Metahive wrote:O, my bad, you just advocated keeping innocents in one torture prison. Makes all the difference I guess.
I didn't say I advocated it, just that I didn't see any options I considered more acceptable (which would have been any acceptable option whatsoever). And this is not that thread.
It's not vendetta-ish to point out that you keep doing the same fucking thing over and over, you one trick pony. O, and that whole "I'm just asking questions" thing doesn't fly when it's done by those other crazies, so neither won't it fly for you.
Except I was asking questions? In this case, I asked about the tactical situation and how it looked IF X, Y and Z. That was it.
Yes! Let's recklessly plunge the korean peninsula into war, for "the best of the people" of course! What could possibly go wrong? And even when, it's just Koreans dying and who cares, they're 4000 miles away anyway!
It's really a cold, simple question: will more Koreans die if we let the major shooting start on the DPRK's terms, which includes shelling Seoul into slush, than if we start the war on our terms which begins with raining hellfire on the artillery batallions which are waiting to shell Seoul.
If it comes out in favor of the "start the war on our terms" camp, then you have to consider the likelihood of the war starting on the DPRK's terms. If it's low, then you probably don't want to rekindle the Korean War. If it's high, then you might consider the fact that it's going to catch fire sooner or later and it might be better to light the match yourself so you know to take cover.
It's the same cold question we asked a thousand times during the cold war: if we go nuke first, will fewer of our people die than if we go nuke second. In the end it didn't matter who went nuke first or second, since the "winners" got to live approximately fifteen minutes longer. Long enough for a quickie, but not much else.
Or are you accusing me of not caring about the lives of people because they're from another country? America has, effectively, no stake in this. We don't have a dog in this fight, or at least we shouldn't. The bases in Korea are nice, but they don't offer a whole lot that the ones in Japan don't also offer in terms of strategic importance. Korea doesn't control and export vital resource in the way that, say, Saudi Arabia does that might just justify going to war to protect them purely so our resource flow is uninterrupted.
If this war started, Americans
will die, in a fight that we shouldn't have a dog in. We went and entered the dog in the fight, specifically so if the dog of the guy we don't like kills our dog on his way to killing the dog of our friends, we have all the justification we want to march in with a shotgun and blow the dog and his handler away.
Even if I didn't care about Koreans, which is goddamned not true, I think you wouldn't dare try to say I didn't care about Americans. This is a war in which we gain effectively nothing and lose much, all in the name of reducing the loss to our friends and allies. Which is why I was asking if, given that it looks like the situation may be about to go off the fucking rails, if it would be better to resume the major hostilities on the terms of the US and the ROK, rather than letting the DPRK resume hostilities on their terms.
Or did you think I just like wars for wars' sake? I have Micheal Bay and James Cameron for that sort of entertainment, and the BBC puts on a pretty boring action movie for an action movie. The explosions look totally fake, and it's usually a talking head commenting about the fake-looking explosions in the background anyway. It's like if Glenn Beck starred in an action movie utilizing the skills he's already known for and no others.
I have relatives in Korea you fucking shrinkhead! I do not take kindly to people who advocate putting them into a warzone just because maybe the NKs might try something! You do not gamble with lives like that!
Their lives are already on the roulette wheel by being located somewhere in the southerly vicinity of the DPRK. The wheel has been spinning for the last fifty years or so, but it looks like the wheel is grinding to a halt. In that case, would you rather let the ball land where it lands - live on red, die on black - or would you rather cheat and smack down on the wheel to halt it on red?
I don't know. Maybe you'd rather let the chips fall where they may. It's not like I was suggesting the U.S. launch a unilateral attack and drag the ROK into it on a platform of "you're in the shit like it or not, follow through with us or deal with the norkish hordes on your land instead of theirs."
And what the fuck is a "shrinkhead"? Stop making up words, or at least provide the definition when you do. I don't know what kind of an insult that is, so I don't know how to properly tell you to go fuck yourself in reply.
Marcus Aurelius wrote:In case you didn't notice, something like that already happened in 2003 with Iraq. Sure, the US had the UK and some other countries in the alliance, so it wasn't a completely unilateral action and sure, Saddam was a huge dick himself. But the fact still remains that China, Russia, Germany, France and a lot of other nations didn't approve of the invasion of Iraq and it still happened without anybody offering any kind of assistance to Iraq, let alone putting economic sanctions on the US.
As I recall, the war did happen - the Iraqis declared war on us and proceeded to fight a war with us to the best of their laughable ability.
The lesson here remains that the US could shell just about anyone besides the traditional nuclear powers without any serious repercussion apart from strongly worded statements. I doubt there would even be any serious economic sanctions, because the US is so important trade partner for pretty much all major exporting nations in the world. The reason the US does not do that normally is that there is no reason to do so, and it would alienate many allies, which would be disadvantageous in the long run, NOT the fear of military (or even economic) repercussions.
I wasn't suggesting that other uninterested parties get up in the fight, I was saying that the aggrieved party say "That's it, these bitches have gone too far. It's time to kick their asses up between their shoulderblades!"
If we sailed into the harbor of some country that wasn't meaninglessly unable to fight back, sank a warship and shelled the town, say, Iran, do you think they'd just shrug it off? Or would they do everything in their power to get whatever vengeance was within their reach, such as scrambling all ships they had to try and take out our vessels in the area and sending their army to go and try to curbstomp the guys we have in Iraq?
The Norks, on the other hand, do have a fairly good reason to be dicks. They want to extort more food and other support, and they also might have internal political reasons to flex muscles and show who's daddy. They also know that short of shelling a major population center or actually using their nukes they can get away with almost anything, because a war is not in the best interests of South Korea or the US.
So terrorism is basically okay and yes, we will negotiate with terrorists if they have nukes? Or submarines? Or just a bajillion half-starved guys that we think are ready to zergrush us for god and king who happen to conveniently be the same person?
Because that's exactly what you described: monumentally successful terrorism on a scale that Bin Laden gets a chubby wishing he could pull off; sinking a warship and shelling a town.
Metahive wrote:It's not just him alone either. It's simply too easy to talk about "sacrifices for the greater good" that have to be made when those sacrifices are the lives or the well-being of people whose names one probably can't even pronounce properly.
Nasty business, isn't it? But that doesn't mean it's right to just swear off forever being the one to make the first move and hope the other guy is polite enough to do the same. Moral high ground is well and good, but it often lies on the artillery range.
That's why you need to sit down and seriously hammer out whether it's better to take the moral high ground and hold it, bearing in mind the consequences if the other guy does not join you on the moral high ground.
That's why I think that everyone who advocates waging war on foreign soil to first imagine having friends and loved ones living near that soil. Let's see how much you can wank about deploying nuclear, biological or chemical weapons when it's your uncle that might get his skin blistered off by a dose of Mustard Gas or die from radiation poisoning.
"Wanking?" What the fuck are you smoking? Are you blithely or willfully ignorant of the fact that this whole question was about figuring out how to prevent the most harm to friendly civilians by crushing hostile forces with as much overwhelming and sudden firepower as could possibly be brought to bear.
If the war is coming, would you rather it be a soldier dying when a vengefully-minded armed member of the DPRK launches a banzai charge spraying bullets at US and ROK soldiers, or your family in Korea dying in a shelling attack because the DPRK launched the first strike?
The question was whether you could prevent Seoul from looking like a more glassy and steely Stalingrad by launching a first strike or not.
And yeah, Dragon, I've noticed that deploying such is for you not much of a moral issue but more one of practicability and political expedience.
"And biological is right out, even if we were tooled up for it, nobody wants to be the son of a bitch to open that file of worms first. What about chemical, though? Would the equation change any if we were willing (and able) to break out the stocks of chemical weapons? I doubt something like mustard gas or nerve gas is going to bother the North - I imagine they have gas masks everywhere - but what about, say, something very vigorously incendiary?"
Dead tends to be dead no matter how you get there. My main concern was preventing a bad case of the dead from spreading where you didn't want it to spread. You can be reasonably certain, as much as anything is certain in warfare, where the damage from chemical weapons, whether it's a big dose of Sarin gas or the morning napalm, is going to go. Obviously the farther towards the direct damage spectrum (napalm) you go the more certain. With bio and nukes it's an unpredictable clusterfuck, and believe it or not I'd rather not give the civilians in the DPRK a bad case of the death if at all possible in the event of the big one part deux.
Gas would not be nice at all, but it would be a lot less less-nice than a quick round of nukes or some kind of hyper-flu. On the other hand, if it turns out to be an
extremely effective way of neutralizing the DPRK's artillery batteries, much more so than, say, dropping a huge submunition cluster bomb, a thermobaric warhead, napalm or just a big MOAB, it might be worth considering as an option. It wouldn't be, so it's not. For that to be the case, I guess we'd have to have rock-solid proof that the DPRK has never heard of a gas mask and their artillery batteries are all convienantly consolidated in quarries and other places where gas will be contained for maximum devastation on the forces under arms whilst having some form of magical proofing against napalm or kinetic air bursts.
Stop treating the world like a Civ 4 session, please, there're real people behind those numbers, you know.
I am not am imbecile, thank you.
Metahive wrote:As I already said, it's amazingly easy to say "let's get it over with" when the warzone is far away and filled with people you don't know. The warmongers are right? The same warmongers who were whining about Saddam's secret intentions to nuke the West and who keep nagging that Iran needs to be invaded because its full of evil fanatics who will surely lob nuclear bombs at everyone out of religious delusion once they have them?
I'm sorry, but this sort of warmonger has lost a lot of credibility lately. The NKs have a long history of murderous trolling, their economy depends on it after all. It's not worth to risk an all out war on the peninsula for it and especially not because a bunch of high and mighty armchair generals demand it. If you have hard evidence of the NKs planning an all out assault on the South, by all means let's hear about it, because that's the minimum required to justify a preemptive attack.
Calling it "murderous trolling" is just so
cute, it makes it sound like some /b/tards got out of hand and a prank caused someone to freak out, jump in their car and drive recklessly to get away, resulting in their deaths.
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea launched a brazen assault on a ship of war, under arms and flying flag of the Republic of Korea with only the flimsiest of deniability, and then followed it up by
shelling an inhabited island, resulting in the deaths of
civilians, who might very well have
been your relatives if your relatives had been on that island, and certainly are
somebody's relatives!
Making that cute by calling it 'murderous trolling' is heinous. What, if you live in South Korea, should you carry Norkish Aggression insurance? Treat the fact that there is an organization to your north, which routinely and brazenly flaunts its will to do death and destruction to you and yours, as no more than street crime?
I'm sorry, that's disgusting. Do you think those 44 sailors, their lives lost to the brine and whatever torpedo did in their vessel, would be happy to know that Seoul turned the other cheek, and were joined in death by at least four more, and
nothing is being done about it? Because the North wants some more
food and electricity, and instead of negotiating for it decide to
kill people until they get given what they want?!
Metahive wrote:According to my own knowledge and the opinions of my relatives on location, if the war on the Korean peninsula breaks out again, the South will lose it, no matter whose forces prevail on the battlefield in the end. First because of the potential destruction of population and production centres and second due to the mass of refugees flooding south as well as a completely ruined north that's guaranteeing years of political instability and would require giant amounts of money and effort to get into shape in case the Sung regime disintegrates, which has a high probability of happening as a result of a war.
Funnily enough, I do remember that most of Europe and much of Japan and China were reduced to rubble in the years after the second world war. The short term might suck and suck large, but the long-term benefits are rather large; such as
not having a psychotic dictator-monarchy to the immediate north which has existed in a state of perpetual military build-up and readiness for fifty years, constantly reminding you that you and they are still at war and they simply don't want to continue the main of the fighting
yet, but feel the need to go ahead and kill some of your people every now and then.
Where's the strawman? You and your friend the Dragon do tell me it's for the best of SK to wage war upon the North preemptively, don't you?
No, retard, I don't. I was asking if it would be a viable short-term strategy for pre-empting the pounding of Seoul into gravel in the event the Big One seemed probable. If not it's fine, but if the writing on the wall is reading "high probability of Norkish hordes in the very near future," then it becomes a serious question of whether you can and should pre-empt that by attacking first.
Also, excuse me for caring for the lives and well-being of my relatives. I will make sure to never commit the sin of spoling the fun for dedicated armchair generals again by letting them know that there's a very real cost attached to reckless warmongering.
Are your relatives in the military?
I'm willing to bet that even if some of them are, more of them are not.
I'm wondering how many of them would survive the war if it starts on the terms of a madman in the DPRK versus a first strike by the ROK/US.
Metahive wrote:What the war- and scaremongering crowd is failing to do is presenting evidence that the North will go and wage war first or even try a nuclear first strike. Simply saying "they totally might try that" is not fucking enough.
What some
retards would call, with a chipper note in their voice, "murderous trolling," others would call "testing the enemy's defenses."
Pay attention. Acts of war have been commited against the ROK by the DPRK in the very recent memory, repeatedly and with loss of life and materiel and property. If it had been my country, or even my relatives' country I'd want the heads of those responsible on fucking
pikes, lest next time it be much more severe, if not all-out warfare.
Also, SK putting american nukes back on their soil =/= preparing for a preemptive strike as fucking demanded by the Dragon. That's called a threatening gesture and more or less traditional when it comes to NK's trolling in order to not lose all too much face.
SK overlooked NK's various attempts on its presidents. If that didn't lead to war, some shelled soldiers for sure won't.
My god, you are fucking depraved, aren't you? I think Neville Chamberlain would be proud of you.
"Let's just wave our fist menacingly and give the Norks what they want so they don't shell some soldiers again any time soon." That seems to be your stance here. It must be great for the North, they can pretty much do whatever the fuck they want with impunity short of actually
nuking the ROK or pounding Seoul flat.
What if it's not an island next time? What if they go ahead and put a few rounds through those barrels dialed in on Seoul, just to make their point a little bit stronger? Hell, what if they just go full bore because they know the return fire will wipe out the batallion - what do they care? They've got plenty of batallions, a lot of artillery pieces, and the south will be properly cowed into giving them a
lot of concessions in exchange for not doing it again in the next year or so!
Your outlined strategy is
appeasement, pure and simple! It's letting the DPRK get away with
murder, and
paying them not to do it again.
Scroll up a few posts. Also, you've just done it again, or what's with the implication of the North potentially nuking Seoul if *wink* *wink* nothing is done now?
Stop putting words in people's mouths, insectface.