1) Do you vote? Yes, I am well aware of the mess a typical US ballot is. I even started a thread illustrating that. Nonetheless, I vote. Few things piss me off as much as some whining teen bitching about the nation who then fails to vote. I don't want to hear that your vote doesn't matter, that they're all assholes, voting is a MINIMUM level of participation in your country's affairs.
Voting in my city is pointless as you get the same council candidates year in year out with the only change coming when somebody retires and the mayoral elections are usually no contests. I've not had much a chance to vote on a larger level as the first elections I could have voted in happened shortly after I was 18 and I didn't care and nothing major has come up since I was both old enough to vote an angered enough to care.
2) Do you vote thoughtfully? Meaning, do you actually research the candidates. I realize that not everyone has the time to do this in depth, but do you do it all? FAR too many Americans of any age fail to do this - they vote straight party, or along racial lines, or religious lines, or because the name sounds nice to them. That's bullshit.
I'm Canadian and I do my research, in fact I think that the way to fix democracy is to have every voter need to fill out a test on the issues and you need at least a 60% to pass because if you have no idea what you're voting for outside of a single issue you shouldn't be allowed to vote.
3) Do you vote locally? Realistically, your one vote for, say US President counts for little. It's locally where your voice has the most impact, and those are, on a certain level, the most important elections you can participate in because that's where you have the most effect. It's important, because on the local level is where party candidates start out. If you don't vote for people who represent your views for dog catcher and tax assessor they will never rise higher nor run for higher office. That's the way it works, usually - most career politicians start small and local and work their way up.
See above.
4) Do you work for the candidates of your choice? Do you do anything? - volunteer? Donate? Your candidates need more than your vote, they need helpers and need money, too.
No as our city council is worthless and there is no new blood to help push in.
5) Do you write/call your representatives? If you don't tell them what you think they don't know. COMMUNICATE. If they do something you don't like TELL THEM. Even more important, if they do something you approve TELL THEM. They do pay attention because, after all, if enough people get pissed off they'll be out of a job next election cycle no matter how many big money people support them because the big oligarchs are still the minority. Since most people don't do this they assume that for most communications there are others who feel the same but aren't telling them.
People write in, we get stock answers back, nothing changes and that's local level.
6) Do you write letters to the editor or attend community meetings? No, it's not like voting, but for fuck's sake speak up. Refute the opposition at every opportunity. Show up. Politicians do pay attention to these things, it's part of their job.
No car, and most meetings are next to impossible to get to due to my college schedule.
In short, kindly go fuck yourself in your preachy sanctimonious ass.
School requires more work than I remember it taking...