-AI researchers are under the assumption that its the software (not the hardware) which is lagging behind. For example, lets say you need to crack a 125 bit code. You have two options:
A 2007 era supercomputer, with 1977 software or,
A 1977 era computer, with 2007 software,
Which one cracks the code faster? Suprisingly, its the 1977 computer (the apple 2). It can do it twice as fast as the modern day supercomputer. Of course, breaking a code doesn't require sapience, but it gives you an idea. A couple of AI researchers are under the impression that neural connectivity has nothing to do with it, but I doubt that. Its the one thing we have in abundance that machines don't, after all, so would that not be a good place to start?
You fail. I know little about AI-programming, but if you want to demonstrate the benefits of INTELLIGENCE, presenting number-crunching power is just utter failure. By that logic, a calculator is more intelligent than you. Not that i would rule that out, mind you.
-Hey, I'm sorry man, but the qautes feature just doesn't do what I am asking of it. I just came on stardestroyer.net a couple days ago, and I've been in the heat of battle the whole time. Maybe I'm missing some key. Anyway, could you PLEASE tell me why the members of a soft science fiction group like star wars considers itself harder than orions arm? I mean, you clearly know some little secret that I don't. Help a brother out.
Seriously, it's easy enough that 13-year olds can figure it out.
But hey, i play nice every now and then, so here it goes (i still have your spelling to mock, not to mention your general stupidity):
Code: Select all
[quote]Just hit the "quote" button above and then put what you want to quote into it.[/quote]
Just hit the "quote" button above and then put what you want to quote into it.
Code: Select all
[quote][quote]If you want to quote a quote, put a complete "quote tag" into another complete "quote tag", put the quote you are quoting (the text that appears FIRST) into the MIDDLE "quote tag"[/quote]and the SECOND quote tag right between the first and second "/quote"[/quote]
If you want to quote a quote, put a complete "quote tag" into another complete "quote tag", put the quote you are quoting (the text that appears FIRST) into the MIDDLE "quote tag"
and the SECOND quote tag right between the first and second "/quote"
Code: Select all
[quote="RandomPoster"]If you want to tell us whom you quoted, just put his or her name behind the first in this form ="NAME" [/quote]
RandomPoster wrote:If you want to tell us whom you quoted, just put his or her name behind the first in this form ="NAME"
It's fucking EASY. Now you have no more excuse to fuck it up.
-Obviously it doesn't, silly. I already said way back there that strong super intelligence doesn't equal instant hyperdrive copying, just that it will help a lot. Provided that they can capture one, the toposophics will be able to dissect the engine, and build an architecture to support its production and mass deployment. Remember, they don't just have stronger and better thoughts, but faster ones too. Computations which take a human lifetime can be done in seconds by a toposophic. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't even be discussing hyperdrive retro-engineering, because otherwise, any attempt to do so would be limited to human work speeds (which we circumvent with super AI). I don't believe you can entirely rule it out either.
No, they WON'T be able to build a hyperdrive.
Even if they capture one, they can't figure out how it works, since they can't measure it's effects. That's like trying to replicate a modern engine without being able to measure heat. At best, they can employ a copy&paste method - if they can replicate the materials, which is doubtful.
However, they can NOT replicate hypermatter - that's like looking at modern fossil fuels and instantly knowing how they are mined and refined. No, wait, it's like looking at fossil fuel engine and doing that.
Again, you are ignoring ALL the steps necessary to actually build something, and just go "find hyperdrive"->"intelligence"->"???"->"profit".
-In fact, if you give me a figure for how long it took the original warsies (the guys who lived way before zim the despot) to perfect the hypedrive, I can give you an estimate for how long it will take the artifints to retro-engineer it.
No, you WON'T. Technology or intelligence don't work like that.
Not to mention that, IIRC, the hyperdrive was developed based on the force (or with it), so your AIs would be utterly unable to do it AT ALL.
-LOL, yeah, well that just goes to show you how deep in the shithouse the AI researchers of today are. Their computers are not yet capable of any true sapient insight. But it is a bit of a hint at the significance software has to play in the issue.
It doesn't tell us anything how AIs work, since it's just number crunching without any sapience.
-Hmmm. Maybe I will earn such a decoder ring in the future. A boy can dream, can't he?
You can, but apparently you can't think. The latter is more useful than the former.
-Sorry if some of my comments seem sloppy and rushed (they are), but I'm just trying to score a few quick points in this bout. I've always wanted to learn about (and teach to people) the deadliness of strong AI, like the fictional computer defence network called skynet. The worrying thing is that there is nothing preventing the emergance of such machines in the distant future.
The only thing you are scoring quickly is idiocy-points. Besides, we have actual AI-researchers on this board, so you are telling us nothing new (in fact, you are telling us a lot of crap).
HAHAHAHAHA, you aren't serious, are you?! Hardness is based on scientific accuracy and realism, nothing else!
Evidently, you never used your penis. Otherwise, you would not have made that statement.
-LOL. This from the people who define scientific accuracy as the ability to destroy other sci fi franchises. Your an awesome bunch.
Stop your strawmans (if you actually know what that means). We never claimed that SW is scientifically accurate. We merely point out that OA is scientifically INACCURATE.
-Alright, I'll grant that you've floated out my theory on information gathering by the AI. They are (until the mass production of a retro-engineered hyperdrive) limited to the light speed barrier, after all. But you still went ahead pretending that luke (who has yet to have even a single precognitive vision) is the quivilant to an entire team of minoirty report pre-cogs! He is no such thing, he can't even have visions yet, so give it up. Unless the war takes place before vader and palpy died, you'll have to concede this point to me.
What point? The precognition? Sure, i have no problem to concede that Luke has no significant precognition for a long time. However, if we are talking about the GE at it's full strength, then Palpatine is alive.
My main point, which you failed to grasp, is that INTELLIGENCE IS USELESS WITHOUT INFORMATION. You can be the smartest thing in the universe, if you have no input about the real world, you can't predict anything about the real world (except by chance, which you can do just as well if you are human).
So yes, in summary, there is much that is limited by orions arm restriction to light speed. Information gathering, placement of mines, launching of attacks, etc. Its a shitty way to loose a fight (just because the other side is scientifically weaker), but there it is. Good time drilling it into me, much appreciated. Still...
Waah, waah, you are not playing fair because you are not obeying science in your fiction.
Sorry, but neither does OA. So stop this bullshit.
Actually, kudos on your apparently improved spelling. You are now on the level of a german child in seventh grade (3-5 years of english education). Well, actually, you are worse, since you are too dumb to use a spell checker (and yes, i do - it makes finding your spelling errors much easier).
Still, no actual argument except the usual wankstuff:
-AI-wank - appealing to great intelligence while ignoring reality
-Calling your opponent "soft sci-fi", as if that was a valid argument. While being a hypocrite, since OA is not hard science.