Rampant idiocy. There are no such situations in which zombies are not a significant threat to military personnel in which they could take over most of the world, and infect the super-majority of the population of numerous cities. That there are more of them makes them more threatening, not less. It is implicitly required that they MUST be a threat, otherwise this NEVER COULD HAVE HAPPENED. If they aren't a threat, why do the survivors need help?A wizard did it. Really, this was explained much earlier in the thread: We don't know, we're just taking an infected city/country/world as a given, not worrying about how it got to that point but rather worrying about what we do when it is at that point. It doesn't matter how they took over the city, all that matters is their capabilities now.
Regardless of how easy it is to massacre zombies when you're in an AFV with a .50 cal pointed at them 600 meters away, running in-doors in tight spaces where the power is out is the dumbest thing you can do for your own survival. This means it is dangerous. Even if you can march door to door killing 100 zombies for every 1 soldier that gets scratched or bitten, in a city of 100,000 where 10% of them remained in-doors after you lured them out, 100 soldiers will get infected in the process of cleaning the place looking for survivors.
Saying that Q clicked his fingers and everyone was infected by a retarded, easy to kill zombie that is no threat to anybody is a completely asinine and worthless situation to discuss, even by the already abysmally low standards of these boards for alternate reality scenarios.
Same way a moth seeks out its mate from miles away by scent alone. Instinctual responses don't require intelligence.
Instinctual response. 'Direction' implies a plan, a goal, intelligence. Brooks' style zombies (the main topic of this thread) don't have that. QED.
I don't think you know what intelligence is. Being able to recognize something as food takes intelligence, being able to identify something as friendly takes intelligence, and being able to coordinate gross motor movement towards achieving the goal of BRAAAAAAAAAAAINS requires intelligence. All animals with brains have some degree of intelligence, and these tasks are not achievable without it.
Saying "oh it's not intelligence because they're not thinking about it" is unquantifiable, unverifiable nonsense.
If you think they can't be a threat, then why are you getting your panties in a twist about forcing the survivors to RISK THEIR LIVES combating something that is less threatening than "rioters with a cold"? You say "they aren't a threat", then turn around and act like they are.Then why don't you grab a crowbar (I'd suggest a gun, but I really don't trust your judgment with ranged weaponry) and join the rest of the fat nerds who think zombies are some sort of challenge.
No you giant retard, the reason is that more people are going to die searching the city for survivors than will be rescued. And soldiers who can fight this shit off are more valuable than most of the people they could potentially rescue anyway. Cities are fucking huge, and zombies are fucking everywhere. You don't know where most of the survivors are going to be. Like it's been pointed out before, if there's survivors on a roof with a flaregun, then it's an easy rescue because there's no danger involved anyway.If this forum and your posts within it formed the whole of my knowledge about who you are as a person, I'd say you're an inhumane shithead.
So you have no real reason to bomb the city, got it. It's good to have it verified that your moral outlook is "Bomb it for the hell of it, fuck the survivors".
When people are scattered in unknown places, many of whom can't communicate with you for various reasons, rescuing them is a fools errand and you're going to get lots of people killed. The costs outweigh the benefits. This is called pragmatism.
I bet you're one of those idiots who thinks it's worth getting 5 people killed to rescue 1 person.
Did he even specify he was talking about lighting up a building with known survivors inside?This changes the fact that burning an empty building will cause less death than burning a building with living people in it... how?