The Tax Cut Endgame

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The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by wautd »

President Obama’s deal with the Republicans to extend all the Bush-era income tax cuts is a win for the Republicans and their strategy of obstructionism and a disappointing retreat by the White House.

We suppose it could have been worse. The deal could help to stimulate the weak economy. And if the Republicans had blocked an extension of unemployment benefits, as they were threatening to, millions of Americans would have suffered greatly.

But the country can’t afford to continue tax cuts for the rich indefinitely. And by kicking the issue down the road to 2012 — a presidential election year — it all but guarantees more craven politicking then.

Speaking on Monday evening, the president said that the deal would extend for two years all of the tax cuts, both those from the Bush years and those for low-income workers from last year’s stimulus law. Recently expired benefits for the long-term unemployed would also be extended for another 13 months.

In addition, the agreement includes a one-year cut in payroll taxes that will put a relatively modest, but much needed, $120 billion in workers’ pockets, and a year of bolstered write-offs for business investments.

On a decidedly sour note, Mr. Obama also said he had agreed to cut estate taxes even more than in the last year of the Bush administration. That is not compromise. It is capitulation.

The Republicans gave up very little except for their unconscionable stance of holding up all other Congressional action until they ensured that the richest Americans keep their tax cuts.

The tax cuts were not affordable when they were passed and are even less affordable now — with unpaid-for wars, with a weak economy crying out for recovery efforts, with the nation’s infrastructure and education system increasingly decrepit, and with retiring baby boomers inexorably driving up health costs and the budget deficit in the decades to come.

A thoughtful approach — not broached by either side — would have been to extend the tax cuts for most Americans for another year or so, letting the high-end tax breaks expire as scheduled this year and using the money to help pay for policies that would do more than income tax cuts to generate growth. In the meantime, lawmakers and the administration could have undertaken tax reform to bring revenues in line with spending.

Mr. Obama and the country should not wait for two years to begin reforming taxes.

Until Monday night, both sides were silent on the fate of one of the biggest high-end tax cuts of all — the estate tax on multimillionaires and billionaires. Now Mr. Obama seems to have given in to largely Republican demands on it.

Perhaps he wanted to placate the main proponent of gutting the estate tax further, Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona, who has also been working to block a vote on the New Start arms control treaty. Yes, the Republicans were also holding the nation’s security hostage to their relentless drive for tax cuts for the wealthy.

All of this only validates the Republican strategy of obstruction, and invites more. Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader, has never wavered in his stance that all Bush tax cuts should be extended. Mr. McConnell and the Republicans will undoubtedly now push to make the cuts permanent.

Mr. Obama said on Monday night that he still believed extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy was a bad idea. He predicted that it would be undone in two years when it becomes apparent to everyone that the country can’t afford it. The president needs to ask himself why he couldn’t make that case now — and how he plans to change his approach to governing so he doesn’t get trapped this way again.

Mr. Obama also said that “we cannot play politics at a time when the American people are looking for us to solve problems.” Unfortunately, the Republicans felt no such compunction. He should have fought harder.
Yay, tax cuts are there to stay for the super rich. I guess 0.1% of the American population feel relieved now. Why buy a peninsula when you can afford you own island am I right?
Offcourse, the majority of the population continues to get fucked in the ass but what the hey. At least the republican/teabaggers voted for it (I guess some kind of sadomachism?) but I feel bad for the democratic voters who keep seeing their elected officials roll over. Or perhaps American politics is at this point so corrupt they don't even try to hide it anymore.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by Jaevric »

Perhaps I'm cynical, but my first response is, "Okay, President Obama, you managed to get unemployment extended another 13 months in exchange for two years of tax breaks for people who don't really need them. What are you going to give up 13 months from now when the economy is still in the shitter and people are still unemployed? Because we all know the Republicans are going to demand something, and they'll have control of the House when it becomes an issue again."


I wish we could get enough people into office who think fixing problems is more important than getting reelected and then keep them there long enough for it to do some good, but I suppose we're getting the government we deserve.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by LaCroix »

This is bound to happen in a system that is designed to have two political factions in an eternal tug-o-war that can't be won. It is a wonder that the government hasn't reached a point where a complete gridlock makes governing impossible. I really start to wonder how much worse it can get before people start waking up and realize that they are just puppets for an oligarchy playing the strings.

Whenever I see how the system works in the us, I get the feeling the whole constitution was made under the assumption that all nations will have occasional rebellions, and to make the government as unstable as possible to allow this to happen easily...
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by ShadowDragon8685 »

It was designed the way it was designed in the hope that it would make a system in which party politics were no more advantageous than individual politics and hence, there would be no political parties.

Yeah, that didn't work out so well.
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Way to overwork a metaphor Shadow. I feel really creeped out now.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by Stravo »

Can Obama just announce that he is a lame duck president already as apparently he has conceded any backbone and leadership to the Republican party? Someone needs to rise up and challenge him in the Democratic primaries because as a president we're looking at Black Jimmy Carter right now. How fucking sad.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by Knife »

All I can hope is someone in the Senate will have the balls to obstruct this too and just let them all expire.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by Akhlut »

Stravo wrote:Can Obama just announce that he is a lame duck president already as apparently he has conceded any backbone and leadership to the Republican party? Someone needs to rise up and challenge him in the Democratic primaries because as a president we're looking at Black Jimmy Carter right now. How fucking sad.
Reminds me more of a Black Buchanon: too spineless to fix the very important problems in front of him and not putting his foot down about some potentially dangerous and crazy people. While I by no means think we're going to see the Civil War Mk. II by the next president, I do think that Obama is in way above his head and is fucking up things as bad as he can. Were he replacing President Gore, he may well have been a great president. Unfortunately, he replaced Bush, and he simply isn't the man to do that, and everyone's paying the price for it.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by Simon_Jester »

LaCroix wrote:This is bound to happen in a system that is designed to have two political factions in an eternal tug-o-war that can't be won. It is a wonder that the government hasn't reached a point where a complete gridlock makes governing impossible.
Arguably this has already occurred. What comes out of Congress and the White House all too often isn't governance in the true sense of the term; it's just whatever whims some major interest group with enough clout to dictate terms has decided to get passed into law.

There is very little serious analysis of the form "Okay, we were elected to represent the people of the United States, the economy is tanking and the government is on a road that can lead only to bankruptcy; how do we fix this?"

In the early days of the US you saw considerably more of that. Sure, there was ferocious politicking: political cartoons accusing Thomas Jefferson of being a drunken Satanist and the like. But I can't shake the feeling that more decisions were made because someone had a coherent mental picture of how they would strengthen the country, and fewer were made purely for the sake of rallying political support/hoarding political capital.
Whenever I see how the system works in the us, I get the feeling the whole constitution was made under the assumption that all nations will have occasional rebellions, and to make the government as unstable as possible to allow this to happen easily...
I wouldn't say it was that. The US government functioned reasonably well up until the past several decades. Yes, there was one really major rebellion, and there were a number of rounds of domestic turmoil that got violent in places. But the situation wasn't that much worse than in comparable European countries.

What seems to have made the difference is that the US system of government did not adapt to the increasing scope of corporate power in the mid- to late 20th century. The Founders simply didn't imagine a scenario where massive immortal organizations could literally buy and sell politicians. Or where media conglomerates could systematically prevent the public from ever really grasping the nature of the crises they had to deal with.

The parliamentary democracies of Europe seem to have weathered the transition a lot better than the American presidential democracy did.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by Pelranius »

How do the teabaggers feel about this whole business?
Turns out that a five way cross over between It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the Ali G Show, Fargo, Idiocracy and Veep is a lot less funny when you're actually living in it.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by wautd »

Pelranius wrote:How do the teabaggers feel about this whole business?
Which ones? The handful of superrich who rather trew money at the tea party and fed it with lies and misinformation so that they can continue to make an obscenely vast amount of money by intrests alone instead of a just making an obscenely large amount of money by intrests alone. I guess they'd be delighted to hear the news.
Or do you mean the retarted dumbfucks who make up the tea party electorate? Either they won't hear about it on Fox News or they'll get a spoon fed twist of it so they can blame Obama some more and ask for seconds.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by Pelranius »

The dumbfucks. Apparently Senator Kyl says most of their congress critters are marching in lockstep with the whole business, which makes me wonder what Boehner will have to feed them come January 2011 in return for their support.
Turns out that a five way cross over between It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the Ali G Show, Fargo, Idiocracy and Veep is a lot less funny when you're actually living in it.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by D.Turtle »

This deal is brilliant.

Right after announcing a federal pay freeze to help fight the deficit (saving a couple of billion) he announces a deal that will cost several hundred billion dollars the next two years, sets up the estate tax to a lower level than it was under Bush (after it was left at 0% in order to be able to raise it pre-Bush levels), potentially start defunding/cutting Social Security (the 2% payroll tax cut is from Social Security to be evened out through credits from the general fund, thereby making Social Security dependent on them), and any positive benefits (continuing to fund unemployment for 13 months) will run out just in time for the next general election.


Gotta hand it to the Republicans, they know how to fleece Obama.

The only reason Obama has for going along with this deal is that he thinks it will support his reelection bid (at the cost of other Democrats) by portraying himself as the "reasonable grownup" in Washington.

Edit:Oh and Pelranius, the Tea Partiers oppose this deal because it continues to fund the up to 99 months of unemployment insurance for another 13 months instead of letting them run out.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by Pelranius »

Oh, interesting. The news I was reading made it sound like Boehner and McConnell had the whole thing more or less under control.

D. Turtle: If so, I can't help but wonder if this is some sort of gambit to try to splinter the Republicans between the fat cat establishment and the "cut the deficit at any cost" teabagger rank and file.
Turns out that a five way cross over between It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the Ali G Show, Fargo, Idiocracy and Veep is a lot less funny when you're actually living in it.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by Edi »

Pelranius wrote:Oh, interesting. The news I was reading made it sound like Boehner and McConnell had the whole thing more or less under control.

D. Turtle: If so, I can't help but wonder if this is some sort of gambit to try to splinter the Republicans between the fat cat establishment and the "cut the deficit at any cost" teabagger rank and file.
This assumes even minimal, inadequate competence on the part of the Democrats and Zer Obama. No evidence of that has been discovered, though some very infrequent and anomalous data points suggest that there may, in the next 50 years, be a microscopically small possibility of spinal development and competence manifesting itself. Don't hold your breath, though.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by D.Turtle »

Obama has shown himself incapable of such subtlety. Every time he (or Democrats in the House/Senate) capitulated (ok, surrendered conditionally) because of some perceived "fierce urgency of now" with the promise they would fight next time, it didn't happen. This time won't be different.

Especially, since the Republicans "concessions" are perfectly planned so that in one (and/or two) years - in time for the next general election - the benefits, tax cuts, etc. will run out again leaving him/the Democrats in the exact same position again of having to cave-in because of urgent, immediate needs.

And at that time - unlike now - Republicans will control the House and a lot more seats in the Senate, meaning they can demand even more!

Fucking brilliant!
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by Stravo »

I can no longer deny that McCain was right. Obama was not ready. He is not a leader. He has not displayed an iota of spine or resolve in just about every big fight we have had. Healthcare passed and it is a shadow of what it was promised to be and I would not be surprised if we see the Republican determination to repeal "Obamacare" actually happen in some way shape or form where they manage to crippled it further like James Caan with the sledge hammer to the feet.

Every time he goes toe-to-toe with these fuckers he comes out looking like a buffoon. He blinks every. single. fucking. time. If we had him as president during the hot points of the Cold War I could only imagine how fucked we would be as a nation.

Republicans have out manuvered, out played, out thought this asshole in every single way. They are not to be hated or despised but fucking admired.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

Let's see.

1. Extend Bush tax cuts: McCain would have done this.
2. Quietly double-down on detentions and the war in Afghanistan: McCain, check.
3. Leave troops in Iraq: McCain, check.
4. Keep handing money to the banks: McCain, check.
5. Let the banks set fiscal policy at the Fed: McCain, check.
6. Refuse to do anything about LGBT rights whatsoever: McCain, check.
7. Implement the republican Romney-originated healthcare plan: McCain, check.

The only thing voting for Obama did that was different than voting for McCain was that it keep Palin out of the Vice President's chair.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by Sea Skimmer »

The Duchess of Zeon wrote: The only thing voting for Obama did that was different than voting for McCain was that it keep Palin out of the Vice President's chair.
And if we had Palin as VP at least we could play a laugh track along with the nightly news, every night and just maybe discredit the Republicans enough that we'd get someone real in 2012. If Obama keeps this pace up I dare say the Democrats need to stop him from running for reelection.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by Thanas »

Sea Skimmer wrote:
The Duchess of Zeon wrote: The only thing voting for Obama did that was different than voting for McCain was that it keep Palin out of the Vice President's chair.
And if we had Palin as VP at least we could play a laugh track along with the nightly news, every night and just maybe discredit the Republicans enough that we'd get someone real in 2012. If Obama keeps this pace up I dare say the Democrats need to stop him from running for reelection.
Hear Hear. I just can't await to hear from all the people who thought that Obama compromises on civil liberties because he wants to look tough on defence in order to be leftist on social matters. Right.

He is as spineless as he is stupid. Especially with House and senate democrats wanting to have a fight - and maybe even getting some GOP support on the issue in the senate.
Even Democratic leaders on the Hill are having a hard time swallowing the idea: When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) relayed her view of the White House's position on the tax cuts to her fellow leaders on Sunday, it was roundly panned, according to sources familiar with the discussion.

The general sentiment, as described by one participant: "What the [heck]? Could we have a little fight before we cave? Why go right to surrender?"

Outspoken Democrat Anthony Weiner of New York compared it to “punting on 3rd down — it seems the president is not seeing the value of being on [the] offense.”

“You can’t let Republicans win on this. There’s no more central campaign promise made by President Obama than to repeal the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, and he needs to be willing to fight on this,” said Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which on Monday circulated quotations from some of Obama’s 2008 campaign organizers who are threatening to pull their support in 2012 over the tax cut.

Moreover, liberals are convinced that they have the high ground on policy and politics on this issue — if only the president would stop giving away turf every time they seize it. Senate Democratic leaders held a session Saturday in a bid to force Republicans to vote on options that would extend current tax rates on income under $250,000 per couple or under $1 million per couple. A Republican filibuster, coupled with the House’s passage last week of an extension of lower- and middle-class income tax rates, set up a contrast that makes congressional Democrats very comfortable.
Source. got a nice legislative trap ready and Obama just screws his own party over.

Several senior Democratic staffers in both houses told POLITICO they are tired of Obama and his aides blaming them for failing to muster the votes to block an extension for the rich – and were infuriated by an ABC News report in which an unnamed senior administration official blamed Hill Democrats for their reluctance to stand firm on promises to hold the line against extending those cuts.

“When they want to fight, they know how to fight. When they want to cave, they know how to blame others,” said a disgusted senior Democratic congressional leadership aide.

“Where’s the leadership?” asked another, who accused Obama of using Hill Democrats as “a human shield.”
I wish Clinton had won the primary.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by Sea Skimmer »

Thanas wrote: Hear Hear. I just can't await to hear from all the people who thought that Obama compromises on civil liberties because he wants to look tough on defence in order to be leftist on social matters. Right.

He is as spineless as he is stupid. Especially with House and senate democrats wanting to have a fight - and maybe even getting some GOP support on the issue in the senate.
I did welcome him, because he wasn’t Mccain-Palin, but I did think he was inexperienced. Now we know inexperience is not only a real liability, and not the worst of his problems. The guy is an idiot and doesn't understand America at all. People want him to fight on everything and he never even gets compromise right.

I wish Clinton had won the primary.
So do I. I hated her then and I sure don't like her now, but at least she'd go down fighting for the ideas she spouted. I'd rather have just had McCain because the agenda would be the same, minus Obama stupidity on cutting ABM research.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by aerius »

It's a pretty sad commentary on the kind of job Obama's doing that people are wishing for McCain and Clinton instead of the numbnut that we got. I sometimes wonder if Obama will manage to fuck things up enough that people start wishing for the good old days of George W. Bush.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by Fire Fly »

Sea Skimmer wrote:So do I. I hated her then and I sure don't like her now, but at least she'd go down fighting for the ideas she spouted. I'd rather have just had McCain because the agenda would be the same, minus Obama stupidity on cutting ABM research.
Don't forget the Ares rocket and the Constellation program. My current prediction for 2012 is that Obama continues to do a shitty job, his base becomes so dejected that they vote for Green or don't vote at all, the Republicans put Mitt Romney as their presidential candidate while Huckabee is VP, the Republicans win and try to turn Romney into Reagan 2.0. The only thing that I can say positive about the Obama administration thus far is the science stimulus bill from last year and the science funding increase for 2011 (and even that is just a little above inflation) and that's a minor consolation prize given all of the bullshit that he's pulled off.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by Akhlut »

aerius wrote:It's a pretty sad commentary on the kind of job Obama's doing that people are wishing for McCain and Clinton instead of the numbnut that we got. I sometimes wonder if Obama will manage to fuck things up enough that people start wishing for the good old days of George W. Bush.
I'm not detecting any differences between now and the last days of the Bush presidency. None at all. So much for change we can believe in. I only hope that this manages to shoot the Green party into the stratosphere in 2012.
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Re: The Tax Cut Endgame

Post by Chris OFarrell »

Okay, then here is a new question.

How the hell did Obama fool all of us like this? I mean none of us are perfect, but we all took Obama rather clearly for someone he clearly isn't.

He ran a campaign that was built entirely on the idea of bringing in change, on taking on special interests and entrenched politics with the full force and vigger he showed on the campaign trail, of being willing to work with Republicans, BUT pointing to Bush and his Administration as the epitome of all that was wrong with the United States Government.

He got into office on a huge wave of popular support, with a clear mandate to GET THINGS DONE...

And now we see him saying 'Yes Sir, may I have another?' to rich Republicans who tell him to give them more money, or they'll cut off the poor. I mean, WTF, it SHOULD be political death to say that unless you let the Rich keep more of their money, the poor people can go screw themselves...

But instead he just bends over and says 'May I have another Sir?'

And he has done the same on just about every major piece of policy he has tried to push through, he (and the democrats) have let the Republicans GOVERN the country, even though they are in opposition.

Was it all just smoke and mirrors? That he had a brilliant campaign planned out well in advance for the election and he just had to follow it, but when it came to living in a dynamic world, he can't hack it? I could see him trying honestly to reach out and work with the other side if thats the kind of person he is, at least for 4-6 months, but after that, saying "Okay, you don't want to work with me? Fine. Prepare to die" and going on the offensive.
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