Both sides snipe at each other, Bean. If you honestly believe that your preferred side is a bunch of lily-white "turn the other cheek" heroes while the other snide is snarling dogs, you're subscribing to exactly the sort of partisan bullshit I'm talking about.
No no no, I'm calling them Dunderheads who sit there and talk it not Lily-white Turn the other check, I think of them as "Turn around and take it up the..."
To sit there during your typical Senate Speech and listen to the Bullshit opon Bullshit flung out by the Senator who's speaking and no one says anything substantional or points out the pure bullshit the other fellow was spewing
Generaly I've observed just as much Bullshit from the Republican side as the Democrate(After all its not called the "Regilious Right" for nothing") but the diffrence is Democrats tend to always call them on it, Even when its not Bullshit, Like I said its two diffrent apporches, One is to ignore the other fellow, the second is the scream it from the Mountian-tops how wrong he is
I've seen the way the attack dogs set upon their target. There was not one day throughout the Clinton administration when he wasn't under attack for one thing or another. Was this warranted? Maybe
Not since Nixon have we had a President with so many Leagle problems, Manilan(sp?) Temple, The Extra Votes, White-water, Monica, Flowers, The Clinton Librarey
Clinton was always under attack for somthing or other because frankly, He always had somthing new to be attacked for, it was not after Monica when he did not have some new Legel or Ethical Scandel he was trying to Dodge(But he did have one or two after that, just no one knew about them till he was out of Office inculding the fact that Sudan told us the Location of Osama three times and offerd to help Aphrended him twice but we never went after him)
But when Bush enters the same crucible, all of a sudden I hear this ridiculous fiction that Clinton had a smooth and easy ride through his two terms, so the Republicans can complain about how unfair it is for a sitting president to take such heat!
The Problem is Wong, the Reps where on the boat with the Gulf War attack of 98, They fell over themselves to sign that thing and when Clinton never followed through they critisied the hell out of him. Both sides where onboard for the Iraq attack, The rest yes he was critised.
I like to refer to it as the Bullshit Ratio
For every single thing Clinton was Critised about 1 out every three subjects the Critisim is warrented, Bush has an better Raito(One in four to one in Five though to be fair they are quite big(Asscroft and the Patriot Acts)
The amazing thing is that people on both sides seem to think that only the OTHER side does it, and even when concrete evidence is presented, they only repeat themselves.
Pure Ego issue here, When your told over and over agian your holier than thou and have people who attentend to your every need then you tend to have a Ego to match it