Simon_Jester wrote:
GrandMasterTerwynn wrote:And why would the enemy commander even send such a message if the industrial disparity between Earth and the Bad Guys is such that the Bad Guys can simply come in and steamroll Earth at their leisure? What rewards or incentives would possibly work on the Bad Guys when they enjoy such a unilaterally superior position? "Teach us how to do really cool thing X, and we'll stop waterboarding you so often"?
You just might be able to accomplish something along those lines
under the right circumstances; it is not unprecedented for people from an advanced society to share some of their techniques with a primitive society that captures them. In this case, between the enemy's extreme xenophobia and their confidence of victory, though, it's not very likely.
Certainly not anything to bet on.
Why even bother? There's nothing they've got that we can't already get from the Benefactors, I find it highly unlikely that they haven't got detailed files on Enemy tech and weaponry from analysis of wrecked ships. If anything, with their shield tech and invention of the wormhole drive, the Benefactors are more advanced than the Enemy, it was sheer weight of numbers and political wrangling by their erstwhile allies that defeated them.
So we have access to a database of advanced technology and allies who can provide pretty much anything in there that we can't, using the manufactories onboard the mothership and the resources of the enitre solar system.
First thing is find suitable asteroids and hollow them out, slap in life support/biosphere, FTL & sublight fusion drives and shields, put onboard genebanks of frozen sperm and ova, databanks containing the digitised sum knowledge and cultural records of both human and Benefactor races, crew them with the best and brightest and get them away as fast as possible. Continue building and launching arks right up to the last minute.
For the next part I'm working on several assumptions 1) the OP implies that the wormhole is fixed, we can't close it but we do know exactly where the emergence point is and that it is in a fixed or stable position 2) the wormhole is of limited width determined by the aperture the Benefactors opened to allow their carrier group to transit and that it isn't wide enough to permit a large force to transit simultaneously, that the wormhole acts as a natural bottleneck 3) the Enemy realise this previous point and unlike the Benefactor deep strikes into their own territory they do not have the element of surprise and there most certainly will be a very unwelcoming reception waiting for them, so they will be sending a probing force of a pair of Dreadnaughts plus supporting vessels 4) only the largest classes of ships are capable of mounting a wormhole drive so smaller ships have to stick close to stay inside the protective field 5) although we can't enter the wormhole without the protection of the drives that we don't have the necessary resources to build we still can send inorganic objects into it.
If all of that does hold true then we may have a slim chance to buy some more time.
Benefactor tactics for defeating Dreadnaughts consists of finesse attacks, targeting an area til the armour breaches then firing into the breach to irradiate the crew or cause a chain reaction in the power cores. With only one mothership low on ammunition, unable to replicate Benefactor weapons technology and our own weapons aren't up to the job that's not possible, so instead we improvise.
First get the fighters out searching the belts for large stoney iron asteroids (after we've earmarked the ones most suitable for ark construction) then the cruisers tow them to the wormhole mouth. We push as many as we can into the wormhole itself plus smaller ones for the smaller ships, then put more in a swarm in front of and around the emergence point, no matter which way the Enemy vessels maneuvre they're going to faceplant into a nice big lump of metal and rock.
The Benefactor manufactories will be tasked to the limit, not only do we need the components for the arks but they're going to need to pump out mass launchers that will be emplaced around the emergence point to do even more impact damage to the Enemy armour, plus lots of fusion drives for kinetic missiles and more for nuke (or maybe even antimatter) tipped missiles.
If the Enemy transit the wormhole slowly to give them a good look round before entering this solar system then they'll be sitting ducks for whatever the Benefactors throw at them, now they may be arrogant but they're not stupid and they'll know that as well, so odds are they'll transit at best speed so as to punch through and past the Benefactor ships into the open where they can manuevre. Which means they'll hit the asteroids we cheerfully placed right in their path with considerable force, imparting lots of lovely kinetic energy into their armour, hopefully causing a breach or two. A follow up barrage from the mass drivers to make doubly sure, then the first wave of kinetic missiles hits them, targetting weapons emplacements not already crushed by asteroid impact to further degrade their point defense capabilities, the second wave of kinetic missiles targetting breaches in the armour to widen them and punch through the outer hull completely. Then a wave of nuke tipped fusion drive missiles targetted to go through the hull breaches and detonate inside the ship, toasting the crew. More mass driver barrages, more kinetic missile waves, more crew toastie nukes, rinse and repeat.
Remember we're not trying to destroy the ship, we're going for mission kill by irradiating the interior.
The mothership and cruisers are held in reserve due to their depleted munitions, only to be deployed if we're not causing enough damage fast enough.
Once the Enemy probing force is dead we re-choke the wormhole with more asteroids plus the mangled only slightly radioactive remains of their own ships.
The Enemy will abandon suicide runs through the chokepoint of the wormhole and resort to the old fashioned method of sending a fleet via standard FTL to kill us all.
If it works we bought ourselves another 100 years to get more people off planet, to found far flung colonies, to forge alliances with other races and to eventually build up military forces so we can defend our colonies long after Earth is dead.
If it doesn't then at least we went down fighting trying to take a few of the bastards with us. And we already ensured survival of our race with the arks.