W00t! So you basically burn it out. Me, I just commence orbital bombardment with fucking MASSIVE amounts of OJ (a gallon a day at least, think Base Delta Zero in Orange Juice!) until the virus ups and leaves.Hyperion wrote:Normally I don't get sick, unless I'm overstressing my body, like I have been lately, needless to say I just got my ass kicked by a cold, went right into the lungs and now on top of that I got the usual sinus infection...
For me I normally just let the immune system take it out and just roll with it till it burns out. On the rare occasion when I get a real bad one I can consciously raise the body temp, hit about 105-107 for about 4 hours and the cold or flu is gone. But to do that one involves some planning and a good deal of energy, needless to say right now I lack the time for planning and I lack the energy thanks to school.
Weed does not help a sore throat btw. In fact if I don't drink milk after a toke I run the risk of tonsillitis (OUCH! Nasty useless disease if ever there was one.) A Death Star blast of OJ generally helps tho...
Man I really wish I could do that fever-on-demand thing. Sounds like it'd be fun to turn the effect on for sex, then turn it off afterward