review of "Gods and Generals" (spoliers)

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Post by Darth Wong »

NF_Utvol wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:Explain 40% of Alabamans voting to keep interracial marriage illegal ...
Might I ask where you get your information?
I got it from It's hardly a secret, Nathan. This was a public vote, and 40% voted to keep interracial marriage illegal.
Also, If you notice, you hear just as much about white supremacy groups and militia groups in the western mountain states, with, relatively few in the south (my information is concerning Tennessee, so, it might not apply for the rest of the south.)
Actually, according to, the South is overrepresented in that dubious honour. I don't know about Tennessee, but Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana are simply infamous.
Another oddity, why aren't there any African American governers in Illinois, yet, the first was in Virginia (the place that the Confederacy started)...
Perhaps because no charismatic black contendors happened to vie for the position in Illinois? You're reaching pretty hard, Nathan. A segregationist "respect but do not integrate" mentality is often regarded by its adherents as not being racist, but this is not true.
Darth Wong wrote:... And again, I remind you of that 40% bigot vote in Alabama.
Again, there you go with your stereotypical generalizations.
No, an unreasonable generalization is based upon a small population set, not a set of MILLIONS. I backed it up with HARD FUCKING DATA, and you have NO RESPONSE, Nathan. Instead, you simply try to attack the messenger.
In my high school, there were, lets see about 5 black students. Do you know why? Because there is an incredibly low rate of African American's living in my county. No one bothered them, no one really cared what color they were, as a matter of fact. The entire time I was in school, not one of them was picked on or singled out because of race.
Wow, attempting to refute a statement made based on data collected from MILLIONS of voters by looking at one particular high school in an obviously segregated fucking neighbourhood, since there were almost no blacks! Thanks for inadvertently proving my point, Nathan.
Have you ever stopped to think that the reason that the first interracial dance in that school might have been because that there simply were no black students living in the area that that school drew students from?
I like the way you leap to defend that which you do not know. How can you have segregated dances if everyone is white? In order to segregate black and white dances, you obviously need enough blacks to make it worthwhile to hold a separate dance! Think before you knee-jerk, Nathan. And click here while you're at it (hint: you'll like the last paragraph). You might also want to click here, and here, although I'm sure you can find more if you Google around.
I just recalled the KKK statement. But, how do you explain the second largest KKK concentration is in Pennsylvania?
Maybe the fact that Pennsylvania has the population of Georgia and Alabama combined? You're throwing stones from a glass house by even mentioning the KKK, since you should know which state they were founded in (yes, that's right; your righteous home state of Tennessee).
No, it might not change the facts. You do make me sick, though, with your rapid generalizations and stereotypical statements.
A generalization based on hard data is the sort of thing that SHOULD make you reconsider your knee-jerk defense of Southern racism rather than lashing out at the messenger. As for stereotypical statements, I dare you to find any statement where I claim that every individual person in the South is a racist.

PS. I have noted that rather than being ashamed of any of these racial issues I point out, you try to minimize them, make excuses for them, or look for barren sheepfucker regions in the midwest to attack in retaliation, as if you figure I would defend those places. Why? Do you think knee-jerk loyalty to a region and its cultural attitudes should be more important than the principles of racial equality and integration?
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Post by LadyTevar »

Trytostaydead wrote:
The Battle of the Crater was a GOOD plan for the Union to break the Southern line as proposed by Colonel Pleasant and probably end the war right there, but at the beginning it was bungled by the Northern Generals. And the chief bungler was.. you guessed it, BURNSIDE!

First of all, they didn't direct the troops where to go.. most went straight into the crater instead of AROUND it and had no way out of it. Then, the order of the troops was picked out almost by picking names out of a hat. They picked the regiments who had no idea what they were doing to go in first. When the Southern troops saw black troops entering the horrific mess, what ensued was a slaughter for both black and white troops. Incidentally, if the black troops had been leading the charge the Battle of the Crater might have gone differently.
None of them were prepared, because no one had any idea what that much blackpowder would really do in such a situation, especially since IIRC they set it up so the force of the explosion would go UP.

Good Visual: Think HelmsDeep from TT..... but with 50-60 of those bombs in the same narrow tunnel, with the hole as deep as the walls of HelmsDeep were tall.
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Post by Nathan F »

Also, another thing, the KKK might have originated in the state of Tennessee, but, it was also disbanded by its creator after he saw how it was being turned into a white supremacist group.

The KKK that exists today isn't even the same organization. It started as a simple social club, nothing more.

Oh, and it ISN'T a segregated neighborhood. You seem to think that, just because there are very few blacks who live in the ENTIRE county, that it is segregated. That simply isn't true! I guess you just don't like to think of the cities in the North that have areas that are solely populated by African American's as being segregated. It is the same situation. The area simply is not heavily populated by African Americans. No one has kicked them out. I guess we have to start saying 'Attn. All Black Americans: Move to so and so So It Won't Be Considered Segregated!'.

As for the school prom. I cannot control what goes on there. I just simply resent being lumped together as being racist because there is an overwhelmingly small part of the population that IS.

Oh, another tidbit I learned from that website you sent me. The KKK has less than 5000 members. Not exactly a large following.

You stated that the reason for Pennsylvania having the large concentration of KKK members was because of its large population. The majority of this population is concenrated in the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia area. The rural population is not much larger than that of Georgia, if any, which only has one large city the size of either Philladelphia or Pittsburgh.

You never answered my question. Have you ever been to the south? As I said, I live here, and I haven't seen racism. Again, this doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it just says that it doesn't happen in the amount you apparently think it happens.

Now, tell me this. Is there such a thing as reverse racism? Yes, there is. Is it more populus in the north or south?

And I will end with this. I never said that racism didn't exist in the south. it does. As it does everywhere. It might historically be a bit more concentrated in the south, but, things are rapidly changing.
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

NF_Utvol wrote:You never answered my question. Have you ever been to the south? As I said, I live here, and I haven't seen racism. Again, this doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it just says that it doesn't happen in the amount you apparently think it happens.
I'm from Louisiana, and while I lived in the city, I saw little racism. But when I moved to the rural areas, I found it. I found alot. I've been to Mississippi, and there is racism there too. Been to Florida; found racism. Washington D.C. and Virginia, you bet your sweet ass I saw it there. And yes I've been to Tennessee, and there too was racism.

Pardon my asking, but how many southern states have you been too?
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Post by Darth Wong »

NF_Utvol wrote:Also, another thing, the KKK might have originated in the state of Tennessee, but, it was also disbanded by its creator after he saw how it was being turned into a white supremacist group.

The KKK that exists today isn't even the same organization. It started as a simple social club, nothing more.
As I said, you respond by making excuses.
Oh, and it ISN'T a segregated neighborhood. You seem to think that, just because there are very few blacks who live in the ENTIRE county, that it is segregated. That simply isn't true!
Sure it is; whole counties are segregated. What's your communication problem?
I guess you just don't like to think of the cities in the North that have areas that are solely populated by African American's as being segregated. It is the same situation.
Of course it is; what the fuck makes you think I'll defend a place like Detroit? All I'm saying is that the situation is even worse down in the deep south, where you have 40% of the goddamned population of an entire state which thinks interracial marriage should be FUCKING ILLEGAL!!! What part of this don't you understand?
The area simply is not heavily populated by African Americans. No one has kicked them out. I guess we have to start saying 'Attn. All Black Americans: Move to so and so So It Won't Be Considered Segregated!'.
If everyone there reacts to the word "racism" the way you do, I would be very surprised if any black man in his right mind would ever want to go there. He would be unable to comment if people stared at him in the street for dating a white girl.
As for the school prom. I cannot control what goes on there. I just simply resent being lumped together as being racist because there is an overwhelmingly small part of the population that IS.
40% is not "overwhelmingly small".
Oh, another tidbit I learned from that website you sent me. The KKK has less than 5000 members. Not exactly a large following.
Which is why the 40% vote is all the more disturbing. Groups like that do not represent anything but the fringe, but a 40% popular vote indicates a far larger underlying current of racial bigotry among people who are too lazy to get out and form or join activist groups.
You stated that the reason for Pennsylvania having the large concentration of KKK members was because of its large population. The majority of this population is concenrated in the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia area. The rural population is not much larger than that of Georgia, if any, which only has one large city the size of either Philladelphia or Pittsburgh.
And you just stated that the total number of KKK members is insignificant, hence it has no bearing on questions of larger societal attitudes and YOU shouldn't have brought it up as proof of anything in the first place.
You never answered my question. Have you ever been to the south?
Yes, if you count Florida. Have you ever been to Canada?
As I said, I live here, and I haven't seen racism. Again, this doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it just says that it doesn't happen in the amount you apparently think it happens.
I have met a lot of white people who have never seen racism. It's harder to see it when you're not made a victim of it and you live in an all-white county, eh?
Now, tell me this. Is there such a thing as reverse racism? Yes, there is. Is it more populus in the north or south?
Now tell me this: is that a transparent attempt to change the subject into one of your right-wing anti-PC whines? Reverse racism is wrong on principle, but where are all of the whites who are suffering under the yoke of oppression? The consequences of certain questionable policies make for good radio talk-show fodder but hardly represent something comparable to millions of fucking Alabamans insisting that interracial marriage should be fucking criminalized.
And I will end with this. I never said that racism didn't exist in the south. it does. As it does everywhere. It might historically be a bit more concentrated in the south, but, things are rapidly changing.
Then why are you flaming me? All I've said is that there's more racism in the South, which is exactly what you just admitted!
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Post by Nathan F »

How must I drive this home to you.

In my home county, I have never seen at someone stare at a black guy dating a white girl, or vice versa. Heck, no one is keeping black people out of our county. No one is driving them out, either. I do not see how you can consider something segregated if no one is even hinting that they shouldn't come here or should leave here.

You continue to use the 40% vote against interracial marriage as being definitive of all states in the south. You refer to that single state as representing THE ENTIRE SOUTH. The reason for that was because of the long time taboo between interracial marriage. Now, it is wrong, of course, but, that same feeling, while not as outspoken, is the same all across the United States.

And Florida, while technically is in the south, isn't exactly like the rest of the south. And yes, I have been to Canada, if you consider Saskatchewan part of Canada. Beautiful country, actually.

And what makes showing the other side of racism an 'anti-PC right wing whine'? I am just pointing out to you that it exists on both sides of the spectrum, if you didn't know.

Now, I do not mean for this to be taken the wrong way, but, why are you so bitter towards the south? You make very valid points, but, It seems to have an underlying bitterness in it towards everyone from the south. Correct me if I am wrong, but, that is just what I am interpreting from your postings.

Now, may we continue this, as always, rousing debate tomorrow, as I have some studying I need to. Good evening, and happy debating.
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Post by Darth Wong »

NF_Utvol wrote:How must I drive this home to you.

In my home county, I have never seen at someone stare at a black guy dating a white girl, or vice versa. Heck, no one is keeping black people out of our county. No one is driving them out, either. I do not see how you can consider something segregated if no one is even hinting that they shouldn't come here or should leave here.
What makes you think that a black man dating a white woman would not cause a stir, then? All-white communities are generally not known for being open-minded about this sort of thing, and you can bitch all you like about the reasons it's all-white, but it won't change the fact.
You continue to use the 40% vote against interracial marriage as being definitive of all states in the south. You refer to that single state as representing THE ENTIRE SOUTH.
Oh, of course. There's a complete 180-degree culture shift at the Alabama state border :roll:

You don't get a whole state voting like that unless it's a widespread attitude in the region, and that attitude won't abruptly stop at state lines. I can see it not spreading for a thousand miles in every direction, but you're just being asinine if you think you can pretend it stops at Alabama's borders.
The reason for that was because of the long time taboo between interracial marriage. Now, it is wrong, of course, but, that same feeling, while not as outspoken, is the same all across the United States.
Present your evidence. I have already presented mine.
And Florida, while technically is in the south, isn't exactly like the rest of the south. And yes, I have been to Canada, if you consider Saskatchewan part of Canada. Beautiful country, actually.
I certainly think so, although Saskatchewan would make a questionable basis for Canadian culture studies since it's virtually empty.
And what makes showing the other side of racism an 'anti-PC right wing whine'? I am just pointing out to you that it exists on both sides of the spectrum, if you didn't know.
Which does not refute my point. If anything, widespread racism from both sides of the black/white divide is even worse, and is even MORE likely to perpetuate the kind of informal segregationism I'm talking about.
Now, I do not mean for this to be taken the wrong way, but, why are you so bitter towards the south? You make very valid points, but, It seems to have an underlying bitterness in it towards everyone from the south. Correct me if I am wrong, but, that is just what I am interpreting from your postings.
I'm bitter toward any place in which interracial marriage is so widely frowned upon. If you can't figure out why, try harder.
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Post by Nathan F »

One last statement for the night:

I checked out that CNN site. It says, quote: "58% of the voted counted." This could mean that the percentage was actually only 27% of the state, unless I am misunderstanding that, please correct me If I am mistaken.

Oh, and I HAVE seen black guys and white girls dating. It is no big deal. No one really gave a hoot.

In fact, a good friend of mine dates a white guy. She is black. Nobody cares! They do not recieve odd looks while walking down the street.

And I know why you are bitter, I read your home page a while back. I would be bitter too, as that is wrong. Racism in a whole is wrong, whether it is perpetrated by whites, blacks, asians, pacific Islanders, marsians, vulcans, wookies, etc.... (just had to lighten it up a tad ;))

But, I do not think you should judge all people from the south as being racist, because, they are not. In fact, as that poll shows, the majority is not. In fact, how do we know that the majority of black people didn't vote against that? We do not. Again, it can go both ways.

And, as a matter of fact, there is a somewhat large culture shift at the state lines, believe it or not. I do not know if it is just the region I am from, which, actually, is only about 30 miles from the state line, or if it is more widespread.

Also, about your informal segregation. Do people not tend to congregate near people that are most like them? It is human nature, for better or for worse. People are going to live where there are more people of their race. That is the reason you see generally black neighborhoods and generally white neighborhoods, everywhere from Mobile, Alabama, to Toronto, Canada.
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Post by Trytostaydead »

Racism exists on all levels. Christ, if I brought home a black girl my parents would have a heart attack! How is that any different than banning interracial marriages?

The differences in the letter of the law. My parents will disown me, some people just think it shouldn't happen. How about gay marriages? Should they be illegal, are you a homophobe?
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Post by Darth Wong »

NF_Utvol wrote:I checked out that CNN site. It says, quote: "58% of the voted counted." This could mean that the percentage was actually only 27% of the state, unless I am misunderstanding that, please correct me If I am mistaken.
It means they haven't yet finished counting all the votes yet, but the likelihood of a massive swing at that point is pretty much nil. I'm sure it's possible to look up the final votes somewhere, but what's the chance that the voting suddenly turned 180 degrees around at that point? Seriously? This is a more accurate measurement of popular attitudes than ANY poll, which typically involves a relatively miniscule sample size.
Oh, and I HAVE seen black guys and white girls dating. It is no big deal. No one really gave a hoot.

In fact, a good friend of mine dates a white guy. She is black. Nobody cares! They do not recieve odd looks while walking down the street.
Well, that's good to hear. There are two primary variables which are most strongly correlated to racism: prior segregation and low education. Highly educated people are less likely to be racist regardless of where they live.
And I know why you are bitter, I read your home page a while back. I would be bitter too, as that is wrong. Racism in a whole is wrong, whether it is perpetrated by whites, blacks, asians, pacific Islanders, marsians, vulcans, wookies, etc.... (just had to lighten it up a tad ;))
Just as long as you know where I'm coming from :)
But, I do not think you should judge all people from the south as being racist, because, they are not. In fact, as that poll shows, the majority is not. In fact, how do we know that the majority of black people didn't vote against that? We do not. Again, it can go both ways.
The majority DID vote against it: 60% voted to legalize interracial marriage, and 40% voted to keep it illegal. I never said everyone in the South is racist; I just said the problem was worse down there, which you agreed with earlier. 40% is a ridiculously high figure, and far higher than any rational person should be comfortable with.
And, as a matter of fact, there is a somewhat large culture shift at the state lines, believe it or not. I do not know if it is just the region I am from, which, actually, is only about 30 miles from the state line, or if it is more widespread.
If so, that's just plain weird.
Also, about your informal segregation. Do people not tend to congregate near people that are most like them? It is human nature, for better or for worse. People are going to live where there are more people of their race. That is the reason you see generally black neighborhoods and generally white neighborhoods, everywhere from Mobile, Alabama, to Toronto, Canada.
Actually, Toronto neighbourhoods are very highly integrated. I've been to American cities and Canadian cities and you simply don't see the kind of segregation in Toronto that you will see in a typical American city, never mind someplace like rural Georgia. I defy you to come here and find any large all-black neighbourhood or all-white neighbourhood.
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Post by Trytostaydead »

Well, that's good to hear. There are two primary variables which are most strongly correlated to racism: prior segregation and low education. Highly educated people are less likely to be racist regardless of where they live.
Oh my god. The most educated people I know are the most racist, and these are people who have degrees and ranks that if I strived for thirty years I will probably never achieve.
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Post by SirNitram »

Trytostaydead wrote:Racism exists on all levels. Christ, if I brought home a black girl my parents would have a heart attack! How is that any different than banning interracial marriages?

The differences in the letter of the law. My parents will disown me, some people just think it shouldn't happen. How about gay marriages? Should they be illegal, are you a homophobe?
This is an odd post. Are you saying racism is everywhere, so don't try and stop it? If so, I'll go get my cluebat.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

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Post by SirNitram »

Trytostaydead wrote:
Well, that's good to hear. There are two primary variables which are most strongly correlated to racism: prior segregation and low education. Highly educated people are less likely to be racist regardless of where they live.
Oh my god. The most educated people I know are the most racist, and these are people who have degrees and ranks that if I strived for thirty years I will probably never achieve.
I defy you to find racists in Oxford and Cambridge universities. Simply saying 'The most educated I know' is artificially narrowing the sample, and distorting things by your own perceptions.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

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Post by Trytostaydead »

SirNitram wrote:
Trytostaydead wrote:Racism exists on all levels. Christ, if I brought home a black girl my parents would have a heart attack! How is that any different than banning interracial marriages?

The differences in the letter of the law. My parents will disown me, some people just think it shouldn't happen. How about gay marriages? Should they be illegal, are you a homophobe?
This is an odd post. Are you saying racism is everywhere, so don't try and stop it? If so, I'll go get my cluebat.
Yes and no. I was saying Racism exists everywhere. In someplaces its just dandified by legal equality but still exists strong in people's minds and hearts. So just to point at one entire half of a nation of almost 300,000,000 people and call it a bastion of evil is ridiculous. The people in the other half are JUST as racist only they exhibit it in different ways. Hiring preferences, parental approval/disproval.. etc etc
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Post by SirNitram »

Trytostaydead wrote:
SirNitram wrote:
Trytostaydead wrote:Racism exists on all levels. Christ, if I brought home a black girl my parents would have a heart attack! How is that any different than banning interracial marriages?

The differences in the letter of the law. My parents will disown me, some people just think it shouldn't happen. How about gay marriages? Should they be illegal, are you a homophobe?
This is an odd post. Are you saying racism is everywhere, so don't try and stop it? If so, I'll go get my cluebat.
Yes and no. I was saying Racism exists everywhere. In someplaces its just dandified by legal equality but still exists strong in people's minds and hearts. So just to point at one entire half of a nation of almost 300,000,000 people and call it a bastion of evil is ridiculous. The people in the other half are JUST as racist only they exhibit it in different ways. Hiring preferences, parental approval/disproval.. etc etc
Oh, wonderful. You're one of those exceedingly ignorant fucktards who think the whole world is just like you, they just repress it.

Sadly, reality doesn't work that way. I'm glad. Despite being from places which were far more heavily anglo-saxon than most of the South, my entire family(From Grandparents to present generation) have no problem with other races. Relationships with those of a different race cause no more of a batted eye than relationships with those of the same race(This is said because it seems any kind of romance in my family causes everyone's attention to swivel like a cat hearing food). But, no, the world must be like you because you're too stupid to believe it could be otherwise.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

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Post by Trytostaydead »

SirNitram wrote:
Trytostaydead wrote:
Well, that's good to hear. There are two primary variables which are most strongly correlated to racism: prior segregation and low education. Highly educated people are less likely to be racist regardless of where they live.
Oh my god. The most educated people I know are the most racist, and these are people who have degrees and ranks that if I strived for thirty years I will probably never achieve.
I defy you to find racists in Oxford and Cambridge universities. Simply saying 'The most educated I know' is artificially narrowing the sample, and distorting things by your own perceptions.
That is true. Actually, my ancestors were the first Koreans to ever go to Cambridge University and I have a nice letter from Cambridge saying something to the effect of you WILL get into Cambridge.. lol. Anyways, the people I had in mind though when I say they're at the top.. I really mean they're at the top and that's the most I can say 'lest I get into trouble. But just to help put things into perspectives, I come from some the most affluent and so-called 'liberal' neighborhoods and racism runs rampant. For anyone who lives in Santa Monica or Brentwood, you'll know what I mean.
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Post by Trytostaydead »

SirNitram wrote:
Trytostaydead wrote:
SirNitram wrote: This is an odd post. Are you saying racism is everywhere, so don't try and stop it? If so, I'll go get my cluebat.
Yes and no. I was saying Racism exists everywhere. In someplaces its just dandified by legal equality but still exists strong in people's minds and hearts. So just to point at one entire half of a nation of almost 300,000,000 people and call it a bastion of evil is ridiculous. The people in the other half are JUST as racist only they exhibit it in different ways. Hiring preferences, parental approval/disproval.. etc etc
Oh, wonderful. You're one of those exceedingly ignorant fucktards who think the whole world is just like you, they just repress it.

Sadly, reality doesn't work that way. I'm glad. Despite being from places which were far more heavily anglo-saxon than most of the South, my entire family(From Grandparents to present generation) have no problem with other races. Relationships with those of a different race cause no more of a batted eye than relationships with those of the same race(This is said because it seems any kind of romance in my family causes everyone's attention to swivel like a cat hearing food). But, no, the world must be like you because you're too stupid to believe it could be otherwise.
You're just throwing the accusation back at yourself bud. I hate to tell you this, but there a lot of people who have trouble with interracial relationships no matter where you are. I did not say I had that problem. But you're missing the point that there are a lot of racist people everywhere. You just can't point at a particular demographic and claim they're about to start the KKK rally. Racism runs everywhere.
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Post by SirNitram »

Trytostaydead wrote:
SirNitram wrote:
Trytostaydead wrote: Oh my god. The most educated people I know are the most racist, and these are people who have degrees and ranks that if I strived for thirty years I will probably never achieve.
I defy you to find racists in Oxford and Cambridge universities. Simply saying 'The most educated I know' is artificially narrowing the sample, and distorting things by your own perceptions.
That is true. Actually, my ancestors were the first Koreans to ever go to Cambridge University and I have a nice letter from Cambridge saying something to the effect of you WILL get into Cambridge.. lol. Anyways, the people I had in mind though when I say they're at the top.. I really mean they're at the top and that's the most I can say 'lest I get into trouble. But just to help put things into perspectives, I come from some the most affluent and so-called 'liberal' neighborhoods and racism runs rampant. For anyone who lives in Santa Monica or Brentwood, you'll know what I mean.
That sounds so much like using the phrase 'I worked for the CIA for ten years but they'll kill anyone who checks up on it' for a job reference... In other words, unadultered bullshit to try and improve your position.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

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Post by Wicked Pilot »

Trytostaydead wrote:Yes and no. I was saying Racism exists everywhere. In someplaces its just dandified by legal equality but still exists strong in people's minds and hearts. So just to point at one entire half of a nation of almost 300,000,000 people and call it a bastion of evil is ridiculous. The people in the other half are JUST as racist only they exhibit it in different ways. Hiring preferences, parental approval/disproval.. etc etc
Great, another bullshit post giving conclusions as if they were evidence. How origional.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Trytostaydead wrote:
Well, that's good to hear. There are two primary variables which are most strongly correlated to racism: prior segregation and low education. Highly educated people are less likely to be racist regardless of where they live.
Oh my god. The most educated people I know are the most racist, and these are people who have degrees and ranks that if I strived for thirty years I will probably never achieve.
Don't you love it when irrational people try to disprove large societal trends and correlations with personal anecdotes? :roll:

Go argue with ERCOMER (European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations) or for that matter, everyone else who's ever looked at broad correlations on this subject and tell them their data must be shit because of your personal anecdotes.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

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Post by SirNitram »

Trytostaydead wrote: You're just throwing the accusation back at yourself bud. I hate to tell you this, but there a lot of people who have trouble with interracial relationships no matter where you are. I did not say I had that problem. But you're missing the point that there are a lot of racist people everywhere. You just can't point at a particular demographic and claim they're about to start the KKK rally. Racism runs everywhere.
It's very easy to point at a group and say they'll have more racists. It's called analyzing trends. Those that get analyzed like to call it generalization(A term that always amuses me, it's the opposite of the psycological definition of generalization), but that doesn't change a thing.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

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Post by Darth Wong »

Trytostaydead wrote:Racism runs everywhere.
I don't think you understand some basic principles of logic. There is no place on Earth which is completely free of racism, but this does not mean that every place has equal levels of racism. Does the term "black/white fallacy" mean anything to you?
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC

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Post by SirNitram »

Darth Wong wrote:
Trytostaydead wrote:Racism runs everywhere.
I don't think you understand some basic principles of logic. There is no place on Earth which is completely free of racism, but this does not mean that every place has equal levels of racism. Does the term "black/white fallacy" mean anything to you?
[Darkstar]Mike's a racist for calling it a black/white fallacy!!!!111[/Darkstar]
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

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Post by Trytostaydead »

Darth Wong wrote:
Trytostaydead wrote:Racism runs everywhere.
I don't think you understand some basic principles of logic. There is no place on Earth which is completely free of racism, but this does not mean that every place has equal levels of racism. Does the term "black/white fallacy" mean anything to you?
No, not when it pertains to where this thread started from. I believe someone decided to bring up the issue of slavery in the Civil War and the moral standings of the North and South. Then it kind of spiraled into modern day racism.
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

Mapping of active hate groups during 2001


White symbols=Klan
Blue=Neo Nazi
Black=Racist Skinhead
Yellow=Christian Identity
Red=New Confederate
Light Blue=Black Seperatist
The most basic assumption about the world is that it does not contradict itself.
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