So Brooks solution to the Zombie horde is for everyone to make like it's either the ancient world or the Napoleonic era with box formations and staggered shifts to prevent zombies from overrunning military groups at night when they're sleeping.Freefall wrote:Sheppard said that Brooks had the Romans figure out how to fight zombies, but 21st century man could not. I was pointing out that this was simply wrong; in WWZ, when 21st century man finally pulls its head out its ass and decides to actually deal with the zombies, it deals with the zombies. Rather easily too. I don't believe they suffer any casualties to their rifle formations.
Hey genius; here's away to do that, and not require 500 men in four ranks like it's fucking Waterloo again and zombie napoleon is coming to bite your brains:
Others have mentioned that AFVs provide mobile instant protection boxes earlier in this thread; a platoon of vehicles provides that capability for only 12-20 men depending on how many men are in your crews.
Also, we didn't need Brooks going on and on and on about how the military fucked up Yonkers and other stuff due to gizmos and gadgetry......and then going on to create that same gizmogadgetry he despises later on:
The Standard Infantry Rifle.
*fapfapfapfapfap*You could drag it through the mud, leave it in the sand, you could drop it in saltwater and let it sit there for days. No matter what you did to this baby, it just wouldn’t let you down. The only bells and whistles it had was a conversion kit of extra parts, furniture, and additional barrels of different lengths. You could go long-range sniper, midrange rifle, or close-combat carbine, all in the same hour, and without reaching farther than your ruck.
Our staple ammo was the NATO 5.56 “Cherry PIE.” PIE stands for pyrotechnically initiated explosive. Outstanding design. It would shatter on entry into Zack’s skull and fragments would fry its brain. No risk of spreading infected gray matter, and no need for wasteful bonfires.
Of course he later talks about how they use 'sandlers' in his civil war style firing lines:
Right, you know....because...semi automatic belt fed weapons don't exist?The Sandlers ran up and down the line collecting empty clips, recharging them from crated ammo, and then passing them out to anyone who signaled
There's a huge market for this in the US, because people can't buy a Class III belt fed machine gun -- that would cost them $20-40 grand. But a semi auto replica? That's cheap.
So just order some semi auto machine guns and have the unit armorers give them scopes, like Carlos Hathcock rigged up for his in Vietnam:
Possibly Hathcock's M2HB
Hathcock was able with his jerry rigged scoped M2, to kill at 2280 meters; but your average joe will probably do about 1400 meters.
It kind of helps that your opponent is moving slowly towards you (reducing deflection), so even an inexperienced shooter will be able to score long range kills, and unlike a purpose built sniper rifle; you won't need to keep reloading the weapon; you can just have a huge box next to your machine gun with a hundred rounds of belted .50 BMG.
So let's say we start shooting when the Zomboids come within range at 1500m. Given the average human walks at 1.5 m/sec; we'll say a zombie can handle 0.7 m/sec.
We'll assume that we have a "danger close" zone of 150 meters (about 1.5 football field lengths) upon which you stop shooting and retreat.
That gives the zombie 1,350m to cover, and at 0.7 m/sec, they'll cover it in 1,928 seconds.
At about one shot every 3.5 seconds (hey, these will not be Carlos Hathcocks), you'll kill 550 zombies.
What then?
Because we're not stupid, we've just simply mounted our scoped .50 MGs onto Humvees. So we just have the gunner drop down into the Humvee from the machine gun mount, slide the mount plate over the gun open gun ring, lock it into place; and your assistant gunner drives the humvee down the road to another shooting spot.
Of course, there may be problems like the mount hatch doesn't lock into place right; or one of the doors doesn't lock up tight...but that's why I specified a 150m danger zone; you'll have 3 minutes to fix that problem safely.
You then open up the mount again after you've arrived at the new location and repeat as necessary until you've killed thousands upon thousands of zombies for that day.
If by some random chance, you get overrun by zombies; you can just lock the doors and secure the mount plate and wait for rescue...because the vehicle has also been provisioned with plenty of MREs and water, along with a backup radio and batteries.
Oh, and because you're using a machine gun, you have a last ditch defense against an onrushing zombie hoard, you can just go cyclic.
Simple. Cheap, and efficient.
Oh. And just about every US Army Armory/National Guard Depot, etc has a bunch of Humvees sitting around. Even small bases like Fort Meade have a ton on base.
Of course, if you are facing zombie hordes a bit more powerful than scattered zombies, you can swap out the scoped M2HB with a scoped Mk 19 grenade launcher and a laminated card for the newb gunner for the proper elevation settings for the scope.