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First there are the Care Bears and Care Bear Cousins, where differences seem minimal.
Now, an overview of their abilities:
Flying cars with supersonic speeds to allow them global travel; "Star-o-Scopes" that can allow remote observation of individuals on almost any point on Earth, a fully operational teleporter and a submarine. I would imagine that their technology works on a similar basis to the Orks, with an element of belief and the effect of a latent psi force causing it to work.
They seem to be anthropomorphic humanoid miniature bears, so they are quite likely an engineered species or some member of the taxonomic family Ursidae that has been exposed to the Warp. Possibly an experiment of the Old Ones or the Eldar which could not be effectively employed as a weapons system against the Necrons but could be used effectively against Orks.
However they are able to shield entities within their general vicinity from suffering the effects of mind-altering powers and negative emotions. The Spirit Book in one of the Care Bear movies proved capable of affecting the global population and its effects of affecting sanity and inducing negative emotion were ameliorated by being in close contact with the Care Bears.
Psyker Abilities
Care Bear Stare/Cousin Call: The Care Bears' ultimate weapon is the "Care Bear Stare," in which the collected Bears stand together and radiate light from their respective abdominal symbols. These combine to form a ray of "love", "good cheer: and otherwise positive emotions which could bring care and joy into the target's mind, as such affecting their emotional state and most definitely having a mental/neurochemical vector from its effects.
The Care Bear Stare varying looks. One has a beam coming from the abdomen being made up of several replicated images of the symbol. Another variation forms a rainbow when multiple Bears and/or Cousins are involved. To quantify it here is a short list of feats:
1)Undo a pretty extensive transformation upon human beings in "Land Without Feelings": When several runaway children were turned into barely-humanoid, servile slaves by Professor Cold Heart, the Care Bear Stare returned them to normal in a matter of seconds. It took the efforts of 10 Care Bears and they seemed drained afterwards though.
2)Thaw out an entire city: In "Care Bears Battle the Freeze Machine", the eponymous device had frozen the population of a (probably small) town. Again, the combined Stare of 10 Care Bears undid the whole damage, with zero harm to the population. Admittedly, they needed to have a tech genius adapt the Freeze Machine so that they could combine it with the Stare. So similar to the Culexus Assassin this form of Warp radiation can be channeled and controlled by technology.
3)Vaporize solid objects: In "Magic Mirror", the mirror in question was completely destroyed by the Care Bear Stare. So a powerful Warp/Chaos Artefact which we can define this extra-normal object can suffer damage from their attacks.
4)Reduce Entropy: In "Birthday", after a house was pretty much gutted by a kid with too much time on his hands, the Stare of a handful of Care Bears undid all the damage. It did not appear to even require a serious effort. An ability perhaps to reverse time in a localised volume.
5)Undo mind-control: In "The Magic Shop", when a ray-gun was used to shut down several people's positive tendencies, the Care Bear Stare effectively cancelled that effect. Though admittedly, that episode also had three Stares barely holding up against the ray for a few seconds in a direct confrontation.
6)Matter transmutation: In the same episode, the Stare transformed the raygun into a bouquet and the "magic shop" where it was about to be mass-produced into a flower shop.
7)Mental effects: In "Mayor for a Day", Abbotsville's children were turned mean not because of mind-control, but rather because of the "mayor"'s social engineering of controlled chaos. The fact that the Stare snapped them out of it and had them behaving well afterwards raises the unsettling question - to what extent does this thing respect free will? It remains unknown wether it was a de facto brainwash or if it merely forced greater awareness of how their behavior was screwed up.Nevertheless troops with sufficiently hardened minds such as Astartes and Grey Knights should be resistant to its effects.
Entropy reduction amplified through machines: In "Wedding Bells", Professor Cold Heart's sonic weapon was causing the Hall of Hearts - a rather large building - to break appart. The Stare of a single family member was enough to harness the machine's power into undoing all the damage.
9)Blocking fire and electric blasts: In various episodes where the Care Bears have gone against No Heart, their Stare (at least in small groups) has proven superior to his magical bolts. In "The Factory of Uncaring", he even turned into a dragon to breath fire on them - and three Stares were all it took to block his attack and bitch-slap him. Considering that No Heart is powerful enough to be a global threat, his constant defeats at their paws is impressive (even if he was a pretty weak strategist, admittedly).
10)Destroying evil creatures of magic: In the first movie, a dozen or so Stares were enough to destroy an evil spirit that had taken the form of a huge (at least human-sized) predatory bird. In the same movie, they lasted pretty long in a magical confrontation with a spirit powerful enough to turn off the morals and compassion of every being on Earth. The fact they eventually lost the fight is mitigated by their being at a disadvantage (the cousins didn't have their powers yet). In the second movie, they used the Stare to figh Dark Heart to a stadnstill - another magical entity (pretty obviously inspired by the devil of medieval folklore) of world-threatening power.
11)Perhaps the most impressive feat comes from "The Long Lost Care Bears", where we discover that two family members had been subconsciously maintaining a tropical micro-climate over dozens of square kilometers of a naturally arctic area for deades. The energy requirement for that is on the same order of magnitude as the energy used by all of the USA.