The difference is that Trek basically never does that. The closest they've ever gotten is Scotty beaming tribbles into the Klingon engine room. Space Marines do this. I've given an example of where they do it and it's probably not the only one. Beaming aboard another ship in key locations to wreak havok at key points is a common 40K tactic.Ryan Thunder wrote: Ah, fuck it. No, I don't.
This doesn't sound much better than the usual "beam into bridge, flood ship with nerve gas" horseshit we used to get from the Trektards, though.
In fact they have even improvised another way to simply use their teleporter device as a more general weapon. Marines have been known to simply target a bunker or other target and open up the teleport beam on a target with nothing in it, fusing and damaging the target area.
ST teleporting has all kinds of fun difficulty beaming in adverse conditions; in 40k it's as simple as 'Are shields up? If not beam away.' Trek is pretty unique in fact; most sci-fi with teleporters uses it much more aggressively. Take a look at say, stargate, which has been known to attack large ground objects with teleporters, abduct entire populations and teleport nuclear bombs into target ships.
Would you say the same about say the Culture teleporting a combat drone aboard to beat up the crew? Of course not. Different teleporters work differently.