Other SF planet killers!

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Other SF planet killers!

Post by Iceberg »

Since Mike has been so kind as to post a page with discussion of some sci-fi planet killers, I feel obliged to throw in my own two cents, on two planet-killer (or near planet killer) events in some important anime: Operation British in Gundam, and the Zentraedi bombardment of Earth in Macross/Robotech.

Operation British

Description: Can't fight an enemy? Drop a big rock on him! Or in this case, a 5-km-diameter, 30-km-long space colony that has just been depopulated. In Mobile Suit Gundam, Zeon's tactics destroy half of the human race in a single week of frenzied violence, destroying space colonies wholesale by unrestricted use of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. To prevent the inevitable Earth Federal Forces counterattack, Zeon plans to destroy the Federal Forces' leadership by deorbiting a colony to crash into the EFF headquarters in South America. The expected side effects - nuclear winter combined with near-total depopulation of the Earth's surface - were perfectly acceptable to the Zeon leadership.

Fortunately for Earth, an EFF attack on the dropping colony broke it into pieces over the Arabian Peninsula. Most of the colony vaporized during its trip to the ground, but the largest piece, knocked off course and its fall accelerated, hit ground far short of its target, destroying Sydney, Australia.

Zentraedi Bombardment:

Description: In Robotech Episode #27 ("Force of Arms"), the Zentraedi Grand Fleet attacks Earth in a desperate bid to recover the SDF-1 Macross. Part of this attack comes in the form of a bombardment by ships identified in subordinate material as Rineunadou Lojmeauan-class monitors. This bombardment destroyed/depopulated nearly 70% of the Earth's surface in a single volley. The Zentraedi were unable to follow up their attack and finish off Earth, thanks to the timely interference of General Breetai's Adoclas Fleet, Admiral Henry J. Gloval and the Earth Orbital Fleet, and some truly evil psychological warfare (Reba West's singing has been banned by various international military conventions). However, a similar attack destroyed the extrasolar planet Palmier in two such volleys, suggesting that a follow-up volley would have similarly destroyed the Earth.

Have fun!
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Post by IDMR »

Curse you! I *knew* I should have grabbed the first in Other Sci-fi forum while I had the chance! ::rage and rant::


Here's my contribution to the planer-killer:

Warhammer 40K: The Exterminatus

Such is the high level of secrecy concerning the existence of daemons that planets cleansed by the Grey Knights are usually scoured to remove all trace of human life. This is known as the Exterminatus. Even military units of the Imperial Guard that have been seconded by the Inquisition to help fight daemons are subject to this scouring. Their exposure is considered to comprise a significant risk, which merits their destruction. The cost in human life is high, but the threat to all humanity is great and the cost must be reckoned in terms of racial survival.

The exact mechanism for the Exterminatus is unknown, but usually involves one or more Imperium warships deploying virus bombs, biological weapons of terrifying strength. The end results are similar to those of a Base Delta Zero operation, with the planet rendered lifeless for centuries.

The exact energy requirements of the Exterminatus in those terms seems extremely low, especially when compared to those required for a BDZ operation, but according to what limited evidence we have, it seems to have similar results, at least in the context of the Imperium, where robotic technology is unknown and heretical.
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Post by Iceberg »

There can be only one First Post.
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Post by Steve »

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Post by Steve »

Bah, should I maintain my originality and keep the crest of the Federated Commonwealth as my avatar, or adapt Mark's (Iceberg's) avatar because Black Mage rules?

Such a difficult decision... :)
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Post by IDMR »

Keep the FedCom crest. You don't, well, look like BS without it.
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Post by IDMR »

Addenum: Exterminatus

"The Night Lords ships orbited Nostramo, hundreds of weapons trained on the shrouded planet, they rays of the systems dying sun glinting from barrels too numerous to count. As the fabric of space buckled and twisted, disgorging the few ships able to keep pace, the lances and mass drivers of Night Haunters flagship opened fire on the planet.

Beam after beam of incadescent light joined the fusillade, all concentrating upon the same point, a weak point in Nostramos adamantium crust theorised to to be left by the Primarchs initial landing. The lasers of the Night Lords' ships focused a blinding lance of pure energy into the planets core, and with a cataclysmic explosion, the dark planet burst apart."

The relevant extract, unedited. Not an Exterminatus, per se, but proving that 40K warships have at least BDZ level firepower, since only 'hundreds of weapons' blew up a planet.
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Post by Iceberg »

Re: Operation British

During the One Week War (the opening week of the 1YW, the second week of January, 0079), Zeon completely obliterated the colony clusters at Sides 4 and 5 (corresponding to Lagrange Points 1 and 5; it was one of the Side 4 colonies that was used in the colony drop). Side 5 was destroyed entirely by nuclear weapons and is a "ghost town" unto the "present day" of G-Saviour (UC 0223). At the end of the One Year War, there was also a Zeon attempt to repeat a Side 4 style massacre at Side 6 (the independent and neutral nation of Riah), which was only barely prevented by the EFF.
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Steve wrote:Bah, should I maintain my originality and keep the crest of the Federated Commonwealth as my avatar, or adapt Mark's (Iceberg's) avatar because Black Mage rules?

Such a difficult decision... :)
Nah, originality is the best, find somerthing and stick with it, well thats what I do *kisses imperial logo*.
Oh err... :mrgreen:
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Post by Robert Treder »

The colony-drop might seem like a non-candidate due to its special-circumstances nature and its presumed low repeatability, but I think its a good addition to the list. It's been attempted in several Gundam series, if I recall correctly.
Also, in the GundamW timeline, they constructed a Death Star knock-off battle station, the Libra. It shot a big energy beam at the planet, achieving most of the planet-killing via 'nuclear winter' effects...though I suppose it could be fired multiple times to get more blast deaths, because those are funner. (I think it was able to fire twice within the last episode.../me needs to rewatch it)
The Libra was, of course, destroyed by the valliant efforts of a group of brave youths before it could blast the Earth.

There's also another Star Wars one, from the SW RPG Cracken's Rebel Operatives. Following is the description given on the Star Wars Timetales: (http://www.theforce.net/timetales/tt1-1/sect1-1.shtml)

c. 10,000 BSW4
A young warlord named Vall Kumauri seizes several dozen star systems in an attempt to forge an Empire in the outlaying regions of the Republic. His upstart fleet was suprisingly effective thanks to the Kumauri Battleship; a revolutionary capital ship developed in the outer systems and modestly named after the young would be Emperor. The Kumauri Battleship, practically the last series in the line, the Cal-class battleship, was a terror in its day due to its primary weapon - the huge mass driver slung over its main hull. This weapon tractored asteroids and other space debris into the rear end of the huge armoured cylinder and shot them at tremendous speeds out of the canon at the front. During this period of time, shield technology was unable to stop this type of weapon. A well - aimed asteroid could level an entire city, while a large asteroid could completely upset the ecological balance of the planet. Kumauri's empire imploded within a few years, but the Kumauri Battleship lived on as a legacy to his efforts. The ships of this line saw service in hundreds of navies, including the Republic starfleet that defeated the Kumauri Empire. Only when planetary shielding became practical and widespread was the Cal-class warship rendered obsolete as a terror weapon.
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Re: Other SF planet killers!

Post by Durandal »

Description: In Robotech Episode #27 ("Force of Arms"), the Zentraedi Grand Fleet attacks Earth in a desperate bid to recover the SDF-1 Macross. Part of this attack comes in the form of a bombardment by ships identified in subordinate material as Rineunadou Lojmeauan -class monitors. This bombardment destroyed/depopulated nearly 70% of the Earth's surface in a single volley. The Zentraedi were unable to follow up their attack and finish off Earth, thanks to the timely interference of General Breetai's Adoclas Fleet, Admiral Henry J. Gloval and the Earth Orbital Fleet, and some truly evil psychological warfare (Reba West's singing has been banned by various international military conventions). However, a similar attack destroyed the extrasolar planet Palmier in two such volleys, suggesting that a follow-up volley would have similarly destroyed the Earth.
The observed effects didn't indicate damage anywhere near a planet killing event. If you'll remember, they began rebuilding Earth after only a few years, and by the time Robotech: The Sentinels rolled around (when Rick and Lisa got married), Earth was back to its good old self. So, they managed to get the planet back into shape within 10 to 15 years. This is consistent with the visuals we saw, which indicated only moderate damage to the actual surface, while there was almost no penetration beneath the surface. If planet life was beginning to grow back within a few months, the bombardment just couldn't have been all that effective. Although, I've heard that the fleet was starved for protoculture, but this seems unlikely. Why would Dolza order his entire fleet to jump to Earth, virtually deplete their supply of protoculture, and then perform an ineffectual bombardment of the planet? It makes little strategic sense, and this is supposed to be the best guy the Zentradi have to offer. It's a waste of resources, taxes an already depleted fleet of its energy supply and consequentially leaves it ripe for the picking for Zor's old battle fortress and Brittai's fleet. Even from a psychological warfare standpoint, the plan seems completely foolish.

Palmier's bombardment was a little more obscure. We saw a hail of Zentradi weapons fire at the planet, and then a poorly done fade effect to a crater-like surface. Bear in mind that we only saw one side of the planet, and the fleet, as far as we know, only fired at one part of the planet, which was more than adequate for Brittai's demonstration. Of course, Lisa Hayes, who's never seen anything like that, would blurt "Why have you destroyed it?!"

The BDZ performed on Camaas, on the other hand, left it dead and barren for generations to come.
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Post by Tron »

His Divine Shadow wrote:
Steve wrote:Bah, should I maintain my originality and keep the crest of the Federated Commonwealth as my avatar, or adapt Mark's (Iceberg's) avatar because Black Mage rules?

Such a difficult decision... :)
Nah, originality is the best, find somerthing and stick with it, well thats what I do *kisses imperial logo*.
Oh err... :mrgreen:
And of course the Imperial logo is very original. :P

*looks at avatar*

Never mind. :D
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Tron wrote: And of course the Imperial logo is very original. :P

*looks at avatar*

Never mind. :D
Where's the EYE BEAMS!?! :mrgreen:
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Post by 2000AD »

Yay. Some1 else on these boards plays Games Workshop games.

Here's my list:

That Dodgy Bloke With Loads of Arm Drones from Lexx:

Not a single craft per se, but a bit more like the borg. One guy controlling billions of little arm drones whose only function is to take apart matter to create more drones. There are several cannon episodes which show planets being destroyed in this method.

Exterminatus from Warhammer 40K (expanded):
There is no official description of the Exterminatus ohter than "the summary execution of all life on a planet". There have been plenty of official ways of planet termination in the 40K universe described for example, mass virus bombing, conventional weapons (BDZ), asteroid bombardment and the use of the Planet Killer ( a massive ship with a Death Star-like big gun).

Tyranid Invasion from Warhammer 40K universe:

The tyranids, a race of hive mind controoled, hyper evolving aliens, invade the planet. After, or during, conquest swarms of creatures called Rippers digest all organic matter on the planet, depositing it in "pools". "Chimney stacks" are then built up to the Tyranid hive ships which are in low orbit so the organic matter can be transported up. During this process the hive ships will also be stripping the planet of it's atmosphere. After a time period of a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the size of the planet, all that will be left will be a barren husk of a planet devoid of atmosphere and totally uninhabitable.

Yuuhzan Vong moon tactic from SW: New Jedi Order:

Slap a big gravity source on a planet, point it at it's moon and watch as the moon crashes into the planet. Boom! This obviously only works if the planet has a moon(s).

Yuuhzan Vong Bio-agent from SW:NJO

A deadly biological agent that turns all surface matter on the planet into runny goo. Nasty.

Unicron (from Tranformers):

A large transformer that take either the shape of a huge planet, or an equally huge robot. In planet form it pulls the target planet towards it using immensly strong tractor beams , which also snare any fleeing ships. These tractor beams pull the target into wide gaping maw that acts like a mouth. The planet is "eaten" and the parts "digested" to provide energy. Only moon sized planets are digested in this way, for large planets Unicron turns into his large robot form, and eats the planet in the conventional eating method, ie using your hands to pick up bits and stuff it into your mouth.

Thats all I can think of right now, and i'm tired.( It's past midnight for me.)
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Post by Durandal »

I'm sorry, but I just have to laugh every time the absurd Yuuzhan Vong gravitational technology is mentioned. Here's one of the biggest idiocies of the whole thing: they identify ships by their "gravitational signature." Now, a CGT array can do this, but there's a world of difference.

The gravitational impact on spacetime of, say, Jaina Solo's X-Wing is practically identical to any other X-Wing's. Our sun exerts enough gravitational force to only bend spacetime by about 1/1,000,000 of a radian. That's our <i>sun</i>. An X-Wing is quite a few orders of magnitude less massive than the sun, and its effect on spacetime will be so utterly minuscule as to be virtually nonexistent.

Now, what if Yuuzhon Vong dovin bassals are sensitive enough to sense those infinitesimally small differences? That's simply impossible. In order to calculate the gravitational bend caused by an object to such a huge amount of decimal places in a fast enough time, you need electrically conductive materials, and there's no organic material that'll conduct electricity better than pure silicon or copper.

End rant.
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Durandal wrote:The gravitational impact on spacetime of, say, Jaina Solo's X-Wing is practically identical to any other X-Wing's. Our sun exerts enough gravitational force to only bend spacetime by about 1/1,000,000 of a radian. That's our <i>sun</i>. An X-Wing is quite a few orders of magnitude less massive than the sun, and its effect on spacetime will be so utterly minuscule as to be virtually nonexistent.
They might use a visual/gravitic system for making out individual ships.
And all x-wings are not 100% alike either, weight of the pilot and such, but still it's stupid.
Now, what if Yuuzhon Vong dovin bassals are sensitive enough to sense those infinitesimally small differences? That's simply impossible. In order to calculate the gravitational bend caused by an object to such a huge amount of decimal places in a fast enough time, you need electrically conductive materials, and there's no organic material that'll conduct electricity better than pure silicon or copper.
They might not use organic systems as in biological, I mean they grow crystals and stuff, what if it's some form of crystal based brain, or in other words, an optronic computer.
I believe the terminology is optronic for lightbased computers, right? If not, don't lambast me please :p
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Post by IDMR »

And the thing is also supposed to be a living organism...
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Post by SPOOFE »

Now, what if Yuuzhon Vong dovin bassals are sensitive enough to sense those infinitesimally small differences? That's simply impossible.
Yeah, well, it's also simply impossible to travel faster than light or to telekinetically lift objects. Hell, when was the last time you saw someone shoot lightning out of his fingers?

Yeah, the Vong are weird, but at least they're not Yet Another Imperial Trying To Rebuild The Empire. Then again, they do seem like a cross between the Yevetha and the Zerg...
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Post by IDMR »

2000AD wrote:Yay. Some1 else on these boards plays Games Workshop games.
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2000AD wrote:<Snip>

Exterminatus from Warhammer 40K (expanded):
There is no official description of the Exterminatus ohter than "the summary execution of all life on a planet". There have been plenty of official ways of planet termination in the 40K universe described for example, mass virus bombing, conventional weapons (BDZ), asteroid bombardment and the use of the Planet Killer ( a massive ship with a Death Star-like big gun).

Ohhh. The Armageddon Gun.

Nova Cannons and Magma Bombs are strong enough for BDZ as well, I believe. They were both rated in the Teraton range.
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Post by Rob Wilson »

2000AD wrote:Yay. Some1 else on these boards plays Games Workshop games.

Here's my list:
*Sigh* You call yourself 2000AD and you don't mention Skizz, the ABC Warriors, The Dark Judges or D.R. and Quinch when they're bored.

These youngsters*tch*

At least you remembered Unicron from Transformers. So your not a completely lost cause. :wink:

Ah well, my first p[ost and already I'm abusing a fellow reader of the Galaxies greatest Comic, must be Thursday.
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Post by Durandal »

Yeah, well, it's also simply impossible to travel faster than light or to telekinetically lift objects. Hell, when was the last time you saw someone shoot lightning out of his fingers?

Yeah, the Vong are weird, but at least they're not Yet Another Imperial Trying To Rebuild The Empire. Then again, they do seem like a cross between the Yevetha and the Zerg...
There are certain things in science fiction I can accept. For example, when something happens in a sci-fi flick and no one gives a stupid, in depth, completely wrong technical-sounding explanation for it, I just sit back and enjoy. The Star Wars films don't do that. They are centered around the story, not the technology.

I'll give the writers of NJO some credit for coming up with some inventive ways to create analogous technology for the Vong, but there are limits to how much I'll suspend belief. This whole "gravity technology" idea crossed that limit into the realm of absurdity. It just seems to me like they're really, really stretching to make organic technology at least equivalent to the current SW tech. I mean, come on, blaze bugs for tactical readouts. Bugs, for Christ's sake. And corral that makes up the hulls of ships, yet somehow manages not to burn off in atmospheric flight even though it must be receptive to light and EM radiation to grow, which means it can't be anywhere near as ablative as a piece of steel.

I realize that they were trying to invent a new villain, but with every new book, Vong technology grows more and more absurd.
They might use a visual/gravitic system for making out individual ships.
And all x-wings are not 100% alike either, weight of the pilot and such, but still it's stupid.
Everything is handled by the yammosk war coordinator. Unless it has a few hundred thousand tiny eye balls that can run around in a vacuum, there's no way it could distinguish ships based on their gravitational nature. The difference in mass is so utterly small on a gravitational scale that it might as well be nonexistent. So Jaina might have 5kg less mass than some other guy, and her X-Wing might have 1kg more of paint. This is trivial.
They might not use organic systems as in biological, I mean they grow crystals and stuff, what if it's some form of crystal based brain, or in other words, an optronic computer.
I've heard of crystal-based computers, and they have been shown to make crystals before (like the one Anakin put in his lightsaber), so I guess it's a possibility. But how would they program the thing? How could their civilization have even started? They didn't have pencils or paper!
I believe the terminology is optronic for lightbased computers, right? If not, don't lambast me please :p
I don't know too much about organic computing, but I don't really think it'll happen. We're headed more in the direction of quantum computing.
Last edited by Durandal on 2002-07-03 10:26pm, edited 1 time in total.
Damien Sorresso

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Post by Stark »

Rob Wilson wrote:
At least you remembered Unicron from Transformers. So your not a completely lost cause. :wink:
*No-one* can forget Unicron! Unicron is the Dark God, the Chaos Bringer!


Anyone know why he has a humanoid form at all? In planet mode he doesn't have pretty green windows for eyes (all the better to SEE who's ramming you with rust-proof junk ships) and I can't imagine anyone getting the Matrix inside when the only way in is the maw...

It seemed that Unicron could devour your average Biomechanical Planet(tm) in a few minutes, but scene changes make it difficult to be sure. We know that Unicron consumes planets completely, so he's better than the silly ST Kite Beast (aka Planet Killer), and I guess it makes him as useful strategically as the Lexx weapons. The Mighty Death Star does it faster, tho.
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Post by Rob Wilson »

Stark wrote:
Rob Wilson wrote:
At least you remembered Unicron from Transformers. So your not a completely lost cause. :wink:
*No-one* can forget Unicron! Unicron is the Dark God, the Chaos Bringer!


Anyone know why he has a humanoid form at all? In planet mode he doesn't have pretty green windows for eyes (all the better to SEE who's ramming you with rust-proof junk ships) and I can't imagine anyone getting the Matrix inside when the only way in is the maw...

It seemed that Unicron could devour your average Biomechanical Planet(tm) in a few minutes, but scene changes make it difficult to be sure. We know that Unicron consumes planets completely, so he's better than the silly ST Kite Beast (aka Planet Killer), and I guess it makes him as useful strategically as the Lexx weapons. The Mighty Death Star does it faster, tho.
Plus his Spirit is impossible to kill without the Matrix so in a Unicron Versus DS battle the DS wipes out his body... too then provide him with an even better one "Hmm this Superlaser sure beats my old Eye Beams" :twisted:

Post by Crazyman »

<Anyone know why he has a humanoid form at all? In planet mode he doesn't have pretty green windows for eyes (all the better to SEE who's ramming you with rust-proof junk ships) and I can't imagine anyone getting the Matrix inside when the only way in is the maw... >

Well, it was never explained in the cartoon, but the comic version of Unicron was actually a fallen god that had consumed an entire universe previous to our own, and when this one formed he was eventually tricked into flying himself into an asteroid (which would take way too long to explain; buy the comic yourself :-) ), which he eventually reformed into a planet that could transform into a likeness of his old self. Note: the comic version came after the TV version.
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Post by Stark »

Rob Wilson wrote: ...his Spirit is impossible to kill without the Matrix so in a Unicron Versus DS battle the DS wipes out his body... too then provide him with an even better one "Hmm this Superlaser sure beats my old Eye Beams" :twisted:
Transforming Giant Robot Of Planet-Destroying Might With *NEW!!* Planet-Destroying Superlaser Breath! In Stores NOW! :)

Unicron with hyperdrive, superlaser, and a robot mode... the power of the Death Star with mecha style. Call the Carl Macek!
I wonder in Unicron could munch through a planetary shield... I imagine he'd vaporise his teeth trying ;)

A Transformers canon point - I imagine the TV show is canon and the comics aren't, which is a shame because the end of the comic storyline was much better than the later TV stories... I'm including both Starscreams ghost *AND* resurrecting Prime every other episode here :)
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