weemadando on MSNBC?

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weemadando on MSNBC?

Post by Zadius »

Did I just see Keith Olbermann read a tweet from our resident SDNetter weemadando on the air? I think I did!
@KeithOlbermann Everyone knows that you can't risk hiring until unemployment drops. Its just dangerous, liberal. And, um, bad.
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Re: weemadando on MSNBC?

Post by weemadando »

Holy shit.

I didn't get a RT but I get a mention on the air.

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Re: weemadando on MSNBC?

Post by Zadius »

weemadando wrote:Holy shit.

I didn't get a RT but I get a mention on the air.

Indeed. I saw it with my own eyes. I was like, "Wait, isn't that..."
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Re: weemadando on MSNBC?

Post by Dalton »

Code: Select all

       First the sanity break and the Tweet of the Day... following up on the rich not hiring...
¤1 ]] C2.1 G 0 [[
take fs tweet of the day
¶{f/s weemadando <http://twitter.com/> Anders Russell} 
        From Anders Russell:
        "Everyone knows that you can't risk hiring until unemployment drops. Its just dangerous, liberal. And, um, bad.
¤2 ]] C2.1 G 0 [[
keith on cam
        You realize you have to explain to some people that he's being satirical, because otherwise what he wrote there is the Republican Party Economic Platform.
        Let's Play Oddball!
tweetsmall.jpg (26.56 KiB) Viewed 1031 times
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Re: weemadando on MSNBC?

Post by weemadando »

Thanks Dalton.
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Re: weemadando on MSNBC?

Post by Mr Bean »

Here's the direct msnbc 19 second clip
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677//vp ... 3#40363983

Hmm... Grats Anders for getting mentioned on Countdown. No question you'll soon be on your way to landing that big reality show gig. Try not to lose touch with us commoners to quickly.

Also your tweet? :mrgreen:
Last edited by Mr Bean on 2010-11-24 09:32pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: weemadando on MSNBC?

Post by Thanas »

Congrats, Ando.
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Re: weemadando on MSNBC?

Post by Pelranius »

Congrats. I should start watching Countdown again (hey, Law and Order has been on a lot recently).
Turns out that a five way cross over between It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the Ali G Show, Fargo, Idiocracy and Veep is a lot less funny when you're actually living in it.
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