A match can last up to fifteen minutes, though that rarely happens. What typically occurs is either one side of fifteen is totally killed or you capture their flag.Thanas wrote:How long does a match usually take (in hours) and how much do you need to get a newer model (in hours)?
Because this game sounds very interesting but I do not know if I have the time...
As for time, it depends on a tank. Say the Liechttraktor (lovingly nicknamed the Loltraktor) it'll take you about an hour to go from that to either a Pz.II, a Bison, a Pz.35, or a PzJg.I (which unfortunately I can't find a render for). Each tank tier takes longer to grind out, but you can do it at your leisure.
Most of the guys from SDN that platoon up keep a couple tanks from different tiers so we can group with people under us. Coffee and myself have been grouping with a guy that went from a Loltraktor to a VK3601[H] and is close to getting his Tiger. Grouping also helps you get xp and cash faster, due to the coordination increasing your chances of surviving a match and getting kills.