House GOP makes it official: Will not pay for tax cuts.

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House GOP makes it official: Will not pay for tax cuts.

Post by SirNitram »

House Republican leaders yesterday unveiled major changes to House procedural rules that are clearly designed to pave the way for more deficit-increasing tax cuts in the next two years. These rules stand in sharp contrast to the strong anti-deficit rhetoric that many Republicans used on the campaign trail this fall. While changes in congressional rules rarely get much public attention, these new rules — which are expected to be adopted by party-line vote when the 112th Congress convenes on January 5 — could have a substantial impact and risk making the nation’s fiscal problems significantly worse.

Current House rules include a pay-as-you-go requirement that any tax cut or spending increase for a mandatory (i.e., entitlement) program must be offset by cuts in other mandatory spending or increases in other taxes, in order to avoid increasing the deficit. [1] Current rules also bar the House from using budget “reconciliation” procedures — special rules that facilitate speedy action on specified budget legislation — to pass bills that would increase the deficit. The new rules would alter and greatly weaken these commonsense measures:

* The new rules announced December 22 would replace pay-as-you-go with a much weaker, one-sided “cut-as-you-go” rule, under which increases in mandatory spending would still have to be paid for but tax cuts would not.

In addition, increases in mandatory spending could be offset only by reductions in other mandatory spending, not by any measure to raise revenues such as by closing unproductive special-interest tax loopholes. For example, the House would be barred from paying for continuation of a provision enacted in 2009 (and extended in the just-enacted tax compromise) that enables many minimum-wage families to receive a full, rather than a partial, Child Tax Credit by closing wasteful tax breaks for multinational corporations that shelter profits overseas. Use of such an offset would violate the new House rules because the provision expanding the Child Tax Credit for working-poor families counts as spending and hence could not be paid for by closing a tax loophole. Yet the same new rules would enable the House to expand tax loopholes for multinational corporations and wealthy investors without paying for those tax breaks at all, because any tax cut, no matter how costly or ill-advised, could now be deficit financed.
* The new rules would stand the reconciliation process on its head , by allowing the House to use reconciliation to push through bills that greatly increase deficits as long as the deficit increases result from tax cuts, while barring the use of reconciliation in the House for legislation that reduces the deficit if that legislation contains a net increase in spending (no matter how small) that is more than offset by revenue-raising provisions.

By itself, this change in the House rules governing reconciliation would have a limited effect. Reconciliation rules are most important in the Senate because they prohibit use of a filibuster to block a vote on reconciliation legislation, enabling such legislation to pass the Senate with a majority vote instead of the 60 votes needed to end a filibuster (filibusters cannot be used in the House on any legislation). This change in House rules would not affect the current Senate rule barring the use of reconciliation to pass deficit-increasing legislation. But, revising the House rules to allow use of reconciliation to push through deficit-financed tax cuts could well be the first step toward elimination of all rules restricting the use of reconciliation for that purpose. After all, the current bar on using the reconciliation process to pass budget-busting tax cuts (and budget-busting spending increases) was made part of House and Senate rules only in 2007, over GOP opposition.

Sadly, we’ve been here before. In the 1990s, when pay-as-you-go rules applied to both spending increases and tax cuts and Congress used reconciliation solely to enact deficit-reduction packages, the country went from large deficits to a balanced budget. (A strong economy obviously helped as well.) But in the early 2000s, with Republicans controlling Congress and President Bush in the White House, Congress set aside pay-as-you-go and turned reconciliation on its head, using it not to reduce deficits but instead to push through costly, unpaid-for tax cuts in both 2001 and 2003. Previously, reconciliation had only been used for deficit reduction.

The results are plain to see. The Bush-era tax cuts were a significant factor in the return to large deficits after 2001, contributing $2.6 trillion (including added interest costs on the national debt) to the budgetary deterioration between 2001 and 2010. House Republicans now plan to restore the very type of permissive budget rules that contributed markedly to that fiscal deterioration.

Moreover, measures to scuttle the current, even-handed pay-as-you-go rule and to allow use of the reconciliation process to increase the deficit are even more indefensible today than such steps were in 2001 — because now we already have deficits that exceed $1 trillion a year.

It should be recognized that the House rules unveiled December 22 go to great lengths to make clear the intent of the new Republican majority to pass an array of tax-cut measures that will significantly enlarge deficits. Not only do the new rules eliminate the pay-as-you-go restriction on tax cuts that are not paid for, but the rules also specifically authorize the Chairman of the House Budget Committee to ignore for purposes of budget enforcement rules all of the costs of:

* Extending or making permanent the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts (including the tax cuts for the highest-income taxpayers) and relief from the Alternative Minimum Tax;
* Extending or making permanent the hollowing out of the estate tax included in the just-enacted tax-cut compromise legislation; and
* Legislation to provide a major, costly new tax cut — a deduction equal to 20 percent of gross income for “small businesses,” which Republican lawmakers typically have defined very expansively so the term covers a vast swath of firms and wealthy individuals that do not resemble what most Americans think of as a “small business.”
Just a bit of the insanity. Click through to read it all.

Now realize this: Under this, the House GOP will cut into mandatory spending. Any mandatory spending increase must be offset by... A spending cut.

Still, this is no doubt good news for those who hated Obama's reform attempts. They'll simply not be funded, and thus just bits of paper. I'm sure this is exactly what they want, the way they rant on their blogs about how Obama is worse than Bush.

Or they'll blame this on the President too, probably for not using his 'bully pulpit' which is apparently the Progressive reflection of Dick Cheney's 'Will to win'.
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Re: House GOP makes it official: Will not pay for tax cuts.

Post by PainRack »

Anyone remembers how pay as you go was started during Clinton presidency?

Seriously. When one considers his presidency, sure, he lucked out on foreign policy with the Soviets and etc, but can anyone doubt his domestic legacy?
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Re: House GOP makes it official: Will not pay for tax cuts.

Post by Thanas »

Nitram, I'll thank you not to take any more cheap shots at people who think Obama is to blame for the continued abuse of civil liberties, his caving on health care etc. That said, I would not be surprised if Obama does not even respond to this. Of course, seldom has a party so overwhelmingly won and then squandered its gains, so yes, the democrats have a great deal of blame to carry.

Also, I very much doubt anyone is surprised by this.
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Re: House GOP makes it official: Will not pay for tax cuts.

Post by SirNitram »

Thanas wrote:Nitram, I'll thank you not to take any more cheap shots at people who think Obama is to blame for the continued abuse of civil liberties, his caving on health care etc. That said, I would not be surprised if Obama does not even respond to this. Of course, seldom has a party so overwhelmingly won and then squandered its gains, so yes, the democrats have a great deal of blame to carry.

Also, I very much doubt anyone is surprised by this.
I was unaware you were with the looney-toons. There's criticism for honest failings, and then there's the 'support Newt Gingrich to defeat the evil Obama'. If you truly belong on that group.. Sorry, I'll disappoint your request.
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Re: House GOP makes it official: Will not pay for tax cuts.

Post by Thanas »

I am going to assume you were temprorarily insane when you wrote that, because that in no way makes any sense. This has got to be the biggest strawman fallacy I have ever seen from you and I expect you to back it up with arguments.

As for the first sentence, it was no request and you will follow it. Do not take potshots at others from posts unless that argument is the topic of this thread. Am I clear on that?
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: House GOP makes it official: Will not pay for tax cuts.

Post by SirNitram »

Thanas wrote:I am going to assume you were temprorarily insane when you wrote that, because that in no way makes any sense. This has got to be the biggest strawman fallacy I have ever seen from you and I expect you to back it up with arguments.

As for the first sentence, it was no request and you will follow it. Do not take potshots at others from posts unless that argument is the topic of this thread. Am I clear on that?
When you posted, it seemed very much like you were participating, not acting as a moderator. My statements are in reference to those far beyond any in this site's shown(Least that I've seen). There are so-called progressives who went that far against Obama, and I was taking potshots at them. I don't recall protection being necessary for other idiots in the political scape, but fine. I'll play nice.
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Re: House GOP makes it official: Will not pay for tax cuts.

Post by Thanas »

I still expect you to backup your assumption as to why I belong in the looney bin if I believe Obama is to blame for the continued abuse of civil liberties, his caving on health care etc. Also, why I do so If I am not be surprised if Obama does not even respond to this. Of course the democrats managed to squander an overwhelming majority, so yes, the democrats have a great deal of blame to carry.

If you want to take potshots at other sites feel free to do so, but make sure who you are referring to.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: House GOP makes it official: Will not pay for tax cuts.

Post by SirNitram »

Thanas wrote:I still expect you to backup your assumption as to why I belong in the looney bin if I believe Obama is to blame for the continued abuse of civil liberties, his caving on health care etc. Also, why I do so If I am not be surprised if Obama does not even respond to this. Of course the democrats managed to squander an overwhelming majority, so yes, the democrats have a great deal of blame to carry.

If you want to take potshots at other sites feel free to do so, but make sure who you are referring to.
Unless you honestly are with the 'work with Gingrich against Obama' camp, it was not intended to offend you. I'll be perfectly frank and clear: If you don't honestly go that far(And instead focus on the real failings; civil rights, the health care compromise, etc), I apologize for my antics. I need to not post replies when in a hospital. My bad.
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Re: House GOP makes it official: Will not pay for tax cuts.

Post by Themightytom »

Wait, did we just replace "Pay as you Go" with "Throw something out when you buy something new"?

Sweet Mother Of Washington, we just consumerized our government :wtf:

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Re: House GOP makes it official: Will not pay for tax cuts.

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

I'll admit that I have at best a basic grasp of economics, but the idea of paying for a spending increase somewhere by spending less elsewhere makes sense to me. At the end of the day, you don't want to spend more than you have.

If I want to buy a new graphics card, I have to cut back on junk food and beer at uni. I can't do both so I chose one. Seems simple enough to me
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Re: House GOP makes it official: Will not pay for tax cuts.

Post by D.Turtle »

Or you could increase spending by increasing revenue.
If you earn more, then you can buy that new graphics card without cutting back on junk food and beer.

The rules are really great - they show exactly how much Republicans care about the deficit: Not at all.

Currently I really don't see how the US can get their budget into proper gears again anytime soon.
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Re: House GOP makes it official: Will not pay for tax cuts.

Post by SirNitram »

Eternal_Freedom wrote:I'll admit that I have at best a basic grasp of economics, but the idea of paying for a spending increase somewhere by spending less elsewhere makes sense to me. At the end of the day, you don't want to spend more than you have.

If I want to buy a new graphics card, I have to cut back on junk food and beer at uni. I can't do both so I chose one. Seems simple enough to me
Mandatory spending would be things like food and meds. So to add that new prescription your doc says you need, you have to cut into your food. Or rent. Or heat.

In worse news, I found the full new rules. I'm sure there's lots of atrocities. Actual rules

One thing that leaps out and grabs to my face, is that if the Senate and House can't agree on the budget(Dem majority and Teabagger-Caucus strong GOP majority between them), the budget is a vote with party discipline, but the budget adopted by the House, and made binding, is not their version if it. It is a version drawn up by the Chairmen of the House Budget Committee. And any attempt to lessen the cuts is decreed 'Out of order'.

Whose their Chairman for that? The guy who wrote up the farcical 'Roadmap', Rep. Paul Ryan.
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Re: House GOP makes it official: Will not pay for tax cuts.

Post by Broken »

It still seems odd to me that in my short lifetime the Republican party has managed to go from tax-cut obsessed to full blown fiscal insanity. The GOP business wing seems to be saying that by writing their guiding philosophy into the rules that makes it true. As if they screamed loud enough and held their breath long enough then reality will bend to their wishes and fantasies.
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Re: House GOP makes it official: Will not pay for tax cuts.

Post by JME2 »

Broken wrote:It still seems odd to me that in my short lifetime the Republican party has managed to go from tax-cut obsessed to full blown fiscal insanity. The GOP business wing seems to be saying that by writing their guiding philosophy into the rules that makes it true. As if they screamed loud enough and held their breath long enough then reality will bend to their wishes and fantasies.
Well, the more conservative members believe the Rapture is coming, so we have to spend like there's no tomorrow... :roll:

Seriously, the insanity present in this never ceases to amaze me.
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Re: House GOP makes it official: Will not pay for tax cuts.

Post by Illuminatus Primus »

[Flash Forward]And the gullible "libertarian" tard-masses rallied to the GOP vote in 2012...again.[/Flash Forward]

Well, I suppose its nice to have completely craven principle-in-name-only support.
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