Captain Kruger wrote: And since a certain Australian absolutely
insists that I have to respond point-to-point rather than summarizing to save bytes…

Yeah, whatever. It was tearing you up that you couldn't think up a half-decent reply for all this time, eh- and now you come back spouting rhetoric to 'the audience', as if anyone gives a shit how hard you were smacked down weeks ago.
Vympel wrote:
IIRC, Hitler's first try at getting into power was a failure. Maybe that's what occurred in 1931.
And of course, the European nations, without your brillaint 20/20 hindsight at what would happen a decade later, should have promptly invaded. All bow down before the master of the chronosphere
Vympel wrote:
Ah, so anyone who takes a slightly different perspective from history than you do is infantile?
Your perspective is infantile, and comes from someone who's never studied history.
You must be a pretty oddball Aussie. I didn't think such arrogance was common Down Under. Do you have many friends? I mean real life ones, not on-line ones.
*yawn* Down to the cheap jabs now are we?
And as for your so-called "point", I've said before that Iraq and Nazi Germany are not a precise parallel for one another. That doesn't change the fact Saddam, can, will, and has slaughtered innocent people with bio-weapons.
Ah, so he attacks Kurds within his own nation during a brutal counter-insurgency campaign, who can't retaliate mind you, so therefore he's only a step away from attacking America with bio-weapons without provocation! Talk about light year leap in logic.
Vympel wrote:
Whooptie-fucking-do. Just because the treaty wasn't fair to Germany, that means the Brits and French shouldn't have taken steps to keep that fucking psychopath from arming up? Great logic. Nice piece of retroactive hindsight head-up-the-ass history there.
No, I think that honor belongs to your "the allies should've attacked Germany in 1933" school of thought.
As has been seen with North Korea, GENIUS, a starving, economically pathetic country will happily sell whatever weapons they have to whatever parties can pay for them. Your ignorance of where that can lead to is truly pathetic.
Look! It's the mighty-morphin argument! Now the threat is Iraq could give weapons to 'whoever can pay for them'. Yes, Saddam will be big on giving WMD to a man who called him a socialist heathen and whose blood was halal, and who has stated publicly that he would like nothing more than to see Saddam's evil secular regime fall.
Vympel wrote:
*applause, whistles* What a snappy comeback. Ever thought of going into stand-up comedy?
Glad you liked it.
Vympel wrote:
Of course not, since they've been invested in Iraq for decades. They're the ones who helped build the Iraqi nuclear plant that was trying to produce weapons-grade material — until the Israelis slagged it.
And? America helped Iraq too. What the fuck is your point?
And people worrying about Hitler during the 1930s was alarmist bull shit too, right?
No, they had a right to attack Hitler when he demanded the Sudetenland. That was appeasement. Sanctions, weapons inspections, and the greatest military power in the world with the WILL to attack watching you (unlike France and Britain) does not fall under the category of appeasement. Iraq attacked Kuwait, and was smacked down, exactly like it should have been. Please take your pathetic false dilemma fallacies elsewhere.
Vympel wrote:
Here's a clue, numb nuts: it's called having a MUTUAL ENEMY. Did I print that big enough for you? Were we ever fond of the Soviet Union? Hell no. Did we fight alongside them to bring down Nazi Germany? Hell yes. Is history chock full of instances where natural adversaries worked together against a common threat?
LOL. You dumbfuck. you do realize the crucial difference is that the world was at fucking war, right? You do know that Iraq is not in a state of war with the United States? Is there some sort of Iraqi/American front going on right now? In case you haven't noticed- the war ended in 1991. US efforts to start it again nonwithstanding. Do you even know how large an escalation weapons of mass destruction are? He'd be signing his own goddamn death warrant.
I can't seriously believe that you think that Saddam, with his history of brutalizing his neighbors and his own people with WMDs and with a vested interest in helping those who wish to do harm to America, could not possibly be the slightest threat to anyone.
What's his vested interest in harming America, you idiot? What the fuck has he got to gain? A JDAM up his ass? Is Saddam some sort of moron who wants to hurt America anyway he can, even if it means he gets nothing out of it and gets killed? Odd that he didn't use any WMD even when the Coaltion was on his doorstep in 1991. Oh well- let's not let history get in the way of some good rabid paranoia.
Enjoy having your head in the sand. Say hi to Chirac for me.
Yes, not being a victim of rampant paranoia and massive leaps in logic is 'having your head in the sand'.
What sources
are water-tight, then? Only the ones that support your viewpoint? That figures. If you don't like the message, attack the messenger.

Be careful, that strawman is looking precarious. I'd really like to meet these people:
"What do you do?"
"I'm an analyst"
"What do you analyze?"
"Well, I'm involved in research to determine whether a new generation of America haters is being created?"
"Oh, and how do you figure that?"
"Oh that's easy, I simply assume that everyone who's anti-war hates America".
Move along people, no rebuttal to see here.
Hey, look here everyone! It's a classic case of the "you too!" argument! So you're basically saying I should never criticize anything that ever comes out of a single Euro mouth just because there are stupid, mindless Americans out there.
You know what? Those Americans are not my problem. I don't live in the backwoods with a bunch of inbred single-digit-IQ hicks wearing overalls and a straw hat. Just because those people exist doesn't mean someone from a major western US city doesn't have the right to comment on anything that happens in the rest of the world. Should you hold your tongue about other countries just because someone says "Hey! You shouldn't be talking because there are stupid people in Perth!" Grow a brain.
YOU'RE the dumbfuck who tried to use some extreme leftie comments as GENERAL proof of what Euros think of America, asshole, not me. Again, it's the mighty-morphin argument!
I already clarified several posts ago that I didn't advocate shooting all illegal aliens on sight. I advocate whatever methods are necessary for keeping them out of the country in the first place, not killing every one we find who's already here. Again, you might want to actually try using your eyes before you get on the damn keyboard.
Bullfuck you did. You only backpedalled after I called you on it.
You know, your attempts to demonize me as some kill-crazed lunatic just because you don't like my point of view are truly comical. Thanks for the laugh.
And your backpedalling mighty-morphin argument is infinitely more amusing.
Well now you've been dealt with…are you happy? [shameless movie quote]"You have been measured, you have been weighed, and you have been found wanting." [/shameless movie quote]

Right ... never mind that you still didn't answer my challenge, and instead chose to ignore the following facts, AGAIN
1: intelligence agencies insist there is no link between Iraq and Al-Quaeda
2: the CIA has gone on the record as saying Saddam would not use WMD unless 'his back was against the wall'
What was your awesome repsonse that you came back weeks later for? "Oh, they have a common enemy". Just brilliant.
As I said before, that so-called "scatter gun of bull shit" is called summarizing. It saves Web space, makes the post less tedious for other people to read, and gets the point across better. But I guess I'm wasting my time explaining something like that to you, since you're obviously more interested in trash-talking sarcasm.
No, I'm obviously more interested in having someone answer my fucking questions, rather than pick and choose what to respond to in the name of 'summarizing'.
Behold, the Strawman cometh.
Bullshit- that's exactly what your argument is. I quote: "this is yet again a point in history where not acting against a psychotic tyrant will almost certainly get a lot of innocent people dead further down the road."
I was slightly off on the date he came to power, so that means I know nothing about anything.
No, the rest of your ignorant bullshit, leaps in logic, and false dilemmas establishes that pretty nicely.
Is that the best you can do? When you constantly insult me and try to discredit me rather than just debating the point, you put yourself in the same camp as the Trekkie fucktards that inspired this board's creation in the first place. Congratulations on the company you keep.

Having fun fooling yourself? Insulting morons while debating them is perfectly acceptable on this forum. Do fuck off to spacebattles now if you don't like it.
Iraq and Germany are a relevant comparison, you moronic fuck.
No, it's totally irrelevant. Iraq does not have a world class economy, a world class military, a large industrial base, cutting edge doctrine, and has not consistently made demands for anschluss, territory, or lebensraum. In addition, Germany is obviously different because in that case the dominant opposing powers totally lacked the will to fight Germany until it was too late, and even after the war started, did not have the ability to prosecute the war. Iraq has none of Germany's power, and furthermore has already been utterly crushed in it's foolish expansionist endeavours, and, unlike Germany, totally lacks the ability to project any sort of power or threaten any of the great powers, let alone the SUPERpower.
In conclusion, you are a moronic fuck.
If Hitler had been acted against before Germany rearmed itself into the greatest military machine in Euro history, countless millions wouldn't have died from his actions.
Brilliant 20/20 hindsight there. And look, the moronic fuck continues to deploy his pathetic Iraq=Germany false analogy. Tell me, WHEN should the Allies have attacked Germany? If you're not a moronic jingoist, Czechoslovakia 1938 would've been the time to put your foot down. Today, we've already put our foot down, idiot.
If Saddam is acted against now rather than continuing these useless fucking inspections that have been given 12 years to take their course, we'll have made the world a better place. In about 6 months to a year, we won't even be talking about this anymore.
attack Germany: millions of people would be saved
attack Iraq: the world would be a better place
You can't even keep your own fucked up comparisons straight, can you?
It's either war or the inspections that haven't achieved diddly shit in 12 years. Only a lunatic keeps doing exactly the same thing and expects different results.
Inspections haven't achieved diddly shit? What fucking crack pipe have you been smoking? Maybe you should go tell a former inspector that, they can smack you in the mouth if we're lucky. And no, inspections is not the only issue. Iraq's total lack of power, the sanctions
that incidnetally were never imposed on Germany and the eye of the US prevent Iraq from ever threatening the region, let alone America itself.
I don't care about getting their love. People will find a reason to hate us no matter what we do. It's natural to despise the country that's at the top of the food chain, even if that country uses its power to help improve the world.
Now the jingoist shows his true colours. All those dictators you installed and supported really helped make the world a better place. Go sell your bullshit elsewhere.
Are you satisfied now, Vympel? Are you happy that so much space has been wasted on your demand for point-for-point retaliation? Do you want to drag this crap on further and further until someone locks the thread? Or can you grow the fuck up and stop being a trash-talking baby?
Oh shut up you pathetic poser; maybe when you rub your two brain cells together you can think up another reply in 6 weeks time.