TithonusSyndrome wrote:<snip a page and a half of text that basically amounts to, "Okay, I'm not really that familiar with the zombie genre, and having zombies being able and willing to eat each other was a bad idea.">
Oh come on, you know what I said and that wasn't it; I expected everyone to bear in mind that zombie are by default cooperative, as is the norm, and would only eat one another under special circumstances as a last resort to prevent rapid zombie starvation doing all the work for the sapient animals. After all, they're their own easiest prey in
every zombie franchise and it doesn't happen, so aside from the fact that I've explicitly removed an unstated and contrived plot device that disinclines them from devouring one another, what's different?
Either way, if it was a problem, we've clarified it and that's all I'm concerned about; I'd rather play these scenarios loose and fast and agree on amendments later, rather than labor on an OP forever to circumvent any possible misinterpretation or semantics issue.
Well if you 'don't care'... why the fuck are you making this scenario in the first place, and why were you implying you have knowledge of some of the running themes of the zombie genre?
Because I'm casually interested in devising a scenario for the zombies in which they'd have a chance, which in my mind amounts to giving them opponents that are cohesive enough to be considered proper resistance to them, but weak enough to not use weapons to any great extent that doesn't involve retreading the post-zombie apocalypse scenario. As for passing myself off as a zombiologist, I wasn't aware that I needed to have a lot of credentials; I've seen Shaun of the Dead and 28 Days Later and been exposed to some cultural osmosis on zombies, and if that isn't sufficient, then... sorry? I gather that zombie-bashing is going to be looked on as a tedious pasttime for milwankers here sometime soon, so never let it be said that I didn't try and spitball ideas for more compelling zombie conflicts rather than just flog a dead horse.
A brief crash-course in the zombie genre: It doesn't make sense. Don't expect it to make sense. These are walking corpses with a hankering for flesh we're talking about here, there is little to no way to make it make scientific sense and most everyone who's tried has ended up effectively stating, "God A wizard The Plot did it."
Alright, good enough for me; what in your opinion is a better premise for this scenario; "freegan" cannibal zombies, or foodless zombies?
Oh yes, I know that. The thing is, though, that these things don't need an intelligence boost to immediately take massive advantage of a world without human civilization. A good chunk of technological effort is directed towards erecting barriers to keep insects out of our hair, with limited success.
Oh I see what you're saying. Agreed.
Remove human intelligence and drive to eradicate creepy-crawlies and they will thrive far more than they already do. As for the fishies: The biggest threat any number of fish, whales, and a lot of other sea life faces is human fishing. Again, with the fishers gone, they will thrive. And your zombies will most definitely not be able to catch any fish... if they can get into the water at all.
I intended to keep the non-mammalian marine life non-sapient for the purpose of ensuring that fish-eating carnivores would have access to a ready supply of food that doesn't have ethical dilemmas around it, not for any reason directly related to zombies. A significant portion of the conflict in this scenario would come from factions of uncooperative carnivores who consider it below them or simply unappetizing to barter zombie-killing services in return for prepared zombie corpses, fish, etc, and would rather form bandit companies to hunt other sapient animals in the feral way while ensuring their own safety.