I'd like to thank CaptainChewbacca and Eleventh Century Remnant for their help with both my original version of the prologue and first two chapters of this fic and this re-write. I'd also like to thank Dave for helping me out with my original version. I'd like to thank him for the re-write but he hasn't answered my PM so Nyeah!

This particular story is not going to be very heavy in action, there will be some Bolo action but this story will concentrate on development of the first Bolo and the beginning of the war against the Borg. Depending how well or not this story gets received, I am planning on writing a series of ST\Bolo stories taking place during the Borg War.
My stardate method for the fanfic is set up like this, first two digits are months, next three digits are the last three digits of the year and the two digits after the decimal are the day. For example, January 6 2398 would be Stardate 01398.06. Not terribly great but less confusing than using the myriads of stardate converters that are available on the 'net.
Please, any and all comments are welcomed.
By: Enigma
[Stardate 07854.18]
[Sepharis Nebula, Delta Quadrant]
Deep within the nebula, a lone starship stood motionless save for a few ports open, sucking in stellar material. Inside, the ship’s single occupant leaned back in his command chair and stared at the ceiling.
From out of nowhere a soft female voice spoke: “A centi-credit for your thoughts commander?”
The young man smiled but did not budge except to answer, “Oh Angela, I was just thinking about today.”
“What is the significance of this particular day?” The Bolo queried.
Commander Forrest sat up and faced the array of viewscreens and terminals that surrounded his view. Feeling a bit cocky, he said, “Angie, Angie, Angie. What would your brothers and sisters in the Dinochrome Brigade say if you do not know today’s significance? Don’t bother answering that. Let me rephrase the question. What is the importance of this particular day in history?”
I spent 0.00001 seconds to formulate a response to my commander but I do not respond immediately. My experience with my previous commanders taught me that they become quite unnerved if I were to answer them the moment they finish asking me a question. Instead I wait a painful second before replying.
Interesting yet disappointing over my commander’s question. Does he not know that every Bolo knows about this day? Is he testing me? Or does he not know just how important this day is for everyone? I decide to prolong this banter and observe my commander’s attitude.
“There are one thousand two hundred sixty-seven events of significance that fit your criteria commander.”
“Yes, but of all of those events, which one would stand out most to a Bolo?”
“That would be stardate 07454.18. It was the day that the first Bolo, Unit-of-the-Line 00-7734-BNT was brought online and the subsequent war against the Enemy, which lasted two hundred forty-nine years, three months, twenty days, thirteen hours and fifty-five seconds. It is the war that resulted in the transformation of the United Federation of Planets into the Galactic Concordiat.”
The commander jumped up and clapped his hands together. “Ladies and gentlemen, she has finally got it! Mind you Angela, I was referring mainly to the first half of your answer.”
Andrew placed his hands on top of the console in front of him and slightly leaned forward. He was feeling smug, thinking that he finally knew something that his Bolo forgot. Unfortunately, he was too late to realize that he made a big error in judgment.
“I never forgot about this day commander. Nor am I able to ignore the importance of Unit 00-7734-BNT's sacrifice to my brethren, myself and to the Galactic Concordiat.
You may have forgotten commander, that I have been online for one hundred seventy – one point three seven years and have engaged the Enemy in fifty – eight fleet and one hundred forty – five solo missions. I have been credited for the destruction of fifty - five Tactical Cubes, one hundred thirty – seven standard Cubes, two hundred eleven Diamonds and seven hundred twenty – two Spheres.
During the course of the war against the Enemy, I have been severely damaged four times. My current hull previously belonged to a MK XXX Bolo, Unit 30-9247-RVN or Raven by her commanders. Raven arrived at the Sol system in time to see the Enemy destroy Earth. The trauma from the destruction of Earth caused her positronic matrix along with her personality center to destroy itself in grief. Not before witnessing her commander commit suicide. Though the technicians have done their best to remove of every trace of Raven, to this day I perceive a data echo of her grief and anguish.
75,000 of my brethren with myself included, participated in the destruction of the Enemy's homeworld. In twenty – five minutes, we expended four hundred fifty million Hellbore rounds, causing four hundred fifty peta-tons of destruction into the planet. Even after the planet's atmosphere and oceans were boiled away and the planet itself shattered, we did not stop firing. When our Hellbores ran dry, we used our torpedoes and HLMs. When we ran out of those, we used our secondary Hellbores and infinite repeaters. Even then, once we expended our payload and could not fire anymore we adjusted our shields and rammed the remains of the planet until there were no fragment larger than thirty centimeters. Our determination for retribution from the Enemy's destruction of Earth fueled us and it was only eclipsed by the rage and fury of our commanders. Such combination consumed two thousand of my fellow Bolos and their commanders as they perished from the constant ramming. It was only the order from our superiors that prevented further Bolo deaths.
Victory over the Enemy would not have been possible without Unit BNT. For without him, there would be no Bolo and no way to defeat the Enemy. So no commander, I have not nor am I able to forget such an important occasion. I just was curious as to whether you knew the importance of this historic day. I am happy to know that you have sir.”
Andrew slumped down in his chair, utterly speechless. Without meaning and without malice, he was chastised and set in his place. Though he knew of this day's importance, he had forgotten that Angela was one of the few remaining Bolos that took part in the Great War. The scars of which is still being felt throughout the Galactic Concordiat, Gone was Earth, it's moon, Andor, Romulus, Remus, Betazed, Ferenginar, Q'onos, Gorn Empire and even the Organians along with their planet perished. The United Federation of Planets collapsed and in it's place rose the Galactic Concordiat with Centauri Prime in the Alpha Centauri system being humanity's newest homeworld.
Just thinking about the devastation and what Angela said made Andrew depressed.
Did I ever put my foot in my mouth. He thought. Ugh. That's it! I'm going to take a nap before I end up tasting my other foot.
“Angela, what is the status on the resupply and refuel?” Commander Forrest asked as he got up from his chair and began walking to the door to his quarters that lie behind and to the right of the command center.
“Secondary and tertiary fuel reserves are at maximum capacity. Primary fuel reserves are at five percent and increasing. Estimated time until capacity is two point one four minutes. Anti-matter production is at maximum capacity and will be completed in four point seven nine hours. Hellbore round production will commence after the primary fuel reserve is at capacity and the anti-matter production has ceased. Once commenced, the Hellbore round production will be completed in an estimated time of three point eight four hours.”
By the time the commander had reached the door, Angela was halfway finished her report. Before the button to open the door to his quarters, he turned around, faced the command center and waited for her to finish.
“Thank you. I will be in my quarters so you'll be in command until I return. Split your resources in the fuel and ammo production evenly. I do not want us caught with our pants down.... figuratively speaking,that is. Maintain Full Readiness Mode until further notice and you are authorized to go into Battle Reflex Mode should the need arise.”
“Aye, Aye commander.”
I watch as my commander enters his quarters and the door slide shut. Though it is within my capabilities, I do not intrude in his privacy. I have learned from previous experiences that my commanders value their privacy and that they take a dim view of me prying into their private affairs.
I scan the sector and after sixty point three three seconds, my sensors show no hostiles.
I am not impressed. Being in the Sepharis Nebula has degraded my scanning ability by twenty percent. This has had a negative effect on the speed and accuracy of my sensors. The nebula's effect has also created thirty four blind spots that my medium and long range sensors cannot penetrate. From my previous scans I had logged the co-ordinates of each blind spot and passed the data to my commander's terminal. I was extremely satisfied that my commander agreed to my assessment that the blind spots must be examined closely at the earliest possible convenience.
I devote twenty six milliseconds of my time to adjust the fuel and Hellbore round production as per the commander's orders. Once satisfied, I devote a small part of myself to maintenance and to scanning the sector while I place most of my attention to the data packet I received a week ago from the Bolo Historical Society in advance of the four hundredth anniversary of Unit 00-7734-BNT's creation. I have not opened the packet, yet I already know what is contains. The data packet contains the most current account of when the very first Bolo was built and activated. I am most anxious to view this information and I proceed to open the packet. But within seventy four point six two three nano-seconds, I receive an alert from one of my sub-routines. It has detected an energy spike from one of the blind spots. The spike lasted for thirty nine point nine two milliseconds before disappearing. I deduce a thirty seven percent chance that there is a vessel within that blind spot and a sixty percent chance that it is an aberration. The final three percent chance being the Enemy. I log all related data to my commander's terminal in his quarters and return my attention once again to the data packet. I open it and examine the data closely.
…..P........power .......rest .......ored .............at .......zero .........point ........ zero one ....................per .......cent .......percent .....per .............cen ...................t.
Cat .....ca .....catast .......rophic .......failure ...........failure .......... failurefailurefailurefailurefailurefailurefailure ......inprimarysecondarycomputercore .......core ….....core …...........
Initiat........ ing.........e........mer.......emer..........emerg.......gen........ gen........ cy.......... repair................ repair......... repair.......................repa...ir........ repairrepairrepairrepairrepairrepairrepairrepairrepairrepair........ rep---------