Dark Heresy combat is at best a hollywoodish shootem'up and even that it doesn't do terribly well out of the box. This is exactly the kind of over simplified system I'm looking to avoid. As this thread is not about DH, if someone wants to continue discussing DH with me, start another thread or PM me.Agent Sorchus wrote:I would look at how dark heresy/rouge trader does it. Auto, just a different action that rewards you for rolling better than the minimum to succeed, while taking up significant time to reload. Between that and the fact that you use exactly as many shots as your gun says you do, no matter how many hit is far superior to most systems in terms of easy of use. Rules light.Gunhead wrote:This was touched upon previously. Modern day RPGs, by modern meaning any and all time periods / settings where hand held automatic weapons are available to PCs and / or NPCs.
I've been tackling this issue for a while now, and while I've reached some acceptable compromises I'm still looking to improve on this. Most RPGs that otherwise have decent or even good combat have autofire that is too powerful or absolutely useless. Problems are, the sheer amount of bullets fired, recoil, the effect on target and keeping track of all this while not spending 10 minutes going through tables and rolling oodles of dice.