Serafina wrote:Stravo wrote:They got rid of the vassal option which is just silly. Why do I need to drag my army across hell and high water hunting down each city of a defeated enemy? Hell the guy is offering me every city he owns to get peace after losing a few battles why not just make him a vassal? Noooooo. I have to go on this war path that makes no sense.
So they add a city-state system that's almost the equivalent to vassals - and then they remove that option in a game where having more cities is a disadvantage?
Okay, that makes pretty much no sense at all.
As it is the great irony is that this "mechanic" seems encourages wanton razing on a scale even the mongols couldn't match. It made much more sense in the past where you could conquer a city and then introduce them to your way of life and so on - or butcher them. Now, because of global unhappiness merely capturing some forsaken place can send your prosperous core into disarray
Speaking of absurd peace terms - it seems the AI isn't afraid to do the same to other AI's - in my culture victory game I crushed America's army in the field and they surrendered en masse to england later, giving up over 10 cities. At the very least the upside is I hope this meant england at least crossed the ocean to land some units...
Also, Battleships make fearsome arty units
@Karza: yeah, I suppose so. I was hoping they'd have modeled suppression and other concepts from PG (which they claimed inspired it.) Suppression, Firepower stats, Armour resistence stats and having unit hitpoints increase with the era would have done wonders for the combat system methinks. Also, it annoys me that units must move into the square they attack - in civ iv this was easily dealt with by me never attacking the last unit in the stack or simply moving a healthy unit to guard the wounded attacker, but in civ iv unless you are using tanks...a minor gripe, I suppose.
In any case, clearly the Unit construction AI could use some work as england is assaulting me with hordes of AA units acting as meatshields for their mlrs', while I only have 1 measly fighter.