Thanas wrote:
The two are not mutually exclusive, you know. One might not feel the need to get a passport and do it anyway for the sake of integration. BTW, you still have not made an explanation that makes sense for why Turks would not want to seek a German passport. What other reason is there besides either not feeling the need for one or a refusal to integrate?
Ok, this is getting ridiculous. Is there some sort of communication barrier that we fail to cross here?
My point is the following:
You claimed that as EU citizens, Southern Europeans don't need to apply for German citizenship. Now all in itself, this doesn't sound all that unreasonable (except for the part where they cannot vote in General elections). Unfortunately for you we have another group compromising Western and Eastern Europeans, who seem to have a much higher naturalization rate than Southern Europeans, even though they too are EU citizens. So now we can either conclude that your argument doesn't hold water or we have to determine what the difference between the two groups is.
Also I don't think I need to give any reason for why 68% of Turks aren't seeking German citizenship.
If you recall I didn't question or try to excuse the percentages in the report. You on the other hand did, which is why I asked for proof. So since I made no assertion or claim, I have no obligation to prove any assertion or claim.
But just to humor you, I would think that many don't seek German citizenship because a) they want to eventually return (1st gen) or because they don't think there's a future for them in Germany (later gens.). I also suspect that some also have also developed a sense of cognitive dissonance towards Germany. But this is all speculation and I have no proof or any numbers to back it up.
Their numbers are reflected in the EU25, as the states that are now members of the EU are also the ones migration is coming from.
In any case, here are the total numbers of them:
I know that their numbers are reflected in the EU25 group. But that group includes Western Europe. There is no "pure" Eastern European data in the report.
Also I don't see why you posted that graphic. It doesn't differentiate between Ethnic Germans and Ethnic Foreigners, nor does it provide any integration data for non-German Eastern Europeans.
And again, their scores are irrelevant as the final result is still bad. So keep this up, but again, it is not going to change the point that the turks are the worst in education and the third-worst in unemployment, as well as the worst-integrated overall.
It doesn't need to change. The whole point is that other groups are also having problems integrating even if they're faring better.
No, they are just the third most unemployed in percentages, but I still maintain they are the most unemployed in numbers.
LOL. Hurray for Captain Obvious. Even if the unemployment rate for Turks was the lowest at 16%, the total number of unemployed Turks would still be the highest. It's because Turks compromise the biggest group.
Bullshit. You honestly claim not having any schooling will not have the impact on their job chances and that it is not a reason why they are unemployed? Yes, I know that immigrants with an education still suffer a competition advantage against Germans. However, I am not as insane as you to claim that it is not a reason they are unemployed.
I'm not making any claims. You're making the claims and failing to back them up. All I am doing is telling you that the report disagrees with you. Don't shoot the messenger.
BTW, you will not that all the groups with little education have also high unemployment numbers.
Yeah ... it's not that simple. What's the threshold for high btw?
Group - University Degree rate - Unemployment rate
Far East - 48 - 17
Southern Europe - 28 - 14
Near East - 38 - 35
Yugoslavia - 20 - 19
Africans - 37 - 26
Turks - 14 - 23
As you can see, people from the Far East who are better educated than Germans themselves, have 17% unemployment, higher than the Southern Europeans and barely below Yugoslavs who aren't even half as good educated. Let's not even get into the Near East group, because the numbers speak for themselves.
So....what is your explanation why they don't speak German other than ignorance - and no desire/willingness to change that - or a cultural choice not to use their knowledge in German? If you are of the opinion that they do all speak German, provide evidence.
Nice try. But I'm not gonna let you turn the tables. You made a claim and then you modified that claim. You didn't provide evidence for either claim. And now you can't even even decide which of your claims is right.
But let me spur your memory: When someone in this thread told you that language skills improve with following generations, you claimed that this is wrong because Turks live in Ghettos as they don't speak German. You further claimed that the kids won't speak German because they grow up in the Ghettos.
Later you modified this claim to they choose not to speak German because they live in Ghettos. But then if they already speak German, but choose not to, then the whole argument is moot. So which is it?
You apparently did not know that German ghettos etc. were oftentimes a hindrance in integration (In New York, the USA eventually even used the army against them) - and it was only after the first world war that they started to learn English etc. The Germans in the USA, while prosperous, were not that well integrated.
Heh, all I know is that everyone eventually integrated despite the Ghettos over time. So what's your point again?
As soon as you show me honor killings among that group, I am quite willing to concede that they are a problem as well. BTW, you apparently missed my point (again). They are an indicator for trouble - with a patriarchal society. Honor killings are just the top of the iceberg, domestic violence etc are a problem as well. And no, Turks are not the only ones with patriarchal societies, before you start that tangent again. However, they are currently the largest group in Germany with a background in those societies.
No, actually the problem is that you try to judge the entire Turkish community by the actions of a tiny minority. Which is why I brought up the fundamentalist Christians. lol @ you turning it into a whose worse, Christians or Muslims contest.
Honor Killings are so rare that they are basically useless when measuring the integration of 2.8 million Turks.
No, and I have several times said that immigration is utterly messed up in Germany. However, yes, in my opinion, 52 is a far better result than 39%, As the turks are by far the largest group - and also the largest problem - they are also the biggest problem we have with our integration right now. Is that so hard for you to grasp? BTW, if the Turks were not there, the Yugoslavs would be mainly the problem - but right now, they are second worst and second biggest problem, not the biggest problem we have.
See now you make me smile. This is all I wanted to hear, because you sang a different tune before.
You were the one making the claim that the Turkish exodus is far worse compared to that of other groups. So it actually is up to you to prove that point.
I actually haven't made that claim explicitly. I was just wondering how the Exodus of educated Turks was affecting the indicators. You were the ones dismissing it, saying that it was no different from other people leaving.
But to humor you, the only reason I brought this up is because a publication like Spiegel actually bothered to make an article about it. I don't see a single German publication pointing out an alarming trend of up to 10% of educated Yugoslaves, Southern Europeans etc. leaving Germany each year.
It is not really influencing the education indicator, as they would still be counted on whether they had completed high school and/or university.
Actually there's two education indicators. One is "Schueler in der gymnasialen Ueberstufe" and the other is "Hochschulreife".
I'm arguing that the latter could be slightly higher, if not for the exodus. And if you notice, the in the former indicator Turks are doing better in relation to other groups, than in the "Hochschulreife" indicator. So yes they are still counted.
So again, all you have is a vague interpretation but no real numbers. Show them, please.
Show you what? The vast majority of 40k is a much higher percentage of 364k, than 155k out of 25.46 million, no matter which way you slice it.
You cannot possibly dispute this.
So, as you are the one who is claimign that the percentages of educated turks leaving is higher than the percentages of German university graduates leaving, I think you are the one who actually has to provide the numbers on that one, methinks.
The (rough) numbers have been provided for 2 days now. And if you remember, it was YOU who provided the German numbers.
That actually does not show whether they are educated or not. I know for example that the husband of my friend Hülya has a universtiy degree.
This only deals with women only but here goes:
Besonders aufschlussreich ist die Studie von AYDIN u.a. hinsichtlich der Bildungssituation der Heiratsmigrantinnen. Demnach hat ca. ein Drittel (31,3 %) der Befragten lediglich die Pflichtschulzeit absolviert, die mittlerweile bei acht Jahren liegt. Dagegen hat ebenfalls ein Drittel (31,1 %) das Abitur gemacht. Lediglich 3,4 Prozent geben an, dass sie keine Schule besucht haben.21 Die Übrigen haben anderweitige Schulabschlüsse erworben, für die es in Deutschland häufig keine passende Entsprechung gibt. Hervorzuheben ist schließlich noch, dass 11,9 Prozent der Befragten mit einem in der Türkei erworbenen Universitätsabschluss nach Deutschland kommen. ... en/106627/
Only 11.9% are university educated.
Again with the universal percentages here. What is the universal percentage of all Turks who leave Germany in comparison?
That percentage is Educated Germans leaving Germany and not all Germans leaving Germany.
Ok. So we agree here that the turkish emigrants leave Germany due to a variety of reasons including job offers, a competition advantage on the turkish market due to bilingualism, failed integration in Germany, less jobs in Germany and racism experienced by themselves?
Agreed. Again I do think that on average Turks suffer more Racism in Germany. But it's just speculation I don't have proof. As for the rest, yes were in agreement. The entire point is that a lot seem to leave for whatever reason.
That said, the statement is indefensible.
Thank you.
The stuff we discussed above. I'll just drop that because it is pretty much the same as said above.