- Damn. I hope that isn't the last we've seen of Telford. If Rush can come back after being marooned, then there's certainly a chance that Telford could make it back.
- Rush continues to be consistently ruthless.
- Those alien stowaways were pretty similar in appearance to a certain other alien species that the Destiny had encountered. Maybe they're an offshoot of the Blue species.
- It's too bad they used the local Sewerage Treatment Planet for the Stargate Seeding Ship sets.

- Varro had a wife, who was killed when the shelter she was staying in collapsed. He's already a better fleshed out character than Chloe is.
- This is the third consecutive episode in a row featuring Chloe being pathetically useless. Thrill as Chloe offers emotional support that any other character could have! Watch with awe as Chloe stares at a newly developed wart where her gunshot wound used to be! Fuck! I really wish she had stayed aboard the Seeding ship instead of Telford.
3 1/2 out of 5 from me.