Thanas wrote:(like Jedi needing combat training by Fett to prevail against sith).

Goddamn, I hate Traviss.
Moderator: Vympel
Thanas wrote:(like Jedi needing combat training by Fett to prevail against sith).
Darksider wrote:I think Traviss really pissed somebody off at LFL. In the Fate of the Jedi books, one of the primary antagonists is Dalaa, a crazy bitch with a hatred for Jedi and a fetish for Mandalorians (and bothans). Sound familiar to anyone?
The whole secret rearming thing is cribbed from what the Germans did in WWII. The only thing here, the rearming wasn't a secret from the Germans themselves! There was a lot of trickery, designing "civilian" products that were dual-use, i.e. passenger airliners that could be converted to bombers.Star Wars 888 wrote:Talhe wrote:I always figured that Sideous and Dooku helped fund the army. Dooku came from royalty and had money, and Sideous is a master of deception and scheming, as well as heir to the Sith legacy.
Not even royalty can afford to build a Galactic Navy without anybody noticing.
This seems like a reasonable question to me. Since the Kaminoians are in business in the first place (and have the facilities to train soldiers in all manner of warfare) then perhaps the clone army wasn't noticed because clone armies (or some sort of secuirty force) are already being fielded by some of the other corporations?Destructionator XIII wrote:
edit: Why would the clone facilities exist there in the first place if there were no other buyers? /edit
I think that was Revelation, a novel so notoriously bad that it proved to be the "jump the shark" moment even for Traviss's EU fans. It was on the level of wanked-out fanfic, where she showed no restraint in hating on the Jedi while glorifying Boba Fett to an absurd degree.The Vortex Empire wrote:Thanas wrote:(like Jedi needing combat training by Fett to prevail against sith).Which of her "books" is that gem from? The Jedi have been fighting the Sith and winning for 25,000 years. Why the fuck would Fett know anything about fighting Sith?
Goddamn, I hate Traviss.
C'mon now. Single planets like Kuats were already fielding giant battleships, of which a single one has more tonnage than the entire Grand Army Fleet. If you get a Mandator as system defence flagship, then 200 or so Venators are not really that noticeable.jollyreaper wrote:The whole secret rearming thing is cribbed from what the Germans did in WWII. The only thing here, the rearming wasn't a secret from the Germans themselves! There was a lot of trickery, designing "civilian" products that were dual-use, i.e. passenger airliners that could be converted to bombers.Star Wars 888 wrote:Talhe wrote:I always figured that Sideous and Dooku helped fund the army. Dooku came from royalty and had money, and Sideous is a master of deception and scheming, as well as heir to the Sith legacy.
Not even royalty can afford to build a Galactic Navy without anybody noticing.
I could buy the idea of secretly developing a powerful new weapon like an advanced starfigher prototype. Building squadrons of them in secret along with training the pilots, not so much. Secretly building whole armies, even less likely. Some might argue that given the resource levels of the Star Wars universe, even a battle fleet could be a drop in the bucket and overlooked. If that's the case, then the major powers should be flying gigafleets and battle fleets become insignificant again. To keep a sensible scale of power, major warships should represent major investments. Your random Hutt gangster shouldn't have the equivalent of an ISD as a personal yacht.
The review is actually on page 5.Jim Raynor wrote:I think that was Revelation, a novel so notoriously bad that it proved to be the "jump the shark" moment even for Traviss's EU fans. It was on the level of wanked-out fanfic, where she showed no restraint in hating on the Jedi while glorifying Boba Fett to an absurd degree.The Vortex Empire wrote:Thanas wrote:(like Jedi needing combat training by Fett to prevail against sith).Which of her "books" is that gem from? The Jedi have been fighting the Sith and winning for 25,000 years. Why the fuck would Fett know anything about fighting Sith?
Goddamn, I hate Traviss.
The fan "YodaKenobi" wrote an epic review of the book. You can see the ugly details in this thread, about one-third of the way down the page.
This was my impression as well. Remember that Dooku was from a family wealthy enough to own their own hunting planet, with others implied. Still, just paying Fett's 1 million cred fee probably hurt.Talhe wrote:I always figured that Sideous and Dooku helped fund the army. Dooku came from royalty and had money, and Sideous is a master of deception and scheming, as well as heir to the Sith legacy.
Sorry for the late reply but I'm currently on a three-month stay in the good ol' People's Republic of China and setting up my internet connection proved to be somewhat cumbersome and the connection was for a while annoyingly unstable, but I'm all set now.Thanas wrote:Again, contradicted by the evidence itself. Pellaeon mentions no deficiency in ordinary Spaarti clones when talking about them to Thrawn and this is before Thrawn even mentions the Ysalamiri tactic.
As a side note, anything written by Traviss can usually be discounted because said author directly contradicted established canon in nearly every single one of her books (like Jedi needing combat training by Fett to prevail against sith).
Spaarti tubes may simply be rarer? Kamino's techniques were better for what Palpatine wanted as a part of his plan?Metahive wrote:Sorry for the late reply but I'm currently on a three-month stay in the good ol' People's Republic of China and setting up my internet connection proved to be somewhat cumbersome and the connection was for a while annoyingly unstable, but I'm all set now.Thanas wrote:Again, contradicted by the evidence itself. Pellaeon mentions no deficiency in ordinary Spaarti clones when talking about them to Thrawn and this is before Thrawn even mentions the Ysalamiri tactic.
As a side note, anything written by Traviss can usually be discounted because said author directly contradicted established canon in nearly every single one of her books (like Jedi needing combat training by Fett to prevail against sith).
On topic. OK conceded, but that of course raises the question why one would one even bother with the Kaminoan process at all then. If you can have clones of the same quality but combat ready in a fraction of the time...why didn't the Kaminoans go bankrupt long ago? Is there really no tangible benefit to grooming the clones over a longer period and letting them have life-fire exercises instead of a memory-implanted boot camp?
Yes, one shouldn't probably think too much about things like that, but I for one like Star Wars and for another were rather underwhelmed by the prequels. I guess that combination causes an obsession with details like that.Ghost Rider wrote:Spaarti tubes may simply be rarer? Kamino's techniques were better for what Palpatine wanted as a part of his plan?
To be honest, there's just things we have to surmise and logic out because there is no mention of why.
Metahive wrote:Yes, one shouldn't probably think too much about things like that, but I for one like Star Wars and for another were rather underwhelmed by the prequels. I guess that combination causes an obsession with details like that.
If Spaarti tubes were in less plentiful supply than whatever the Kaminoans call their contraptions then it wouldn't solve the whole problem of insufficient manpower. As for K-Clones being better suited for Palp's purposes...wouldn't the memory implants make it easier to smuggle in sleeper triggers like Order 66? If Order 66 was a sleeper trigger of course. I read elswhere it was just a contingency that the clones trained for without the Jedi noticing (gross obliviousness is something the Jedi are definitely not short of in the prequels).
Remember Sifo Dyas had placed the order for the clone army and then Palpatine/Dooku usurped the army after discovering of the plan. The Kaminoan clones may not have necessarily been Palpatine's first choice but with Sifo Dyas dead they became a convenient tool for his plan to take over the galaxy. If Palpatine prefers the Spaarti Clones, then it makes sense for the transition later on despite whatever the difference in quality may be.Ghost Rider wrote: Spaarti tubes may simply be rarer? Kamino's techniques were better for what Palpatine wanted as a part of his plan?
To be honest, there's just things we have to surmise and logic out because there is no mention of why.
I understand, but my point was we can only surmise and connect possibilities. Other then that, all we know is the EU mentions Spaarti being top quality, but Sifo Dyas going with Kamino and Palpy/Dooky going "Sure, why not?" and with Palpy still using them throughout the war.Darth Fanboy wrote:Remember Sifo Dyas had placed the order for the clone army and then Palpatine/Dooku usurped the army after discovering of the plan. The Kaminoan clones may not have necessarily been Palpatine's first choice but with Sifo Dyas dead they became a convenient tool for his plan to take over the galaxy. If Palpatine prefers the Spaarti Clones, then it makes sense for the transition later on despite whatever the difference in quality may be.Ghost Rider wrote: Spaarti tubes may simply be rarer? Kamino's techniques were better for what Palpatine wanted as a part of his plan?
To be honest, there's just things we have to surmise and logic out because there is no mention of why.
The Kaminoans may be more adept at genetic engineering and conditioning their clones to obey orders. Palpatine didn't want X million Jango Fetts; he wanted X million obedient slave-minds in Jango Fett's body, with (possibly dozens of) secret command codes brainwashed into them. That extra conditioning might be impractical unless you grow them the long way. Spaarti clones might well be suitable for the bulk of the armed forces, for that matter, while Kaminoan clones are used as high-reliability enforcers.Metahive wrote:On topic. OK conceded, but that of course raises the question why one would one even bother with the Kaminoan process at all then. If you can have clones of the same quality but combat ready in a fraction of the time...why didn't the Kaminoans go bankrupt long ago? Is there really no tangible benefit to grooming the clones over a longer period and letting them have life-fire exercises instead of a memory-implanted boot camp?
That on other hand would require on how great pilot you manage to copy to flash into your clones. And real danger rests on higher level of operations, spaarti-clones would use identical strategies on wide scale as well. And having a commander who can be easily read is recipe for disaster at war. As Simon said, spaarti would make good grunts but you would need someone less predictable to command them.Thanas wrote:^Tiwaz, that does not mean however that this is going to help you much. This is especially noted in Starfighter combat - at some point they are just that skilled that even if you know how they might fight, it is not going to do you much good.
Where we arrived at one of the biggest questions (again). Why use clones when they're only about as competent as or just slightly better than droids but can only be produced at a cripplingly slower rate? Droids can be produced within hours and deployed into combat right from the assembly line as the second battle of Geonosis implies. Then there comes the point that the regular republican military is a rag-tag conglomerate of thousands of different local militias thrown together reminding me of the old "Reichsheer" that the Holy Roman Empire send to battle from time to time and probably with as much combat efficiency.Tiwaz wrote:They were robot army made from flesh, but with slower production rates.
Because clones are self improving. Droids are limited by their programming.Metahive wrote:Where we arrived at one of the biggest questions (again). Why use clones when they're only about as competent as or just slightly better than droids but can only be produced at a cripplingly slower rate? Droids can be produced within hours and deployed into combat right from the assembly line as the second battle of Geonosis implies. Then there comes the point that the regular republican military is a rag-tag conglomerate of thousands of different local militias thrown together reminding me of the old "Reichsheer" that the Holy Roman Empire send to battle from time to time and probably with as much combat efficiency.
So, why didn't the Republic create an army of droids itself? They already used droids as police grunts after all.
Metahive wrote:Where we arrived at one of the biggest questions (again). Why use clones when they're only about as competent as or just slightly better than droids but can only be produced at a cripplingly slower rate? Droids can be produced within hours and deployed into combat right from the assembly line as the second battle of Geonosis implies. Then there comes the point that the regular republican military is a rag-tag conglomerate of thousands of different local militias thrown together reminding me of the old "Reichsheer" that the Holy Roman Empire send to battle from time to time and probably with as much combat efficiency.Tiwaz wrote:They were robot army made from flesh, but with slower production rates.
So, why didn't the Republic create an army of droids itself? They already used droids as police grunts after all.
But they're perfectly OK with droid policemen. Soldiers are usually something that stays out of visual range in society, policemen don't.Srelex wrote:Furthermore, given the stigma that would result against droids, I think the Republic citizens would be more comfortable with organics as their soldiers rather than what the evil enemy is using.