SCRawl wrote:Okay, but he was in danger of losing mostly because he was unpopular, as opposed to a bad politician, right? I'm really not sure why he was unpopular, aside from the usual -- leader of the Senate majority while most a huge portion of Nevadans are unemployed. Is there another reason?
The problem is that his unpopularity left him getting nine votes against for every ten votes for against someone manifestly unfit for public office.
The kind of person we need for Senate Majority Leader at the moment should have been able to take Sharron Angle apart politically, because that's pretty much the new job description of the Senate Majority Leader. They must consistently demonstrate the bankruptcy and uselessness of far-right policies as a solution to America's problems, and they must be willing to fight to limit the extent to which those policies are enacted.
After Reid's performance on the health care issue, where he basically let himself be bargained down to nothing by Republicans who held only
one card, while making precious few overt moves to counter them or fight back... well, in parliamentary terms I think it's time for a vote of no confidence in Senator Reid.
As for running the Senate well, I don't know that I'd have any obvious complaints, aside from maybe a little timidity, and in a body such as deliberative (read: glacial) as the U.S. Senate I doubt that a firebrand is called for. Do you have a suggestion for who might be the better Senate majority leader, if not Reid? (For the moment I'm neglecting the political implications of switching leaders.)
Keep in mind that I'm not so much a supporter of Reid as I am a staunch opponent of the whackjob contingent.
I don't know. Personally I'd choose a fighter, someone with a track record of getting bills through. Because at this point the Senate Majority Leader is pretty much the sole leader of the Democrats in the legislative branch, and they're going to have to be the one who keeps the Republicans from pushing too much through, in the face of a surviving Blue Dog caucus that may well hold the swing vote between Dems and Republicans on many issues.
I would have to sit down and sort through a lot of records to find the person I'm looking for.