Shroom Man 777 wrote:Uh, don't anti-tank rounds send jets of superheated metal towards the target to penetrate the armor? Compression shock waves don't sound like AT weapons to me. Why the hell would you use AT weapons on zombies anyway?
I'd use whatever the hell I had.
Then again. If Zombies actually walked the earth, I'd save the AT rounds just incase Angels or Baldricks became real too.
The problem with most anti-monster plans, is that in the fictional world, the monster in question doesn't already exist in fiction.
I.E. When the Sheriff finds bodies with 2 punture wounds, and drained of blood, he's obligated to suspect a wild animal, or that the protagonist is a psyco killer. You the viewer already know it's a vampire.
In zombie stories, the name Romero is famous for making "Mr Rogers Neighborhood"
Because of this selective pop culture amnesia, you have to give the protagonists time to be able to figure out how to kill the UNKNOWN creature.
We all like to talk about how easy it will be to kill a horde of zombies, and we would all correct on this because we have prior knowledge.
SD.neters with full knowledge of a zombie horde shambling there way would instantly do the following
1. Run them over with combine harvesters
2. Dig a big trench and fill it with burnable material, lure them in
3. Build towers with makeshift airfuel explosives up top.
4. Stock up on machetes.
5. Tell the Westboro Babtist Church that there is a gay funeral taking place right in the hordes direction.
In a more realistic scenario we don't know what a zombie is.
Our characters MUST act rationally, given the information they have, which is nothing.
If we are LUCKY we know that people are going crazy.
We won't kill them at first, because you don't go around killing every crazy homeless person you meet.IE. Cops will try to taze them. They will shoot for center of mass. They may get bitten.
Once bitten, they will get the bite looked at, take prescribed anti-biotics/anti-virals, and go home to rest for a few days. Cops eats his wife and kids the next night.
You don't know it's not curable.I.E. The zombie will be cuffed, hogtied and hooded. It will be brought to a psych ward. If wer'e lucky, the zombie thrashes in the restraints until it rots away. It WILL have plenty of oppourtunities to bite unless they keep a guard over its mouth Hannible Lecter style.
Unlike Hannible, the thing can't be sedated. It will stay awake and alert the entire time.
Nurses will give it sponge baths
Doctors will attempt to give hydration and nutrients through intervenous drips, and a tube up the nose.
It's family will be notified, and will visit. "Oh whats that you want mom? Let me get closer, I can't hear you!"
They won't know its dead. Though it smells bad, and you may catch on, but chances are the sponge baths will hide the smell for a while.
They were your wife, or mother.
They will get close to you. You might even be their nursemaid, because they were bitten.
You will be reluctant to brain your mother with a fire extinguisher.
When she attacks you, you will not be prepared. You will fend her off, and call the cops. If she has bitten you, you will go to the emergency room.