I've decided that I'm just going to finish it all off at a stroke. I have 3 more updates for 3rd/4th edition, the 3rd and 4th edition core rules, and the second 3rd edition IG Codex released (I used to think that was 4th, but I found out they released two versions in third edition, and 4th never got one).
First off the 2nd 3rd Edition IG codex, released in 2003.
Page 2
The Imperial Guard is the largest and most diverse organisation the galaxy has ever seen. It contains billions of men from a million different worlds.
Standard IG size/recruitment fluff. However many "billions" that means, we know it really goes into the trillions as of 5th edition.
Page 2
Whole worlds are dedicated to the production of the war machines of the Imperial Guard which, while inelegant, are fearsomely practical.
yes, we call those hive and forge worlds. And feel free to chuckle at the Leman Russ or Sentinel as "practical" I've no doubt some will (with some reason, admittedly).
Page 2
In any army, balance is the key to success. A commander who puts faith in heavy weaponry alone will be outmanoeuvred. A commander who relies on close combat without support will lose his force to enemy fire. Each element must work in harmony, so that the effectiveness of the army is greater than the sum of its parts.
- The Tactica Imperium
sounds reasonable to me.
Page 3
A shell whinnied down low across his position and dug a hole the size of a drop ship behind the rear breastwork of the trench. Liquid mud drizzled down on him.
From the first GG1 story. I calced it already, but its interetsing to see it upheld in non novel fluff
Page 3
Caffran crused and wiped the sight-lens of his lasgun clean of filth.
Lasgun with scope.
Page 4
.. extensive records can be found on the 13th/5th Imperial Army formation of 'Hylgar's Hellraisers'. These are listed as a contemporary unit of the 41st millenium (circa 975-988.M41) but this is patently a later copy from an earlier reference.
Furthermore, the units of the formation exhibit a frankly puzzling assortment of weapons and troops, including mutants and grav-vehicles. All such units were outlawed after the Horus Heresy according ot the earliest volumes of the Tactica Imperium. Therefore it is eminently likely that the 13th/5th date back to before this time, probably to the early 31st Millenium.
An interesting detail we've seen covered in the HH novels. Guard units DO have grav vehicles, but modern forces do not. Supposedly according to this it was "outlawed" but not sure why. (Then again grav tanks were being made on some forge worlds like Stalinvast..)
Likely this is an effort to link modern 40K with earlier sources (when the Guard had beastmen and land speeders and jump infantry.) with more recent stuff. Of course, the IG do have grav tech in some other ways and they still use mutants (psykers and abhumans) so it seems more of a semantics type distinction. One possibility is that once the Emperor and Primarchs were gone, there wasn't anyone with enough pull to get the AdMech to keep producing the vehicles for the regular troops (at least officially. It still happens that mutants are used, and the guard grabs hold of grav vehciles like skimmers in an unoffiicla capacity although not for combat puproses per se. In any case alot of unofficial stuff tends to go on under AdMech noses in the Guard and Marines.) What is more likely though is that it is simply a conscious descision to remove grav vehicles from the Guard (at least from standard formations) on the basis of standardization and reliability. Most Guard Vehicles are designed to be durable and easy to repair and just generally lower tech to meet standardization. A grav vehicle probably can't match other Guard vehicles in that respect, given some of the problems in logistics.
Page 4
..troops in what appears to be archaic mesh armour and wielding rifles of unidentifiable type can be seen participating in the liberation of an unknown world...
It would be interesting to know what the rifles were. The Mesh armor is interesting too, since its not exactly unique (but not common) to hae that happen.
Page 4
Many sources concur that the basis for regimental formations is what would fit into the interstellar ships available for the crusades - typically producing three thousand man regiments which can be carried by a single transport vessel or one of the many available classes of cruiser. In the crusades, army and fleet functioned as a single entity, with army commanders exercising overall command of both elements. Regiments were commonly assigned to a specific vessel, and deployment of tha tship intrinsically brought a large body of fighting men with it who could undertake landings and garrison duties as required.
This approach ensured that an individual regiment was deployed with each ship.
Sort of the way we see it in the HEresy novels, although transport cpaacity is shown to be much more varied than described here. Given the ways in the novels that we have seen Crusade fleets vary in size and composition, this could be more of a general guideline rather than an absolute rule.
Page 5
However, over the course of campaigns, regiments are invariably whittled down by casualites, necessitating the combination of shattered formatiosn into ad hoc groupings.
Likewise, some specialised troops, such as xeno-cavalry or Ogryns, have apparently always been split between larger formations to bolster their efforts. Their specialised capabilities make them unwieldy to operate at regimental scale, except in certain rare and often excessively emphasised campaigns. The ancient tradition of splitting specialised regiments and recombining remnants are the subject of heated debate between Imperial commanders to thsi day.
Many commanders declare that the reduced efficiency of combined regiments makes them barely worth their rations; infighting and mistrust make the diverse elements function as less than the sum of their parts and mutinies are commonplace. Others are interested only in the number of men at arms that can be fielded - their successful integration as fighting units is of less interest than their physical size. The Tactica Imperium presents both viewpoints as equally valid.
Arguments over the splitting up and combining of regiments, especially specialist formations and depleted regiments. For my part I tend to think its more beneficial, since it can combine differing specializations of individual regiments to make the overall force far more flexible.
Page 7
The link between fleet and army was severed - never again were Imperial Guard commanders given direct control over interstellar ships.
Having the effect of taking away some of the speed nad flexiblity of such forces, but also ensuring that threates like mutiny or rebellion are less effective overall.
Page 7
The Tactica imperium is the most widespread manual employed by the Imperial Guard. It is not a single tome, however, and has no one author; instead it is a whole colelction of documents, doctrines, manuals and notes approved for inclusion by the Departmento Munitorum and the offices of the Lord Commander Militant of the Imperial Guard. The collection of books comprising the Tactica is therefore constnatly being updated, often at a different pace, as the sheer sie of the imperium precludes any true standardisation.
The Tactica's origins lie in the days of the Emperor's Great Crusade. In those times, vast forces were being raised quickly and it was apparent some standardisation was needed to make them function as a whole. Any available texts were seized on and distributed to provide at least some guidance. Over time this initial collection expanded.
Now contained within the Tactica are treatises on construction of field fortifications, the correct evolutions of close order drill, the oaths of alleigance to be made by new recruits and the statues of military law. Many of these are adopted verbatim, although some are best viewed metaphorically. The tactical treatises in particular are subject to many different interpretations. Their value lies in provoking thought and, through it, understanding of the core principles so these can then be applied by a good commander as needed.
The tactica cannot be taken too literally though. In war, circumstances change too quickly to refer every decision to a book. Its virtue is thta it provides a reference for new officers and there is always a chance that guidance can be found on a critical issue.
Tactica Imperium described, which goes some way to explaining (in my mind at least) the incredible variability in competence you get with Guard commanders. Much like with the troops themselves, there does not neccesarily seem to be any "standardization" in training or education. (If there could be.)
Page 8
Across the million worlds that constitute the Imperium of Man, the primary defence against any alien or heretical threat is the Imperial Guard. There are more specialised organisations; the Inquisitorial Ordos stand ready to oppose the direst threats. There are organisations with more firepower; the Titan Legions of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the war fleets of the Imperial Navy can lay waste to entire cities in a matter of hours.
Million worlds of the Imperium and both Titans and Navy fleets can lay waste to entire cities in a matter of hours. We don't know how big a fleet or how big a city, of course. It could mean anything from one or two squadrons to a battlefleet or more, and a city a few km wide to a continent-sized hive city.The fact that Titans and the Navy can both do it also tends to suggest its not a "limit" on firepower in any sense (not that ew have neough data to say that anyhow.) But the quote is less interesting for its calculation potential than it reflects an admission that deploying the Guard is generally less effective than simply using the WMD/bombardment option. Which in turn suggest the Guard tend to get used when they don't want to just blow something up (at least not right away - warfare tends to destroy things pretty thoroughly in the long term as well, at least the way the Imperium can conduct it.).
Also note neither I nor the quote say anything about the Guard being deployed intelligently, since politics tends to dictate military use in the Imperium as much if not more than it does in real life (with similar results.)
Page 8
Within the Imperium, the sheer diversity of ancient cultures breeds countless types of soldier but within the Imperial Guard this diversity is controlled and shaped to fashion an almost unstoppable weapon of war. Given the sheer size of the Imperium, this is a remarkable testament to the organisation of the Imperial war machine.
The Imperium is so vast that central control of its widespread domains is practically impossible. Often it is difficult enough to ensure that far-flung worlds remain loyal to the Emperor's cause, so controlling the day-to-day acitviites of these planets is a hopeless task.
Its amazing the place functions with the craptastic buereacracy it has. Its probably because of its decentralized nature. If the Imperium could micromanage itself the way the Adminstratum almost certainly wishes it could, it would fall apart. With more reactive, localized control that exists, its more flexible (within limits) and rather self contained (up to the sector level.)
Page 8
Because of this, the building blocks of the Imperial Guard are firmly based on the military forces of individual worlds. Some Imperial Worlds are governed by the Ministorum, the chruch of the Divine Emperor, while others are controlled by the Adeptus Mechanicus. There are even some garrison worlds administered as military societies by the Imperial Guard itself. These are in a minority however. The majority of worlds are independently goverened by Imperial commanders, nomrmally with the approval and support of the Adpetus Terra, although events sometimes move faster than the distant bureacracy can keep up with.
It's possible that "directly governed" and "independently governed" is a distinguishing trait between what qualifies as an "Imperial world" (in the sense Dark HEresy uses the word, since naturally as we know any human world is part of the Imperium and thus an Imperial worlds.) Of course Space Marine worlds and AdMech worlds are probably exempt. I'd probably lump naval bases in too (subsector, sector and segmentum level) and Administratum and Munitorum worlds that may stockpile information or equipment and uspplies or whatever.
Page 8
Without local defences, an enemy could overwhelm a world before any forces could be despatched to its aid, even were such aid available. Local forces are categorised as planetary defence forces, they are intended to be fully capable of defending their world against most attacks and to be able to keep even a powerful enemy at bay long enough for Imperial support to be despatched.
The role of PDFs, in addition to providing a source for Guard units.
Page 8
The tithe is assessed according to the wealth and resourcecs of the world and can be taken in the form of men or materiel. The method of assessment is arcane to say the least, and taxes the abilities of countless adepts and scribes. When a tithe is taken as troops, soldiers will be recruited in much the same way as the planetary defence force is recruited. Sometimes, the regiments raised are identical, ,the tithe being drawn frrom the PDF. On other occasions, the regiments needed are raised specifically for sevice in the Imperial Guard. Normally, a tithe will be in two parts, the first being a regular obligation that is supplied regardless of circumstances, the second being an obligation that can be demanded in response to unusual circumstances.
How tithing is handled. There are two kinds of tithes and several ways they can be met.
With regards to "regular" obligations vs "unusual" obligatons, the former is more likely to be applied either to ongoing wars, (reinforcements) or in the case of some attack or invasion being planned (EG a Crusdae.) The latter is more likely to happen when an Imperial world is attacked.
Page 9
The Departmento Munitorum is responsbile for all aspects of the Imperial Guard. It deals with providing training, equipment and supplies for the diverse arms of the Guard. It controls their mustering, transportation to and across war zones, medical and technical s upport, planning and discipline. Its most impressive facilities are on the garrison worlds established throughout the Imperium, but any world with a substantial tithe obligation will hae a Departmento Munitorum presence.
Departmento Munitorum. somewhat less worthless than the Administratum.
Page 9
The Departmento munitorum is organised at the sector and subsector level, and each level has enough autonomy to respond to local problems, normally acting to support Imperial commanders who need aid. They are empowered to raise regiments from worlds close to a crisis point in increasing radius as required by the crisis. The degree of response will escalate to the level of the threat. If an Imperial world is invaded, the immediate defence will be provided by the Imperial Commander and his planetary defence forces. If these are indaequate then the sub-sector command of the Departmenot Munitorum will deploy its standing Imperial Guard regiments to augment the local forcecs. If more forces are needed then the sub-sector command will raise additional troops, initially from nearby worlds and then from any worlds in the sub-sector. As the commitment of troops grows, sector command of the Departmento Munitorum will become involved and reinforcements will be drawn from more and more worlds. The effect is that the harder an enemy strikes the Imperium, the grreater the response will be. Central control is not required as the system reacts to the threat posed.
Like wth the Navy and other factions of the Imperium (probably), the Munitorum and guard operate at subsector and sector level at least. They probably can operate at the system level (helping to operate bases, some naval defenses at least on some worlds, etc.) and at the segmentum level (Bases like Mars and Hydraphur and such).
We know that many worlds, especially key ones, will have their own Guard garrisons of varying size. There may be standing forces kept on hand for emergencies on other worlds (like those run by the Munitorum.) In cases of invasion, the Guard garrison may act as the nucleus of a defense to assist the PDF, and other garrisons may be transferred on short notice to assist in the defence. If more troops are needed then they will be raised or (if possible) pulled from other worlds.
Page 9
Whilst individual regiments will be commanded by their own officers, normally drawn from the nobility of their home world, when dozens of regiments are mustered then a higher level of command is required. This is provided by the general staff of the Departmento Munitorum. This staff is formed from the best of the officers in the tithed regiments, recommended by their previous service or their family connections, and they receive additional training to prepare them for their greater role in commanding armies. At the highest levels, these men will be known as Lord General Militant or Lord Commander Militant. However, there are many other titles in regular use. This is rarely a problem as such high appointments are singular in nature with only one Lord General active in a sector at any time.
How officer corps are assembled, epsecially at levels above the regiment.
Page 9
There are very rare circumstances in which a higher level of command is necessary. This may be the case when a major crusade is being organised and resources from multiple sectors are needed. This rank is that of Warmaster. It is not avialable to the Departmento Munitorum without the express consent of the High Lords of Terra, and such an individual is said to wield authority bestowed by the Emperor of Mankind Himself. A Warmaster has carte blanche to do what must be done. Because of the unrivalled power of the office, there is rarely more than one active Warmaster in the Imperium, and centuries can pass without one being appointed.
Other titles have therefore been used, the most famous of these being the rank of Lord Solar, most gloriously held by St Macharius in the early years of the 41st Millenium.
Some regard a Lord Solar as being of higher rank than even a Warmaster, but to all intents and purposes the titles are interchangable.
The titel of Warmaster, also known as Lord solar and other ranks. Basically the guy who is put in charrge when the shit hits the fan and they need a single voice telling everyone what needs to be done.
Page 10
Shown here are twelve companies (almost 4000 men) of the 8th Cadian Shock Troop regiment on parade at their Kasr Rorzann castellum. Roughly half of the regiment is present.
This implies that the Cadian infantry regiments can range in size from 4000 to 8000. I tend to interpret it as the latter, but the former is also possible. Cadian regiments seem to vary somewhat in size anyhow depending on role or nature. Infantry companeis are large like this, while smaller mechanized formations like armoured fists might have only a thousand men or so.
Page 11
An infantry regiment is often supplied with a number of Chimera transports. They allow a commander the option of mounting a number of squads to provide Armoured Fist units for greater tactical flexibility. In addition, they are used to transport command squads which can make good use of the long-range vox casters they carry. Some regiments are entirely mounted in Chimeras but this is relatively rare.
While fully mechanized regiments may not be common, it does seem fairly common that a regiment has at least SOME Chimeras, probably supplemented by other, lesser vehicles (low grade Rhinos or local variants or even just halftrack sor trucks)
Page 12
The intent of the Volscani's trason was revealed as they swarmed aboard the Leviathan command vehicle of the Governor Primus of Cadia.
Leviathans still existed, at least in 4th edition.
Page 13
Above the Battleground strode the mighty Titans of the Legio Ignatum, whose weapons disabled the void shields of the Volscani's Leviathans, enabling Creed's charge to crash home into the ranks of the enemy.
And they were void shielded, to an extent that titans had to be used to breach them.
Page 14
The soldiers of Cadia form the Shock Troop regiments, famed throughout the Imperium for their skill and discipline.
Hence why they are probably considered the Elite of the guard (outside the stormies that is).
PAge 16
Standard short pattern lasgun. This weapon was manufactured on Kantrael and, like all similar variants, operates in the nineteen megathule range and can therefore utilise any Departmento Munitorum sanctioned power packs.
the oft repeated "nineteen megathule" range, although the context we see it used in so often, we can't really tell much from it.
Page 16
Laser technology is reliable and easy to replicate, and although the weapons are not the most powerful they are certainly the most trustworthy. A laser power pack will last for many shots and can be recharged from a standard power source or by exposing its thermal cells to heat or light. In an emergency a pack can be recharged by placing it in a fire, although such treatment tends to shorten the life of the pack and increase the probability of it failing.
Power packs are rechargable. I gather from this that the recharging ability is built into the pack, although in earlier sources the solar power bit was either on the weapon or a separate device.
Page 16
The peaked cap is an option for ranks above sergeant but is generally replaced with a helmet when facing opponents known to utilise snipers.
The illustration is clearly an officer as he is wearing the distinctive gorget used by Cadian regiments to protect refractor field circuitry.
Guessing by the sizeof the gorget plate relative to the head, I'd say the refractor plate is between 15-20 cm wide and ~10 cm "tall".
Page 16
The Standard Cadian tri-dome helmet and mark XI re-breather are fully compatible and provide an excellent defence against most commonly-encountered gasses and pollutants as well as allowing the soldier to operate in airless enviroments for limited periods. It has also proven useful against plague weapons.
Also, in the image the helmet also looks like it has goggles (photo visor) and some sort of red-lensed electronic equipment mounted on the left side of the helmet (some sort of infrared scope or sensor perhaps?) This MAY be a storm trooper's helmet though, but it doesn't explicitly identify it as such, nor does it indicate that other troopers are incapable of having it.
Forge world's Cadian models also duplicate this feature on normal CAdian helmets, so it probably is standard. Cadian special and heavy weapons troopers also have osme osrt of monocular targeting scope often, as do (potentially) some regular troopers.
Another possibility is that this is a camera - the novel
Cadian Blood indicates that Cadian troopers do carry pict devices.
A number of cadian drawings often depict Cadian troopers seeming to have eyepieces of some kind. Assuming its not an augmetic, it may be relate dto the "mono sights" or "infra sights" lasguns were said to be carrying in 3rd edition.
Page 16
Upon enlistment, squads are issued with a unique three digit sequence number. Command squads are issued a two digit number with a central skull motif. Numbers beginning with one or two zeroes ar enormally reserved for Kasrkin squads or special veteran squads formed from survivos of other squads.
Cadian numbering systems for squads and such.
Page 18
Commissars enhance the discipline of officers and troops alike, while Sanctioned Psyker make use of their power to defend the army from the psychic assaults of the enemy.
Commissars and Sanctioned psykers.
Page 19
Alongside these squads, the army commander can rely on a small squadron of Sentinels to provide fast moving firepower and reconnaissance.
This would seem to be considereds a "standard" addition to forces.
Page 23
Conscript platoons can be used where superior numbers are more important than training.
In other words "cannon fodder." This is also penal legions.
Page 23
Armoured Fist units lend speed and tactical flexibility to the often slow and rigid infantry formations of the Imperial Guard.
Mechanized units. As I said before, while not totally common you probably could expect a high tech regiment to have at least some.
Page 24
An infantry charge would be a costly affair without the firepower of whole platoons of heavy weapons and large numbers of Leman russ and Basilisk tanks providing support.
Self explanatory.
Page 26
The Cadian pattern Sentinel is armed with an autocannon, making it effective against light-to-medium armoured vehicles and armoured infantry. The Sentinel shown ere has also been upgraded with extra armour.
Sentinels of course come in many patterns, all armed differently.
Page 26
The Mars pattern Sentinel carries a multi-laser, making it effective against lightly armoured vehicles and infantry.
Multilasers seem to be the laser version of an autocannon.
Page 26
The Armageddon pattern Sentinel comes with a lascannon, making it ideally suited to the role of tank-hunter. This Sentinel has also been given an armoured crew compartment.
Again self explanatory.
Page 26
The Hellhound tank is fitted with an Inferno cannon, making it effective against enemy infantry and light vehicles in entrenched positions..
Flamethrower tanks are a beloved part of the Guard.
Page 30
There are millions of Imperial Guard regiments, all with their own distinctive uniforms.
"millions" of Guard regiments. As of 5th edition, this can safely be taken as an under-estimate.
Page 31
Even though the forces of a single world maintain the same basic uniform, there is still a great diversity in camouflage schemes between different regiments and theatres of war.
Like with lots of things about the Guard, even their clothing can vary.
Page 34
These [bionics] allow an Imperial Guard character who has suffered a crippling injury to return to service but they do not improve his abilities in any way.
However, there is a chance that an attack will damage a bionic part rather than doing any real harm.
Not quite true. Some augmetics do enhance (EG Domor's eyes, or the Valhallan officer from Ice Guard)
Page 34
Carapace armour is made up of large rigid plates of armaplas or cermaite moulded to fit parts of the body. This provides better protection than the flak armour which is normally worn by the Imperial Guard.
sci fi plate armor.
Page 34
The Eviscerator is a two-handed chainsword capable of inflicting horrific injuries on living creature,s slicng through walls and even damaging vehicles.
According to Rogue Trader they also have powerfields.
Page 35
The [Macharian] Cross is awarded only to Imperial Guard Officers in recognition of innovative and successful tactical thinking. The bearer can be expected to use his initiative in battle.
Its interesting they have an award for that.
Page 35
The vox-caster attached to the army's command HQ is the hub of all communications into, through, and out of the Company. It can be upgraded to a master-vox, a far more sophisticated version capable of maintainin gseveral channels simultaneously.
vox casters.
Page 35
A rosarius is a badge of faith incorporating a powerful conversion field that protects its wearer.
Officers or such can wear a rosarious too it seems.
Page 35
Medi-packs (also referred to as Narthecium)
40K first aid kit. Sometimes computerized.
Page 35
Signum: This is a special form of communication device that allows a Techpriest enginseer to access a myriad of useful battlefield targeting information, and then pass it on t o his companions.
useful device.
Page 36
Communications between Imperial Guard units on the battlefield are dealt iwth by troopers trained to use speical comm-liniks. The size and appearance of a vox-caster depends on its place of origin but in game terms they all have the same effects.
despite haivng comm beads, its likely that squads still need a separate vox for carrying longer ranged signals, and for boosting the range of the beads as well
Page 36
Hunter-Kilelr missile: These missiles are treated as krak missiles with an unlimited range
interesting to note but really isnt infinite.
Page 36
Improved Comms: These upgrades take the form of long 'whip' aerials or other large aerial set-ups. A vehicle with improved comms can communicate with other Imperial Guard formations, such as nearby reserves or artillery support.
Comms would seem to be simple gear to stick on vehicles.
Page 36
Pintle-mounted weapons are located on the outside of a vehicle and can be used by a crewman from an open hatch or by remote control from inside.
remote controlled pintle mounts.
Page 36
Track guards protect the vulnerable track mechansim of an armoured vehjicle.
tanks and other vehicles can have trakc guards.
Page 37 - nothing here except a neat picture showing former Cadian Guardsmen of 2nd edition (or3rd) firing lasguns. The lasguns have visible scopes, and what is interesting is that there are red beams being emitted form the scopes, which osunds alot like how Larkin's sniper scope sounded in the earlier Ghosts novels.
Page 40
These sombre and solitary individuals are able to use their psychic powers to advise the senior officers of their regiment. They can augment the officer's ability to command, protect him from psychic attack or, in the direst circumstnaces, fire bolts of lightning from their hands.
roles of sanctioned psykers.
Page 40
Telepathic Order: This power allows the Sanctioned Psyker to extend the zone of influence of an Officer he is accompanying.
Psychic Ward: Sanctioned PSykers are particularily useful in countering the heretical abilities of aliens and traitor scum.
Psychic Lash. The Sanctioned Psyker focuses his powers on nearby opponents, mentally ripping open arteries and puncturing organs.
Machine Curse: the Sanctioned Psyker presses his hands against an enemy vehicle and calls upon his powers to pronounce a curse on the machine spirits of his enemies.
Lightning Arc: Lightning leaps from the Psyker's hands, surrounding his body before being hurled at his enemies with a gesture.
common psychic powrs for sancioned psykers.
Page 41
Rigid adherents to the Imperial Creed, Commissars are ruthless, fearless individuals whose dedication to the serivce of the Emperor overrides any compassion or mercy for the men they must sometimes lead in battle. Universally feared by those around them, Commissars have the power to execute any troopers (or officers) found wanting.
Say hello to the "shoot on sight" style of Commissars. GRIMDARK!
The game aspect really tends to exaggerate this angle. While commissars are hardly "buddy buddy" in the sense of Ciaphas Cain or Gaunt, many of them display actual tendencies towards inspiration and being respected as well as the cold blooded executioners we know. Because its true that there really are certain things that may make that needed (EG chaos)
Page 42
Guardsmen who survive long enough become experts at moving covertly trhough all forms of terrain and are extremely adept in close-range firefights. These grizzled survivors funciton bes when allowed a certain amount of fre reign, and they provide valuable experience in battlefield operations.
Two veterans may form a single heavy weapon crew. A heavy weapon crew must be armed with one of the weapons from the following list:
* lascannon... autocannon... mortar... heavy bolter.. missile launcher..
Up to 3 Veterans not acting as heavy weapon crew may be armed with one of the special weapons from the following list:
* meltagun... plasma gun... grenade launcher.. flamer...
Vets may have krak or frag grenades.
Verteran squd detials. Its interesting to note how they can differ from less experienced troops.
Page 43
The Storm troopers have hellguns with targeters. All Storm Troopers have frag and krak grenades.
Up to two Storm Troopers may be armed with one of the following special weapons..
* melta gun.. plasma gun... flamer.. grenade launcher..
Storm Trooper squads may have meltabombs...
Stormtroopers. Note the targeters.
Page 44
The Infantry Platoon is the bakcbone of the Imperial Guard and is composed of a Command suqad and two or more Infantry Squads.
An infantry Platoon consists of a command Squad... and from 2 to 5 Infantry Squads.
composition of a IG Platoon.
Page 45
Up to one conscript per squad may be armed with a flamer... or a grenade launcher...
Up to two Conscripts per squad may form a heavy weapons team with a heavy bolter... a missile launcher... or an autocannon..
Conscript squads.
Page 46
Any number of models without hunting lances may substitute a lasgun or shotgun for their laspistol...
Up to two troopers, without hunting lances, may be armed with one of the following spcial weapons:
* meltagun... plasma gun... flamer... grenade launhcer.
The Squadron may be equipped with krak grenades... and/or meltabombs...
rough riders are sometimes issued with a long hunting lance tipped with a shaped explosive charge.
Rough riders.
Page 47
Sentinels are ideal scouting vehicles, and their pilots are often forced to use their own initiative - qualities not always fostered in Imperial Soldiers. MAny of these pilots are highly individualistic and have a reputation as insubordinate mavericks.
See, the Guard does have a use for such qualities, even if the don't encourage it as a rule.
Page 49
A fearsome piece of artillery, the Basilisk is capable of elevating ot angles tha tallow it to fire at targets out of its field of vision. Its powerful shells are capable of smashing apart both infantry and vehicles with ease and the shriek of it sincoming shells is rightly feared by the enemies of the Emperor.
Pgae 49
The Earthshaker crew may be trained to fire their artillery gun indirectly at targets that it cannot draw a line of sight to.
Range is 240 instead of 120.. double range. This ironically meshes up a bit with the IA stas of 15-16 km, since "direct fire" in a basilisk would be around 7-8 km.
Page 50
As an officer, Ursarkar Creed was demanding of his men and himself. His personal example earned him unconditional respect. In important matters, he maintained the discipline expected of a Cadian unit but knew when to turn a blinde eye, a quality that displeased many a Commisar. Creed rarely had to repeat an order; instead he exuded an intensity that compelled obedience form all around him. His greatest strength though was his understanding of how a Cadian force should fight - not for him the unthinking exchange of lives so beloved of other Imperial Guard officers.
Why Creed joins the ranks of Great Guard Leaders, although this passage makes it clear that his way of doing things is evidently unusual.
Page 54
- The Last chancers here. Its worth noting that in the game they can have any number of "specialist" troopers (4-20 troopers in all), or heavy weapons, and may be sprit up into a maximum of 5 sub units. Its an interesting variation on the Guard, anhow.
They also can choose from the Guard Armory list.. the rationale seems to be they plundred/robbed officers.
Page 56
Drop Troops: This regiment comes form a world where grav-chute use is commonplace and has been trained in their use for dropping into combat.
(As an aside, this Doctrine could be rationalised by stating the troops are emerging from Imperial tunnelling vehicles although this would be much rarer.)
Drop troops can use either parachuting, or (rarer) tunnelling vehicles like the termite.
Page 56
Grenadiers: This regiment comes from a world wher the best Imperial Guard recruits are combined into elite formations and receive superior training that is the equal of that provided to Storm Troopers.
This implies that the regiment as a whole are equal to storm troopers (Grenadiers) and Grenadier regiments have had mention, but it could be simply referring to the regiment having certain units that are Storm troper equivalents, rather than the regiment as a whole (it could also be both ways.)
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Mechanised: The regiment is uniformly mounted in Chimera transport vehicles and specilaises in mobile warfare.
Armoured fists, like the Steel Legion
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These abilities represent techniques developed initially by veteran troops, which are then incorporated into the regiment's regular training drills to ensure successive generations of troops learn from their predecessors. Additionally some abiliites are a consequence of the homeworld on which the regiment was raised.
A bit of insight into how training can be handled individually in the Guard.
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Sharpshooters: Sometimes war has been a way of life for successive generations of the regiment, and consequently they are formidable marksmen, having undergone military training at an early age.
The Sharpshooter ability has no effect when firing plasma weapons (which few men survive using long enough to master) or sniper rifles (where the slightest inaccuracy ruins the shot.)
Sharpshooters would seem to be distinct from snipers, at least here.
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Some regiments are equipped with a piece of non-standard equipment that is a specialty of their world or follow a training regime substantially different from that of most Guard regiments. Whatever the reason the regiment has a special trait. The Tanith 1st's cameleoline camo-claoks for example come into this category.
It is therefore possible to have troops with cameleoline and carapace armour, this coudl be rationalised as armour with 'stealth' qualities.
One wonders what other kinds of gear might qualify.
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Cameleoline. Some units are able to use the rare cameleoline material in their uniforms or as cloaks. Cameleoline automatically blends in with the surrounding terrain making the wearer harder to spot.
Best known as being part of the gear of the Tanith 1st.
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Cyber-enhancement. The regiment is recruited forma world where extensive use is made of cybernetic enhancement or replacement. This is most common in the servants of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
.. representing enemy attacks bouncing off their augmentations.
Apparently such could be done outside of the Skitarri/tech guard. It may also represent other regiments who the AdMech experiment on with augmentations for a particular battlefield.
Page 58
Cadian Regiments are highly disciplined, make excellent shots and use elite shock troops to lead their attacks. Such is the reputation of the Cadian Shock Troops that many other regiments mimic their appearance, although their doctrines may differ.
Preferred specialw eapon: Grenade Launcher
Preferred heavy weapon: Autocannon
Sanctioned PSykers
Speical WEapon squads
Strom trooper squads
Iron Discipline
Conscript platoons.
Cadian abilities. Note the grenadiers, storm troopers, AND sharpshooters. No wonder they kick ass. Also note the "often imitated, never duplicated" intent of the last line.
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Regiments raised in the frozen hive cities of Valhalla have a formidable reputation for unwavering courage when on the defensive. Normally the only way to capture ground held by Valhallans is by wiping them out. When attacking, they combine massed artiilery barrages with infantry wave assaults.
Preferred speical weapon: Flamer
Preferred heavy weapon: Mortar
Heavy Weapon platoons
conscript platoons
Xeno-fighters: Orks
close order drill
The Valhallans.
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The Tallarn are mobile guerilla fighters, evasive and opportunistic. They are especially well known for their hard-fighting Sentinel squadrons and are masters of hit-and-run warfare.
Once the enemy are sighted the Tallarn will stalk them relying on their practiced marksmanship and lightning-quick curved knives to achieve victory.
Preferred speical weapon: Plasma gun
Preferred heavy weapon: Missile Launcher
Hardened fighters
Rough Rider squadrons
Light Infantry
Like the Cadians, the Tallarn are excellent shots.
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In battle the Iron Guard present a solid wall of brightly-uniformed, perfectly formed troops to the enemy, cutting them down with precisely timed volleys from behind a hedge of bayonet points.
Preferred special weapon: Grenade Launcher
Preferred heavy weapon: Lascannon
Sanctioned psykers
Ratling squads
Heavy Weapon platoons
Close Order Drill
Despite eveidently preferring poetntailly silly tactics, they have ab utload of marksman/sniper ability.
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Fully mobile in their Chimera transports, they [Steel Legion] are able to launch rapid attacks in which the Chiemeras overrun enemy lines before the Steel Legion infantry dismount to finish them off. Fighting in proximity to the great Hives of Armageddon, the STeel Legions are sometimes supported by hive militia conscripts eager to join their ranks.
Preferred special weapon: Grenade Launcher
PReferred heavy weapon: Missile Launhcer
Storm trooper squads
Xeno fighters: Orks
Ratling Squads
Conscript platoons.
Steel legions.
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They [Tanith] carry with them the wilderness skills learnt on their homeworld tht make them superb light infantry. Led by the inspirational Colonel-Commissar Gaunt, and drawing new recruits from the worlds they fight ot defend, their reputation continues to gro with each victory.
Preferred special weapon: Flamer
Preferred heavy weapon: Missile Launcher
Light Infantry
Hardened Fighters
Independent Commissars
Special Equipment: Cameleoline
The Ghosts. Also sharpshooters, but Veterans as well.
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It is not surprising therefore that the men forming the Catachan Regiments are tough, resourceful and uncompromising warriors, deadly up close with their wicked knives or from ambush with their lasguns. In jungle terrain they are unsurpassed with each Catachan being worth ten of any other regiment.
Preferred special weapon: Flamer
Preferred heavy weapon: Heavy Bolter
Jungle Fighters
Hardened Fighters
Special Weapon squads
Ogryn Squads.
Catachans being worth "ten of any other regiment".. interesting.. considering the same has been said of Space Marines.
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Motivated by the right to keep what they looted and the threat of return to Salvar, they excelled in the cramped, noxious hive battlefields. In many ways the Salvar would only be tolerated in a war zone like Armageddon - much of their equipment is stolen from other Regiments and much of their courage comes from the use of nitro-chem inhalers.
Preferred special weapon: Flamer
Preferred heavy weapon: heavy bolter.
Rough Rider squadrons
Ogryn Squads
Special: equipment: Chem-inhalers
Light infantry
Xeno fighter: Orks
The Salvar Chem dogs.
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Terrax is the site of a major Schola Progenium facility, the Schola Exubitos. The Schola Progenium train many Imperial Agents for war, notably Storm Troopers and Commissars, and their methods are rigorous and effective. The tithed regiments raised on Terrax have been trained under the auspices of the Scholae Excubitos and are truly moulded in its image almost as an entire regiment of Commissars.
Preferred speical weapon: Meltagun
Preferred heavy weapon: Lascannon
Independent Commissars
special equipment: Carapace Armour
Close Order Drill
Storm trooper squads.
The Terrax regiments it should be noted have Grenadiers AND storm troopers, as wlel as carrying carapace as standard, as well as battlefield commissarS (acting as elite troops). All they need are hellguns.
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Harakon is a low gravity world with towering hives whose spires reach into the upper atmosphere. The Harakoni use grav-gliders to hunt Vapourwyrms int eh mountain passes below; making them fearless of altitude and expert at judging air currents. THese skills are put to good use by the Imperial Guard and many Warmasters owe their laurels to the courage of the Harakoni Warhawks.
Preferred special weapon: Plasma gun
Preferred heavy weapon: Heavy Bolter
Drop Troops
Storm trooper squads
Special equipment: Carapace armour
Heavy Weapon platoons
special weapon squads.
The Harakoni warhawks are equipped as drop troops, but laso have storm troopers and carry carapace as standard. I'd love to see them in novels.
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Krieg was laid to waste when Rebellion led to a 500 year campaign of atomic purging.
The Death Korps ifght without fear of death, disdaining retreat and surrender. They excel in grinding their enemies down in battles of attrition, making extensive use of razorwire and entrenchment.
Preferred special weapon: Mletagun
Preferred heavy weapon: Heavy bolter
Rough Rider squadrons
Iron Discipline
Hardened Fighters
Strom Troopre Squads
Heavy Weapon platoons.
Atomic purging.. prior to IA5 and such I always inteprreted this to mean the Guard had access to nukes. But of course, with deathstrikes, plasma weapons and melta munitions they don't really need them.
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The volcano-wracked world of Kanak is home to many fierce barbarian tribes, some of which are closer to Ogryn than human.
Like many feral regiments, service in the Imperial Guard is intended to teach them Imperial ways so that if they ever return to their homeworld they will be a civilising influence.
Preferred special weapon: Flamer
Preferred heavy weapon: Rarely used
special equipment: Warrior weapons
Ogryn Squads
Hardened Fighters
Rough Rider Squadrons
Die Hards
Also called the Canak skull takers. Genetically must be heavy g worlders to be ogryn like at all. Possibly tougher than Catachans.
Page 62
Augmetic - cybernetic/bionic, usually in the sense of body implants or repairs.
Chart table/chart desk - small, porrtable easel-like device for displaying tactical hololithic maps and three-dimensional terrain models. A chart desk is a heavier and usually non portable version.
codifier/cogitator/logic-engine - device empowered by the Machine Spirit to perform complex calculations and battlefield metriculations.
Counterseptic - antiseptic and analgesic fluid used to combat infection.
Dataslate - hand-held devicee used to store and transfer information, imagery, and orders.
Det-tape - tape peeled off to detonate tube-charges (time delay determined by length tape is trimmed to). Also used as general-purpose detonator material.
Flakboard - general purpose sheet mateiral for defence and repair. Fitted to the inside walls of defensive positions to prevent spalling material - dislodged by weapon impacts - causing injury.
- Fyceline - principle chemical ingredient used in the manufacture of standard Imperial Guard explosive.
Hololithic - three dimensional machinery.
Interior Gurad - general term, a world's PDF, or a Guard regiment given colonial duties.
Juvenat - as in 'juvenat process' or 'juvenat drugs'. Techniques of prolonging youth and vitality. Usuually highly expensive and reserved for senior officers or Imperial nobility.
Lamp-pack - standard Guard issue, compact lamp with internal (limited) power supply, designed to be hand held, or fix onto lasgun bayonet lugs.
Long las - any model lasgun modified or designed for sniper use (as the name implies, they are usually longer than standard pattern weapons).
Magnoculars - powerful optical device for the magnification of distant objects. Can be modified to varying levels of complexity, with range-finders, azimuth metriculators, and heat-sensing equipment.
Micro-bead - (also micro-bead link, micro-bead intercom) small, short range vox system for inter-trooper communications on the field. Usually a small ear-plug with a tiny wire mouth-stalk. Generally only found on regiments from civilised or industrial worlds.
Multikey - universal key/lock pick
Pict - a video feed equivalent of vox
Promethium - a general term for fuel, but commonly used to refer to the highly volatile and incendiary jelly used as fuel in flamer units. Designed to adhere to the target and rapidly immolate them, promethium reaches extremely high temperatures within seconds of ignition and even continues to burn underwater.
Resuscitrex - officio medicae device incorporating a number of specialised devicecs, most frfequently used fo fibrillate patients who have suffered cardiac arrest.
Scope - general term for powered spotter sights: may be the telescopic sights on a long las, or a hand-held "telescope" used by an officer.
Sweeper/sweeper set/sweeper broom - man-porrtable mine detector
Tube-charges - 20cm (approx) long metal tubes filled with explosives for demolition work or grenades-type use.
Vox-caster - a powerful, usually backpack-carried communications gear. A "vox set"
Fun list of IG equipment defined.. Pretty much self explanatory.
Page 64
The following quotes are basically a image of a pile of document relating to the Guard an squad ocmposition and as a reuslt not all are fully listed.. so the documents will look incomplete. They all seem to be about the third Armageddon war though.
..(anti?)tank heavy weapons squad: 3 Lascannon, 6 gunners (22 manga-Q pattenr cells)
..support heavy weapons squad: 3 autocannons, 6 gunners (12,000 rounds)
12,000 rounds divided amongst 3 autocannon team - 4,000 rounds. EAch man probably carries ~2000. ASsuming the loadout weighed 20-30 kg, each shell would be 10-15 grams.
Page 64
1st Platoon
Command section: ..flamer (3x canisters prom/phos V), meltagun (2 pyrum-petrol flasks).
Squad 1:..missile launcher (5x X-IV, 8 V),
Squad 2: ... missile launcher (6x X-IV....)
Squad 3: Plasma gunner... (.."flasks") [more than one at least?)
Squad 4: heavy bolter... (500 rounds..)
45 MK IX rechargable cells, x56 T/D23 (unknown?)
2nd Platoon
Squad 1: .. heavy bolter (600 rounds)
Squad 2: ... heavy bolter (500 rounds)
Squad 3 ...plasma gunner...
51x MK IX rechargable (cells?)
Squad weapons. 500-600 rounds for heavy bolters seems common.
Page 64
..I confrim that the 72nd Sebastian Defneders are currently at 69% operational strength.
+Following recent Ork incursions into the Death Ridge aera, the regiment suffered 103 fatalities and 337 casualties. 213 of these casualties were treated at the Munitorum field Medicae at the Death Ridge HQ, 174 of which were returned to service within four (4) days. The remaining wounded were transported to the Adepta Sororitas Order Hospitaller convent at Hellstrom Fortress. +Further to these cataulties, 7 (7) chimera were severely damaged, and two (2) destroyed. +Ammunition is currently extrmeely low, with..(each?)
..trooper now down to four (4) standard pattern cells, and each company being in po-(ssesion) of only fifteen thosuand (15,000) heavy bolter rounds and forty (40) standard mi(ssiles?).
supply and medicla report. The mainly interesting noe is that each trooper having 4 power cells for lasguns is considered being "extremely low". Normal loadout presumed to be several times that? (although uplifting primer suggests that would be standard, and Munitorum manaul suggests 6 power packs is standard.) It may be that "battlefield practice" dictates that the Munitorum/Primer values are conservative and should be higher unofficially.
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..will be aware that my command now consists of a mere five galleon class troop transports, three of which sustained significant damage during the Noctan III suppression . By my best estimates, we are able to transport 40 to 50 companies of standard Guard infantry, barely enough to cover the minimums required for the continued action on Armageddon...
assuming 150-200 troops per company, this would be between 6,000 and 10,000 troops. Amongst 5 galleons that would average to 1,200-2,000 troops.
From the rear cover, also stated in 5th edition (Included for shits and giggles)
"I have at my command an entire battle group of the Imperial Guard. Fifty regiments, including specialised drop troops, stealthers, mechanised formations, armoured companies, combat engineers and mobile artillery. Over half a million fighting men and thirty thousand tanks and artillery pieces are mine to command. Emperor show mercy to the fool that stands against me, for I shall not."
Warmaster Demetrius, at the outset of the Salonika Crusade, 733.M38
One crusade or army force. Not neccesarily a large one, but a very versatile one.