World of Tanks

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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Ritterin Sophia »

Thanas wrote:How long does a match usually take (in hours) and how much do you need to get a newer model (in hours)?

Because this game sounds very interesting but I do not know if I have the time...
A match can last up to fifteen minutes, though that rarely happens. What typically occurs is either one side of fifteen is totally killed or you capture their flag.

As for time, it depends on a tank. Say the Liechttraktor (lovingly nicknamed the Loltraktor) it'll take you about an hour to go from that to either a Pz.II, a Bison, a Pz.35, or a PzJg.I (which unfortunately I can't find a render for). Each tank tier takes longer to grind out, but you can do it at your leisure.

Most of the guys from SDN that platoon up keep a couple tanks from different tiers so we can group with people under us. Coffee and myself have been grouping with a guy that went from a Loltraktor to a VK3601[H] and is close to getting his Tiger. Grouping also helps you get xp and cash faster, due to the coordination increasing your chances of surviving a match and getting kills.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Ritterin Sophia »

Commander 598 wrote:I asked someone who had just sold his IS7 a few days ago how much XP he had wasted getting it. The response: About 700k the theoretical minimum.

For reference, I have about 300k XP and I've just about been playing the beta since it started. Apparently I'm just not playing it *enough*...:banghead:
To be fair he may have been in the Russian Beta.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Scottish Ninja »

Nothing carried over from the Russian beta.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Coaan »

Either he's just better than you then, or he plays the game a psychotic amount.

Also, if you haven't done so already, save your gold for premium play, it gives you 50% more xp and gold for each battle which makes an incredible difference for leveling up.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Mr. Coffee »

Got my Tiger II. So far it's just like a really big Tiger. Right of the bat you can fully up grade the engine as it's top engine is the same as the Tiger. You start with the Tiger's 88L71, and you've got 50 less hP than a Tiger, but you've got a lot more armor and actual sloping to deflect shots. Down sides, it's expensive to operate, so if you lose a match it can hurt a little (so keep your tiger for making money).
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Mr. Coffee »

Expanding on the above... When you're first starting with the Tiger II you gotta remember to not to over confident. While you've got a shitload of armor with more slopes than a fucking ski resort, you're using the 88L71. While the Mighty 88can score damaging hits to a Maus or an IS-7, on the tier 9 and 10 tanks you'll probably end up firing three rounds that ping off their armor for every round you land a solid hit with. Here soon I'll see what the 105mm L58 gun can do. As far as equipment add-ons, you definitely want the gun rammer (from other people that drive Tiger IIs tell me you also want the enhanced gun laying drive and vertical stabilizers to increase accuracy and targeting speed).

Another consideration when using this thing is you've got to remember that you're slow as hell and while the gun is accurate as all hell the turret traversal isn't that fast so zippy critters can turn inside you if you're not careful. You can augment the turret traversal but slewing the front of the tank in the direction of what ever it is you're trying to make die in a fire. Same thing works well with the Tiger and many a medium tank has learned the hard way when they suddenly find themselves with a fuck-off muzzle trained on their hull. Speaking of hulls, aim for the lower hull if you can so you can hit their weaker side armor and hopefully blow their track off.

P.S. don't rely on your auto-aim because the gunner AI is a fucking retard that can't lead for shit.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Exonerate »

I decided to start my way up the Russian Heavy line and right now working on upgrading my KV-3. The KV with the 152mm cannon is surprisingly fun to play (I one-shot a KV-3 on multiple occasions), but I eventually ended up ditching it for the more reliable and faster reloading 107mm. It's interesting to play the KV series because it really forces you to be aware of your flanks and positioning, since your turret and hull traverse is so slow and artillery is always aiming for you. My experiences have also further reinforced my belief that heavies who do not take the lead in a push are selfish cowards - having played both mediums and heavies of the same tier, it's obvious to me that the heavies are better adapted to this role, with their thicker armor and higher HP combined with a much lower reliance on zooming at 55 kph to avoid enemy fire.Having a big burst damage dealing gun leaves me with a sense of satisfaction and guilt, knowing that there simply isn't anything the lighter tanks can do besides running away or swarming me.

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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Highlord Laan »

I tore down a pair of Tigers with my T34 earlier today. Awesome fight; I kept pausing to fire, lurching forward, and pausing again, sometimes in reverse to throw off their aim and keep their rear ends targeted.

That 57mm may not do huge damage, but it's penetration is awesome. Using AP ammo, I can tear up heavies from the side and rear, though I still occasionally bounce shells on side armor. Add in a rammer and a gun-layer, and that thing spite out shells at an absurd rate and unnerving accuracy, even on the move.

All this, and my crew is only at 82%.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by wautd »

I miss my T-34. with full upgrades and a 57mm gun that was a really fun and efficient tank to play. The T-34-85 is... meh
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Grandmaster Jogurt »

If you work up to the D10T you might have fun again. That gun is the reason I like the Soviet medium line so much. It takes forever to reload but you can hurt any tank, most from the front.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by wautd »

Grandmaster Jogurt wrote:If you work up to the D10T you might have fun again. That gun is the reason I like the Soviet medium line so much. It takes forever to reload but you can hurt any tank, most from the front.
Yeah I got one since last night. Much better.
Not that the 85mm didn't do any damage, but it simply couldn't hit the broadside of the barn. While standing in the barn.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Slacker »

I tried out a buddy's Maus this evening...I'm really not that impressed. I'm glad I went up the medium line, it's much more to my playstyle.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Highlord Laan »

I am so sick and fucking tired of running into either walls of heavy and superheavy tanks, or hordes of point-and-click bullshit cannons in my T34. If WoT is anything like this at launch, I'll laugh my ass off when it falls flat and fails completely.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Mr. Coffee »

Um, maybe you should wait for your team's heavies and super heavies and not rush on out in a match full of heavies and super heavies in a T-34? Just a thought...
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Well, that's true... except that 90% of heavy tankers (on your team, usually) are total pussies and just sit in a bush in the corner of the map. They just sit there like bitches while the poor mediums look at them like starving homeless puppies caught in a monsoon, knowing they (the mediums) have no choice but to die uselessly because the heavy tanks are scared shitless that someone might actually shoot at them.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Stark »

Highlord Laan wrote:I am so sick and fucking tired of running into either walls of heavy and superheavy tanks, or hordes of point-and-click bullshit cannons in my T34. If WoT is anything like this at launch, I'll laugh my ass off when it falls flat and fails completely.
Whoa whoa whoa, ar eyou saying the ballistics and accuracy is broken? :lol:
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by spaceviking »

I am getting tired of the constant bitching of artillery players. Ideally one would want to defend them; but some seem to go off the handle whenever they are not the last dead.

On the positive my new favorite thing is to drive through wooden shacks and shoot the enemy tank in the side when they are trying to use it for cover.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Stark »

Snipers have always been crybabies. Someone flanked your team and rolls up support units? OMG YOU *snip* PROTECT ME!!!!111

Stealing the Tribes arty interface would pretty much instantly 'fix' artillery.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Mr. Coffee »

Brother-Captain Gaius wrote:Well, that's true... except that 90% of heavy tankers (on your team, usually) are total pussies and just sit in a bush in the corner of the map. They just sit there like bitches while the poor mediums look at them like starving homeless puppies caught in a monsoon, knowing they (the mediums) have no choice but to die uselessly because the heavy tanks are scared shitless that someone might actually shoot at them.
See, this is why I shoot other heavies in the side of the turret when they don't immediately start rolling when I hit the F4 key. I like to think of my roll as a heavy/superheavy driver as that of Team Commissar... Now all the medium drivers be good little tankers and go screen my flanks and look for things for me to shoot in the face with a 105mm cannon.

But yeah, most heavy drivers, especially the T-9/10 guys are colossal pussies. "Oh now, my tank mgiht get damaged and I'll ahve to pay for repairs? My ammo cost's how much?! Well I ain't shooting at anything smaller than a Tiger II or an IS-3 then..." Players like that it should be perfectly legitimate to TK in hilarious fashions (Oops, was that your track I accidental shot off? I guess you don't want to know about the enemy Maus about to come around that build over there then...).
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by wautd »

Fuck those pussies. I tend to use my IS-1 as an upgunned medium tank and don't care if I die or not. (it's pretty darn fast for a heavy tank you know. Sometimes I forget I'm in the IS-1 instead of in my T-34-85).

Also trying the German line to the Panther (actually the VK tank you get right before the Panther. I hate to fight against those so they must be damn fun to play. Too bad that VK3001 thing you need to drive after the PZ III/IV physically hurts my eyes. Damn that thing is ugly.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by wautd »

Seriously, I cannot even phatom why people would care if they die or not. It's not like you need to twiddle your fingers untill the end of the match so you don't loose much time. And if it's about loosing money, try PvP in Eve online.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by The Dark »

On the opposite side of the "can't tell my tanks apart" syndrome that wautd described, I went from my KV to the T-28 last time I played, and it took me a good 20 seconds to remember how the T-28 maneuvered, because the KV is a barely mobile pillbox.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by xthetenth »

I'm playing this, got a t-34, leopard, and a few arty wagons for when I feel I need a hand free to hurl invective with my shells. Pretty fun, and I'm on permapremium. I'll probably be showing up on the channel soonish.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Mr. Coffee »

Anyone got a Tier 8 and a Tier 9 heavy? Want to run my Tiger II and gonna see if anyone else wants to form a heavy plt.
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Re: World of Tanks Beta

Post by Ritterin Sophia »

Looks like tenth got tired of trolling WoTs alt-history forum... :P
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