YOU ARE WRONG!!!Zaia wrote:Right, well, guess I fit into this topic to a 't', since it's POPULAR MOVIES THAT YOU HATE. Obviously 'Starship Troopers' fulfils criteria one since so many of you love it, and obviously I hate it (criteria two) because I found it to be a complete waste of time and it annoys the piss out of me that people try to turn such a shitty movie into something really deep and meaningful. I believe that's how D.W. feels about 'Matrix,' if I recall correctly.
Feel free to continue to tell me I'm wrong if you like, but I happen to think it's an idiotic movie and I practically felt myself get dumber while I watched it.

you need to ignore people who try to turn movies like that into something really deep and meaningful and start to learn the joy of gory trash.
movies you can practice with:
wild zero