What popular movies do you hate?

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Post by salm »

Zaia wrote:Right, well, guess I fit into this topic to a 't', since it's POPULAR MOVIES THAT YOU HATE. Obviously 'Starship Troopers' fulfils criteria one since so many of you love it, and obviously I hate it (criteria two) because I found it to be a complete waste of time and it annoys the piss out of me that people try to turn such a shitty movie into something really deep and meaningful. I believe that's how D.W. feels about 'Matrix,' if I recall correctly.

Feel free to continue to tell me I'm wrong if you like, but I happen to think it's an idiotic movie and I practically felt myself get dumber while I watched it.
YOU ARE WRONG!!! :lol:

you need to ignore people who try to turn movies like that into something really deep and meaningful and start to learn the joy of gory trash.

movies you can practice with:
wild zero
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Did I mention how damned ugly the lead actress is in the ending sequence of Grease? She looks like some sort of demented blonde racoon.
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Post by Zaia »

salm wrote:YOU ARE WRONG!!! :lol:
Hey thanks! :D
you need to ignore people who try to turn movies like that into something really deep and meaningful and start to learn the joy of gory trash.
I'm not too much into gore, but I do like some trash. For instance, I happen to love the movie "The Faculty," which I know is awful. I love it anyway. :D
movies you can practice with:
wild zero
Do they have mucho gore or just a bit?
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Post by neoolong »

Zaia wrote:
movies you can practice with:
wild zero
Do they have mucho gore or just a bit?
Well, do you think that a guy punching his fist through a guy's head and pulling it out with the camera looking through the guy's empty head is mucho gore, or just a bit?
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Post by Captain tycho »

Darth Balls wrote:I hated Lord of The Rings. I don't see what the big deal is all about. It was boring as hell and pointless.
*massive explosion of rage emits from Tycho, burning the flesh off of Mr.Ball's bones.*
Infidel...you cannot possibly appreciate the pleasures of great movies. :P

I REALLY hate Grease with a grudge. I also hate The Rocky Horror Show, Spiderman (ughh) and Titanic.
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Post by Tsyroc »

HemlockGrey wrote:There's a Grease 2? Why, God? WHY?

Good question? :?

Well, Michelle Pfeifer was in it.
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Post by Slartibartfast »

I hated The Patriot, but I watched it anyway.
I hated Dancing With Wolves, and I couldn't even finish watching it.

I hate hate. I hate it. (guess the reference)
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Post by ArmorPierce »

irishmick79 wrote:The Patriot. I absolutely HATED the american rah rah bullshit that Mel Gibson spewed in this movie. This was a mindless popcorn flick that used its history as an afterthought. I hate it when movies pull that kind of crap.
While I didn't in particularly like it, but I did not not like it (bad double negative, bad!) even though it was not all that historically accurate (something that I don't like).
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Captain tycho wrote:
Darth Balls wrote:I hated Lord of The Rings. I don't see what the big deal is all about. It was boring as hell and pointless.
*massive explosion of rage emits from Tycho, burning the flesh off of Mr.Ball's bones.*
Ah, give him a break. He must not know that LotR was an epic fantasy novel firs- waitaminute...

*Reduces Mr.Ball's bones to ashes, pisses on them.*
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Post by Uraniun235 »

It's not out, but I will so fucking hate "The Core" or "Core" or whatever the damn name is. My jaw was agape as I watched the preview; the utter insanity of the premise was frankly beyond even Star Trek Voyager levels.
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Post by Captain tycho »

DPDarkPrimus wrote:
Captain tycho wrote:
Darth Balls wrote:I hated Lord of The Rings. I don't see what the big deal is all about. It was boring as hell and pointless.
*massive explosion of rage emits from Tycho, burning the flesh off of Mr.Ball's bones.*
Ah, give him a break. He must not know that LotR was an epic fantasy novel firs- waitaminute...

*Reduces Mr.Ball's bones to ashes, pisses on them.*
*Reincarnates Mr.Balls and plants a bomb in his stomach, then forces him to watch LOTR:FOTR 50 times before the bomb explodes.*
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Post by Captain tycho »

Uraniun235 wrote:It's not out, but I will so fucking hate "The Core" or "Core" or whatever the damn name is. My jaw was agape as I watched the preview; the utter insanity of the premise was frankly beyond even Star Trek Voyager levels.
Using a nuke to restart the Earth's core.......
*sounds of stampeding scientists and nerds*
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Post by neoolong »

Uraniun235 wrote:It's not out, but I will so fucking hate "The Core" or "Core" or whatever the damn name is. My jaw was agape as I watched the preview; the utter insanity of the premise was frankly beyond even Star Trek Voyager levels.
I take it you wouldn't have liked Journey to the Center of the Earth either?
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Post by Uraniun235 »

I don't think I've ever seen the movie, and it's been a long time since I read the book.

EDIT: Long enough that when I read it, I didn't know that it was a totally bogus concept.
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Post by Sokar »

Shadow WarChief wrote:Hmmm..... Armagedddon, ID4 and the Matrix......all movies which I enjoyed immensely.

Go figure...

As for me, one of the most overrated movies has to be Ben-Hur.
Can anyone say "Zzzzzzzzz..."?

Are you on fucking crack.......did we watch the same Ben-Hur, Roman Wargalleys, Chariot Races, Jesus...Chuck Heston.....I mean C'MON!!! Its awesome.......Although I love all the old sword and sandal epics, Barabbas, The Robe, Quo Vadis?, and Spartacus, Cleopatra(Liz Taylor when she was smokin' :shock: )ect.. :D

I also loved Armageddon, The Matrix, and even...I know I'm gonna get beat to death......Titanic, I thought it was fun and touching in places. That and Winslets a hottie, but then I like a woman with curves :D Add Con Air and the Rock and you have a hella cool evening of film :D
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Post by Jim Raynor »

1. The Blair Witch Project

This movie was NOT scary. It was a low budget waste of time, with no plot and nonexistant acting. (Fuck you! No, fuck YOU! Fuck, fuck, fuck for like 5 minutes straight). I actually heard that the actors were told to improvise some scenes themselves without a script. If anything, this movie is a lesson in good marketing. It's deceptive ads actually made a bunch of people think it was for real. Also, the fact that it was low budget made it immune to the snobby film critic "elites" who were on a backlash against Hollywood blockbusters at the time after Godzilla came out (which IMO wasn't even that bad, a let down but not terrible).

2. Grease

I don't hate this film, but why do people think this is such a great love story? WTF was the message of this film? Smoke up, drink, and change who you are just so that some guy would like you?
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Post by Sokar »

Darth Balls wrote:I hated Lord of The Rings. I don't see what the big deal is all about. It was boring as hell and pointless.
WHAT!!!! :shock: :shock: *eyebeginstotwitchviolently* Wheres my ball bat.......

Okay......breathe slowly.......run that by me again, and please tell me your refering to the Ralph Bakashi version...........
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Post by SylasGaunt »

neoolong wrote:
I take it you wouldn't have liked Journey to the Center of the Earth either?
I think the difference is that IIRC when Journey to the Center of the Earth was written nobody knew better.. they don't have this excuse with The Core.
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Post by Gandalf »

I personally hated ET, long, pointless, and had a lame ending.
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Post by Captain tycho »

Sokar wrote:
Darth Balls wrote:I hated Lord of The Rings. I don't see what the big deal is all about. It was boring as hell and pointless.
WHAT!!!! :shock: :shock: *eyebeginstotwitchviolently* Wheres my ball bat.......

Okay......breathe slowly.......run that by me again, and please tell me your refering to the Ralph Bakashi version...........
Too late. I already killed him several times and Darkprimus pissed on his roasted corpse. :twisted:
I hope he WAS referring to the cartoon one...that one was just too kiddyish.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

I have a female friend who hates Steven Seagal, Leo Decaprio, Tom Hanks

She actually Cheers during their death scenes. We jokingly suggested making a video that was nothing but popular actor Death Scenes, and wondered how much it would sell.

I hate Titanic, Gone With the Wind, Pearl Harbor, U571, & most anything with John Wayne or John Travalta.

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Post by RedImperator »

SylasGaunt wrote:
neoolong wrote:
I take it you wouldn't have liked Journey to the Center of the Earth either?
I think the difference is that IIRC when Journey to the Center of the Earth was written nobody knew better.. they don't have this excuse with The Core.
The other difference is that Journey to the Center of the Earth was good.
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

Jim Raynor wrote:1. The Blair Witch Project

This movie was NOT scary. It was a low budget waste of time, with no plot and nonexistant acting. (Fuck you! No, fuck YOU! Fuck, fuck, fuck for like 5 minutes straight). I actually heard that the actors were told to improvise some scenes themselves without a script. If anything, this movie is a lesson in good marketing. It's deceptive ads actually made a bunch of people think it was for real. Also, the fact that it was low budget made it immune to the snobby film critic "elites" who were on a backlash against Hollywood blockbusters at the time after Godzilla came out (which IMO wasn't even that bad, a let down but not terrible).
The Bad Cinema Diary on the Blair Witch Project: "From an artistic standpoint, this is an impressive exercise in ad-lib experiential filmmaking. From the audiences' standpoint, this is 90 minutes of watching some clueless whiners lost in the woods."
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