghkull’s hordes was begun. A process which, despite massive application of resources and
manpower, remained incomplete fifty years later. In part, this was due to the increased number of defence regiments which were raised over this period, despite a lowering of
Armageddon’s tithe of regiments destined for the Imperial Guard. A military council was appointed to rule over Armageddon, comprising high ranking representatives from
the Imperial Guard, Navy, Departmento Munitorium and Adeptus Mechanicus, the Ecclesiarchy and the Governor of each of the major hives on Armageddon. The council was
headed by General Kurov of the Imperial Guard, a respected veteran of the Bakkus Crusade
Armageddon is now more directly adminstered by the Imperial forces via a council/coalition./

Page 5
Two dozen Imperial worlds came under attack in as many hours and the astropaths of Armageddon received constant reports of yet more Ork assaults.
See what I mentioned above?

Page 5
Armageddon sub-sector map layout: 15 worlds total.

3 mining worlds (Krouk, Monglor, Semtexia - all despatched regiments to Armageddon),
3 civilised worlds (Noctan, Minerva and Pyran - all of which despatched troops to Armageddon),

7 Agri worlds (Jopall at least sent Guard regiments)

1 Penal

1 Hive (Armageddon, also sector naval base)

Points of interest are that Minerva was treated as being a heavily industrial world well on its way to becoming another Armageddon, despite bieng a "civilised" world (Armageddon 3 website mainly) and
could field its own "mechanized" and armoured forces in combined arms.

It's alos interesting that this sub-sector seems denser than others - possibly a result of it being in a segmentum closer to Terra (more densely populated systems, basically)

Page 6
On the Day of the Feast of the Emperor’s Ascension, fifty seven years to the day after the first Ork invasion, augur probes registered a massive disruption in the Immaterium as
an Ork fleet tore its way back into reality and Ghazghkull’s hordes descended on Armageddon once more. An alert from monitor station Dante was cut off in mid-transmission as the
Ork ships swept past in their hundreds.
Hundreds of ork ships. That the monitor station was cut off in mid transmission implies realtime communication (astropathy?) but its not guaranteed.

Page 6
The monitor station's final reports indicated an Ork fleet moving into the system, comrpising 50 Ork cruisers and over 300 escort vessels accompanying at least four space hulks.
Minimum of 50 cruisers, 300 escrots, and 4 space hulks. This is only the start.

Page 6
The forces of Armageddon were placed on full alert and seven Imperial cruiser squadrons, led by the Apocalypse class battleships His Will and Triumph, departed St. Jowen’s Dock
within twenty four hours. The Imperial fleet, under AdmiralParol, entered battle five days later, catching the lead elements of the Ork fleet in an ambush around the high-G
world of Pelucidar
I did the accel calcs for this in Epic Armageddon and I dont feel like repeating. To summarize: 4.8 AU for the humans covered in 5 days. One or two gees is about the best you can expect from a constant burn.

2 Battleships and 7 cruiser squadrons (12-21 cruisers maybe), and god knows how many escorts. IIRC the ratios were 6:1 in favor of the orks.. so they had maybe 59-60 ships total. call it 40-50 escorts maybe.

PAge 6
The Imperial ships fought valiantly, their weapon batteries pounding the crude Ork vessels into scrap, ravening lance beams incinerating wave after wave of fighta-bommerz.

Nonetheless, the Ork fleet outnumbered that of Armageddon by six to one and the Imperial ships were gradually battered back. The Orks made suicidal rushes against the Imperial
gun-lines with unbounded ferocity, losing a dozen of their ships in exchange for a single Imperial vessel.
Lances can be used for point defense, but the Orks outnumbered the Human ships six to one, and were willing to take 12 losses for every Imperial ship.

Page 6
At the height of the engagement, Admiral Parol received comm-bursts from the Yarrick and Mannheim monitor stations warning of three
more Ork fleets entering the edges of the system.
See? Lots more Orks.

Page 6
By their last count, the combined Ork fleets numbered in excess of 2,000 ships and at least 12 space hulks, the largest number of huulks to assault a world of the Imperium in its 10,000 year history.

Admiral Parol, his command reduced to five squadrons of cruisers and a single operational battleship, could do little more than mount hit and run attacks against the massive Ork armadas as they moved in-system.
So 16 hulks and in excess of 2,350 other ships assault. Parol is now down to 1 Battleship and 5 squadrons.

Page 6
Surprisingly, the Orks did not turn aside to capture St. Jowen’s Dock. Instead they subjected it to a six day long bombardment as the Ork fleets moved past, enlivened by
repeated attacks from assault boat squadrons.
In Epic Armageddon i estimated the Orks were travelling at maybe hundreds or thousands of km/s. Bombardment over a period of days would be ranges in the millions of km.. which is entirely plausible against a stationary target.

Page 7
On Armageddon, the final weeks before the Ork fleet’s arrival were occupied with frenzied preparations. Titan Legions fired up their ancient plasma reactors and took up defensive
positions around the hives, their scanner-eyes scouring the skies. Imperial Guard regiments were mustered and dug in, Space Marines from over twenty Chapters dispersed into the
wastelands and mountains to prepare to face the aliens. Imperial merchant vessels daily ran the tightening gauntlet of Ork ships to rush more reinforcements to the planet. The last
transport to touch down carried a legend. Commissar Yarrick, the ‘Old Man’ himself, set foot on Armageddon for the first time in twenty years to the rapturous cheers of the
Preparation for the ork invasion.

Page 7
Six weeks after entering the Armageddon system, the vast armada of Ghazghkull’s forces went into battle with the space stations and weapons platforms in high orbit over the planet. Those who had hoped that the powerful orbital defences of Armageddon would keep the Orks at bay were soon shown to be hopelessly deluded. The orbital battle raged for three days and two fiery nights, but, by dawn of the third day, the skies were filled with the vapour trails of Ork landing pods and the incandescent meteors of attack ships carving through the skies. Hades Hive, still a virtual ruin after the last war, was the first to die. In an act of terrible vengeance Ghazghkull chose not to fight again at Hades. Instead, the entire hive and its inhabitants were smashed asunder by giant asteroids dropped from orbiting space hulks. This act of wanton annihilation was but the prelude to the bloodshed which was
to follow
3 day orbital battle between the fixed defenses and the Orks and the Orks using asteroid bombardment to destroy Hades Hive.

Page 7
Ground based defence lasers and missile silos took a terrible toll of the Orks as they landed, but the survivors regrouped and assailed the defences with such terrible ferocity that soon more and more of the horde was reaching the planet’s surface unscathed. Feral Orks swept down from the Pallidus Mountains and out of the equatorial jungles to join the growing hordes. Where the defences proved too strong to be taken by direct assaults, huge mobs of Orks and their war machines were teleported directly into battle from the hulks above.

Defence lasers and missiles shoot down landing craft and pods, and Feral Orks join the attack.

Page 7
The sulphur yellow skies over Armageddon became interwoven with twisting con-trails as thousands of Ork fighta-bommerz duelled with Imperial Thunderbolts and
Furies. The Imperial craft had the advantage in that they could return to their armoured airbases to refuel and rearm, whereas the Orks had to reserve enough fuel to climb back
up to their Terrorships and hulks in orbit.

Scale of the fighter battles. Ork fighters are orbit capable.

Page 7
At Volcanus Hive, on the same day that Acheron fell, massed Ork infantry surged over the twenty square miles of defences atop Volcanus Mount just beyond the hive’s outer suburbs.
Seventeen garrison regiments of Armageddon Hive militia were routed and the Orks captured many weapons and fortifications intact. Volcanus itself was soon besieged,
surrounded by a ring of Orkish steel and relentlessly pounded by captured macro cannon and barrage bombs.
17 Hive militia rgeiments garirison a hive. The hive survives bombardment by macro cannon and barrage bombs.

Page 8
As the battles raged on the planet, Ghazghkull unleashed another of his carefully prepared surprises. Incredibly, dozens of the great asteroid fortresses encountered by
Admiral Parol’s ships began to descend from orbit. Slowed by powerful force fields, rockets and modified traktor kannon, the Ork Roks made landings in the verdant equatorial jungles
and across Armageddon Primus and Secundus. Many were lost to ground fire or accidents but each one that survived became a bastion for the Orks, a rallying point and a readymade
As well as their huge guns and missile batteries, the Roks contained giant teleport arrays like those first used by Ghazghkull in his Piscina campaign. These were employed to
teleport down Ork reinforcements, including Gargants and heavy artillery, in an endless stream.
Another cunning use of Ork Roks.

Page 8
As the beleaguered defenders pondered how to lift the siege, reports came in of a vast Ork horde rounding the Pallidus Mountains from the north-east. Soon the horde was visible
from the hive spire, a great sea of warriors which seemed to fill the empty expanse of the ash wastes to overflowing. Towering Gargants strode through the tide, like great ships
rolling on a green sea. The guttural war chants of the Orks could be heard from over twenty miles away, the ground shaking with their progress.
Orks at least twenty miles away.

Page 8
The Adeptus Arbites soon moved to secure the hive, turning back or executing any who failed in their duty to the
Emperor. As Ghazghkull’s horde came within range, the last great siege guns of Infernus pounded at them, lobbing
thousand-pound shells into the mass of greenskins until return fire from the orbiting hulks smashed them apart. In
the brief lull that followed,
It was noted in this source and in epic that the hulks had started bombarding in the paragraph mentioning the 20 mile distance, and then in this one
they mention it again as happening when the Orks come in range from the guns. It could argue that the range is around 20 miles for the Hive mounted siege guns
which is not improbable for shells as big as claimed. They'd be like a kind of small battleship gun at least.. assuming a 45 degree angle at 20 miles, they could achieve
that with a muzzle velocity as little as 550-600 m/s

Page 8
He [Thraka] has returned to Armageddon after decades of planning and testing Imperium defences, and has succeeded in unifying dozens of Ork tribes and even contingents from several Ork empires. If Armageddon falls, Ghazghkull could unify Orks across the entire segmentum into an unstoppable Waaagh! which might threaten Earth itsel.
thraka has dozens of Ork tribes and parts of several Ork Empires under his wing. Victory at Armgeddon could net him the entire segmentum apparently through the WAAAAGH.

Page 8
Imperial scholars have so far only been able to speculate about the prescenf in Warlord Ghazghkull's retinue of the technical genius whom they have dubbed 'Orkimedes'. Although the individual has not been identified, his handiwork has been reported many times on Armageddon; the teleportas used on the Orks' fortresses, the giant submersibles used at Helsreach and Tempestora, the deadly upgunned Gargants in Ghazghkull's horde. All these indicate the presence of an alien mechanician of terrifying ability, one who is being actively sought by agents of the Officio Assasinorum.
This dude is a mek behind all the high tech tricks Ghazzie managed to pull off at Armageddon. Enough that they dispatched Assassins afte rhim.

Page 10
Mekboyz ar adept at ocnstructing force field generators to protect open-topped vehicles.


If the vheicle was a Fast type before, it loses this ability due to the power drained by the generators.
Power generators on Ork force fields can be powered by vehicle engines, but at the cost of slowing them down. Gives us a rough benchmark of power usage on shielding. (assuming 500-600 hp, or maybe 1000+ we're talking somewhere in the mid to high KW to low MW range.

page 21
After the Great Heresy, Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists, resisted attempts to break up his Legion, but when the Imperial Fists began to be persecuted as heretics, Dorn relented.
Rather unfair for Dorn I thought, given what he was put through.

APge 21
The black Templars are a fleet-based Chapter, with many battle barges, strike cruisers and other craft, such as training vessels and gigantic forgeships. They are rarely assembled as a Chapter but instead are divided into a number of Crusades, each one numbering several hundred Space Marines.
Several companies per Crusade. Crusade numbers can be variable (BT coex mentions up to 14.. which could be 2800 BTs)

Page 23
In contrast, ancient tradition forbids Assault squads from taking Neophytes, as these units are usually in the thickest of the fighting and suffer the heaviest losses.
The BT do have some sanity where their recruits are concerned.

Page 24
As news of the Crusaders' success spread, other Space Marine Chapters requested information regarding their remodelling of the Land Raider, and in 763.M39 the Crusader pattern became approved by mars (not that this had stopped many Chapters using it beforehand.)
The Astartes seem to have a history of giving the AdMech the finger when it comes to modifying or adapting vehicle designs. The Blood angels did it, the Space wovles did it...

PAge 24
The initiates covering the doors out of the generator room were engaged in a fierce firefight with the Orks outside...
Ork power generator room. Theyre gonna blow up the hulk.

PAge 24
High Marshal Helbrecht turned to the Techmarine kneeling beside the heavy thermic charge they had brought aboard.


Techmarine Hexil did not look up from the fine adjustments he was making as he replied "The weapon's spirit was offended by the rough treatment it suffered on arrival High Marshal. If its containment loop is not realigned by the proper supplications it will fail to consume itself and grow ot the correct size for full devastation."
Sounds like a melta or plasma weapon.. mostly thermal damage mechanism.

Page 24
The glittering energy field of his ancient power sword slashed through the Ork's neck with barely a hint of resistance and the great Ork fell clutching spasmodically at the stump of its neck.
Power fields.. or at least this one, seem to simply give some insanely good cutting ability but with little or no thermal effect.

Page 24
Seconds later, the thermic charge blasted a new crater in the flank of the Ork Space hulk.
Considering the size of Space hulks (bigger than some battleships) that's going to be one big hole put in a massive hunk of metal. Although as I noted before, it may not be all just the charge.

Page 25
Nocturne is an unsuitable site for a fortress-monastery, so the Salamanders are based upon Prometheus. This has led to ocnfusion in many Imperial records, citing both Prometheus and/or Nocturne as their homeworld. Prometheus is a bare rock with no atmosphere. The only settlement on its surface is the small fortress-monastery, little more than a large spaceport. Except for the highest leaders, including the Chapter Master, the Salamanders live amongst their people on Nocturne. They have a strong bond with their world and serve as leaders amongst the inhabitants.
Salamanders homeworld confusion. The living with the people is probalby what makes them less asholish than other Chapters.

Pgae 25
Unlike other Chapters, whcih rely upon their Techmarines to maintain their arms and armour, each Salamander is able to repair any damage his equipment sustains, and can make adjustments and improvements to his wargear. This leaves the Techmarines free to create wonderful technological artifacts of great beauty and perfection of function, which are then awarded to the bravest warriors after a battle or campaign
IOW The Salamanders all got neat shit.

Page 28
Armageddon has a massive population and is capable of raising a large number of Imperial Guard reigments in times of war. At the height of the second Armageddon campaign, dozens of regiments were fielded from troops raised form Armageddon alone . Armageddon Imperila guard regiments are made up of a mix of infantry, artillery, armour and Mechanised Infantry Companies. However, the highly industrialised nature of Armageddon means that a far higher proportion than normal are Mechanised Infantry, and it's not uncommon for over 90% of a regiment to be made up of such units.
In 5th edition its mentioned that Armageddon fields hundreds of millions of troops annualy.. so "dozens of regiments" is rather a smaller number.

Page 28
As noted above, infantry, artillery, armour and, most famously, Steel Legion Mechanised Infantry Companies are raised on Armageddon. In addition, some regiments have had years of experience fighting against the Orks that inhabit the jungles of Armageddon Prime, and therefore qualify as Deathworld Veterans.
Armageddon has its own jungle fighters/Catachan wannabes too. PErversely this means that there are patches of Armageddon which are semi-habitable.

PAge 28
Armageddon is often called upon to raise regiments for major battles and campaigns all over the Armageddon sector. Regiments that fight off-world like this are called 'tithed regiments', after the process used by the Departmento Munitorum to call them up. Tithed regiments are supplemented by troops raised on other planets which are not found on Armageddon, such as Ratlings or Ogryns, as well as certain types of vehicle that are not manufactured on the planet.


..it's worth noting that a number of tithed regiments stationed on planets close to Armageddon were recalled to the planet during both the Second and Third Armageddon campaigns...
Definition of tithed regiments, and that many of those tithed regiments apparently got specifically recalled from throughout the sector solely to defend Armageddon. Something similar happened with Cadia during the 13th Black Crusade as well.

Page 28
Planetary Defence regiments are those that are raised to fight exclusively on Armageddon. THey are rather different to tithed regiments in that there are certain units they may not use, while there are a number of unique auxiliary units they can use and tithed regiments cannot.
PDF regiments defined, and how they differ from the Guard stuff.

Page 29
The most common type of company found in regiments raised on Armageddon are Mechanised Infantry Companies. These are similar in most respects to normal Infantry Companies, except that all the units that would normally have to move around on foot are provided with Chimera armoured transport vehicles. Mechanised Infantry Companies are normally quite rare in the Imperial Guard, as it is difficult for most planetary governmors to obtain and maintain the vehicles needed for such a formation. However, Armageddon is one of the chief manufacturing plants for Chimeras, producing several hundred every day for use across the Imperium. Because of this, infantry units raised on Armageddon are routinely equipped with Chimeras, unless the tactical or stragetic situation makes their use impractical.
Armoured Fist (or Mechanised infantry) companies described, and how Armageddon's status benefits the Steel Legions.

Page 30
As well as raising tithed regiments when called to do so by the Administratum, Armageddon fields a large number of regiments that never leave the planet. These regiments are known as the Armageddon Primary Defence Force. All planets with a sizable popultion in the Imperium have their own Planetary Defence force. THe only real difference between Planetary Defence regiments and normal Imperial Guard regiments is that planetary forces may not have access to certain types of specialised troops or equipment, so make up for this by fielding local auxiliary troops.
Again differences between Guard nad PDF. It largeyl amounts to the kind of gear they get. EG: They don't get Ogryn, Ratling, Rough Riders, Deathworld Sentinels, or the Leman Russ Vanquisher or Exterminator variants.

PAge 30
In addition, Sentinels, Basilisks, and Griffons must be given the 'armoured crew compartment' vehicle upgrade, as the crew and gun mechanisms need to be protected form the corrosive effects of the ash waste sands of the planet.
Armageddon (and hive world) vehicles as a rule must be self contained compartments in other words.

Page 30
Vicious hive gangs inhabit the lower depths of Armageddon's hive cities. These gangs are pressed into service if their hive ever comes under attack, and fight alongside units from the regular Imperial Guard regiments.
Unit size is between 5-20 plus a leader.

Weapons are "a variety of home-made and black market weapons of dubious quality. Baiscally qualifying as laspistol/autpostil and hand weapons, or a shotgun, autogun, or lasgun. Weapons need not be uniform.

One trooper may carry a flamer, meltagun, heavy stubber or grenade launcher. Another model (the "heavy" in Necromunda parlance) may carry a heavy bolter, missile launcher, lascannon or heavy plasma gun.

The leader may be equipped as an officer, and the groups have no Chimeras.

Hive ganger regiments.. eg Militia. That's almost as bad as Necromunda really.

Page 32
Ork 'warbands' number between 600 and 3,000 warriors plus associated war machines and artillery (typically equal to 20-25% of warband strength, rising to 50-100% for 'speed kult' and 'artillery' warbands).
'Gargants', where listed, indicate Titan-weight Ork war engines of all classes.
Defining Ork numbers, at least as best as can be done.

Page 32
Forces of the Great Despot of Dregruk
Despot Gazgrim's War Horde
(Estimated 200 warbands, 18 Gargants)
Warlord Thogfang's Gargant Big Mob
(Estimated 3 warbands, 7 Gargants)
Warlord Rukgor's Gargant Big Mob
(Estimated 5 warbands, 6 Gargants)
Warlord Badfang's Battle Forts
(Estimated 3 warbands, 16 Battle Fortresses)
Black Slayers Tribe
(Estimated 30 warbands, 4 Gargants)
Firebellies Tribe
(Estimated 18 warbands, 3 Gargants)
Varga's Drop Legion
(Estimated 24 warbands)
Razor Speed Freeks
(Estimated 21 'Speed Kult' warbands)
Warlord Gorshag's Big Gunz
(Estimated 7 'artillery' warbands)
Breakdown of Ork forces.

Page 32
Armageddon Secundus

Forces of the Ork Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka

Great Overlord Ghazghkull's War Horde
(Estimated 400 warbands, 18 Gargants)
Warlord Morfang's Gargant Big Mob
(Estimated 6 warbands, 7 Gargants)
Warlord Skarfang's Gargant Big Mob
(Estimated 3 warbands, 6 Gargants)
Warlord Burzuruk's Gargant Big Mob
(Estimated 4 warbands, 9 Gargants)
Warlord Kroksnik's Deth Traks
(Estimated 4 warbands, 32 Battle Fortresses)
Blackskull Tribe
(Estimated 30 warbands, 3 Gargants)
Crooked Moon Tribe
(Estimated 21 warbands, 5 Gargants)
Red Fin Tribe
(Estimated 30 warbands, 4 Gargants)
Red Wheelz Speed Freeks
(Estimated 18 'Speed Kult' warbands)
Burning Death Speed Freeks
(Estimated 25 'Speed Kult' warbands)
Warlord Thugsnik's Big Gunz
(Estimated 6 'artillery' warbands)
Warlord Morbad's Big Gunz
(Estimated 12 'artillery' warbands)
More Ork forces

PAge 32
The Fire Wastes
Forces of Urgok the Unstoppable

Great Slayer Grimskul's War Horde
(Estimated 60 warbands, 8 Gargants)
Warlord Blagrot's Gargant Big Mob
(Estimated 4 warbands, 3 Gargants)
Warlord Skrag's Gargant Big Mob
(Estimated 2 warbands, 3 Gargants)
Vultures Tribe
(Estimated 16 warbands 3 Gargants)
Stompers Tribe
(Estimated 11 warbands, 1 Gargant?)
Slasherz Speed Freeks
(Estimated 12 'Speed Kult' warbands)
Warlord Rukglum's Big Gunz
(Estimated 11 'artillery' warbands)
Yet more Ork forces.

PAge 32
The Dead Lands

Forces of the Over-Fiend of Octarius

Great Fiend Gorsnik Magash's War Horde
(Estimated 250 warbands, 160 Battle Fortresses)
Warlord Bogsnik's Blitz Brigade
(Estimated 8 warbands, 26 Battle Fortresses)
Warlord Skabsnik's Blitz Brigade
(Estimated 12 warbands, 41 Battle Fortresses)
Black Cloud Speed Freeks
(Estimated 20 'Speed Kult' warbands)
White Lightning Speed Freeks
(Estimated 31 'Speed Kult' warbands)
And still more yet orks.

Page 32
Orbitla support [Orks]
12-16 Ork Space hulks
2-3,500 Fighta-Bommer squadrons
2,100+ Ork attack Craft (escorts?)
80-100 Ork roks
250-400 Ork Kroozers
Ork space based assets.

Does not include the Battlekroozers and such.

Page 32
Legiones Astartes
Angels of Fire 7 Companies
Angels of Redemption 4 Companies
Angels of Vigilance 6 Companies
Angels Porphyr 8 Companies
Black Dragons 9 Companies
Black Templars 3 Crusades
Blood Angels 1 Company
Celebrants 10 Companies
Celestial Lions 10 Companies
Exorcists 12 Companies
Flesh Tearers 5 Companies
Iron Champions 7 Companies
Marines Malevolent 2 Companies
Mortifactors 10 Companies
Omega Marines 9 Companies
Raptors 5 Companies
Relictors 10 Companies
Salamanders 6 Companies
Silver Skulls 7 Companies
Sons of Guilleman 6 Companies
Space Wolves 5 Companies
Storm Giants 5 Companies
Storm Lords 2 Brotherhoods
White Scars 3 Brotherhoods
Space Marine Chapters represented on Armageddon and in what strength.

Page 32
Adepta Sororitas
Order of Our
Martyred Lady Equiv. 3 Companies
Order of the
Argent Shroud Equiv. 7 Companies
Sororitas forces on Armageddon.

Page 32
Imperial Guard:
Arm. Ash Waste Militia 5 Regiments
Arm. Command Guard 5 Companies
Arm. Hive Militia 120 Regiments
Arm. Ork Hunters 5 Regiments
Arm. Steel Legion 25 Regiments
Arphista Penal Legion 1 Legion
Asgardian Rangers 2 Regiments
Cadian Shock Troops 15 Regiments
Catachan Jungle Fighters 3 Regiments
Death Korps of Krieg 5 Regiments
Elysian Drop Troops 14 Squadrons
Jopall Indentured Sqdns 17 Battalions
Krourk Ogryn Auxilia 2 Regiments
Minervan Tank Legions 3 Legions
Monglor Ogryn Auxilia 1 Regiment
Mordian Iron Guard 6 Regiments
Noctan Strike Forces 6 Regiments
Ocanon Phalanx Troops 11 Regiments
Pyran Dragoons 10 Regiments
Savlar Chem-Dogs 6 Regiments
Savlar Chem-Riders 2 Regiments
Semtexian Bombardiers 9 Batteries
Storm Troopers 18 Companies
Zouvan Skirmishers 4 Brigades
IG regiments (including Hive militia but not neccesarily PDF.. unless that IS Hive militia!) on ARmageddon.

Page 32
Adeptus Mechanicus
Centurio Ordinatus 4 Ordinatus
Legio Crucius Demi-Legio
Legio Ignatum Legio
Legio Invigilata Legio
Legio Magna Quarto-Legio
Legio Metalica Demi-Legio
Legio Tempestor Legio
Legio Victorium Legio
Skitarii 14 Regiments
AdMech forces.

Page 32
Departmento Munitorium
Engineer Corps 2 Pioneer Corps 1

Adeptus Arbites
Precincts 20 Punitive Battalions 12

Officio Assassinorum
Agents Classified Information

Officio Sabatorum
Agents 34

Ordo Xenos
Kill-Teams 2

Templars Psykologis
Disruption Squads 15
Miscellaneous forces. Sabatorum are the people who arrange accidents or sabotage stuff (like with bombs, poison gas, or whataver.)

Not sure what Templars Psykologis is, other than its psychic and probably comes under the auspices of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica.

ARbites have 20 precincts and 12 Battalions. Assume over 10,000 Arbites on planet (Precints larger than battalions, I assume)

Page 32
Imperial Deep Space Support
HIS WILL...............................................Apocalypse class battleship
TRIUMPH ..............................................Apocalypse class battleship
INOMINE VERITAS ...................................Emperor class battleship
GREEN LAKE ..............................................Oberon class battleship
FIRST-LINE CRUISER SQUADRONS ..............................................6
SECOND-LINE CRUISER SQUADRONS..........................................9
LIGHT CRUISER SQUADRONS.....................................................12
ESCORT SQUADRONS..................................................................36
BOMBER STRIKE WINGS.............................................................43
INTERCEPTOR STRIKE WINGS....................................................67
SPACE MARINE BATTLEBARGES...................................................14
SPACE MARINE STRIKE CRUISERS ..............................................103
THUNDERHAWK GUNSHIPS.............................numbers unknown

Imperial fleet assets at ARmageddon. Numbers work out to around 150-200 ships total excluding Spce Marine ships. Not all are neccesarily part of Battlefleet Armageddon tho.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Eye of Terror Codex, in two parts but presented all at once, cuz I'm impatient.

Page 4
Before long, Horus's advance had breached the heart of the Emperor's realm: his warships had defeated Battlefleet Solar and smashed the lunar defences, leaving Terra virtually undefended.
IT seems that some not insiginficant elements of Segmentum Solar were still around to defend Terra.

Page 4
Horus moved his bttle barge into low orbit and ordered its shields lowered.
To allow the Emperor to teleport.

Page 5
The sectors surrounding the Eye of Terror are heavily militarised to resist these invasions when they come, and none more so than Cadia
heavily millitarized can include countless numbers of garrisoned regiments, twenty or so Space Marine Chapters, whole Legions of titans in close proximity, and fuckoff huge Navy Battlefleets.

Page 5
Cadian stands upon the one reliable route to and from the Eye of Terror and, as such, is one of the most strategically vitla worlds in the Imperium. There are other routes from the Eye, but none are as stable as the Cadian Gate, and no force of any size can venture forth from the Eye without passing through it.
What this probably means is that the other routes are liekly good for raiding, or smuggling, or small scale shit. But anytime a big assault goes through (in or out) it has to pass through the Cadian gate.

PAge 5
Cadia itself is a bleak, merciless and wind-blown planet where only the strongest survive to adulthood and disciplien is learned at the earliest age. Cold winds how across wide sundered plainswhere armies train with live ammunition and every day not spent training is a day wasted. Every city or Kasr, is a fortress, with teh streets and buildings fashioned with great cunning by the finest military architects. Every Cadian is taught the skills of a warrior as soon as they can walk and they are much sought after by commanders througouht the galaxy.

Such a planet breeds hardy and determined warrios and the Cadian regiments have a well-deserved reputation for honour and spirit. From the earliest age, Cadians are taught to field strip a weapon with their eyes shut and tactial doctrine is taught before reading and writing. One soldier in every ten is recruited into the Interior Guard, regardless of ability or achievements, and as a result some of the most able soldiers spend their entire military service on Cadia and the soldiers of the Cadian Planetary Defence Force are amongst the ost effective and skilled fighting men in the Imperium.
A description of the planet Cadia and its populace. They kinda sound like a bunch of right wing militia survivalist gun nuts. Then again, living close to the Eye, maybe that's a good thing. I believe the interior guard is the Cadian PDF, suggesting perhaps 10% of an already heavilly militarized planet is PDF. And if Cadian PDF are so impressive, the Guard are much more badass.

Page 6
My initial surprise was the youth of my companions in the basic training program, all of whom were much, much younger than myself, the oldest being perhaps fourteen. I had heard that the Cadians began their training young, but frankly, this astonsihed me, though not as much as the level of competence displayed by such youngsters. At first I was indignant at being forced to train with chidlren, but I was soon to be disabused of this notion after witnessing their fitness and skill at arms.

There were many specialised skills I needed to learn very quickly in order to operate with the Cadians, and the emphasis was very definitely on improving my stamina and overall strength. For too long I had ridden in the cupola of a Chimera and the first days of training were harder than any batlte I have fought in.


In short, after three months I could run, jump, and fight for prodigiosu distances carrying a significant weight. Such activities required special determination and failure is not an option for troopers in the Cadian Regiments. AS a newly assigned Commissar, I had ot perform doubly well to earn the respect of the soldiers.
Commissar serving alongside Cadian regiments. Interesting for the POV it provides on Cadian mentality and training, and nice to see a non-shooting Commissar.

Page 6
One of the biggest factors of the Cadian training progrgam is learning to function as a team. Every challenge and exercise is undertaken in groups of at least squad size (and frequently lager) and it is crucial that the soldiers learn to operate effectively together We learned how to move at pace as an entire group - known as speed marching in the Kasrkin, and something of an art form. We also learned the difference between operating as an individual and as part of a squad (something I had not previously considered valuable). Many times during my first three months I almost faltered and was forced to rely on my squad to get through a number of challenges.

It soon became clear to me that it is a ritual amongst the Cadian troopers to try and outperform anyone they perceive as an outsider, and this insualr nature was one of the many hurdles I had to overcome in my time with the 122nd. But say what you will about the Cadians, they are amongst the strongest and most thoroughly disciplined formations I have ever had the honour of serving with.
More on CAdian training. I'll note the lasgun in the last 3 pages the Cadians used had a rather obvious scope on top of the gun, which to me says that the round little thingy on top of the guns ARE optics of some kind, and they come as standard on (most) lasguns rather than iron sights.

Page 7
Abbadon's fleets struck at a dozen Imperial bases and sent the warships of battlefleet Gothic reeling.
Gothic sector had at least a dozen "bases", presuambly naval bases. (BFG mentioned seventeen)

PAge 7
His descritpion of continents splitting apart, burning skies ,and the planet breaking into pieces makes solemn reading indeed. Fourteen million people died within an hour and the cirppling effects of this on Imperial morale should not be underestimated; many worlds were hurriedly - though unfortunately not entirely - evacuated before the Planet Killer arrived.
Effects of the planet killer. Achived in under an hour. I've calced this tons of times before so I won't bother here.

Page 7
At Fularis II, Abbadon was to terrifyingly dmeonstrate the true power of these ancient constructs.
Exact information regarding the incident is sketchy, but evidence points to a massive energy beam being unleashed from the Blackstone fortress that scoured Fularis II bare, stripping its atmosphere and transforming its surface into barren, rocky plain.
Effect of the blackstone fortresses on Fularis 2. Stripping the atmosphere suggests at least 3e26 joules, giving us an idea of how much firepower the things must have been tossing around.

Page 8
System defence ships scrambled to intercept them [space hulks] and prevent them from reaching their systems' inhabited worlds. The vessels of the adeptus Astartes boarded those they could, but their numbers were limited. The space Marines found them to be twisted and disease-ridden nightmares, encrusted with all manner of necrotic matter and toxic filth. Subsequently, every such vessel encountered was destroyed with torpedoes and bombardment cannons, but for some it was already too late.
system defence ships and Astartes intercept space hulks. All were destroyed by torps and bombardment cannon (suggesting similar magnitude of yield?)

Page 8
The Hive World of Subiaco Diablo proved to be an ideal breeding ground for the unknown plague and was quickly quarantined by officers from the Officio Medicae, but not before millions had already perished. Within a month, a dozen other worlds reported cases of the plague and panic spread as transit between neighbouring sectors was halted in an effort to stem further infection.
Travel between sectors halted within a month. This doesnt make it seem like the Imperium is consistently or uniformly "isolated" from each other.

Page 9
The Emperor's Tarot regularly displays powerful cards representing war and death on an apocalyptic scale, and Astropaths report horrifying visions of torrents of blood raining form the sky to drown the Imperium of Man. Even the Eldar, aloof and cruel aliens, have given warning of the rise of a Great Uniter..
Astropathic and Tarot divination . Even the Eldar join in rathr than fuck off.

Page 10
"They [Necrontyr] seek to destroy the remaining Talismans of Vaul and without them, we are helpless against the star gods."

"We should have taken them from the Mon-Keigh before they oculd lose them to the Despoiler," said Niadian, unable to contain the venom in his tone.

"True," agreed Eldrad, "but the Jackal God's foresight stretches from the dawn of time and eclipses even mine. He isolated the Gothic sector and we had not the strenght to stop him."[/quote]

The Deceiver is superior ot Eldrad in precog, and he had a hand in isolating the Gothic Sector.

Page 11
Naval facilities and symbols of Imperial rule were openly attacked and over the following weeks, mob rule virtually replaced that of the Administratum on many outlying worlds.

Such vast outpourings of zeal and bloodshed echoed in the Warp, stirring the already volatile Immaterium into new and violent life. The fringes of Warp Storm Baphomael expanded and engulfed the edges of the Cadian system and Astropaths based at Kasr Partox reported terrible visions depicting vast plains of mutilated bodies and worlds burned iwth fire.
Warp storm activity triggered by sector(S)-wide uprisings and deaths and disturbances.

Page 11
Such incidences grew and spread throughout the sector until it was to manifest in a horrifying manner on the world of Belisar in the Choir Chamber of Astropaths, high on the spire of Hive Teriax. During a routine auto-seance, the senior Adept of AStropaths began convulsing, his flesh blazing with psychic energy. Emergency warp-dampers and null shields dropped into place, but it was already too late as uncontrollable energies burst through into the material world and the top nine levels of the hive spire were instantly vaporised in a massive psychic explosion.
Warp dampers and null shileds. A random chaos incursion vaporized the top nine levls of a hive spire.

Page 11
Members of the Frateris clergy, Confessors, Preachers and CArdinals, were despatched from the Synod Ministra on Ophelia VII to provide calm, spiritual and authoritative guidance, but such was the widespread panic that their voices went largely unheard.
Ecclesiarchy thought control teams spring into action!

Page 11
Research teams were immediatley dispatched to investigate and their findings were disturbing to say the least. Microscopic stress fractures were developing along the previously impenetrable surfaces of the pylons and all were resonating at an amplitude similar to that produced by a Gellar field, the invisible energy field that shields a starship travleling through the warp. The pylons appeared to be fighting to hold back the power of warp storm Baphomael, but were slowly but surely, destroying themselves in the process..
Pylons linked to Gellar fields in certain ways. Not surprising if a good deal of human tech was inspired by a C'tan. Pylons cannot hold back a warp storm and deal with the EYe it seems.

Page 12
To combat the increasing frequency and scale of Chaos activities, the military high command ordered that every Shock Troop regiment muster on Cadia. Hundreds of extra landing fields were constructed at Kasr Tyrok and the infrastructure required to support such a muster gathered from Kasr Holn, Helotas, and Fremas. Millions of soldiers had alread been assembled when the Volscani regiment, considered by many to be the most hardened fighters in the secotr, landed on Cadia. Vast dropships brought Leviathan command transports onto Cadian soil and as the high command prepared to receive the salute of the newly arrived regiment, the Volscani revealed their true colours. Banners bearing blasphemous Chaos icons unfurled from the building-sized transprots and their massive guns opened fire, destroying the command Leviathan of Governor Primus, Marcus Porelska.
Cadian's own tithes returned to the planet to defend it.. numbering (it is noted) in millions. Also note the Leviathan command transporrts and that they are described as "building sized." And that the Cadian Governor had his own.

Page 12
On Lelithar, a powerful figure arose amongst the raving cults and fanatics, proclaiming himself the Voice of the Emperor. An Orator of fearsome skill, this mysterious individual roused entire populations with his passionate speeches and screaming fanatics overran those facilities that remained in Imperial hands, such as spaceports and fortified military bases. Scores of ships and entire arsenals of weaponry were seized as the followers of the Voice took ot the stars. His emissaries spread throughout the secotr, and cults of the Voice emerged on Yayor, Amistel, Albitem and even amongst the inmates of the prison world of Bar-el.
As destructive as the Cults of the Voice were, they spurred a battered Imperium into life, preachers and missionaries of the Missionarus Galaxia spreading through the affected regions and decrying the evil of the anti-Imperial cult. Imperial faith rose like a phoenix from the flames and furious battles erupted between the followers of the voice and pious servants of the Emperor. FAr from destroying the faith of these sectors, there was a resurgence of vows and piety. Imperial assassins and kill-teams were despatched to terminate the leader of this cult, though none were ever seen again. One garbled communication, from a lone Vindicare Assassin, gives a clue to identity of the Voice of the Emperor; a hooded figure carrying a sword and a pair of exquisite pistols.
Look, its Cypher! And it seems like despite the fact he's a bad guy, his actions have an ultimately positive effect.

It is interesting that Cypher's followers overwhelmed spaceports and military bases and managed to gain access to warp capable transport.

PAge 13
As Ursarkar Creed fought on the bloody fields of Kasr Tyrok, the most trusted advisor ot the Governor Secundus collapsed deep inside the fortress ofKasr Vazan, his body bloating and rotting in a manner all too familiar ot the chirurgeons of the Cadian Sector. The Kasrkin reacted with admirable speed, but it was too late for the troopers of Kasr Vazan and within an hour, the entire fortress was declared Unclean and sealed forever.
Spontaneous outbreak of Papa Nurgle, the sneaky bastard.

Page 13
Hurried pleas for aid from forces beyond the Cadian Sector were despatched with the highest authentication codes and wthin days, missives from the Space Wolves and a number of other Chapters of Space Marines arrived, peldging warriors and naval assets to join the fight. Regimental musters were begun in scores of nearby sectors as the Administratum reacted to the threat with a haste unheard of in such a monolithic organization. Imperial forces were gathering, but it would be many weeks, if not months before enough strength could be gathered.
REplies within "days" for assistance. Weeks or months to assemble the strength to fight back a Black Crusade. This doesnt neccesarily mean that theose forces will wait weeks or months and arrive all at once - rather they will over that period trickle in piecemeal.

Page 13
Astropathic divination pointed to towards the blighted world of Urthwart,
more divination to figure shit out.

Page 13
But as the Kasrkin prepared to withdraw, frantic vox communication from their ships in orbit reported numerous vessels advancing on Urthwart from the Eye of Terror. The Kasrkin fell back to their dropships and attempted to return to their carriers, but it was already too late. The Imperial ships were either crippled or had been forced to disengage and make for Cadia. There was to be no escape and the Cadians were stranded on Urthwart as a massive vessel, larger than the most gargantuan capital ship approached them: the Planet Killer.
This implies FTL detection of some kind able to pick up on vessels leaving the EYe. stropaths perhaps?

Page 13
the Cadians could do nothing as the incomprehensible power of the Planet Killer was unleashed in a devastating lancee of energy that bored through the planet's crust and sundered the very bedrock. The land split and the planet's core exploded, breaking Urthwart into spinning pieces of molten rock.
The Planet melted? That would probably be in the e29-e30 jole range. Peculairly, this sounds like the least technobabble descritpption, aside from teh "drilling a hole to the core." A series of initial pulses might drill the hoel, the last one "detonate" the planet.

Page 13
The death of Urthwart echoed in the Warp, blowing out the encroaching warp storms, and every telepath within a thousand light years felt its death scream.
Self explanatory.

Page 13
As Urthwart collapsed in on itself, a Chaos fleet of hundreds of warships and hulking transports surged from the depths of the Eye of Terror towards Cadia.
The Chaos assault begins.

Page 13
Naval patrols, forewarned by the surviving Astorpaths on Belisar, fell back befor the tide of corrupted vessels, desperately calling for aid from neighbouring sectors. The ban on transit between sectors was still in force and precious hours were wasted as Naval captains fought to overcome the bureacracy of the Officio medicae who attempted to prevent them from press-ganging their crews back into service.
More Astropathic warning. Naval patrols outnumbered by hundrds of Chaos warships.

PAge 14
Unlike other naval battles, there was no jockeying for advantageous position by the foes. The Chaos fleet obviously intended to batter its way through the Imperial Navy and the two fleets clashed in the shadow of hte Ilthirium belt, a mineral rich asteroid field plundered by the mining hulks of Ormantep.


A dozen vessels were crippled in the opening moments of the battle, either by wave after wave of torpedoes or constant attack runs of Doomfire bombers, but the rest of the fleet fought on. As both fleets intermingled and the battle became a desperate, close quarters engagement, with horrific damage being inflicted on both sides, a portion of the Chaos fleet split form the main battle surged past the heavily engaged Navy towards the Agripinnaa sector. For long hours the two fleets pounded one another, and all hope seemed lost when Admiral Pulaski's flagship, Honour and Duty, was destroyed in a catastrophic plasma drive explosion. The Imperial defneders had commended their souls ot the Emperor when several Chaos warships that had assumed blocking positions suddenly exploded as the warships of Battlefleet Agripinaa caught the Chaos fleet off guard.

Quarren had saved what remained of the fleet, but in doing so had left the way clear for the splinter fleet of Chaos vessels to breach the defences of the Agripinaa sector.

Chaos vs imperial fleet. Note a dozen vessels of unknown type crippled in moments by Ordnance, while the actual battle was a "hours-long"sluggijng match.

PAge 14
Colonel Pertaj [Drookien Fen Guard] orchestrated a masterful defence, devising a cunning series of trench systems to confound the foe and lead them directly into deadly fire traps.
Trench warfare again.

Page 14
Only the Space Marines, with their blessed power armour and Titans could survive the toxin-ridden battlefields of this plague front
I guess IG rebreathers and such werne't enough in this case.

Page 14
Admiral Quarren led the battered fleet in a fighting retreat back to CAdia and stationed it in a defensive posture in conjunction with three Ramilies class star forts in orbit.
Cadia has its own star forts.

PAge 14
The Chaos fleet advanced towards Cadia, stopping only to allow the Blackstone Fortresses to scour Demios Binary to a barren rock. Lightning arcs of incandescent energies razed the planet's surface bare, killing millions of Imperial servants and destroying every structure in a matter of hours.
Two Blackstone fortresses score a planet to 'barren rock'. We know from the end of the EoT campaign summary (posted by Chris O'Fareell here.) that the beams melted/boiled the surface of the planet. Going by mass extinction calc and the usual SW BDZ calc (about 1 billion MT) and between 2 and 20 hours (for a rough OoM estimate) we get between 6.94 and 69.4 GT/s per fortress minimum. I should note that regardless of how you try to calc it its a low end, as we know from BFG a single Imperial vessel can do this in "hours" as well, and the effects are left open ended. (For example we know during the Gothic War 2 Fortresses combined firepower and scoured a planet's surface as well as removing the atmopshere. If the same was done here the output would be considerably greater. Melt depth could be greater as well - we know that many Imperial structures can reach hundreds, even thousands of metres below the surface of a planet in some locales.)

On top of that, we should observe that the warp cannons on a Blackstone fortress penetrate shields and are basically Distortion cannons on steroids (Think vortex warheads) - the thermal effects are a side effect and probably not the only damage mechanism.

Page 14
Chaos vessels quickly overwhelmed the obrital defences of Solar Mariatus, the outermost planet of the Cadian system, and hundreds of dropships carrying traitor regiments of Volscani Cataphracts descended to the surface, attacking the mining outposts and capturing the valuable ore refineries from the defending units of the Cadian 23rd.
Cadia has its own mining facilities to supplement its industry. "Hundreds of dropships" engaged the assualt, suggesting millions of troops.

PAge 14
(St Josmane's hope) Brutal, close-quaters fighting erupted all across the continent-sized prison..
This could mean a continent-sized structure (like a hive) if we assume its an enclosed prison facility/building. Or it may mean multiple such structures buitl across a continent sized area. Either is possible given what we know about Imperial technology.

PAge 14
Admiral Quarren had done what he could, but the overwhelming Chaos fleet could not be stopped and after three days of hard fighting, the majority of his ships had been either crippled or destroyed.
Defensive battle to prevent Chaos fleets from invading the Cadian system involved three days of "hard fighting."

Page 14
A single Ramilies star fort fell to the invaders, the remaining two managing to overload their reactors and self-destruct before the enemy could consolidate their hold upon them. With the space around CAdia secured, orbital bombardments hammenred the planet's surface and, one by one, the defence batteries were silenced. Hundreds of cargo hulks moved into orbit and disgorged swarms of landing craft that streaked through the planet's upper atmosphere.
Chaos gains orbital superiority then begins orbital insertion. "hundreds of cargo hulks." again giving a vague indication of military potential

Page 15
I shall mobilised the 34th Gudrunite Rifles and petition the Chapter Master of the Iron Hands for his warriors' aid.
A comment from an Inquisitor Lord apparently, regarding Czevak's capture by Ahriman. I should notes that, as far as I know, the Iron Hands have no chapter master, they use a council.

Page 16
Due to the sheer scope of the theater of operations in which the forces listed above operated in the 13th Black Crusade, the figures cited here should be considered little more than conjecture. The status of the forces of the Imperium changed rapidly during the initial stages of the conflict, and no true record of their disposition could be made. Later in the conflict, reinforcements flooded in from the entire region, and Cadian Sector Command lost all track of the number and status of the units involved. Furthermore, those figures relating ot the forces of the Despoiler were based on unreliable and rapidly changing intelligence, the nature of which was virtulaly impossible for any sane man to decipher.

Page 16

Known Legiones Astartes
Angels of Absolution (10 Companies)
Angels of Vigilance (5 Companies)
Angels Sanguine (7 Companies)
Brazen Claws (10 Companies)
Dark Angels (10 Companies)
Death Spectres (6 Companies)
Doom Eagles (5 Companies)
Exorcists (10 Companies)
Excoriators* (8 Companies)
Harbingers (8 Companies)
Howling Griffons (8 Companies)
Iron Hands (10 Clans)
Iron Knights (1 Company)
Iron Snakes (5 Companies)
Marines Exemplar* (9 Companies)
Night Watch* (11 Companies)
Novamarines (6 Companies)
Relictors* (10 Companies)
Space Wolves (12 Great Companies)
Storm Warriors (10 Companies)
Subjugators* (3 Companies)
Ultramarines (1 Honour Company)
White Consuls* (10 Companies)

*The Mythos Angelica Mortis makes reference to a group of 20 Chapters known as the Astartes Praeses. The tome claims that these Chapters were founded with the express purpose of guarding the regions surrounding the Eye of Terror, although the identity and status of each individual Chapter are not currently known.
According to Dark Creed, the Black Consuls were such a chapter but had been wiped out by the Word Bearers sometime before the invasion of the Boros Gate. The Relictors were declared traitors sometime between the events of the Third Armageddon war and sometime after the Eye of Terror campaign as I recall. It is interesting that despite creating them, the Imperium as a whole seems to have very little data on them currently (or even prior estimates.) Which may stand as an example of the secrecy and independence of Astartes Chapters within the Imperium (even where the Inquisition or AdMech are concerned.)
Note the "Night Watch" Marines having 11 companies. We dont know which Legion and Primarch they descend from, but it is interesting. Also note the Iron Snakes (Dan Abnett's Space Marine Chapter)

Page 16

Order of Our Martyred Lady (5 Preceptories)
Order of the Bloody Rose (6 Preceptories)
Order of the Ebon Chalice (4 Preceptories)
Order of the Ermine Mantle (3 Missions)
Order of the Wounded Heart (1 Commandery)
Known and recorded SoB forces during EoT battles. Again its not neccesarily an absolute.

Page 16
Avellornian Gunners (32 Squadrons)
Bar-El Penal Legions (4 Legions)
CAdian Kasrkin (486 companies)
Cadian shock troops (612 regiments)
Cadian Youth Army (16 Regional Commands)
Drookian Fen Guard (16 Companies)
Finreht Highlanders (3 Regiments)
Gudrunite Rifles (47 Regiments)
Jouran Dragoons (7 regiments)
Kellersburg Irregulars (3 regiments)
Knovian Gharkas (14 Regiments)
Mordant 303rd 'Acid Dogs' (1 Regiment)
Narsine Yeomanry (32 Battle Groups)
Necromundan 8th 'The Spiders' (1 Regiment)
Thracian Guard (35 Regiments)
Van De'Mans World 'Redbacks' (5 regiments)
Zenonian Free Companies (9 companies)
"Notable" IG units suggests there were an unknown number of Guard units (possibly larger in number) who weren't mentioned.
I think it is also notable to observe the variety in which those forces are repersented. Some are given as many individual companies, some as full regiments, or in other fomrations (EG Narsine Yeomanry as "Battlegroups" - the latter perhaps are conscripts, analogous to the Penal Legions being described as "Legions")
Also, it's nice to see the Necromundan 8th still existing even in the end of the 41st millenium. This arguably tells us Necromunda is still alive and kicking.
There are 728 or so regiments (or equivalent) I estimate here (612 of which are Cadian). Assuming the 2K to 6K figure for regiments we get between 1.5 million and 4.4 million. If there were 10K it would be 7.3 million (with tens of thousands or more per regiment a multiple of that.) We know Cadian troops go betwene 4000 and 8000 per regiment (disregarding armor fist and armoued groups) which is between 2.5 and 5 million Cadians.
Additionally there are: 511 companies (486 of which are Cadian Kasrkin). Total (assuming 100-300 per company) is between 51,000 and 153,000 troops (49,000 to 146,000 of which are Kasrkin.)
The others are 32 Battle groups (assuming somthing like a modern force, it may be a battalion or regiment sized force, so maybe 15-20K troops at least), 4 Penal Legions (50K Per is 200,000 troops) and 32 squadrons (vehicles - assuming 3 vehicles that's 96 vehicles)
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Connor MacLeod »

2nd part of EoT codex

Page 16
Engineer Corps (18)
Siege Auxilia corps (28 Counter-siege batteries)
Agents (Classified)
Disruption Squads (37)
Augur Teams (6)

Inquisitorial Task Forces (classified)
Grey Knights (Classified)
Inquisitorial Stormtroopers -Nemesis Tessera est 38 companies
Ouccularis Terribus Warzone (classified)
Munitorum, Asassinorum, Templar Psykologis and Malleus forces on hand.

The Templars group is interesting. Not only do we have "disruption teams" here like on Armageddon, we have "augur" teams. The latter implies data observation of some sort (surveillance assets), while the latter suggests Electronic warfare/sabotage ior other forms of non-damaging disruption. This may be some psychic agency, or some sort of intel organisation.

Page 16

House Arokon (4 Households)
House Krast (2 Households)
Legio Astorum (Legio)
Legio Gryphonicus (Legio)
Legio Ignatum (Legio)
Legio Metalica (Demi-Legio)
Ordo Reductor(Demi-Legio)
Skitarii (87 regiments)
Divisio Telepathica Psi Titans (clsasified)
AdMech forces. House Arokon and Krast suggests that the Knights and Knight worlds are still kicking and allied with the AdMech (much as they were during the Horus Heresy, thanks to Mechanicum.) The Ordo Reductor (which WR tells me are Siege engines). And, of course, the psi titans - They seem to be ADMech forces, probably jointly operated with the Adeptus AStra Telepathica.

Page 16
Vessles of note:
Duke Lurstophan (Dauntless class cruiser)
Abridal's Glory (gothic class cruiser)
Honour and Duty (Emperor class battleship)
Battlefleets of note
Battlefleet Cadia (12 Battleships, 12 Cruiser Squadrons, 21 Escort Squadrons)
Battlefleet Corona (7 Battleships, 13 Cruiser squadrons, 17 Escort squadrons)
Battlefleet Scarus (5 Battleships, 9 cruiser squadrons, 13 Escort squadrons)
Estimated Total fleet assets:
Front line battleg roups (21)
Rear Echelon Battle groups (36)
Independent Strike Groups (4)
Space marine battelbarges (est. 21+)
Space Marine STrike cruisers (est. 150+)
Space Marine escort squadrons (est. 200+)
Imeprial Naval assets - again only groups of note and the estimated force disposition.
The three battlefleets are interesting, since Battlefleets Corona (BElis corona), Scarus (Scarus sector - known as the locale of the Eisenhorn and Ravenor novels), and Cadia (duh) are all in and around the Eye, thus explaining their apparently heavy composition. Assuming 2-3 cruisers per squadron and 3-4 escorts per squadron the breakdown is as follows:
Cadia: (12 BB, 24-36 cruisers, 63-84 escorts. Total: 99 to 132 vessels)
Corona (7 BB, 26-39 cruisers, 51-68 escorts. Total: 84-114 vessels)
Scarus (5 BBs, 18-27 cruisers, 39-52 escorts. Total: 62-84 vessels)

Not known if this is total assets or does not include sector reserves (probably only active.)
Front line and Rear Echelon battlegroups is also interesting, as it suggests some forces were operating indpedently in temporary formations away from the Battlefleet. Probably would be hundreds of vessels at least.
The Space Marine assets are hard to break down, but assuming they match up to "known Chapters" (23), that means most Chapters may have deployed at leats one Battle barge, an average of 6-7 Strike cruisers per Chapter, and 8-9 escort squadrons per Chapter (again 3-4 ships per squad 24 to 36 escorts.)

PAge 16

Alpha Legion (20+ unconfirmed sightings - all sectors)
Black Legion (Major presence - all sectors)
Emperor’s Children (Unconfirmed actions against Eldar)
Death Guard (Major presence - Subiaco Diablo)
Iron Warriors (Suspected presence - Cadian system)
Night Lords (Unconfirmed reports - all sectors)
Sons of Malice (Active - Scelus sector)
Thousand Sons (Active - Caliban and Prospero sectors)
The Traitor 9th (Significant presence - Kantrael system)
Violators (Three confirmed actions - Cadian sector)
Warp Ghosts (Unconfirmed sightings - Agripinaa system)
Word Bearers (Active - rear echelon sectors)
World Eaters (Significant involvement - all sectors)


Death Stalkers (Unconfirmed involvement - Cadia)
Death’s Heads (Major presence confirmed - Cadia)
Fire Masters (Limited presence - Cadian sector)
Iron Skulls (Major force sighted - Vorga Torq)
Legio Vulcanum I (Four unconfirmed assaults - Belisar and Kromat)
Legio Vulcanum II (Suspected presence - Subiaco Diablo)
5th Columnus (PResence confirmed-Belis Corona)
666th Regiment of foot (Confirmed presence-Cadia)
Discilian Apostates (unconfirmed)
Jenen Ironclads (Major presence - Kromat system)
Sentrek Freemen (3 suspected sightings-Barisa system)
the Traitor 9th (Significant presence - Kantrael system)
Ubridus Light infantry (Major presence-Cadian sector)
Volscani Cataphracts (Active-Cadia)
The annointed of Aq'si (6 attacks confirmed-Belisar system)
the Shyis'slaa (Linked to cult uprisings - Albitern system)
the Sgitmatus Covenant (significant presence-Macken system)
The Unsanctified (Unconfirmed involvement-Bar-el system)
Abbadon's forces. Obviously far less numbers are available.

Page 16

Estimated Traitor fleet assests
Battle Fleets (est 38)
Blackstone Fortresses (2)
'Wolf Pack' Squadrons(est 19)

Battlefleets of note

Grand Fleet of Despoiler(7 battleships, 13 heavy cruisers, est. 23 cruiser squadrons, est. 30 escorrt squadrons.)

The fleet of Kosolax the Foresworn (1 battleship, 3 cruiser squadrons, 8 escort squadrons.)

The Plague Fleet of Typhus, Herald of Nurgle: (Terminus Est, 2 battleships, 3 heavy cruisers, 5 cruiser squadrons, 12 escort squadrons.)

VEssels of note:
Plagueclaw (unknown class)
Darkblood (Styx class heavy cruiser)
Planet Killer (undesignated class capital vessel)
Merciless Death (Despoiler calss battleship)
Fortress of Agony (Despoiler class battleship)
Traitor fleet assets. Estimated 38 Battlefleets and 19 "wolf pack" squadrons. hundreds, if not thousands of ships easily.

Page 24
Cadia is a fortress world, the guardian of the one stable route form the Eye of Terror. Its entire population is geared for war and its factories and manufactorum churn out munitions, weapons, and tanks at a prodigious rate. It is perhaps the most vital location in the entire Imperium and the military strength based there is unfeasibly vast. 71.75% of its population are under arms. Largest exporter of arms and munitions in region.

Nearly 72% of Cadia's military is "under arms." The bukl fo this probably refers to militia forces (Although givne Cadian training, this isn't to say they aren't impressive.) It also has significant military industries and exports a s urplus of arms. One wonders, given that its population is relatively small, how they can be so numerous or widespread (or industrious.)

Page 24
Cadia: Orbital distance 1.32 AU, 1.12 G, 20C temp..

Fortress/Garrison world. Population 250,000,000
Cadia is a Fortress/Garrison world. This means that, technically speaking, it is under the control fo the Munitorum/IG directly. Other notable worlds like Valhalla, Krieg, etc. probably are as well.

Also of note is Cadia's slightly heavier gravity, since this has implications for the physical capabilities of the Cadians (It might suggest a degree of genetic engineering since CAdians do not seem to have suffered adversely under a higher gee compared ot the rest of humanity. Much like the Catachans, in fact.) Cadians at the very least are probably stronger than the average Earth human.

Given that 72% of the population is stated to be under arms (potentially) this means that upwards of 180 million fighters may be called on if need be. Of this 10% probably represent the Interior Guard (18 million given the mentioned "one in ten")

Page 25
One of the early Eldar homeworlds, Belial was pulled towards the Eye of Terror during the fall and is now known as a Crone world, deserted and abandoned. It is home to a sacred Eldar artefact of black crystal, a sword forged from the energies of death.
Out of universe, it is noted that this sword mentioned is from the Bill King novel Farseer. I take this as meaning that the novel still has some measure of canonicity.

Some worlds in the galaxy were "pulled" into the Eye at some point . Perversely, this suggests the presence of the Eye or Warp storms may have influences on gravitational pull throughout the galaxy (and may have affected orbits or other phenomena in some way.)

Page 25
Belis Corona: Orb. Dist. 3.94 AU .76G/Temp 2C
Dead World

A vast conglomeration of orbital dockyards, the naval facility orbits the dead world of Belis Corona. Entire battlefleets cna be serviced here and the munitions stockpiles are stored in armoured bunkers kilometres below the planet's surface.
Note the presence of bunkers "kilometres" below the surface, for storing munitions.

Page 25
Agripinaa: Orb. Dist. 2.4 AU, .77G/Temp 4C
Industrial World
Population: 80,000,000
Virtually the entire surface of this world is covered with industrialised infrastructure, pipelines, factories, mines, refineries, processing plants and manufactorum cathedrals. Like almost every other inhabited planet in the sector, this world primarily produces materials for the cadian front and its industrial heartland is solely engaged in the production of ammunition.
Another "industrial world" category, or a lesser Forge World as I think of it. Also extensively covered with industry, despite having a relatively small populaton of 80 million. This would suggest either tons of servitors or a fairly significant level of automation, if not both.

Page 25
[Thracian Primaris: Orb. Dist. .89 AU 1.12G/Temp 28C
Industrial World
Population: 22,000,000,000
Planetary capital of Helican sub-sector, Thracian Primaris glows likean oozing cataracted eye. The planet has no moons adn its populace live primarily in hive cities scattered across seven tenths of its surface. Defended by five Ramilies class starforts and with a PDF of 8 million men, the planet is as well defended as any Imperial World.
Thracian Primaris' definition tends to vary a bit. In some sources it is also described as a "Hive World" (EG Eisenhorn) even though here they call it an Industrial world. OF course, the two terms are not mutually exlcusive, and it could be well on its way to being a hive world as well as being an industrial world. Both definitions could be entirely accurate, although it would not be, by modern definitions a "true" hive world - more of a proto-hive world (as Battlezone Cityfight has noted, the distinction between what is a hive world and isn't is not a concrete one.)

Also note that Thracian Primaris has a PDF of 8 million relative to a 22 billion population. Or 1 PDF soldier per 2,750 civiilans.

Also, like CAdia, Thracian primaris has a slightly heavier gravity than Earth, with the aforementioned implications (even moreso since gravitational fields can vary from planet to planet. This tends to suggest IG tend towards acclimation to heavier gravities than EArth standard, or can/are trained to heavier ones over time.)

Page 25
ChinChare (Rogue systems) Orb dist. 2.44 AU, .5-9.67G/temp 12C
Mining World
Population: skeleton crew of miners and associated staff.
An asteroid locked in a figure of eight orbit aroudn a binary star. Once home to a creature of Chaos formed form the coagulated bodies of pilgrims who had descended into the asteroid to worhsip a corrupted crystal structure known as the Lith. The creature was destroyed by Inquisitor Eisenhorn and Magos Bure.
With an over 6 g grav field and a skeleton crew of miners, they almost certainly NEED some sort of gravity-neutralizing technology to exist here. Planet makes an appearance in second Eisenhorn novel, so the AU definition may be interesting latter.

Pag 25
Hydra Cordatus
Orb Dist 2.06-8.74AU
Mean gravity .94G, Mean temp 34C
Dead World

A collction of blighted worlds that have remained quarantined for many centuries following the discovery of xenos artefacts buried beneth their surfaces. It is suspected that these may be similar in nature to the monolithic black pylons as found on the surface of CAdia. Imperial Fist vessel Justita Fides listed as missing after its failure to arrive at Hydraphur following a warp jump from Hydra Cordatus
Planet mentioned from Storm of Iron and was secret Geneseed storage facility. Why it was close to the Eye I have no idea... If I ever cover that novel again this data may be quite interesting.

Page 35
Exactly how the 13th Company navigate and travel through the Eye of Terror is a mystery, but some believe the Rune Priests hold the key. These warrior-mystics have been observed to traverse the battlefield by means of teleportation, and this psychic ability is thoughtby some to lie at the heart of the matter.


A Rune Priest of the 13th Company must guide his companions through the perils of the Eye of Terror. He has learned how to open small, temporary warp gates, through which he can pass in order to divine the path ahead.
It is possible that the Rune Priests learned or adapted this ability from the Thousand Sons or other Chaos Sorcerers. It is interesting that they can use the Warp (safely) to perform system to system travel in a manner reminsicient of Eldar webways or the Ork Shokk Attack gun.

While interesting as an ability, I cannot see this having much tactical value to anyone. Again, the facts we know about the need for the webway (or in the case of the Shokk attack gun, the effects on snotlings) of such passages suggests that no normal person (even a Marine, probably) cannot endure it. Indeed, it has been suggested in other sources that the Space Wolves have some special resillience when it comes to the influence of the warp, and this may yet be another indication of that.

In a much less turbulent and dangerous warp, however, this probably could be a useful tactic to anyone who knew it. It also suggests (at least) short range navigation independent of the Astronomican is possible.

Page 35
Though all members of the 13th Company have reached the levels of skill in warcraft equivalent to a Space Wolves Wolf Guard, the Storm Claws are equipped to fully utilise these skills in hand-to-hand combat.
Level of skill of the 13th Company marines.

Page 37
In addition to guarding against Chaos, Cadian regiments have fought in thousands of Imperial crusades and have served all over the Imperium. Even on the most distant worlds of the Eastern Fringe there are colonies formed around the veterans of mustered-out Cadian regiments. Such is their reputation that many other regiments emulate their equipment and tactical doctrines, although few can match their prowess.

Cadian regiments campaigning away from Cadia for longe periods will often fill their ranks with local recruits and may even include abhumans such as Ogryns in their formations.
Cadians have literally been sent all over the galaxy. Presumably this is laot like other "high profile" regiments, but Cadians seem to be some of the most well travelled. The fact that there are colonies all over the galaxy formed from Cadian vets (even out East in Ultima Segmentum) suggests that Cadian doctrine and training practiices have gradually promulgated out ot the galaxy, quite liekly explaining why many "other regiments" emulate their equipment and tactics. It also suggest at leas some of those regiments, while not being the equals of Cadians, probably carry a fair measure of their capability (Those who only emulate it for prestige regions, of course, probably are not guaranteed in this way. Only those regiments whose colonial origins can stem from a veteran Cadian regiment would likely retain the drive and discipline of true Cadians.)

Cadian forces practice locallised recruiting, yet their methods seem to allow them to do so without significantly diluting the quality of the regiment overall. This would again suggest that Cadian "colonies" could retain at least some of their former skill/discipline, even if they aren't quite the equal of the Cadians. This practice would also suggest Cadian veterans would work well in training novice Guard regiments of other worlds (either on garrison duty, or at a Schola progenium or in some other manner.) It would not surprise me in the least if Cadia had a hand in non-specialist guardsman training.

Page 37
Cadia is close to the Eye of Terror and has a high incidence of psychic activity. Some of these individuals exhibit enough control ove rtheir powers to provide support to the Shock Troops in battle.


Cadia Maintains several military academies based on the model set by the Schola Progenium. Exceptional individuals are trained at these establishments to Imperial Stromtrooper standards as Kasrkin (pronounced Kas-er-kin). Kasrkin squads are allocated to shock troop companies to provide an extra cutting edge in battle.


Cadians are formidable marksmen having undergone military training from an early age.
Proximity to the EoT would seem to make Cadians highly psychic. This may be a significant contributor to Cadian prowess and their ability to cope with slightly higher than normal earth gravity (slight mutation and/or
unconcious psychic talent among the populace.)

And lastly, Cadians are excellent marksmen. We can consider their snipers probably do better than average, and this might suggest that defensively, the Cadians are capable of engaging targets at quite long range.

Page 37
"If it was a miracle then it was a Kantrael short-pattern nineteen-megathule lasrifle miracle."
-General Karnow of the 122nd Cadian after his victory at Vogen
"nineteen megathule" mentioned again. We still don't know enough about the context for it to mean anything, however. If for the sake of argument we do assume "thule" = joule, it MIGHT mean sustained output of the gun (in other words, it can expel 19 MJ at an unspecified timeframe.) complicatin ghtings though is the fact that it has referred to magazine type as well (in the IG codex and in the Uplifting primer, both editions.) It could also mean to total energy capacity (meaning a lasgun power pack typically has 19 megajoules of energy.) Assuming between 40-60 shots the energy per shot would be between 315-475 kilojoules, which would also be consistent with their possible output.

PAge 38
You may include up to five sanctioned psyekrs in your army....

Telepathic order: This power allows the sanctioned psyker to extend the zone of influence of an Officer he is accompanying.
Psychic Ward. Sanctioned psykers are particularily useful in countering the heretical abilities of alien and traitor scum.
Lightning arc. Lightning leaps form the Psyker's hands surrounding his body before being hurled at his enemies with a gesture.
Psychic lash. The sanctioned psyker focuses his powers on nearby opponents, mentally ripping open arteries and puncturing organs.
Machine curse. The Sanctioned Psyker presses his hands against the enemy vehicle and calls upon his powres to pronounce a curse on the machine spirits of his enemies.
Sanctioned Psyker powers.

Page 38
The Internal Guard is Cadia's defence against Chaos cultist activity. It consistes of Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus permanantly seconded to the Cadian military. Cadia's proximity to the Eye of Terror makes it particularily susceptible to corruption by the power of Chaos.
This basically sounds like the cAdian equivalent of the PDF, only much cooler.

page 39
The Cadian shock troops are frequently called upon to assault formidable positions or to defend against overwhelming odds. To improve their chances they have learned to group men with specialist weapon skills in support units. These units perofrm tasks sucha s destroying bunkers, hunting tanks, blowing up bridges and so on.

Number/squad: 6 Guardsmen
WEapons: Lasgun or Laspistol and close combat weapon
Options: The entire squad can be equipped with frag grenades... krak grenades.. or melta bombs. Up to three Guardsmen can replace their weaponry with a weapon from the following list: meltagun... flamer.. grenade launcher.. sniper rifle... demolition charge... (maximum of one demolition charge per squad.)
Cadian roles and specialist weapons teams.

Page 39
The Kasrkin are the elite of the Cadian military., They are marked out while they are still in the Youth armies and enrolled in special academies where they receive training that is more than a match for that provided to Imperial Stormtroopers. They are utterly dedicated to the preservation of CAdia and follow an ethos of duty and honour that is both impressive and intimidating.
It's noted they have 0-3 squads per "army", which could have one or more platoons (assumed to be no more than company size). Assuming 1 per comapny and 200-300 pre company, you get upwards of 400-1200 Kasrkin per regiment of 8,000.

Earlier its noted that there were ~50,000-150,000 Kasrkin and 2.5-5 million Cadians estimated. The ratios could run anywhere from 1 Kasrkin per 100 troops and 1 Kasrkin per 16 Cadians (roughly.) Which per regiment works out to between 80 and 500 Kasrkin in a regiment.

Page 39
The Cadian youth armies are teenage cadets. They spend much of their time training at a castellum in the wilderness, drilling under the supervision of Shock Troopers and fighting mock battles with other youth armies. This prepares them superbly for life in the Shock Troop regiments. There is no hesitation in testing the youth armies in the crucible of battle and every Cadet yearns to be recognised for his courage and recruited into the shock troops. Serving shock troops sometimes refer to the Youth Armies as "whiteshields' because of the probationary Cadian badge they wear.
"Whiteshields" was a early 1st/2nd edition concept for the IG that basically consisted of youth armies. It was also a more widely spread practice back then.

Page 40
As an officer, Ursarkar Creed was demanding of his men and himself. His personal example earned him unconditional respect. In important matters he maintained the discipline expected of a Cadian unit but knew when to turn a blind eye, a quality that displeased many a Commissar. Creed rarely had to repeat an order; instead he exuded an intensity that compelled obedience from all around him. His greatest strenght though was his understanding of how a Cadian force should fight, not fro him the unthinking exhcange of lives so beloved of other Guard officers. Creed mixed resolute defence with blistering ocunter-attacks, proving himself as capable of leading an amry as a platoon.
Good ol' Creed. Friend to his troops, disliked by Commissars.

Page 42
Their [Chaos] armies are often insane personal creations pursuing a path of strategy and tacitcs which defies rational military explanation. Their followers may be disciplined and well armed, backwed with prodigious amounts of armour and firepower or a teeming horde of primitively armed mutants, monsters, and daemons. The seemingly insane, unpredictable assaults of such Chaos forces aare a nightmare for strategic palnners and lowly troopers alike.
A rather accurate description of Chaos armies. They can range from primitive/feral troopers and beastmen to more disciplined forces like the Blood Pact, or perhaps the IronClad, or something similar.

PAge 42
The dizzying profusion of fiendish weapons used by the minions of Chaos defy strict definition, be they warp-fueled arquebus or semi-organic machine pistols.
Warp arquebus reminds me of the supposed Hrud fusils, which IIRC from Inquisitor used warp plasma.

Page 42
Heavy stubber: popular among the kind f low grade scum that make up the traitor hordes of Chaos Legions, heavy stubbers are often stolen from planetary defence force armouries or crudely fabricated among the Daemon worlds of the Eye.
Stubbers are considered low grade heavy weapons compared ot other stuff (autocannon and heavy bolters)

PAge 44
Traitors are those [who] have turned from the Emperor's light and joined their fortunes with the servants of darkness. Mercenaries, pirates, deserters and renegades flock to the banners of a black crusade in the hopes of being rewarded for their perfidy with wealth and power and prestige. With the star of Chaos in the ascendant whole regiments, even entire worlds will turn traitor to survive and wring out their miserable lives a little longer.


Traitors are typically well armed with weaponry stolen and scavenged from a variety of sources, and have not yet descended so far into madness that their skills are completely lost.
Definition of traitors. Can't say the "benefits" entice me all that much.

Page 44
These [mutants] are the dregs of the Daemon worlds within the Eye of Terror where uncounted billions raise their harsh voices in insane prayers to unspeakable horros.
Mutant forces of Chaos. "untold billions"

Page 46
The sheer scale of the coming conflict was terrifying: the forcecs of the Mon-Keigh and the minions of Chaos outnumbered the Eldar by millions to one.
Eldar outnumbered "millions to one." It isn't suere whethe rthis is a comparison of Eldar forces vs human forces, eldar total numbers vs total Imperial military forces, or total population comparison between Eldar and human. Or if its Eldar in total or Eldar for just Iyanden.

If forces, it could be billions or trillions of human troops to thousands or million sof Eldar. In that case, unless millions of Eldar, it likely refers to military forces alone. If we're talking total populations.. probably would go into the millions at least.. more likely billions of Eldar.

PAge 46
Eldrad fragmented his consciousness, storing a piece of his psyche in hundreds of sacred Waystones. Maugan Ra assmbled the Black Guardians of Ulthwe, dividing them into small strike forces capable of travelling the convoluted labyrinth of the weba. With the leader of each detachment carrying a sacred Waystone, Eldard could disperse his consciousness across the entire sector, guiding each Strike Force through the webway to the heart of each battle at exactly the right time and location.
An interesting Trick Eldrad did. Not only does it imply hundreds of strike forces (at least one or more squads per group) but it has an interesting benchmark on Eldar command and control capabilities. Eldrad could in theory coordinate activities across an entire sector (tens or hundreds of light years). It doesnt suggest "instantaneous" coordination, but fairly rapid (or at least Eldrad could handle any lags). Rather a high end rather than stnadard ability though, since Eldrad is an incredibly powerful Farseer amongst a group noted for their Farseers. I doubt other Farseers could operate over such ranges or in so many groups.

As far as numbers. Assuming 2-3 squads per strike force and at least 200 Strike forces total, thats at least 4000-6000 Eldar.

Page 46
The ulthwe strike force cannot include any vehicles other than Vyprs and War Walkers, as all other Eldar vehicles are too large to manoeuvre through the delicate capillaries of the webway without causing catastrophic damage.
The webway portals (at least the ones the Ulthwe strike forces are using) are too small and delicate to be used by vehicles. This also suggests that it is possible to inflict physical damage on webway entrances (again suggesting that firefights and such in the webway carry some measure of risk.)

Page 46
Due to the comparative rarity of Aspect Warriors in the Ulthwe Craftworld, only one squad of Aspect Warriors can be included in each force.
If we knew the sizes of forces this might figure ratios.

Page 46
This [wraithgate] is a mobile form of the portal used by Eldar to link together places via the webway.
Iyanden has mobile forms of webway entrances. How common they are... no idea.

Page 46
A waystone is essentially a large spirit stone to which a portion of an Eldar's psyche can be imparted. By using these stones Eldrad Ulthran is able ot guide each Strike Force through the webway, using the mind of a fellow psyker as a beacon, and coordinate their attacks.


Furthermore, by psychically attuning himself to the waystone, a psyker can channel the immense psychic power stored within it onto the battlefield.
Page 47
In the direst of circumstances, Ulthwe accompanies its Avatar with a bodyguard of senior battle-seers known asthe Spear of Khaine. An integral part of the psychic choir that summons the Avatar to war, the Spear consists of Warlocks that have previously spent centuries on the path of the Warrior and have a strong psychic connection ot the Avatar. In conjunction with the living incarnation of their god, the Spear of Khaine is nigh unstoppable force on the battlefield.
The Avatar is "summoned" it seems much like a daemon into a psychic choir.. the "body" then is a sort of vessel for binding/containing it. The "Spear of Khaine" seems to have a stronger bond to the Avatar than other Eldar do as well.

Page 47
During times of major conflict, the Seer Council take a far more active role on the battlefield, divining the most influential warzone in which to add the might of their Craftworld and opening Wraithgates to allow their brethren to effect one of the lightning raids which characterise Ulthwe's military actions.
Ulthwe's use of precog in military situations.

Page 48
An Ulthwe Strike Force typically has several large units of Black Guardians, all of whom hav been trained to maximize the use of the webway strike.
"several" meaning two or three squads one assumes, plus possibly at least one group of Aspect Warriors.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Three small updates in one: The armoured company rules from 3rd-4th edition.. I believe Raxmei was the one who provided that (Its been awhile.. if it was someone else and I forgot I aplogize.. let me know and I'll correct it!)

First off the armoured company list

Siege regiment: The regiment is known more for its artillery than its tanks.

Heavy armour: The regiment is disdainful of reconnaissance, trusting that they can break trhough any
enemy position with the might of their battle tanks.
Variations in armoured regiments.
Anti-tank rounds: The regiment is known for engaging enemy armour with battle cannons rather than lascannons. When a tank fires a battle cannon at an enemy vehicle it may use a special anti-tank round instead of its normal shell. Range is unaffected but, instead of firing like normal ordnance, a roll to hit is made using the BS of the vehicle. If a hit is scored, roll 2d6 and add the weapon's strength as normal for armour penetration, adding the dice togehter. The large Blast marker is not used, but penetrating hits are resolved using the ORdnance Penetrating hits table. These roudns require precise aiming so cannot be fired if the vehicle has moved.
Its not specific whether this is a Kinetic penetrator round, or a shaped charge/HEAT round. Given the short barrela nd high diameter, I'm guessing the latter is more likely.
Improved Sponsons -

Each standard Leman Russ may select its sponson weapons from those available to Leman Russ Demolishers..
You can give other russes plasma guns for example.
Overcharged engines: At the end of its move a vehicle with an overcharged engine can try to go an extra 6" in a straight line.


A vehicle and any mounted passangers may not shoot in the same turn that it uses overcharged engines. Passengers may not disembark at the end of the move, as it is travelling far too quickly to disembark.
Arguably you can give a Russ overcharged engines, just like in that Gav Thorpe short story in The old IA1.
Forge-crafted: The tank has been built on an Adeptus Mechaniucs forge world. Once per game, the owner can force the enemy to re-roll the result of a single or glancing penetrating hit.
Forge-built tanks must be tougher than other tanks for whatever reason/
Side Skirts: The tank crew have added sheets of plasteel to the sides of their tank to grant further protection against ranged attacks.
Extra armour, I suppose.
The tank has been crafted on an Adeptus Mechanicus forge world and is protected by charms and wards set by the Techpriests to thwart the enemies of Mankind. Attacks that specifically amend a tank's armour rating such as bright lances, dark lances, and blasters do not have any special effect against the tank and do not amend its Armour Value.
Again, Forge world tanks seem to be more resilient, although I'm not sure if it is legitimately the wards and charms (warp enchantment?) or if its just how they make them or what they make them from.
Anti-Mag: the crew have learned to caot their tank with anti-magnetic paste. The effect is to prevent enemy grenades sticking to the armour.
Krak and melta bombs seem to magnetically adhere to targets.
Reinforced ceramite armour: This vehicle has numerous plates of heat-reflecting cermaite, giving it extra protection against melta weapons. Melta weapons (including melta bombs) do not roll an extra dice for armor penetration.
As we know, Ceramite has good thermal properties.


ARmoured vehicle inventory
Indirect fire: The Earthshaker can fire "indirectly" at targets it can't see in the same way as a mortar or whirlwind.
This should say something about the range. Ironically the Indirect fire range is greater than the direct fire stats (twice as much.) Direct fire to the horizon in a Basilisk would be around 7-8 km, and Indirect fire would be twice that.. which is about the 15-16 km range given in IA1.
The conqueror replaces the standard turret weapon with a shorter barrelled version of the battle cannon, firing a smaller, less destructive shell. The reduced recoil allows the wepaon to fire along with any defensive weaponry, making this Lenman Russ Variant more mobile when leading an assault.
Conquerors almost certainly use shaped charge/HEAT munitions. Unless they have some highly effective bolter-like Anti tank round.
Griffons are used across the Imperium to assault heavily fortified enemy positions, employing a shell more than capable of destroying the toughest plascrete bunker and shattering enemy defensive lines.
Griffon capabilities.
Vanquisher Battle cannon: this weapon has a longer range and, against vehicles, a speical anti-tank ordnance shot can be used. Instead of placing the Blast marker, roll to hit with the crew's BS. Hits cause 2d6+ strength for armour penetration.
Vanquishers here are longer range than normal battle cannon.
Because they operate so far in front of the main units, the crews of Salamander Scout Vehicles often overcharge the engines of their vehciles in order to make a swift escape should they encounter strong enemy forces. Imperial commanders tend to overlook such breaches of regulation given the dangerous missions lightly equipped scout units often have to perform.
Despite being disapproved of (probably by techpriests), it seems common that engines on tanks and other vehicles get tweaked with. This is probably why we see a number of tanks and such in fluff moving far faster than the "codex" (EG IA) values.


Now Codex Assassins 3rd-4th in its entirety:

Page 2
It (Imperium) commands the vast might of the Imperial Guard and Navy, which have the power to raze whole worlds and slaughter any number of foes.


The gigantic Titans and other war engines of the Adeptus Mechanicus can obliterate cities.
IG and Navy can (in unspecified numbers and timeframes) "raze" worlds, and Titans can obliterate cities.

Page 2
The Officio Assassinorum is responsible only to the fabled Senatorum Imperialis - the High Lords of Terra who interpret the Emperor's Will.
Except in recent times its under the control of the Ordo Sicarius.

Page 2

- The Eversor Assassin's Executioner Pistol is described as a "modified bolt pistol [Terran Pattern] and has a "genetically-coded polymorphic grip", and has a needle projector with a "neruo-toxin synthesizer, and Bi-stabilised targeting sight.
the Neuro-Gauntlet has a "neuro-toxin synthesiser" positioned just behind the "hypodermic incisors" on the glove. The Neuro-Gauntlet also has a "neural shock generator".

Page 3
According to the tale, a Callidus Assassin disguised herself as the child's nanny, and so gained access to the princeling. Employing the shape changing powers of polymorphine, the resourceful Assasin swallowed the child like a python, and carried it away past the guards in her belly.
Interesting trick. Polymorphine seems to confer not only great elasticity to the body, but also great strength (as these dramatic changes, while they hurt, do not significantly bruise or tear the flesh.

Page 3
An Eversor was despatched ot wipe out Grand Duke Mackenzie and all his living relatives, during their Grand Hootmanay (a local heretic festival), which was held every summer. The Eversor succeeded in killing all three hundred and seventeen members of the Clan Mackenzie (the youngest being three weeks old, the eldest one hundred and forty two), although at times the Assassin was forced to resort to various improvised weapons to complete the daunting task, including a silver soup spoon and a butter knife.
Dude living to be 142, and the Eversor having some creative methods of slaughter. Rednecks in space!

Page 4
The resources for a full scale response were unavailable at the time, and so the Senatorum Imperialis was approached for sanction of the deployment of an Assassin
Authorisation for the use of a Vindicare Assassin was duly approved, and Agent Morias Skult was transported to the area aboard one of the Officio Assasinorum's own rapid response vessels.
The target was an Ork held planet, in ordert to take down an Ork warlord, destsruction of a gargant and various construction/workshop facilities building it and other war machines.
Assasinorum maintains its own fleet of vesels.

Page 4
Five enemies were fatally removed during this period of infiltration, and their bodies disposed of with hyphosus quick-burning incendiaries. Agent Skult then proceeded to insert himself onto the near completed Gargant. High charge low mass explosives were concealed at vulnerable points on the structure of the Gargant. Agent skult then removed himself from the settlement and took position atop a nearby rocky promontory, to await the Orks in the morning.
Vindicare incendiaries seem to be highly efficient and effective in burning a body to ash. Possibly using soe of the body's own fat contents, or it may just magically pull energy from eleswhere for all we know. Much like Clingfire from Ian Watson novels and the "emperor's mercy" euthanasia serum from a Tales from the Dark Millneium short story I'll be covering next week. May give us an idea of how flamers can cremate shit.

Page 4
Specially constructed hyphosphus gel-tipped ammunition was used to set fire to teh Gargant, which in turn triggered the high explosives planted within. These secondary detonations caused a chain reaction within the fuel and ammunition storage areas and the resultant blast area extended roughly five hundred yards into the surrounding settlement. Unfortunately, the majority of this detonation was directed through the back of the Gargant where the explosive mateirals were stored and the armour was at its thinnest. Therefore much of the Gargant's frontal portions escaped relatively undamaged.

Although Urgak was removed and the Gargant partially destroyed, many workshops escaped intact and it is feared tha tgiven sufficient impetus and time, the Orks could resume construction of their arsenal.
Imperial Navy vessel to bombard construction site form orbit.
Gargant going off creates a 1000 yard diameter blast radius (from a single incendiary round, no less), although the bulk of its energy seemed dissipated in one direction. At least until the navy blows it up. I have no idea how ot figure this one out.

Page 4
The Exitus Longrifle barrel has: a Spectroscopic sighting array, firing mode selector and multiple shot selector, muzzle suppressor, and "N2O cooling sheath" around it. N2O is laughing gas, but I've no idea how effective it is as a coolant.

The Exitus pistol has an integral suppressor, internal-5 shot magazine and a L 400/s "Thirdeye" targeter.

The Exitus rifle is treated as a sniper rifle with armour piercing qualities and can fire special rounds:

Shield Breaker - basically any wargear-oriented "invulnerable save" - some sort of physical or foreceifld defense, but not intrinic qualities

Turbo Penetartor: seem sto have armour piercing qualities (extremely high armour piercing qualities) against vehicles and inflicts nasty wounds on other targets.

Hellfire - I'm assuming these are the aforementioned Hyphosphus rounds - inflicts wounds easier on the target.

Page 5
It is unnatural, for it is not of the Chaos that binds all things together. It has no life in the Otherworld, it has no existence except in the physical. It is a dead thing that thinks and breathes, a most hideous abomination. Even the humans who tolerate the stench and squalor of their own kind cannot bear this monster. Ungifted as they are, their latent psychic powers, ofwhich they understand so little, warn them of the danger it poses: Their skin crawls with nameless dread, their stomachs churn with subconscious loathing. Yet this is but a slight reaction compared to the disgust I feel when I consider its non-existence.


For this creature is an anathema to the Gift of the Mind. Its void blankets the Flame of Life that burns in the Otherworld for all true creatures. It severs us from the stream of Chaos that allows us to change realities, to create dreams and nightmares from the stuff of reality. It is the darkness that blinds; the silence of the grave; the hand around the throat that stifles all breath. It shatters one's visions and befuddles one's mind, sowing confusion and terorr wherever it passes. It drains the very spirit from your body, wrenching your existence from the glories of the Otherworld and condemning i to the ashes and dust of mundanity.

They try to control it with their clumsy technology, using devices which they barely comprehend, to guard others against the hungering maw-which serves as its spirit.
Culexus assassins are considered "dead" in the psychic, spiritual sense. Eldar clearly don't like them, and consider the Imperium's usage of them primitive.

Page 7
As he reached the end of the passage he heard the dull thump of a melta charge being set off. Half turning to look back he saw the armoured door begin to rock on its inches-thick hinges. With a screech of shearing metal, the door was ripped off its hinges, thick black smoke from the melta bomb billowing in through the opening.
Door has "inches thick" hinges. Sucker must be fucking thick an yet the meltabomb cuts through it, albeit in a highly concentrated fashion.

Page 8
The majority of the time, an Assassin will work alone. Occasionally, however, teams of Assassins are dispatched, or an Assassin may find him or herself fighting alongside other military forces (as in the Assassination! Mission given later). Not only that, but Assassins do not just fight alongside Imperial forces. In the Imperium's history there have been many occasions when it was deemed better to aid one enemy force over another, for the long term benefit of humanity.
In other words the Imperium despite its Xenophobia can be quite pragmatic.

Page 10
Thus the Officio Assassinorum was created, and the names of Callidus, Venenum, Culexus, Vindicare, Eversor and Vanus were forever immortalised... New skills were learnt and new temples founded...
Venenum and Vanus. For a long time we didnt know what Vanus did but figured VEnemum was poison. With the novel "Nemesis" we learn Vanus is information warfare/character assasination types and Venenum does indeed do poison.

Page 12
One of the strangest assassinations in the Officio Assassinorum's records is that of the Space Marine Primarch Konraz Curze... A Callidus Assassin managed to locate Night Haunter [Konraz Curze] within the Eye of Terror and killed him. What makes this case so different is the belief that Night Haunter is the only Primarch definitely known to have been assassinated, and that Night Haunter's powers of foresight had forewarned him of the assassination attempt, but he took no extra precautions to defend himself, claiming that the Imperium's actions vindicated his decision to rebel against the Emperor.
Night Haunter's assasination.

Page 12
Urhua Thereaux, Assassin of the Venenum Temple... only succeeded in killing the committee members after spending three days poisoning all the chairs in the council's auditorium, before a meeting of the full committee.
See? Venenum does poisoning. This was a rather creative one, I have to admit.

Page 12
The ancient arsenal of the Officio Assasinorum was opened and terrifying weapons used once more, weapons whose use had been banned by the Senatorum Imperialis since their discovery. Gene-sympathetic nerve gases polluted the corridors, while neutronic warheads destroyed whole wings of the palace.
Seems like the Assasins have alot of WMDs handy.

Page 12 - to summarize the events.. The Wars of vindication after Vandire's elimination involved a rebel Assassin attempting a coup against the then-active Grand Master, triggering a civil war of the Assasinorum itself. The upstart was eventually eliminated and the Grand Master went into a self-imposed exile, never heard from again (supposedly.) Authority for the Assassins falls to the Inquistion's Ordo Sicarius.

Page 12
Most vexing and challenging of my duties was the implementation of the hidden order known as the Ordo Sicarius. The Ordo Sicarius was set up at my own instigation, following my investigations into the supposed death of the Grand Master of Assassins, during the conflict known as the Wars of Vindication.
Upon my recommendations, the following changes were made to the Officio Assassinorum:
1. The Assassin Temples were distributed to various locations, so that should one fall to alien influence, daemonmancy or heresy, the others would remain untainted.
2. All Assassination to be allowed only be a two-thirds vote of assent in the Senatorum Imperialis.
3. All Assassinations to be followed by a detailed account of the mission activity, subject to Inquisitorial inspection at any time.
4. All Assassins, with exception of those of the Eversor Temple, to undergo regularly repeated psycho-doctrination, again under the eye of the Inquisition if deemed necessary.
We have therefore managed to insert a number of our agents into each of the Assassin Temples. These Assassin-Inquisitors perform the roles of Assassins as would normally be expected, but during the aforementioned psycho-doctrination sessions, we are able to release from them any sensitive information which other Assassins may be less reday to divulge. In this manner, we have already headed off two assassination attempts on the High Lords themselves, and prevented the major embarrassment of the assassination of one of our own Inquisitors, who had been workingly covertly with the Orks of Lamina Sector.
Extract from the Memoirs of Inquisitor Jaegar, suppressed circulation by Order of Inquisitor Madak.
Ordo Sicarius, and the reorganization of the Assasin's temples. Like most Imperial forces they get dispersed throughout the galaxy. Also one of the few non-three Major Ordos in the Inquisition.

Page 13
As befits such proud and dedicated warriors, Space Marines are contemptuous of assassination, and will have little to do with assassins under most circumstances. There are even rumours which implicate the Officio Assassinorum in the downfall of certain Space Marine Chapters - the mysterious loss of the Fire Hawks' fleet in the warp, the unexplained destruction of the Crimson Fists' CHapter fortress on Rynn's World, the disastrous ambush of the Angels of Retribution at Alantor X and several other less well-known incidents... No definitive evidence of such activities can be brought to prove these accusations... Whether assassins truly brought about any or oall of these disasters, and whether they were operating at the behest of the High Lords of Terra or in accordance with the aims of some other group, are questions which are unlikely ever to be satisfactorily answered.
Space Marines hate ASsasins, and rumors of Assassins being used against the AStartes. As we see in Wolflblade though, ASsassins like everything else in the Imperium can become political tools, which probably only justifies the Ordo Sicarius scattering them after the Wars of Vindication. Oddly though we have seen Chapter Masters employ them (That one Storm Warriors short story)
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Just a small update. I need to do a bit of reworking for some of the 3rd/4th edition stuff left, since that isn't going to be ongoing much longer either (I have fewer than a dozen sources to cover and many could be in paired updates.) time has prevented me from doing reworks on them so I've been putting that off. I will try to continue doing the 3rd and 4th edition next time, but I may be close to a month in doing it, or not, depending on time and/or interest.

In place of an update, just to give an idea of where I'll be gone. I don't plan to touch on 5th edition stuff yet.. I'd like for some more codexes and time to pass.. 5th is still pretty "current" so I feel no need to rush to cover it, since I still have lots of other stuff to do. I want to finish BFG, and I have lots of novels to cover. And the 40K RPG stuff. I am thinking of starting up the Dark HEresy stuff, and possibly the Imperial armour books at last. There is also stuff like the Sabbat Worlds crusade, and 13th Black Crusade guides, and Horus Heresy the collected visions.

I am thinking that once I get BFG and 4th done, I won't be doing as "regimented" of updating. I may cover one or two novels simulatenously, possibly with one or other "independent" works (like IA) as time and interest permits. The "apocalypse" stuff, and quite possibly planetstrike, will either fall into this category or a separate one. Agian I am undecided there.

I HAVE given thought to starting to cover the Horus HEresy series at last, though. There are over a dozen novels out now and its the sereis I have been currently digging through for analysis purposes, so, we'll see.

As far as audio books and other media go, that is a "I dont know." I am aware of tidbits from the audio books like Heart of Rage, but I havent really considered covering them (Its hard to transcribe audio books.) I won't do comics. White Dwarf is difficult to nigh impossible to do. I havent decided on the Ultramarines movie either (so don't ask. I dont even know if or when I'll get to SEE it.) And I probably wont do anythign with the video games.

Another thing I've been putting off but have to keep in mind for the future is to revise a bunch of my analysis threads, re-do many of the oldre novels (the Rennie ones, the Cain ones and the Ghosts ones especially, I'm not going to re-touch the NEcromunda ones) since alot of my ideas and thoughts on the tech, and thus my analysis of such, has changed (like with lasguns.) and the earlier stuff does not reflect this (and could be considered flawed. AT least, Tehre are things I considere flawed or imperfect.)

As always thoughts or suggestions are welcome.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Connor MacLeod »

3rd edition Guard Codex, the first one released in 1999.

Page 2
Numbering in the billions and equipped with armoured vehicles, aritllery, and all the other adjuncts of mechanised warfare, the Imperial Guard forms both the hammer and the anvil of the Imperium's military might.

An Imperial Guard Army consists of troops from thousands of different worlds across the galaxy.
Billions of guardsmen, with assortments of heavy vehicles.

PAge 2
The huge battles which the Imperial Guard have fought and won and which form much of its proud history are thus, in many ways, less important than the millions of small localised conflicts that the Imperial Guard take part in. Often a handful of Imperial Guardsmen will form all that stands between the citizens of the Imperium and alien forces bent on their desruction.
I'm guessing the "huge battles" are the "thousands" of battles often mentioned, upwards of the 100,000 conflicts. That there are millions of more local conflicts for the Guard (probably Garrisons and such) seems reasonable. And while they are far far more numerous its unlikely that they individually represent a significant threat to the Imperium in part or whole.

Page 3
Valhalla was once a beautiful world with verdant plains and lush mounain valleys. Hwoever, not long after its rediscovery by the Imperium, Valhalla was struck by a comet. This catasrophe turned it inot an ice world of blizzards that stripa man to the bone and temperatures that freeze the blood in seconds. The few survivors rebuilt underground in massive subterranean cities.


They have many armoured vehicles for traversing the icy plains of their planet and wear heavy coats and fur-lined boots to protec thsemselves from the deadly code.
Valhalla and Valhallans described.

Page 3
Catachan has a farily high gravity and all Catachans are muscular and solidly built. They are often called 'baby Ogryns' by others, though never to their faces..
I'd bet Catachans had to be genetically engineered ot live on a high-g world... given that they are tall and burly and insanely strong.

Page 3
Before it was virus bombed by the forces of Horus, during the First Heresy, Tallarn was a fertile agri-world. Even after it had become a disease-ridden hellhole, the Fores of Chaos made huge efforts to conquer Tallarn but the Tallarns fought back with burning hatred. Millions died and the surface became so polluted that only armoured vehicles could fight above ground. Tallarn was the site of the largets tank battle in Imperial History and more than a million wrecks littered the battlefield after the Forces of Chaos were repelled.
Tallarn was virus bombed but they re-inhabited it by going underground. LArgest tank battle in Imperial history had at least a million tanks.

Page 5
Imperial Guard armies are vast, sprawling affairs that can spread out to cover whole continents.
Scope of IG army conflict (millions of troops)

Page 6
I do take upon myself the mantle of Imperial Commander of the Emperor's realm, and to me shall fall the custodianship of the domain of the fourth world of the Landor system. To me also shall fall the protection of these domains, and as such I acknowledge my duty to raise such fleets and armies as are necessary to fufill this duty.
Imperial commander;s oath.

Page 6
As commander of Landor IV, I shall make available to the Hosts of the Emperor no less than one part in ten of the armies of my realm for the prosecution of such wars as decreed by the Servants of the Emperor, and as many of my soldiery as deemed neccessary in teims of extreme conflict or upheaval.
10% of the PDF funneled into the Guard on a regular basis, and more in cases of extreme danger.

Page 6
I swear that such men are given over to the defence of realms other than mine shall bear arms and be equipped to fight, and that my domain shall stand ready with such engines of war and machineries as are needed by my armies, should the spectre of war engulf us. I understand that in this matter it is I, and I alone, who holds the sole responsibility for this undertaking and that, as Imperial commander, if my armies shall be lacking or wanting in any regard that imparis that ability to defend this realm for the Emperor, I shall no longer be fit for Lordship of the Emperor's domains and shall risk summary execution for any neglection or dereliction in these most important of duties, as decided by the Lords of the Adeptus Arbites.
The Equipment part of the IG tithe can be pretty significant it seems... including vehicles. And fialing ot meet them can be grounds for death.

Page 6
Commissars are recruited into the Departmento Munitorium from the Schola Progenium, the rigorous orphanages for families of Adepts run by the Abbots of the Ministorum of TErra. Many serve in one of the highly elite Storm Trooper regiments before becoming Commissars, so tehy are no strangers to warfare and harship. Every regiment has at least one Commissar, and many large regiments have several, who remain with the regiment while it is deployed in a war zone.

The chief task of the Commissar is to preserve the fighting spirit and loyalty of the regiment. If discipline is lax the Commissar is to reinforce it with whatever means he deems necessary.. If the regimetn's officers are incompetent or lack courage the Commissar must retrain and fortify them or have them replaced by more loyal officers. If this is not an option, a Commissar may disband a regiment and is forces will be dispersed to other commanders. If troops are troublesome the Commissar must keep order. A Commissar knows that the best troops are the hardest to keep in line. He embodies strength, brvery, and loyalty, and serves as the ultimate example of human courage.

Commissars have to be tough, vigilant and resourceful; some regiments are composed of savage gang fighters, or viscious barbarins who are naturally antagonistic to authority. The loyalty of such troops must be earned and the Commissar must be prepared to demonstrate his courage in battle if he is to command any respect from them.
The last time in the fluff we hear of the "lead by exmpale without executing" type Commissars. Note the reiteration that many are former Storm troopers, and that regiments have at least one (and more often several) assigned.

PAge 8
Carapace armour is made up of large rigid plates of armaplas or ceramite moulded to fit parts of the body. This provides better protection than the flak armour which is normally worn by the Imperial Guard.
Carapace is basically sci fi plate mail.

Page 8
A combi-weapon is essentially two weapons joined together and gives the Imperial Guardsmen using it a choice of two weapons to fire.
Bolter flamer, Bolter-grenade launcher, bolter-meltagun, and bolter plasmagun. Double barreld weapons (EG storm bolter) also qualify as combi-weapons.

Page 8
The size and appearance of a comm-link depends on its place of origin...
the more advanced the world, the more sophisticated and compact the setup in all probability

Page 8
Hellguns use a very advanced form of lasgun that usilises a high energy laser beam
High energy presumably relative to a normal lasgun.

Page 8
Medi-packs (also referred to as Narthecium)
40K version of a first aid kid.

Page 9
The vehicle is fitted with protective devices, such as additional escape hatches, which increases the crew's chance of escaping if the vehicle is destroyed.
Increases speed of escaping a burning or damaged vehicle, but if the enemy gets into melee it offers them a potential point of access.

Page 9
Pintle-mounted storm bolters are located on the outside of a vehicle and can be used by a crewman from an open hatch or by remote control from inside.
Pintle mounts can be remote controlled.

Page 10
From when I left the farm, it's been about three months, though its hard to tell..


It took about two weeks to get the regiment mustered and then we had to wait another week after that for the Navy to arrive with the transports.
Three months since leaving to join the guard. Presumably including training. 2 weeks to muster, one week for the naval transports to arrive.

PAge 10
I don't know how many of us are in teh reigment, but it took two whole days to shuttle us up, with two hundred men to a shuttle, one every hour or so.


It took about two months, I reckon, to get form Last reach to hear, and then another two days of shuttling down.
2 days to load up a regiment, 2 months to cover an unknown distance, 2 days to deploy via lighters. 200 men an hour for 48 hours would be a regiment of 9600.

Page 10
As we got off the lighters (that's what the Navy call shuttles sometimes) another regiment was getting on. I managed to talk to some of them and they said that they'd been fighting on Zaro's World for almost ten years! These Orks don't give up easily by all accounts. We were their replacements. Apparently, they're allowed to go off and join one of the Crusades. hey even get to settle a whole new world if they conquer one.
After 10 years a veteran regiment gets to join a Crusade with the chance to conquer a planet.

Page 10
The men leaving were from Lorentian IV, and, from what they said, that's a lot closer to Zaro's World than Last Reach. The Lieutenant explained that the longer the war goes on, the further and further away from the world they have to go to get new recruits. Apparently it's a hive world where there are huge cities full of millions of people in a really smmall space.
This implies they were getting troops from a long way away. Hundreds of LY at least (At least two planets away.)

Page 10

..there were only about six shuttles worth of them left.
1200 troops remaining.

Page 12
Imperial Guard infantry operate in companies, made up of a command HQ and up to six platoons of Guardsmen. The Command HQ directs the actions of the infantry platoons in the Company and also directly controls the Heavy Weapon squads that operate the Company's most powerful weapons. Unless operating on its own it will be in constant communication with other Companies and higher-echelon commanders.
Company organization. Despite being organized and deployed as regiments, the company is the most basic unit of organization.

Page 12
Heavy weapons squads are equipped with weapons capable of dealing with armoured vehicles, and large creatures such as terrifying Eldar Avatars or Greater Daemons of Chaos.
Also large antipersonnel weapons like heavy bolters. Its interesting that some of the Heavy weapons the teams carry could be used to take down an Eldar Avatar or Grater Daemon.

Also the last bit implies the two are comparable.

Page 13
Commissars are ruthless individuals who have been thoroughly indoctrinated into the Imperial Creed, to the extent that it takes precedence over any feelings of compassion or common humanity. They are more feared than the enemy (and often hated) by troops in the Imperial Guard army, and will not hesitate to ensure discipline through the use of fear and intimidation.
I spoke too soon about the "non Executiong commissars" bit.

Page 14
Imperial Guard companies are often called upon to fight for years or even decades.
A long time in other words.

PAge 16
Although in large battles the Imperial Guard operate in Companies, quite often platoons will operate as independent formations. On isolated or sparsely inhabited planets a platoon may make up the entirety of the planetary defence force.
Platoons can sometimes operate as independent forces. The sorts of places where they would be the "only planetary defnece force" is likely if they are garrisoning a research outpost, space station, listening post, or similar.

Page 17
A normal Imperial Guard Infantry company does not include any mechanised troops. Because of this, it's quite common to attach individual Armoured Fist squads from fully mechanised formations to provide support and some fast-moving troops.


You may have up to one Armoured Fist squad per infantry platoon.
Organization and ratio of regular infantry to mechanised. IT's also interesting tht this suggests mechanised formations are speciliasts like Ogryns or Drop commandos or Rough Riders.

Page 19
Rough Riders are sometimes issued with a long hunting lance whose head bears a shaped explosive charge.
Shaped charge on a stick.

Page 24
"Never forget, Uzbek," he continued, "dat a worthy foe 'as been blessed by Mork and gork to make us Orks da best warriors in da galaxy. If someone gives ya a tough fight, ya hate 'em, but ya honour dem too. Now, dat Yarrick, I hate 'im more dan any 'umie alive... but I honour 'im da most too. An wiv 'is help, you'se boyz will be da toughest ORks in da Gaalxy."
Ghazzie's view of Yarrick, humans and the Armageddon war in general.

Page 25
..noticing with only passing curiosity the pain in his own elge swhere numerous shrapnel hits had penetrated his thick hide. Without a second thought he grabbed hold of the Chimera behind its rear track guards and heaved. The weighty vehcile shifted slightly. He heaved again. There was a creak of tortured metal as the carrier pivoted against the soft edge of the ditch and came to rest on its broad tracks.


Then he realised Nork was standing over him and beside Nork was the wreckage of the Chimera. The Ogryn had dragged the armoured carrier out of the ditch and twenty yards down the road.
Nork Deddog can lift and pull a Chimera some twnety meters. Shrapnel doesnt seem to bug him much either.

Page 25
... busied himself searching for the vehicles medical supply chest.
Chimera's have their own medicla supplies.

Interesting note: Nork is equipped with Carapace, so Ogryn apparently can be equipped with it.

Page 28
Home world: Phyram...
They seem to have a backpack with comms device or sensors, hard shell armor of some kind... solid helmet... look a bit like Cadians./

Page 28
Planet: Gryphonne IV: Bionicallly modified troopers adapted for missions in hostile envfiroments.
Funny that Gryphonne IV being a forge world, yet ti seems to produce guardsmen.. unless they consider Skitarri/tech guard to be "guards"

Page 28
Location: Fornux Lix:
Cognomen : fire Drakes

Fruther infromation: Access Code required:
Interesting to note about appearence: They are wearig hard-shell, plate like upper armor (either hard flak or carapace), and their lasguns have a power cable running back into a backpack. They also have a full faced helmet. Either they are storm troopers, or they are like the Vostryoans and Harakoni Warhawks.

The Fire Drakes make an appearnce in the Soul Drinkers novel Crimson Tears.

Page 28
Cthonol Regiment:

Sustained over 1,000 attacks in the last five years. Victroious.[/quote]

Another seemingly high-tech regiment. Backpack, apparently some lights or sensor devices attached to backpack/chest, etc.

Van Saar Necromunda Gang

High Utility conscript.
They look to be carrying a backpack, respirators, and wearing some sort of form fitting flak or carapace as well as lasguns.

Page 29
Where terrain is unsuitable for motorised vehicles, troops often use riding creatures in battle, sometimes bionically or genetically enhanced.
Krieg is a good example of this.

Page 31
+++Departmento Munitorum+++
+++Tables of Organisation and Equipment+++
+++Pegasus Sector+++Segmentum Solar+++
+++Please select a warzone enviroment and military formation type * Size+++

Formation type (For combined formations select all types)
Armoured Fist
Battle Tank
Foot Reconnaissance
Forteress Artillery
Heavy Tank
Independent Support
Internal Security
Irregular Native
Mobile Artillery
Mobile Infantry
Mounted Recon
Scout Tank
Strom Trooper
Super HEavy Tank
Walker Recon

Formation Size (For combined Breakdown select all sizes)
Company corps

Warzone Type (select all appropriate)
Forest- dense
Forest - light
Forge World
Heavy Industry
High Gravity
High pressure
High Tectonic
Ice Waste
Ion Storms
Lava Flows
Low Gravity
Low Pressure
Mountain - tectonic
Mountain- Volcanic
Noxious Atmosphere
Tar pits
Temerate - cold
Temperate - hot
Other (please specify)

*1 Includes Abhuman formations and non-standard equipped troops

*2 Usually employed due to high casualties

*3 Choose second category to define sub-type (desert, jungle, volcanic, etc.)
Mixiing and matching Guard Regiment types and enviroments and acceptable formation size. suggests
that the Guard keeps some form of record of as many regiments as possible to "select best groups" for the job.

Page 32
Xenthorp Major Garrison
CIC: Col Milon Adjutant: Cpt Chratus Quartermaster: Cpt. Tarentine
Engineering Officer: Lt Lucanian Regimantal Commisars: Commisar Thesprotian, Commissar Chaonian

Local Scouts & Rough Rider Platoon, 9 Cardosian*1
1 Officer, 25 enlisted local Scouts*2, 12 Rough Riders

Fire Support Squad, 116th Catachan*3
1 Junior Officer, 6 Guardsmen, 1 autocannon, 1 Heavy Bolter

Regimental Vehicle Pool:

1 Chimera, 3 staff cars, 1 "Tigermoth" skimmer, 3 Longhaul Transports*4

Inter-Planetary Trnasport (Cpt. Coulson)
Xenthorp's Pride*5

1/23rd Company
Company HQ Platoon (Cpt. Molossian)
1 Officer, 1 Commissar, 23 Guardsmen, 2 Lascannon, 1 autocannon, 2 heavy bolters, 3 mortars
B Platoon: 1 Officer, 31 Guardsmen, 1 Missile launcher
E platoon: 1 Officer, 35 guardsmen, 1 missile launhcer, 1 heavy bolter
H platoon: 1 Officer, 36 Guardsmen
I Platoon: 1 Officer, 31 Guardsmen, 1 lascannon
K Platoon: 1 Officer, 18 Guardsmen, 1 Autocannon

2/23rd Company
Company HQ Platoon (Cpt. Epirote)
1 Officer, 1 Commissar, 9 Guardsmen, 2 Mortars
F Platoon: 1 Officer, 45 Guardsmen, 1 missiel launcher, 1 heavy bolter
G Platoon 1 Officer, 34 Guardsmen, 1 missile launcher, 1 heavy bolter
H Platoon: 1 Officer, 41 Guardsmen, 1 missile launcher, 1 heavy bolter
L Platoon: 1 Officer, 37 Guardsmen, 3 lascannon

3/23rd Company*6
Company HQ Platoon (Cpt Barca)
1 Officer, 5 Guardsmen
B Platoon: 1 Officer, 16 Guardsmen
D Platoon: 1 Officer, 20 Guardsmen

23 Armoured Support Company*7
Company HQ (Cpt Caul)
1 Leman Russ
B squadron: 2 Leman Russes
C Squadron: 1 Hellhound
K Armoured fist Platoon: 1 Officer, 27 Guardsmen, 2 missile Launchers, 1 Heavy bolter, 3 Chimera

Lesser Xenthorp Garrison*8
6/23rd Company
Company HQ Platoon (Cpt Hanno):
1 Officer, 23 Guardsmen, 3 Autocannon, 2 Mortars, 1 Lascannon, 1 Local Guide
D Platoon: 1 Officer, 32 Guardsmen, 1 missile launcher
I Platoon: 1 Officer, 35 Guardsmen, 1 Heavy bolter
C Platoon: 17th Malcomb*9: 3 Officers, 45 Guardsmen, 3 Heavy bolters, 2 Lascannon, 1 Mortar
Steamer Escort Detachment*10: 1 Officer, 17 Guardsmen, 2 Heavy bolters, 1 Subordinate Adept, 17 Menial Adept

Imperial Monitoring Station 88/999c Alpha Garrison*11
Lt: Gisgo

H Platoon, 6/23rd Bruttium: 1 Officer, 44 Guardsmen, 1 Lascannon, 1 Mortar, 1 Heavy bolter

Monitoring Station Adminsitratum Adepts: 1 Prefectus, 1 Ordinates, 2 Scribes, 2 Ciphers, 1 Curator, 19 menials

*1 The 9th Carodsian Regiment was largely wiped out in Col. Zurinev's abortive 'Grand All Conquering Raid'.

*2 The local scouts are mouted on Xenthorpian "laxmouts', a local riding beast noted for its evil disposition and foul odour.

*3 No record as to how this unit cam to be attacehd tot eh 23rd Bruttium exists. It seems likely that an admin error led to them being transported to Xenthorp Major instead of Hiatna 15.

*4 the Staff cars, skimmer and transport vehicles are non-military vehicles of local design. The 'Longhaul' is cappable of transporting two squads of Guardsmen and their equipment.

*5 Xenthorp's Pride is a civilian system ship on permanant secondment to the 23rd Regiment. Although originally unarmed, it has been upgraded to carry a single gun-deck.

*6 This company is also known as 'Barca's Commandos." It is the only company to still have any funcitoning plasma weapons (3 Mk97 'Necromunda Pattern' Plasma guns).

*7 the 23rd Armoured Support Company is a hybrid formation made up of all the 23rd Regiment's surviving armoured vehicles (with the exception of the Regimentla HQ Chimera)

*8 Currently C Platoon is based at Lesser Xenthorp's Shuttle Port, while the rest of the garrison is based at the mining site.

*9 C Platoon consists of survivors of the 17th Malcomb REgiment. The rest of the regiment were wiped out by a virulent form of Pratt's Scurvy.

*10 Ore from the mines is transported in a river steamer manned by an Administratum crew. The escort detachment is drawn from units in the rest of the garrison. The heavy bolters are mounted fore and aft on the steamer.

*11 The monitoring station is one of the moons of the Xenthorp 10, so all military personnel are equipped and trianed in the use of type 97 pressurised combat suits. In addition, the garrison's heavy weapons have been equipped with recoil suppressors and air-feeds to allow them to operate in the conditions that prevail.
Sample Guard garrison force breakdown..

The interesting points are the onstandard vehicles commandeered..

including a skimmer, vehicle transports (for hauling the Guard around) , a inter-planetary transport (shuttle/freighter) and that some of the regiment serve in orbit on a monitoring station and are equipped apporpirpately (including heavy weapons having
recoil suppressors and air feeds for zero g)

Page 32
Following the pacification of Betta-Hydropolis 9 the regiment was retired from front-line duties and has since been on permanant garrison duty in the Xenthorp system

Since taking up their duties in the Xenthorp system the 23rd has seen relatively little combat, other than the minor policing and population control duties one would expect from a garrison force. Notable exceptions are the Elimination of an Eldar raiding force that attacked Xenthorp Minor in 987.M41 and the 23rds involvement in the capture and arrest of hte Decius Mus, better known as the Arch Heretic of Auscum, in co-operation with Space Marines from the Lords of Wrath Chapter in 995.M41.
Garrison duties.

Page 32

Lt Hesprix, commander of the Space Marine detachment that took part in the Decius Mus operation, singled out the 3rd Company, also known as 'Barca's Commandos' for special praise, saying "hey showd commendable fortitude and ability for human warriors that had not undergone genetic enhancement."
Rather neat for Space Marines to complment a Guard unit.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Eh. another bonus update. Lots of odds and endss: codex Witchhunters, Daemonhunters, and Dark Eldar (the early one) I'm getting tired of older fluff so I dont feel like going back and re-covering all that. Besides I don't like the Dark Eldar :P

Maybe if the mood strikes me I'll revisit it in the future. I've done it before.


Page 11
It is a testament to the threat of Chaos that the Ordo Malleus will not hesitate to decalre Exterminatus on a world tainted by its touch, eradicating all lifeforms with a devastating barrage of virus bombs or cyclonic torpeodes. More often than not this will consign billions of souls to death, but given the altenrative, this is a merciful reprieve.
Exterminatus again. Not too detailed.

Page 31
In the most dire circumstancees Inquisitors are empowered to decalre Exterminatus upon a world which has been lost to the Ruinous powers, ending the horror of its inhabitants in a cataclysmic rain of fire from ships in orbit.
At least according to this, which is quasi-fluff it would seem, Exterminatus measures can include lancee strikes, melta torpedoes and barrage bombs.

PAge 65
The primary ranged weapon of a Grey Knight is the combination bolter, more commonly known as a storm bolter. The weapon delivers a hail of self-propelled, armour piercing, mass reactive, .75 calibre shells that detonate a split second after penetrating a target. Fitted with an autosense sighting link and genetic idetnification code, it is a reliable and fearsome weapon.
Grey Knights get Storm bolters as standard.

Page 65
Grey Knight armour is ancient and heavily ornamented with many purity seals and pentagrammic wards, interwoven with ornate patterns of blessed crystalline filaments that form a psychically attuned matrix. Together with the psychic will of the weare himself, these holy suits of armour enable the Grey Knights to reisst their otherworldly foes.
Grey Knight armor protection against psychic attacks.

Codex: Witchhunters

Page 6
As numbers within the Orders militant waxed and waned, varying from a couple of thousand warriors to many thousands, the subsidiary convents began to take on an importance all their own. These small, scattered bases often proved ideal for reacting to requests for assistancee from the Ordo Hereticus, and so over time became independent of the ORders that had founded them, establishing their own traditions, doctrines, livery, and titles. Though the original six Orders are by far the most numerous and active of the Orders Militant, the new Lesser Orders Militiant, or Orders Minoris, b ecame especially useful in the frequent purity sweeps and pogroms instituted by the Witch Hunters.
Variation in the number of Sisters of Battle. Frankly I'm wondering if they don't number more than that, otherwise they'd be a tiny force relative to the Astartes. And Sisters are supposed to be the main/only militant arm of the Ecclesiarchy, garrisoning many of their worlds and territory they hold on other worlds (Cathedrals, etc). That would imply some pretty hefty numbers by itself.

Page 19
It [Sororitas Power armour] provides the same degree of armoured protection, yet must forgo the more advanced life support systems and strength enhancing abilities used by the Space Marines, as the sisters of Battle are not implanted with the Black Carapace that allows the AStartes to interfacec fully with their own armour. Despite this, the Sisters of Battle are one of the few Imperial Forcs outside of the Space Marines to be granted the right to wear such formidable armour, and they are trained to deadly effect ot utilise its abilities to the full.
Differences between Sororitas and Space Marine armor. Makes sense, although they do have helmets :P

Page 19
The standard pattern [helm] worn by the majority of Battle Sisters since the mid 38th millenium, this helm contains an integral rebreather, allowing the Sister to operate in total vaccuum for limited periods. THe visor provides full-specturm filtering and limited psycho-oculal buffering, allowing the Sister to fight on where a less well-equipped warrior would be rendered insensible by adverse battlefield conditions
As I said, they do have helmets :)

Page 37
In the direst circumstances, Inquisitors are empowered to decalre Exterminatus upon a world that has been lost to heresy or mutation, ending such abominations against the Emperor in a cataclysmic rain of fire from ships in orbit.
Doesn't specify the manner in which the exterminatus is delivered, but "heresy" and "mutation" being valid reasons make sense too.

Codex: Dark Eldar (the 1998 version I believe)

PAge 14
The disintegrator fires a small particle of dark amtter in much the same way that an Imperial plasma cannon fires super-heated plasma.
Dark Eldar plasma gun at least. I dont think this is "real" dark Matter, any more than 40K "plasma" in plasma reactors is real plasma.

PAge 15
Surrounding the model in a dark miasma of energy, the shadow field absorbs the energy of any hits inflicted on the model wearing it, ,making them almost immune to any damage. However, the energy field can become overloaded and cut out.
They seem to have a combination effect of holofields nad power/void shields.

Page 15
This is a mobile form of the portal used by the Dark Eldar to link together places via the webway.
The Eldar (EG the Strike Force of Ulthwe from the 13th Black crusade) exhibited similar abilities.

Page 34
They [Close combat weapons] are built from very lightweight materials with blades honed to a mono-molecular edge capable of cutting through even ceramite armour when sufficient force is employed. Weapons incorporating powerful shock fields (such as the punisher depicted below) hae also been recoovered, and utilise and energy generation and transference system as yet beyond the comprehension of our Tech-adepts.
Monomolecular blades, and a general description of DE tech abilities relative to the Imperium. Unsurprisingly they are better.

PAge 34
With its highly efficient firing mechansim and lack of recoil, the splinter cannon can be fired by a warrior even when on the move.
This implies splinter cannons (And quite likely Shuriken weapons) have very low recoil despite high speeds, and probably thus the projectiles are very very light.

Page 35
The dark lance is comparable in its role to that of the standard issue Imperial lascannon - that is to say, its primary fuction is to destroy heavily armoured targets. However, the dark lancec doe snot employ standard laser technology as we know it, but instead fires a stream of what is, for want of a better term, "dark matter". The origin of this substance is unknown, although there are a number of theses claiming it can be found in black holes, warp storms, and other celestial phenomena of great magnitude. The dark amtter works by reacting catastrophically with its target, ,producing a blast that is more than capable of destroying any vehicle regardless of the thickness of its armour, or totally vapourising a foot soldier.

The disintegrator employs a more unstable form of this dark matter and battlefield reports show that it can be used in several firing modes, unleashing a single ball of ravening energy or a lethal salvo of powerful enegy bolts.[/qutoe]

Upgraded lascannon that can "vaporize" a person. aS noted in the Grand 40K thread, this could be megajoule range, although someone will contest the vaporizing. Call it single digit MJ (if vaporize = explode the body) to triple digit or more (if reduced to steam)

Page 35

the desturctor fires a stream of virulent organo-acidic compounds, which can melt through armour and sear flesh.
Nasty. Can't decide whether this is meant to be lethal or incpaacitating.

Page 40
The Eldar's disengagement from the warp within the normally intolerable circumstances of an in-system gravity field provides more proof of the Eldar's ability to appear almost instantaneously in orbit over a world.
mention that "gravity fields" mess with warp drives, hence the oft-considred "emerge at the edge of the gaalaxy) precuation. This seems to suggest orbital distances (tens of thousands of km or less) is deemed outright impossible (or totally insane as to be impractical) in normal usage. Although risky measures have allowed ships to get very close (within 100,000 + km, although that was still fairly insane by Imperial standards. That it was the Orks doing it explains why it was done.)
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by [R_H] »

Connor MacLeod wrote:E
Page 19
It [Sororitas Power armour] provides the same degree of armoured protection, yet must forgo the more advanced life support systems and strength enhancing abilities used by the Space Marines, as the sisters of Battle are not implanted with the Black Carapace that allows the AStartes to interfacec fully with their own armour. Despite this, the Sisters of Battle are one of the few Imperial Forcs outside of the Space Marines to be granted the right to wear such formidable armour, and they are trained to deadly effect ot utilise its abilities to the full.
Differences between Sororitas and Space Marine armor. Makes sense, although they do have helmets :P

Page 19
The standard pattern [helm] worn by the majority of Battle Sisters since the mid 38th millenium, this helm contains an integral rebreather, allowing the Sister to operate in total vaccuum for limited periods. THe visor provides full-specturm filtering and limited psycho-oculal buffering, allowing the Sister to fight on where a less well-equipped warrior would be rendered insensible by adverse battlefield conditions
As I said, they do have helmets :)
Are there any other forces which wear power armour (either worse than SoB, or better than SoB) on a broad scale?

From page 19, the last sentence, does that imply that their helms have autosenses?
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by NecronLord »

Re SOB Helmets; the latest publication for Dark Heresy (Blood of Martyrs) has it that the tradition within Calixis at least is that the sister must earn the right to wear a helmet (read, have certain experience points, game-mechanic wise) and before that goes without. It implies this is not the case everywhere though. There are thousands of battle sisters in Calixis.
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Connor MacLeod »

really? That's an interesting angle to it. I'll have to pick that one up and looke at how they look at the Sisters are handled (I've been wondering if they might start trying to imply there are non-power armored warrior sisters as well... which seems reasonable but we almost never see in fiction. We do know the other branches of the Sorortias get some extensive military training though.)

For that matter I should start digging into Dark Heresy. The game has been around long enough I think, and I don't want ot let it get too out of hand (besides, I need something to complement Imperial armour.) I should probably touch on Rogue Trader and (maybe) Deathwatch sometime eventually as well.
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by Serafina »

Okay, since we're already on it, and i've been digging trough it the last couple of days, i'll post some information on the Sororitas:

"Sororitas" is a broad term for several female orders serving the Ecclesiarchy.

The most famous (at least out-of-universe) are the Battle Sisters. Battle Sisters are at least equipped with a Bolter and Sororitas Power Armor (they actually start out with both at rank 1). The former is a well-crafted version of the "civilan" bolter (read: non-space Marine). The latter is essentialls "light" power armor. It's protection is slightly less than that of civilian power armor (again, read non-space marine), but it offers more agility. Unlike most civilian power armor (used by nobles and the like) it is also equipped with the same power supply backpack as Astartes Power Armor - those can easily run for weeks without maintenance. It's also equipped with autosensors, which are specifically designed to assist the wearer in targeting.

The Ordo Dialogus are generally scholars that focus on understanding languages (but not solely). They are considered sufficiently pure to deal with Xenos and sometimes even Chaos, should such an action be necessary. They are also generally communication officers for the Ecclesiarchy (and get "loaned" to the Guard etc.)

The Ordo Hospitaller are doctors, nurses, surgeons and medics. They typically operate behind the front lines or in civilan areas and act as normal (tough well-trained) nurses, doctors etc. in a civilian function. They also regulary screen the population for mutations and the like, specifically in noble families etc. (they often operate with the Ordo Famulus here). However, in times of needs, the Sisters Hospitaller can also serve as field medics. In such a position, they wear lightweight carapace armor and wield field-medic tools that are only second to those of the Space Marines. They are also not bound by any oath against violence and are often equipped with light personal weapons for self-defense.

The Ordo Famulous act as advisors for noble families and similar powerful individuals. Imagine them as a close paralell to the Benegesserit from Dune - they often manipulate lineages for centuries for political purposes, or to breed successful individuals. They typically start out as a nannies for newborn heirs and become teachers, instructors and advisors later on (and sometimes apparently lovers as well, if necessary).

How much combat-training the non-military orders receive depends on their position. A Sister serving in a more dangerour enviornment will get more combat training - a Dialogous on the frontier worlds will get more than one in some imperial stronghold, a Hospitaler who acts as a combat medic more than one running a civilian hospital and a Famulous serving for a noble familiy with lot's of rivalries will get more than one who doesn't.
In any case, they are not consistently employed in any military role, so you can't say anything in general about their combat capabilities.

And while i am on it, something on faith powers:
Sororitas and other very faithful servants of the Emperor can channel their faith to achieve various miraculous effects. Only a chosen few can do so - not even every Sororitas, tough their leaders generally can (including squad leaders etc.)
Some things that can be done with those abilities:
There are various ways to repel deamons, psykers and those serving chaos. They can be repelled, or a stationary trap or barrier can be crafted&blessed to keep them at bay.
There are various ways to shield others from chaos corruption and fear. A Faithful could calm their minds or shield their eyes from looking upon the deamon (or xenos etc.) Likewise, a righteous rage can be instilled in others, causing them to frenzy etc.
There are also various healing powers. This goes from improved first aid, transferring injuries from the wounded upon one self up to actually completely restoring the body of someone recently slain.
Likewise, the physical performance of others can be improved. This goes from enhanced capacities for fatige over enhanced strenght up to generally improved physical performance.
Last but not least, faith powers can make melee blows more deadly, guide ranged attacks to find weak points in the enemy armor, heat up flame-based attacks, bless weapons against deamons and psykers or to burn them with a mere touch. A very powerful faithful can also unleash a storm of light that burns the souls of psykers, deamons and those corrupted by chaos all around her.

Note that a lot of this is clearly supernatural. Some effects are relatively subtle and could be explained as a powerful placebo effect (such as the fatigue-resistance), others get more tangible but are still not clearly supernatural (such as the improved first aid or the guided shots) while others are clearly supernatural (such as the soul storm or resurrection).
This is not really much of a change from the things Sororitas could pull off since the Witchhunters Codex, altough some new things have been added.
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by NecronLord »

Connor MacLeod wrote:really? That's an interesting angle to it.
It's something of a game balance thing. Given that a level 1 guardsman is a... conscript, power armour's quite something. As such, no helmet balances that a little.
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Re: WH40K 3rd/4th ed misc analysis thread - part the 2nd

Post by [R_H] »

The Sisters which use faith powers, are they psykers?
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